June 24, 2008

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TUESDAY June 24, 2008 FREE

Dairy Queen Remembered p8



Good for you

Todd Jameson promotes healthy eating through his own and others’ locally grown organic fruits and vegetables. P2 Want a FREE yard sign? See back page for details.


Good for you

Todd Jameson promotes healthy eating through his own and others’ locally grown organic fruits and vegetables.

Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables are easily found at farmer’s markets.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

By Ellen Gilmer Current in Carmel

After a long day of work, Todd Jameson gets home, bypasses the front door and heads straight to his garden. Originally from a vegetable farm in New Jersey, Jameson said he has understood since childhood the importance of eating fresh food. “I’ve always had an incredible interest in food,” he said. “I love to grow it, love to cook it, love to eat it, and everything in betweem.” In the 1970s he began selling vegetables at an open market in Manhattan with his brothers. Jameson said he was amazed by the kinship and social connection in the atmosphere. In fact, when he once accidentally gave a customer a bag of cash instead of a bag of squash, he was shocked when the man brought the thousands of dollars back and stated, “I believe this belongs to you. All I want is my bag of squash.” Since then, Jameson has dedicated himself to educating others about the personal benefits of eating locally grown food and the economic importance of supporting local agricultural producers. “This is a day and age where we can’t turn on the news or open a newspaper and not read about some contaminated food source,” he said. “People want to know where their food comes from.” Jameson leases four acres of land called Balanced Harvest Farm where he grows as many as 60 different vegetables, from the a in arugula to the z in zucchini, he said. On Saturdays he sells his produce at Carmel Farmer’s Market. He is also launching a community-supported agriculture program. For the CSA, each member invests in a share or half a share and gets a weekly shipment of fresh vegetables from the farm during the warm months. Jameson said the program helps members understand and experience together the risk of growing food.

Where to get locally grown food around Carmel:

Carmel Farmers Market One Civic Square Open Saturdays from 8:30 to 11 a.m. (from May 31 to Sept. 27) Featuring locally produced fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, eggs, jams, etc. The Fresh Market 2490 E. 146th Street Open Monday through Saturday 9 a.m.to 9 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m.to 8 p.m. Featuring locally produced corn, salsa and honey. Gatewoods Vegetable Farm and Greenhouses 9555 E. 206th Street, Noblesville Open Monday through Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Featuring locally produced tomatoes, peaches, cantaloupe, etc. Traders Point Creamery Farm Store 9101 Moore Road, Zionsville Open daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Featuring fresh produce everyday and an open farmers market Fridays from 4 to 8 p.m. from May to October.

“They really share in the risk of the agricultural experience,” he said. “It really empowers the farmer to produce quality food.” This also allows consumers to receive fresher food, Jameson said. “We grow things for texture and taste, not shipping,” he said. “Once (people) have a great taste experience, they become addicted to it and can’t live without it.” Furthermore, Jameson said, CSA members do not have to be experienced in cooking to take part.

“I think the single best thing that anyone can do is just take one step, because you’re going to learn and experience it on your journey,” he said. “We supply recipes and instructions, walk you all the way through the process. Why not turn it into a really fun experience?” Jameson said he is disturbed by the amount of massproduced food and distrusts food that has been genetically modified. “We’re eating chemicals, not food,” he said. “If you can’t pronounce it, if you don’t know what it means, why would you eat it?” The supermarket can be pleasantly surprising, though, Jameson said. He said some stores offer an impressive variety of organic and natural foods. However, other trips to the grocery can be challenging. “I enter the supermarket with red flashing lights because I don’t want to put in my body what is in there,” he said. “[My wife and I] are diehard label readers, and I think every consumer has to be. It’s about making informed decisions.” Although Jameson eats mostly from his garden five months of the year, he said there are some times that he gives in to prepackaged food. “Absolutely I slip,” he said, “but I then try to catch myself very quickly.” Jameson said he wants to help educate other community members so they can make informed decisions, too. He is the producer of a new expo coming to Indianapolis in October. The Natural Living Expo will feature representatives from many different environmental organizations, from gardening to home building. “I have a passion for this that I just can’t stop,” he said. “Food is not just nourishment for your body. There’s a social connection; there’s an economic connection. The consumer is ultimately reaping the benefit of it.” For more information, go to www.balancedharvest. com. For information about other local CSAs, go to www. homestead-growers.com or www.hoosierorganics.com.

OUR TAKES It is our position that the recent Artomobilia event in the Arts and Design District is a great example of events that the District can and should be hosting. By all measures, including attendance, level of interest, and even the weather, Artomobilia was a tremendous success. Participants and onlookers commented on the number of vehicles in pristine condition as well as the opportunity to enjoy live music, good food and, of course, a stroll along Carmel’s growing collection of fine art galleries, shops and other amenities. We are proud of the innovation demonstrated by the staff that planned this event. As part of an overall campaign

, Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. II, No. 35 Copyright 2008. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032

The Next phase

to reintroduce great summertime leisure activities, such as a car show, this affair showcased our District to those who prize design on four wheels. Ironically, parking is a challenge that the success of the District will bring. The scores of new spaces coming online with the completion of the Carmel Design Center on Range Line Road will be most welcome. And administrators and advocates for the District must work closely with the fledgling businesses (many of which are start-ups with limited capital and even less business management acumen) to help ensure their continued success.

It is our position that the Carmel Redevelopment Commission made the right move in voting to go forward with redevelopment of the north side of Main Street, west of Range Line Road in the Arts & Design District. The building known as Tuesday Morning, that being the name of the last retailer to locate there, will come down, along with others to its west, to make room for a one-block mix of retail and residential units. CRC President Ron Carter long has said he envisioned just that for the now out-of-character, well out-of-time block, and he now will see that vision come to fruition. In the end, Carmel residents

will benefit. We’re talking additional tax dollars from businesses that locate there, and that helps keep the cost of homeowners’ taxes down. The project will include luxury apartments as well as a two-level, underground parking garage. Finding space for one’s vehicle in the district at times can be a difficult, frustrating proposition. The parking plan will alleviate much of that. Once that project is under way, we hope the city will look to the east, across Range Line, and find a way to redevelop the land from the National City Bank corner over to Woodys Library Restaurant.


carmel on wheels

CURRENTOON by Tim Campbell


Advertising Carmel Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia dennis@currentincarmel.com / 370.0749 Carmel Sales Executive – Lara Acton lara@currentincarmel.com / 409.1418 Indianapolis Sales Consultant – Kevin Messmer kevin@currentincarmel.com / 513.4359

Business Office Bookkeeper - Deb Vlasich deb@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

Publisher – Brian Kelly brian@currentincarmel.com / 414.7879 Executive Editor – Steve Greenberg steve@currentincarmel.com / 847.5022 Associate Editor – Terry Anker terry@currentincarmel.com Managing Editor – Brandie Bohney brandie@currentincarmel.com / 292.9279 Content Editor – Christa Manahan christaedits@gmail.com / 385.3588 Art Director – Zachary Ross zross@ss-times.com / 787-3291 Associate Artist – Stefanie Lorenz stefanie@currentincarmel.com / 340.1836 Reporter – Brandon Bowman brandon@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 Reporter – Bryan Unruh bryan@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell tim@currentincarmel.com

another take


Tuesday, June 24, 2008



let me think about it

ife seems to take up an awful lot ed – even once – by a telephone ringing of space. So much space, in fact, to the tone of “Freebird.” that our heads are always full to But if our household is any indication, overflowing with the mundane life is not about to ease up. So how do facts, figures and expectations we manage? For me, it’s all about finding necessary to feed it. Where are even a little time to clear my the kids, and is it our turn to head and focus on just one pick them up? Where did I thing. I’m not talking about put the car keys (this time)? Is the kind of thinking that we it going to rain again today? do all day long. Not the kind Occasionally, we find the of thinking that keeps us up brain power to work on other all too late at night worrying pressing issues of the day. We about everything from the think about the interesting price of gas to whether we are movie that is coming out next spending enough time with week, what will be the counthe kids. try of origin for the latest adThe thinking that I need dition to the Branjolina clan, – the thinking that we all need or the name and point of ma– is the kind of thinking that Terry triculation for every Colt past made America great. The kind Anker and present. of thinking that helps people And then there’s worry. It find their way to spiritual saturates whatever brain cells remain. truth. The kind of thinking that helps us We’ve got that big presentation at work stay married (by the time this appears in – our boss never liked us – the last time print, Carolyn and I will have reached 18 PowerPoint blew up and caused an emyears, by the way) and extol its virtues. barrassing and decidedly unimpressive The kind of thinking that ensures that moment. Yikes! Besides that, the in-laws we are living life and not just are expected for a lengthy visit, and if going through the motions. my brother-in-law makes just one For me, thinking clears comment about my kid’s sporting my head. When all the prowess, this might be the year voices are screaming, thinkthat I let him have it. ing directs me to the issues Our lives seem designed to that deserve my attention preclude even a spare moment and help to quiet the rest. of time just to consider. Time My trusty PDA/cell phone to reflect. Time to plan. Not will remind me of the next thing to sleep or rest or vegetate. on my agenda. The other pressing How do we block out all of obligations will still be there in 20 the noise and get down to minutes. Voice mail can handle something that matters? If the calls. Now it is time to close the we could just quiet a couple of the voices laptop; move away from my desk and sit screaming for attention in our heads, we and stare out the window. Is my life in might be able to hear what those remain- order? My business? My relationships? ing are trying to say. While the Cybil-like If asked often enough, the answers are metaphor may be a little extreme, it does not tough to find. But if never asked… I get to the point. So much demands our don’t know. I guess I need to think about time and attention that we are seldom it. ever truly alone. Cell phones and email Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current don’t help. Remember life before the in Carmel. You may e-mail him at terry@cur“crackberry”? I pine for the era when a rentincarmel.com day at the golf course was not interrupt-

READER’s VIEW CLOSING ROADS. WHY? Editor: Wow! Who can we thank for granting a permit to close the intersection of Main Street and Range Line Road this Saturday for a Festival? These are two of a few streets still open in Carmel, and the traffic surrounding this area seemed to prove

that it was a problem. If the Festival was intended to attract business for the Arts & Design shops, I think it probably did the opposite. Pat Kluempers 46033

FROM THE BACKSHOP happy to provide the experience Two recent high school graduates and one emerging sophomore have joined us as part-time sales consultants. How cool is that? They approached us as asked if they could sell advertising into our products this summer before they go off to college. We’re thrilled to be able to give them exposure and experience to media sales, and we’re hopeful businesses in Carmel and Westfield will welcome Haley Burns, Claire Pickett and Matt Vlasich. Burns (haley@currentincarmel.com) is headed to the University of Utah to study business management and entrepreneurship; Pickett (claire@currentincarmel.com) is off to Purdue, where she will pursue a communications degree with a concentration in advertising and marketing; and Vlasich, who will sell classified advertising (matt@ currentincarmel.com) is headed for his second year at CHS. Pickett previously sold advertising for Carmel High School’s award-winning newspaper, the Hi-Lite. We’re eager for them to interact with you, and we believe you’ll like each of them. ••• Adding a tax to your retirement simply is another way of saying to the American

Steve Greenberg & Brian Kelly people, “You’re so damned stupid that we’re going to keep doing this until we drain every cent from you.” That’s what the vaunted speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is saying, in effect. Pelosi wants a windfall tax on retirement income. In other words, a tax on what you have made by investing toward your retirement. This woman is twisted! She has hung around Democrat voters so long, she thinks everyone is stupid. Don’t you just love Dem voters? They support programs that tell them how and when they can retire; how much they can save and when they can take it out; agree to huge penalties if we don’t follow their instructions; force us to “invest” in Social Security – a great Ponzi-esque scheme -- so they can control our retirement decisions. Yet they claim they’re pro-choice.

