Info San Ramon Valley 2010 - Section 1

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AIRPORT SHUTTLE Airport Shuttles See websites for a list of airport shuttles servicing locations throughout the Bay Area. BART also connects to Oakland and to San Francisco international airports. t t XXX CBSU HPW HVJEF BJSQPSU t XXX øZPBLMBOE DPN TIVUUMFT shtml

BY BIKE Bicycle License Danville Police Department offers bicycle licenses, which let police know where to return stolen bikes. t Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay See Trails Council heading in the Outdoors and Recreation section. Bike Buddy Bike Buddy is a service offered by RIDES for Bay Area commuters. The program matches experienced cyclists with new cyclists to help them learn how to commute by bicycle. It is part of the USBĂłD BOE USBOTQPSUBUJPO JOGPSmation service provided by phone and on the Web by a partnership of public agencies. Its website provides information, including route maps, locations of lockers and racks, and how to take bikes on public transit and across bridges, as well as comNVUJOH BOE USBĂłD TBGFUZ UJQT t $BMM t XXX PSH Biking Clubs See Biking heading in the Outdoors and Recreation section.

BY BUS 511 Transit 5SBOTJU CSJOHT together route, schedule and fare information for all transit services in the Bay Area in one convenient website. It includes interactive maps and a trip planner t XXX PSH Greyhound Bus Lines 3BJMSPBE "WF -JWFSNPSF /P tickets are sold at this station. You may get tickets by mail for trips departing from Livermore if you buy at least 10 mailing days in advance by phone or online. t t XXX HSFZIPVOE DPN County Connection County Connection provides fixed-route and paratransit service throughout the Central Contra Costa communiUJFT XJUI CVTFT UIBU BSF GVMMZ equipped with wheelchair ramps or MJGUT #VTFT PQFSBUF GSPN B N

Q N .POEBZ 4BUVSEBZ XJUI limited service on Sunday. Fares are QFS SJEF TQFDJBM GBSF QMBOT BSF available for frequent riders. t t XXX DDUB PSH County Connection LINK The $PVOUZ $POOFDUJPO -*/, QBSBUSBOTJU service provides special service to persons whose disabilities prevent them from using lift-equipped pubMJD USBOTJU 'BSFT BSF FBDI SJEF and disabled passengers ride free from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. every day. t SFTFSWBUJPOT 3*%&

t DBODFMMBUJPOT Bishop Ranch, Transportation Center The Bishop Ranch Transportation Center offers services for #JTIPQ 3BODI DVTUPNFST JODMVEJOH express buses connecting Bishop Ranch with public transit, employee commute planning, employment base review, and relocation assistance referrals. Bus routes include Walnut Creek and Dublin-Pleasanton BART and ACE train stations. t t XXX CJTIPQSBODI DPN


BY PLANE Mineta San Jose International Airport (SJC) "JSQPSU #MWE San Jose. t 4,:

t XXX TKD PSH Oakland International Airport (OAK) "JSQPSU %S 0BLMBOE t t XXX øZPBLMBOE DPN San Francisco International Airport (SFO) San Francisco International Airport is located BQQSPYJNBUFMZ NJMFT TPVUI PG 4BO 'SBODJTDP OFBS UIF KVODUJPO PG )JHIXBZ BOE * t t XXX øZTGP DPN

BY RAIL AMTRAK .BSJOB 7JTUB %S .BSUJOF[ "NUSBL PòFST BO JOUFSDJUZ passenger train system with fares depending on distance. You can buy one-way and round-trip tickets at staffed stations, online or at Quik5SBL NBDIJOFT .BSUJOF[ TUBUJPO IPVST BSF B N NJEOJHIU XFFLEBZT BOE B N NJEOJHIU XFFLFOET The Richmond BART station is right OFYU UP UIF ".53", TUBUJPO t XXX BNUSBLDBQJUPMT DPN Altamont Commuter Express Train (ACE) & $IBOOFM 4U 4UPDLUPO $" "$& DPNNVUFS USBJOT USBWFM between Stockton and San Jose, with

$)3*4 4$055 888 $"-4103541)050 $0.

5IF *SPO )PSTF 5SBJM DPOOFDUT UPXOT JO UIF 4BO 3BNPO 7BMMFZ QMVT HPFT BT GBS OPSUI BT Concord and south to Pleasanton. The trail is used for commuting to work and school as well as for recreation.

B TUBUJPO BU 1MFBTBOUPO "WF JO Pleasanton. Price varies depending on travel distance. Trains leave PleasanUPO BU B N B N B N BOE SFUVSO Q N Q N Q N .POEBZ 'SJEBZ 5JDLFUT DBO CF purchased at the station 20 minutes prior to each train departure or in the 'BJS "ENJTTJPO 0ĂłDF BDSPTT UIF TUSFFU B N Q N t 3"*-

t XXX BDFSBJM DPN BART Bay Area Rapid Transit offers train service throughout the Bay Area, with a Walnut Creek station located at :HOBDJP 7BMMFZ #MWE BOE B %VCMJO 1MFBTBOUPO TUBUJPO MPDBUFE BU Owens Dr. Fares range depending on EJTUBODF 5SBJOT SVO B N NJEOJHIU .POEBZ 'SJEBZ B N NJEOJHIU 4BUVSEBZ B N NJEOJHIU 4VOEBZ t t XXX CBSU HPW

BY VEHICLE 511 JT B GSFF QIPOF BOE 8FC service that consolidates Bay Area transportation information into a onestop resource, provided by a partnerTIJQ PG QVCMJD BHFODJFT QSPWJEFT round the clock up-to-the-minute JOGPSNBUJPO PO USBĂłD DPOEJUJPOT

incidents and driving times, schedule, route and fare information for the Bay Area’s public transportation services, instant carpool and vanpool referrals, bicycling information and more. t $BMM t XXX PSH FasTrak FasTrak is an electronic toll collection system that allows drivers to prepay bridge and freeway carpool lane tolls, eliminating the need to TUPQ BU UIF UPMM QMB[B #Z TFUUJOH VQ BO account with a credit card or checking account, the system is able to track usage and sends the balance to the driver via mail or email. t t XXX CBZBSFBGBTUSBL PSH

TAXIS & LIMOS Alamo Luxury Limousine Alamo Way, Alamo. t Bay Area Taxi Walnut Creek. t Blackhawk Limousine 9000 Crow Canyon Rd., Danville. t Bridges Limousine 1200 Alpine, Walnut Creek. t /0 %3*7*/(

2010-11 Info San Ramon Valley | 65

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