9th october,2013 daily rice e newsletter (oryza news ) shared by riceplus magazine

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9th October , 2013

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Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

TOP Contents - Tailored for YOU Latest News Headlines…  Special Editorial - Addicted to Rice?  Thailand Rice Sellers Lower Some of Their Quotes; Vietnam Rice Sellers Increase Most of Their Quotes  Brazil Paddy Rice Index Mostly Stable Last Week  India State Plans to Supply High Quality Rice at Subsidized Rates  Thailand May Replace Up to 38% of Rice Land With Other Crops Under Zoning Plan  Oryza Overnight Recap – Chicago Rough Rice Futures Little Changed Overnight After Dipping to Fresh Low Yesterday  Philippines Plans to Boost Farm Mechanization to Improve Rice Production  Cambodia Exports 266,123 Tons Rice Jan- Sep, 2013, Up 106% from Last Year  Vietnam Mekong Delta Harvest Likely to Bring Down Rice Prices  Oryza Rice Currency Analysis for Today – Currencies Little Changed  Oryza Afternoon Recap – Chicago Rough Rice Futures Fall Amid Bearish Outside Markets, Continued Harvest Pressure  Oryza U.S. Rough Rice Recap – Prices Ideas Vary Widely as Warehouse Receipts Are Canceled  Oryza Quick Glance at World News  Oryza Global Rice Quotes

NEWS DETAILS: Special Editorial - Addicted to Rice? Oct 08, 2013

Like millions of avid rice eaters around the world, I am fond of eating rice, but for some reason I could never say so openly. Here is an informal chat with a nutrition consultant (who is incidentally a proponent of wheat

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

food products) in Hyderabad, India, which helped me overcome my hesitation to say rice is good and to find that there is no guilt in saying so.It took almost half of a lifetime to get the courage to seek the answer the question: Is rice really bad? My fears stem in my childhood when rice eaters were suddenly looked down upon by the progressives in India. ‗Suddenly‘, because until the 1980‘s it was quite common to see people in eastern and southern India have rice in all the three meals every day, besides munching on generous quantities of rice flakes, and puffed rice during leisure (chewing puffed rice is a great exercise for our face muscles and jaws, my uncle used to say). However, things were changing fast and rice eaters soon began hiding the fact that they like rice. The taboo stuck with me as well. A meeting with a nutrition expert in Hyderabad revealed the reason of the stigma. He told me that India faced a severe shortage of food grains until 1970‘s (after which the green revolution helped boost food grain production). The problem was compounded for the government because, unlike wheat which was available in the international markets and under international food aid, rice was unavailable for imports. This gave rise to several food diversification programs and wheat was promoted by the government as a healthy substitute for rice for at least breakfast and dinner. Soon, wheat products were associated with strength, good physique, and considered fashionable, while rice was associated with obesity, lethargy and considered old-fashioned. However, these are just perceptions, the nutrition expert said, adding that rice is equally good in nutrition, and particularly so is brown and parboiled rice. But what about diabetes risk, vitamin deficiency, and addiction? Yes, I always felt that rice eaters were somehow addicted to it. Otherwise my diabetic ageing mother wouldn‘t have requested to serve her rice at least once a day, and I wouldn‘t have craved for a rice meal while in northern India. It must be some kind of addiction which makes Filipinos unable to desist from eating rice despite several appeals by the government to do so. Why can‘t rice eaters switch to cassava, wheat, corn or millets? My doctor says that not all rice are harmful for diabetics. And the nutrition consultant says, ―Rice is easily digestible and can be eaten in larger quantities compared to other cereals and it does not impinge on the taste of accompaniments. However, taste and satiation are subjective.‖ About addiction, he adds, ―There is nothing called addiction. It‘s all in the mind. Rice is in our culture and we are used to eating rice from our childhood. But it is not impossible to substitute rice with other food products. After all, the Indian government did manage to popularize wheat bread in eastern and southern India in the 1980‘s by setting up several baking units across these regions. India is a shining example of food diversification away from rice.‖ So should I switch to wheat or millets? Is rice bad? The nutrition expert replied, ―Food diversification is undoubtedly good, but there is no reason billions of rice eaters across the world should feel ashamed of eating rice. In fact, rice is good and there is no dispute about it. And it is going to get better in future. With technology, you may soon have rice that is good for diabetics and rice that is fortified with vitamins and other necessary nutrients as well.‖ I had one last doubt. I had read a research paper from a scientist, Indra Ravindranath, who argues that rice bran is the world‘s most wasted resource. He might have meant other uses than food, but that triggered several questions in my mind: Why is it that there are so many specialized/health food products in the west that use rice