BALLARD TO SPEAK: Make plans now to join the Carmel Chamber of Commerce at its July Monthly Luncheon on Tuesday, July 8 from noon to 1:30 p.m. at The Fountains. Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard will be BALLARD speaking. Cost is $15 for members, $25 for guests and walk- ins. Reservations close at noon on Monday, July 7. Call 846.1049 to attend. 2009 US SENIOR OPEN: It was recently announced that Crooked Stick Golf Club will host the 2009 U.S. Senior Open. Over 3,000 volunteers are needed for the 2009 U.S. Senior Open. The event will take place from July 27th to August 2nd. Volunteers will assist 156 of the world’s best professional and amateur golfers, as well as an estimated 150,000 spectators. Visit www.2009ussenioropen.com for more information about volunteering, ticket sales and other event details.

tips to makestance summer vactionRemove a allblast ell I just returned from a as part of the post-breakfast jewelry/sunglasses


family road trip to Gulf treat bag. Nerds are also a bad idea. Shores, Alabama, and Buy sun lotion in bulk before you though it surprises me to go. Beach towns take great pleasure say this, I actually enjoyed in stealing you blind when it comes to esmyself. In fact, I would go so sentials, like bottles of SPF2000; far as to call the past week a especially if you have fair skin “vacation” rather than just a and four pasty children. And “trip.” It seems my children forget that aerosol kind; the have finally reached the ages convenience factor does not outwhere my husband and I weigh the 3.7 applications. don’t have to worry about Make time for Charades, them sneaking into the pool Scene It or Karaoke after and subsequently drowning. dinner one night. Priceless Nevertheless, I have a few memories in a surprisingly compointers for you if your summer petitive atmosphere. includes a beach extravaganza. Never enter a Souvenir City Leave at the pre-arwithout a minimum 1:2 ranged time. My husadult per kid ratio. Synchronize Danielle band got wild and crazy and watches and arrange checkpoints Wilson decided at 7 p.m. we were in 15-minute intervals. Use the going to leave at 8 p.m., even buddy system and know the hand though I was prepping for a 3 a.m. deparsignal for abort. Walkie-talkies would not be ture. Suffice it to say, stuff got left behind. over cautionary. Make sure your car topper is seBring tons of trash novels to read. curely fastened. Luckily we had only My smut of choice this week was a made it to Southport before we realized trilogy by Nora Roberts. Easy, fun, and ours was about to launch right off the roof. just enough sex to keep it interesting Beg, borrow or steal a DVD player, The best car game in the world is and make sure you (or your children) “See How Many Types of Candy know how to work it before you leave You Can Name.” If any of you amateurs Indiana. “Where’s Waldo” books can only top 109, email me. hold ‘em so long. Eat seafood. Fried. In some dive DO NOT include Hubba Bubba or bar along the water. Barefoot. any other gum or taffy-like sub-


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prior to entering the ocean. Though my husband miraculously found his Maui Jim shades after ten minutes of searching the sand bar (can I get an “amen”?), he has yet to find his wedding band lost back in’99. Make sure your preschooler uses the bathroom before hitting the Nashville to Louisville stretch of I-65. Bonnieville, KY, is so not the place you want to stop for a roadside potty break. Think Blair Witch meets Deliverance. Drink at least one rum beverage, but no more than six, while listening to Jimmy Buffett, Dave Lindley or Jimmy Cliff. Has to be done. Beware sea creatures. Those jelly fish are cute to look at, but they sting like a mother if they hit you while boogie-boarding. Build a sand castle. Sure you get sand up your wazoo and you’ll need to OD on the Advil later, but sand castles are cool and a great way to impress your kids. Do not however, under any circumstances, boobie trap your moat with aforementioned jelly fish. Enjoy your summer vacation, wherever it takes you. Peace out!


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Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@currentincarmel.com.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com


DISPATCHES JAPANESE COMIC STORYTELLING: Sponsored by the Japan-America Society of Indiana, (Mr.) Kaishi Katsura brings Japanese comic storytelling to Indiana on a 22-city tour of the United States. The Indiana performance will be on Tuesday, June 24 in the Carmel High School auditorium. Doors open at 6 p.m., and the performance starts at 7 p.m., with open seating. Tickets are $15. Rakugo is comic storytelling, performed in the traditional Japanese-style, which is sitting down.

7240 Hamilton CR $1,375,000

Almost 10 acres! Fab kit w/ FP, mstr w/FP, unbelievable mstr BA, wrap-around porch, elevator, custom etched windows & custom cabinetry! Spectacular home! DaWn KEnDRiCK, 329-8535, 846-7751

5531 n DElaWaRE St $509,000

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Heart of Meridian Kessler. 4 bedrooms, 5 baths. Gorgeous kitchen & baths, formal dining room & living room. Large family room, one bedroom on main. DaWn KEnDRiCK, 329-8535, 846-7751


Drama camp educates and entertains

14077 HonEy tREE DR $349,900

Fascinating 5BR/2+BA brick home. Exceptional residence featuring gas fireplace and formal dining room. 3-car garage. Two-story foyer, high ceilings. RoBERt CoWan, 216-4481, 846-7751

4709 BRooKSHiRE PKWy $264,000

Irresistible, fenced 4BR/2+BA tri-level positioned on 0.51 acres. Gas fireplace. Huge foyer, bay windows, hardwood flooring. Updated kitchen, pantry. ConStanCE liDStRom, 317-525-8836, 846-7751

By Christine Bavender Current in Carmel

How does an original musical comedy win a prestigious economic education award? When it not only teaches children the art of the theatre, but also helps educate them in helping others. “If the kids feel they took part in something meaningful and share it with somebody else, then that makes them better people,” said playwright Cindy Baney. “I hope it enriches their hearts, too, from this experience. That experience? The second annual drama camp put on for two weeks at

7226 E 550 S $1,350,000

Elegant dream home on 10 beautiful private acres. Lg kitchen w/keeping room. Master bedroom w/sitting room. 6 bedrooms, LL walkout, pool, pond. DaWn KEnDRiCK, 329-8535, 846-7751

105 magnolia ln $499,900

Fascinating 4BR/3BA brick Ranch on wooded 1/2acre. Security system, 2 fireplaces, 3-car garage. Huge foyer, office, high ceilings. SilaS JoHnSon, 317-216-4085, 846-7751

4852 gREEnSPiRE DR $329,900

5BR/2.5BA. 4000SF+. Large unfinished bsmt. Hrdwds/ ceramic. Large kitchen. 9’clgs. Pocket doors. Office main level. Fenced. Community pool Donna ColliER, 317-299-1149, 844-4200

2535 98tH St E $231,900

Nicely updated 4BR/3BA w/fin bsmt including big screen TV. Lots of hdwd flrs. Super 2-sty deck. Fncd yd & xtra 1car w/ electricity for wkshop or car repair. maRilyn HaRBiSon, 299-1120, 846-7751

4877 moRganS CREEK Ct $899,900

4BR/3.5BA new construction. Hdwd flrs, grmt kit w/ granite cntrs. Main flr mstr, huge LL w/wetbar & media rm. Wooded cul-de-sac lot. Incrdbl att to detail! SPEnCER KlinE, 216-5631, 846-7751

2418 HoPWooD DR $489,731

Bask in the charms of this exhilarating 5BR/4+BA lakefront residence situated on 0.52 acres. 2 fireplaces, 4-car garage. Two-story foyer, high ceilings. RoBERt CoWan, 216-4481, 846-7751

200 RED oaK ln $319,900

Sparkling pool, C-D-S fncd corner lot! Custom marble entry, formal dining, lg kitch w/Amish cabinets, dbl ovens, nook. 5BR/big mstr, 3BA, fin bsmt, 3c gar. maRilyn HaRBiSon, 299-1120, 846-7751

9715 Elm DR $229,900

Impressive 4BR/3BA brick single-level. Breakfast nook, cozy fireplace. Vaulted ceilings, hardwood flooring, private master suite. Patio & 2-car garage. SilaS JoHnSon, 317-216-4085, 846-7751

Cumberland Road Christian Church in Fishers, where 40 students from Carmel, Westfield and surrounding areas will present King Midas and the Golden Touch: a Modern Musical of Scarcity. The camp centers around the idea that through their acting and economic enrichment activities, the students gain a better understanding of the responsibilities of those who have wealth or resources and how to better share them. Baney said she re-wrote and pared down the show three different times before coming up with the final piece. “I wanted to make sure that everyone who wanted a speaking part had one,”

4830 moRganS CREEK Ct $869,900

5BR/4.5BA w/incrdbl quality & attn to detail. Hdwd flrs, grmt kit, LL w/wetbar & media rm.Huge BR’s w/walk-in clsts. Prof lndscping, cul-de-sac-A must see! SPEnCER KlinE, 216-5631, 846-7751

11122 WEStminStER Way $400,000

Lovely 4BR 3.5BA ranch w/finished basement. 2FP’s, granite counter tops, 1st floor office, & 3-car garage on wooded lot in convenient Carmel. Joan RUBEnStEin, 290-4659, 846-7751

14914 maggiE Ct $314,900

On cul-de-sac lot! 4BR/2+BA Traditional-style. Two-story foyer, cathedral ceilings, fireplace & hardwood floors. Nice master suite! 3-car garage. SilaS JoHnSon, 317-216-4085, 846-7751

756 CollEgE Way $179,900

Friendly 4BR/2+BA residence. An easy-to-love setup, with gas fireplace, tile flooring and hardwood flooring. Cool pool. Walk-in closets. Fenced. ConStanCE liDStRom, 317-525-8836, 846-7751

she explained. “I want them to gain confidence because confidence doesn’t always meet opportunity the rest of your life, and I wanted them to be able to say, ‘hey, I was on stage and I memorized this part.’” The musical was recently awarded the Olin Davis Award for Excellence in Economic Education by the Indiana Council of Economic Education. The show will be presented at 7 p.m. Friday at the Cumberland Christian Church. Tickets are $5, and all proceeds from the box office and the concession stand will be donated to charities of the children’s choice.

15304 long CovE BlvD $595,000

Awesome kit w/granite counters. New refrig, cooktop, overn & W/D. New carpet. Fresh paint! Oversized gar. Tray clg in DR. FP in GR. Tiled sunrm. olga KEEgan, 317-333-6124, 846-7751

14933 PaCER Ct $379,900

A world of luxury awaits you in this wonderful 4BR/2+BA residence in cul-de-sac setting. 3-car garage, gas fireplace. Two-story foyer, exercise room. RoBERt CoWan, 216-4481, 846-7751

12361 mEDaliSt PKWy $297,900

Beautiful one owner custom blt home with 2BR+bonus rm (w/inside access) 2.5BA. Gleaming hdwds. Scrnd porch & brick patio. Extensive landscaping-Impeccable! maRilyn HaRBiSon, 299-1120, 846-7751

1217 tURnER Ct $177,000

4BR/2.5BA. New construction townhome in HomePlace. SS appliances. Close to Monon Trail & Monon Center. No assoc fee! Builder to pay up to $2000 closing. angEla RaaB, 317-735-9610, 846-7751

5288 aRaPaHo Ct $589,900

Truly a 10! 5BR/5BA open flr plan in Delaware Trace. Hg MBR w/FP. Sunrm w/beautiful views. Upscale kit w/granite counters. Super dylght bsmt w/FP,BA & bar. maRilyn HaRBiSon, 299-1120, 846-7751

2040 StRingtoWn PiKE $359,900

Gorgeous waterfront home on Morse! What awesome views from your private deck. Mature trees. Very spacious 4BR home. SilaS JoHnSon, 317-216-4085, 846-7751

1394 longlEaf St $264,900

Fascinating 4BR/2+BA with formal dining room, sitting room & garden tub in master, cathedral ceilings & fireplace. 3-car. Screened porch overlooks patio. SilaS JoHnSon, 317-216-4085, 846-7751

