Resources and love in this shifting ground time

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Resources and Love in this shifting ground time for meditation and service from Cynthia Winton­Henry cynthiawinton­

Devastated, heavy hearted, weary, bruised. A taste of what our Native and African ancestors must have felt. How did they endure? How do we? Standing Rock ~ today, standing for all of us. The trauma many of us feel may be difficult to metabolize, but it is possible. What is happening requires that we look, feel, understand, and respond. History offers perspective, and maybe a splash of hope, but don’t count on hope. Count on doing what must be done. Grieve and rest. Don’t get too far ahead of now! Now is enough to digest. Stay in the heart and heat of it. Let grief transform you, then make a conscious choice to be a light. ~ ruth king­rage­book/ In California we elected Kamala Harris, a bold Environmental Champion, to the United States Senate to fight for our values. We won six of six Propositions we had endorsed, including upholding our state’s leadership ban on single­use plastic bags. We won all three of our priority legislative races, defeating Big Oil and their allies to win some impressive victories. In total, 83% of CLCV endorsed campaigns won the night. And, in the face of opposition at the federal level, our work in California has never been more important. It’s not enough, not nearly enough, to fight to stop Trump from rolling back our national successes – California is now the best hope we have of moving environmental policy forward. We need to keep up the pressure and hit the ground running.

Trish Watts Chant shake shake let the body quake shake shake for the worlds sake shake shake let the body quake shake shake we will remake’

The gift of fearing external "authorities" is the opportunity to deepen your authority within yourself. And there’s a special bonus prize: sometimes the authorities end up healed too. In other words, if you need help, ask for it.­full/2016/11/8/warriors­ask­for­help

In a Dark Time By Theodore Roethke (1908 - 1963) In a dark time, the eye begins to see, I meet my shadow in the deepening shade; I hear my echo in the echoing wood -A lord of nature weeping to a tree, I live between the heron and the wren, Beasts of the hill and serpents of the den. What's madness but nobility of soul At odds with circumstance? The day's on fire! I know the purity of pure despair, My shadow pinned against a sweating wall. That place among the rocks -- is it a cave, Or winding path? The edge is what I have. A steady storm of correspondences! A night flowing with birds, a ragged moon, And in broad day the midnight come again! A man goes far to find out what he is -Death of the self in a long, tearless night, All natural shapes blazing unnatural light. Dark, dark my light, and darker my desire. My soul, like some heat-maddened summer fly, Keeps buzzing at the sill. Which I is I? A fallen man, I climb out of my fear. The mind enters itself, and God the mind, And one is One, free in the tearing wind. from The Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke

Please Call Me by My True Names by Thich Nhat Hanh

Do not say that I'll depart tomorrow because even today I still arrive. Look deeply: I arrive in every second to be a bud on a spring branch, to be a tiny bird, with wings still fragile, learning to sing in my new nest, to be a caterpillar in the heart of a flower, to be a jewel hiding itself in a stone. I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry, in order to fear and to hope. The rhythm of my heart is the birth and death of all that are alive. I am the mayfly metamorphosing on the surface of the river, and I am the bird which, when spring comes, arrives in time to eat the mayfly. I am the frog swimming happily in the clear pond, and I am also the grass­snake who, approaching in silence, feeds itself on the frog. I am the child in Uganda, all skin and bones, my legs as thin as bamboo sticks, and I am the arms merchant, selling deadly weapons to Uganda. I am the twelve­year­old girl, refugee on a small boat, who throws herself into the ocean after being raped by a sea pirate, and I am the pirate, my heart not yet capable of seeing and loving. I am a member of the politburo, with plenty of power in my hands, and I am the man who has to pay his "debt of blood" to, my people, dying slowly in a forced labor camp. My joy is like spring, so warm it makes flowers bloom in all walks of life.

My pain is like a river of tears, so vast it fills the four oceans. Please call me by my true names, so I can hear all my cries and laughter at once, so I can see that my joy and pain are one. Please call me by my true names, so I can wake up, and so the door of my heart can be left open, the door of compassion.

Sonnet by James Weldon Johnson My heart be brave, and do not falter so, Nor utter more that deep, despairing wail. Thy way is very dark and drear I know, But do not let thy strength and courage fail; For certain as the raven­winged night Is followed by the bright and blushing morn, Thy coming morrow will be clear and bright; ’Tis darkest when the night is furthest worn. Look up, and out, beyond, surrounding clouds, And do not in thine own gross darkness grope, Rise up, and casting off thy hind’ring shrouds, Cling thou to this, and ever inspiring hope: Tho’ thick the battle and tho’ fierce the fight, There is a power making for the right. Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace. The soul that knows it not, knows no release From little things: Knows not the livid loneliness of fear, Nor mountain heights where bitter joy can hear The sound of wings. (Amelia Earhart, 1898 – 1937)