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

bran, while rice bran is mostly considered as cattle feed in India? Are there no gluten-allergic people in India or Asia? The reply was unexpected. The nutrition expert said, ―People in this part of the world are not very health conscious. But, people in India and some other countries will begin consuming rice bran in about a decade…not out of health concerns but due to booming population…People will consume every part of the rice grain in future.‖ It is for the reader to judge whether the meeting ended on a happy note or a sad one, but I no longer hide the fact that rice is a favorite food of mine. Do you have something to share with us, or with the entire global rice community? Please comment or contact us to share your story! http://oryza.com/contact Read related Oryza Bangladesh Creates Low Glycemic Rice http://oryza.com/content/bangladesh-creates-low-glycemic-rice-diabetics Rice Bran in Diet Reduces Cancer http://oryza.com/content/rice-bran-diet-reduces-cancer-risk-finds-study

stories: Diabetics




Indonesian Scientists Develop ‗Artificial http://oryza.com/content/indonesian-scientists-develop-%E2%80%98artificial-rice%E2%80%99

Study Rice‘

Thailand Rice Sellers Lower Some of Their Quotes; Vietnam Rice Sellers Increase Most of Their Quotes Oct 08, 2013

Thailand rice sellers lowered their quotes for A1 Super broken rice by about $5 per ton to about $380 - $390 per ton today. Vietnam rice sellers increased most of their quotes by about $5 per ton. India and Pakistan rice quotes are mostly unchanged. 5% Broken Rice Thai 5% rice is quoted around $415 - $425 per ton, about a $40 per ton premium over Viet 5% rice (of summerautumn crop 2013) shown around $375 - $385 per ton, up about $5 per ton from yesterday. Indian 5% rice is quoted around $415 - $425 per ton, about a $35 per ton premium over Pak 5% rice (of new crop) quoted around $380 - $390 per ton. 25% Broken Rice Thai 25% rice is quoted about $395 - $405 per ton, about a $45 per ton premium over Viet 25% rice (of summer-autumn crop 2013) shown around $350 - $360 per ton, up about $5 per ton from yesterday. Indian 25% rice is quoted about $370 - $380 per ton, about a $35 per ton premium over Pak 25% rice (of new crop) quoted around $335 - $345 per ton. Parboiled Rice

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

Thai parboiled rice is quoted around $425 - $435 per ton. Indian parboiled rice is quoted around $400 - $410 per ton, about a $20 per ton discount to Pak parboiled rice (of new crop) quoted around $420 - $430 per ton. 100% Broken Rice Thai broken rice, A1 Super, is quoted around $380 - $390 per ton, down about $5 per ton from yesterday and about a $40 per ton premium over Viet broken rice (of summer-autumn crop 2013) shown around $340 - $350 per ton, up about $5 per ton from yesterday. Indian broken sortexed rice is quoted about $310 - $320 per ton, about a $25 per ton discount to Pak broken sortexed rice (of new crop) quoted around $335 - $345 per ton. Tags: Asia rice quotes, India rice quotes, Thailand rice quotes, Pakistan rice quotes, Vietnam rice quotes

Brazil Paddy Rice Index Mostly Stable Last Week Oct 08, 2013

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

Brazilian paddy rice index maintained by CEPEA remained stable last week, reaching around 33.96 real per 50 kilograms as of October 7, 2013, down slightly from around 34 real per 50 kilograms on October 1, 2013. In terms of USD per ton, the index declined slightly from around $307 per ton on October 1, 201 to around $306 per ton on October 7, 2013. Tags: Brazil CEPEA rice price index

India State Plans to Supply High Quality Rice at Subsidized Rates Oct 08, 2013

India‘s southern state of Andhra Pradesh is planning to offer high quality rice at subsidized rates through fair price shops (FPS) to make rice affordable for consumers.According to local sources, the government has already begun providing high quality rice in the capital city of Hyderabad at around Rs.30 per kilogram (about $488 per ton), down about 40% compared to the current market price of around Rs.50 per kilogram (about $813 per ton). Officials say that the state government is seeking rice from neighboring states to run the program which is likely to run until supply improves in around two months when harvest peaks in the state.Rice prices have surged in the retail market in Andhra Pradesh in 2012-13 partly due to lower rice production. According to government sources, rice procurement from Andhra Pradesh for the central pool declined to around 6.45 million tons in 2012-13, down about 33% from around 9.6 million tons in the previous year. India's overall rice production in 2012-13 is estimated at aorund 104.5 million tons. Meanwhile, the Finance Minister justified high rice prices. He said that rice prices are increasing due to higher purchase prices offered by the government and people should not expect rice farmers to remain poor forever.Separately, another key rice producing state of India, Punjab, has started paying farmers the minimum suppport prices (MSP) for paddy directly through their bank acccounts. The move is expected to help farmers bypass middlemen or commission agents, says the government. Tags: India rice prices