14927 WinDmill DR $174,900

Find all your dreams in this welcoming 4BR/2+BA two-story. Cathedral ceilings, master suite, walk-in closets. Garden tub, Dual Vanities, breakfast nook. angEl DEan, 317-388-3560, 846-7751

This is a great time to be a Tucker agent.

www.TalkToTucker.com 16665 BRoWnStonE Ct $172,900

2BR/2BA corner-lot garden unit condo. Highlights include great room with fireplace, sunroom, master suite, walk-in closets & 2car garage. angEl DEan, 317-388-3560, 846-7751

14915 SilvER tHoRnE $147,375

Adorable 3BR/2.5BA home w/lg loft & fenced yard in move-in condition. Lovingly maintained & is conveniently located near shopping, trails & Cool Creek Park Joan RUBEnStEin, 290-4659, 846-7751

301 S main St $119,995

Recently updated. Wraparound porch. Fully fenced back yard w/mature trees & storage shed. Hardwoods, bkshvs. Beautiful spiral staircase. PEggy DRiSCol, 223-1925, 846-7751

Call 639-TALK




e’ll always be Vinnie Druding to me, even after he becomes a Roman Catholic Priest in the Archdiocese of New York on May 9, 2009. His parents, Vince and Marian, have been friends of mine for 30 or so years. He grew up in Carmel and is a 1991 Our Lady of Mount Carmel graduate. Now he is a seminarian at St. Joseph in Yonkers, N.Y. Vince had spent his formative years wondering if he was Danny meant to be a priest O’Malia or to raise a family, like the wonderful family in which he was raised. “Father Mike Kettron at O.L.M.C. prepared me for First Communion, and I was always captivated by the mystery of the Eucharist. Father Rasner was a big influence as well.” Later, at age 17, “Monsignor Duncan asked me to teach Confirmation Prep at O.L.M.C. I am grateful he gave me this opportunity as a high school student.” He majored in Religion at Wabash College and still wondered for years: family or priesthood? But the signs kept

Vince Druding (center, holding book) appearing: he exited the subway in New York on 9-11 just in time to witness the second plane hit the tower. He worked on the rescue for a week and saw priests praying over the deceased. Finally, during Lent in 2003, these signs and many others convinced Vince to become a priest. And that brought him into contact with the Papal Masses back in April, when he was one of about a dozen New York seminarians chosen to serve Pope Benedict’s Masses at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and Yankee Stadium. As the official Master of Ceremonies for the seminary he attends, Vince assisted emcees at the St. Patrick’s Mass. At Yankee Stadium, he filled the role of Bearer of the Book. I only wish there was room to tell Vince’s entire story and share all the incredible signs from God. Vince and Marian, that’s quite a young man you have there!


COST - $300 million. Of the total, $200 million is coming from the private sector, $100 million from public funds. The project is within the bounds of budget.

CONSTRUCTION – One year away from opening. This 85,000 square foot facility brings together a premier collection of professional high-end design resources and services in a single location.

CONSTRUCTION – On schedule, with plans for retailers to start their phase by fall of 2009.

NEXT STEP – The building’s construction will be complete at the first of next year and ready for tenants to start finishing their spaces starting in early 2009. We anticipate a Grand Opening date sometime in the Fall of 2009

NEXT STEP – Completion of the steel construction. When that’s done, there will be a ceremony to commemorate the achievement at the site. TENANTS - There are active negotiations for a combined 62,000 square feet of space for retail and restaurant owners. Independent shop owners from around the Midwest and Indiana also are being kept in mind as possible tenants near City Center.

TENANTS – Over 60 percent of the Indiana Design Center is in active lease negotiations. We have potential tenants in the following categories: Lighting, Flooring, Decorative Hardware, Kitchen, Bath, Plumbing, Furniture and Decorative Accessories, Fabrics and Wallcoverings, and Granite and Marble. Sources: Pedcor Cos., City of Carmel

Compiled by Brandon Bowman, Current in Carmel

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com



Carmel’s Green INitiative going strong


reen: the word used most often to characterize a hue or shade is also common vocabulary to describe an initiative connected to saving the environment. Add Carmel as a descriptor of where, and you have Carmel Green Initiative, the latest group to call our community home. Leslie Webb and Monica Cannaley, key organizers of the group, have matched like-minded citizens and community groups to promote and support the city’s commitment to reducing our impact on the planet.

Climate Protection Agreement signed by Mayor Brainard. To reduce energy waste and pollution, thereby cutting our dependence on fossil fuels. To inspire individuals to take small actions, which cumulatively can significantly increase the sustainability of our local and global resources. All summer long, the group will offer several opportunities for anyone to attend a workshop that addresses the growing number of people that want to get greener, but are not sure how. For dates and locations, log on to www.carmelgreen. The City of Carmel has a well org. The cost is just $15; a Jeff documented record, now several small price to pay to learn how Worrell years old, which clearly makes to reduce your environmental conserving our natural resources impact. a priority. Even though Carmel Green I once heard a friend comment that Initiative is only in its infancy, they have a they don’t curbside recycle because of the full agenda and the willpower to see their cost per month. Carmel Green Initiative goals achieved. Using their mission stateis going to help us all understand the cost ment as the roadmap for a greener Carmel, not to recycle might be greater than a they plan: couple of bucks each month. To create awareness and understanding of the connection between Carmel citizens Jeff Worrell is a local business owner. He recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with and our impact on the environment. Carmel� on cable channel 16. Contact him at To promote and support the City of Carmel’s commitment to carbon reduction jworrelll@advantagemedical.com initiatives, as stated in the U.S. Mayors

Residents Remember Dairy Queen By Bryan Unruh Current in Carmel

Carmel residents reflected about the fire that laid waste to the Dairy Queen at 951 S. Range Line Road and reminisced about the restaurant’s past. Jenny Ogle Break’s first job was at the Dairy Queen. She began working there in 1972 as a high school freshman. She said she would never forget her history there. “I remember ‘ice cream initiation’ my first day,� she said. “I had to go into the freezer and see how fast I could down a cone of soft serve. It was only a minute before the brain freeze occurred.� Break said she was eating at a Carmel restaurant when the fire began on May 29. She couldn’t resist going to watch. “It was a chance...to gaze at the last bit of a childhood memory for me,� she said. Katherine Fehn’s memories are more recent. Her family has long enjoyed dinners and “post-soccer-game treats� at the restaurant, but she said it was most special to her and her 4-year-old son. “While his sisters were at school, Evan and I would go on ‘dates’ to the Dairy Queen,� she said. “We always had the best time.� Marcia Hafner enjoyed the Dairy Queen both with her parents and as a parent herself: “My folks used to take my sister and I to DQ almost every evening

Evan Fehn enjoying his favorite DQ treat: the sprinkle cone.

in the summer and throughout the year. I always got a cherry Mister Misty. . . it was family time,� she explained. “I have been taking my daughter to DQ since she was a baby. . .All of her birthday cakes (were) from there.� Owner Mina Khoury said he expected to rebuild the restaurant in the next five to six months at the same location. He has moved past the “shock and numbness,� he said, and begun negotiating with architects and engineers to start reconstruction. Khoury, owner of the Dairy Queen for 13 years, said discarded burning material started the fire. “It was most likely a cigarette from an employee or a customer in the drive-thru,� he said.

Now is the time for brides and grooms


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

(the wedding party, too!)

to brighten their smiles for the big day!





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-Newsweek More Airline Fees: Baggage fees are fast becoming an unavoidable part of U.S. flying — the largest two carriers now charge $15 for a first checked bag. United Airlines announced its new fee last week, three weeks after American Airlines set the precedent for the charge. Most U.S. carriers have already instituted a $25 charge for checking a second bag; part of a potpourri of new fees that reflect a struggling airline industry passing along record fuel prices to passengers in the form of higher fares, fuel surcharges and service charges. -MSNBC.com

conversations. Effective blogs should be written in a style that creates online conversations. It shouldn’t be about posting your messages; instead, make it about getting people engaged and immersed in the conversation. Get them to talk back, to accept or reject your ideas. Too many messages in this world are presented in the here-is-what-we-wantyou-to-know format rather than the let’slearn-together style. Interactivity is always better than a fire hose approach – shooting information all over your audience whether they like it or not. Think of the last time you met a salesperson who never let you talk but simply told you all about how

much his product or service could help you. That’s the offline equivalent of a blog that doesn’t inspire you to respond to the author – in agreement or disagreement. If you blog, consider your approach. Ask yourself if what you are doing matters and works. If you don’t blog, you might find it an easy way to create some conversations with an interested audience. Don’t worry about the size of your audience as much as how actively they are involved in your conversations. That’s the better measure of whether or not your strategy is working. David Cain is President of MediaSauce, a digital media and online marketing company in Carmel. He welcomes your questions or comments at David.Cain@MediaSauce.com.


paper company

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A Mother and A Daughter Cleaning Services It’s not just a business, it’s a relationship.


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Tuesday, June 24, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

Charity Crisis: The latest victims of the sagging economy: charities. In May, the annual gala of the Robin Hood Foundation, which included a host of A-list celebrities, raised $56.5 million, down 21.5 percent from last year. But it’s not just the charities of the swank that are suffering. The Salvation Army caters to a somewhat different crowd—i.e., tens of millions of middle-class Americans. And while it had a good Christmas, “since the first of the year, we’ve seen some slippage,” says Maj. George Hood, a Salvation Army spokesman. Overall donations are down compared with 2007, and donations of used clothing and furniture to thrift shops have fallen by 20 percent. While natural disasters typically inspire a spike in donations, Hood says the earthquakes in China, the cyclones in Burma and the floods in the Midwest have yet to generate such an outpouring.


arketing strategies, like almost everything, only matter if they work. Your strategy has to deliver the goods, and usually that involves creating a relationship that can eventually become a transaction. Blogging, for example, is a popular topic in the online marketing space. It can create results for a company, but is often misunderstood or thought of only from a limited view – never really considDavid Cain ering, “does it work?” Marketing Does how you blog actually create any relationships that can eventually become transactions? Or are you just saying things to the world and, in most cases, forcing yourself to do that? A blog, derived from the term Web log, is really a website location where the author would post information – any kind of information, in any form (text, video, photographs) – for the online world to read. And the online world generally doesn’t read the blog because many blogs are more about messages than


Stocks Gain: A dose of good economic news and a buyout offer for Anheuser-Busch gave Wall Street a rebound last week, sending the Dow Jones industrials jumping more than 140 points. Treasury prices fell, driving yields higher, as investors returned to stocks. The Commerce Department said May retail sales, which appeared to receive a boost from tax rebate checks, rose 1 percent. That was the biggest improvement in 6 months. Meanwhile, the Labor Department said first-time claims for unemployment benefits rose, but some of the pickup was due to volatility following the Memorial Day holiday.

It Only Matters if it Works




$213K Type: Traditional Age: Built in 1998 Location: Near US 31 and 156th Street Neighborhood: Springdale Farms Square footage: 2930 including 985 square feet in the finished basement. Rooms: This five-bedroom, threeand-a-half bath home has 9’ceilings throughout, an open kitchen and family room combination, formal living and dining rooms and a finished basement. Strengths: The expansive backyard has mature trees and ample green space. The finished basement offers a wet bar, full bath and fifth bedroom. The interior has new paint, laminate flooring in the kitchen and family room, stainless appliances and a convenient upstairs laundry room.