From Molly Larkin

Women: don’t feel defeated in in the face of discrimination, sexual harassment and disrespect. Find your inner warrior and follow the Maori teaching: “Know who you are and stand tall.” So that the next time a woman runs for any elected office, she will win with ease, because the warrior in all of us will fight hard to support the Maya prophecy of the return of the Divine Feminine. Our country will be ready because we paved the way. And how do you defeat hate and darkness? By being the light. By going high when they go low. Praying for those stuck in fear and darkness. “When you don’t get the leader or government or luck you want in life, you get 30 minutes to sulk. Then you get up and get to work being the change you want to see in the world. The only real loss is in resigning your beliefs and efforts because of a few setbacks.” Brendon Burchard. There you have it – do the work, raise your vibration. Be kind to everyone because we all need it now. Find a cause you believe in and fight for it. See the best in people; don’t gossip and don’t believe gossip [that goes for you, Hillary­haters]. Do your homework rather than blindly believing every post on Facebook. The light always outshines the darkness. Together we can resurrect this nation, and world, to something better. “Never stop believing that fighting for what’s right is worth it.” Hillary Clinton­heart­broke­tuesday­night/ Don Salmon MiEN offering community mindfulness using MBSR approaches You cannot save people. You can only love them. Anaテッs Nin This is painful and it will be for a longtime. And in community, we find healing: You are invited to take a one hour for gentle connection in my sister's living room for healing mindful moments at 731 N 96th St off Aurora Ave at 7 p.m.. Using MBSR approaches, I will lead a short healing session in a circle of support including: ­sound bath with singing bowls, choose a bell and allow soothing vibrations as our group plays together. ­gentle chair yoga, try low­key movements that join moment and breath for synchronicity.

­rest in guided mindful breathing that slow the nervous system and bring back strength and resilience i ­share with a partner an affirmation of self care and an offering of kindness to others. ­create a simple practice of three mindful breaths that can nurture you through the next few days and weeks. ­bring a snack or a song to share as an affirmation of resilience and community. Let me know if you can make it or give me a call: 206­939­8555. You an also connect through my fb page, awakentomindfulness . Here's a possible song we might enjoy. Bring an instrument and a song if you can join or lead us. The way we grapple with emotions is, when we're ready, to go through them, to stay with them, to get curious about them, and to know them. Knowing our anger as anger prevents it from becoming rage. Knowing our fear as fear prevents it from becoming terror. And then when you're ready, you can explore and bring clarity to the swirl of thoughts and emotions in your mind and heart. With clarity and knowing, we can choose skillful action. It's the only way we can. Shinzen Young says that pain can "cease to drive us but continue to motivate us. Actions that are motivated by ... pain but not driven by suffering and frustration tend to be more skillful actions, and skillful actions tend to create desirable circumstances." Is this easy? No. But it's the path forward. And today I'm navigating that path with so so many of you. Sarah Rudell Beach Peace and Grace Amy Saltzman M.D. Charter of Compassion the invitation has arrived to step into our courage and our full humanity from this day forward the harm can only unfold and multiply and spread with our silence with our consent

with our participation we will not be silent we do not consent and we will not participate in legitimating violence, lies and division the love that we are the love that connects us all the love that bends history even in this dark moment towards liberation We are one we are many and we are one it is time dear friends the revolution of love must be completed And it is only possible if on this day we commit our lives to walking the hard road because there is now only one way forward From Al Gore In every great struggle humanity has undertaken, the march towards progress has included both successes and setbacks. And the struggle to protect and save the Earth's ecological system is no exception. Today, I am as optimistic and resolved as ever that we will solve the climate crisis. Our collective efforts are dependent not on politics or ideology — or elections — but on our commitment to each other, to the health of our planet and to a sustainable future for all. We must – and will – continue to find hope and joy in our work that will define humanity for generations. Al Gore

From the ACLU

• Cynthia, we’re counting on you and other ACLU supporters to give that message extra weight by showing a massive outpouring of support today. Together, we’ll make it clear that we are ready, willing and able to fight like hell to protect the Constitution and defend freedom. • Make your immediate donation to the ACLU today. • Stand with our litigators and activists in every state, thousands of volunteers and millions of card­carrying supporters who are ready to fight back against dangerous proposals like: • • Amassing a force to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants • Banning the entry of Muslims into the U.S. and instituting aggressive surveillance programs targeting them • Restricting a woman's right to abortion services • Changing our nation’s libel laws and restricting freedom of expression

From David Bentley Following the “Brexit” vote, many people in the UK took up wearing a safety pin to show their solidarity with refugees and immigrants – so that without a word, people could see their safety pin and know they were friendly and “safe” to be with.

Now, following an election in the US that has given acceptance to hate and fear mongering, I wear a safety pin to show anyone who feels threatened or in danger that I care and am “safe” to be with.

 It is a symbol that I do not support the actions of those who espouse hate, but champion the belief that everyone should be treated with dignity, respect, and equality; and is entitled to life, liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness.

 Love is greater than hate.

 I refuse to let hate block out the light of love.

