Uncaged Book Reviews

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Issue 2 | September 2016

Featuring: Linda Rae Sande

with an excerpt from The Epiphany of an Explorer

Victoria Vane

with an excerpt from Saddle Up

Bernard DeLeo

with an excerpt from Blood Lust

Zoe Forward

with an excerpt from Playing the Witch’s Game

Katherine McIntyre with an excerpt from Scrying for Summer

Also: Reviews from: Uncaged Amy’s Bookshelf

New Releases

From your favorite authors

Links Round-up

Giveaways, Blogs & News

from the

editor’s desk Welcome to the September issue of Uncaged Book Reviews, a magazine with a companion blog that was born out of a need to promote reading, publishers and authors in a very competitive market! Please enjoy the this issue’s featured authors, Linda Rae Sande, Victoria Vane, Bernard DeLeo, Zoe Forward and Katherine McIntyre! Thanks to these wonderful authors for taking time to be here! Please welcome Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews to Uncaged! Be sure to check out MyraNour.net and her blog, as she dives into the horror genre. You can find both of their banners on the Blog Roll Call. As we jump into the second issue of this adventure, I want to thank the authors, readers, author assistants, promoters and publishers who have jumped onboard to read and share this magazine to all their followers. Uncaged is a labor of love, and the acceptance and the enthusiasm is contagious, and I am honored you want to be a part of this journey. The featured authors that are promoted in Uncaged, is a FREE service to authors. The only requirements being that Uncaged has read at least one of the author’s books, and that I ask that the authors share the magazine with their networks. Pretty simple, right? The response has been humbling. Be on the lookout in the next issue, as we jump into the paranormal and horror genres to celebrate the spooky month of October! I will offer very limited ad spaces in the magazine that I can design for you, or you can send a finished ad in at the correct size. Ads will be very reasonable, only 2 different sizes; a Half Page Ad will be $10 per issue, and a Full Page ad will be $20. If I sell Inside Covers, the rate is $50 each.The magazine and blog will be promoted extensively over social media outlets for maximum exposure. Again, all author features are FREE, they are the “heart and soul” of Uncaged.

Reviews: Authors and publishers are encouraged to ask for reviews! If you are an author that would like to be a featured author, please contact me. The only requirement is that I’ve read at least one of your books. At this time, we are not accepting pure erotica, until there are reviewers in place. Readers: If any of you’d like to be on the reviewing team for Uncaged Book Reviews, I’d love to hear from you also! Blogs: If you’d like to partner with Uncaged with your own review section, please email me. All inquiries: UncagedBooks@gmail.com or cyrene.olson@gmail.com So thank you and enjoy the September issue of Uncaged Book Reviews!


Issue 2 | September 2016

featuredauthors LindaRaeSande page 7

• Interview • Excerpt from The Epiphany of an Explorer • Reviews of The Epiphany of an Explorer, The Story of a Baron & The Passion of a Marquee

VictoriaVane page 15

• Interview • Excerpt from Saddle Up • Review of Saddle Up

BernardDeLeo page 23

• Interview • Excerpt from Blood Lust • Reviews of Demon & Blood Lust

ZoeForward page 31 • Interview

• Excerpt from Playing the Witch’s Game • Reviews of Dawn of a Dark Knight & His Witch to Keep

KatherineMcIntyre page


• Interview • Excerpt from Scrying for Summer Book 2 of The Philadelphia Coven Series

• Reviews of The Philadelphia Coven Series thus far

andMore... 2 5 45 48 60

Editor’s Desk Links You Can Use New Releases Uncaged Reviews Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews

Issue 2 | September 2016 |



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A blog for horror fans.

http://www.freebooksifter.com/ Of course, Amazon has free Kindle books at all times. Thousands of them. If you feel like slogging through the seemingly never-ending list, you can find some real gems. Here is the best link, just pick the category on the left to help narrow down the search. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ ss_i_2_4?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&fieldkeywords=free+kindle+books&sprefix=free%2Ca ps%2C236

A little bit of everything. Uncaged review contributors.

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featureauthor Linda Rae Sande

Interview: Find out what Linda is working on next Excerpt from: The Epiphany of an Explorer Where to follow Linda Rae Sande Never miss an update Reviews of: The Epiphany of an Exporer, The Story of a Baron and The Passion of a Marquess

| FEATURE AUTHOR | I was so excited that Linda Rae Sande agreed to a feature for Uncaged. My love of historicals is always satisfied with one of her books. First off, thank you so much for taking the time for the interview! Thank you, Cyrene, for having me. And congratulations on your new publication! 1) When did you come to the realization that you wanted to be an author? I’ve been a writer for years, usually because my jobs as a technical writer have required the skill, but I was a reader first. I love books! I love how I can escape this reality just by opening a book and reading. There were a few books along the way, though, that made me think I could do a better job. I mentioned it to a distance relative, and she basically double-dog-dared me to do it. About the same time, I was doing genealogical research and discovered information about ancestors who lived in England. Imagining their stories drove me to write novels set in the Regency era. 2) Who are some of your favorite authors now, and what genres do you tend to read the most? This is going to seem rather odd, but I grew up reading science fiction, and Isaac Asimov was my favorite author with Arthur C. Clarke a close second. Asimov’s “Foundation” series is amazing. In the historical romance genre, Mary Balogh, Eloisa James, and Madeline Hunter are my favorites. I tend to read Regencies the most of all fiction these days. 3) How long does it take you to write a full 8 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

book? Do you write full time or part time? Most of my books are ~100k words. They can take from two to four months to plot and write depending on how many book conventions might interrupt the writing process. Since I’m doing six of those this year, I will release three books. Although I have a “day job”, I am a full-time writer in that I make my living at it and spend at least forty hours a week on the business of being an author. 4) Your books are always fun to read with fresh and original takes on the historical genre. What inspired you to write in the genre? Thanks, Cyrene! I do try to explore tropes that aren’t too overused in historical fiction, but I know there are a few favorites I’ve used more than once in my books. About twenty years ago, I started helping my mother with genealogical research. At the time, I was more interested in discovering the names and dates than I was in learning what was happening to those people. How and where they lived was so important! Those that lived during the Regency era (in Sussex) were the most interesting to learn about, and soon I was hooked. 5) Where is your favorite place to write? What are some of your favorite ways to relax? If I’m home all day and don’t plan to leave the house, I like wearing pajamas and writing in my office. I do my best writing at night, though, usually at a downtown bar or cantina. And it’s not because Hemingway said to write drunk and edit sober! I just find I can immerse myself in the story and write the best dialogue when I’m away from distractions at home. The local wait staff

| LINDA RAE SANDE | know me and don’t interrupt me (very often). I can usually write an entire chapter in one sitting over dinner and a drink. 6) I have now read three books in The Brothers of the Aristocracy series, and I loved that they all tied in with each other, but could easily be read as standalones. Are we going to see more of the Aristocracy characters? I have completed four Aristocracy series so far (Daughters, Sons, Sisters and Brothers) as well as an epic novel, The Promise of a Gentleman (The Cousins of the Aristocracy). All thirteen of the books employ the same background characters, and all can be read as standalone novels. I try to tie them together more by theme than by any continuous thread as I’m not a fan of “to be continued” stories. I’m working on my fourteenth, The Gossip of an Earl, and those familiar characters all play roles in the story of how gossip affects the aristocracy. 7) In The Epiphany of an Explorer, you brought in a bit of mythology, which is always fun to read about. How much did you have to research for this part of the book? Far more than I thought when I started! Although I remember reading Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey back in high school, I certainly didn’t remember all the details. And even having seen the latest movies featuring characters from mythology, I was at a loss when it came to deciding whom to choose to feature for this story. I started by concentrating on learning everything I could about the islands of Delos and Mykonos and just worked from there with the mythology. I was in Nashville for “A Weekend with the Authors” when I was half-done writing the book.

I took a tour of their replica of the Parthenon so I could get pictures of Athena and Nike. I had taken a tour of in the past, and it really helped when it came time to describing the pediments of the Parthenon for a scene in my first book, The Kiss of a Viscount. 8) What are you working on now and what else do you have plans for in the near future? The Gossip of an Earl is the first in the next series. It’s scheduled for an October release. After that, there will be another entry in the Cousins series, The Pride of a Gentleman. I promise it won’t be as long as the first. It picks up a year after The Promise of a Gentleman left off in 1802. Although none of the main characters are aristocrats themselves, they’re related to them either directly or by marriage. I love the characters, especially the younger Milton Grandby, Earl of Torrington, and his cousin Gregory. They make up the half-generation that comes before those featured in my other books. 9) What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you? I love my readers! And I love that they live all over the world! It’s fun to hear from them, especially when they want to know when a particular character is going to get “their story”. I probably wouldn’t have done Harry Tennison’s tale (The Epiphany of an Explorer) as early as I did (he wasn’t scheduled until next year), but he was in demand as an unlikely hero. Fans can sign up for my newsletter on my website, www.lindaraesande.com, follow me on my Amazon Author Page, http://amazon.com/ author/lindaraesande, or follow me on

Issue 2 | September 2016 |


| FEATURE AUTHOR | Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/LindaRaeSandeAuthor.

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A self-described nerd and lover of science, Linda Rae spent many years as a published technical writer specializing in 3D graphics workstations, software and 3D animation (her movie credits include SHREK and SHREK 2). An interest in genealogy led to years of research on the Regency era and a desire to write fiction based in that time. Now running the front office of a busy print shop, she’s developed an appreciation for pretty papers and color printing. She can frequently be found at the local cinema enjoying the latest movie. Although she no longer has any tropical fish, she’s a fan of the San Jose Sharks. She makes her home in Cody, Wyoming. Read more about her books on her website:


10 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

Enjoy an excerpt from: The Epiphany of an Explorer A man only gets one chance to find his Aphrodite … but what if she finds him first? When archeologist Dr. Stewart Jones, a duke, goes missing and is feared dead while searching for an important Greek artifact, explorer Harold Tennison, Earl of Everly, is pressed into service by fellow members of the Royal Society to find him. Since Harry has already planned an expedition to the Cyclades to search for rare birds and flowers, he sets off for the Aegean to begin his quest. On his last visit to Delos, Harry was blessed with a visit from a young woman—his very own version of Aphrodite rising from the sea to regard him with an arched eyebrow and a simple question that left him so discombobulated, he could barely speak. Born of a Mykonian mother and a British duke, Lady Estelle isn’t particularly comfortable in either world. With her father’s recent disappearance and no prospects for marriage, Stella may end up stranded on Mykonos. She spends her days assisting her uncle in his hunt for Greek treasures he can sell to visiting Europeans. At night, she remembers the bespectacled earl who nearly broke her foot during a waltz back in London. When Harry arrives on Mykonos to begin his hunt for the duke and to resume his own research, he’ll have to learn far more about mythology, antiquities, and Greek goddesses than he bargained for. The search may be worth it, though, but only if he ends up with his very own Aphrodite in “The Epiphany of an Explorer”.

Excerpt ~~~~~~ Harry studied the nautilus shell he had brought up with him from the sea bottom, wondering at the curve of the spiral that seemed to form its back-

| LINDA RAE SANDE | bone. What little of the interior he could see appeared a pearly pink, the color fading as it reached the edge. The exterior, rough with layers of other sea crea¬tures having attached themselves to its surface over the years, appeared as if it might have at one time been a light brown sprinkled with lighter dots. Remembering a comment made by Lord Brougham about being able to hear the ocean should he put a seashell up near his ear, he did so with the nautilus. “Beautiful,” he murmured, trying to determine what phenomena could explain how any¬thing could be heard from the inside of a chambered shell. Resonance, he realized as he turned and faced a different direction. The sound of the ocean within the shell changed slightly, confirming what he suspected. When the sound changed drastically—a whooshing fol¬lowed by a loud splash and an inhalation of breath, Harry jerked the shell away from his ear. Only a few yards in front of him, a young lady—or perhaps she was a mermaid—stood regarding him as she pulled her drenched auburn hair to one side and squeezed the water from it with long, slender fingers. Since she was still knee-deep in the water, it was impossible to tell if she stood on a pair of feet or on a flipper tail. The part of her body that appeared above the water’s edge was mostly naked, her sun-kissed flesh turning to goose bumps as seawater sluiced from her body. The scrap of fabric that covered her breasts, and as Harry slowly realized, the rest of the torso of her body, clung to her curves and allowed the silhouette of her erect nipples to show in relief. Harry blinked, thinking at first she was merely an appari¬tion. It had been some time since he had eaten anything, after all. He was simply famished and seeing things. It had also been some time since he had bedded a woman—they were hard to come by on deserted islands. But he was quite sure he had felt water droplets fall onto his skin when she emerged from the water. She appeared quite solid in form and, well, he

rather doubted an apparition could cause the arousal he was suddenly feeling in his breeches. “Do you always gawk like that?” “Do you always gawk like that?” The voice was definitely feminine. Definitely alluring. And quite possibly that of a siren. Having read Homer’s epic poems, Harry was well aware of what a siren was capable of doing. Luring a man first to her and then to his death beneath the ocean’s waves. He realized he might actually be willing to drown should this one call him into the water. Harry shook his head. Sirens were merely mythological characters, he reasoned. This particular sea nymph couldn’t be a siren. And the fact that she was standing implied she had two feet—he rather doubted a flipper tail could support her, which meant she had to be a human woman. Still tamping down his sudden arousal, Harry took a good deal of satisfaction in his reasoning ability. I am a scientist, he reminded himself. And she is not what she seems. Nor could she be one of the young ladies he had danced with a Season or two ago. He almost shook his head. He wasn’t in London, nor anywhere near it. Of course she wasn’t one of the young chits with whom he had danced. None of them would dare be seen in so little in the way of attire unless they were bathing at Brighton, and even then, they would be far away from prying eyes or inside a bathing machine. The damned things took all the fun out of watching women intent on swimming in the Channel.

