Uncaged Book Reviews

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Issue 1 | August 2016

Featuring: Danielle Devon with an excerpt from Exile

Darlene Kuncytes

with an excerpt from A Vampire’s Saving Embrace

Tessa McFionn

with an excerpt from Spirit Fall

Jami Gray

with an excerpt from Touched by Fate

Maggi Andersen

with an excerpt from Caroline and the Captain

Also: Reviews

From Uncaged & Fang Freakin Tastic

New Releases

From your favorite authors

Links Round-up

Giveaways, Blogs & News

from the

editor’s desk

Welcome to the first issue of Uncaged Book Reviews, a magazine with a companion blog that was born out of a need to promote reading, publishers and authors in a very competitive market! Please enjoy the first issue’s featured authors, Danielle Devon, Darlene Kuncytes, Tessa McFionn, Jami Gray and Maggie Andersen! Thanks to these wonderful authors for starting us out with a bang!

A little about me: my name is Cyrene, and I developed Uncaged after the ending of BTS Book Reviews, an online publication that I had the honor of working on as a designer and reviewer for almost 3 years. I wanted to continue on with helping authors and publishers in a way I knew how. I met a lot of authors and publishers in the time I was there, and would like to keep offering a way to promote. The vision for Uncaged is for authors to be featured, along with an interview, book excerpt and reviews. The difference that you will see with Uncaged, is there won’t be any hard word limits. If an author wants to send in a full first chapter of a book for an excerpt, then they can. If they want to promote their other work at the end of their feature, they are encouraged to! Hence the title, “Uncaged.” This magazine will run monthly - I had considered bi-monthly, but the authors’ response has been amazing! I will offer very limited ad spaces in the magazine that I can design for you, or you can send a finished ad in at the correct size. Ads will be very reasonable, only 2 different sizes; a Half Page Ad will be $10 per issue, and a Full Page ad will be $20. If I sell Inside Covers, the rate is $50 each.The magazine and blog will be promoted extensively over social media outlets for maximum exposure. Future plans are to put the magazine up on Smashwords for optimal viewing. All author features are FREE, they are the “heart and soul” of Uncaged.

Reviews: Authors and publishers are encouraged to ask for reviews! If you are an author that would like to be a featured author, please contact me. The only requirement is that I’ve read at least one of your books. At this time, we are not accepting pure erotica, until there are reviewers in place. Readers: If any of you’d like to be on the reviewing team for Uncaged Book Reviews, I’d love to hear from you also! Blogs: If you’d like to partner with Uncaged with your own review section, please email me. All inquiries: UncagedBooks@gmail.com or cyrene.olson@gmail.com So thank you and enjoy the first issue of Uncaged Book Reviews!

contents Issue 1 | August 2016

featuredauthors DanielleDevon page 7

• Interview • Excerpt from Exile (Death Follows 1) • Review of Exile

DarleneKuncytes page 13

• Interview • Excerpt from A Vampire’s Saving Embrace (Book One) • Reviews of The Supernatural Desire Series (thus far)

TessaMcFionn page 23

• Interview • Excerpt from Spirit Fall • Reviews of Spirit Fall and Spirit Bound

JamiGray page 29 • Interview

• Excerpt from Touched by Fate (Book Two - PSY-IV Series) • Reviews of Kyn Chronicles, books 1 & 2, and Hunted by the Past

MaggiAndersen page


• Interview • Excerpt from Caroline and the Captain • Reviews of 3 Baxendale Sisters Series books & How to Tame a Rake

andMore... 2 5 47 50 54

Editor’s Desk Links You Can Use New Releases Uncaged Reviews Fang Freakin Tastic Reviews

Issue 1 | August 2016 |



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Great place for Cozy Mysteries

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http://www.freebooksifter.com/ Of course, Amazon has free Kindle books at all times. Thousands of them. If you feel like slogging through the seemingly never-ending list, you can find some real gems. Here is the best link, just pick the category on the left to help narrow down the search. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ ss_i_2_4?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&fieldkeywords=free+kindle+books&sprefix=free%2Ca ps%2C236

Help for authors and businesses.

A blog for horror fans.

If you’d like your banner here, please email me at UncagedBooks@gmail.com Issue 1 | August 2016 |


feature author Danielle Devon

Interview Where to follow Danielle Devon Excerpt from Exile Review

Death Follows Series


I recently had the chance to talk to Danielle Devon, who’s newest release Exile is a great new start to a new series. Here’s what came of our interview, and continue on with a sneak peek at Exile, and my review of this new book at the end. Enjoy! First off, thank you Danielle for taking time to be a part of Uncaged. 1) Do you remember the first book you read and how old you were? Who and/or what inspired you to read? The first book I can remember reading (although there might have been others) was Black Beauty. I couldn’t say exactly how old I was, according to my mother, probably not very, as I was an early reader and always had my nose stuck in a book. My mother had inspired me to be an avid reader and showed me that worlds beyond imagination lived between the pages. Uncaged follow-up: I remember devouring horse books as a kid. 2) Who are some of your favorite authors now, and what genres do you tend to read the most? I split my reading time between science fiction/ fantasy and general fiction these days. I add a healthy dose of nonfiction in-between because there is always something more to learn. While it’s certainly hard to narrow down my list of favorite authors to just a few, I would have to say that Joanne Harris, Paula Brackston, Madeline Sheehan, Jordan K. Rose, and Mike Smith top the list. 3) Who or what influenced you to start writing? 8 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

I have been writing ever since I can remember, my first musings featured flying ponies, talking puppies and the trials and tribulations of grade school. It wasn’t until I was in my early 20’s that I really began to start writing seriously, when I met my dear friend Myra Nour. With her support and encouragement, I took the big leap into the publishing world. 4) Are there any books/authors that you’ve read, that have influenced you as an author? I believe that everything I read influences me as an author. From every book comes a nugget of inspiration, a technique to be learned, a style to be admired. Inspiration and influence are all around us, we have only but to look for it. 5) Where is your favorite place to write? My favorite place to write is at the beach, with the warm sun at my back and the waves lapping at my toes. But living in the Pacific Northwest means I don’t often get to my favorite place and when I do, it’s rarely warm. I most often write in my home office surrounded by shelves of books with my dogs napping at my feet. Although, when the sun does decide to come out to play, I can often be found on the back patio, laptop in hand. 6) I really enjoyed Exile (Death Follows 1) and look forward to the continuation of the series. Do you have plans to continue this series in the near future? I am so glad you enjoyed Exile, and yes, I have plans to continue the Death Follows series. I an-

| DANIELLE DEVON | ticipate the second book to release this winter, with the third to follow in early 2017.

Read on for an excerpt from Exile Danielle Devon delivers the first installment of a near-future adventure as John and the others struggle to survive in a post-pandemic world. The secrets they keep could be humanity’s salvation…or it’s ultimate demise.

Uncaged follow-up: This is exciting news for me. 7) Besides the Death Follows series, what are you working on and what else do you have plans for in the near future? I am currently working on Death Reader, a paranormal mystery featuring an unorthodox partnership between a homicide detective and a psychic who must work together to solve a strange murder. I have also just begun work on Starcast, a science fiction adventure that explores how individuals lives can impact the past, the present and the future. 8) What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you? I would like to say thank you not only to my fans, but to book lovers everywhere, for your continued support. People are welcome to visit my website at http://danielledevon.com for more information about me and my books. I am also scheduled to launch a blog for fans of science fiction, fantasy and paranormal later this summer. So be sure to sign up for the newsletter on my website if you’d like to get in on that. I look forward to seeing you there! Danielle Devon is a multi-published author who has settled comfortably into her unique realm of sci-fi, fantasy and paranormal fiction. Her writing has been hailed by reviewers as “darkly poetic,” her stories as “vividly painted with a colorful canvas which comes to life before your eyes.” She lives in the beautiful Northwest with her husband and children.

Death Follows: Exile Ten years after the sickness turned dead men into living corpses, John Marshall found himself exiled from Haven. Beyond the walls of the sanctuary, John and the others struggle to survive in a world gone mad with hunger. But it’s not just the dead who hunt them, now Haven wants the girl. Can John and the others hold on to their humanity long enough to protect her, or will death continue to follow? Prologue ~~~~~~~~ This was the place where people gave their lives. She knew this the moment they strapped her to the table. Above her a florescent light hummed. The battered paneling of steel surrounded her. Machines buzzing, saline dripping, this was

Issue 1 | July/August 2016 |


| FEATURE AUTHOR | her youth, what was left of it. She no longer waited and hoped for freedom. It was clear now that no one was coming. But then, who would come? He had already betrayed her. They tried to sedate her but the drugs wouldn’t claim her. She endured the torture, every prick of the needle, every slice of her flesh, with excruciating pain. Her body lay battered and bruised, sliced open and stitched back together, all the while her sharp mind plotted. “How is our patient today?” The dark haired nurse handed him the clipboard. “Still holding strong, it’s quite amazing.” The Doctor glanced at the chart. “Quite.” He ran his hands up the length of her arm, his fingertips cold and calloused as they trailed along her skin. She wanted to shirk away from his touch, from the fingers that poked and prodded, but she knew better. If she fought they would only tighten her restraints. Then the days she had spent working to loosen them, inch by maddening inch, would be for nothing. The girl stared blankly at the ceiling, yet from the corner of her eye, she watched every movement. She had memorized the ritual in the weeks she had been strapped to the table. Like a choreographed dance, the Doctor would move religiously through his tasks. She knew her moment was approaching, soon they would be alone, the way he preferred it. Just the two of them, the girl helpless beneath the slice of the blade. She stared into the light,

10 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

fighting the urge to close her eyes. He wouldn’t have let her. He wanted her awake, wanted to see her pain. But this time…this time, she would make him feel her pain. “We’ll run another sequence. We’re getting closer, I can feel it.” Yes, you’ll feel it. “Very well.” The nurse went to work setting out his tools on the metal tray. “Any response in the test subject?” “No Doctor, not today.” From the corner of her eye, she saw him nod. His constant failure never etched frustration across his face. If anything, it pleased him, more time with her to inflict his experiments. To revel in her pain. “Leave us.” The girl heard the click of the door, the shush as it opened. Heard it fall back into place, leaving them alone. Just her and the Doctor now, just as he wanted. He slipped on his glove, the snap of latex echoing through the sterile room. Soundlessly, the girl worked her hand against the restraint, inch by inch, slipping it through the cuff that bound her. “I have hope,” he said as he readied his tools, arranging them by size and shape as always. “That today is our day, little one.” Beside her, her free hand lay, still and hidden, waiting. He turned, opening a cabinet to retrieve the bottle of alcohol he would use to prepare the injection site. The girl sat up slowly, silently

| DANIELLE DEVON | lifting a surgical knife from the tray. The Doctor turned, bottle in hand, and met her feral gaze. “Well now, what have we here?” A rattling noise rumbled from deep inside her. She lunged for him, the movement quick, the sweep of the blade precise as she jabbed it into his throat. He coughed and sputtered, tried to scream but the blade lay lodged in his throat, blood spewing down his neck. He dropped the open bottle, alcohol splashing across the floor, the stringent scent stinging her nose. He clawed for his throat, his fingers grasping for the knife.

make him suffer, she couldn’t give in. She hated the weakness in herself, hated him because he hadn’t broke her. Sliced, poked, prodded…yes, but no matter what he did, her resolve never wavered. It would have been easier, if she’d just broken, but it hadn’t happened that way. She drove the knife into his chest, breaking bone with the force of her fury. “Yes,” she whispered, “Today is going to be our day.”

