The Empire Secretarial

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New York District Key Club



“Peace... is seeing a sunset, and knowing who to thank.” - Unknown

THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

Table of Contents

Secretary’s Greeting

Secretary’s Greeting


Contact Information


What He Has Been Doing


What He Will Be Doing


Governor’s Greeting


Treasurer’s Greeting


Editor’s Greeting


Webmaster’s Greeting


Executive Assistant’s Greeting


Election Report Forms


Greetings from the Int’l Board


International Convention 2011


Photos from ICON


Greetings from the IP Int’l Pres


Monthly Report Forms


Paperwork Status


Other than Paperwork


More Contacts


Special Thanks


Contact Information Via Mail: 91 Boerum Street, Apt. 7L, Brooklyn, NY 11206 Via Email: Via Phone: (917) 405-7968 Via AIM: daniellinsec Via Twitter: daniellin.sec

Hello New York District, My name is Daniel Ivan Lin, your district secretary for the 2011-2012 service year. Though the work of a district secretary relies heavily on time management, organization, and hard work, the job of a district secretary also relies on the work of his or her district. A district secretary can do his or her work well, only with the help of the district and the club secretaries from that district. By far, we are off to a strong start and I want to thank you all for the work you have been doing. I want this sense of commitment to be continued and I hope that we will continue to work hard together to bring the amazing New York District to greater heights. If you’ve noticed, the cover of this newsletter contains the image of a sunset from the Brooklyn Bridge. Summer is a beautiful season and often it is one of the favorites for students because they finally get their well-deserved, highly anticipated break. The summer often gives us time to catch up with our friends and to enjoy ourselves, something that might not have been as easy during the school year. Summertime is a lot of fun, but at the same time, it reminds me of how fast happy moments go by. It’s already August and it’s almost time to go back to school. The happy moments in life are often short and that is why we need to hold on to them even if they have passed. I hope that all of you will enjoy the remainder of the summer. If you find yourself sitting aimlessly and not having much to do, get up and serve. It’s better than doing nothing. Live each day to the fullest, but with responsibility. That being said, remember to keep up with your club’s paperwork during the summer. Remember that though it is summertime (and the living is easy), you should still be committed to Key Club. Key Club is a year round organization and therefore it is important that we continue to serve even if we have to sweat a little bit more to build our homes, schools, and communities. Once again, thank you all for the hard work you have been doing and let’s make sure that we continue to work diligently. I really hope you enjoy this newsletter. It should be a lot of fun. As always, please feel free to contact me if you need anything. I’d be more than happy to help. Enjoy the summer remaining. I can’t wait to see some of you at your Fall Rallies. Stay safe from the sun! Yours in the spirit of service,


District Secretary, Daniel Ivan Lin



Remember to join the official Google Group and Facebook Group for Club Secretaries if you haven’t done so already.

What He Has Been Doing Since the end of June, I have finished and published the first issue of The Empire Secretarial, the official newsletter for club secretaries, which included an updated forms chart, important information about report forms, and many other items. I have also created and distributed Tips for Club Secretaries, a guide meant to familiarize club secretaries with their required tasks and how to make their difficult role one that is easier to manage. Aside from publications, I have also created my first video update, The Secretarial Broadcast, which I have made available on both Youtube and Facebook. Video updates are part of my goal this year to increase communication between the club and district levels as well as to provide a more accessible and convenient form of communication. In addition, I have created a web page for district secretaries, which is now hosted on Wordpress. Aside from what has been listed, I have also worked on updating the forms chart, totals chart, and district directory. For those of you that do not know, these are some of the basic duties of a district secretary. I have also been working with Webmaster Tan in creating an online Election Report Form as well as making the Monthly Report Form receipts easier to understand and follow. Near the end of June and start of July, I attended the 2011 Key Club International Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. I have also attended several divisional meetings.

Google Group: Facebook:

What He Will Be Doing In the next few weeks, I will be working on another guide for club secretaries. This next guide will address some of the tasks of a club secretary at the beginning of the school year. I hope to have this completed by the first or second week of September so that it will be ready for use before your club starts to recruit new members. As this year’s Public Relations Committee Chair, I will also be creating a packet for club officers, which will contain information about communication with club members, several poster templates, ways to increase membership, and other items along those lines. This will most likely be available by the second or third week of September. I hope to see some of you at your fall rallies and divisional meetings. In the case that I will not be able to attend a fall rally outside of the city, I will make sure to have a video made and resources provided so that you will still have a quality secretary’s workshop. I am looking forward to presenting these resources as soon as they are finished.