Issue 2 | September 2016 |



Uncaged Reviews The Story of a Baron (The Sisters of the Aristocracy 1): This was so much fun, you get two stories in one! The story revolves around Baron, Lord Sommers and the sister of the Earl of Everly, Lady Evangeline. The Earl, who is constantly away on his expeditions, Evangeline spends her days embroidering and reading books. On a trip to the local book store, she picks up a book, called “The Story of a Baron,” written by Anonymous. Bumping into Lord Sommers who is also wanting to buy the same book, but there is only one on the shelves. Evangeline has no idea that Lord Sommers, trying to earn money for his barony, is the author of the book, and actually modeled it after Evangeline and himself, before he even knew her. So when they both decide to read the book together, this is the interesting part. You not only get the story of Lord Sommers and Lady Evangeline, but you also get the story of the couple in the book itself. And I was drawn to both, I read their book along with them, and read their story, and I enjoyed both. Now, I did read this book, the 1st in this series after I read the 2nd one, The Passion of a Marquee. I had no issues, these can be easily read as standalones, although you do see a lot of characters roaming around that were a part of the other books in the series. Highly recommended for historical lovers. The Passion of a Marquee (The Sisters of the Aristocracy 2): Linda Rae Sande can really tell a story. Keeping the history alive in your mind, as you read the story. This story brings us Lady Samantha, who takes a

12 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

trip by ship with her Aunt. Also on the ship is the Marquess, Ethan Range. Both are washed up on shore of a deserted island, and need each other to survive until a rescue can find them. Eventually, Lady Samantha breaks down the walls around Ethan’s heart, with her strong and sensible spirit. Their romance is short-lived, as they are rescued a week later and believing that Lady Samantha cares for another, Ethan lets her go, and they both go their separate ways. This was an original storyline, filled with a very descriptive setting, and a well flushed out storyline. Even though the language is in the historical sense, Linda Rae Sande never leaves you out on a limb. It’s very easy to keep up with and understand, and I almost read this one straight through. The Epiphany of an Explorer (The Brothers of the Aristocracy 3) This was another great read – and I love that even though this is book 3 in this series, it’s easy to read as a standalone, and on top of that, it all ties in with the other Aristocracy series books, and you get updates on some past favorites! This book again, gives you two stories in one, which was pretty fun. In The Story of a Baron, we met Evangeline and her brother, Harold Tennison, the Earl of Averly. In The Epiphany of an Explorer, Earl Averly is an explorer, and studies birds and plants. When a Duke of the ton goes missing, British Society hires Harold to take a trip to look for the Duke. A trip to Mykonos, Harry meets the Duke’s daughter, the exotic Stella – whom knocks him for a loop (even literally at one point!). Stella is half Mykonian and half British, and shunned from British society, even though she’s a Duke’s daughter, because she doesn’t fit in with their idea of a British lady of the ton. But

| LINDA RAE SANDE | she also doesn’t feel like she fits in Mykonos either, being of two worlds. She spends her time in Mykonos, diving for treasures and artifacts for her uncle. You also meet Captain Jack Crawley (aka Alex Bradley of the British Foreign Office) and Nike, Stella’s best friend. This is the 2nd story running in this book, just as appealing as Harry and Stella’s. Nike’s brother, has promised Nike to a rich olive exporter’s son, whom Nike could never love, and wants to escape from. Along comes Captain Jack, who is also looking for the missing Duke, and sparks fly.

All three books are rated the same

Uncaged Ratings: Adults only Historical/Regency Romance Hot sex scenes (not considered erotic) Language of the era

Issue 2 | September 2016 |



And don’t miss these titles: The Brothers of the Aristocracy:

The Sons of the Aristocracy:

The Daughters of the Aristocracy:

14 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

The Sisters of the Aristocracy:

featureauthor Victoria Vane


See what’s next on Victoria’s list


Ways to keep in contact

Excerpt from: Saddle Up


| FEATURE AUTHOR | Being a horse owner and lover my whole life, reading western contemporaries comes naturally for me. Victoria Vane easily satisfies that genre for me, and it’s a pleasure to have a fellow horse lover in Uncaged, even though she’s up against deadlines, she took the time, and I’m grateful.

read, that have influenced you as an author?

Thank you Vicki for the feature.

5) Where is your favorite place to write? What are some of your favorite ways to relax?

1) When did you come to the realization that you wanted to be an author? It happened totally by fluke! I was riding up a mountain on horseback the summer of 2008 when I told a friend about this crazy story that wouldn’t get out of my head. She told me I should write it. So I did! I finished my debut novel (THE HIGHEST STAKES) 14 months later and was shocked to get an offer from two publishers six weeks after that. It was published in April of 2010 and I’ve been writing ever since- to date I’ve published two historical fictions novels as Emery Lee and over twenty romance novels and novellas as Victoria Vane. 2) Who are some of your favorite authors now, and what genres do you tend to read the most?

Since I have been writing, it’s almost impossible for me to read a book without subconsciously critiquing it, so I would have to say that everything I read influences me – both positively and negatively.

I’m a very quirky writer. I can’t write on a laptop. I can’t write in public places and I have to play music while I write. Every story has its own play list. I love Pandora radio! 6) I’ve read Saddle Up, and I’ve been a horse owner most of my life, and westerns, involving horses and cowboys – are always a safe bet for me. With Saddle Up, within a few pages, I am all in. This book is not only a romance, but it also brings up the cause of the fate of the wild mustangs, and I love that you brought that into the book with this story. Is this a cause that is near and dear to you, and did you have to do a lot of research on mustangs for the book?

A full length novel usually takes me 3-4 months. I have been writing full time for over five years.

I am a true research geek with everything I write, but SADDLE UP is indeed near and dear to my heart as I have been a horse owner most of my life and once rescued a horse that was a failed BLM adoption. My personal experience allowed me to really dig deeply into the mustang dilemma. I hope readers will be both entertained and enlightened by the story.

4) Are there any books/authors that you’ve

7) What are you working on now and what else

I have always loved the classics and still enjoy re-reading them. I also enjoy contemporary western romance but have too many favorites to list! 3) How long does it take you to write a full book? Do you write full time or part time?

16 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

| VICTORIA VANE | do you have plans for in the near future? I had a great deal of turmoil in my personal life this past year that put me on a hiatus for a while but I am now “back in the saddle.” I have a holiday themed contemporary western releasing in October (A COWBOY’S MIDNIGHT KISS) and am presently working on two new historical romances IVAR THE RED, and THE BASTARD OF BRITTANY as part of Kathryn LeVeque’s De Wolf Pack Kindle world. After that, I will also be contributing a sexy contemporary western to Sable Hunter’s Hell Yeah Kindle world in February. 8) What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you? If you enjoy smart and sexy stories, I’m your girl! I am very active on Facebook (Victoria Vane or Author Victoria Vane where I also frequently post pictures of the historical costumes that I make (and sell). I guess that’s a story for another day!

Victoria Vane is a number one best selling author of contemporary romance (SLOW HAND) and awardwinning author of historical romance, whose collective works encompass wild comedic romps to emotionally compelling erotic romance. Victoria’s books have received over twenty awards and nominations to include the 2014 RONE Award for Treacherous Temptations and Library Journal Best E-Book Romance for The Devil DeVere series.

Follow Victoria: victoriavane.com embracingromance.com

Enjoy an excerpt from Saddle Up: Miranda was freezing cold, but she was also terrified. Of him. Of the feelings he’d roused in her. He reached out his hand, beckoning softly. “Don’t be foolish, Miranda. Come and get warm.” Tamping down her trepidations, she rose and settled herself lengthwise beside him. His arm came around her, wrapping her in his blanket, and instantly cocooning her in his body heat. He pulled her closer against him and nuzzled into her hair. “I don’t understand you at all, Miranda…but I like how you smell.” She relaxed. “You do?” “Yes. I do.” He burrowed into her neck, his breath hot and his lips soft. “Very much.” Issue 2 | September 2016 |


| FEATURE AUTHOR | She whispered back, “If we’re making confessions, I like how you feel.”

“Don’t say it!” She covered his mouth. His chuckle warmed both her hand and her ears.

“Is that so?” He rolled her onto her back so that his body lay on top of hers. His mouth stretched into a slow smile. “Is there a particular part of me you like?”

“Don’t you want to know how it ends?” he asked. “I’m not certain I do.”

Her face heated. If she’d had any doubt his desire was real, the proof was palpable through two layers of thick denim. “Um…maybe that didn’t come out quite right. I meant that you make me feel safe.” “Safe?” His thumb skirted softly over her lips. “Maybe you aren’t as safe as you think.” He added in a tone that made her shiver with anticipation, “I think perhaps Goldilocks is about to discover that the old woman is really a big bad wolf.” “You’re mixing up the stories, Keith. Goldilocks was with the three bears. Little Red Riding Hood was with the wolf.” “You make films your way, and let me tell the stories,” he said. “Storytelling is in my blood, after all.” “All right, then. Have it your way. Tell me this story about Goldilocks and the Big Bad Wolf.” He flashed a big, bad lupine grin. “My version begins much the same as what you have heard before, but when Goldilocks enters her grandmother’s tepee, she exclaims, ‘Huttsi, what large hands you have!’ ‘All the better to touch you with, my child,’ the wolf replies. ‘Huttsi, what a big mouth you have!’ ‘All the better to kiss you with, my dear!’ ‘Huttsi, what a long tongue you have!’ ‘All the better to lick every inch of you, my sweet.’” His eyes gleamed mischievously. Miranda suspected she knew what was coming next. “‘But, Huttsi, what an enormous—’”

18 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

“I’ll tell you anyway. He devours her bite by delectable bite.” He flashed another very wolfish smile. “You see?” His smile disappeared. “You are never safe with a wolf.” His lips were soft, smooth, and so very knowing as his mouth melded with hers with slow, toe-curling deliberation. There was nothing hurried or clumsy, none of the typical hesitancy, nose bumping, or teeth clashing of a first kiss. Taking her face in his hands, he deepened the kiss by tiny degrees, increasing pressure, adding licks and nips, teasing and torturing her until his hot tongue breached her mouth. Their tongues met, sliding and tangling—both a prelude and promise of so much more. She’d never been kissed by a man who knew how to give her everything she wanted, but Keith did. Shutting her eyes, she recalled a night spent in another desert when she’d driven down to Baja California for a project in time-lapse videography. After hours of scouting, she’d located a small growth of thin, inconspicuous, dead-looking branches hidden among a patch of scrub—a night-blooming cereus. After setting up cameras, she’d spent the night vigilantly watching for the desert queen to unfurl for its single night of glory. When the flower finally opened, it had perfumed the air with a sweet and delicate scent. She sat watching the flower until it had wilted and withered away with the first light of dawn. Watching that bloom come to life had been one her most memorable experiences. Keith made her feel very much like that desert flower waiting to bloom. She yearned to be touched…to be loved…and her resistance to him was fading fast. The kiss intensified, blinding her with blissful sensation. Nothing compared to the taste of his mouth, of his musky scent, of the feel of his warm hands on her skin. It was everything she’d hope for and more. Any lingering doubts vaporized like a puff of breath in the cold night air.