She swept her legs around, her feet landing solidly against his throat. Buried the knife deeper, breaking his hand. He stumbled backward and the girl reached for another scalpel. Sliced the leather band that held her left hand. She lurched from the bed, threw her weight against him, sent him tumbling to the floor. She climbed atop of him, legs straddling his midsection as she drew the blade up, the sharp tip hovering dangerously above him. She stared down into his wide eyes, enjoyed the terror, the confusion, the pain swimming in them. Yes, today he would feel her pain. She slipped the knife under his shirt, carefully sliced the fabric in two, exposing the grey hairs that fanned across his chest. He kicked helplessly, his pulse dipping, his fingers clawing weakly at her. But he was a rag doll beneath her and she could have her way. But she couldn’t do it. As much as wanted to

danielledevon.com Issue 1 | July/August 2016 |



| Cover Author Showcase |

Review of Exile, Death Follows 1 I was supplied a copy of this book for an honest review from Danielle Devon.

Uncaged Review This book is a shorter read, and it sets up a post apocalyptic world and introduces you to the main characters. The zombies are present, and atypical of the zombie normal, sluggish, just wanting to eat you - think The Walking Dead. You start out at a sanctuary, named Haven. One of the few safe places left in the ravaged world after the virus hits. But in the sanctuary, there are rules. Disobey and your sentenced to a prison cell underneath Haven. And there is a lottery, to keep the population in check. As a group is sent out to the cruel world as selections in the lottery, one small girl escapes with them. For a reason unknown to the group of castaways, she may or may not hold the key to the world’s survival, and the Counsil at Haven want her back. And they will kill anyone standing in their way. I can’t give anything more away for this, but I like the world that was started here. The characters begin to take shape nicely, and the storyline is fresh and original. I’m recommending this book to anyone who likes the post-apocalyptic world - zombies included. And it’s a good jump off book for anyone interested in starting in this genre.

12 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

Uncaged Rating: Older teens OK Dystopian genre Some graphic violence No explicit sex scenes Mild language

feature author Darlene Kuncytes

Interview Where to follow Darlene Kuncytes Excerpt from A Vampire’s Saving Embrace Review

The Supernatural Series

| FEATURE AUTHOR | I had the pleasure of meeting Darlene and her cast of character’s during my job with BTS Book Reviews. I can say, she’s one of the nicest, most gracious authors I’ve ever met.


Thank you Darlene for the feature.

I love sitting there in the early morning with a cup of coffee and the quiet.

1) Do you remember the first book you read and how old you were? Who and/or what inspired you to read? The very first book that I remember reading was Lady and the Tramp. I loved that book! I would have to say that my dad inspired me to read. He loved reading. 2) Who are some of your favorite authors now, and what genres do you tend to read the most? When I have time to read, I love reading other indie authors. I try to keep away from the genre that I am writing at the moment which is SO hard because there are so many amazing romance authors out there. Honestly, though, I have a bunch of books on my kindle that I am dying to read, but just don’t have the time. Sigh. 3) Who or what influenced you to start writing? I would say that was my mom. We would make books and she would have me write the stories for the pictures we would draw. 4) Are there any books/authors that you’ve read, that have influenced you as an author? Well, I grew up reading horror. Lol. Stephen King, Dean Koontz, John Saul so it is really funny that I became a romance author! But, I have also always had a very active romantic 14 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

5) Where is your favorite place to write? Oh, out on my deck.

6) One of the things I love about your Supernatural Desire series, is your character building. I even loved the secondary characters, and really can’t pick a favorite. Whose story in this series, was your favorite to write? Which was the hardest? Actually, Luke and Kat’s story was the easiest. Kat’s snarky smart-assedness (is that even a word?!?! LOL) is so like me, so their story just kind of flowed. 7) Are we going to see more of the Supernatural Desire series, and what else do you have planned for the future? Will you ever return to the established characters with a new storyline? I am currently working on Harper’s story. Then I do have another Suspense/Romance started and have been tossing around a sort of spin-off on the series with Brianna’s story in New Orleans. But, shhhhh that is a secret!! LOL I let my characters talk to me, so when they want their stories told it just kind of happens. 8) What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you? Thank you!! Thank you….thank you…THANK YOU! Lol! I LOVE my readers more than you could EVER know! They are my lifeblood. They are the reason that I love spinning my stories. When they tell me how much they love my characters…wow. It means the world to me. They

| DARLENE KUNCYTES | can follow me on Facebook at Darlene Kuncytes Author or A Vampire’s Saving Embrace fan page. I also have a Fan Club on Facebook and a newsletter they can sign up for. They can follow me on Twitter @VampireEmbrace or TSU. Oh! And follow me on Amazon!!!

Darlene Kuncytes was born and raised in Northeast Ohio. She has enjoyed reading and writing for as long as she can remember - and has always had a love for romance. She is a smart ass with a wicked sense of humor, who loves her family and

friends fiercely. “A Vampire’s Saving Embrace” is her first novel in The Supernatural Desire Series - with no cliffhangers. Book 2!! “A Wolf’s Savage Embrace” - Read Luke and Kat’s story!! Funny, sexy, romantic!! They will have you laughing out loud and your toes curling! Book 3!! “Marcus’ Mortal Embrace” - Warm, sensitive...touching! The journey continues! She has always loved the supernatural with a touch of suspense - not to mention the allure of finding one’s soul mate. In her spare time, she fosters Puppy-mill survivors, writes - and loves the water. These are stand-alone reads - but will leave you wanting so much more! Join in the journey of this wonderful band of Supernaturals! Get your paranormal on! Be sure to lose yourself to “I’ll Be Seeing You” This is her newest release!!! An edge of your seat thriller and hot as hell romance. This is a definite must read!

Read on for an excerpt from A Vampire’s Saving Embrace Abigail Montgomery was happy with her life. She was independent, strong and had managed on her own for a long time. That was until the dark, handsome Desmond LaGrange showed up at the bar where she worked. How could she know that this mysterious man would end up saving her from the evil she didn’t even know existed? And why was she so drawn to him? Desmond LaGrange was fighting a past he was trying hard to forget. But when he see’s the beautiful Abby working behind the bar, something deep inside compels him to get closer. The only question was why? When he saves her from danger - can he resist the strong pull between them to let her go when the time comes? A wonderful, stand-alone story that will introduce you to, and make you fall in love with the characters from the upcoming books. Meet the group of characters that you can’t help but root for, fall in love with, and sigh over!

Excerpt ~~~~~~

Luke gave a low whistle, his eyes once again traveling slowly over Abby’s entire body. “Well, I can’t say that I blame them,” he replied with a chuckle, “she smells damn good. Not at all hard on the eyes either.” Again Abby felt Desmond’s entire body tense, “Easy wolf,” he growled in warning - but Lucas just broke out into a deep, rich – completely, amused laughter.

Issue 1 | August 2016 |


| FEATURE AUTHOR | “Damn, blood-sucker,” he choked out – his eyes gleaming with humor. “Don’t go getting your fangs all up in a bunch. I’m just making a little friendly - completely obvious, observation. She is gorgeous after all. You can’t blame a guy for noticing. I mean, I’d have to be damn blind not too, and as you know – wolves have excellent sight.” “Lucas…” Desmond growled, and the man held up his hands in front of him in surrender - even though his eyes stayed on Abby. “Ok…ok, I’m done.” He said, still chuckling softy.

finish what was started with that kiss – but she bit back the thought and cleared her throat. “No, I’m fine - just a little weirded out by your friend.” “Luke is harmless,” he offered, still disturbingly nuzzling her neck as he spoke. “Besides, he knows that I would neuter him in an instant if he were ever to step out of line.” “Well, that sure is comforting.” Abby muttered - taking a step away from him, even though her body hated her for it.

“You had damn well better be,” Desmond warned firmly. After a few moments, Luke’s smile faded, and he looked back to Desmond. “But in all seriousness Des – you know you have our protection - whatever you need, we are at your disposal. Now if the two of you will excuse me – I’ll go gather the pack and fill them in,” he gave Abby a slight wink and was gone. Abby watched him leave and shivered from the shear animal essence that the man left in his wake. She felt Desmond’s other arm wrap around her middle - causing her breath to catch in her throat. “Are you cold, my pet?” he whispered in her ear, his lips teasing the sensitive spot right below her lobe. Cripes – did this man know every erogenous zone that she possessed? She shook her head slightly, trying desperately not to be distracted by the feel of him pressed up against her. He was raw sex, and that was definitely proving to be a problem. It was taking everything she had not to turn around and plunge her hands into his thick head of hair - to pull his full, perfect mouth down to hers and 16 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com


| DARLENE KUNCYTES | Review of A Vampire’s Saving Embrace I was supplied with a copy of A Vampire’s Saving Embrace for an honest review from Darlene Kuncytes. The other two were gifted to me from Darlene. I’m reviewing all three books here and a summary of the series thus far.

Uncaged Reviews A Vampire’s Saving Embrace I have always loved reading paranormal, and give me a crack at a good vampire romance, and I’m reading well into the night. And that is exactly what happened with this book. I read this book pretty quick, in less than 2 days, and not because it’s a short book, but because I couldn’t put it down. This is the start of The Supernatural Series, and it gives you the story of Desmond and Abby. Abby is attacked one night on the way home, and Desmond, a gorgeous and powerful vampire saves her and takes her to his home for her safety. But they soon find out someone is after Abby, and they don’t know why...yet. This book is full of action, sweet romance, some hot sex, and enough witty humor to have you laughing out loud. And even better, you fall in love with not only the main characters, but the secondary as well. You will be cheering them on, and before you know it, the book is over. Bah! Luckily, you can dive right into......

A Wolf’s Savage Embrace This book drops you off after Desmond and Abby’s story finishes. You can easily read this one before the first, but I really recommend that you read the series from the beginning to get the best experience from this series. Kat gets a call from her mother, telling her of a sister, that she never knew she even had. Her mother wants her to go find her sister, and bring her to her. But when Kat decides to go, Luke decides he’s going with to watch her back at Desmond and Abby’s insistence. Here comes the fun. This is the funniest of the books. The banter (and attraction) between Kat and Luke will have you chuckling all the way through. Witch’s and Werewolves are supposed to be taboo...but they can’t fight the attraction they feel forever. When Kat finds her sister, Harper, she also finds out that the plans for her and Harper are not on the up and up. So there is plenty of action, plenty of humor and again, some great sex scenes. And again, we are falling in love with even more characters that the author throws at us. But don’t worry, the characters from the previous book come back in this one also, such a treat to see them again.

Marcus’ Mortal Embrace This story revolves around Marcus, who is Desmond’s younger brother. This story is the darkest of the three books, and learning about the guilt and hurt that Marcus carries around, will pull at your heartstrings. Marcus is in New Orleans, staying at his friend, Briana’s Bed and Breakfast trying to track down a rogue Vampire that is a threat to his family. But he didn’t expect

Issue 1 | August 2016 |


| FEATURE AUTHOR | someone like Elizabeth to walk into his life, and into Briana’s B&B. But Elizabeth has her own past to deal with and trusting a man, isn’t exactly first on her list. Like I said, this is the darkest of the books, but it pulls at your emotions in a totally different way than the first two. Don’t get me wrong, you still have all the elements in place like the first two books, action, hot sex scenes and romance, and you will get to see the characters from the first two books make an appearance again in this one. It’s one of the things I love about this author, she keeps a good storyline arc with the main characters of the book, but brings back the ones you fell in love with before.

Summary of The Supernatural Series To wrap this series up, is actually so easy for me. These books can easily be read as standalones, but like I said, I highly recommend you read them from the beginning. You’ll just want to anyway, after you’ve read one of them. Full of action, humor, romance - I read way too long, and way too late into the night with these books. It’s easy to care about characters in books, but I don’t always get pulled in to the secondary characters in a book as well as I did with these. I rate the whole series the same. Can’t wait for the next book. Darlene - get writing!! :)

Uncaged Ratings: Adults only

Paranormal romance Hot sex scenes (not considered erotic) Violence Some language

18 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

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Hard-headed and fiercely independent- Katrina Winslow is definitely not used to being told what to do. Yet - just when she thinks that her life might be heading in the right direction for the very first time - she’s hit with a bombshell; and her past pops up to haunt her. Suddenly, she is sent down a path that she has no desire what so ever to take; and is told to leave behind the one man that she could possibly care for - or he’ll be killed. And that makes for one ticked off Witch! Now, it’s Lucas Blackwater’s turn to show Kat that he is a force to be reckoned with. He is the Alpha male of his pack - sarcastic, overbearing and drop-dead gorgeous...and definitely not happy with being told no. When Kat tells him that she’s leaving - he doesn’t take the news well and forces her to take him with her. Whether she likes it or not. Together they begin a journey that will change their world in more ways than they could ever have imagined. And, as Kat tries to push Luke away; for what she believes is his own safety Luke has other idea’s. And the sparks fly! Can Luke convince her that what they have between them is real - or will the dangers that threaten everything they are destroy them?