NOW OPEN Solstice Sign Company

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Owner: Dan Oberhart Address: 20 Executive Dr. Suite A Carmel, Indiana 46032 Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Phone: 317-571-1108 E-mail: solsticesigns@sbcglobal.net Web site: www.solsticesigns.com


By John Pacilio, RE/MAX Ability Plus

Though there may be only slight differences between most of Carmel’s sign companies, Dan Oberhart prides himself on being unlike any of his competitors. At Solstice Sign Company, he said, all customers receive the same personal touch and

Challenges: The neighborhood does not have some of the amenities you might find in competing neighborhoods. However, there are nearby neighborhoods where you can use the amenities for a fee. John Pacilio and his team specialize in Carmel real estate with RE/MAX Ability Plus. Contact him at 216.8500 or John@ JohnPacilio.com.

keen attention to detail – whether they are spending $50 or $500. “My goal is to never tell a customer, ‘No, I can’t do that,’” Oberhart said. “And I haven’t yet.” The company, which opened on May 19, makes custom signs for businesses and individuals ranging from small desktop signs to giant corporate banners. Oberhart, a first-time business-owner, said the reaction so far had been overwhelmingly positive. “We haven’t had a single dissatisfied customer yet,” he said. Oberhart lives in Noblesville, but he has long dreamed of owning a business in Carmel. He hopes to continue expanding the company, growing from two to six employees in the next two years.

MONEY MATTERS How is your 401(k) performing this year as compared to last year?

“Mine is performing a little flat. The stocks aren’t doing as well, and it’s not helping.” Molly Marnane Carmel

“My 401(k) is down a little. Right now I’m being more conservative.” Don Currise Carmel

“My 401(k) is fine. I feel that everyone is over reacting about the stock market. The market goes up, and the market goes down. It has been that way for a long time.” Bob Taylor Carmel

ast week my family and I flew line and on the way to our gate in about back from Florida. As we walked 15 minutes. toward the Southwest ticket counBeing the business guy that I am, I ters, I gasped at the sight of over a couldn’t hide my excitement. I gave the hundred people in line wife and kids a little lecture waiting to be processed. They on how they had just experiwound all the way through the enced several of the reasons maze of ropes and were doing why Southwest has consistently their best to continue a similar delivered profits while their formation well out into the competitors lost money, merged flow of passing foot traffic. We or went out of business comhad plenty of time to make our pletely. I told them the lesson flight, but the family and I were is that people dig excellence clearly not looking forward to – and excellence is becoming this. I settled in to do what I harder and harder to find. We do, which is observe people and can all benefit from Southwest’s check out Southwest’s business example. Are we demanding model in action. excellence from ourselves? It turned out to be a real By the time we made it Kent Burns treat. Southwest was operatthrough security, I was done On Success ing eight automated check-in lecturing. As put my belt back kiosks. Out in front of them on, refilled my pockets and bent was a human whose sole job was to make over to tie my tennis shoes, my mind driftsure that all of those kiosks were full, all ed off to dreams of someday punching that the time. She shuffled travelers to each idiot shoe bomber right in the mouth. with impressive efficiency. Behind the Kent Burns is a Carmel resident, investor and counter were other employees checking luggage and dealing with special situations. co-founder of CrossConfirm. He is also a professional speaker and author of What’s Your Why? Furthermore, the Southwest folks were all His blog is www.kentburnsblog.com, and he calm, competent and friendly. It was a can be reached at kent@currentincarmel.com. well-oiled machine. We were through the



business done right

TOP REAL ESTATE DEALS mansion reduced to $100,000,000. Moens Realty, Palm Beach Fla. 20-acre Ranches - $995 per acre. New Mexico Land Liquididators. 5 percent down, 3 miles from I-25. www.benbrooks.com.

Buy One, Get One Free - New luxury homes in San Diego. No price increase. No hidden costs. www. michaelcrews.com. TWO-BEDROOM OCEAN VILLAS IN BELIZE - From $226,000. Condos from $140,000. Four-bedroom homes from $375,000. Miles of beaches, winding canals, gated. www. southbeachbelize.com. Chicago: TWO-YEAR, MoneyBack Guarantee - Still love it in 2010 or the developer will buy it back, no questions asked. From $185,000. www.bestchicagocondos. com. Brand new Boca Raton Estate Homes - Special incentives up to $250,000 off! www.sarahmazor.com. $25-Million Price Reduction - Trump’s Palm Beach Billionaire Row

End-of-Season Price Reduction - Private southwest Florida homes, all reduced for quick sale! www.c21tripower.com. $100,000 Builder Closeout - Only three left. Near San Francisco. Luxury condos from high $500,000s. www.1700Deanza.com. Closeout Condos in Miami - 370 units at 70 percent discount. www.RudytheSingingRealty.com. Call Rebecca at 786.246.4181. Colorado Ranch Property 35+ acres with cabin. $289,000. Yearround roads. Warranty deed. www. RedCreekLand.com.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

Each week, TopTenRealEstateDeals. com, which offers full descriptions, scours the nation to find the best “hot-spot” condo and upscale realestate deals for Current readers. All properties listed represent some of the best deals and/or lowest persquare-foot rates in their respective communities. Here are some of this week’s list:



tackling separation anxiety


remember being in my teens and having separation anxiety. My mom rarely, if ever, left me home alone, so I wondered why I was anxious. Even though they didn’t have a name for it back then, I do remember, since my mom was old (45) when I was born, I had this terrible fear that she would die during the night. All her reassurances still left me fearful. Regardless of the age of the child, separation anxiety is real and speaks to the emotional needs of Becky Kapsalis the child. Ask YiaYia Typically, toddlers express great fear of being separated from their parents. They cry, scream, kick and pull on our clothing to keep from being separated from us. I recall those were some of the toughest times I had. I would be crying as I left them screaming with their grandmother, even though I knew they were in the best of care. I can honestly tell you, the guilt I felt in leaving them behind was over whelming. Yet I knew I had no choice. I soon discovered that if I gave in to the crying, it would continue for a much

• Pete Dye Designed Championship Golf Course


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

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longer period of time. I had to promise I would return, and as I kept returning, then and only then did my children begin to trust that I would keep my promise and not abandon them. It’s difficult for toddlers to express themselves since most are not able to put a complete sentence together, but the tears from their eyes and the fearful expression on their faces was enough to make me want to never leave them behind again. That, as we all know, is not practical. Some separations are unavoidable, and the sooner we can help our children understand that there will be times we must leave them but never abandon them, the sooner they will grow in confidence and security, to the point where when you came to collect them, they won’t want to leave. This is called reverse separation anxiety and guilt. Ha! Ha! Hugs!

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Have a parenting topic or question? Submit it to Ask Yiayia, aka Becky Kapsalis, Certified Parent Coach, at askyiayia@indy.rr.com or call 810.9358.

Carmel’s Premier Private Family Club

Woodland Golf and Country Club Currently Has a Limited Number of Golf Memberships Available

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Here, is where you belong . . . Contact Laura Huckelberry at 846-2588 or lhuckelberry@woodlandcc.com to get more information on membership and for a chance to play this exclusive Pete Dye Championship course, as well as tour the clubhouse, tennis court and swimming pool. This offer ends July 31st, 2008. 7OODLAND ,ANE #ARMEL ). s WWW WOODLANDCC COM


http://www.womenshealthmag.com/ Eating Well: Not only is it important to pay attention to what you eat but also to what food groups you may not eat enough of. To accomplish this, keep a food diary of everything you eat and drink for one week. Pay attention to serving sizes, and check to see if you are eating a variety of foods from each of the food groups. You don’t need to meet the minimum number every day, but try to get the recommended intake on average over a week. If you are not getting the recommended amount of servings from each food group, you may be missing important nutrients. http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/tc/ healthy-eating-overview


f you have been considering taking a (found in meats) or pair sources of nondietary supplement or are currently heme iron (beans, cereal, spinach) with taking one, be sure to get all the facts. a good source of vitamin C (citrus fruits, The best way to meet your nutritional broccoli, cantaloupe, tomato) to maximize needs is by eating a variety of foods iron absorption. Supplementation of iron as recommended in the Dietary may be necessary for women Guidelines for Americans. who are anemic or do not conVitamin/mineral supplements are sume enough iron from food. not a replacement for a healthy Folic acid is also very important diet. Supplements are not able to help prevent neural tube deto provide all the healthful subfects in infants. Folic acid in its stances that are naturally found synthetic form (from fortified in foods. cereals, grains, supplements) is Supplements may be indicated, more easily absorbed than folic however, for certain individuacid found naturally in food. als. People who are over 50 years Supplements may also be recold should supplement their diet ommended for individuals who with vitamin B-12 in its crystalhave other impairments in nutriline form. Older adults have a ent absorption or do not conDr. Eve Olson decreased ability to absorb B-12 sume an adequate diet. If you Wellness from food in its naturally occuralready consume an adequate ring form; therefore, they may amount of a nutrient in your benefit from B-12 supplements or fortified food, you may not get any additional benfoods. efit from a supplement. In some cases you Older adults, people who do not get may exceed the upper recommended level much sun exposure or people with dark of a certain nutrient. Some supplements skin may benefit from vitamin D supplemay also interact with certain medications. mentation. Vitamin D can be found in Talk to your doctor about whether or not a fortified milk and yogurt, supplements, and supplement is right for you. can also be made by the body. Vitamin D Eve Olson, M.D., is the owner and founder of can be formed in the skin via exposure to the Olson Center for Wellness. For more inforUV sunlight. mation, please e-mail askdrolson@currentinWomen of childbearing age should concarmel.com, or call 705.1400. sume good dietary sources of heme iron

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Flip-Flops Can Cause Leg Pain: Summer-lovers beware: Flip-flops can put a serious gimp in your giddy-up, says a new study. Researchers from Auburn University have found that the shoe can cause sore feet, ankles, and legs. They studied 39 college-aged men and women who walked in athletic shoes or flip-flops. Flops caused the wearers to take shorter, almost drag-like steps -throwing off the delicate ankle angle-tostride-length ratio. The effect: pain from the foot up to the hips and lower back.

Get the Facts on Supplements


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Tuesday, June 24, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com



DISPATCHES EYE BANKING IN INDIANA: The Indiana Organ Procurement Agency (IOPO) has partnered with Tissue Banks International (TBI) to provide corneal tissue and other eye banking services in Indiana. Corneas recovered by the eye donation specialists at IOPO will be evaluated and processed at TBI’s National Eye Bank Center in Memphis, TN and distributed with first priority to surgeons in Indiana through TBI’s Tissue Distribution and Information Center.Â

Tuesday, June 24, 2008





DDS Aileen C. Helton


BELGUIM SKINNY DIP: Men’s Health Magazine recently rated the best light beers. The winner? New Belgium Skinny Dip (4.2% alcohol). At 110 calories, it’s well below the standard 140 calories cut-off mark for light brews and only contains seven grams of carbohydrates. It also received three out of three stars on taste. It pairs nicely with chicken and fruit and is satisfying after long day of work.



CHALLENGE YOURSELF: The one-arm dumbbell bench press transforms the traditional press into a challenging core and glute exercise. Lie on a bench with your left glute and left shoulder blade on the bench and your right side off the bench. Grip a dumbbell in your right hand and raise it above your chest. Hold the bench with your left hand, just behind your head. Slowly lower the weight until your elbow is level with the bench. Return to the starting position. Do two sets of eight reps on each side. — bestlifeonline.com

Are you at risk for skin cancer? High risk factors include fair skin: it doesn’t contain as much melanin to scatters the sun’s rays; multiple moles or “beauty marks�: melanoma cells are more abundant in moles and freckles. The more you have, the greater the cancer risk. A history of sunburns: it only takes one blistering sunburn to increase your risk for skin cancer, and a tropical address: the ozone layer is thinner in tropical regions , and UV radiation is stronger in the south. — prevention.com





15 Health watch

HOARDING EXPLAINED Having difficulty parting with things is a type of normal behavior that can slip into Obsessive Compulsive Behavior if it gets out of control. Recently, studies have been done of the brain while subjects are making decisions about items they want to discard. The studies have revealed the difficulty in parting with things is neurologically based. In other words, our tendency to hold on to stuff is based in parts of the brain. How it works is that we struggle with a fear of loss of possessions. In other words, we have a kind of “loss aversion.� The fear is that something of value may be lost and that loss will be regretted in the future.