Uncaged Review Saddle Up Growing up with horses all my life, I cut my adult reading teeth on contemporary westerns. So Saddle Up was right up my alley. This story brings you Keith, who is trying to find his way in the world with his natural ability with horses, and Miranda, a film-maker trying to get her name out there in the tough market. She first meets Keith went sent on a filming location, as a man whose career is riding high with his connection with training horses and their owners. This encounter did not end well with Keith and Miranda, with Keith thinking that Miranda exploited him, which in truth, it was her boss. Disenchanted with Hollywood, Miranda returns to her grandmother’s ranch where she was raised, to help care for the ranch so her grandmother won’t have to sell. She agrees to film a documentary on the round-up of the wild mustangs, and the lead wrangler is none other than Keith.

Uncaged Ratings: Adults only

Contemporary Western Romance Hot sex scenes (not considered erotic)

Sparks fly, but there is a strong connection between the two, and the story evolves. But this isn’t just a story of Keith and Miranda. The author shows you the fate of many of the wild mustangs today. This book is full of great western action, witty banter, and a touching storyline. Miranda’s relationship with her grandmother is sweet, and the relationship with Keith is combustive, fun and romantic.

Issue 2 | September 2016 |


| FEATURE AUTHOR | Don’t miss these titles

Slow Hand

Contemporary Romance Victoria Vane

Rough Rider

Contemporary Romance Victoria Vane

In rural Montana... Wade Knowlton is a hardworking lawyer who’s torn between his small-town Montana law practice and a struggling family ranch. He’s on the brink of exhaustion from trying to save everybody and everything, when gorgeous Nicole Powell walks into his office. She’s a damsel in distress and the breath of fresh air he needs.

Two wounded hearts... Janice Combes has two loves: bucking bulls and Dirk Knowlton. But Dirk only has eyes for a dazzling rodeo queen. How can Janice ever compete while mired ankle-deep in manure? Exchanging playful banter with Dirk is all Janice can expect-until the stormy night he knocks on her door dripping wet and needing a place to crash.

Even the lawyers wear boots... Nicole Powell is a sassy Southern girl who has officially sworn off cowboys after a spate of bad seeds-until her father’s death sends her to Montana and into the arms of a man who seems too good to be true. Her instincts tell her to high tail it out of Montana, but she can’t resist a cowboy with a slow hand..

Daring to dream again... Dirk Knowlton is living the cowboy dream. Life should be good-roping, branding, bucking broncs, riding bulls-but there’s a void he can’t seem to fill. After getting hung up by a bull, he wonders if this is really the life he wants. Restless and rebellious, he joins the Marines determined to prove himself...but there’s a certain cowgirl he can’t forget. When a battle-scarred Dirk returns to his Montana ranch he finds Janice has come back home to lick her own wounds. When old dreams have turned to dust, can two wary hearts take another chance on love?

20 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com


Sharp Shootin’ Cowboy Contemporary Romance Victoria Vane

TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT, COWBOY... Weary warrior... After eight years as a Marine sniper, war-scarred Reid Everett is back in his native Wyoming. He knows and loves this rugged land, so working for wildlife services to reduce the booming wolf population suits him to a T. Caring crusader... Wildlife biologist Haley Cooper is desperate to make a difference. Leaving the world of academia behind, she accepts a position as a wolf advocate to protect the animals she loves. Raw attraction... Their jobs set them on a collision course, but chemistry sparks like wildfire between Reid and Haley. They’ll have to brave some rough territory if they hope to reconcile their polarizing views with a passion that won’t be denied.

Saddle Up

Contemporary Romance Victoria Vane WILD HORSES COULDN’T BRING THEM TOGETHER... With exceptional talent and looks, cowboy “horse whisperer” Keith Russo once had the world at his feet until his career was unwittingly destroyed by an aspiring filmmaker. After being rejected by his family for exploiting his Native American heritage, Keith has no choice but to turn back to his humble beginnings as a wild horse wrangler. BUT MAYBE THEIR PASSION CAN... Miranda Sutton always dreamed of making films, until wild mustangs captured her heart. But turning her grandmother’s Montana ranch into a wild horse sanctuary proves harder than she thought. She needs someone who knows wild horses. Keith and the mustangs need each other. And while working together to save the herd, Keith and Miranda discover a passion as wild as the mustangs they love

Issue 2 | September 2016 |


featureauthor Bernard DeLeo Interview

What to look forward to

Connect with Bernard DeLeo Excerpt from Blood Lust Reviews

| FEATURE AUTHOR | I had the priviledge to read the first book in the Demon series a few months ago. And when I say priviledge, that’s how it feels to read the works of Bernard DeLeo’s. His storytelling is second to none, from his crime-solving to the characters he builds. Uncaged is honored to have him here. First off, thank you so much for taking the time for the interview! 1) When did you come to the realization that you wanted to be an author? One of the first classes I attended in college after my enlistment in the Navy was a creative writing class. Our first assignment was to write a short story. I wrote the story from a dog’s point of view. During the class critique session another student said, ‘you can’t write a story from a dog’s point of view’. The professor replied, ‘he just did’. I was hooked. 2) Who are some of your favorite authors now, and what genres do you tend to read the most? Tom Clancy, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and Janet Evanovitch are some of my favorite authors. Although horror and action/adventure novels make up most of my reading list, I love the Stephanie Plum series because of the characters and humor. Romance is another key ingredient in what I read. 3) How long does it take you to write a full book? Do you write full time or part time? I write full time, but I also own a one-man auto shop in Oakland, CA. My writing goal is two thousand words a day no matter how long it takes. I write on and off from 5 am to 10 pm. I very seldom miss my word goal. Since my novel length is between 90,000 and 130,000 words, de-

24 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

pending on the series I’m writing, it takes about two and a half months for me to write and edit a novel. 4) I loved the book Demon, as it was a very fresh, original idea on the paranormal, young adult world. And now, in Blood Lust, you bring in a Dhampir to work with officials. I chuckled at the references to The Vampire Diaries and even the more obscure, Moonlight. Have you actually watched these shows? How much research did you do in the vampire world for this novel? I admit to watching all things vampire from the time I was a kid up through the present. If the characters have chemistry, I’m all in as far as being a fan goes. I have used variations of vampires in a few of my novels, including ‘Layla’, ‘Lancelot’, and of course ‘Blood Lust’. I can’t really claim my fascination with vampires to be research. I have immersed myself in the various vampire legends from childhood. Adding humor in ‘Blood Lust’ made the novel irresistible for me to write. 5) Where is your favorite place to write? What are some of your favorite ways to relax? I write wherever I happen to be: on an airplane, train, deck chair, my auto shop backroom desk, and the most comfortable would have to be my tilt back couch seat with laptop. When I’m fully engaged in a scene, it doesn’t matter where I am. I’m always relaxed when I write. I might laugh out loud, pump my fist, or grit my teeth in concentration, but writing is always a relaxing escape for me. 6) I loved the humor and the very charismatic duo of Jed and Erin, is Blood Lust a one timer, or is this the start of a fun new series?

| BERNARD DELEO | I believe I will revisit my Blood Lust duo of Jed and Erin at some point in the future if for no other reason than the enticement of humor, romance, and Jed’s Dhampir powers. The scenes like this one where Erin interrogates Jed about what he fed on make it difficult to resist a sequel because they’re so much fun for me to write: “I agree. I’m off in another hour. I’ll change into civvies and we can check the lab for any sign of him. What did you feed on?” “A doe.” Erin made her usual disgusted face. “You fed on Bambi’s mother? That is sick.” “Yeah, and I did it in front of Bambi and his sister. I think I saw Thumper and Flower gawking at me too while I did the deed.” Uncaged follow-up - I laughed at this scene, along with many others. The chemistry between the characters was perfect. 7) What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you? I’m a story teller. I don’t write while trying to be Earnest Hemingway, or Shakespeare. When I get an idea with characters and plot I can’t resist, I write the story to please myself. If my writing keeps appealing to readers, I love sharing the stories with them, but I write for me. Editing is a humbling and crucial endeavor no author can avoid. If a writer doesn’t love what he or she writes, the editing will drive the writer into a coma of either avoidance or blockage.

Born and raised in Warren, Ohio, I write adventure fiction in many genres. I have thirty-two of my novels offered for Amazon Kindle in the Unlimited Program. I have four continuing series offerings - Hard Case 1-7, Cold Blooded 1-6, Rick Cantelli, P.I. 1-4, and the New Adult paranormal series Demon 1-4, all with RJ Parker Publishing Inc. Recent releases are the paranormal novel Blood Lust, Cold Blooded VI: Red Horizon, Hard Case VII: Red Waves, Rick Cantelli, P.I. IV: Shades of Death, and Demon IV: Darkness Rules. I served aboard the USS Ranger (CVA61) from 1969 until November of 1972. I earned an AA degree in Auto Technology from Chabot College in Hayward, CA, and a BA degree in English from Cal State Hayward. My hobbies are basketball, backpacking, and scuba diving. My favorite dive spot is Point Lobos near Pacific Grove, CA.

Stay connected

Uncaged follow-up - It’s appealing, trust me!

Issue 2 | September 2016 |



Enjoy an excerpt from Blood Lust I am also what they call a prodigy. I completed college at sixteen in computer and engineering technology. If I lived in many other countries, I would have been enslaved for the greater good. I’m twenty-four now. I create apps for computers and mobile technology. My monetary worth makes even thinking about it unnecessary. There is also a bit of consulting in my life on the down low as it were. See, I have a childhood friend named Erin. She lived next door to me. We did everything together, because I think Erin sensed I might not be like other kids. My Mom instilled in me a moral code from the moment I could understand the concept. She taught me I could not drink from people. She also made sure I practiced daily to control my strength. Mom called it raising the dark superman. When Erin and I were ten, we played by one of the many streams running through Placerville from the Lake Tahoe basin. We pretended to be everything a kid’s imagination can envision. Then she found out what I was. We decided to hike along the stream. Erin claimed we trekked in darkest Africa along the shore of the Congo River.

became an adult. From the time I first remembered watching TV with her, she absorbed every cop and CSI show available. That did not bode well for our lost dog guy. “Please leave us alone, mister. If you lost your dog, you didn’t lose him around here. We’re a long way from any park or street.” The man’s smile disappeared, to be replaced with a sinister smirk. “Smart girl. What’s your name?” Erin had outed the guy. I knew we were in trouble. I could smell it: Erin’s fear, the man’s excitement, even the dampness in the air. She was right to be afraid. “He’s going to kill us, Jed,” Erin whispered sideways at me through clenched teeth. My full name is Jedidiah Israel Blake and I didn’t take my eyes off him. “I won’t let him. Walk toward the road, Erin. I’ll follow in a few moments.” “I’m not leaving you!” Erin tried to resist me moving her behind me, but she could do nothing except be swept in the direction I intended. “No one’s going anywhere.”

“Hey kids,” a man’s voice called out from behind us.

He moved closer, reaching under the back of his windbreaker.

We turned to see a clean shaven, tall, lean guy dressed in slacks, tennis shoes, and black windbreaker. His brown hair looked fashionably long and unmoving in the breeze, so probably sprayed. He carried a dog leash in his hands with an engaging smile. “Hi kids, have either of you seen my dog. He’s a black lab, named Sparky.”

I couldn’t worry about secrets. I ran him down, gripping and breaking the wrist of his hand reaching as we hit the ground. He screamed out as I buried my fangs in his neck. He quieted instantly. I drank with lust, a magnificent feeling so primal I probably growled while doing it. The taste of human blood, hot from its unwilling donor, invigorated me, but brought visions from his past foul life flooding through my brain. I sucked the life out of him in a fury I had never

Erin also wanted to be a detective when she 26 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

| BERNARD DELEO | felt before. Only Erin’s cool hand shaking my bare arm where it clutched the man’s broken wrist, and her hushed pleadings stopped me. When I stood, letting his body drop down, Erin pulled me over to the stream, only the gasps for breath hinting at anything changed within her. “You have to wash your face and hands, Jed.”

cret.” “That would be best. My Mom’s going to freak when she finds out what happened.” “I’ll tell her. It won’t be a big deal. That guy deserved it, and now she has someone else to help keep your secret. I’ll be your Igor.”