And, everyone that they love - including Abby and Desmond. A fun, sultry, touching romance with passion and heart! It will grab you and hold on - from start to finish! Join the next journey in the Supernatural Desire Series.

more than to go home.

Marcus LaGrange was bone weary. He had been in the beautiful city of New Orleans much longer than he had wanted. But, he was trying to track down a rogue Vampire that was a threat to those he loved...yet wanted nothing

He never expected to be knocked to his knees by the lovely Elizabeth Chase. And, if it wasn’t bad enough that she made his body ache with a need that he hadn’t felt in centuries… she was a mortal! He had absolutely no time for distractions…and this lovely human was just that! And, in the most tempting way – bringing back his past with a vengeance and making him question everything that he had ever believed.

She only wanted to get done what she had been sent to do, and to go back home to her solitary existence. So; why then, when the man touched her did her skin tremble and burn with a fire that seared her to her very soul? Why did he cause every damn thing that she had programmed herself to believe and feel to go straight out of the window? She had baggage - and she definitely wasn’t looking to pick up more. Can these two fight the attraction that pops and sizzles around them? Or, will they give in to a desire that cannot be ignored? They both have secrets…and it could spell disaster for everyone that they care about – including each other. Join the journey to discover if they can find forgiveness and redemption before the evil out there destroys them all. Will love be enough?

Elizabeth Chase was in New Orleans to do a job. She hadn’t planned on running into the gorgeous Marcus LaGrange at the Inn where she was staying. Men were permanently off of her menu.

Issue 1 | August 2016 |


| FEATURE AUTHOR | Katherine Chastain has been running from her past for ten very long years. She is a woman who has been hiding from the nightmare that stalks her. Desperate and sick of jumping at every shadow, she stumbles into the small town Police Department in yet another town where she lives – desperate for help. Desperate to know that she isn’t insane like everyone seems to believe. She wasn’t prepared for the force of nature that answers her call. Detective Cole McKenzie was the playboy of the precinct. With movie star good looks and a body just made for sin; he never had a cold bed – but when Katherine walks into his office in search of salvation, he is nearly knocked to his knees. There is something about her that he just can’t shake. Her haunted emerald eyes burn him to his very soul, and he finds that he wants nothing more than to help her stop the nightmare that has become her life. Can Cole protect her from someone who is like a phantom? Someone who has been stalking and terrorizing her for most of her life? Can he fight the desire that wells up inside him with just a simple look from this amazing woman? Or will she be his end? Can these two fight the attraction that snaps and 20 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

crackles around them as danger lurks in the shadows? Take a breath and join this thrilling ride! Edge of your seat thrills!!!

feature author Tessa McFionn

Interview Where to follow Tessa McFionn Excerpt from Spirit Fall Reviews The Guardians Series

| FEATURE AUTHOR | I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Tessa McFionn for a few years now, and when she began writing The Guardian series, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on them. And I wasn’t disappointed. Thank you Tessa for the feature and the friendship. 1) Do you remember the first book you read and how old you were? Who and/or what inspired you to read? Oh wow. I’ve been a reader my whole life. I remember my mother reading to me and my brother every night. We started with things like Dr. Seuss, but moved quickly to The Hobbit. I devoured everything that fell into the fantasy or sci-fi realm. I actually read Starship Troopers with a dictionary and thesaurus next to me when I was in the third grade, along with Homer the summer before I went into the sixth grade. I was quite precocious as a kid and it turned me into an inquisitive adult. 2) Who are some of your favorite authors now, and what genres do you tend to read the most? I still love anything out of the ordinary, but most of the books on my shelf fall into either serious fantasy like Terry Brooks and Tolkein, or paranormal romance. My favorite authors today are Sherrilyn Kenyon (in fact, I have her latest, Born of Legend, next to me as we speak), J.R. Ward. Christine Feehan, Kresley Cole, Dianna Love, Lisa Kessler and Larissa Ione. Some of these amazing ladies, I’ve had the honor of meeting, and that makes me love them even more. 3) Who or what influenced you to start writing? I think I’ve loved writing almost as long as I’ve loved reading, both I attribute to my mother. She 24 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

inspired me to stretch my artistic wings and was also so proud of each little story or article I wrote during high school and college. When I finally took the plunge and tried my hand at a fullfledged novel, she was so happy. So, each new work, I hope to do honor to her memory. 4) Are there any books/authors that you’ve read, that have influenced you as an author? So many of them. I love how Sherrilyn keeps her characters witty and loveable even in the face of horrible events. I love the attention to detail Terry Brooks gives to all the worlds he’s created. I gain new tricks and insights from every author I read, and I just hope that I can translate some of their expertise into my story telling. 5) Where is your favorite place to write? LOL! I wish I had an ornate office with beautiful bookcases. Sadly, my workspace is the corner of the couch in my living room. Sometimes, if the weather permits, I move my laptop outside onto the patio and let nature help my muse. As long as I can get some peace, I’m happy. 6) The thing that really grabbed me with your books, is the world and character building. In a very short amount of time, I was drawn in and held prisoner! In a good way! What inspires you to write and gives you inspiration? Awwww. Thank you. Well, for my first book, I drew a bit from personal experience. When we meet our heroine, Siobhan, standing on the ledge, that was me. It was a dark time in my life and I found myself crossing that same bridge very late one night. As I peeked over into the canyon, the story started to form in my head. Once I got home, I sat down and Malakai was born, along with the world of the Guardians. I guess I’ve

| TESSA MCFIONN | always been a sucker for a hero.

Stay in touch with Tessa McFionn!

7) Are we going to see more of The Guardian series, and what else do you have planned for the future? I loved that you brought the characters from the first book back so we could see them again in the second. Will we meet more Guardians and will we keep seeing previous characters return in the future? Oh yes. I have much more in store. Right now, the third book, tentatively titled Spirit Song, has been completed and submitted. Just awaiting the next steps. This one takes place in Chicago and pits our hero, an Italian Renaissance assassin, against none other than the mob with the heart of a beautiful singer as the prize. I know, I know. I’ve had several people ask about Eamon, but it seems he’s enjoying his bachelor life and doesn’t want to get tied down just yet. I plan to keep moving around the country, discovering new Guardians and bringing love, magic and quirky reparte to the world. Uncaged follow-up: Going to have to trap Eamon - love him! 8) What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you? To my fans, THANK YOU! I cannot say enough how humbled I am to know that others love my boys as much as I do. I tend to spend a little too much time on Facebook, but it’s the best way to interact with fans and other writers as well, since I will forever think of myself as a student and always in need of learning.

Tessa McFionn is a very native Californian and has called Southern California home for most of her life, growing up in San Diego and attending college in Northern California and Orange County, only to return to San Diego to work as a teacher. Insatiably curious and imaginative, she loves to learn and discover, making her wicked knowledge of trivial facts an unwelcomed guest at many Trivial Pursuit boards. When not writing, she can be found at the movies or at Disneyland with her husband, as well as family, friends or anyone who wants to play at the Happiest Place on Earth. She also finds her artistic soul fed through her passions for theatre, dance and music. A proud parent of far too many high school seniors and two still living house plants, she also enjoys hockey, reading and playing Words With Friends to keep her vocabulary sharp. She is currently the treasurer of the San Diego chapter of Romance Writers of America and loves spending time working with such amazingly intelligent and creative writers.


Here are the other links to keep in touch with me. Thank you so much!

Issue 1 | August 2016 |



Enjoy an excerpt from Spirit Fall Spirit Fall Excerpt “Find something you like?” The deep voice behind Voni caught her completely by surprise. She scrambled to pull the headphones off, catching her hair in her haste. Twisting around, she found herself facing Kai’s broad chest. She raised her eyes to come face-toface with her late-night Samaritan. Black fabric stretched taut against his sculpted chest, and one bronze arm braced on the wall well above her head. The black T-shirt melted into black jeans, finishing in black boots. His hair, though partially slicked back, fell to tantalize her senses, enveloping her in his amberand-musk scent, pure male and pure sex. His crooked smile brought out a devilish gleam in his ice-green eyes. My own personal dark angel of mercy. Her tongue and her brain seemed to have a difference of opinion. While her mind fought to make some intelligent response, her tongue seemed only interested in resuming its unfinished battle with his and stumbled over the simplest sounds. “Oh, wow. Um, hi. I mean,” she stammered, fumbling with the bulky plastic headphones and the cord currently tangled in her hair. The more she tugged, the stronger the snare became. Shit. Great, Voni. Just great! Can’t you for once not make him think you’re a complete clod? Her words rang through Kai’s mind, filling his heart with emotions unfamiliar to him, compassion and sympathy. He smiled warmly as he slid his fingers into the thick curtain of dark chestnut softness, sifting through the silken strands to help loosen the offending cable. The scent of

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jasmine and lavender, laced with vanilla and spices, assaulted his senses, dizzying, intoxicating. He fought to keep his distance, to maintain his cool, when every fiber of his being screamed at him to kiss her. It would be so easy to dip his head, close the final distance, and claim her lips. “Sorry, I did not mean to startle you,” he said smoothly, his hand still buried in her tresses. The cord fell free, and he begrudgingly released the softness but not before he trailed his fingertips gently against her cheek. Not wanting to leave her, but knowing she needed a little space, he pulled back to his original resting place. “So, what are you listening to?” “It’s, ah, Apoca—something,” she flustered, searching for the now-invisible case. “Where did that go? It was just—hang on.” She turned abruptly to face him, stopping midsearch. “How did you know where to find me?” He opened his mouth to respond, but a quick wave of her hand stopped him cold. “Wait, never mind.” She paused, looking up at him. “I guess last night really wasn’t just a dream,” she muttered. “Now, the real question is, why did you even want to find me?” “I would think that would be the easier question,” he replied, a devious smile curling his lips. A sudden blush colored her cheeks. “Oh my God, please, do not tell me I actually said that out loud?” He smiled in reply. “You mean, did you ask why I wanted to find you?”

| TESSA MCFIONN | A frustrated groan escaped Voni’s lips. “You know? I give up. I am cursed to say the wrong things whenever you’re around. My mouth just won’t listen to my brain, so I guess you’ll just have to either deal with a blithering idiot, or you can cut your losses now and head for the door.” She haphazardly shuffled the stacks of plastic, choosing the next selection. “I’d pick the latter, if I were you.” He tipped her chin up, pulling her attention away from the colorful squares to meet his gaze. He waited only a moment until her amber orbs found his, a reassuring smile growing as the seconds ticked by. “Then I suppose we are both lucky that I am not you.”

The second book, Spirit Bound, was given to me for an honest revew from Tessa McFionn. The first book, Spirit Fall, I read on KindleUnlimited when it was available. Both books will be reviewed.

Uncaged Reviews Spirit Fall This book starts off right away in a darker place. Siobahn, or Voni, is standing on a bridge almost ready to throw herself off. The heartache and depression she feels from the loss of her fiance’ is overwhelming, and she’s stricken with nightmares. This is how Kai finds her. Kai is from an ancient brotherhood of Guardians, entrusted to keeping humans safe from evil that lurks in the form of Rogue Warriors. Talking her down from the bridge, Kai senses something very special about Voni - and he senses that she is his Spiritmate, him and his fellow Guardian, Eamon, will do what they can to break her free from the evil that surrounds her. There are some nice twists in the book, and the romance was sweet and the sex scenes hot. You can’t help but root for Voni, she’s sarcastic, funny, awkward, and says whatever she’s thinking, with few filters. And what’s not to love about Kai?