Thailand May Replace Up to 38% of Rice Land With Other Crops Under Zoning Plan Oct 08, 2013

The Thai government has started the implementation of the agriculture zoning plan, which could lead to the shift of up to 4.3 million hectares of rice land (about 38% of the country‘s current rice area) to more suitable crops such as sugarcane in the next three years, according to local sources. Under the zoning program, the government has segregated over 150 million rais (about 24 million hectares) of total farmland based on geographical factors, yield, local agro-businesses, transport costs and irrigation patterns

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

to help boost productivity and control excessive production of some agriculture products. The plan is also expected to help the government reduce losses under the rice mortgage program. So far, the Agriculture Ministry has identified that around 27 million rai (about 4.3 million hectares) of land is unsuitable for rice cultivation, though some local sources estimate it higher at around 30 million rai (about 4.8 milllion hectares). This week, the Agriculture and Cooperatives Ministry urged farmers in the Buriram Province to shift from rice to sugarcane in around 300,000 rai (about 48,000 hectares) due to presence of sugar mills in the vicinity and soil conditions. This year, the ministry is planning to turn about 9,600 hectares in the Buriram Province to sugarcane cultivation, while the complete transformation is likely to be completed in three years when sugar millers are likely to increase their production capacity sufficiently, according to local sources.According to the USDA, Thailand currently produces around 21 million tons of rice from around 11.1 million hectares. Total rice consumption in the country is estimated at around 10.6 million tons, while the average rice yield in the country is around 2.87 tons per hectare, much lower than the global average of over 4 tons per hectare. The Thai government started buying paddy rice from farmers at above market rates under the controversial rice mortgage program since October 2011. However, higher prices caused a sharp decline in exports (from around 10.6 million tons in 2011 to around 7 million tons in 2012) and a huge government rice stockpile, currently estimated at around 15 million tons. Tags: Thailand rice production

Oryza Overnight Recap – Chicago Rough Rice Futures Little Changed Overnight After Dipping to Fresh Low Yesterday Oct 08, 2013

Chicago rough rice futures for November delivery were paused 0.5 cents per cwt (about $0.11 per ton) lower at $14.820 per cwt (about $327 per ton) as of 8:30am Chicago time. The other grains are seen mostly higher during this morning break ahead of floor trading in Chicago: soybeans are currently seen about 0.2% higher, wheat is seen about 0.5% higher, and corn is seen about 0.5% lower.U.S. stock index futures nudged higher Tuesday, with major averages looking to recover after a string of losses, but traders will continue to focus on development s in Washington. Stocks finished sharply lower in the previous session as lawmakers in Washington were no closer to ending the partial government shutdown, and concerns grew that no deal to raise the debt ceiling would be struck before the October 17 deadline. Without an increase to the $16.7 trillion debt limit, the Treasury will lack the funds to pay its debts from late October/early November onward. In the absence of hard economic data due to the shutdown, investors will focus on the upcoming third-quarter earnings season. U.S. stock index futures are currently trading about 0.1% higher, gold is currently trading about 0.4% lower, crude oil is seen trading about 0.4% higher, and the U.S. dollar is currently trading marginally higher at 8:30am Chicago time.

