Thule urban glide 2 review

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THULE Urban Glide 2 Review

By – Strollerly.Com

Design? Some Photos Design Verdict The design of the THULE Urban Glide 2 Stroller is really beautiful. Worth? I must say, yes!

What is the footbrake like?

 Unlike several alternative runner buggies the Thule Urban Glide doesn’t have a emergency brake, it's a footbrake at the bottom of the frame.

How does it crease

ď‚š It will be simply folded with one hand; with a twist and pull of alittle device just below the front of the seat the buggy collapses.

Detailed Specifications

 Swivel front wheel for easy maneuverability, locks into place for jogging  Ergonomic handlebar with a range of heights for parent's comfort  Rear suspension for a smooth and comfortable ride  One-handed compact fold for storing and transporting  Multi-position canopy for added protection with view-in roof port to see your child

The Positives

 Hand activated Rear Drum Brakes – helps you maintain control when  Ability to buy adapter for car seat  Adjustable handle bar to accommodate different heights

The Negatives

 I’m not gonna lie, it starts to get heavy at 25 lbs. It’s bigger than your average stroller. You may find yourself struggling a little when putting it in the back of your car

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)  Question: Will a ride along attachment fit on the back for older children  Answer: I don't believe they've created one for this model, but they may be working on it- it's still pretty new.  Question: Has anyone had the grip on the handle rip? I've had mine for two months and the grip completely split in half.  Answer: Hi Keith, We suggest you contact our Customer Service Department so we can discuss your Warranty Options  Question: Who to contact about the warranty?  Answer: You may reach the Thule Consumer Service Help line, at: 800-238-2388 (M-F 8:30am to 5:30pm, Eastern Time), and we will be able assist you directly

What Customers Say About It?

ď‚š LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Seriously I am obsessed with this stroller. It pushes like a dream. I can easily steer it with one hand, and it handles curbs sooo easily. Yesterday my 45 lb tall 4 year old got tired so I decided to see how she fit in it, it was great!!! She fell right to sleep! I continued to push one of 11 week old twins and carried the other in a Boba 4g carrier on my chest. I had so many people ask my where I had gotten it.

By- Shawn Foley

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