The world building is amazing, the characters are always entertaining, and there wasn’t a slow spot in the book. Amazing chemistry between all the characters.

Issue 1 | August 2016 |



Spirit Bound The funny thing about these books, is I actually read this one first, and I was never lost, I caught onto the gist of everything just as I would any book, so being a series book, that gives a lot of credit to the author, that a reader can pick up a book in a series and not be lost. I would recommend starting at the beginning, as the characters you meet in Spirit Fall, do come back here - they are only part of the supporting cast in this book, but it’s nice to catch up with them. So this one also seems to start in a dark place - maybe a pattern? You meet Calliope who has been captured and tortured for days. Galen, a Guardian, hears her cries in his mind, and the only way that would happen, is if she was his spiritmate. The Rogue Warrior that is her captor, is Stefan, and to save himself, his soul and his spiritmate, Galen will need everything at his disposal.

Series Summary

All in all, this is a terrific series. The author pulls you right into the story, and the characters are memorable and likable. The story is a original idea on the Guardian genre within urban fantasy. As I read, I could see places and objects in my mind, and I was pulled in. A touch of mystery and suspense, keeps you well engaged. And bravo to seeing characters coming back in from the other book. When you find characters you like, you always hate to give them up completely. The whole series gets a great rating.

Ancient danger. Deadly rivals. A love that spans the Void of time… Kidnapped and tortured for days, grad student Calliope Vandeen is sure her pleas for mercy have fallen on deaf ears. But when she hears a seductive voice in her head, followed by a towering warrior straight out of her ancient history textbooks, she begins to believe in fairy tale endings. Swept into a world of living heroes with magical powers, Cal must call upon her deepest wells of strength…if her captors have left anything alive within her. Galen Alexiou is one of the oldest Guardian Warriors, serving the cause for almost 2,500 years. Never once did he think he would find his spiritmate, much less that she would call to him across the Void. But when he hears the voice calling for help, he realizes that not only is she real, but she’s in deadly danger at the hands of Rogue Stefan de Coldreto, an ancient enemy with a ruthless gift. With this mysterious young beauty in his hands, he must learn how his enemies found the female who holds the key to his salvation, and destroy this evil before it claims both Calliope’s life, and his very soul…

Uncaged Ratings: Adults only Urban Fantasy romance Hot sex scenes (not considered erotic) Violence Some language

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feature author Jami Gray

Interview Where to follow Jami Gray Excerpt from Touched by Fate Reviews PSY-IV Teams Series

| FEATURE AUTHOR | Interviewing authors is a fun job, as they always answer the questions better than I can ask them. And Jami Gray is no different, and it reflects well in her books. Thank you Jami, for the feature. No, thank you, Cyrene for asking me to be a part of this. What an exciting adventure! 1) Do you remember the first book you read and how old you were? Who and/or what inspired you to read? Oh, that’s a toughie as you’re asking me to reach back into the mists of time. Let’s see, the very first books, after the early readers of “See Jane. See Jane Run.” variety, was a big book of fairy tales. I had to be around six or seven, and that oversized book was dragged around like a security blanket for years. Eventually I moved on, devouring everything I could get my hands on—fiction and non-fiction, didn’t matter. If a story was being told, I wanted to read it. 2) Who are some of your favorite authors now, and what genres do you tend to read the most? That’s a trick question because the answer could take up page after page, and change depending on where I’m at in my life. Right now I tend to lean toward Urban Fantasy, Romantic Suspense with paranormal and/or military elements, and anything that catches my attention. If you check out my bookshelves (and they are legion) I have Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Suzanne Johnson, Stephanie Tyler, Stephen King, Cynthia Eden, Elle Kennedy, Seanan McGuire, Jim Butcher, Kevin Hearne, Maya Banks, Trish McCallan, CT Adams, Anne Bishop, Christy Reece, JD Robb, Jennifer Estep, Kresley Cole, Natasza Waters, and the list can

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be endless. I can’t ever seem to catch up on my TBR pile…erm…piles. 3) Who or what influenced you to start writing? I wasn’t the first story teller in my family as our clan wasn’t too far removed from the Blarney Stone. One of my earliest memories is my maternal grandfather explaining the reason I had spots on my face was because at night, while I was sleeping, brownies were sneaking in and dropping kisses over my nose. If I had to try and point to one author who inspired me to set pen to paper, I’d be stuck between the Trixie Belden mysteries from Kathryn Kenny and my favorite Urban Fantasy of all, The Dark is Rising series by Susan Cooper. Granted, Trixie’s world was all about solving the whodunit which appealed to my inner Sherlock, Will’s world interwove magic with reality and I was a goner. My fascination with a world of unlimited possibilities lingering just out of reach of the “normal” world was born and away I went, trailing words in my wake. 4) Are there any books/authors that you’ve read, that have influenced you as an author? For any writer, this is one of those difficult to be specific questions because in some way, shape, or form, every book you read influences your writing. One of the things I really, truly believe is that every writer should be an avid reader. When another writer captures your imagination, they become a spark for your creative muse to wonder, and that wonder is what leads a writer to lift their voice in story. As for advice that has haunted my writing path, I have a couple. The first comes from Jim Thompson, an Ameri-

| JAMI GRAY | can author of hardboiled crime fiction, which I’m sorry to say, I haven’t yet read, but I can remedy that. He made the best comment ever in regards to story telling, keeping it simple and to the point: “There is only one plot—things are not what they seem.” The second and third are from Stephen King who needs no introduction, I’m sure: “We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones.” “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There’s no way around these two things that I’m aware of, no shortcut.” 5) Where is your favorite place to write? I use to sneak out of my house and hide out a local coffee shop, but as my sons have garnered their own lives, I find I do just fine in the office I share with my hubby. Well, so long as I don my headphones to drown out the cries of agony and ecstasy from the electronic battles raging across the room. Yep, my Knight-in-Slightly-MuddyArmor and the Prankster Duo all indulge in their own versions of magic and mayhem. If I’m lucky, the two Fur Minxes of the Labrador Guild are either under my desk on my feet or right behind my chair, limiting my escape options. 6) I’ve read books from two different series of yours now, and the one thing that is common to all of them, is the never-ending action packed storylines and well flushed out characters. What inspires your thought process when working on your series? Oh wow (blushing) thank you! The seemingly never-ending action scenes are actually the result of me being an avid reader. I love being sucked into a story from page one and

not surfacing until I hit the end. The stories that I connect the strongest with are those where I join the main character right at that moment when their whole world is being turned upside down. I want the same for my readers. I’m huge on character development and motivation, mainly because characters need to be human and that requires a complex personality. You throw a strong-willed person into chaos, force them to make spur of the moment decisions without all the necessary information, and then they have to live with consequences. That’s not always easy or comfortable. It’s like the game Jenga, where you think your base of blocks is solid, but the higher you go the shakier that base gets. Eventually you look back and realize you might have screwed up from the get go. I’m not sure my thought process is actually a process per se, at least not in the beginning. When I started out with SHADOW’S EDGE, the first in the Kyn series, I wrote by the seat of my pants. I knew who Raine McCord was and what drove her, and then I just started chucking things at her and away we went. By the time I hit HUNTED BY THE PAST, the first in the PSY-IV Teams, there was no more MacGyvering it together with a wish and a prayer. Because I love reading series, I tend to write in series. This means before you sit down with page one, I need to know my world and my characters’ place in it. Those two elements are crucial for every story and tend to have a symbiotic relationship, just like our real lives do with us. 7) The action packed stories with a bit of romance on the side, make for a great recipe. Are we going to see more of The Kyn Kronicles and the PSY-IV series, and what else do you have planned for the future? Oh heck yes, you are. TOUCHED BY FATE, the

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| FEATURE AUTHOR | second of the PSY-iV Teams just hit shelves in May. The third, MARKED BY OBSESSION, is currently with my editor, so we’re aiming for a late 2016 release date. My plan is to have a book for each team member, so with Cyn and Kayden in HUNTED, Risia and Tag in TOUCHED, and Wolf’s story in MARKED, Bishop’s story will follow, along with the rest of the team. As for the Kyn, I’ll be working with Cheveyo and Talia as I start on book 5 in August, with the goal to have it and book 6 out in 2017 to finish this particular story arc. While it may tie up Raine and Gavin’s adventures, it’s not the end of the Kyn world by any means. Even though I don’t have access to a crystal ball, I do have plans (rubbing hands together) for a second series in the Kyn world, but we shall see how things go. And because two series are not enough, I just finished a new project that I’m hoping to find a home for some time this year, so fingers crossed and stay tuned, I promise to keep you in the loop. Oh, if you’re looking for a fun read, I’m doing an Urban Fantasy Western called CONJURING MISERY with a couple of awesome writers, Camille Douglass and Dave Benneman, with a chapter going up every couple of weeks on my website. Feel free to join our campfire for that one! Uncaged follow-up: Like a moth to a flame..... 8) What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you? First and foremost, like any other author out there, I can not say “Thank you” enough to express how very grateful I am that readers take a chance on following me into my worlds.

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Writers write their stories to get the voices out of their heads and some of us worry no one else will find our worlds as exciting or intriguing as we do, so when a reader joins us then continues to return, we are humbled, and flattered, and for me, honored. I’m pretty easy to find, I have a web abode at www.jamigray.com. It’s well-furnished with a blog, all my books (including the first chapters just to whet your appetite), and other nifty items like a list of all the author interviews I’ve done, including Kevin Hearne, Jennifer Estep, Elle Kennedy, Kallypso Masters, Seanan McGuire, and many, many more. If you’re over on Facebook, you can catch me at my author page (https://www.facebook.com/ JamiGrayUFWriter) or my normal page, where I tend to be puttering about (https://www.facebook. com/jamigray.author).

Jami Gray is the award winning, multi-published author of the Urban Fantasy series, The Kyn Kronicles, and the Paranormal Romantic Suspense series, PSYIV Teams. She can be soothed with coffee and chocolate. Surrounded by Star Wars obsessed males and two female labs moonlighting as the Fur Minxes, she escapes by playing with the voices in her head.


More links: Newsletter Black Opal Books Muse It Up Publishing

jamigray.com Enjoy an excerpt from Touched by Fate WC 887 Caught in the chaos of Tag’s unexpected behavior, it took me a bit to realize we weren’t heading back to the hotel. In fact, we passed the turn to the freeway a few minutes before. Maybe he got lost? Not that guys tended to do that, from my experience, but there was always a first time. “Um, where are you going?” “We’ve got a tail.” He delivered the unwelcome news with a disconcerting calm. Since my ribs wouldn’t let me twist around to check out his claim, I peered into the side mirror, which warned me objects were closer than they appeared. Which meant the bright, eyesearing headlights quickly taking up mirror real estate would be kissing our bumper pretty damn quick. My hands reached out and curled into the armrest and console. “Tag…” “I see him.” It was my only warning as the SUV jerked forward. Tearing my stunned gaze away from the mirror, I caught the grim line of Tag’s jaw as the headlights behind us raced to close the distance. He flicked his gaze between the road ahead and the threat behind us. “Damn it.” He yanked the wheel, zipping past a taxi with inches to spare, into the middle lane. As soon as he was clear, he hit the gas and all I could do was dig my nails into the leather interior and hold one. The lights behind us fell back.