No screams, no accusations of being a monster. Erin simply helped me wash and then we went home, leaving the predator where he lay. We returned home the way we had come, because he had reached our position at the stream from a road over the ridge nearby. Erin kept glancing at me with a curious look as if she had not witnessed me maul and suck a man’s essence from him. We were bonded for life. “How long before your eyes return to normal?” “Uh… I don’t know. Do they look funny?” “They’re black. Can I see your fangs?” Erin slowed to grip the sides of my face as she peered upwards. By that time in my life I could extend and retract at will, so I did it for her. “Wow… your mouth widens there. They aren’t even visible, and they have a hollow pin hole away from the fang point,” She observed clinically. Erin released my face and took my hand as we walked. “Thank you.” “You didn’t even scream. You’re tough… like my Mom. She and my Grandparents can see anything, and you know… they accept it now.” “We’re walkin’ around in daylight, so you’re like Blade the Vampire Hunter: a day-walker,” Erin said. “We have to keep your powers seIssue 2 | September 2016 |


| FEATURE AUTHOR | I’ll be reviewing Blood Lust and the first book in the Demon series.

Demon (Demon Series, Book 1)

Uncaged Reviews

Another fun read. This book introduces the cast of characters, Mike, his family and his friends and one very special dog who befriends him, Demon. But Demon is no ordinary dog. Demon saves Mike and his friends when they take on a challenge to check out a neighborhood haunted house, from a demonic ghost-like being. So Mike takes Demon home, and finds out that this dog is so much more. With Demon’s help, Mike and him are able to find missing children that the police have not been able to find. They also discover a rift in the dimensions of the world, allowing demons to enter into the human world and cause plenty of chaos.

Blood Lust This was a fun read, from start to finish. I didn’t know in the beginning what way the author was going to take with the Dhampir part of the world, but it works really well. The characters are well thought out and relatable with plenty of chemistry and fun “laugh out loud” moments. We learn about Jed, a Dhampir, who uses his powers to help catch the worst criminals, and develops software to aid with the forensics department. His best friend since childhood, Erin, is a newer police officer trying to make detective, and Jed has no issues trying to help her. Amazingly enough, a division of the CSI, has been keeping tabs on Jed, watching him grow and develop his powers, unknown to him. They finally meet, and recruits both him and Erin to help take down terrorist cells.

I’m not going to give more of this story away, but it’s well worth the read. It’s engaging, and the plot and the suspense will keep you turning the pages. The characters are mostly older teens, but they are well flushed out and the storyline is fresh and original. Although Demon is marketed as a New Adult Paranormal, it will easily appeal to adults also.

Plenty of action, some a bit violent, and intelligent and witty banter. A great read that will keep you engaged to the end. Here’s hoping that Mr. DeLeo brings this duo back in another installment. Uncaged Ratings: New Adult Paranormal Suspense Mild Violence Older Teens OK

Uncaged Ratings: Adult

Paranorml Suspense Adult situations/Implied sex only Mild graphic violence

28 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com


Don’t miss this title: Layla

Bernard DeLeo

Paranormal/Suspense Cole Warren finds a paranormal answer for his problems at ABC Auto Repair - a Djinn named Layla. Cole embarks on an adventure where he and the beautiful Djinn gather a new crew for Cole’s ABC Repair Shop: a Werewolf, Wraith, Witch, and of course, Layla. Together, they face down all manner of mythical monsters, while practicing ABC’s main purpose: auto and truck repair. This is a second edition of Layla by Bernard Lee DeLeo with a ‘What if’ humorous short story with all the characters five years in the future. Layla was originally published in 2012.

Issue 2 | September 2016 |


featureauthor Zoe Forward Interview

What’s next for Zoe?

Stay Connected Keep up on the latest news

Excerpt from Playing the Witch’s Game

Keeper of the Veil Series



Zoe Forward’s books are so easy to get lost in. The writing is superb, and she can easily hang with the best-sellers. I am thrilled to have her be a part of Uncaged. Thank you so much for the feature! 1) When did you come to the realization that you wanted to be an author? There are those who know they want to write from the minute they start reading books. Not me. My dream was to be a veterinarian, and I did that. But I always used writing as a way to make people laugh. Loved it. About eight years ago I sat down and wrote my first book, Dawn of a Dark Knight. It didn’t happen overnight. It required sweat, tears, dreaded criticism and a baby arrival in the year it took to produce the story. Writing, I discovered, was an illuminating experience…and addictive. 2) Who are some of your favorite authors now, and what genres do you tend to read the most? I’ve got a few authors on my auto-buy list. I read so many types of books from nonfiction to most genres of romance, especially paranormal/ 32 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

urban fantasy, contemporary and NA. Some fav go-to’s include J.R. Ward, Christine Feehan, Rick Gualtieri, Sandra Brown, and Rebecca Yarros. 3) How long does it take you to write a full book? Do you write full time or part time? During the day I’m a veterinarian and a mom (now of two). At home I you’ll find half my day is spent trying to figure out why little ones prefer to run around without pants and working to find a matching pair of socks (I’ve got a repeat offender sock-eating dog who works against me). So, I write when I can. A full book might take a few months, depending on free time, deadlines and other projects. 4) When I read one of your books, I’m learning that the book is going to be a huge part of my time until I finish it, without getting much else done, I get so drawn into them. I’ve read His Witch to Keep, and Dawn of a Dark Knight, and I still have Forgotten in Darkness ready to go. I love how readers are pulled right in to the story – well developed characters and storyline. The Scimitar Magi series reminds me a lot of J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood, with the warrior magi and how they fight and live togeth-

| ZOE FORWARD | er. Will we see more from both these series? That’s…awesome! Thanks. There are more in the Keepers of the Veil series with the plan of 7 (one for each witch). The Scimitar Magi series is a bit unclear at the moment. 5) Where is your favorite place to write? What are some of your favorite ways to relax? I’ll write wherever and whenever I can, whether it’s shut in a closet, waiting for my son to finish karate or baseball, or very late at night when the house is quiet. For relaxation I’ll veg to a good Sci Fi movie or some of our fav TV series like The Flash or Deadliest Catch or VEEP. It’s an eclectic mix. Or I’ll grab a book. There’s a lot on my TBR right now. 6) What are you working on now and what else do you have plans for in the near future? Any new releases coming soon you can tell us about? The next in the Keepers of the Veil series has THE END written. I don’t have an exact release date yet. So, it’s on to book five in this series. Also, there’s a new line of contemporary romance in the pipeline. 7) What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you? Thank you so much to all of you guys who love the Keepers of the Veil series. You guys rock! Stalk me here:

Zoe Forward is a hopeless romantic who can’t decide between paranormal and contemporary romance. So, she writes both. When she’s not typing at her laptop, she’s tying on a karate belt for her son or cleaning up the newest pet mess from the menagerie that occupies her house. She’s a small animal veterinarian caring for a wide range of furry creatures, although there has been the occasional hermit crab. She’s madly in love with her globe trotting conservation ecologist husband who plans to save all the big cats on the planet, and happiest when he returns to their home base. PlPP

zoeforward.com More links: Zoe Forward’s Blog Sign up for the newsletter

Issue 2 | September 2016 |



Enjoy an excerpt from Playing the Witch’s Game: Playing The Witch’s Game (Keeper of the Veils) Zoe Forward Blurb: Pleiades witch Jennifer Marcos is certain that the host of Extreme Survivor is her soulmate. All she has to do is find a fake boyfriend, get on the show, and voila! She’ll have her destiny. Unfortunately, she has to rely on ex-Russian spy Nikolai Jovec’s six-foot-something of gorgeous, infuriating hotness. To make matters worse, the electric attraction between Jen and Nikolai is hotter than ever. But the only way Nikolai can protect Jen is by hiding the identity of her true Destined...him.

Excerpt: “Since you no longer work for Russia I want to offer you a job.” 
“What kind of job?” His gaze swung to her, the wariness back in his eyes. “To protect you from whatever might come after you? I’m not a bodyguard.” He folded his arms over his chest. “You obviously need a better bodyguard, if tonight is any indication of his skill.” “There’s nothing wrong with my bodyguard. I didn’t invite him along tonight. I have a different job for you.” His eyebrows shot upward. She cleared her throat and then forced out quickly, “I would like to hire you to be my fake boyfriend on TV.” 34 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

Uncaged Reviews His Witch to Keep (Keeper of the Veil Series) This book really packs a punch. Serenity is a Pleiades Witch, is trained as an operative and is fated by the Goddess to be mated to a Druid, whom are sentries that have protected the Witches for centuries. Alexi is a Dark Reaper who works for Hades, and has been protecting Serenity since he first met her. Their fierce attraction to each other is against the rules, both are fated to be with others from the Gods themselves, those are the rules, or are they? Serenity is the subject of high level contracts on her life, and her and Alexi will need to work together to find out who is behind the hits. High action, a lot of humor and well developed characters. Alexi is a very dominating male, but Serenity is a strong female lead and can take and give back what he dishes out. Athough this is a normal length novel, I didn’t want to get to the end as soon as I did. Dawn of a Dark Knight (Scimitar Magi Series) I should really know better when I start a Zoe Forward book, that I’m going to be in trouble when it comes to staying up way too late reading. I can’t help it. I race to get popcorn as if I’m watching a blockbuster. Dawn of a Dark Knight

| ZOE FORWARD | was no different. This is a brilliant start of a series, and Zoe Forward’s writing is on par with the likes of Sherrilyn Kenyon, Lara Adrian and J.R. Ward. (Yes, I’ve devoured those also). So so hard to put this one down. Hard to believe this was her first book. Magi are hot, sexy warrior protectors sent from the Gods, to protect the human world from Daemons. Destined to be bonded with one woman, who can save them from being Turned to darkness after centuries of fighting, Ashor is near that Turn. The warriors have not had a healer for many years. Enter Kira, a woman who is destined to be the healer for the warriors, but has fought her destiny most of her life. She is drawn to Ashor, and the connection is something they fight throughout the book. Ashor’s need to protect Kira from the evil that want to use her gifts for their own purposes, keeps the story on a fast track to action packed scenes. This book will remind you of J.R. Ward’s BDB, of the strong bonds between the warriors, and their mates. Non-stop action, well developed characters and storyline, Zoe Forward creates a terrific world and series that is hard to put down.

Both books are rated the same:

Uncaged Ratings: Adults only Both Series

Urban Fantasy/Paranormal romance Hot sex scenes (not considered erotic) Violence Some language

Issue 2 | September 2016 |



Enjoy these reads by Zoe Forward: Protecting His Witch

(Keeper of the Veil Series) Zoe Forward Paranormal Romance The last thing he wanted was to fall for a witch... Veterinarian Kat Ramsey hasn’t a clue that she’s a witch. Sure, she can read minds, and there’s the whole “dimension-hopping” issue that she can’t quite control, but Kat is determined to keep things normal. That is, until she accidentally hops into the Otherworld, and runs smack into Matthew Ryan―the seriously hot one-night stand from years ago who shoved her out of his dorm. Naked. And there’s the tiny matter of the curse she gave him. May you never find satisfaction with another woman. Billionaire and former druid Matthew Ryan hasn’t forgotten the curse, or the witch who gave it to him. Kat’s unexpected return means the curse will finally be broken. Unfortunately, his libido has other ideas―like how to get her back into his bed one last time. But far more worrying is his suspicion that Kat is the seventh Pleiades witch. Because while he’s turned his back on his druidic ways, he’s still bound to protect the woman who made his life hell...

36 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

Forgotten in Darkness (Scimitar Magi Series) Zoe Forward Paranormal Romance After an unjustified two-century stint in purgatory, Scimitar Magus Dakar returns to the human realm, renewing his eons-old curse. Either he or the woman he loves must murder the other within days of meeting in each new lifetime. To break the vicious cycle, he must kill her before she strikes her deathblow, something he’s never done in the past. Archaeology grad student Shay McGinnis suffers a near-death attack in pursuit of a piece of Scimitar Magi lore. But did the magnificent warrior who pinned her to the wall injure her or the daemon he fought? In her search for answers, she draws the attention of both an ancient evil sorcerer and the warrior Dakar. The attraction between her and Dakar is instant, and for Shay confusing. She wants to be with him, but intuition equates him with death. Not random death. Hers. Will this be the lifetime they break the curse before they are murdered by an age-old enemy or worse kill each other yet again?



