installation proposal

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INSPIRATION & INFLUENCES I believe that our installation does take influence from certain other artists by either using similar content or in similarities in the way they present their work. For example we took influence from the artist Sam Taylor-Wood and her piece “still life” as we liked the idea of only using one continuous shot, this will be used in both our pre-recorded and live installations. Another artist who we took influence from was David Hall; one piece we especially took influence from was from his TV interruptions “tap piece”. As this was shown as a live feed to certain places where it was out of the norm to be seen, such as shopping centers, but we liked the influence of a live feed so this was used in one of our installations. Another piece that we took influence from is “progressive recession” which was another live feed piece but this showed the audience as the stars of the piece. this was done by Hall to try and see would people engage with the piece or just walk off, we were influenced and intrigued by this notion from Hall so we used it in our live installation so too see what reaction this would gage. PROPOSAL – LIVE Our installation will be taking place in two different rooms. In one room there will be a TV screen with a camera on top, which will be recording the audience, and behind the TV screen will be a laptop with the program Skype open. This will allow the person in the other room who will be watching the screen of the audience to hear what they are saying as well as making it easier to communicate. Our idea fits in with the ‘encounters & meetings’ brief as there will be two people communication to one another through the TV screens. PROPOSAL-LIVE One of our groups initial ideas are to have a pre recorded video installation of 2 or 3 people having a conversation. The way it will work is we will pre record 2 or 3 people talking with each other but make the conversation so other people can join in. so our audience feels like their part of the discussion. We will structure the conversation so that someone in the pre recording will say something like have you had a good day and then they will pause for say 10 seconds so the person watching the recording can answer then the other people in the conversation will answer the question who are in the pre recording. We will loop the recording so the same questions will be asked for say 3 minutes so every 3 minutes the recording will reset back to the beginning. We will use a multi channel setup for this video art so that each person in the recording will have a screen each but they will move around so the video art fills more interactive. We will use 3 camera and 3 TV screens to make the video art. The video art will be setup in the middle of a classroom, which is quite spacious so the audience feels free, and can stand where they want when they are interacting/talking to the pre recording. EQUIPMENT & LOCATION The location for our pre-recorded installation does not really matter as the camera will be zoomed in on the characters and will be barely shown, but a room where the characters can move around easily is needed, as the characters will move from screen to screen during the installation. The equipment for this is 3 cameras and 3 tripods, to film each individual character in their “screen’ also a auto-cue may be used for the

character to know their lines, as this is quite a long piece they need to know for the installation. One piece of equipment that will be needed for our live installation is a laptop that will need a programme such as Skype installed as Skype will be used to conduct our live feed, also we will need a laptop that will be connected to a projector that will show our installation, for this we will need a quite a big empty space that will show our installation as it will be projected onto a wall. We will also need a spare room, as this is where we will conduct the live feed from, this is too give it a sense of authenticity.


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