Unable to bear the suspense, I finally managed to shift in my seat so I could look behind us. The lights weren’t gone, but there was asphalt between the two of us. “He’s dropping behind.” “Not for long. He’s going to try to get alongside us.” And sure enough, as if waiting for Tag’s prediction, the headlights switched over to the left lane, dodging traffic. “He’s coming,” I pointed out, on the off chance Tag missed the crazy driver racing up on his left. “Turn around,” he snapped, just as he jerked to the right and slipped past the brake lights of the van trundling along in front of us. Since his abrupt movements yanked me around and set off a constant chorus of complaints from my ribs, I did as I was told, stifling the string of profanities trembling on my tongue. As my heart began to keep pace with the SUV, some inane part of my brain decided to chime in that perhaps it wasn’t necessary to break a sweat to do my cardio. A car chase seemed to work well. I wanted to ask Tag where he thought he was going, who the hell was behind us, and, more importantly, what the hell? Since he was busy playing a very lethal game of frogger at the time, I snuck a glance at the speedometer, seventy miles per hour and climbing, I kept my mouth shut, unwilling to distract him. My grip shifted from the armrest and seat to the chicken handle above the door, as Tag took a corner on two wheels. My breath stopped as the SUV tipped precariously before rocking back to level. Closing my eyes might have helped, but then I wouldn’t see the end coming. And some morbid fascination didn’t like that idea. So open they stayed, bouncing from Tag, to the road in front of us, then to the headlights coming up quick behind us. “Can you get any details on the bastard?” Tag growled, his focus solely on maneuvering the SUV down an access road running parallel to the freeway. “Dark blue or black, four-door sedan.” As we raced under streetlights, I picked up what I could Issue 1 | August 2016 |


| FEATURE AUTHOR | as we passed from one pool of light to the next. “License plate?” “Can’t see one.” My answer came out short since I was struggling not to snap at him about unreasonable requests, like trying to see a damn license plate at night while racing down a halfdeserted street. “Can you see how many are in there?” he pushed. Sucking in a breath and bracing one hand against his backrest, I tried to see as we bumped along. One breath, two, then, “Just one, I think.” His hand came up and grabbed my wrist, pulling me back forward, then went back to the wheel. “Hang on.” It was the only warning I got. Tag jerked hard on the wheel. The SUV did a sickening spin, and the rear wheels scrambled for traction. I braced against the dashboard, while my stomach twisted with the spin. Tag straightened the wheel and the SUV plowed over rough ground, bouncing violently. The jostling hurt, making me suck in a hard breath and close my eyes as a wave of pain echoed through me. Then the wheels found pavement, grabbed, and the SUV surged forward once more. Prying my eyes open, I realized Tag now had us on a freeway on-ramp. He cut across three lanes until he hit the carpool lane, then gunned it. Here’s hoping the police were busy elsewhere because I didn’t think Tag would pull over for anyone. Using my trusty mirror, I tried to scan the road behind us. “Where is he?” “Four cars back on the right.” A semi switched lanes and disturbingly familiar headlights glared into focus. My stomach clenched. Our tail was determined, really determined, and that could not mean anything good. WC 327 The DOD paid me good money to vet their civilian contracts, money which allowed my pen34 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

chant for expensive footwear, a skyline view of the Vegas strip, and a closet full of indulgences. That same money kept my troublesome secrets six feet under. Secrets Rawlings shouldn’t have been able to unearth. But whoever he had digging up my past, dug deep, So deep in fact, by the time Rawlings left with his smarmy smile and menacing shadow, I found myself between a rock and a hard place, wishing I had something a hell of a lot stronger than whiskey. Mixing whiskey with nerves had triggered my desperate attempt at leveling the playing field. Which, in turn, led to my current position, crouched behind an RV watching someone spider-man his way out of my condo. It was such a death- defying stunt, even my lungs were stunned. And they didn’t remember to function until whoever that was dropped safely onto the balcony below mine. For a moment, all I could do was stare at where the whole surreal thing had happened, my very tired and battered brain trying to figure out the who and why, but coming up empty. One thing was clear. Going home was not an option. Dammit. Fate was having a hell of a good time at my expense. Let’s tally her bill, shall we? A black eye, check. Bruised ribs, check. A bullet graze stinging across my shoulder, check. Nerves strung tight on exhaustion, double damn check. Sweat trickled down my spine, and the muscles in my legs trembled. Not just from their uncomfortable position, but because for the last fourteen hours, I’d run more than I’d ever run in my life. Being blessed with a hyperactive metabolism, running was never really a consideration. Well, not until last night. And if things didn’t change soon, I’d be doing some more mad dashes trying to stay ahead of the rolling mounds of crap hurtling toward me.

| JAMI GRAY | Raine McCord is a kickass, and I loved getting to know her. Everything that the author tossed at her (at it’s a lot, trust me), Raine comes right back for more. Pairing her with the delicious Gavin is icing on the cake. Raine and Gavin are Wraiths, assassins that are assigned to take down the evil Kyn that emerge from the shadows. to keep their secrets safe from the human world. This is a non-stop action book, and if you like the paranormal action, with a sprinkling of romance, you will enjoy these books. This was my first book that I read from Jami Gray, and definitely won’t be the last. There are suspenseful elements, well-written action sequences and a developing romance.

Shadow’s Soul (Kyn Kronicles - Book 2)

I’ll be reviewing Shadow’s Edge, Shadow’s Soul (first 2 books in the Kyn Kronicles series) and Hunted by the Past (first book in the PSY-IV series)

Uncaged Reviews Shadow’s Edge (Kyn Kronicles - Book 1)

The first book in the Kyn Kronicles, introduces us to Kyn (supernaturals) and to the main characters of Raine and Gavin. At first, knowing what everything in the Kyn world, and what the characters are, is a bit confusing, but you do get into the swing of it as you go along. The Kyn are unknown to humans/mundanes and now there is a mystery about to blow their secrecy.

The second book picks up where the first one left off. Raine is assigned to keep the head magi of the Southwest Kyn - Cheveyo - safe and be his bodyguard. But things go awry when Cheveyo is kidnapped and Raine is brutally beaten within an inch of her life. Finding Cheveyo and freeing him from one of the deadliest of evils, a Soul Stealer, Raine and Gavin will have to combine their magic and face an evil force stronger than they’ve ever faced before. This book took some wild turns and a few twists I didn’t expect, which is great! Intricate scenes, you are in the story with them. I think the characters are even better flushed out in this book, and the relationship between Raine and Gavin has never been stronger. It’s a good thing that Raine is Kyn, she survives some of the most brutal action scenes, both magically, and physically. The author does not shy away from throwing her into the fray.

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Hunted by the Past (PSY-IV Teams)

This series is more of a psychological/ suspense/thriller. It start off with a bang also, you are tossed into the action immediately. You get to know Cyn, who is an ex-marine and has the ability to experience the past. Cyn has hidden her gifts, only to find that her whole military team are part of the PSY-IV operatives, all with psychic abilities of some nature. This book also introduces you to Kayden, whom she reconnects with from her military days. Cyn gets a terrifying call from her sister, and to help her sister she will need the help of Kayden and the entire team. This is an edge-of-your-seat thriller. The action is non-stop, and the storyline is well thought out, and the romance between Cyn and Kayden brews slowly. This story captures you and it’s hard to put down. All books from both series are rated the same.

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Uncaged Ratings: Adults only Kyn Chronicles Series

Urban Fantasy/Paranormal romance Hot sex scenes (not considered erotic) Violence Some language

Uncaged Ratings: Adults only PSY-IV Team Series

Psychological Thriller with paranormal elements Hot sex scenes (not considered erotic) Violence Some language


Shadow’s Moon

(Kyn Kronicles, book 3) Even wild hearts can be broken… Tracker, Xander Cade, confronts an enraged Shifter in a crowded human nightclub, fraying the thin secrecy shielding the supernatural community from public scrutiny. Danger stalks the pack and she must protect her alpha and mate, Warrick Vidis, even if he doesn’t want it. If they don’t find a way to trust each other and accept their rare bond they risk losing everything-their pack, their friends and each other.

Tangled in Shadows (Kyn Kronicles)

In a world of intrigue and shadows, tangling with the monsters can leave its mark… Step into the world of Jami Gray’s Kyn with this collection of short stories, and discover why readers are disappearing into this exciting, Urban Fantasy series.

Coming Soon

LATE 2016/EARLY 2017

Shadow’s Curse

(Kyn Kronicles, book 4) Death and chaos can devastate even the best-laid plans… After tragedy strikes the Northwest Kyn, leaving the houses in chaos and the Wraiths hungry for blood, the fallout threatens Natasha Bertoi’s carefully laid plans. When the Council sends Darius Abazi, the one man guaranteed to skew the odds, she faces her toughest opponent yet. As death stalks the Northwest Kyn, can Natasha trust Darius, a man well versed in subterfuge, to uncover the truth before treachery destroys them all?

Marked by Obsession

(PSY-IV Teams Book 3) Asking for his help will expose more than her heart… Meli Dwyer’s ordered life followed a clear-cut path, just the way she preferred it until the death of her beloved brother. Rocked by her loss and grappling with the emotional fallout, her world descends into chaos as she struggles to regain her footing despite a series of unexplained events marked by an escalating violence. Alone and floundering in her harsh new reality, she reaches out for help from the sexy and mysterious warrior who managed to sneak under her guard, Wolf. But some risks are worth taking… When Wolf receives an unexpected call from the alluring Meli, the PSY-IV Team’s skilled and lethal telepath doesn’t waste any time racing to her side. Quiet and illusive, she managed to flip his protective instincts into high alert months earlier

Issue 1 | August 2016 |


| FEATURE AUTHOR | and her call provides the perfect opportunity to set siege to her wary heart. Before he can breech the scars of the past, he’s engaged in a dangerous game beside the one woman he can’t read, facing an enemy whose motives and obsessions blur his lines between justice and revenge. As the stakes rise, Meli must decide if the answers to her personal nightmare are worth finding if it costs her the man who captured her wary heart.


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feature author Maggi Andersen

Interview Where to follow Maggi Andersen Excerpt from Caroline and the Captain Review

| FEATURE AUTHOR | Hitoricals have a special place in my heart - IF I can understand what I’m reading. That honor definitely goes to Maggi Andersen. It’s my pleasure to include her in this issue. Thank you Maggi for the feature. 1) Do you remember the first book you read and how old you were? Who and/or what inspired you to read? Like many young readers I was a great fan of Edith Blyton’s The Magic Faraway Tree. I think I was four or five when I began to read. I stood on the garden wall and entertained an audience of birds with my stories. I remember one story I wrote in fifth class; my female protagonist was escaping from an evil witch. My protagonists have been escaping from tricky situations ever since. 2) Who are some of your favorite authors now, and what genres do you tend to read the most? Historical romances set in the Regency and Victorian eras are favorites, but I also read contemporary romantic suspense and mysteries. Eloisa James, Jennifer Ashley, Tasha Alexander, Courtney Milan, Anne Perry, Amanda Quick. Some male writers too, I love Jack Reacher novels by Lee Child. 3) Who or what influenced you to start writing? I always believed I’d be a writer one day, but it was put on the shelf while I raised my children and attended university. I think studying the superb writers throughout history worked as a bit of a deterrent for a while. How could I possibly write something as good? But the urge to write was strong, and my first full length novel, Murder in Devon, was penned for my Master’s Degree.