Katherine McIntyre

Interview What’s next for Katherine


And get the latest news

Excerpt from

Scrying for Summer


| FEATURE AUTHOR | I had the pleasure of working with Katherine, at BTS Book Reviews where she had a column each issue. Her columns were favorites of mine, and I’m very happy and honored she wanted to be a part of Uncaged. Thank you Katherine for the feature. 1) When did you come to the realization that you wanted to be an author? You know when you’re in second grade or so and in school you’re asked what you want to be when you grow up? Most kids are like, fireman! Magical space unicorn! Unholy devourer of worlds! (Okay, maybe not that last one…) For me, I wanted to be a writer and an artist. While the artist thing tapered away over the years, it allowed the writing side to shine all the brighter. I created thousands of worlds as a kid, plotted thousands of stories, and the older I grow, the more stories brew within me, begging to be unleashed. 2) Who are some of your favorite authors now, and what genres do you tend to read the most? My most recent favorite are queens of paranormal romance, JR Ward and Nalini Singh. I got sucked into the Black Dagger Brotherhood and the Psy-Changeling series respectively, and I’ve been bingeing on them. Another favorite that I will always, always read is Ilona Andrews. I started reading the author duo with the Kate Daniels series, however, I really enjoy everything they write. The style just jives with me. As for the genres I read, while I occasionally pop out to try something different, my favorites are urban fantasy and paranormal romance. Probably unsurprising, since those are my favorite genres to write.

40 | UncagedBooks.blogspot.com

3) How long does it take you to write a full book? Do you write full time or part time? I write part time, and with how fast I tend to write, I’m kind of terrified to wonder what my output would be if I wrote full time! Depending on how much I’m jiving with a story, it takes me a month to six months to write a 60-90,000 word novel. For 60k ones, it tends to be one to two months. Editing takes a little longer depending on the book, but I can keep a pretty steady pace with writing. 4) This series, The Philadelphia Coven, is already amazing, two books in. It’s fast becoming a “must read series” for me. You’ve done a superb job of with background, environment, and character development and still keep it from being tedious. Is this a series that you plan to continue with? Please say yes. I have definite plans to continue the series—my goal is four books. I’m currently working on Rising for Autumn, the next book, which features Alanna Carrington, head witch of the Philadelphia Coven, and Samuel Karim, djinn and ex-Order crony as the leads! While the first book was action packed and the second book sizzled, so far this one has been the darkest one! 5) What are we going to be looking forward to in the future from you? Rising for Autumn! However, for those that follow my steampunk Take to the Skies series, I recently released A Tale of Two Airships, the sequel to An Airship Named Desire! It’s akin to Firefly; a loud-mouthed, ragtag group of sky pirates with hearts of gold and a penchant for finding danger. 6) I about jumped up and down for joy, when I found that Scrying for Summer featured Jev.

| KATHERINE MCINTYRE | One of my favorite characters from Hunting for Spring. And though I didn’t like Liam much in the first book, I knew there was a lot more to his character, I’m glad you brought it out and he becomes a hero in his own right. What brought about this wonderful world? I’m actually from Philadelphia area, though I live in the suburbs, so I’m quite familiar with the city. One of my favorite aspects of urban fantasy is combining the surreal with the real, and I’ve seen the glitz, the historical spots, and the seedy underbelly of the city, which is enough to inspire thoughts of magic and fae! As for the story inspiration, I actually use Celtic fairytales for inspiration. Connla and the Fairy Maiden was the inspiration for Hunting for Spring, and for Scrying for Summer the Gruagach tale! 7) What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you? I would like to say a huge thank you to fans! Kind words and encouragement have been what fueled me past rejections, publisher closures, negative reviews, sales slumps and the countless other hurdles that an author faces on a regular basis. It warms my heart to be able to share the excitement for the worlds and characters I created. For those who’d like to chat, I constantly update my Facebook page (www.facebook.com/ kmcintyreauthor) with favorite lines from what I’m currently working on, and I update my author page (www.katherine-mcintyre.com) with my weekly word count as well as where projects are in the works! Don’t hesitate to reach out, even if you just want to chat!

Stay Connected

A modern day Renaissance-woman, Katherine McIntyre has learned soapmaking, beer brewing, tea blending, and most recently roasting coffee. Most of which make sure she’s hydrated and bathed while she spends the rest of her time writing. With a desire to travel and more imagination than she knows what to do with, all the stories jumping around in her head led to the logical route of jotting them down on paper. She writes novels with snarky women, ragtag crews, and guys with bad attitudes. High chances for a passionate speech thrown into the mix.


Issue 2 | September 2016 |



Enjoy an excerpt from Scrying for Summer He shook his head, letting out a slow sigh. “Why the hell did I go to the most stubborn, infuriating woman on the planet for help? Of course you won’t listen when it’s not your damn fight.” His eyes flashed as he met her gaze, but she didn’t back down or look away. “Part of my charm,” Jev threw back, adding in an impudent smile for extra effect. Her blood boiled as she challenged him, but there was no way in hell she’d get sent packing the second a little trouble reared. The humid air between them charged with tension as they stared at each other, neither willing to look away. He reached forward, but before she could react, his hand gripped the back of her neck, and his lips pressed against hers. The scent of motor oil and cedar surrounded her, and the rough scrape of his mouth sent her senses reeling as sparks traveled to her fingertips. Her body responded before her mind caught up as she pressed against him, her tongue darting into his mouth to taste coffee and sweetness. His fingertips wandered up as he laced them through her hair, a sensation that made her shiver. She should’ve been on alert after all the Unseelie they’d run into today, yet here she stood on a street corner kissing the hell out of the once-traitor, Liam O’Reilly. He broke away first, a smirk on his lips that sent her temperature rising in the wantingto-sling punches way. “Since you’re so determined to help, see you bright and early, babe.”

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Without another word, he jammed his hands into his cargo pockets and slunk down the road, heading in a different direction than her apartment. Confusion reigned havoc on her senses as she stood there, hands balled into fists and still blinking at what had just happened. Her cheeks were flushed, and her lips still tingled, but already the man had managed to enflame her temper yet again. She’d thought she had him pegged, but every time they interacted, he pulled out some different facet that made her question her preexisting view of him. One thing was for sure, Liam made her crazy in a way few men could manage.


Uncaged Reviews Hunting for Spring (The Philadelphia Coven Chronicles, Book One) Where to begin. After reading the blurb for this book, it sounded like it a book that I could really sink my teeth into. And I wasn’t wrong. I DEVOURED this book. This story introduces you to a world within our modern world, and supernatural baddies that unseen to the normal public. Conor is a hunter, whose job since birth, is to hunt and kill the evil that threatens. After Conor is saved by a girl named Brenna, he joins her on a quest to retrieve a stolen pendant. But Brenna has secrets too, and they will need each other to survive. The book introduces The Philadelphia Coven, a society that governs the supernaturals. But hunters like Conor, have never seen eye-to-eye with the witches. The world building is tremendous, the characters well flushed out. We meet both characters we like, and some we don’t, even within the secondary group. This is a fantastic beginning to a new series with action, hot romance and some gore. Never having been to Philadelphia before, the author does a great job with the descriptions without getting tedious.

Scrying for Summer (The Philadelphia Chronicles, Book Two)

and was very happy to see her story unfold, and I really didn’t like Liam in the first book, so I was very interested to see where the author was going to take us. I had a feeling in the first book, that there was a lot more to Liam, but as it unfolded, I cared about Liam as much as I enjoyed Conor. Liam goes to The Philadelphia Coven for help to try and take down the head of the Order of the Serpent, the group that forced Liam to work for them when they kidnapped his mother. Even though Jev can’t stand Liam, for betraying his friend, Conor, she agrees to help him. As the story unfolds, and Jev learns the truth about Liam and how he selflessly sacrifices, she begins to care about him, and the romance brews nicely. There is the fun banter with Jev that was in the first book – and the same kind of sexual tension. This is another book I could hardly put down, this one is a bit darker than the first one, but still an addicting series. You do see Conor and Brenna return in this book as secondary characters, and it’s fun to touch base with them. Definitely looking forward to the next book in the series. Both books are rated the same:

Uncaged Ratings: Adults only Urban Fantasy/Paranormal romance Hot sex scenes (not considered erotic) Violence Some language

In the first book, we met a few secondary characters, and this time around, the story revolves around Liam and Jev. I loved Jev in the first book,

Issue 2 | September 2016 |



Don’t miss these titles: Hunting for Spring

The Philadelphia Chronicles Book 1 Katherine McIntyre Paranormal Romance Hunters are a lonely breed, and Conor’s no exception--until he meets Brenna. Even though she slinks in unannounced and kills the wight he’s hunting down, and he should be backing carefully away, he can’t get her blinding smile or gorgeous curves off his mind. The girl’s a mystery he can’t resist, so since they’re both after the same caster who’s unleashing these monsters, he suggests teaming up. Despite her initial reluctance, Brenna joins Conor’s quest and soon the wights aren’t the only thing the lusty lady is hunting down. He’s happy enough to satisfy her hungers, though he wishes she’d give him a few answers with her kisses. Soon enough he learns her secrets have repercussions. Faster than Conor can lift his Glock, he’s drawn into a web of kidnappings and Unseelie mischief, and it’s all concealing the machinations of a darker foe--one determined to bring Philly and the two hunters to ruin.

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An Airship Named Desire

Take to the Skies Book 1 Katherine McIntyre SciFi/Steampunk Airships, sky-pirates, smugglers, and soldiers...An Airship Named Desire will take you for a thrilling ride. Ever since their last botched smuggling job, First Mate Bea and the crew of her airship can barely afford fuel, let alone a barrel of grog. So when a gentleman from Old Germany offers them a fortune to steal a locked box from a British merchant airship, they jump on the opportunity. However, their employer forgot to mention the box’s military escort and the Morlock mercenaries who would slit throats to get their hands on it. Oh, and if made public, the contents could engulf Europe in another devastating war. Stealing the box was the easy part. Now, with a target on their back and some of the toughest characters in the skies after them, if the crew of the Desire doesn’t polish their pistols and prepare for a hell of a fight, they’ll end up worse than grounded. After all, everyone from the Brits to the Morlocks will kill for the contents of that box, and no one survives an airship crash.

New Releases September Release Dates - A Selection

September 6

September 20

Apprentice in Death by J.D. Robb Razor Girl by Carl Hiaasen The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn An Obvious Fact: A Longmire Mystery by Craig Johnson Downfall: A Brady Novel of Suspense by J. A. Jance Manitou Canyon by William Kent Krueger 113 Minutes by James Patterson Once Broken Faith by Seanan McGuire Winter’s Child by Margaret Coel The End Game by Catherine Coulter and J. T. Ellison Guardian’s Mate by Jennifer Ashley Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas Leave Me by Gayle Forman

Home by Harlan Coben The Kept Woman by Karin Slaughter Woman of God by James Patterson Magic Binds by Ilona Andrews Her Renegade Rancher by Jennifer Ryan Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake Frost Like Night by Sara Raasch Stealing Snow by Danielle Paige The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan The Queen of Blood by Sarah Beth Durst Metaltown by Kristen Simmons Vassa in the Night by Sarah Porter

September 13 The Walking Dead Vol. 26 by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard Pirate by Clive Cussler and Robin Burcell Commonwealth by Ann Patchett The Last Mile by David Baldacci Fates and Furies: A Novel by Lauren Groff Michael Vey 6: Fall of Hades by Richard Paul Evans Ember Falls by S. D. Smith and Zach Franzen The Forgetting by Sharon Cameron

September 27 Christmas Caramel Murder by Joanne Fluke Darkest Journey by Heather Graham Highland Chieftain by Hannah Howell Born to Love, Cursed to Feel by Samantha King Bright Smoke, Cold Fire by Rosamund Hodge Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo The Fever Code by James Dashner Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen Possession by Helen Hardt The Fever Code by James Dashner The Life She Wants by Robyn Carr A Taste for Monsters by Matthew J. Kirby

Publishers and authors: If you would like a new release in these lists, please email me at UncagedBooks@gmail.com

Issue 2 | September 2016 |


Uncaged Reviews The Inquisition Jacintha Topaz Erotic/Gay/Lesbian

After a quick stipend to pay the rent, July Greenfield agrees to put herself on the spot and answer some very personal questions … in front of a rolling camera. Filmmaker Thalia Akasidou is about to wrap up the last segment of her documentary when an irresistible addition derails her from completing the project as she had initially envisioned.

like. All in all, The Inquisition was a pleasure to read. It succeeds in what it sets out to do, which is provide an immersive and titillating scene to bury oneself in for a short time. The writing itself is coherent and easy to both understand and follow, and the characters are relatable and realistic. Finally, the erotic scene at the heart of it is what all authors should aspire to match when seeking to represent a safe, sane and consensual BDSM encounter. Reviewed by Kaitlin.