Several Important Links The Empire Secretarial, Issue 1: Tips for Club Secretaries: The Secretarial Broadcast:


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

Governor’s Greeting Hey New York District Key Club, I hope everyone’s summer has been treating them well. Although I don’t like to admit it, we’re just about half way through, with a new school year drawing closer. As Key Club progresses during the Summer I would encourage you all to get involved and start planning and attending those projects. Just a few weeks ago the New York District Board (and a few Key Club Officers) returned from the gorgeous Phoenix, Arizona where the Key Club International Convention was held. We had just fewer than thirty Key Clubbers from the New York District represented at workshops, social events, and of course the house of delegates.

Treasurer’s Greeting Hello amazing secretaries, I hope you all are having a wonderful summer!

Some of the entertainment at the convention consisted of Keynote speaker, Eric Saperston, who told us of his inspiring life changing journey, and Craig Karges the “extraordinist”, who was the award-winning entertainer wowing Key Clubbers with his mystical illusions. Meeting members from all over the United States as well as from foreign places such as Italy, Jamaica, and Aruba was a truly unique experience.

In the mist of all your summer plans I hope you and your club is making time to plans for the upcoming Key Club school year. This planning hopefully includes making a club budget. Now this maybe the treasurer’s job but it is important for secretaries to help too. You need to make sure you budget for everything your club does and make sure the copy of the budget get to all the members.

Key Club ICON, this year was one of true amazement, an experience in which I’ll never forget. I hope next year many of you will get the chance to attend the 2012 Key Club ICON in the beautiful Orlando, Florida! (For those of you that are wondering, yes...Disney.)

I talked about contact between secretaries and treasurers in my last article but this is so important it needs to be reinforced again. Remember when filling out MRFs (Monthly Report Forms) to get accurate numbers from treasurers about how much was raised and were it went, if your club had a fundraiser that month. We want the numbers and location on the MRF to match the Fundraising Report Form.

Hope you all enjoy your summer, but don’t forget about Key Club. Summer provides Key Clubbers with the chance to perform some seriously successful projects, take advantage of it! Also don't forget to subscribe to the New York District website (, as well as the Official NYDKC Facebook Group (

You and all the club officers are a team, “Together Each Achieve More”. Act as one and you will be surprised on how much you can accomplish! District Treasurer, Emily Gicewicz

-Gov out


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

Editor’s Greeting Greetings New York District, My name is Amber Lee, the New York District Editor of the 2011-2012 service year. Many of you may be wondering how the duties of a secretary and editor coincide. One essential part that brings secretaries and editors closer is service spotlights. Have you ever been to an event where you met a great friend? Helped bring a smile? Provided service? Or just realized the importance of Key Club? Well, record it down and show us your effort. You can simply write an article that may just be one paragraph long. Pull out your camera or cell phone during that event and capture the moment down. Send these files to This will increase your chances in having your school and yourself be starred on the New York District website ( for a month or The Empire Key, the official publication of the New York District. Recognize your school and your effort. Share it amongst your fellow Key Clubbers.

Webmaster’s Greeting This is your New York District Key Club Webmaster, Oscar Tan. I’ve recently updated the NYDKC official website. Please, take a look. If you notice on the home page of this website, there is a section labeled ‘Service Spotlights’. So, what exactly are service spotlights? Each month, Key Clubbers submit club spotlights. Club spotlights usually show an article about a certain service event attended. Along with the article is a picture that portrays a service duty performed by Key Club members of your Home Club. This is rather simple, because even a few words can be a spotlight.

And of course, you can always use the article and service spotlight as a part of your MRF that you send to the District Secretary, every month. It is a great way to allow both the district and the club level to acknowledge your club’s hard work and effort.

Service Spotlights that stand out are often posted onto our New York District Key Club website, <>. How do you get your Service Spotlight onto the website? When your Service Spotlight article is finished, simply send it to Amber Lee via or your LTG to post on his/her newsletter. Our District Editor will then choose the spotlights and send it to me. I will post it on the official website.

Yours in the spirit of service, Amber Lee New York District Key Club Editor

Service Spotlights are a great way to show off what service your club has done, and it may be featured on the front page! So, use some time and just submit those spotlights. Oscar Tan New York District Key Club Webmaster


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition


Election Report Forms The Election Report Form is the key to relaying your club’s contact information to the district. As unlikely as it seems that the district will need this information, it is important that we have this information. This will guarantee not only that district officers can contact club officers, but also allows Kiwanis advisors to have access to this information when needed (i.e. for Leadership Training Conference). Therefore it is essential that each club submit their Election Report Form as soon as possible. The election report form should be submitted directly after your club has held its elections for the service year. It is suggested that these elections take place during late January, early February. If by any chance your club holds its elections during the beginning of the school year, please submit the election report form as soon as possible.

Executive Assistant’s Greeting My name is Yasmin Soliman, and I am the 2011-2012 New York District Key Club Executive Assistant. I serve as a liaison between the upstate and downstate regions of the New York district. I also assist Governor Domenick Pesce by organizing files and spreadsheets to keep track of district paperwork from the Lieutenant governors. As an executive assistant, I abide by the New York District by-laws and review all proposed amendments in conjunction with my duties as the laws and regulations committee chair. The committee makes sure that all articles of the New York District bylaws are upheld by every member/officer in the district, and all proposed changes or requests are reviewed by the district board.