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

Tags: chicago rough rice futures

Philippines Plans to Boost Farm Mechanization to Improve Rice Production Oct 08, 2013

The Philippines Department of Agriculture (DA) is targeting to increase farm mechanization by around 67% in the next three years to help improve rice production and reduce input costs.Farm power, in terms of power consumed by farms, is an index used to measure farm mechanization in several countries. According to official sources, the current farm mechanization level in the Philippines stands at around 1.2 horsepower per hectare (hp/ha), much lower than around 2.7 hp/ha in Thailand.The DA is planning to increase average farm power in the country to around 2 hp/ha in the next three years. The Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers and Distributors Association, Inc. (AMMDA) along with other agencies have started showcasing new farming machinery, equipment, systems and gadgets in rice producing regions of the country under the National Rice Program to popularize farm mechanization in the country.Under the self-sufficiency goal, the Philippines has targeted the difficult goal of achieving around 20 million tons of paddy rice production in 2013, up about 11% from around 18 million tons produced in 2012. The country aims to grow paddy rice production to around 22.7 million tons by 2016. Rice-sufficiency in the Philippines is considered unfeasible by some experts due to high production costs and low yield growth rates. Read related Oryza stories: High Production Costs Will Prevent Philippines From Meeting 2013 Rice-Sufficiency Target, Says ADB Economist Philippines 2013 Rice-Sufficiency Target Unrealistic, Unachievable, Says Study Tags: philippine rice production

Cambodia Exports 266,123 Tons Rice Jan- Sep, 2013, Up 106% from Last Year Oct 08, 2013

Cambodia has exported about 29,395 tons of rice in September 2013, bringing the January-September, 2013 total to 266,123 tons, up 106% from the same period last year and up about 29% from the 2012 year-end total of 205,717 tons. Cambodia exported most of long grain white rice (142,837 tons) and Jasmine rice (104,975 tons) so far in this year. European markets remain the top destination for Cambodia rice export during the period as Cambodia

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

enjoys a zero rice import duty for rice export to the EU, along with Malaysia (32,339 tons), Thailand (23,300 tons), and China (15,902 tons). Tags: Cambodia rice exports

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

Vietnam Mekong Delta Harvest Likely to Bring Down Rice Prices Oct 08, 2013

Vietnam‘s rice prices are expected to decline once again as harvest of the autumn-winter rice in the Mekong Delta region peaks this month.According to the Ministry of Rural and Agriculture Department (MARD), about 90,000 tons of paddy rice is expected to enter the market from harvest in over 20,000 hectares of autumn-winter rice. Price of fresh paddy bought at the fields stands at around 4,000-4,100 VND per kilogram (about $190 - $195 per ton, using current exchange rates), down about 17% compared to around 4,850 – 4,950 VND per kilogram (about $230 $235 per ton, using current exchange rates) of common paddy seen in September 2013.Vietnam‘s rice exports in September 2013 declined to around 526,561 tons, down about 15% from around 620,532 tons in August 2013, partly due to higher prices. According to the Vietnam Food Association (VFA), average export prices stood at around $438 per ton in September 2013, up about 3% from around $426 per ton seen in August 2013, and up about 6% from around $413 per ton in July 2013.According to MARD, planting is over in around 560,000 hectares out of 790,000 hectares of autumn-winter rice in the Mekong Delta region is complete. Tags: Vietnam 2013 rice exports, Ministry of Agriculture

Oryza Rice Currency Analysis for Today – Currencies Little Changed Oct 08, 2013

U.S. dollar index was up +0.12% from the open today, when it traded at 80.035 at the close. Euro was -0.07% lower today by the close, trading around 1.3571 by end of day, after trading between an intraday high of 1.3607 and low of 1.3558. Markets are still very nervous about the political situation in Washington.

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

Thai baht was weaker -0.02%, trading at 31.380 at the close of business. Indian rupee was unchanged at 61.7950. Brazilian real was -0.02% weaker than the open at today‘s close, when it ended at 2.2055 reais per dollar. Pakistan rupee was +0.31% stronger at the close, trading at 105.8900. Vietnamese dong was +0.02% stronger, trading at 21120. Mexican peso was -0.21% weaker today, when it traded at 13.1643 pesos per dollar by the close of business today. Chinese yuan was stronger +0.01% at 6.1216. Argentine peso was -0.02% weaker at 5.8217 pesos per dollar. Tags: foreign exchange rates

Oryza Afternoon Recap – Chicago Rough Rice Futures Fall Amid Bearish Outside Markets, Continued Harvest Pressure Oct 08, 2013