Uncaged Ratings: Adult Uncaged Review: The Inquisition by Jacintha

Topaz is a short erotic novel with lesbian and BDSM themes. It was very well-written, which can be a pleasant surprise within the genre; the vocabulary was intelligent and unobtrusive, the descriptions made for good visualization while simultaneously remaining concise, and the characters and their behavior seemed well-thought out and consistent. In a short story, the bar isn’t set very high when it comes to background and character building, but Jacintha Topaz made each character feel substantial. There is insight into their thought processes provided, which feeds into their behavior and actions in realistic ways. This adds to the immersion of the story, which is a cornerstone to a great work-- especially in one that seeks to stimulate the reader. On to the meat of the story; the sex scene. The Inquisition lacks the nonsensical verbiage employed by many erotic novels or scenes and instead uses descriptors that do not detract from the overall atmosphere. Something else worthy of praise is the realistic depiction of BDSM by the inclusion of verbal consent, clear boundaries, access to a safeword and the use of aftercare. It’s a shame that more related mainstream novels don’t present such an excellent and clear example of what true BDSM should be

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Erotic/Lesbian Graphic Sex Some language

A Good Night

Danielle Devon Paranormal/Gothic

Devil may listen.

As the youngest daughter born to the Marquis of Whitney, Isabella knew all too well the tempers of men. She dreamed of nothing more than escaping her gilded cage. Spoke her prayers in the dark, to whatever God or

Lucien heard his name, not from above, from within. Inside his own mind, deep in his soul, her voice was a whisper. A prayer, a calling, a summoning he could no longer deny. Was he an angel sent from the heavens to save her? Or a demon cast from the darkness to tempt her?

Uncaged Review: This book was mesmerizing.

The youngest daughter of five, Isabella had a different beauty than her sisters. Her father, was a brutal man, who blamed her for her looks, and never to be able to fetch a good husband. Beaten by her father and dreaming of escape, Isabella sends her prayers into the night and even within her dream Lucien hears her within his soul, and comes to her. But is he a dream, a devil, or an angel? I’m really hoping this short story is the jump off of a new series, and this story continues. I was taken aback at the dark, gothic touches and I want to know more! And I won’t be able to draw any good conclusions about Lucien, without reading more. Hint, hint to Ms. Devon. Reviewed by Cyrene.

Uncaged Ratings: Adult/Older Teens OK Paranormal/Historical/Gothic No Graphic Violence or Sex

in this young adult paranormal fantasy filled with supernatural creatures, ancient prophecies, immortal gods, and divine magical healing powers.This romantic coming of age series is filled with love, loss, and second chances while blending together fantasy, swords and sorcery, traditional myths and legends, and paranormal themes to create a thrilling story readers are sure to enjoy.

Uncaged Review: This book started a bit slow, but quickly picked up speed as I read and the author did a good job pulling me into the mythology. Hope is gifted with the ability to heal, a gift her father and her have tried to keep hidden all her life. Enter two hot guys new to her school and both show an interest in her, Hope’s world and secrets become unraveled. Destiny says she’s meant to be with Victor, a god of warriors, but her heart and soul wants Tie, the god of love and marriage. She truly is a soul born a thousand years ago. I realize this sounds confusing, but the author does a great job of putting it together for you, and makes it easy to understand. This is the first book in a trilogy, and the others are available now. Reviewed by Cyrene

The Healer

(The Healer Series 1) CJ Anaya Young Adult/Fantasy Romance

A girl, a prophecy, and two warring gods equals destiny! Hope hides a dangerous secret; a gift powerful enough to heal the breach between the living and the dead. With two warring gods vying for her love, and a fallen deity determined to take her for his own evil purposes, she must either accept her destiny or take matters into her own hands.

Uncaged Ratings: Young Adult Fantasy Romance No graphic sex - only implied Some mild violence

Embark upon a journey of heart-stopping adventure

Issue 2 | September 2016 |


Uncaged Reviews The Black Blossom (The Healer Series 2)

CJ Anaya Young Adult/Fantasy Romance Forced into a dream-like state, Hope is now reliving her life as Mikomi, Princess of the Kagami Empire and The Healer of the world. Life as an Imperial Princess is rife with danger, betrayal, and intrigue as Mikomi joins forces with a rebel group of samurai warriors in order to usurp the throne from her tyrannical father. To win this seemingly hopeless war, she must train with Musubi, a warrior in the rebel army, and learn the art of the sword without revealing her identity as The Healer. Unbeknownst to her, Musubi harbors his own secret identity and personal agenda, both of which hold dark consequences for Mikomi’s future. Neither one can afford to share their secrets, nor can they ignore the powerful chemistry building between them. Further complications arise at the arrival of her betrothed, Katsu, who must aid her in mastering control of her own gift before she ascends as a full kami on her eighteenth birthday. Katsu is not the cold-hearted warrior god she expected, but how can she spend eternity with a deity she may never love? Determined to avoid her destiny, she spies on her father and his generals, collecting intelligence for the rebel army in the hope that one day the empire of Kagami will be liberated and her own future will be hers to control.

Uncaged Review: This is book 2 in The Healer series, and when I started reading, I had to do a double take and see if it was the same series as I started in, as it threw me completely. I even went back to Amazon to make sure I had it right. The author takes you backwards in time, to show you how it all began. So the cast has different names,

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a different country, different setting – but it actually works. Somehow or another, the author pulls this off. It could have been a complete disaster, but I actually liked this book even more than the first one. You just can’t give up, and don’t worry, it doesn’t take long. This book takes you back, to the lives they’ve all lived before and Mikomi (or whom you know as Hope in book one) is betrothed to Katsu (Victor), and although she is drawn to him, she doesn’t want to marry him. Also, Musubi (Tie) is introduced again, and even though I was pulling for Tie in book one, there are some motives of his that are questionable, and how it came to be may be a bit underhanded. So I’m sure it will finish off in the final installment. Reviewed by Cyrene

Uncaged Ratings: Young Adult Fantasy Romance

No graphic violence or sex

Highland Resurrection BJ Scott

Historical Romance/Highlander

Gravely injured during the massacre at Berwick on Tweed and with no memory of his past, Brother Lazarus was raised by monks until called upon by the Catholic Church to take up arms and protect pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land. As a member of the ill-fated Knights Templar, he is haunted by the horror of battle and the atrocities he witnessed at the hands of the French King, Philip the Fair, in his attempt to destroy the once-sacred order. Aided by a disgruntled French

guard, he escaped on the night before his execution and flees to Scotland, but remains a fugitive. King Philip is convinced he also absconded with religious artifacts and a valuable treasure. Despite his attempt to remain sequestered with the monks who raised him, Lazarus visits Berwick, convinced it holds the key to his identity and past. While there, he prevents a lass from being raped—a Good Samaritan act that has him questioning his vows of celibacy and puts him and anyone around him in danger. Sheena MacClaran, wrongly accused of being a whore, harbors secrets of her own, but finds herself drawn to the mysterious monk who tends to her injuries and befriends her wee brother. Has she finally found a man she can trust and love, or will demons from his past and a king’s wrath catch up with them and tear them apart forever?

Uncaged Review: This is a nicely paced Highlander historical. Sheena, wrongly accused as a woman who lifts her skirts for money, is attacked on her way home from the markets. Brother Lazarus, who was raised by monks, sees the attack and comes to Sheena’s aid. Leaving her in the hands of a friend to get her home, he can’t stop the guilty feelings he has for not seeing her home herself. So he sets out to find her, and when he finds her, she’s very sick with an infection from the wound on her arm. Finding she is the caretaker of her younger brother, Brother Lazarus remains with her and her brother until she is well enough again. But Brother Lazarus has secrets – and doesn’t know who he really is, and Sheena has secrets of her own. Unraveling the story around both of them, the author does a nice job interweaving the characters, with a bit of mystery, danger and action within the romance. Once you get to the halfway point, the book is hard to put down. Even though this is a series book, and this was not the first book in the series, I had no problems catching on, and can easily be read as a standalone. Reviewed by Cyrene

Uncaged Ratings: Adult

Historical/Highlander Romance Hot sex scenes (not considered erotic) Some violence

Scared Witchless

Amy Boyles Supernatural Suspense A witch. A murder. A wedding dress? Dylan Apel is having one heck of a summer. She knows her handmade clothing is special, but magical? Discovering that she’s a witch is bad enough, but when Dylan realizes there are folks who’ll kill to possess her witchy powers— that’s enough to make a girl want to hide out in the back of her boutique. Only problem is, Queen Witch is in town, itchin’ to make sure Dylan learns to cast spells, and this witch won’t take no for an answer. Dylan must learn fast—someone just killed her best client with a poisoned gown meant for Dylan. Was it the tall, mysterious hottie in black, who’s suddenly everywhere she goes? After all, the first thing Roman Bane says is he doesn’t like witches. Is he here to save her, or kill her? Dylan is barely getting a handle on her new powers when she finds herself surrounded by witches bossing her this way and that, local police nosing about, and wary clients—death by clothing is not good for business. And the solstice is coming … a time when witch powers are at their peak. Can Dylan survive the chaos long enough to figure out her new life?

Uncaged Review: This was by far one of the best witch books I’ve read in a long time. The main character was relatable and easy to get attached to. Each chapter had a few places that made me

Issue 2 | September 2016 |


Uncaged Reviews laugh out loud at some of the stuff the girls got into. There were a few spots where there was a few word misplacements that took me out of the scene, but they were few and far between. I would recommend this to any of my friends. Some of the things Amy Boyles did well is that she managed to snag me in the first two chapters with the relatable sisters, each one with their own strengths and weaknesses that she frequently returns to. Each character she introduces throughout the book is memorable. Amy does a fantastic job at setting the scene and keeping you in her world. This being book one in the series, it has done the job to ensure that I will certainly pick up the next book to find out what happens next. Reviewed by Michael

Uncaged Ratings: Young Adult OK Supernatural Suspense

Swallowing His Pride Serena Pettus

Paranormal Romance

Welcome to Pride, Texas, the home of cowboys, roughnecks, southern charm…and shifters. Lion shifters to be exact. When a trip to Las Vegas has Dylan coming face to face with a woman who calls to every part of him—especially his inner lion—he’s not sure what to do. Yearning to spend as much time with her as possible, Dylan courts her until one night of passion takes things further than even he was prepared to go. She’s now his mate. The impromptu vacation Samantha took with her best friend took a turn for the better when a hunky

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guy with a charming southern accent takes a liking to her. Unable to deny the intense chemistry between them, she tosses her inhibitions to the wind and indulges in a night of carnal bliss…only to wake up alone. Hurt and confused, she heads home, only to discover that not everything that happens in Vegas stays there. Now he’s back, and she must decide what to do once he confesses a secret that turns her reality on its head. But now there’s a danger lurking in the shadows as well. A threat that is determined to keep humans out of the shifter society…by any means necessary.