You can submit the Election Report Form by means of snail mail and email. Because the new 2011-2012 Election Report Form can not be filled out digitally, you can print out the form, write out the information, and snail mail the form or scan it and email it. If you find these two options inconvenient, simply use the 2010-2011 Election Report Form, fill it out digitally, and email it. The form can be found on the district website at under Resources / Paperwork. If your club is having problems and you have reasons for not being able to submit your Election Report Form, please let me know. As always, I am here to help you. You can email me at or use any of the other means provided on page two to contact me.

I look forward to continuing my work with the 2011-2012 New York District board, which has come a long way since the last Leadership Training Conference. The summer has gone by very quickly with a new school year just beginning and much more success to come for the Mighty New York District. Executive Assistant Yasmin Soliman


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

Key Club International is composed of thirty-three districts. New York is only one of the thirty-three districts. Each year at International Convention (the international version of our Leadership Training Conference), Key Club members from around the world vote for and elect a new international board, which serves to overlook the organization as a whole. The international board is composed of the international president and vice president and eleven international trustees. Below are some messages from members of the international board. Please enjoy! For more information on Key Club International, please visit Greetings from your International President, Annie Lewandowski Pacific-Northwest District

Hey New York! What an exciting time of year! With school just around the corner, it is the perfect time to get your friends and classmates excited about Key Club! I cannot wait for this year. I know together we will accomplish so much and reach greater heights in service, not only as individual clubs but as an organization as well. I plan on working hard over this next year to truly bring the focus of this organization back to the service. This will allow us to build a strong foundation for Key Club to grow upon, expand communication and continue diversifying. Thank you so much for your dedication to this organization and for your commitment to changing the world one service project at a time! In service and spirit, Annie Lewandowski Key Club International President Greetings from your International Vice President, Catt Lovins Southwest District

Hello New York District Key Clubbers! My name is Catt Lovins and I am your 2011-12 International Vice President! I am so excited to serve you all this year and can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together! Best of luck to all of you as you prepare to serve your homes, schools, and communities. It is your passion for service and your ability to make a difference that keeps the name of Key Club well-known and much loved. Be sure to stay updated on what’s happening in Key Club by following my blog at and the Key Club Facebook page. Thank you all for your passion, time, and dedication. Yours in service, Catt Lovins Key Club International Vice President


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

Greetings from International Trustee, Yoo Eun Kim

Pacific-Northwest District Representing the California-Nevada-Hawaii District, Utah-Idaho District, and Michigan District Hello New York District! It has been an honor to be elected as one of your eleven International Trustees for Key Club International. At the 68th annual Key Club International Convention, I have met many new people and learned that service can be defined in so many ways. To represent such a diverse, spirited organization, it is truly a privilege and I am honored to work with many dedicated service leaders from all over the globe for the 2011-2012 Key Club year. During my tenure, I hope to bridge the communication gaps between the club and international levels and to promote our service partners within our clubs not only in the New York District, but worldwide. As trustee, a personal goal of mine is to get to know many new Key Clubbers in order to gain an insightful view of the organization and see how unique our service is. To promote efficiency and communication, I believe that developing a personal relationship is crucial to spread service in a greater horizon. As you enjoy your summer vacation, I hope you will not forget to serve your community and train your officers for the upcoming school year. School may be out, but keep in mind that service is always in season. Regardless of your specific duties and position, please realize that each of you play a significant part in bridging the communication gaps between the international, district, and club levels. Therefore, it is important that you fulfill your duties with purpose. Before I close my letter, I want to share my sincere appreciation of being selected as one of your International Trustees. I can’t wait to experience all of the adventures still yet to come. And if you happen to have any questions and/or comments for International, feel free to contact us. Happy Key Clubbing! In caring and service, Yoo Eun Kim 2011-2012 International Trustee 2010-2011 Pacific Northwest District Secretary

Greetings from International Trustee, Kayla Lash

Pennsylvania District Representing the Montana District, Capital District, and Eastern Canada District

Hello New York District! My name is Kayla Lash, and I am from the Pennsylvania District. I am so excited to serve as International Trustee for the 2011-2012 year! As trustee, my two main goals are to generate involvement and increase membership. I would like to provide members with the opportunity to be inspired by and grow from this organization. I have gained so much from being part of Key Club, and I would like to ensure that other members are enriched by this organization by becoming more involved in all of the opportunities that are offered to them. I am looking forward to an exciting year of service! Feel free to email me at with any questions you may have!



THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

Greeting from International Trustee, Lucy McDermott

New England District Representing the Minnesota-Dakotas District, Alabama District, and New England District

Hey New York Key Clubbers! My name is Lucy McDermott and I was recently elected to be an International Trustee for Key Club International. It was a true honor to meet some of you at ICON in Phoenix earlier this month, and I hope that I get to meet many of you this year. As trustee I will act as a liaison between three districts, yet to be assigned, and the international level of Key Club. As a trustee I want to increase communication between the international level, district level, and club level. I plan on sending out frequent newsletters and sending them to my district boards so they can pass the information on to the clubs. I’ve served on a district board and a club board. I would love to help you serve so if you ever have any questions please e-mail me:, text me: (207)343-0158, or Facebook me: Lucy McDermott (Foxcroft Academy). Thank you so much for your great service New Yorkers! In caring and service, Lucy McDermott International Trustee Greetings from International Trustee, Alan Wang

Capital District Representing the Kentucky-Tennessee District, Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee District, and Bahamas District Hey everyone in the NEW YORK DISTRICT! My name is Alan Wang, and I'll be one of your eleven International Trustees for the 2011-2012 Key Club year. I haven't been assigned districts yet, but I will soon and I hope I get the New York District! Your District Secretary Daniel (who I'm positive, from my brief contact with him at ICON, will do an awesome job) asked me to just briefly give some information about myself. I'm from the Capital District, but I was actually born in New York! Three random facts: I'm a rising senior, I have a 2 year old dog named Jackie, and I love Italian food. As for my concrete goals this year, I want to design a better Key Club poster and promotional video that more accurately and thoroughly lays out what this service organization is all about in order to increase membership and participation. I also want to integrate Key Club's webinars, which have been rising in frequency since last year, into Kiwanis' existing webinar schedule. We can also invite the other branches of the K-Family, such as Circle K and Builders Club, in order to foster K-Family relations and spread ideas across large geographical distances quickly. Other than that, I want everyone in Key Club to have an absolutely wonderful year, and I hope to see you at ICON next year in Orlando, Florida! Yours in service, Alan Wang


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

International Convention 2011 This year’s 68th Annual Key Club International Convention took place in Phoenix, Arizona (home to the great Southwest District) on the weekend of July 29th to July 3rd. This fun-packed weekend was preceded by a tour of various locations in Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. This memorable experience started at 5:30 in the morning at John F. Kennedy Airport on the 27th, where district board members from downstate New York met up for a flight to the great city of Las Vegas. Everyone was quite tired from the lack of sleep from last-minute packing and fussing. I personally had trouble packing, when I realized that I could only bring 3 jumbo-sized packs of snacks instead of the 4 I had originally planned. On the flight, I felt for one of the first times in my life a bit lonely, because it was the first time in my life I had traveled so far without my family. This feeling however was quickly lost somewhere above Colorado after I felt safe, protected, and at home with my fellow board members. As we got off the plane, the heat quickly got to us and though it was only early morning in Las Vegas, the soon to-be-104°F weather could already be felt. Though the waiters were somewhat puzzled by the swarm of people coming into Chili’s, they kindly served us our brunches. We knew that a long day was waiting for us when we realized that it was only 11AM in Las Vegas. After brunch, we got back on the bus and toured the Las Vegas strip, some of us (myself included) crazily running from one side of the bus to another to catch all the beautiful sights that we had often seen on television, but for the first time in real life. Having never been in Vegas, it was great to visit the area for the first time (though the Las Vegas sign was not as grand as I thought). Though I was somewhat upset, I missed the Eiffel Tower, I’m sure I’ll go to France one day to see the real one and back to Las Vegas just to recapture it. The touring of the strip was followed by the pickup of board members from upstate New York and the touring of the Hoover Dam. Not knowing that I couldn’t bring food to the Dam, my pack of Chips Ahoy was almost thrown out. This was until the nice security guard told his colleague that I was a diabetic. The Hoover Dam was impressive and just looking down made me a bit scared, because it felt like my glasses would fall off at any moment. Afterwards, we all headed to dinner at a very nice family style Italian restaurant. After a good night’s rest, we headed off to El Dorado Goldmine in Southern Nevada, a four-hour bus ride. The lengthy ride was definitely worth it, because the scenery was amazing. We then went to catch a quick lunch at McDonald’s (where the menu was much cheaper than the city) and got back on the bus for another 5 hours to get to the rafting site in Utah. After riding the rapids for an hour, all of us were soaked from head to toe and having the privilege of sitting directly in the front of the float was amazing! Afterwards, we went to a restaurant close by with very great scones and red cream soda. The fish and chips were amazing and the complimentary vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup really topped it! Then we sat on the bus for another 3 hours to get to the hotel, where for the first time I was able to clearly see the stars in the night sky. They were everywhere and it was amazingly beautiful. The next day (also the last day of the tour), we went to the Grand Canyon, where I kept worrying that I would trip or slip and fall off the tip. I had always been afraid of heights so walking near the edge of a narrow path hundreds and maybe even thousands of feet above ground was extremely scary for me. I was extremely grateful to have fellow board members with me, holding my hand as we walked and assuring me that I wouldn’t fall off the edge. The experience was wonderful and again the scenery was just mesmerizing, despite the fact that I failed at yodeling. We then took the bus to Phoenix, Arizona, which was an extremely long ride and I had realized that the super small parfait that had cost me seven dollars didn’t fill me up a bit. Of course, the bus ride was a great opportunity to take a snooze and though it was slightly uncomfortable, I knew I needed the rest. Upon arriving, the hotel itself had already excited me. We quickly changed and started walking around the hotel. The immense Key Club spirit was uplifting as I saw the many districts I had never known. Everyone was extremely kind and as soon as we dropped off our luggage, we went pin trading with our fellow Key Clubbers. As we hunted for more pins, we met more and more people.