WATCH IT WITH THE EGGS! - Middle-aged men who ate seven or more eggs a week had a higher risk of earlier death, U.S. researchers have reported. Men with diabetes who ate any eggs at all raised their risk of death during a 20-year period of study. The study adds to an evergrowing body of evidence, much of it contradictory, about how safe eggs are to eat. It did not examine what about the eggs might affect the risk of death. Men without diabetes could eat up to six eggs a week with no extra risk of death. - Journal of Clinical Nutrition

- mentalhelp.net

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com


?? 16

Around the Table 2005 bordeaux: the price of greatness By Louis Calli, Wine Director of Vine & Table gourmet market

It’s no great secret that the Bordeaux region in France produces some of the greatest red wine in the entire world. The most prestigious houses’ offerings can age for 50+ years or even close to a century and evolve into once-in-a-lifetime palate pleasers. There were battles in both WWI and II that were purposely diverted away from vineyard sites as to ensure the survival of the noblest vines. There have been but a handful of truly great Bordeaux vintages in the past two decades, but with the most recent release, the 2005 vintage, the bar has been raised to a level of perfection never seen before.

Pricey, yes, but not unthinkable. The 2005 however, released at $940.00 a bottle. In one year, that’s a 422% price hike! To put that in perspective, if the 2009 Toyota Camry took a similar increase, the sticker price would hover close to $110,000 (with no added options). Now don’t misunderstand me, there is nothing I cherish more than a great glass of carefully aged Bordeaux,

with loads of juicy, opulent, ripe fruit and powerful tannins, yet they also have a wonderful freshness due to their bright, crisp acidities.”--James Suckling, www.winespectator. com, March 28, 2006 There are just so many fantastic wines out there, and most of them will be ready to drink within the next five years (while the best ’05 Bordeaux will need to sit for at least 10). With heavy hitters like Torbreck, Sassicaia, Hundred Acre, Almaviva, and many others all hovering safely around $100-$200 a bottle, it’s becoming more and more difficult for me to make the argument for first growth Bordeaux. That being said, yes, the 2005 greats are probably going to be some of the finest red wines produced by anyone. If you can afford them, they will be a phenomenal investment. Just remember that the greatest wine on earth is the one enjoyed. Otherwise . . . it’s just a bottle.


Join us for a fun-filled even This is a hands-on educationa how to make fun, easy-to-pre a Master Mixologist. Have yo pros make it look so easy? Th

Vine & Table go Thursday, 6-8 $15 in advance (cla Light appetizers Call 817-9463 or email d

Cin Cin!

Wine Specials

www.currentincarmel.com www.currentincarmel.com

Tuesday,June April 2008 Tuesday, 24,15,2008

at Vine & Table gourmet market Two Hands–Barossa Valley, aU “Brave Faces” Syrah/Grenache, 2004 A luscious red revealing abundant amounts of cherries, raspberries, and currants intermixed with notions of licorice and spice. List: $37.99 V&T: $29.99

So too, have the prices. The top flight Bordeaux producers have always commanded a hefty price in comparison to the rest of the world’s collector level wines, some costing thousands of dollars a bottle before the wine is even IN the bottle! The 2005 vintage however is seeing price increases that have to make even the most unwavering Bordeaux enthusiasts ask themselves, “How much is too much?” Take Chateau Haut Brion for example (arguably the most sought after Cabernet Sauvignon on earth). The 2004 Haut Brion released at $180.00 a bottle:

and 2005 is a once in a generation vintage . . . but even I have my limits. Even experts agree that the 2005s explore a quality rarely seen in previous vintages: “One thing I am sure of after twentyeight years of tasting Bordeaux wines every March is that 2005 can not be compared to any previous vintage in my experience.” --Robert Parker Jr., www.erobertparker.com, April 2006 “The reds are some of the best I have tasted in my career, and they have a unique character. They are rich and powerful,

“Bad Impersonator” Shiraz, 2004 From older vines, it displays a dark ruby/purple color, wonderful elegance, and plenty of crème de cassis, blackberry, espresso roast, and white chocolate notes as well as a hint of barrique. List: $49.99 V&T: $41.99 “Yesterday’s Hero” Grenache, 2005 The 2005 Grenache Yesterday’s Hero was aged in neutral French and American oak. It exhibits a medium dark ruby color, lovely raspberry and strawberry fruit, good body, and a southern Rhone-like typicity. List: $55.99 V&T: $46.99

Our family of companies dedicate fine foods, distinctive libations an

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ning of shaking and tasting. al class where you will learn epare cocktails at home from ou always wondered how the hen this event is for you.

ourmet market June 26th 8 pm ass size is limited) s will be served denis@vineandtable.com

There are many reasons the Scottish Highlands are so famous: from its dramatic and wild landscape to its full-flavored whiskies, the Highlands are often considered among the best regions to find a great single malt whisky. While the Highlands garner much attention, just to its south lays a region known as the Lowlands, which has a similarly rich tradition of whisky-making. Unfortunately, the single malts of the

swath of Scotland, encompassing the two major cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow and sweeping down to the border with England. Small towns and villages are interspersed among the rolling hills and fertile plains. This was quite an industrious area during the 18th and 19th centuries, and the availability of cheap fuel (coal as opposed to peat in the Highlands) meant that hundreds of distilleries sprang up to supply the gin distillers in England and the whisky blenders in Scotland. However, due to overproduction in the 1980s, many

of distillation. Each of these three Lowland distilleries offers distinctive malts and characteristics that will appeal to whisky connoisseurs and non-whisky drinkers alike. On your tasting journeys, venture outside of the more traditional distilling regions of Scotland . . . You may be pleasantly surprised. Slainte!

Sample the Lowlands Glenkinchie 13 Year Distillers Edition List: $59.99 V&T: $47.99 Auchentoshan 10 Year List: $43.99 V&T: $37.99 Auchentoshan Three Wood List: $69.99 V&T: $59.99 We also carry a selection of rare Lowland whiskies from silent (closed) distilleries.

Lowlands are often looked down upon as being too simple, too light, and lacking in flavor. While they might be lighter in body, Lowland whiskies certainly do not lack flavor. In fact, essences such as fresh fruit, lemon zest, summer flowers, grassiness, and a hint of peat can make for wonderful sniffing as well as sipping pleasures. Because of their refreshing, open notes, summer is a great time for you to acquaint yourself with these wonderful whiskies. The Lowland region covers a huge

From the Kitchen oF

cheF nathaniel malone

distilleries were forced to close. Sadly, only three remain open today. They are: • Glenkinchie (The Edinburgh Malt) A great aperitif whisky displaying a light floral character • Auchentoshan (Last of the tripledistilled distilleries) When young, this is a dry and malty whisky with a burst of lemon; this whisky can also age beautifully • Bladnoch (Recently reopened) One of Scotland’s most southerly and remote distilleries. Produces light and flowery malts. A whisky school has opened onsite for those who want to learn the craft

Fried Green Tomatoes with Red Pepper Crab Remoulade

The traditional recipe consists of green tomatoes sliced thinly and coated in plain coarse cornmeal. The tomatoes are then pan-fried in vegetable oil or bacon fat up to a depth slightly shallower than the thickness of the slices. This keeps the tomatoes from floating, allowing gravity to hold the cornmeal to the bottom side. Oil may be drizzled over the top to allow it to firm up. Flip the tomatoes after a minute or so, depending on oil temperature. Cook to a golden brown and season with salt and pepper.


• 1/2 lb. lump crab meat • 1-7 oz. jar roasted red bell peppers, drained

• 1 cup mayonnaise • ¼ cup parsley • 1/4 cup chopped cornichons or pickles • 2 tablespoon green onion, chopped • 1 tablespoon grated lemon rind or zest

• 2 tablespoon prepared horseradish • 1 tablespoon capers, drained • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

Directions Process roasted red peppers and mayonnaise in a blender or food processor until smooth, scraping down sides when necessary. Add parsley and remaining ingredients and process just until combined, but not smooth. Stir in 1/2 lb. lump crab meat. Chill at least 30 minutes. Makes 3 cups.

Tuesday, www.currentincarmel.com Tuesday,April June15,24,2008 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

ed to nd superior service.

By Denis Lynch, Spirits Manager of Vine & Table gourmet market


ogy 101

savoring single Malt scotch 17 ??



DISPATCHES Straightener GETS IT DONE: To get stunning locks in a flash, L.A. based hairstylist Adir Evergel recommends using the T3, which according to her, dries hair faster than traditional hairdryers. Evergel has worked with clients such as Jennifer Garner, Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel. http://lifestyle.msn.com WEDDING GIFT-BUYING TIPS: If you are having trouble deciding what to give , or what not to give, to newlyweds, here are some tips. Steve Kemble, star of Style Network’s “Whose Wedding Is It Anyway,” recommends you decide how much you will spend based on your respect for the couple. Also, splitting the cost of a more expensive gift with a fellow guest is a way to avoid going broke if you are short on cash. Some gifts to avoid are shot glasses and knives. Also try to avoid re-gifting. http://www.cnn.com


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Skipping the shampoo could increase the life of your hair color, as well as be beneficial to the health of your hair, says Jet Rhys, a colorist and salon owner in San Diego. Fine, straight hair should be washed every other day, while thicker hair, especially curls, every two to three days. BEAT THE SWEAT: This summer keep your clothes sweat-proof by following these guidelines: use a heavy duty antiperspirant or rock crystal (if you don’t like the idea of a commercial antiperspirant); wear leather shoes or sandals; try to stay away from canvas shoes, as they will make your feet sweat more; don’t wear the same pair of shoes every day, and change your socks daily; every so often, spray the inside of your shoes with deodorizer. If you sweat a lot during the day, soak your shirt in cold water when you get home. Turn the shirt inside out, and spray it with stain remover. Wear a sports undershirt beneath your regular shirt. These shirts are usually made up of materials that dry quicker and allow your skin to breathe easier. Wear lighter colors, as they will deflect more the sun’s rays http://www.askmen.com

What to expect when a designer arrives at your door


can only imagine the grandiose magnificence of the homes and luxury hotels of the 1930s that were impacted by the genius of interior design pioneer, Dorothy Draper. This name that has faded into the backs of design textbooks is the brash grand dame who launched the profession of interior design in the United States. This same decorator, who is responsible for the glamorous interiors of residences of the rich and famous, can also take credit Vicky Earley Design for the blue-andorange facades of Howard Johnson restaurants that sprouted up everywhere on the landscape of Americana – the other end of the design spectrum. Although the decadence of a post-war New York luxury hotel is not the norm for interior design geared to the home of 2008, the ability to offer a kaleidoscope of design ideas is still a necessity. What can one expect from working with a designer or decorator in 2008? The

myths run rampant from, “It will look the way the designer wants...not the way I want,” to, “I simply cannot afford the services of a designer.” These myths might be true in extreme cases but generally, one can expect the following:


Projects can be as small as providing the final touches for a single room or as large as involvement from the day the architectural plans are approved to the day the movers arrive. Some designers are happy to work with you for as little as an hour or two while others might require longer commitments. Just ask.


A designer can offer general advice and help set priorities. This project planning can involve room arrangements, color schemes and window treatments, and furnishing. This advice is based on that which is available in your price range and what is appropriate for each use.


A decorator can become your new best friend if you’ve moved existing furniture into your new house or blended families. Scale and placement can be daunting; a designer can help you bring the new look together with far less stress and, often, less expense.

address usage, scale, color, texture and comfort. Furniture is the anchor of a room and can make or break it the moment it is delivered.


An interior designer can help you add the finishing touches that give home a polished look. Professionally arranged bookshelves are one of the fastest ways to add panache to a room..