 Won’t you join me? David Bentley P r i n c i p l e s o f S p i r i t u a l A c t i v i s m© From Satyana Institute 1.

 Transformation of motivation from anger/fear/despair to compassion/love/purpose.

 This is a vital challenge for today’s social change leaders, particularly those of you who directly confront injustice in its various forms.

 This is not to deny the noble emotions of appropriate anger or outrage in the face of social injustice.

 Rather, it

entails a crucial shift from ghting against evil to working for love; the long-term results are very different, even if the outer activities appear virtually identical.

 “Action follows Being,” as the Su saying goes.

 Thus “a positive future cannot emerge from the mind of anger and despair” (Dalai Lama).


 Non-attachment to outcome.

 This is dif cult to put into practice, yet to the extent that you are attached to the results of your work, you tend to rise and fall with your successes and failures—a sure path to burnout.

 Hold a clear intention, and let go of the outcome—recognizing that a larger wisdom is always operating.

 As Gandhi stressed, ‘’the victory is in the doing,” not the results.

 Also, remain exible in the face of changing circumstances: “Planning is invaluable, but plans are useless.

” (Churchill).


 Integrity is your protection.

 If your work has integrity, it will tend to protect you from negative energy and circumstances.

 You can often sidestep negative energy from others by becoming “transparent” to it, allowing it to pass through you with no adverse effect upon you.

 This is a consciousness practice that might be called “psychic aikido.

” 4.

 Integrity in means and ends.

 IIntegrity in means cultivates integrity in the fruit of your work.

 A noble goal cannot be achieved utilizing ignoble means.


 Don’t demonize your adversaries.

 Doing so will only make them more defensive and less receptive to your views.

 People re spond to arrogance with their own arrogance, creating rigid polarization.

 Be a perpetual learner, and constantly challenge your own views.


 You are unique.

 Find and ful ll your true calling.

 “It is better to tread your own path, however humbly, than that of another, how ever successfully.

” (Bhagavad Gita).

 Each one of us has a unique song to sing in the symphony of life.

 Discover yours, and sing out with con dence, joy, and abandon — the harmony parts will take care of themselves.


 Love thy enemies.

 Or at least have compassion for them.

 This is a vital challenge for our times.

 This does not mean indulging falsehood or corruption.

 It means moving from ‘’us/them’’ thinking to “we” consciousness, from separation to cooperation, recognizing that we human beings are ultimately far more alike than we are different.

 This is challenging in situations with people whose views are radically opposed to yours.

 Be hard on the issues, soft on the people.


 Your work is for the world, not for you.

 In doing service work, you are sowing seeds for the bene t of others.

 The full harvest of your work may

not take place in your lifetime, yet your efforts now are making possible a better life for future generations.

 Let your ful llment come in gratitude for the privilege of being able to render this service, and from doing so with as much compas sion, authenticity, fortitude, and forgiveness as you can muster.


 Sel ess service is a myth.

 In serving others, we serve our true selves.

 “It is in giving that we receive.

” We are sustained by those we serve, just as we are blessed when we forgive others.

 As Gandhi says, the practice of satyagraha (“clinging to truth”) confers a “matchless and universal power” upon those who practice it.

 Service work is enlightened selfinterest, and it cultivates an expanded sense of self that includes all others.


 Do not insulate yourself from the pain of the world.

 Shielding yourself from heartbreak prevents transformation.

 Let your heart break open, and learn to move in the world with a broken heart.

 As Kahlil Gibran says, “Your pain is the medicine by which the physician within heals thyself.

” When we open ourselves to the pain of the world, we become the medicine that heals the world.

 If we block the pain, we are actually preventing our own participation in the world’s attempt to heal itself.

 This is what Gandhi understood so deeply in his principles of ahimsa and satyagraha.

 A broken heart is an open heart, through which love ows and genuine transformation begins.


 What you attend to, you become.

 Your essence is pliable, and ultimately you become that which you most deeply focus your attention upon.

 You reap what you sow, so choose your actions carefully.

 If you constantly engage in battles, you become embat tled yourself.

 If you constantly give love, you become love itself.


 Rely on faith, and let go of having to gure it all out.

 There are larger “divine” forces at work that you can trust completely without knowing their precise workings or agendas.

 Faith means trusting the unknown, and offering yourself as a vehicle for the intrinsic wisdom and benevolence of the cosmos to do its work.

 “The rst step to wisdom is silence.

 The second is listening.

” The third is following the quiet whispers of the heart.

 If you genuinely ask inwardly and listen for guidance, and then follow it carefully — you are working in accord with these larger forces, and you become the instrument for their wisdom and music.


 Love creates the form.

 Love is the living power of the real.

 The heart crosses the abyss that the mind creates, and operates at depths

unknown to the mind.

 Don’t get trapped by “pessimism concerning human nature that is not balanced by an optimism concerning divine nature, or you will overlook the cure of grace.

” (Martin Luther King).

 Let your heart’s love infuse your work and you cannot fail, though your dreams may manifest in ways far different from what you imagined.

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