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

International Convention 2011 Everyone was very friendly and along the way, we started recognizing each others faces and we would even walk together, hands linked strolling down the big hotel lobby. Dinner was a lot of fun though we got lost finding the shopping mall near the hotel and ended up walking aimlessly for half an hour. Afterwards, I hung out with a bunch of board members on the hotel’s back lawn. We dipped our feet in the pond and it was so comfortable, though walking across the pebbles hurt a bit. We then had some fun talking and laying on the grass and once again, the stars were simply beautiful. In the city, it’s hard to find a night where all you can see in the night sky is stars, but in Phoenix, the night sky was filled with bright, visible stars. Aside from the stars, there were also bats native to Phoenix flying in the night sky. This feeling of partially wet grass, having friends nearby, and having such a beautiful night sky to gaze at was wonderful. We went to a meet and greet and talked a while and called it a day near midnight. The next day was a bit more hectic. We attended the opening session, where the international board of the 2010-2011 service year, the 2011-2012 district governors, and the 2011-2012 international board candidates were introduced. The spirit in the room was amazing. Each district did their cheers and screamed as board members, governors, and candidates from their district were called. There were many funny moments, a great mariachi band, and a great Keynote speaker. Everything was great! Directly after the session, we headed to lunch and registered as delegates. After I purchased a hot venti green tea latte from the Starbucks at the hotel (my method of keeping warm when staying in a air conditioned room for a long time), I headed down to the caucus room with other district board members. We took our seats and sat down for six hours, listening to the speeches of twenty eight international trustees candidates, two international vice president candidates, and two international president candidates. Though it was a long caucus session, it was very interesting and also very inspiring seeing so many people run for an office in the mission to serve. Many of us asked questions (myself included) and it was a very fun experience. After the caucus session, I attended nominating conference (also known as NomCom) with Governor Pesce and Treasurer Gicewicz, where we debated and voted on whether or not the international presidents and vice presidents would be granted dual nomination. Afterwards, the Eliminate Project charity walk took place. This was followed by a great dance with great music and great snacks (there was a whole freezer of popsicles outside of the ballroom. Of course, curfew had to be observed after the dance, so sleeping took place afterwards. The next day consisted of workshops from Eliminate Project workshops to workshops about life after Key Club. These workshops were very informative and useful. Afterwards, we attended the Service Fair where we looked at different service projects from all around the world. Then, we had another caucus session where we listened to the speeches of the remaining candidates (14 international trustee candidates, 2 international vice president candidates, and 2 international president candidates). The recognition session took place after the caucus session. Awards were given out and many talent performances were seen. It was all very exciting and also very emotional for many. The next day and also the last day for the New York District, we had another round of workshops. This time around workshops ranged from lieutenant governor training workshops to workshops on how to have a great icebreaker. We then had lunch and chatted for the time being. After lunch, we attended the house of delegates, which lasted for four hours and was not only the time where we cast our final ballot, but also the time where we voted for amendments to the international bylaws. The pressure in the room’s atmosphere was very intense as there were many arguments about the proposed amendments. It was something new I had never experienced in Key Club. After the debating finished, the results for International President and Vice President were announced. Later, we attended the closing session, where another round of emotional speeches were given and we had a famous Native American hula-hooping arts performance. The results for international trustee were also announced. The spirit in the air was very bright, but also very sad, because we all knew that the end of convention was nearing. We left the session early and took the bus to the airport. The downstate portion of the district board then parted with the upstate part (which also consisted of three club members!) and we took a red eye back to New York City. I realized that it was very hard to sleep in the middle of two people, because you wouldn’t want to lean on either one,; not to mention the fact that my black dress shirt and pants had been covered by red fleece from the Delta blankets. Upon arrival, everyone was drowsy and sleepy. Though the snow globe I bought in Phoenix broke (the base is the only thing that now remains) on the flight to New York, this experience was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I will never forget all the great people I met and the great places they were from (the Bahamas, Italy, Aruba, Jamaica, etc.). This Key Club spirit was enlightening and I hope to keep all that I learned form this convention with me for a good portion of my life if not forever. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to bond with my fellow board members. This was all too much fun. I look forward to attending International Convention 2012 in Orlando, Florida! I hope to create another set of beautiful memories that I will hold on to for a lifetime. KEY CLUB IS THE BEST!