Most decorators are willing to work with what you have. One service that is gaining popularity is one-day decorating. For a set fee, an interior designer will visit your home and offer suggestions for working with what you already own by rearranging furniture, swapping artwork between rooms, re-covering furniture and painting walls. The relationship with an interior designer is quite personal and must feel right or it won’t work. Remember, you’re working as a team to make your home the best it can be. Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact artichokedesigns@aol.com.


A designer can assist with furniture recommendations. Mistakes are expensive, so a designer on your side can

s a G n i W o t Want ? e D a c e D a r o f

that’s right . . . a tank of gas every week

for the next 10 Years!

Stop by Carmel Welding, 550 S. Range Line Rd., June 30th - July 2nd for your chance to win or visit the Carmel Welding and Toro booth at CarmelFest in the Thunder Zone to play!

See the Hamilton County Parks drill team powered by Carmel Welding and Toro in the July 4th Parade at CarmelFest.


Barbara E. Cohen is a freelance writer who covers the arts for the Current community newspapers and teaches art history at Ivy Tech Community College. Please send comments or story ideas at barbara@iwritersstudio.com.


The demise of Ballet Internationale in 2005 left few opportunities for young dancers in central Indiana to develop their talent under the tutelage of a local professional dance company. But Ballet Theatre of Indianapolis (BTI) has formed to fill the gap – and Carmel’s Casie Wheeler, 17, is ecstatic. The ballerina – a member of the Central Indiana Dance Ensemble, directed by Suzann Delay – is taking advantage of the chance to dance with the troupe before heading off to a professional internship in September. BTI’s premiere gala performance takes place on Saturday, and Wheeler is one of four local young dancers performing with the company and guest stars from around the country. “The gala is going to be absolutely phenomenal,” said Wheeler. “Getting to perform with dancers of this caliber is surreal for me.” Wheeler will perform the “Summer Variation” from Sergei Prokofiev’s ballet Cinderella. In the full ballet as choreographed by Frederick Ashton, a fairy representing each season presents a gift to Cinderella before she departs for the ball: Wheeler will perform the two-minute solo for the Summer Fairy. Wheeler says her casting for the role is a natural for her body type and abilities. She performed the piece at an open rehearsal at the Indianapolis Artsgarden recently, which she described as an outstanding opportunity to build her confidence

while building interest in the new ballet company. “The rehearsal was a chance to see how the audience would react,” Wheeler said. “Even without costumes or lighting, it was amazing. We felt a great buzz about ballet coming back to Indianapolis.” Following the gala, Wheeler heads to the Chautauqua Institute in upstate New York for a seven-week dance camp with the North Carolina Dance Theatre, the same troupe she will apprentice with come September. She’ll complete her senior year of high school while working toward a future with a major American ballet company. The gala offers a rare opportunity to see a gifted young dancer before she turns professional. In addition, guest stars from the Pacific Northwest Ballet (Seattle), Oregon Ballet Theatre, Orlando Ballet, Nashville Ballet, Cincinnati Ballet and freelance artists from New York City will take part in ushering the new troupe into town. The one-night-only event takes place at 7 p.m. on Saturday at the Zionsville Performing Arts Center (1000 Mulberry Lane, Zionsville). Tickets are $25-$35 and can be purchased at the door an hour before the show or at a discounted price in advance by calling (317) 475-0021. For more information, visit www.ballettheatreofindianapolis. org.

Casie Wheeler


GOLF 101: Are you looking to restart your golf game or have never played and are hoping to learn? Then join the Carmel Chamber at Golf 101 on June 26th at Prairie View during our 2008 Golf Classic. You’ll get a group lesson at the new Prairie View Golf Club Academy, dinner and a chance at great raffle items for the chamber member exclusive price of $50.

What: Public opening for “Two Worlds, One Language Through Art” When: Noon – 6 p.m., Sunday (through August 23) Where: Indianapolis Art Center, 820 E. 67th St. Cost: Free on Sunday. (Although exhibitions, most lectures and performances are free, there are fees for the opening gala on Saturday and select classes.) Details: Just in time for Olympic mania, the Indianapolis Art Center begins a series of programs, workshops and lectures on the arts of China. The cultural festival includes exhibitions, dance performances, family activities, art and cooking classes, and a Chinese film festival, thanks to a cultural exchange between the Art Center and Shandong College of Arts, Jinon, China. Information: (317) 255-2464, www. IndplsArtCenter.org

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

Family-Friendly Theatre: City Center Children’s Theatre and Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation bring you the 3rd Annual Shakespeare in the Park series. This year features Shakespeare’s comedy As You Like It. Performances begin this Friday, June 27, at 6:30 p.m. in Carmel’s West Park, located at 2700 W. 116th Street. Additional performances will be on Friday, July 18, and Friday, August 15. Just bring the kids, a picnic and your imagination!



Citrus and Mango Salad with Cream Dressing


1. Arrange lettuce leaves on a serving plate. 2. Make celery curls by slicing the celery lengthwise, leaving one end uncut. Drop celery into ice water until it curls. 3. Arrange mango slices, orange segments, celery curls and cucumber on lettuce leaves. Garnish with green onions. Refrigerate until ready to serve. 4. To make dressing: Combine all ingredients. Let stand for 15 to 20 minutes before using. Serve separately. www.foodrecipeonline.com


Kyle Hoover of Brunchies

Where do you like to eat? I like to go to Arni’s when I’m not here.

1 head of lettuce, leaves washed and dried 3 stalks celery, cut into 3 inch pieces 16 oz can mango slices, drained 3 oranges, peeled and segmented 1 cucumber, scored and thinly sliced 6 green onions, thinly sliced CREAM DRESSING: 5 tbsp mayonnaise 1/2 cup cream salt and freshly ground black pepper 3 tbsp chopped parsley 1 tsp Dijon mustard 1 tbsp orange juice 2 tsp lemon juice

What do you eat when you’re there? I love their pizza and their salads. It’s the best salad I’ve had.

Almond Casa Noble What do you like about Arni’s? It’s all about the food. They have my favorite salad.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Arni’s 4705 East 96th Street Indianapolis, IN 46240 317-571-0077

Ingredients * 1/2 oz Casa Noble Tequila Reposado * 1 oz Amaretto * 1 oz Orange juice * 1 wedge Lime

Directions Shake ingredients in mixing glass with ice, then strain into a cocktail glass. Drop lime in glass. www.webtender.com


13732 N Meridian St Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: (317) 846-8820 Brunchies is a family-owned-andoperated restaurant that offers classic American style dishes with an entertaining atmosphere. “We’re all a family here. Even the people who work here who are not part of the family slowly become part of it,” Kyle Hoover of Brunchies said. Kyle’s family owned the Tin Star in Broad Ripple for a couple of years before moving to the Carmel area to open Brunchies. Brunchies serves breakfast all day, and their crunchy French Toast and Veggie Skillets are favorites at the restaurant. “I think people come back for the atmosphere. You can always see how much fun everyone has here,” Hoover said.


815-9387 or visit carmelplayers.org.


Neil Simon’s comedy Rumors Don’t miss the opportunity to see this Carmel Community Players’ production featuring outstanding comedic performances. America’s premier comic playwright brings us four couples at a New York City townhouse where a deputy mayor and his wife are ready to celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary. The party never really begins because the host has shot himself in the head. To compound matters, his wife is missing. As each guest arrives, the cover-up gets progressively more difficult to sustain, while the guests’ behavior becomes increasingly more hilarious. The show runs June 27 through 29 at University High School, 2825 West 116th Street in Carmel. Show times are Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults and $12 for seniors and students. For reservations and information, call (317)


Muldoon’s 111 W. Main Street, Suite 100, Carmel The Jeff DeHerdt Trio: Thursday, June 26, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. One in the Same: Saturday, June 28, from 8 to 11 p.m. Visit www.muldoons.net or call 5711116 for more information. Mickey’s Irish Pub 136th and Meridian in Carmel Roadhouse: Friday, June 27 Blue Tear: Saturday, June 28 Entertainment Reservations are accepted. Call 573-9746 for reservations or visit www.mickeysirishpub.com.



Gallery One36 is starting the summer off with an indoor/outdoor Artist Reception. Please come, meet and support the artists, and enjoy live music, food and wine outside on the new Arts Patio. This is a fund raiser the gallery is hosting to help promote the arts in Westfield. A donation of $15.00 (credit card can be used over the phone or on the website) in advance or $20 (cash only) at the door is requested. RSVP required, as space is limited. Patrons 21 and over will be stamped. RSVP today at www.galleryone36.com.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

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DISPATCHES Bear-alyzer: A new teddy bear from Japan will act as both a GPS device and a very vocal breathalyser, shrieking. “You haven’t been drinking, have you?” whilst sniffing your breath to check. The bear will also give useful information about local landmarks when you tap his head. The company, iXs Research Corporation, hopes to make the robot commercially available next year. “We want to make it more compact,” says CEO Fuminori Yamasaki, “and we’d like to offer a variety of shapes, including other characters and a plain mechanical version.”


Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Hands-free Speakerphone: Bluetooth recently introduced the hands-free Parrot MiniKit. The compact device works with almost all Bluetooth mobile phones, including iPhones. According to the product’s Web site, it features the “very latest generation of DSP-2 signal processing algorithms and a high-definition 2W speaker for crystal clear conversations in any situation.” With an omnidirectional microphone, you can be almost anywhere in the car and carry on a conversation. A handy clip attaches it to the car visor. The product costs $61 at Amazon.com. -PopGadget.net Garage Butler: The Garage Butler, available for $60 at www.fulloflife. com, is designed to sit next to the button on your wall that opens your garage. It has six timer settings, so a user can set the garage door to close in three to ten minutes after it is left open. It also comes with a warning sensor, hold button and even has a light sensor that will automatically close the door when it gets dark. -Coolest-gadgets.com


choosing an online back-up service

acking up your computer is an want to handle items like pictures, music essential part of owning one, and video that don’t change all that often, but for many, the process is but take up a lot of space. I recommend often too complicated or conan external hard drive for backing up these fusing. An external items – get professional help if hard drive is by far the easiest all of this is already too mind and quickest way to back up numbing! your data, but if you want (or As far as the security of your need) a backup off-site, online data, look for companies that backup services offer a simple have more than one data center; solution to this problem, and the better companies have data most offer a free trial so you can centers in two different parts of take a test drive. the country that simultaneously In order to take advantage replicate your backups. of one these services, you will Most of them will also need a high-speed Internet warn you that if you lose your connection and knowledge of passkey, there is no way to get where your various data files to your data back, which is a Gary Hubbard reside – exactly what you want good thing. This means that Technology to backup. no one can randomly access One of the biggest issues, your backup account without unless you are fairly technical, is you prob- the passkey, not even the employees of the ably have no idea exactly where on your data center – even if you lose your passkey. computer’s hard drive your data resides. You also want to make sure that you are Contrary to popular belief, everygetting multiple copies of your data that thing you care about is not in the My are automatically uploaded on a scheduled Documents folder. Personal accounting basis, and the more the better. This will programs, for instance, often store their help you when data is corrupted or irdata files amongst the various program reparably infected by a virus, but you don’t files that they install. catch it for a while. You also need to think about files that I also prefer companies that charge are in other profiles if you have more than a monthly or annual fee based on the one user account on your computer. amount of data you are actually storing You also need to think about how you versus companies that offer free or unlim-

ited backups. Everyone knows that free and low-price offers often have hidden exceptions or fine print, and your data is just too important to play those games. One of the biggest complaints from those who have used low-cost services is that it takes forever to get the initial backup completed. Low-cost services often throttle down your upload speed to limit how much data you can backup. This helps reduce their bandwidth costs and somewhat limits how much data you can backup, even though some of them claim to be unlimited. The adage that you get what you pay for is especially true in the online backup world, so be careful where you choose to store your data. Gary Hubbard is owner of Data Doctors Computer Services - www.datadoctors. com Have a technology question? Send it to CurrentInCarmel@datadoctors.com