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4) Are there any books/authors that you’ve read, that have influenced you as an author? Too many to mention really. I gain some insight from most well-written books I read. As a child, I found the concept of Alice Through the Looking Glass intriguing. I wanted to climb through that mirror into another world! I guess I do when I read, and when I create a fictional world. Georgette Heyer’s wonderful Regency world is one I revisit often, reading her books and writing my own stories. 5) Where is your favorite place to write? At my desk in my study nook off the kitchen. Convenient for coffee and snacks. 6) I’ve read books from two different series of yours now, and even though these are historical romances, the language is easy to understand and the characters are witty and believable. You care about the main characters very quickly, which draws a reader in. What part of writing historical romances is the most challenging for you? Do you have to do a lot of research? Thank you for those kind words! The most challenging is pulling together a satisfactory plot within the historical setting. Regency fans are pretty knowledgeable about the era. I don’t want to pull a reader out of the story with a glaring mistake. My greatest desire is to entertain. Fortunately, writers have such wonderful resources at their fingertips now. There was nothing like it when I first began writing Regencies. Back then, I visited the library in Richmond, England, to check on facts. I can’t say that was a hardship though! :) I enjoy discovering interesting historical details to weave into the story. How much description to add is also a challenge. We live in

| MAGGI ANDERSEN | a fast paced world and there’s little time to read reams of poetical description, much as I’d like to. The haute ton, in that brief period when George became the Prince Regent, was peopled with larger than life characters, which are great for an author to draw on. Not to mention the elegant fashions, balls and soirees, country mansions and grand townhouses, the interior décor and the magnificent art. But there was a dark side to that world too, of course. 7) I have truly enjoyed the Baxendale Sisters series, I had a hard time putting them down, what else do you have planned for the future? That’s thrilling to hear! :) The last book, THE SCANDALOUS LADY MERCY, completes the series. I am enjoying writing Mercy’s story. She’s a passionate young debutante who won’t allow the expectations of society to prevent her getting what she wants from life. Future works? I’ve had requests for more stories about the Brandreth family, especially Chaloner, the Marquess of Brandreth, and Lady Maria from TAMING A GENTLEMAN SPY. I’m looking forward to writing about them. I’ve grown very fond of the family. The Baxendale sisters may make an appearance, I’m not sure yet. I have a new release in August. THE EARL AND THE HIGHWAYMAN’S DAUGHTER, is a Regency novella. I hope to publish a Victorian Gothicstyle romance, THE BARON’S WIFE before Christmas. More of my backlist will be published next year, as well as two contemporary romantic suspense novels.

dersen@yahoo.com. You can join my news only newsletter on my website: http://www.maggiandersenauthor.com

Maggi Andersen lives with her husband, a retired lawyer, in a quaint old town in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia. She has a BA in English and an MA in Creative Writing. A hybrid author, Maggi writes for Knox Robinson Publishing and Black Opal Books as well as self-publishing. Maggi has been nominated for the BTS Red Carpet Awards, the RONE Award 3 times and was a finalist in the Emerald Pro Award. When not creating stories, Maggi reads, enjoys her garden, the theatre and movies. She supports the local wildlife, the IFAW and the RSPCA. Her kookaburras (Australian Kingfishers) prefer to be hand fed. An Amazon No. 1 bestselling Regency author, Maggi has published over 20 novels and novellas of different genres from historical romances, mysteries, romantic suspense and young adult novels.

Uncaged follow-up - Ohhh, I love the Brandreths! 8) What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?


I love to hear from fans. My email is: maggian-

Issue 1 | August 2016 |



Enjoy an excerpt from Caroline and the Captain Twenty Years Earlier “Do you know how I’m going to make my fortune, Nick?” Georgie asked, as he and his brother lay on their backs in the orchard, eating apples. “But you’ll be the Earl of Debenham,” Nicholas said, spitting out a seed. “You won’t need to. But I shall, I suppose.” “You’ll be all right. You have the brains. You’re like Father. I bet you’ll be the prime minister one day.” Nicholas shrugged. “How are you going to make all this money?” “Race horses.” He laughed at his big rangy brother. “You’ll be too heavy to ride ’em.” “I don’t want to ride ’em,” Georgie said. “I want to breed ’em. One day I’ll win the Derby Stakes.” “What about all the things an earl has to do? Father is busy all the time. He’s always saying how we must live up to our ancestors and preserve the estate for future generations.” “I don’t care much for any of that. It’s a pity you won’t be earl, Nick. You’d make a much better one than I will.” Georgie jumped up. “It’s hot. Let’s ride to the river for a swim. I’ll race you.” Nicholas shook his head. “You know you always win.” “You’ll beat me one day, Nick.” Nicholas jumped up. “Right, you’re on.”   CHAPTER ONE England, 1816 Gloves clasped in his hands, a black armband gracing the sleeve of his uniform, Captain Nicholas Bonham watched the coffin bearing his elder brother, George, Earl of Debenham, lowered into the ground. Nicholas was glad his mother hadn’t lived to see this day. George had been her favorite. It was impossible to tell what his father’s preference was if he’d had one. He’d been a cool 42 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

man who didn’t show his emotions, and was more involved in politics than family life. The wind whistled through the trees, and a cold drop of rain splattered onto Nicholas’ cheek. Dashed English weather, couldn’t the shower hold off for an hour or two until George was decently buried? He angrily swiped away a tear. He’d been away fighting in Wellington’s Peninsular Regiment, the 52nd Light Infantry, and hadn’t been back to England to see George in years. Now there was no chance of it. His neighbor, the Baronet, Sir Marcus Mirrington stood amongst the small crowd with his wife and daughter. Miss Mirrington had been engaged to George when he suffered a fatal fall from his horse. She stood silent, her pale face partly hidden by her black straw bonnet. It was not usual for a young lady to attend a funeral. She must have insisted. However, when she raised her chin to observe him, Nicholas could detect no sign of anguish in her still features. Her marriage to his brother had been arranged for financial reasons, as the Mirringham and Debenham properties ran together on the western boundary. His brother was an amiable fellow, might she have loved him? Amiable, but lacking a good financial head on his shoulders. George would not have wanted to leave Debenham Park in such a sorry state for Nicholas. He would rightly feel, at thirty-two, that he had years to rectify it. George admitted he’d never been good at handling the estate’s affairs. He was too trusting. When he’d left the running of the estate to his manager, the fellow had absconded with a large sum of money, and that, coupled with poor crops, and the sorry state England was in after years of war, the coffers of Debenham Park were now severely depleted. Not Dun Territory quite yet, but not far off, it seemed, unless something could be found quickly to remedy the situation. Nicholas hated that the tenant farmers were struggling with ramshackle cottages and not enough coal for next winter. He’d found

| MAGGI ANDERSEN | a pile of tradesmen’s bills unpaid. George’s marriage to Sir Marcus’ daughter would have brought about the joining of two fine estates. The fact that the Debenham name could be traced back to Tudor times when the estate was gifted to Nicholas’s ancestor by Henry VIII, was undoubtedly attractive to the immensely wealthy, newly knighted baronet, for he had offered a much needed infusion of the ready, in the form of a lavish dowry. As Caroline was their only child and there was no entail, his estate, Mirrington Manor would one day have been George’s. A very attractive option, which George apparently had had no hesitation in accepting. Nicholas studied Miss Mirrington. Willowy in her dark-blue pelisse, she stood beside her mother in black bombazine. He wondered why Miss Mirrington hadn’t married long before she met George, as her first Season would have been five years ago. Apparently, when his back was to the wall, George had borrowed against Aunt Hetty’s inheritance. Foolish in the extreme, for Aunt Hetty was like all the Debenham’s—or at least those who didn’t die of an accident or on the Spanish plains—likely to live to be ninety. And good luck to her, Nicholas thought, with a fond glance in her direction, for a livelier lady he had yet to meet. She was one of the few who would remember Nicholas and George when they were lads. Nicholas stepped forward to sprinkle a handful of earth over the coffin, followed by the other mourners. The sound of dirt thudding onto the lid had a terrible finality about it. George’s dreams would now never be fulfilled.

and somber where George’s had been pink and English and cheerfully round. A scar marred the smooth, tanned skin of one sharp cheekbone. The captain looked altogether too strong and harsh. Dangerous and unpredictable. He held his Shako under an arm and his brown hair, streaked blond by the sun, ruffled in the damp breeze. A curved sword hung at his side. He cast a dismissive glance in her direction. Might he blame her in some way? She straightened her shoulders and sniffed back a tear. George was gone, along with her safe haven. She bit her lip at her own needy selfishness. But what would she do now? The funeral service concluded. “A sad business,” her father murmured. “Come my dears.” He ushered her and her mother to their waiting carriage.

♥♥♥ Caroline surreptitiously studied the captain in his striking, scarlet infantry uniform, as he stood by the graveside. How different he was to dear George. Nicholas was a head taller, his broad shoulders slumped in grief, his face angular Issue 1 | August 2016 |


| FEATURE AUTHOR | I’ll be reviewing the first 3 books in the Baxendale Sisters series, and How to Tame a Rake.

Uncaged Reviews How to Tame a Rake This is a shorter read, and with very enjoyable characters. Blake, the Earl of Hawkeswood, will inherit his family estate, only if he marries, but not just a lady of his choosing. He must marry Mina, and he hasn’t seen her since she was a young child. She is sent on to Blake’s estate, so they can re-aquaint themselves, and Blake sends her off to London with his mother, to get a bit of polish. Mina is a country girl, with a love of animals and small children, but doesn’t have the polish of an Earl’s wife. Now to start off, Blake is pretty much a rake, even though, he’s still likeable, he still walks a fine line. Mina is sweet and funny, and eventually she breaks down his barriers. There is a bit of a fright for Mina at the end, in which Blake finally realizes he doesn’t want to be without her. It’s a nice story, the characters are likeable, there were spots I thought there was more to flush out with the story, and I thought it could have used a bit more, but that could just be me being selfish and wanting to read more. All in all, a nice easy read.

Uncaged Ratings: Adult

Historical Romance Novella Mild sex scene No graphic violence

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Lady Honor’s Debt (Baxendale Sisters Book 1) In the first book of the series, we meet the Baxendale sisters. This one focuses on Honor, who suffered at the hands of a man during her Season, and has lost trust in men. Her stepfather, whom has the family in financial distress, arranges for Honor to marry a Duke, that will help the family. The Duke is a horrible man, and to try and earn money to both get out of the marriage and help her family, she enlists the help of Edward Brandreth. She wants to challenge the man that cheated her father out of his money before he died, and try to win back the fortune. I really enjoyed this story, the one thing I would have liked to see, is the feelings develop more for Honor, and see it happen, as it must develop more behind the scenes. We see feelings developing in Edward a little more than we do Honor, but all in all, it’s a good book, with a sister you can really like, and a likeable hero in Edward. Lady Faith Takes a Leap (Baxendale Sisters Book 2) This book revolves around Faith Baxendale, and Vaughn Brandreth, the black sheep of the Brandreth family. But there is way more going on with Vaughn than meets the eye. Faith’s father is working hard near the end of Faith’s first Season, to find her a suitable husband. She would hate to disappoint her father, and Faith does attempt to get to know the suitors, but her heart has always belonged to Vaughn, since she met him as a schoolgirl. I really enjoyed this story, even more than Honor’s story. You can’t help but feel for Faith and Vaughn, although he comes of as independ-

| MAGGI ANDERSEN | ent, there is a lot more going on, and you can’t help but to root for him. This story did not feel hurried to me at all, so for a novella length, I was quite happy with it. Lady Hope and the Duke of Darkness (Baxendale Sisters Book 3) Hope has always wanted to marry an English Duke. It’s been her dream, ever since she can remember. During traveling with her Aunt, she meets a Frenchman, Daniel - a Duc de Tenbre while in France. Daniel was raised in England after his parents escapted the France Revolution. His heart remains in his home country where he intends to live his life. As Hope begins her first Season, the Duke of Winslow has grown interested in Hope, and her father approves of. But Hope’s mind keeps going back to Daniel, and when Daniel finds a sister he didn’t know he had, with little ways of Society, he realizes he needs to do right by her, and teach her the ways of the ton. Enlisting Hope’s aid, he remains in London, so the two are thrown together more often. I enjoyed this book, I enjoyed Hope’s determination, and her spirit - but I wished to see more of Hope and Daniel’s interactions, but it was a nice storyline and the descriptive part of the story pulled you right in.

Uncaged Ratings: Adult

Historical Romance Novella Mild sex scene No graphic violence

Issue 1 | August 2016 |



Enjoy these other titles: In Victorian England, beautiful artist’s model Giovanna Russo is desired by two powerful men. One is enchanted by her and decides to make her his mistress. The other wants her dead. When Gina’s diary is discovered over a century later, it reveals the secret of her step-father, renowned pre-Raphaelite artist, Milo Russo’s untimely death, struck down at the height of his fame. When actors, Dylan Shaw and Astrid LeClair make the movie Painted Lady, based on the diary, they discover through Gina’s story the meaning of true love.


