Brief 3 boards

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Brief 3 The Primate Project

The Brief The Primate Project is a charity whose aim is to prevent the extinction of primates, preserve their habitats and protect their futures. A brand was created for the charity, including an identity, website, social media campaign and email design.

1 Brief

Danielle Harrison

Brief 3 The Primate Project

The Logo A slab serif was used to reflect that it is a conetemporary charity which is friendly and approachable. An icon of a primate has been created to show that this is the animal the charity focuses on. This can also be used on its own as an icon throughout the social media to keep assets branded. Different versions of the logo were created to be used on different backgrounds such as light, dark or photographic.

2 Logo

Danielle Harrison

Brief 3 The Primate Project

3 Research

Existing Websites The main outcome of the project is a website, so I looked at existing animal adoption charities. What I found to be a common theme was that they are very factual and sale oriented - purely about buying the product. However, I feel that there should be a bigger emotional connection between the user and product due to it being a living animal that the user cares enough about to want to donate to the cause.

In terms of the aesthetic value, there is nothing to excite or provoke thought and emotion for the user. The layouts are stripped back and presented in a simple, matter of fact manner, when actually, the topic is exciting, endearing and emotive. These do not reflect the hard work that rangers do, the grave danger the animals in, or how much of an impact the user can make to help the animals.

Danielle Harrison

Brief 3 The Primate Project

Style Guide A comprehensive style guide was created to show how the brand and identity should be used throughout the charity. This was created in response to the existing research, to explore how a charity can be transformed into something contemporary, exciting and engaging. It includes information on the photography that should be used, logo, iconography, typography, the colour scheme and social media assets.

4 Identity

Danielle Harrison

Brief 3 The Primate Project

5 Identity

Danielle Harrison


Roboto Slab Bodycopy

Open Sans




Different shades of green play a big role in the branding. Not only do they provide a greater contrast against the neutral colours, they represent where the primates live - the jungle. As a lot of the photography features their green habitat, it works harmoniously with them. This has been paired with two neutral colours as it is easy to read on and brightens up the brand against the use of the greens.

Roboto Slab has been used in bold throughout the branding. It’s a web font, and therefore appropriate for the medium and works well on screen. As it is a slab serif, it is friendly, approachable and trusting. Open Sans has been used for the bodycopy and navigation of the brand. This is also a web font, making it legible and appropriate for the screen. It is readable, clear and comes in different weights which makes it easy to emphasis information throughout the brand.

When photography is being used, they should be of high resolution and quality. They should show close up, candid shots of the primates in their natural habitat. The branding should rely heavily on photography to evoke interest and emotion from the user, and to let them see who they are helping, where they are helping them and create a more personal relationship with the charity.

Brief 3 The Primate Project

6 Website

The Concept

Home Page

The website is the main form of communication for the brand, with the user being able to discover the charity and what it does, as well as adopt and donate through the site. Since most existing charities seem very clinical and product based, this contrasts to that by concentrating on telling a story, letting the user know how they can make an impact and create a visual, enjoyable experience for the user to bring them closer to primates - something they would not usually be able to do.

The home page aims to give the user an overview of the charity, and a chance to get to know their aims, the primates and the work they are doing. The header image shows an orangutan that has a name - immediately showing that this is a more personal take on a charity with a story to tell.

Danielle Harrison

Brief 3 The Primate Project

Becoming Familiar with the Project Each primate has its own page where the user can get to know about the species, where it lives and the threats that it faces. The project timeline is regularly updated and is a place where users can actually see the difference that they are making by donating - it provides them with news, updates, blog posts, petitions and photos from conservation trips. This is a vital aspect of the charity because it allows users see how they are making an impact, making it stand out from other charities.

7 Website

Danielle Harrison

Brief 3 The Primate Project

Adopting and Donating The user has two options when contributing to the project. Being able to adopt a specific primate they are interested in helping, or donating to the project overall. This gives the user choice, and the forms are clear, easy to use and straightforward. Including lots of imagery, creating a step system and being more interactive than the existing websites I looked at is my response to creating a more enjoyable, innovative and inviting experience.

8 Website

Danielle Harrison

Brief 3 The Primate Project

Contact This page is a point of contact for the user giving them clear information for whatever it is that they want to get in touch about. There is also a form to be able to subscribe to emails when there are latest updates on the project timeline. Since the charity is web based, this is important so that the user can easily get in touch with the charity whenever they need to.

9 Website

Danielle Harrison

Brief 3 The Primate Project

Email Newsletter When a user contributes to the project, they will be sent a monthly email to let them know how they are helping the project updating them with news. Having an email rather than a printed newsletter is favoured to be more sustainable which fits in with the charities ethos.

10 Email Design

Danielle Harrison

Brief 3 The Primate Project

Facebook The social media is a big aspect of the charity as it is how people can be made aware, as well as raise awareness, for the charity, primates and its aims. The content of the posts relate to the primates the charity looks after, as well as content related to seasonal events and holidays to stay relevant. Highlighting quick facts while using high quality imagery encourages people to share them because they are interesting to look at and easy to learn about.

11 Social Media

Danielle Harrison

Brief 3 The Primate Project

Twitter The social media is a big aspect of the charity as it is how people can be made aware, as well as raise awareness, for the charity, primates and its aims. The twitter has been completely rebranded with their cover photo, profile picture, colour scheme and content tailored to fit the brand guidelines. Being so consistent and including lots of emotive imagery makes it more desirable to follow as the content is interesting to look at.

12 Social Media

Danielle Harrison

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