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

when you service your brakes at Joe’s


Tuesday, June 24, 2008



Lewis, narnia and a fallen world


Matthew 11:25), and is the child who leads the way (Isaiah 11:6). Alas, these days, more of us understand violence than the Bible. Despite the movie’s being juiced with • breathtakHollywood action steroids, what ingly beautiful in its Narnia’s violence represents, in photography, a most pointed way, is that the • tear-harkeningly tender in mayhem, strife and sickness we its presentation of the lion all encounter is a function of our Aslan as Christ, sin in a fallen world. Some of us readily admit our sin, and some • and, for a Disney movie of us shockingly and self-righbased on a children’s teously dismiss the very idea. book, almost disturbingly Narnia’s capacity for violence violent as a fallen-world and evil is every bit as stunning metaphor. as its potential for beauty and Lewis wrote the series in the heroics. 1950s. The seven books read Think of it this way: we have the way you expect third- or Bob Walters a sin problem, but a Christ fourth-grade level literature to Spirituality opportunity. read. The book Prince Caspian Just like Narnia. is nowhere near as violent as We’re better off when we get the fallen the movie. The book develops the talking part of our earthly experience. It often animals as characters of great depth. explains the unexplainable. One might suppose the movie’s violence is Walters’ (rlwcom@aol.com) faith was just the heavy hammer of Hollywood, itself heavily informed by Mere Christianity and a comment on what it takes to entertain The Screwtape Letters, two Lewis classics. us these days, since so much of the original Read them if you haven’t. Narnia stories unmistakably and entertainingly parallel the teachings of the Bible. Bob Walters’ (rlwcom@aol.com) faith was Peter lurches into the breach of any fight heavily informed by Mere Christianity and The the way one might envision the Apostle Screwtape Letters, two Lewis classics. Read Peter. Lucy is the first to see Aslan (read them if you haven’t.

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rince Caspian, the recent second movie installment of the seven-book Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis, is

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Time To buy your spark buTTons


CosT: $3 Where To buy: Spark Buttons will go on sale May 19 at most merchants in the Carmel Arts & Design District. They will also be available at the Farmers’ Market each Saturday in June. Drawings for prizes will be held Monday through Friday starting June 16. The last prize drawing will be July 5. Winning prize numbers will be displayed at www.CarmelFest. net and www.wibc.com. Prizes are donated by Carmel businesses. All proceeds help defray the cost of fireworks on July 4 at 9:45 p.m. Spark Button Winners:


sue WesTermeier Entertainment Chair

meeT a VoLunTeer I contact, book, and coordinate the entertainment for three stages for the festival. This is perhaps the best volunteer “job” a person could sign on to do! I am able to get involved with all venues of entertainment from the world class Carmel Symphony to awesome rock bands such as The Wright Brothers to the far out Blue Monkey Vaudeville Side Show. My family and I have resided in Carmel for more than 20 years. I volunteered for CarmelFest four years ago to become more involved with my community. The return on my investment of time cannot be measured. I have made so many wonderful new friends and I have learned first hand how a small group of volunteers working and laughing together really can make a difference.

VoLunTeer or sponsor? Contact us at: www.carmelfest.net or 571.2464.

enTerTainmenT aT a GLanCe

Gazebo/main sTaGe sponsored by firesTone: Thursday, July 3rd 4 – 6pm: Barometer Soup, Buffet and Beach 6 – 7pm: Dick Wolfsie, Comedian 7 – 10pm: The Wright Brothers, Oldies, Bluegrass, and Country Rock Friday, July 4th Noon – 2pm: Craig Brenner, Blues, Jazz, and Boogie Woogie 2:30 – 4:30pm: The Tides, Caribbean Calypso 5 – 7pm: Blair and Company, Motown, Funk, and Rock and Roll 7:10 – 7:45pm: Harmony Magic, Women’s Barbershop 7:45 – 8:25pm: Clowns, Magicians, Jugglers, Face Painters 8:30 – 9:45pm: The Carmel Symphony/Armed Forces Salute 9:45pm: Carmel FIREWORKS set to music markeTpLaCe sTaGe Thursday, July 3rd 5pm: Emily Ann Thompson, Celtic Fiddle

sT.VinCenT hearT CenTer of indiana parade aT CarmeLfesT Marching bands, floats, clowns, and some exciting surprises will parade through Carmel on July 4th, beginning at 10:30 a.m.

6pm: Shane, Acoustical Guitar 7pm: Circle City Cloggers, American Step Dance 8pm: Dave Hepler – Jazz Pianist Friday, July 4th Noon: Blue Monkey Side Show, Carnival Sideshow Acts 1pm: Blue Monkey Side Show 2pm: The Meister Winds, Authentic German Band

3pm: Ryan Demler, Magician 4pm: “Jolie” the Mime 5pm: Derek Dye, Comedy Juggler 6pm: Blue Monkey Side Show, Carnival Sideshow Acts 7pm: Blue Monkey Side Show 8pm: Blue Monkey Side Show 9pm: Blue Monkey Side Show

ChiLdren/Teen sTaGe Thursday, July 3rd 4pm: PBJ Entertainment 5pm: Carmel Idol 6pm: The Branches 7pm: Mardelay 8pm: Ruined for Life 9pm: Ruined for Life Friday, July 4th Noon: Silly Safari, Kids’ Animal Show 1pm: Ryan Demler – Magician 2 pm: “Jolie” the Mime 3pm: Indy Dog and Disc, Frisbee Dog Show 4pm: Cindy Baney, Childrens’ Interactive Music 5pm: Indy Dog and Disc, Frisbee Dog Show 6 pm: The Giggles 7pm: Beautiful Lies 8pm: The Elms (until Fireworks @ 9:45 pm) refLeCTinG pond Friday, July 4th 8 – 9:45pm: Carmel Brass Choir at the Reflecting Pool

The firesTone Gazebo sTaGe

b105.7 fireWorks aT CarmeLfesT

Barometer Soup will warm up the stage July 3rd at 4 p.m. for the Wright Brothers, who will once again launch CarmelFest with a performance at 7 p.m.

Beginning at 9:45 p.m., sharp, on July 4th, the skies will dazzle with a magnificent display sychronized to great music on B105.7. The Carmel Symphony Orchestra will perform leading up to the fireworks.

sponsored in parT by


Check Us Out On The Web Cam!

Book A Daycare Or Boarding Stay After Completion Of Interview This Week And You Will Be Entered Into A Drawing For A Complimentary Daycare or Boarding Package.

For New Campers

as a dog thinketh


By Lisa Beals Current in Westfield



TOO MUCH GROWTH IS BAD FOR PUPPIES: Puppy owners must be careful not to fuel fast growth spurts; for a dog’s orthopedic health, slow, steady growth is best. For that reason, many experts caution against feeding nutrient-packed puppy food to giant and large-breed puppies, recommending adult dog food instead. Adult dogs that pack on the pounds also are imperiling their health and are at higher risk for everything from heart disease to diabetes.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008



• All Day Play Snooze The Night Away® • Large Indoor & Outdoor Play Areas • Spacious Cabins with Comfy Cots • Bedtime Campfire Tasty Treats • Certified Camp Counselors® • Live Camper Cams

SELLING YOUR HOUSE WHEN A PET CALLS IT HOME: You may be required by state law to disclose that pets have lived in your home, but you don’t need to advertise that pets live at your house. Removing signs that you have a pet is simply smart practice. Why turn off a buyer at the get-go? It’s those first impressions that are so all-fired important. –About.com AIRLINE TIPS AND OUR PET: Space for your animal should be booked a minimum of 48 hours in advance. Most airlines have restrictions on the number of animals they will carry per flight. Only small dogs and cats can travel in the cabin with you, or if the airline will not allow this due to space limitations, your pet will be sent as special baggage in a heated and ventilated hold. The hold provides a quiet and darkened area, which can be less stressful than a noisy cabin. - About.com

The March 2008 National Geographic article, “Minds of Their Own, ” detailed the extraordinary 340-word vocabulary and matching skills of Betsy, a border collie. In a scientific experiment to see if Betsy could match a two dimensional picture with a three dimensional object, Betsy was shown a picture of a dog toy which she had never seen before. She was then commanded to find it. Amazingly, Betsy was able to retrieve the actual object or a picture the object from a group of three toys and three pictures located in another room 100% of the time. Your dog’s IQ may not rival that of Betsy, but here is a test to try with your favorite four-legged friend: place three paper cups upside down on the floor, three feet apart. Allow your dog to see you place a bit of hot dog under one of them. Lead him into another room for 30 seconds and see if he can go to the right cup the first time. So how will your buddy do on the pop quiz? That might just depend somewhat on his breed. The brightest dog breeds, defined as dogs who obey first commands more than 95 percent of the time or better and learn near commands within 5 repetitions are ranked below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Border Collie Poodle German Shepherd Golden Retriever Doberman Pinscher Shetland Sheepdog Labrador Retriever Papillon Rottweiler Australian Cattle Dog

Just as you provide your dog with physical activity, you can also provide him with cognitive activities to enhance his skills and decrease boredom. This may include daily reinforcement of basic commands such as a long down stay or leave it. A variety of commercial products are also available to stimulate your dog’s senses, problem solving abilities and eye-paw coordination such as treat dispensers which require the dog to manipulate the toy in a certain fashion to release a kibble. Even if your dog isn’t on the top 10 brightest list or fails the intelligence tasks,

Humane Society Pets of the Week Othello Othello is a neutered three-year old male brindle and white Beagle/Boxer mix. Othello is a happygo-lucky little dog who is all about having fun. He loves to play and would be thrilled to find a family with children who would play with him everyday. Othello knows the command “sit”. He also walks well on a leash.

don’t worry. Getting on Letterman’s Stupid Pet Tricks isn’t everything. Companionship and unconditional love are qualities that all dogs can excel in. Lisa Beals is a co-owner of Camp Bow Wow. If you would like more information about the camp, please contact carmel@campbowwow. com.

Sylva Sylva is a two-year old female dilute tortie/gray tabby DSH. Sylva is a quiet and gentle little cat who enjoys human companionship. She arrived at our shelter on 1.13.08, and while she was happy to find a warm place to sleep during cold winter nights, she is more than ready to curl up next to her new family. If you are interested in adopting Othello, Sylva, or another animal, please visit the Hamilton County Humane Shelter at 1721 Pleasant Street, Suite B in Noblesville. Call 317.773.4974 or email hshc@hamiltonhumane.com for more information.

FOR THE LOVE OF DOGS, A DOG BAKERY Isabelle says: Come on in and check our my (our) new “Grain Free” dog food products from Petcurean. Isabelle 816 W. Main St., Carmel 317-582-1DOG or 317-582-1364 Mon through Fri: 10-7 Sat: 10-6 • Sun: Closed


new clients and walk-ins welcome.

By John Mikesell Current in Carmel


IN VOGUE Fine Lines, Inc. 27 Consignment Boutique Hair & Nail Salon experienced stylists and nail technicians.

Regular pet foods use products such as corn, wheat,soy and by-products. Corn,wheat and soy are very hard for an animal to digest, and by-products are anything left over from an animal that is not consumable by humans. Chicken by-product, for example, can contain the feet, beaks, feathers, intestines infested with worms, and by FDA regulations, 20 percent feces. You will never find any of these items in a holistic food. Ingredients used in holistic foods are barley, brown rice, oatmeal, apples, blueberries, cranberries, pumpkin, garlic, flax seed meal, parsley, and yucca. Check your bag of pet food to see what ingredients your brand is using. A holistic food will give your dog a healthy, shiny, soft coat. It will produce less shedding and less stool. The servings will be smaller than regular pet foods: no fillers means you give less food!