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At the end of her third Season, Lady Harriett Edgerton has refused her one offer of marriage from a perfectly worthy, if dull, suitor. Harriett doesn’t want proper. She wants passion. And the prospect of a passionate marriage is becoming increasingly unlikely, judging by the men she meets. When she and her family visit a dying relative at his country mansion in Kent, Pendleton Manor, everything appears normal on the surface, until Harriet is suddenly embroiled in murder, intrigue, and lust. Gentleman farmer, Gerard Everard, Earl of Foxworth, has inherited an estate deep in debt. While he toils to save Foxworth from creditors, he becomes embroiled in a dangerous mission. Together, Harriett and Gerard work to uncover a murderer, while Harriett, expecting Gerard to succumb to the charms of her younger, beautiful sister, Leonora, tries unsuccessfully to guard her heart.

New Releases August Release Dates - A Selection

August 2

August 16

See Me by Nicholas Sparks Dark Carousel by Christine Feehan Heart Strike (Delta Force) by M. L. Buchman Passions of a Gentleman by Rose Gordon Hell Bent by J.C. Diem It Ends with Us: A Novel by Colleen Hoover Secrets and Lies 7 by H.M. Ward Dragonmark by Sherrilyn Kenyon Gone Too Deep by Katie Ruggle Wicked Pleasure: Part 1 by Lora Leigh Secrets at Midnight by Nalini Singh The Ghost and The Graveyard by Genevieve Jack Just What I Needed by Loralei James Flight from Mayhem by Yasmine Galenorn Exclusive by Sandra Brown The Highlander by Kerrigan Byrne

Curious Minds by Janet Evanovich The Sapphire Heist by Lauren Blakely American Vampire by J.R. Rain The Wedding Shop by Rachel Hauck The Sight by Chloe Neill Arcana Rising by Kresley Cole A Beautiful Funeral: A Novel 7 by Jamie McGuire Magic Steals by Ilona Andrews The Architect of Song by A. G. Howard The Angels’ Share by J.R. Ward

August 9 Insidious by Catherine Coulter Along the Infinite Sea by Beatriz Williams Family Tree: A Novel by Susan Wiggs Silence by Natasha Preston Close to You: A Fusion Novel by Kristen Proby Ruthless by Lexi Blake Me Without You by Kelly Rimmer Love Walks In by Samantha Chase Texas Rebels: Phoenix by Linda Warren Three More Wishes by Sean Michael Three River Ranch by Roxanne Snopek A Demon And His Psycho by Eve Langlais

Publishers and authors: If you would like a new release in these lists, please email me at UncagedBooks@gmail.com

August 23 Summer Rain by Barbara Freethy Wrong Question, Right Answer by Elle Casey Silent Secrets by Nikki Bolvair From The Ashes by C.J. Archer Wild Embrace by Nalini Singh Twisted Up by Erin Nicholas Montana Rescue by Kim Law Deadly Relations by Alexa Grace Under the Lights by Abbi Glines

August 30 Rushing Waters by Danielle Steel The Billionaire’s Voice by J. S. Scott Always a Cowboy by Linda Lael Miller Fast and Loose by Fern Michaels Whispers on the Wind by Caroline Fyffe Fire Brand by Diana Palmer Sacred Serenity by Audrey Carlan Every Yesterday by Nancy Naigle Liar’s Key by Carla Neggers Unraveled by Jennifer Estep Defy the Dawn by Lara Adrian

Issue 1 | August 2016 |


Uncaged Reviews A Werewolf’s Tale Amber Taylor Paranormal/Horror

Sara Stanton is just a girl trying to make it through high school with as little emotional scarring as possible. Her whole world is turned upside down when a stranger, Hank, appears claiming that she is a werewolf. Finding it to be true, she discovers it creates more problems than she can shake a stick at. For starters, her secret crush, Sam, won’t leave her alone, talking about monsters killing local pets and wildlife, and admits he now seems drawn to her. This seems in line with the fact that although no one can put their finger on it, they sense something is different about her. Those are all trivial though compared to the unsettling voice in her head that seems to know her every move, every thought, and her secrets. Like a ghost, he’s always lurking just out of view, terrifying her in her dreams. Is he a werewolf too, or something worse? Either way, Sara knows she’ll eventually have to face

him to save not only herself, but Sam as well. But what will be the cost?

Uncaged Review: This book is written in the first

person narrative, and most of this book is written as the main character, Sara, writes in a diary/journal on a computer. It always takes me awhile to get into first person narratives, as you only see the world in one person’s perspective, but eventually, it works here. Sara is a teenager, who is unpopular in school, a bit overweight and only has a couple of nerdy friends. When she is invited to a party in the woods, things get a bit out of hand, but a boy she has had a crush since grade school, finally begins talking to her, and lets her know what really happened at the party. In the meantime, a man named Hank shows up, and tries to convince Sara she’s a werewolf. Once Sara finally believes him, this is when the story finally gets moving. Sara has nightmares of a man with red hair, whose voice she hears in her head, and seems to know a bit too much -

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I’m not going to give this story away, but I think the story really started moving along about halfway in, and even though some of it was predictable, the suspense, and the action sequence near the back part of the book worked here. Be warned, it is graphic violence. Even though to a certain extent, it tied up it’s own storyline, it left it on a cliffhanger of sorts.

A Werewolf’s Struggle Amber Taylor Paranormal/Horror

Sara’s journey into the werewolf world continues and she would love to smack the crap out of Hollywood for getting so few things right. Trying to recover from the trauma of meeting her psychotic father, Angus, is just one of many issues she has to face. Her friend, Sam, needs to recover as well but he’s way beyond her in the damaged department. Or so she thinks. It doesn’t take long for her to discover that the two of them now share a connection that goes beyond the norm for even werewolves and not in a good way. Both seem to be carrying a piece of Angus’ not so nice personality traits which comes with a body count. Will she fight this connection and stay with her uncle to try and deal with the monster Sam’s become? Or will she follow him down a bloody trail in order to follow a destiny she may have been born for?

Uncaged Review: This book starts out where we

left off in book one. It’s still first person narrative, but the diary/journel is gone. Now, after the trauma of her crazy father is over, Hank takes Sara back to the village where the rest of their kind live, to save her life, and to live. As Sara recovers, she begins to feel the connection to Sam, who is beyond hope, according to Hank, but not to Sara. When she finds him, she feels it’s her mission to save him, as she believes it’s her

fault that he was involved in the first place. This book actually was a bit faster paced, and there were a couple suspenseful twists that I didn’t predict this time. Sara is still her sarcastic self, and there is a bit of humor, and some heartbreak, but all-in-all, this was a good read. It kept my attention, even better than the first one. I wasn’t sure where the author was going in the first one, but this one ties it up a bit better and tightens the storyline. These are bloody, with graphic violence, so they are not for the faint of heart. The series on a whole is rated together, as I don’t think they read that well as standalones. Even though you could read the second book on it’s own, you would not get the full impact of the story without reading the first one.

Uncaged Ratings: Adult Paranormal/Horror Graphic violence Rape scene (first book) Some language

Upon A Tide

Ryan Jo Summers Action/Suspense/Romance New York Fashion designer Piper Kincaid just wanted a pleasant visit with her cousin down in Florida. That was before she and handsome beach bum Kade Wyatt become the targets of a gang of robbers and killers. Kade simply wanted some fish for his pet seagull. Now he and the lovely exec from out of town are caught in a deadly game of cat and mouse. He’s busy

concentrating on Piper when he should be focusing on keeping them alive. Fleeing for their lives aboard Kade’s houseboat, The Hightide , they experience risk, surprises, mystery, and romance during the Great Caribbean Boat Chase. However, the biggest surprises are waiting for them back at port.

Uncaged Review: This book was a nice shorter read, and even though some of it was a bit predictable, and some it felt a bit rushed, I enjoyed it. I liked the setting on the boat, and the different ports. Kade and Piper are witnesses to a robbery/shooting and are whisked off to a safe house, that turns not so safe afterall, until the killers are caught. Once they are discovered, and know that there is a leak in the police department, Kade takes Piper to his home, a nice boat called the Hightide. On the run, and in most ports they try to dock, from Jamaica to Puerto Rico, they are discovered and on the run again. In the midst of all the danger and action, they both fight the attraction for each other, as they both have some baggage. This book does not have any graphic sex scenes or graphic violence, but it has plenty of action, plenty of beautiful ports of call, that the author does a fantastic job of describing to pull you into the story. Anyone who watches any amount of the crime shows on TV will predict some of the outcomes, but it was a clean read that was a nice afternoon break for me.

Uncaged Ratings: Adult (young adults would be fine)

Romance/Suspense/Action No graphic sex - only implied Some mild violence

Issue 1 | August 2016 |


Uncaged Reviews A Heart of Fire

Kerri M. Patterson Historical Romance/Medieval Valdrik Haraldson is bent on avenging his slain family, on making his foes pay dearly— even if that means sneaking onto enemy lands to kidnap and return the long lost daughter of his jarl. When Valdrik rips Finna from her life and returns her to her parents, not only is she startled to learn that the man she thought to be her father is truly her uncle, but that the mother she always longed for is alive. Used unjustly in a game of revenge, now that she is free of the life imposed upon her, she is ready to start anew—only to learn she is the promised bride Valdrik was to receive for her rescue. As the two learn to love one another, they discover a passion as hot as the brightest fires of winter—and a cruel plot forged to tear them apart forever.

Uncaged Review: Normally, I don’t look to read medieval times books when I’m looking at historicals, but this book may have just changed my mind. I was caught up the moment I hit that first page. The author did a fantastic job with the setting, language, clothing and the characters. A tough shieldmaiden, Finna, was taken hostage as a baby by her uncle, as revenge on his brother. Lied to all her life, Finna believed she was the enemy of her true father’s people, and trained as a warrior instead of being brought up as a woman in the halls. After she is captured by her real father’s men, and taken home to her mother and father, does she learn the truth of her life. Her father gives her hand in marriage to the man who rescued her, and will become the next leader - Valdrik. And of course, that doesn’t go over all that well. We get to watch, with bated breath, as the two of them slowly fall in love,

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but there are evil plans that may tear her whole world apart. Finna will risk her life for those she loves... The author does a fantastic job, with the setting, the language and the character development. There is plenty of action, and some of it graphic - and some very hot sex scenes. But even through it all, it’s a sweet love story. Well written and easy to picture in your mind, you won’t put this one down too long.

Uncaged Ratings: Adult

Historical/Medieval Romance

Graphic violence Hot sex scenes (not considered erotic) Language for the era

Legacy of Death Myra Nour Science Fiction

The Wazee are a peaceful race of scientists and explorers. When they set down on a dead world, they seek the facts. What could wipe out the sapients of this planet? Unearthing an ancient text, they translate a story of death and destruction. When the Wazee discover the truth behind the worldwide genocide, they are stunned. The captain knows nightmares will haunt his sleep the rest of his life. A macrabe tale by a multipublished, award winning author. Previously published in Twilight Times August, 1999.

Uncaged Review: This is a short story, where the peaceful Wazee race, are explorers and scientists. They set down on a planet, that seems dead. They find the remains of a being from a dead planet they land on, clutching a text in it’s hands. When they take the text back to the ship and decipher it, the tale is very chilling. Point of view switches between the wazee to the being who wrote the text, but it’s easy to follow along. I don’t want to give too much away, but the ending had a superb twist that I did not expect. Very original, very chilling, and a good short read.

Uncaged Ratings: Adult Science Fiction/Horror Some violence

The Drowning Sorceress Anya Breton Paranoral/Fantasy

Kora, self-proclaimed sorceress and new business owner, would love to concentrate on her bottom line instead of doing her divine mother’s bidding. But keeping her head above water is almost impossible with the goddess of magic’s past favors still haunting Kora. Especially when a Water witch begins drowning victims on dry land and their high priest—the beautiful Desmond—isn’t to blame. Fighting off sultry vampire Maximo’s advances in between her nemesis’s temper tantrums, an upset-

ting funeral, and the arrival of vampire investigators hunting for the undead Prince of Persia leaves Kora little time to focus on her mother’s bigger picture. And Desmond stepping in to save the day has Kora on uneasy footing. But it’s his assistant who steal’s Kora’s marionette strings. This time Kora’s soul isn’t the only thing hanging in the balance.