Chicago rough rice futures for November delivery settled 7 cents per cwt (about $2 per ton) lower at $14.755 per cwt (about $325 per ton). Rough rice futures fell for the 7th consecutive session, continuing the current bearish trend. Harvest pressure and spillover selling pressure from the other grains has weighed on US rice future prices. The other grains also closed lower today; soybeans finished the day about 0.6% lower at $12.8875 per bushel; wheat finished about 0.2% lower at $6.9350 per bushel; and corn finished the day about 1.7% lower at $4.4275 per bushel. U.S. stocks extended their losses for a second session Tuesday, with the Dow and S&P 500 at their lowest levels in nearly a month, as traders continued to focus on developments in Washington. The Dow Jones Industrial Average declined. The Dow has tumbled more than 5% since hitting its record high of 15,709.58 on September 18. The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq also extended their losses. The Dow and S&P 500 are down for the 11th time in the last 14 trading sessions. Most key S&P sectors dropped, dragged by telecoms and materials, while utilities held modest gains. Stocks finished sharply lower in the previous session as lawmakers in Washington were no closer to ending the partial government shutdown, and concerns grew that no deal to raise the debt ceiling would be struck before the October 17 deadline. U.S. stock markets are currently trading down about 0.7%, gold is trading about 0.2% lower, crude oil is seen trading about 0.8% higher, and the U.S. dollar is seen trading about 0.1% higher at about 2:00pm Chicago time.

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

Turning to the daily continuation chart of Chicago rough rice futures for November delivery, prices slipped further today bringing total losses to 94.5 cents per cwt (about $21 per ton) since putting in a near-term high of $15.700 per cwt (about $346 per ton) in mid-September. Technically the outlook remains bearish, with all major moving averages confirming that the market is indeed in a negative trend. The recent uptick in open interest also confirms traders assumption that the recent move lower has likely been driven by the return of speculative sellers who had previously exited following a run-up in prices. Despite the market moving into an oversold condition as confirmed by RSI, the bears show little sign of letting up. Today‘s trading range is noted as $14.730-$14.940 per cwt (about $325-$329 per ton). Monday, there were 672 contracts traded, down from 814 contracts traded on Friday. Open interest – the number of contracts outstanding – on Monday increased by 145 contracts to 11,082. Tags: chicago rough rice futures

Oryza U.S. Rough Rice Recap – Prices Ideas Vary Widely as Warehouse Receipts Are Canceled Oct 08, 2013

The U.S. cash market saw some light trade activity at varying levels today as some farmers were able to get back into their fields after wet weather over the weekend forced them out. Some analysts suggest that farmer price ideas will have to come off if there are going to sell any rice for prompt shipment as the cost of loading out warehouse receipts remains less than most offers from farmers. As a result, there were 20 warehouse receipts canceled overnight, leaving 282 left on the exchange (25,662 tons). As of today, offers could still be seen around $15.30-$16.11 per fob farm (about $337-$355 per ton), depending on where they are located in the U.S. mid-South, for October through December shipment, while bids from most mills and exporters decreased to around $14.25 per cwt (about $314 per ton) and $14.90 per cwt (about $328 per ton), respectively, for October through December delivery, however there is still a large variance in what buyers and sellers are will to settle for with rice reported to have traded as high as $15.90 per cwt (about $351 per ton) and as low as $15.10 per cwt (about $333 per ton) for October-November delivery.In other news, the USDA is now planning on postponing its monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report due to the U.S. federal government shutdown. Tags: U.S. rice prices