Uncaged Review: Swallowing His Pride by Serena Pettus is the first book in the series Southern Pride. The main couple consists of the characters Sam and Dylan. After the finalization of the divorce for her abusive marriage, Sam goes with her best friend Lynn to Vegas to celebrate. They meet brothers Dylan and Liam there who, unbeknownst to them, are lion shifters-- in fact, Dylan is the Prime of the Texan lion pride, which is their title for their alpha or leader. The book is very fast-paced, which in itself is not bad. However, the sacrifice it makes to achieve this pacing becomes clear in a lack of character depth and relationship dynamic. The main character was given a background that could have made her interesting as well as served as a great tool in developing the relationship between her and Dylan. However, none of the behavioral quirks hinted at apply to him throughout the book nor do they affect their relationship after two days of knowing Dylan, when she confides in him her life story. Throughout the rest of the book, it felt like Sam’s reactions to things were passive and unrealistic compared to how someone would actually react to the scenarios she was faced with. Lynn, the

supporting female character, suffered a similar ready acceptance despite being advertised as hyper-protective of her best friend. It feels very inconsistent that when she discovers that Sam was not only left heartbroken for a month, but also irrevocably claimed and impregnated by a lion shape-shifter, Lynn takes the news in stride. It was a good move on the author’s part to leave Liam and Lynn friends, but the refreshingly quirky bantering between them doesn’t make the problem-free relationship between Sam and Dylan feel more believable. They fall in love immediately and experience no turbulence in the four-and-a-half months or so between the start of their relationship and the end of the book. There is never a point where they are angry with one another, where most logical people normally would be, and the lack of internal challenges makes their interactions feel stale. Moving away from the characters and on to another facet that, unfortunately, could use some work; the resolution. The climax of the book comes in the form of a glossed-over battle between two groups of shifters and Sam going into labor. The antagonists themselves are incredibly shallow and given no real motivation besides suspected racism towards humans, and their plans appear to be straightforward and poorly thought-out. It goes by in a blur, and as soon as the protagonists discover what’s going on, the antagonists are promptly steamrolled. After how rushed and conflict-free as the rest of the book was, the instant gratification is disappointing and lacks any sense of triumph. In addition to these problems, there are several basic errors with spelling and grammar. They aren’t a very frequent occurrence, but having an editor to proofread it and smooth out its flaws

would do the book good. All in all, the book itself feels rushed and as though it misses many important opportunities when it comes to character development and relationship dynamic. If what you are looking for is a fairytale relationship and a rosy pregnancy story that doesn’t drag on too long, then this would be a good book for you. However, for those looking for more intricacy and depth, you’ll have better luck elsewhere. Reviewed by Kaitlin

Uncaged Ratings: Adult Paranormal Romance

Hot sex scenes (not considered erotic) Some language Some mild violence

Born Yesterday Tatter Jack Fantasy Romance

Look. No, not here—down there. See her? The woman behind the rock? The one with a Glock 43 in her hand? That’s Schae Summers, fantasy author. She only came to Scotland to do some book research. Not to be chased over the heather by a wolf. Because everybody knows there aren’t any wolves in Scotland, right? Well right now Schae’s wishing someone had told the one behind her. But being chased is one thing—even if it’s by a wolf. Being chaste? That’s something else entirely. Especially where men with storm grey eyes are concerned. Men like Darek Banakar—who just might be more dangerous than any wolf.

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Uncaged Reviews So here she is. Schae Summers. She’s smart, and she’s hip. She wasn’t born yesterday - but she’s going to be.

Uncaged Review: It’s hard to group this book into a

single category, as it actually spans a few, but I’m putting into fantasy, although it can have some romance and contemporary mixed in. I took a couple days before typing out my review on this one, so I could let it brew for a bit. Schae is a best-selling author, whose nightmares she has on a nightly basis, are part of what she writes about, and partly what keeps her sane. Her publicist tells her to take some time off, and she decides to take a working vacation in Scotland. She meets Darek, whom she’s drawn to. And on top of that, as long as Darek is close by, she doesn’t have the nightmares. This is not an erotic, but it does have some language in a couple places that also takes a bit away from the impact of the romantic elements. Using the language so frequently used in erotica doesn’t really do anything for the story. But they are not that often used here, and it’s easy to overlook them. Now it took me awhile to actually get really involved with the story, as it’s written in the not-often-used second person narrative, and honestly, it doesn’t read all that well for a lot of people. I did get used to it, but I wouldn’t want to read a lot of books in this style, as it’s very distracting from the storyline. With that said, there was some great twists to this story, and the end just gobsmacked me. It was a bit confusing for quite awhile, and then toward the last half of the book, things started clicking into place, but I would never have guessed the ending, which is good thing. Reviewed by Cyrene

Uncaged Ratings: Adult Fantasy Romance Graphic Sex (not erotic) Language Mild violence

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The Mercenary and the Shifters CD Hersh Paranormal Romance

When mercenary soldier Michael Corritore answers a desperate call from an ex-military buddy, he finds himself in the middle of a double kidnapping, caught in an ancient war between two shape shifter factions, and ensnared between two female shape shifters after the same thing ... him. Shape shifter Fiona Kayler will do anything to keep the shipping company her father left her, including getting in bed with the enemy. But when she believes the man trying to steal her company is involved with kidnapping her nephew, she must choose between family, fortune, and love. The problem is ... she wants all three. Uncaged Review: The shifter/paranormal part of this story is very unique, and more of a background characteristic than most shifter novels. Starting this series at this book, being the fourth book into the series, may have put me at a slight disadvantage, as it really took me awhile to understand what the shifter Society was and how everything worked. Fiona owns a shipping company on a port near Cleveland that was part of her family, and now her responsibility since her parents were dead. The rogue shifter ruled company of OmniWorld, is buying up and forcing many smaller companies out of business. Now they want Fiona’s, and her childhood friend, Kyle’s company also. So to clear her name and company of charges and to try and get OmniWorld off her back, she agrees

to set up and spy on the Kyle’s company, but with Kyle’s help, her plan is to double cross them and take them down herself. In the meantime, someone is out to kill her, and she ends up hiring a security team to bodyguard her and to secure her home and office. What she didn’t plan on was Mike. Mike knows of shifters, as one of his good friend’s is one, but he doesn’t approve. And he doesn’t know Fiona is one either, at least not at first. Fiona finds herself in over her head, and will need to rely on her brother and the rest of the shifter family. This book has a lot of suspense, action and romance, and some fun witty moments as well. There is nothing too gory and the one sex scene is not over the top. I like how the romance between Fiona and Mike brewed slowly. At the end, you knew there was room for more of this story to continue, but it did not leave on a cliffhanger and tied up the storyline that went on in this one nicely. Reviewed by Cyrene

Uncaged Ratings: Adult Paranormal Romance Mild sex scene

hardened by the early battles of the American Revolution. Yet, beneath that gruff exterior, she thought she detected something more in the sea-dog. Something… almost familiar.

Uncaged Review: This book takes place at the start of the American Revolution in 1775. The book focuses on Jerusha and her family that live in Fallmouth, Mass. and a boy she knew as a child, Daniel. Fast forward, and Jerusha is a widow - having lost her husband to the British,, and Daniel is the captain of his own ship. But Jerusha hasn’t figured out if Daniel is a Patriot or working for the British, or if he’s a privateer. She returns to Fallmouth to help her family with the business of The Bittersweet Tavern. Seeing Daniel come into the tavern for food and drink, feelings for him resurface, and she sets out to find out all she can. I did enjoy the writing and the descriptive places, but the romance between Jerusha and Daniel was almost negligible and unsatisfying for me. The ending was pretty abrupt and even though it wasn’t a cliffhanger, it only gave hints at their future. The author meant to have us see Jerusha as stubborn and fierce in her loyalty, but a lot of times she just seemed pushy, selfish and impulsive. Even with these issues, the story was a pleasant read thanks to the author’s terrific setting and storyline. Reviewed by Cyrene

Bittersweet Tavern S. Copperstone

Historical/American Revolution

Jerusha, a widowed barmaid in the upper Massachusetts Colony, was feisty and could handle herself, but she was also a bit of a klutz. This was not necessarily a bad thing when she stumbled into the arms of a mysterious ship captain,

Uncaged Ratings: Adult Older Teens OK

Historical/Revolutionary Mild violence to today’s standards No sex scenes

Issue 2 | September 2016 |


Uncaged Reviews Shelter Me

Stephanie Tyler

Contemporary Romance/Suspense

Uncaged Ratings: Adult

Contemporary Romance/Suspense Sex scenes (not considered erotic)

There are ghosts in my past— ghosts I can’t recognize. My painting heals me, but Lucas Caine has made me come alive. My past could take both those things away forever. What started out as an undeniable need to create was quickly turning into danger as my longing for memories fed the rough canvases I filled. Falling for Lucas will force me to revisit my lost memories—and possibly lose myself, my art, and him in the process. And now he has me skating the thin edge between desire and fear as I use a past I don’t remember to leverage a future I’m not sure I want.

Uncaged Review: This has been one of the most enjoyable reads I have completed in the past year. While the story follows an artist, she makes it very easy to relate to her with the things that the main character goes through. The secondary characters you are introduced to are easy for me to compare to my own friends in my life. Stephanie has done one of the hardest things an author needs to do and that is pull you into her world. The story is suspenseful enough that it had managed to get my heart pounding in a few sections of the book. The mystery behind the main character’s past made me tense and worried for her as if I had known her myself. The entire read of the first book in the series has managed to keep me enthralled with the story and wanting more. The sex scenes weren’t as detailed as I have seen, but they certainly brought the blush to my face! It was an easy and enjoyable read that I recommend to anyone who loves suspense romance novels. Reviewed by Michael

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The Sanctuary Sandra Lea Rice

Historical England/Romance

A woman set on revenge: Clairece Griffin is summoned to the Metropolitan Museum in New York to authenticate a relic reputedly having belonged to Mary, Queen of Scots. While there, the valuable, gem-encrusted treasure is stolen and her husband killed. When Clairece learns of the relic’s resurfacing in England, she travels to London under the pretext of visiting relatives. In her determination to bring those responsible to justice, she becomes the target of a crazed killer, equally determined to stop her. A man seeking absolution: Consumed by guilt at the tragic death of his mother, Anthony Wade, the Earl of Harding, strives to provide a safe haven, The Sanctuary, for those he has pledged to protect. Working privately for Scotland Yard as a means to rebuild his once-failing estate, Anthony, a renowned antiquarian, is summoned when word of a priceless missing heirloom reaches Her Royal Majesty, Queen Victoria. A promise: Having vowed to help a friend, Anthony soon discovers the woman he is charged to protect— Clairece Griffin—is none other than the mysterious woman with whom he’d spent a few unforgettable, intimate hours. When the quest to find the

missing relic becomes a race to save Clairece’s life, they turn to the safety of The Sanctuary. As the attempts on her life increase, a three-hundred-year-old mystery is revealed, one that could destroy them both. Uncaged Review: It isn’t very often a book comes along and steals your time away from you, as soon as you put it down, you’re wanting to pick it back up and keep reading. This book did that for me. There is suspense, with a couple of twists you wouldn’t expect, romance, witty banter, and very believable characters. Both the main characters have a past, and even though they are together early in the book, the author doesn’t keep it all sunshine and roses. With Clairece snooping around for the relic, a deranged killer is trying to kill her. Anthony feels he must protect her at all costs, and is very dominating, which doesn’t go over all that well with the head-strong, stubborn Clairece. But to overcome the obstacles and stay together, will not be an easy task. There isn’t much I didn’t like about this book. Well written, with characters that are easy to love and are not perfect by any means. Highly recommended. Reviewed by Cyrene

Uncaged Ratings: Adult

Historical England Romance

Hot sex scenes (not considered erotic) Some mild violence

Shadow Born

Jasmine Walt & Rebecca Hamilton

Paranormal/Urban Fantasy

Chicago Police Detective Brooke Chandler is keeping a secret... and if she’s not careful, it could get her killed. Brooke is no stranger to the supernatural. In Chicago, vampires are just as prevalent as drug lords, and infinitely more bloodthirsty. So when her partner and fiancé dies in a mysterious fire while chasing down a lead in Salem, she suspects something dark and otherworldly is at play. Blessed with the ability to see into the past by touching inanimate objects, Brooke transfers to the Salem PD, hoping her talent will help her get to the bottom of things. Between dodging assassination attempts and being stonewalled at every turn, the going is tough. Add in a mysterious fae club owner with secrets of his own and a personal grudge against her, and it becomes nearly impossible. If Brooke wants to play in the supernatural sandbox, she’s going to have to roll up her sleeves and get dirty. But how many people will have to die for Brooke to discover the truth about her fiance? And is she even ready to know? Uncaged Review: I actually picked this book up as it was on my “wanting to read” pile for awhile. This is promising new series in the land of Urban Fantasy. I liked the lore of the supernatural world that the authors present, and the characters are complex. Brooke is a Detective with the Chicago PD, and transfers (temporary) out to Salem, Mass. to help uncover the truth about her fiance’s murder.