Uncaged Review: First of all, I started this book in complete confusion, but I did catch on, eventually. It may have helped to read the first 2 books in the series first. Kora is a sorceress, and is involved in the Wipuk community, which is a coalition of supernaturals. To make it worse, she has an agenda from her mother, the goddess of magic to infiltrate the coalition. It’s hard to get a grasp on what exactly the coalition is and does - being a heavy reader of fantasy/paranormal, I may have grasped enough of it to make enough sense of it to enjoy the book. There really isn’t much romance in the book. There is a semi-relationship with Max, a gorgeous vampire, but Kora isn’t sure if he’s manipulating her, or if he truly cares about her. Plus, he’s dead. There is that. I personally was rooting for the High Priest of the witches, the very beautiful Desmond, but I’m not sure my hopes are in the right place. Right when I thought I was seeing something develop, it all ended abruptly. And part of the story was wrapped up, and a lot of it is going to continue. All in all, I liked the book, but I think a person not as familar with pararnomal and fantasy, better start at the beginning of the series.

Uncaged Ratings: Adult Paranormal/Fantasy

Hot sex scenes (not considered erotic) Some language Some mild violence

Issue 1 | August 2016 |


Fang Freakin Tastic Reviews Tempting The Light Bonnie Gill Paranormal Romance

Bad luck magnet Abby Fitzpatrick gets fired, catches her boyfriend cheating with a mime, and is cursed by an evil genie who pops out of a tampon box. She’s bound and determined to remove the spell and, as fate would have it, the hottest guy she’s ever met is out to kill her. River Stone, a Cryptid hunter for Legends and Myths Police Squad (L.A.M.P.S.), poses as sheriff for Abby’s hometown of Haber Cove, New Jersey. He’s out to find and capture a man-eating gnome and bag the legendary Jersey Devil monster. Little does he realize, the woman who catches his heart is the same creature that he was sent to destroy. Tempting the Light is the first novel in the L.A.M.P.S. series that features hunky secret agents who find true love while hunting and slaying dangerous Cryptids.

a monster when she gets her period is pretty unique. There are also other creatures mentioned in this book, specifically Gnomes. I will never look at one of those little garden bastards the same way ever again. EVER. Nasty little buggers they are! I’ve never heard the word Cryptid before either, so that was new to me. River Stone is a Cryptid hunter for Legends and Myths Police Squad (L.A.M.P.S.), as well as the sexy new sheriff in town. The sexual tension between Abby and River is thick. But of course it can’t just be an easy thing. They have plenty of hurdles in their way, like the fact that River was sent to Haber Cove, NJ to kill the Jersey Devil that was spotted in the area, AKA Abbie! I also really liked River’s friend Ottar. He was pretty funny. My only complaint would be that I felt like River was too mushy for me. As in, he felt too lovey dovey in his thoughts of Abby. It’s probably fine for other people, but for me it was just a bit much. It’s sweet and all, but I’m a little bit jaded, so it felt too unrealistic. Yeah, yeah, I know it’s a book about mythical creatures and not intended to be realistic in that sense. If you like Paranormal Romance and have a sense of humor, check out Tempting the Light. I seriously doubt you have ever read anything like it before.

Fang-tastic Review: Tempting the Light by Bon-

nie Gill is a really funny Paranormal Romance. It had me laughing from the very first page. And it only got better from there. This book was more than funny. It was freakin hilarious. The main character, Abby, is so easy to relate to. She’s awkward and has the worst luck you can imagine. From walking in on her boyfriend with a mime, to finding a genie in a tampon box that curses her to turn into a Jersey Devil every time she gets her period., I felt so bad for her. Her best friend Pepper is just as funny. This poor girl just can’t get a break.

One of the things I really liked about this book is how creative it is. The idea of someone turning into

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Give and Take Emily Cyr Urban Fantasy

Addison Fitzpatrick settled her first favor, a cataclysmic repayment that ended with hundreds of Pushers dead. Three months later, she receives a letter from the Vampire who betrayed her trust, asking her to save him. The cryptic letter makes one

fact perfectly clear – she has to find Lachlan, assuming he’s not already dead. In doing so, she is forced to do the one thing he asked her not to: involve Cannon. But the search for Lachlan comes with a price. Addison is forced deeper into her debt, just as her life is put in jeopardy when a new danger surfaces. One from her past, stirring up inner demons threatening to take her back to hell. Now Addison must find a way to kill a supernatural being she’s never even heard of, all while protecting her heart from its love for Lachlan, and its confusing stirrings toward Cannon. It was so much easier to hate the vampires. Things are not always what they seem in Addison’s world. The fight to save Lachlan will test her strength, her conviction, and her skill as a Pusher. Will she survive unscathed, or will she let the demons win?

Favors series and if you haven’t read the first book, Push and Pull yet, you really should. Each book leaves you dying to know what is going to happen next.

Fang-tastic Review: The Vampire Favors series

Buckle up as a rescue mission is brimming with spine-tingling terror. An armored truck becomes the new Alamo. And there’s a wedding which is anything but ‘a happily ever after’.

is getting more and more interesting with each book. Give and Take is the 2nd book, and it doesn’t disappoint. Exciting and full of action, this book will keep you on your toes. Cyr’s characters keep growing and growing. We see different aspects of Cannon than we did in the first book. It doesn’t change my dislike of him though. I still want to throat punch him. He is, however, a necessary evil. Addison is…well, Addison. She is still snarky and fun, but tortured at the same time. I’m really curious as to what she is going to do in the next book. Cyr has definitely given her a dilemma that only she can work out. One cool thing about this book is the introduction of an unusual supernatural being that I haven’t heard much of before. I’m not telling you what it is though. Just know that the shit is getting deep in the world of Addison Fitzpatrick. Give and Take is a great continuation of the Vampire

Z Children - The Surge Eli Constant & B.V. Barr Thriller

Z Children 2: The Surge is action-packed from start to finish. Focusing on JW & Virginia’s group, the story captures the true ugliness and sacrifice that goes along with survival.

JW’s group has made camp in a hotel overlooking a Dallas hospital where someone is trapped. Bonnie and Ranger, the now inseparable duo, have faith that JW can, not only stay alive, but also save this person from an otherwise certain death. JW, however, isn’t so sure. He’s faced enemies before, but nothing as unsettling as the innocent death masks these Z children wear. The ex-special forces drifter used to believe he’d seen the worst the world had to offer. He was wrong.

Fang-tastic Review: Eli Constant and B.V. Barr are some seriously twisted individuals. Z Children: The Surge is full of great zombie action and some very… creative….scenes. It’s a great continuation of the first book and we get a peek at what everyone has been up

Issue 1 | August 2016 |


Fang Freakin Tastic Reviews to since the last book. I really did enjoy this book immensely. I actually think I liked this book even better than the first book, Z Children: Awakening. You can tell the authors are progressing in their storytelling. If you like zombie books, and aren’t squeamish (which if you are reading zombie books, I certainly hope not), this is a great book to make you cringe in a good way. I highly recommend this series to anyone looking for something different from your run of the mill zombie book.

Thicker Than Blood

Madeline Sheehan & Claire C. Riley Dystopian A true friendship never dies. Leisel and Evelyn lost everything. Husbands. Families. Friends. Lives that made sense. All they had left was each other, and a friendship that could withstand anything… Even an apocalypse. Until one fateful night, the marginal safety they’d come to rely on comes to a vicious and brutal end. With the help of Alex & Jami, both unlikely allies, Leisel and Evelyn are able to escape their shattered sanctuary only to find themselves face-to-face with a much altered, much crueler life where they have to find the way—and the will—to stay alive in a world they no longer recognize. Traveling across a broken and infection-ridden country; the road-weary group are pitted against endless violence, improbable circumstances, and the ultimate loss.

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Everything comes at a price—especially safety, the cost of which could very well strip them of the one thing they’ve tried so hard to cling to: their humanity. Yet along with all the trials they’re forced to endure, there’s also hope in the form of love. Having loved Leisel from afar, Alex attempts to put the pieces of her fractured heart back together. But in such a savage world, is there room for love? In a place of nightmares-made-reality, where the living should be feared far more than the dead, an unbreakable friendship and a love amongst all odds can mean the difference between life and death. There are friends…

Fang-tastic Review: Thicker Than Blood has com-

pletely DESTROYED me emotionally. When I finished reading it, I felt like a part of me had been ripped out, lit on fire, and then shoved, still flaming, back into my body. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve EVER felt this emotionally drained after a book. This really is a phenomenal book. The writing in and of itself is easy to follow but not immature. The story has multiple layers but isn’t confusing. Initially I thought reading the book from both Leisel’s and Evelyn’s perspective would be confusing, but it wasn’t. The authors did a good job of making it pretty clear who was telling the story, in addition to actually labeling each chapter with the name of the speaking character. There is action, romance, and horror. Everything I need in a book to keep my attention. This book is the definition of a “Must Read”.

The Sleepless Nuzo Onoh Horror

An innocent boy is lured to his death by the one person that should have protected him. Someone knows the truth about his disappearance; his little sister, Obelé, a child that hears a secret voice which tells her terrible things no child should know about. Obelé knows too much and must be killed. Her salvation lies in the hands of her new friends, a group of giggling little girls she meets at an abandoned “cursed house”. Except their friendship comes with a terrible price. And suddenly, Obelé starts to ask herself who exactly...or rather, what exactly are her new friends. Worse, how can she free the tormented ghost of her dead brother, trapped by a witchdoctor’s curse? Set amidst the Biafran War, “The Sleepless” follows one child’s struggles against both the natural and supernatural forces that threaten to end her life before the deadly enemy bombs can do so. And perhaps, death from the skies is a better option than the terrifying alternative.

Fang-tastic Review: The Sleepless by Nuzo Ohno has

changed me for life. I have NEVER felt the way I did while reading this book, or for days after. I still can’t get it out of my head and it’s been almost a week. I had to wait a few days to write my review because my brain was still processing what I read. This was an absolutely amazing book. I think it may be one of my all time favorite horror books. I haven’t read much African Horror in the past, but it is definitely on my radar now. This book was heartbreakingly terrifying. There isn’t one specific thing that makes it scary, but there are sooo many different aspects that are scary on their own that by combining them into this story, you get a

story of nightmares. For real. Last night I dreamt that my son was possessed by a demon, and I think it’s because of this book! This book has seriously gotten under my skin. In a good but terrifying way of course. The Sleepless is about a little Nigerian girl that is 6 when the book starts and 8 when it ends. During this time, she must deal with an abusive family, local superstition, and the Biafran War. I had never heard of this war before reading this book. If you haven’t either, you should definitely look it up. I had no idea. After I read the very first chapter of this book, I actually emailed the author because it was that amazingly awful (the circumstances, not the writing). The pacing in this book is perfect. There are no points where you even have time to lose interest or feel like its dragging. It’s just one thing after another but not in an overwhelming way. Everything fits together as it should. There is quite a bit of violence in this book, so if that bothers you, this book may not be for you. I think one of the things that makes this book so scary for me is that as I was reading it, I could picture Obelé as my own daughter of the same age. I imagined her having to experience these situations, most of which are very grown up problems. I kept having to remind myself that the main character is a child not an adult. After reading it, I found out that many of the things that happen in this book are things that actually occur in real life in that region. The belief systems are real. People there actually believe in witch doctors, sacrifice, and exorcisms. That was really hard for me to wrap my head around. Overall, this really is an amazing book. This author has opened my eyes to things I had no idea existed and as painful as that is in some ways, I am grateful for it in other ways. It really makes you see your own situation in a different light. I will definitely be reading more by this author and I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a terrifyingly realistic book. Be forewarned though, this book is definitely not for the faint of heart.

Issue 1 | August 2016 |


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