Oryza Quick Glance at World News Oct 08, 2013

Financial Times –

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

*China and Japan ratcheted up pressure on the U.S. to avoid an unprecedented U.S. default on its debt as Democrats and Republicans continued their standoff over the budget in the second week of a U.S. government shutdown. *Australian business confidence jumped to a 3½-year high, to rose 12 points in September, a sign that the resource-rich economy may be poised for a lasting post-election bounce. *The board of Italy‘s Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS), Italy‘s third-largest bank by assets, has agreed a €2.5 billion capital increase demanded by Brussels as it fights to avoid nationalization. MPS said it had approved the capital increase as well as about 8,000 job cuts by 2015, the closure of 400 branches, reduction in the salaries of top managers and asset sales. *Norway will establish an NKr100 billion ($17 billion) fund to improve transport and communications infrastructure, the country‘s new rightwing coalition announced on Monday night, as it revealed a programme aimed at boosting private enterprise through trimming taxes and bureaucracy. *Argentine president Cristina Fernández will have surgery on Tuesday to remove an accumulation of blood in her skull, the Buenos Aires hospital where she is being treated said. *Japan's current account balance plummeted by nearly two-thirds in August from a year ago, surprising forecasters that had assumed it would grow nearly a fifth. The current account surplus fell nearly 64% in August, versus forecasts expecting an 18% gain. The unadjusted balance in the month was Y161.5 billion, against forecasts at Y520 billion and down from Y577.3 billion in July. *The IMF is concerned that there could be ―significant international spillovers‖ when the U.S. Federal Reserve decides to end its monetary stimulus programme, casting a cloud over the recent recovery in emerging markets. *Serbia plans to borrow billions from the UAE as the country‘s deputy prime minister warned that it could face bankruptcy without urgent steps to cut public sector wages. Wall Street Journal*The U.S., South Korea, and Japan are delaying a joint naval exercise due to a typhoon—rather than North Korea‘s warning of a ―horrible disaster‖ against the drill—as Pyongyang cranks up its war rhetoric. *India Monday signed an agreement to build a large power project in Sri Lanka, a move that reflects New Delhi's eagerness to counter China's growing influence in the region. *Afghan President Hamid Karzai said he would convene a traditional national gathering to scrutinize plans for a bilateral security agreement with the U.S., upping the ante in talks over a future American military presence in Afghanistan. *Chinese President Xi Jinping has signaled that China won't let Taiwan indefinitely put off talks on political issues between Taipei and Beijing, renewing pressure on the democratic island even as their economies continue to grow closer. *India and a group of countries that has raised concerns over the impact of its food-security law and stockpiling of grains on the global markets have made some progress in settling their differences, the WTO's directorgeneral said. *India's central bank Monday cut the rate at which it lends emergency funds to banks by half a percentage point to 9% with immediate effect, further easing the exceptional measures it took in July to stabilize the local currency. *The U.S. and Russia Monday stressed their determination to help press ahead with a U.N.-brokered conference planned for mid-November that aims to bring Syria's government together with opposition forces to end the country's conflict.

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

*The Greek government presented a draft budget Monday that forecasts a return to growth next year after six painful years of recession and an operating surplus that Athens hopes will allow it to return to bond markets for the first time since the debt crisis began. According to the draft budget, the Greek economy is expected to grow 0.6% next year, after an upwardly revised 4% contraction in 2013—slightly better than initial forecasts. New York Times*In a landmark verdict, a former Greek defense minister and co-founder of the country‘s once-mighty Socialist Party, Akis Tsochatzopoulos, was found guilty on Monday of setting up a complex money-laundering network to cover the trail of millions of dollars in bribes that he is said to have pocketed from government weapons purchases. *The Indian military says it has called off a search for suspected rebels near the disputed border with Pakistan after two weeks of battles in the Himalayan region of Kashmir. *Libyan militants have called for the kidnapping of American citizens in Tripoli and for attacks on gas pipelines, ships, and planes to avenge the capture of a senior al Qaeda figure by U.S. Special Forces in Libya last week. *Top U.S. bankers have warned the Obama administration and Republican lawmakers that any move to pay interest on debt before obligations such as Social Security and payments to veterans would pose severe risks to financial markets and the economy, a global newspa0er reported. *The IMF is ready to support Serbia with a financial arrangement and advice to help the country curb its debt in the medium-term, the IMF's representative for central and Eastern Europe said. *A new study by OECD has found that adults in Spain and Italy are among the least equipped in the developed world to emerge from the economic crisis that has gripped Europe and beyond. Tags: World news

Oryza Global Rice Quotes October 8th, 2013 Long grain white rice - high quality Thailand 100% B grade


Vietnam 5% broken


India 5% broken


Pakistan 5% broken


Cambodia 5% broken 445-455

U.S. 4% broken


Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874


Argentina 5% broken 615-625

Uruguay 5% broken

Long grain white rice - low quality Thailand 25% broken 395-405

Vietnam 25% broken 350-360

Pakistan 25% broken 335-345

India 25% broken


U.S. 15% broken


Long grain parboiled rice Thailand parboiled 100% stxd


Pakistan parboiled 5% broken stxd


India parboiled 5% broken stxd


U.S. parboiled 4% broken


Brazil parboiled 5% broken




Uruguay parboiled 5% broken Long grain fragrant rice Thailand Hommali 92% Vietnam Jasmine


India basmati 2% broken

1515 -1525

Pakistan basmati 2% broken NQ

Brokens Thailand A1 Super Vietnam 100% broken



Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

Pakistan 100% broken stxd


India 100% Broken stxd


Egypt medium grain brokens NQ U.S. pet food 370-380 Brazil half grain


Medium grain milled U.S. Calrose 4% broken


Egypt medium grain 6%


All prices USD per ton, FOB vessel, oryza.com

For Advertising SPECS & RATES Contact: Advertising Department Mujahid Ali mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com +92 321 369 2874

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

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