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

Please enjoy the following set of photos!


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition


The renowned Grand Canyon


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

Even with great places to go, you always need great people to go with!


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition


It’s hard to forget! That’s why there’s the option to hold on.


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

ICON 2011

We don’t always have to say goodbye! :)


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

Greetings from your Immediate Past International President Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District

Hey Key Club members, Summer is flying past us and that thing called school is almost upon us. But with the coming of fall also means some wonderful opportunities to participate in Key Club. My name is XinLei, but most of the time I go by Tony. I recently retired as your International President. It has been a great honor to serve in this capacity and I hope you have enjoyed your past year. If you are new, welcome! Key Club is an extremely flexible organization. To participate, all you have to do is care – care for the planets, the people, and everything around you. Yours in Service and Friendship, XinLei “Tony” Wang Immediate Past International President


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

MONTHLY REPORT FORMS The Monthly Report Form, commonly known as the MRF, is the key to relaying your club’s activities, achievements, and any problems or concerns your club may have to the district. The MRF is due on the seventh of each month and can be submitted either by means of online submission, email, or snail mail. For information and tips for filling out the Monthly Report Forms, please read my recent publication, Tips for Club Secretaries. It will prove to be extremely useful in your term as club secretary.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What happens if my club doesn’t have any service projects for the month? If your club has no service projects for the month, you are still required to submit a Monthly Report Form stating that your club has had no service events for the month. Am I required to submit a Lieutenant Governor’s Evaluation Form? You are not required to submit a Lieutenant Governor’s Evaluation. However, it is suggested that you fill one out as it will only benefit you; not to mention that it should take no longer than five minutes to fill out. How does the month label work for the Monthly Report Forms? To make it easier to understand here is an example. The September Monthly Report Form contains service projects done in September. You would submit the September MRF by October 7th. You submit the monthly report form for the previous month by the seventh of the current month. (So you would submit the October MRF in November.) Does the Monthly Report Form have to be postmarked by the seventh or received by the seventh? The monthly report form is to be postmarked by the seventh. How can I find out if my monthly report has been received? Send me an email at I am unsure what service category a project belongs to. What do I do? In the case that you do not know what service category a project belongs to, you can write unsure. It is important that if you label it as unsure, you must write a detailed explanation with the organization and the tasks you did so that I can figure out what service category to file the project under. What happens if I make a mistake on my monthly report form and want to change it? Resubmit a monthly report form and make sure to let me know that you do not want the other monthly report form to be counted.


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

Below I have included a copy of the report forms chart, which shows what paperwork has or has not been submitted. If your club has submitted paperwork, but it has not been checked off below, please do the following: - Please send an email to with the following information: Your club’s name and division, which paperwork you are addressing, and one of the following: a forwarded receipt of the submitted paperwork, an attached copy of the submitted paperwork, or a message informing me that it will be sent through snail mail. DIVISION 1 East Hampton Eastport Hampton Bays McGann-Mercy Riverhead Westhampton DIVISION 2 Amityville Bellport Copiague Lindenhurst Patchogue-Medford Sayville William Floyd DIVISION 3 Half Hollow Hills East Half Hollow Hills West Huntington Smithtown Ward Melville DIVISION 4 Carle Place Elmont Memorial Floral Park Glen Cove Great Neck North Great Neck South Hicksville Manhasset Mineola New Hyde Park North Shore Schreiber Sewanhaka Wheatley DIVISION 5 Calhoun CCA Wantagh Farmingdale JFK Massapequa Mepham Plainedge Seaford Wantagh

ERF April May June July Aug DIVISION 6 ERF April May June July Aug Division Ave x x x x x x x x x x East Meadow x Garden City x x x GT Tech x* x x x x x x Hempstead x x x x Island Trees x ERF April May June July Aug MacArthur x x x x x Sacred Heard Academy x x Uniondale x x x x x x W.T. Clarke x x x x West Hempstead x DIVISION 7 ERF April May June July Aug x x x x x x Baldwin x x x x x x x East Rockaway x x x x x ERF April May June July Aug Freeport x Hewlett x x x Lawrence x x x x x Long Beach Lynbrook x x Malverne ERF April May June July Aug Oceanside x x x x x x Valley Stream South DIVISION 8 ERF April May June July Aug x x August Martin Aviation Bayside x x x x x Benjamin N. Cardozo x x x x Francis Lewis x x x x x x Martin Van Buren x Queens H.S. Sciences x x x x x x x Robert F. Kennedy x x x x x Townsend Harris x DIVISION 8A ERF April May June July Aug x Christ the King x Forest Hills x x x x x ERF April May June July Aug Garden School x x x x x Grover Cleveland x x x x John Adams x x x x x x x Martin Luther x x x x x Newtown x Richmond Hill x x x x x St. Francis Prep x x x Sunnyside x x x x* x W.C. Bryant x x x x x