Issue 2 | September 2016 |


Uncaged Reviews Already knowing about vampires in Chicago, she soon learns there are many other supernaturals, and even Brooke herself has powers that put her in the supernatural group. As she starts her investigation, she meets with a powerful fae, Maddock. The two team together to solve a case of missing supernaturals, and in return, Maddock will help her find out more about her fiance Tom’s death. This is a very rocky relationship, but it’s not really romantic, at least not in the first book. The attraction the two feel for each other smolders under the surface, but I would not consider this a romance, at least not yet. I think this has a lot of potential to be a great new series. Suspenseful, and full of action, it may easily find it’s place in the convoluted Paranormal genre. It’s listed on Amazon as New Adult, Fantasy, SciFi - but it sits firmly in the Urban Fantasy/ Paranormal world to me. Reviewed by Cyrene

Uncaged Ratings: Adult/New Adult Paranormal/Urban Fantasy Mild sex scene Language Some violence

Infernal Magic C.N. Crawford Urban Fantasy

She’s forgotten her past. Too bad her past won’t return the favor. Ursula can’t remember a single thing from before three years ago, so she has to keep her life simple. All she wants is to earn enough money for rent--and maybe a bit left over for

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a new pair of boots. But on her eighteenth birthday, all hell breaks loose... quite literally... when a hellhound shifter shows up in her kitchen. Kester’s lethally gorgeous, and he’s come with a terrifying message: Ursula owes her soul to a demon. No one seems to care that she doesn’t remember striking that deal. Thrust in the middle of a demonic war, Ursula fights her way across New York--and through the fae realm to survive. Along the way, she must reclaim her magical knowledge and her long-forgotten skills with the blade if she wants to escape eternal damnation.

Uncaged Review: A lot of action, this is a nonstop, excellent start of a new series. Fresh and original, with characters you can cheer on. Ursula has no memory of her life before the age of 15, and when she turns 18, she loses her job, almost about to be evicted, and she comes face to face with Kester, a gorgeous hellhound who collects souls for the goddess Emerazel, whom she obviously struck a deal with, before her memory loss. Now if she wants her soul back, she’ll have to become a hellhound herself, and due her duty. But messing up her first assignment could send her straight to the goddess’ inferno for eternity. Lot of action, and the showdown and the fight between light and dark, the fight is violent and and well written. I’m definitely looking forward to more works by this author duo. Although this one doesn’t have any romance to speak of, there were definitely sparks between Ursula and Kester, which I hope is explored in the next book. Reviewed by Cyrene

Uncaged Ratings: Adult Urban Fantasy

Violence - some graphic Some language No sex scenes

Some Girls Bite Chloe Neill

Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy

They killed me. They healed me. They changed me. Sure, the life of a graduate student wasn’t exactly glamorous, but I was doing fine until Chicago’s vampires announced their existence to the world. When a rogue vampire attacked me, I was lucky he only got a sip. Another bloodsucker scared him off and decided the best way to save my life was to make me the walking undead. Now I’ve traded sweating over my thesis for learning to fit in at a Hyde Park mansion full of vamps loyal to Ethan “Lord o’ the Manor” Sullivan. Of course, as a tall, green-eyed, four-hundred-year-old vampire, he has centuries’ worth of charm, but unfortunately he expects my gratitude—and servitude. Right…

Uncaged Review: This novel, the first in The Chicagoland Vampire series is what started my love affair with Chloe Neill and these books. This series is already 12 books strong, and the 13th due in the Spring ‘17, will be the last one that will feature Merit and Ethan. I’ve read up to book 10, and it’s one of those series you’ll put on your auto-buy list. In Chicago, the Vampires are among the public, and they live in one of two ways, they belong to a “House,” like a sorority, with a Master Vampire and a main ruling court in Europe, or they live rogue, i.e. - outside the houses. There are also a lot of other supernaturals around including shifters, nymphs and faes, but only the vampires are “out” to the world. One of our main characters, Merit, is attacked on night on her way home from the university, and Ethan, who is the Master of Cadogan House, stops the attack and the only way to save her life is to turn her. This doesn’t go over well with Merit, and all kinds of chaos ensues. I really can’t get into the whole series, in limited amount of space, but this series has great characters, both main and secondary, action, a slow-brewing romance, heartache and more. It’s a series that doesn’t have a slow spot, all the books are as good, or better. So hard to keep a series fresh, but Chloe Neill pulls it off, and I’m going to truly miss this series when it ends. But it will always be on my “to-be-read-again-andagain” pile.

But someone’s out to get me. Is it the rogue vampire who bit me? A vamp from a rival House? An angry mob bearing torches? My initiation into Chicago’s nightlife may be the first skirmish in a war—and there will be blood.

Uncaged Ratings: Adult Paranormal Romance

Sex scenes (not overdone) Some language Violence

Issue 2 | September 2016 |


Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews The Retreat

Kelly St. Clare Science Fiction Earth was ruined. Humankind destroyed. And it’s old news. Romy’s life is simple--for a genetically enhanced space soldier; pick up space junk with her four friends, and stave off the invaders fixated on stealing

Planet Earth. It isn’t much. But it’s temporary--only another 850 years to go, give or take. Then the 4000 space soldiers can reinhabit their beloved homeland once more. When her crew tangles with a gulp-worthy alien mothership, Romy’s return to Earth is brought forwards at hurtling pace. And what she finds on the ground defies everything she’s been told. Strength comes from the unlikeliest of quarters. As does leadership...As does betrayal.

Live long and protect! I am a major fan of St. Clare’s and loved her previous series. I looked forward to reading the start of her new series, and I definitely wasn’t disappointed. In my opinion, it’s part fantasy, part sci-fi, and all cosmic-chemistry. I loved the story and definitely loved Romy. The story is smooth flowing and very easy to follow, and had a great abundance of twists and details that were in-depth and promoted the storyline. It was an interesting journey into space, and the protection of the earth. Characters with human-like qualities and great connections and emotions with each other, and the strength that comes from within.

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St. Clare never disappoints, and I’m definitely looking forward to the next book. (I’m not a fan of cliffhangers, but I would never miss an opportunity to read any of St. Clare’s books).

Anya and the Power Crystal N.A. Cauldron Children/Fantasy

Now that everyone knows Anya can perform magic, she’s the number one enemy of the Queen of Cupola. But instead of being punished, she and her friends are being sent on a mission to find a lost treasure. Hmm... Well that’s odd. Anya thinks so too. In an effort to learn just what exactly the Queen has in store for them, Anya and her friends discover something more deadly than they could have ever imagined. From lost colonies to fairies and even the fabled skinwalker, Anya, Taika, and Gevin find out what really lies outside the walls of Cupola. Will they survive?

Absolutely Magical. Magic is one of my favorite words, so I do not use the word “magical” lightly. It can mean different things to different people. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and yes, it was about magic, but there is something more deep to the plot than just Anya being sent on a mission from the queen and performing magic. The story was very wellwritten and gripping. The author took great care

in writing this story and performing magic with the journey and twists that any one who loves a good “magic” story, for everyone young and young at heart.

The Blessed Man and the Witch David Dubrow Horror/Dystopian

How can you possibly prepare for the end of the world? The end of everything? Armageddon is right around the corner, and there’s no guarantee that Heaven’s going to be the victor. Hell is real, it’s clawing at the edges of the Pit, and its demonically possessed servants are right now gathering powerful artifacts as weapons of war. The End Times are coming. Are you ready? Hector Shaw isn’t. A former soldier suffering from PTSD, he’s been recruited to work for a clandestine security company under strange circumstances. What do they really want him for? Siobhan Dempsey isn’t, either. She’s only just gotten her life together when she finds that she can do magick. Real magick. Why now, and why her?

Unlike any other horror books This book was intensely and magnificently filled with horror and ultimate gore for the grand story. Prepare for the end of the world, and get ready to face Armageddon. This story brings the world into a journey and the fight to keep the word

from destruction. The apocalypse builds fear in the characters and the readers, and there is a great detail of thought in the writing, and the chemistry of the characters, both persons and environment.

Throw a Monkey Wrench Karen Chester Cozy Mystery

Food poisoning, a brutal murder, and a wedding in jeopardy. Can Emma save her friend from jail? A full-length, standalone cozy mystery. ~~~ Event planner Emma Cassidy has returned to her hometown to rebuild her life. She’s hired to throw a housewarming party for the brash and arrogant Tony Barnet, who’s eager to impress the big end of town. But when the party ends in disaster, Tony is quick to blame Emma, and the subsequent rumors spell doom for Emma’s business. Thank goodness she still has the job of planning Sean and Madison’s wedding. Sean, one of the notorious McCluskey clan, is about to marry Madison, the beautiful daughter of the rich and powerful Whites. But when Tony Barnet is killed, the police swiftly arrest Sean McCluskey. Though the evidence is damning, Emma is convinced her friend is innocent. With Sean facing prison, the wedding in jeopardy, and her fledgling business in danger of tanking, Emma must unravel the mystery and expose the real killer before it’s too late.

Issue 2 | September 2016 |


Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews Murder throws a monkey wrench Emma is trying to take control of her life, and clean up her own failures. She has her own business “A Perfect Party” and is a party planner. It was an enjoyable story with a great twist, as this party planner, turns investigator to find out the truth behind a murder. An intriguing whodunnit, and the search for justice. It’s just a new form of story. Not many party planners investigate murder, so there is more to Emma that meets the eyes. Great story.

Read this story, word for word, and embark on the journey that is Riker. Jeremy Riker, a man bent on righting the injustices of crimes, and who crosses the Spyderco Killer. It’s the life of the modern day warrior, and how he can enter the sights of a psychopath, with threats of breaking his own mind.

Thirty Days - Part One Belle Brooks Contemporary Romance

Riker’s Calling

Rico Lamoureux Thriller/Mystery From school bullies to the crime-ridden streets of his hometown of Los Angeles, Jeremy Riker has always felt the need to do something about the injustice surrounding him. Just as he sets out on his journey as an urban warrior, he unknowingly gives rise to an obsessive adversary, who ends up becoming one of the most notorious serial killers the city has ever known. Dubbed by the news media as The Spyderco Killer, the methodical psychopath roots himself deep into Riker’s life for the long haul, until his own madness propels everything into an intense climax.

A new form of vigilantism This book is extremely intense, and Lamoureux definitely writes this story well. Edge of your seat, quick to turn the pages, but taking the breath to read and envelope the entire story on each page.

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“Sometimes we choose to forget the things in life that hurt us the most.” What has Abigail forgotten? What has been erased? Plenty, apparently... Abigail, the self-proclaimed hexed, is falling apart at the seams. She’s mad at the world— at the series of doors that continue to slam in her face. Most of all, she’s mad at herself. When her best friend Sammy interferes in her spiral of self-loathing with an intervention, she finds herself entering through the door of a successful law firm and right into Marcus’ lap. Literally. He’s sophisticated, funny, alluring…but also underhanded. There’s something else about Marcus that Abigail never expected. Magic.

Full of life and depth! Brooks writes an amazingly powerful story about Abigail. Abigail has had a lot of hard times, and some of them she doesn’t want to remember. She is a delightful character that is very complex and very real. The chemistry between best friends, Abigail and Sammy is tremendous, and the story

flows very well. I love a story where not all is as it seems, and this story gives intriguing twists and turns, taking a shocking new path. I enjoyed this story and can’t wait to read whatever may come next.

The Jacq of Spades

Patricia Loofbourrow Steampunk Thriller Kidnapping. Murder. Betrayal.

Falling for the Bride Rita Hestand Historical Western

After his brother lost the deed to the ranch in a poker game and was killed in a shoot-out, Quint Hadley decided it was time to take matters into his own hands. When lovely Priscilla Brewster stood waiting for a ride to the Banks ranch, Quint obliged. Seeing an opportunity to getting his place back, he kidnapped Priscilla. However, Cilla was no ordinary girl, and he was about to find that out!

Romance and Cowboys! This is the first book from Hestand that I’ve read, and even though it is book 12, it wasn’t necessary to read the ones that came before this. I liked the story, and the romance was quite interesting. Priscilla “Cilla” was an opportunity for Quint to get back what he lost, however, she was not what he was expecting. The chemistry was built up and definitely not a letdown, between Cilla and Quint. The journey of romance was the last thing on their mind, but the first thing on this reader’s mind. Love the “wild west” environment, and how it added to thrill of the storyline.

Would you put your life at risk for a child you barely know? In a far future US, the once-beautiful domed neo-Victorian city of Bridges is now split between four crime families in an uneasy cease-fire. Social disparity increasing and its steam-driven infrastructure failing, a new faction is on the rise: the Red Dogs.

Intriguingly dark Magnificent characters are intertwined in this gritty journey into the life of Jacqi. Haunted and forcibly married to a drug lord, she looks for any freedom from her life. It’s a guise of the Victorian era, filled with twists and turns that keeps the pages turning. Extremely vibrant and dark at the same time. The hunt for the kidnapped little brother keeps Jacqi focused and hopeful. It’s a grand journey where the reader is invited along. I look forward to reading the next in the series.

Issue 2 | September 2016 |


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