DIVISION 9 ERF April May June July Aug Abraham Lincoln x x x Bishop Kearney Brooklyn Tech x x x x x E.R. Murrow x x x x x Fort Hamilton John Dewey x x x x x Midwood x x x x x New Utrecht Telecommunications Arts DIVISION 10 ERF April May June July Aug CSI Int'l Studies x x x Curtis x Staten Island Tech x x St. John Villa Susan E. Wagner x Tottenville DIVISION 11 ERF April May June July Aug Bronx Science x x x x x x DeWitt Clinton x Fiorello H. LaGuardia x x x x x H.S. American Studies x H.S. Math, Science, Eng x x x x Hunter College H.S. x x Stuyvesant x x DIVISION 12 ERF April May June July Aug Alexander Hamilton Ardsley Lincoln Mount Vernon x New Rochelle x North Rockland Ramapo x x Rye Neck x Saunders x Spring Valley x x Ursuline x Woodlands x Yonkers DIVISION 13 ERF April May June July Aug Chester Fallsburg x Newburgh x x x Middletown x x x x Minisink x Last updated, August 31st, 2011.


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition


ERF April May June July Aug

Ausable Valley Chazy Central Keene Valley Lake Placid North Adirondack Northeastern Clinton Peru Central Plattsburgh Sarnac Central Seton Catholic Central St. Patrick Catholic Ticonderoga

DIVISION 15 Bolton Fort Ann Glens Falls Hadley-Luzerne Hartford Queensbury Saratoga Springs South Glens Falls Southern Adirondack

DIVISION 16 Albany Berne Knox-Westerloo Bethlehem Colonie Guilderland Kingston Saugerties Shaker Voorheesville

DIVISION 17 Amsterdam Broadalbin-Perth Fonda-Fultonville Gloversville Johnstown Mayfield Mohonasen Niskayuna Schalmont Schenectady Schoharie Scotia-Glenville Shenendehowa

DIVISION 18 Averill Park Catholic Central Columbia Hoosick Falls Maple Hill Rensselaer Tamarac Troy

DIVISION 19 Frankfort-Schuyler Illion New Hartford Oriskany Proctor Rome Catholic Rome Free Academy Webb/Old Forge Ctr. Adr. Westmoreland

DIVISION 20 ERF April May June July Aug x x x x x x x x


x x



x x




ERF April May June July Aug



x x x



DIVISION 21 Baker Cicero North Syracuse Hannibal Jamesville DeWitt Liverpool Nottingham Oswego Solvay

ERF April May June July Aug x x x

x x

x x x

x x

x x

x x

x x x



x x

Last Updated: August 31st, 2011


ERF April May June July Aug

Bishop Kearney Brighton Canadaigua Academy East Penfield Victor Wayne Webster-Schroder Webster-Thomas



Carthage General Brown Gouvernuer Indian River Madrid Waddington Norwood-Norfolk Ogdensberg Free Academy Potsdam South Jefferson Watertown


April May June July Aug


x x x x x




April May June July Aug


April May June July Aug

Alden East Aurora Holland Iroquois Lewiston Porter Lockport Niagara Catholic Niagara Falls Springville Griffith West Seneca East West Seneca West

ERF April May June July Aug

DIVISION 26 Casadaga Valley Fredonia Jamestown Ripley Silver Creek Westfield


DIVISION 27 ERF April May June July Aug

Corning Elmira Free Academy Ithaca Notre Dame Southside Spencer Van-Etten Thomas A. Edison Wellsville



Charles W. Baker Charlotte Valley Chenango Valley Children's Home Greene Johnson City Laurens Maine-Endwell Norwich Owego Free Academy Seton Catholic Union-Endicott

DIVISION 22 ERF April May June July Aug

ERF April May June July Aug

ERF April May June July Aug x

x x


REMINDER: On the election report forms, please list only the officers of the given positions (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, editor, and webmaster) only. All other officers will not be listed in the district directory.


Brockport DeSale Regional East Eastridge Geneva Keshequa Livonia Mt. Morris Pembroke



April May June July Aug






REMINDERS Please get your report forms in if you have not submitted them. It is important that the district receives this information, because it is vital for accurate records. If you are having trouble or problems with your club or simply need help, email me at or use any of the contact information I have provided for you. Remember, you are still required to submit a monthly report form even if your club hasn’t done any service projects in the past month. Please make sure not to leave the amount of hours blank. It’s never too late to submit a past monthly report form. Please submit past MRFs even if they are very late.

THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

Other than Paperwork It is a common misconception that a secretary’s job is only surrounded by paperwork. The job of a secretary is much more than paperwork. A club secretary serves as a liaison between the club and district levels. A club secretary is a leader and also the club president’s handyman. When the school year comes around, you should be assisting your club president and offering help before he or she even asks you. Work with your club president to prepare for a Key Club interest meeting. Work with your club president in looking for service projects for your school. Help your president by communicating with your sponsoring Kiwanis club. Of course, under all these responsibilities, a club secretary like everyone else in Key Club is a servant leader. Remember that though you have paperwork to complete, you should also be attending volunteering events. You should be attending club meetings. If you are having problems managing your work, make a calendar and space out your work. It is never wise to do everything at once. Ask for help if you need to. Remember that we are volunteering in the spirit of service! Earlier in the newsletter, Editor Lee mentioned Service Spotlights. I hope that all of you will submit a Service Spotlight one time or another to Editor Lee or Webmaster Tan. It is important that hard work is acknowledged. With service spotlights, club members, officers, district board members, and even people outside of the New York district will see how great the New York District truly is! Remember to submit one! I want to thank all of you for the work you have done so far. Keep up the good work and remember to give yourself a break (and a pat on the back) when needed. Rest up. School is coming. I wish all of you luck as you return to your schools and let us continue to better our homes, schools, and communities. I look forward to seeing many of you at your division’s fall rally.


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

Executive Board Contacts District Governor Domenick Pesce

Lieutenant Governor Contacts Division 1, Nicole Jones

Division 2, Annie Porfido

Division 3, Holly Flores

Division 4, Nicholas Viviano

Division 5, Nickolas Boroda

District Editor Amber Lee

Division 6, Becky Hopkins

Division 7, Jay Wong

District Webmaster Oscar Tan

Division 8, Antonio Xu Liu

Division 8A, Carla Pacheco

Division 9, Helen Chen

Division 10, Gresa Shala

Division 11, Emma Cheng

Division 12, Marcus Paul Mosley

Division 13, Stephanie Pena

Division 15, Katherine Coley

Division 16, Ellen Dooley

Division 17, KelseyLiz Habla

Division 18, Sarah Brady

Division 19, Sean O’Connor

Division 21, Bryan Comanici

Division 22, Jessica Green

Division 23, Joshua Hill

Division 24, Emily Gonthier

Division 25, Alexandra Marrone

Division 26, Andrew Abbey

Division 27, Michelle Hand

District Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin District Treasurer Emily Gicewicz

District Executive Assistant Yasmin Soliman


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL International Convention Special Edition

SPECIAL THANKS To the New York District Board, for always keeping me company, for their friendliness, and for simply being there. Thank you to the district board for making me feel at home during my first time traveling without my family! For this newsletter, I’d like to specifically thank District Editor Amber Lee for always being there to talk to me when I need help and for always comforting and reassuring me that everything is alright even when I worry that it’s not. To District Administrator Mr. Goldstein and his wife, Mrs. Goldstein for keeping me company, giving me advice when I’m having trouble, and laughing along with me at International Convention and at the Kiwanis Convention. To New York Circle K Governor, Josephine Lukito, Secretary Samantha Pontillo, and Member Shane Stuart for accompanying me during this year’s Kiwanis Convention. (As well as Lieutenant Governors Helen Chen, Carla Pacheco, and Antonio Xu Liu for accompanying me that weekend.) Thanks to Governor Domenick, who went out of his way to find WiFi to send me an email in Italy. To Mr. Jason Steiner and Kiwanis Committee Representatives Mr. And Mrs. Ovadia and Ms. Owens for their support and care. To many club secretaries who have been very cooperative when I needed a clarification or had a question about their paperwork. To my home club’s sponsoring Kiwanis for always being kind and inviting me to their meetings and dinners even though I’m no longer a club officer. (And of course to my home club, Stuyvesant High School Key Club for always being there fore me. To the various International Board members who helped contribute messages to this newsletter and for being so kind to me during International Convention. To Immediate Past President, Xinlei Wang for writing his article as soon as he could because he was attending the Kiwanis International Convention. To the various Key Clubbers I met during ICON that I have kept in contact with. To Immediate past Governor, Nadyli Nuñez for always being there to talk to me when I need to. To Immediate Past District Secretary, Grace Na for answering my questions when asked. To past and immediate past officers for their assistance. To the members of the New York District Key Club, for making my job worthwhile. To you for reading this newsletter! Lastly, to my friends and family for their love and support!


THE EMPIRE SECRETARIAL Volume I. Issue II. The Empire Secretarial The Official Publication by District Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin. Š 2011

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