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John Mikesell and his dog Isabelle own and operate For the Love of Dogs a Dog Bakery in Carmel.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008




Buying new jeans isn’t as easy as it used to be

t used to be so simple. I’d go to the the boys’ department and I had to try on store, find some jeans in my size, pay jeans from the “husky” section. for them and walk out with my purWell, back to today. Because it was hot chase. It took 15 minutes, tops, and and I did not feel like spending any of my was as easy as falling off a log. precious four-bucks-a-gallon gasoline, and But now, because of a combialso because I hate to try on nation of complications, not the clothes (see above under: “tsk”), least of which is the supposed I decided to do my jeans shoplabor-saving device known as ping the modern way – online. the home computer, what once I got to the website (Styles was a no-big-deal, quarter-hour for Mr. Pie Butt) and clicked exercise has taken me the better on the “jeans” tab (right under part of an afternoon. And I’m Sports Shirts, T-Shirts and not finished. Tents). There I found a humonMuch as I would like to, I gous selection of humongous can’t blame everything on the jeans. computer. I play a part in this There were comfort cuts and little drama, too, because I am freedom cuts and fashion cuts. not anywhere close to the size There were straight legs and Mike Redmond I was back when I bought my tapered legs and straight legs Humor jeans in 15 minutes. If I tried to with tapered ankles. There were wear my old jeans now, I doubt black, blue, tan, stonewashed, I could get them north of my kneecaps. acidwashed and whitewashed. It was a This increase in my avoirdupois leads giant jumble of jeans, and the only thing me to do my shopping at specialty stores they had in common was the phrase, “Cut for large men (King Kong Clothiers, larger in the seat and thighs.” Guts ‘n Butts, and my personal favorite, What I couldn’t find was what I used The Fashion Store For Big And Beastly to buy, which is to say Regular Old Men). Actually, I rather like shopping Jeans, only bigger. I know they’re in there there. Anyplace where the sizes go up to somewhere. I just couldn’t see them as I XXXXXXXXL makes me, by comparison, searched through all the examples of jeans a shrimp. priced – get this – at up to $200. However, this also raises a question: by Yes. TWO TANKS OF GAS for a pair buying clothes at Mr. Sumo, am I giving of jeans. in to my weight? I worry about that. I know mine take a lot of fabric, but this Mostly because every time I buy them, I is ridiculous. swear I can hear my mother going, “tsk, Meanwhile, my computer kept hiccuptsk, tsk,” the way she did when we went to ing. The browser would conk out and then I’d have to reboot. I think it must have been overloaded trying to bring up all those pictures of blue denim pants, sold by the acre. Either that, or the computer is trying to tell me to go on a diet, which means my mother is a better hacker than I thought. So I think I’m going to give up, for now. Maybe I’ll try again later. Maybe I’ll go to the store after all. Or maybe I’ll just go ahead and bite the bullet – or rather, the celery – and get my weight back down. And don’t I wish THAT was as easy as falling off a log. Mike Redmond is an author, journalist, humorist and speaker. Write him at mike@mikeredmondonline.com or P.O. Box 44385, Indianapolis, IN 46244. For information on speaking fees and availability, visit www. spotlightwww.com.



am now certified to make people going to Ohio next week to take the laugh. I’m not kidding about this. workshop.” But I could be. And it would be “Tell that to the judge. Not that he’s perfectly legal. A few weekends ago a real judge, but he does plan on taking I went to Columbus, Ohio, for a the bar exam when he has a free weekworkshop on the physical and end. Am I making my point?” emotional benefits of laughMy wife has always been ter, sponsored by The World reserved in her praise for Laughter Tour. On May 30, my accomplishments but 2008, I was awarded my CLL she was impressed with certificate. I am a Certified this newest addition to my Laughter Leader. resume. “Dick, this is quite If my writing has ever given an achievement. When you a grin, you need to know you walked out the door that I was really flying by the Wednesday morning you seat of my pants, and I was were complaining about the not officially authorized to Democratic primaries, ancreate mirth until now. My noyed at gas prices, and ticked column has always been free off at the paperboy. Then you Dick Wolfsie to read when you see it in the come back home after this Humor newspaper. But now, with my seminar with a new attitude new degree, I’m not sure how toward life. My guess is that much longer I can work at those prices. you’re now one of the happiest, grumpiI don’t think this is quite the same as est men in America. discovering that your hip replacement Mary Ellen was making an astute obwas done by the hospital orderly while servation. I do my best to spread cheer, your orthopedic surgeon snuck in a but sometimes I don’t catch the fever quick nine holes, but it does make you myself. Kind of like Typhoid Mary. begin to question why you were so easily In all seriousness, the workshop was taken in by an impostor like me. I hope great. Oops! I’m not supposed to say “In you are better at picking a plumber. all seriousness,” so let’s just say that I I’m just glad that over the years the learned the true importance of laughter. authorities have been relatively lax in alMy friend Steve Wilson and The World lowing uncertified jokesters to mill about Laughter Tour are making the planet a without the proper credentials. Just happier place. Check out their website at imagine the trouble I could have gotten http://www.worldlaughter.com/ into… This weekend Mary Ellen let me wear “Officer, why did you pull me over? I my CLL t-shirt to the neighborhood barwasn’t speeding.” beque. When we got home very late that “Are you the guy who wrote that story night, I suggested a little romance. last week about how Starbucks was out “Don’t make me laugh.” she said. of coffee?” I wasn’t trying to. But I could have. “Guilty as charged.” I’m certified now. “Funny you should say that. You did I do hope Mary Ellen cuts me a little get a lot of laughs down at Dunkin’ slack. After all, I just got my license. Donuts, Mr. Wolfsie, but I need to see Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and your CLL certificate.” speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com. “I don’t have one yet, but I am

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com


Use logic to fill in the boxes so every row, column and 2 x 3 box contains the letters C-A-R-M-E-L. Answer below.







BLUEPRINT FOR IMPROVEMENT By Larry Greene, Case Handyman & Remodeling Question: We are interested in building an outdoor kitchen. Beyond a good grill, what other appliances should we consider including? Answer: Homeowners are continuing to expand their outdoor living spaces. A good grill is just the beginning. Outdoor kitchens are starting to include more of the features you find in your regular indoor kitchen. Consider the following other features to add to your outdoor kitchen:

sauces or baked beans or even as a wok to sautĂŠ vegetables. 3. Outdoor Refrigerators and Ice Makers: These allow you to not only keep beverages cold but also to keep meat and other food chilled before you place them on the grill. This will save all the trips back and forth between the inside kitchen and the outdoor kitchen. A built-in outdoor ice maker offers a steady supply of ice and can store up to 35 pounds of the cold cubes.

1. Outdoor Warming Drawers: These come with moisture controls and temperature settings. An outdoor weather-tight warming drawer comes in handy when you are cooking different items or grilling for large parties. You can take the rare steaks off the grill early and store them in the warming drawer and wait until other items are finished.

4. Weather-Tight Outdoor Base Cabinets: Remember that indoor appliances are not suitable to be used outdoors. All outdoor storage and appliances need to be UL rated for outdoor use. Look for outdoor storage cabinets made out of high-grade stainless steel with strong seams. Double door base storage cabinets are nice to protect cooking utensils and associated cooking tools and supplies.

2. Auxiliary Side Burners: Extra side burners can turn your outdoor space into a multi-purpose cooking area. These are great to have for everything from boiling water for pasta, warming

Have a remodeling question? Ask Larry Greene, owner of Case Handyman & Remodeling. You may e-mail him at lgreene@caseremodeling.com or call 846-2600.




40 S. Rangeline Rd. CARMEL

Summer Special




Gardening Offers Something for Every Yard


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

By Sean Windle Current in Westfield

Imagine leaving your house and stepping out into a secluded garden with your favorite vegetables and herbs, a shady bench surrounded by walls of plants and shrubbery or a Mediterranean-themed paradise, complete with tropical plants, fountains and statues. No matter what your gardening abilities and price range may be, there seems to be only one rule: There are no rules. Whether it’s a wood deck, birding area or garden, it’s all about creating an extension of living space to your yard. “A lot of homeowners are creating an outdoor sanctuary or an outdoor living room,� said Jacques Schindler, store manager of Allisonville Nursery, “so not only is it a wood deck and a grill like it used to be, but they’ll enclose it with water features and landscaping.� If you don’t have the money or space to recreate the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, don’t worry. Schindler recommends sticking with inexpensive classics like burning bushes, viburnums and yews to provide an ideal outdoor setting for your home. “They’re some of the old standby, oldfashioned shrubs that have withstood

CarmelFest’s premier soCial event

time, and they’re relatively inexpensive,â€? Schindler said. If space is a concern, there are different approaches to landscaping that can make the most out of your limited room. The creation of niches and quaint seclusions with landscaping techniques is a theme growing more prevalent, even with bigger yards. “Some people are enclosing their back yard with evergreens or plants that they can screen with to give them the privacy and that intimate feeling they desire,â€? Schindler said. “With the smaller yards that we’re seeing, people don’t have the room like they used to to grow rows and rows of tomatoes and corn and so on and so forth, but you don’t need a huge yard anymore.â€? Allisonville Nursery provides many services including home dĂŠcor, floristry, bird baths and water features. It is located at 11405 Allisonville Road in Fishers.

saturday, July 5 at 6:00 p.m. at RItZ CHaRLES SILEnt & LIvE auCtIon EntERtaInmEnt by FIvE EaSy pIECES REgIStER at www.CarmelFest.net • tICkEtS $75 EaCH Sponsored by


Boys - Chaney, DeQuinn & Temeka twin boys Girls - DeArmond, Jessica: Turner, Paul & Milissa

Friday, June 6 Boys - Biehl, Justin & Maureen: McGrath, Scott & Abby: Levy, Scott & Kate: Edmonson, Michael & Machelle Girls - Sutton, Kevin & Angela


Saturday, June 7 Girls - Mundil, Nicholas & Chanda: Lecea, Gabriel & Foor-Lecea, Sarah Sunday, June 8 Boys - Muller, John & Shaw, Laura: Mitchell, Spencer & Kelly Girls - Arthur, Brian & Sarah Monday, June 9 Boys - Judkins, Brandon & Laurel Girls - Marchiorlatti, Jonathan & Linell Tuesday, June 10 Boys - Epuri, Hari & Parimala Girls - Horbett, Adam & Kara: Bauer, Sean & Lynn: Schuchard, Bradley & Kendra Wednesday, June 11 Boys - Mitchell, Daniel & Jennifer: Clark, Brian & Erin Thursday June 12

June 16 12:28:04 a.m., suspicious activity, Lowes Way / East 146th St 12:26:39 a.m., fireworks complaint, 11720 Westwood Drive 1:17:48 a.m., alarm burglar, 9799 Enterprise Drive 6:54:49 a.m., accident property damage, North Meridian Street / I 465 W 7:18:54 a.m., abandoned auto, 690 Pro Med Lane 8:02:17 a.m., theft, 808 W Main St 9:31:33 a.m., accident property damage, Pennsylvania Street / Old Meridian Street 10:46:44 a.m., alarm burglar, 302 Uxbridge Lane 10:56:16 a.m., theft, 9799 Enterprise Drive 11:18:15 a.m., harassment, 13057 Brookshire Parkway 11:37:00 a.m., theft, 14599 Clay Terrace Blvd 11:43:54 a.m., theft, 1769 E 106th St


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FOR SALE Bedroom Set 7 Piece cherry Bedroom Set, NeW Still Boxed, $850 317-679-3575

June 17 12:11:33 a.m., investigation, 1981 E 110th St 12:28:52 a.m., assist other dept, 431 S Guilford Road 12:53:06 a.m., theft, 13046 Double Eagle Drive 2:30:59 a.m., investigation, Haverton Way / Flintridge Pass 2:55:36 a.m., investigation, 29 I 465 W 6:50:33 a.m., theft, 2325 Pointe Parkway 7:02:49 a.m., alarm burglar, 14574 Stonegate Court 7:10:26 a.m., trespassing, Arbor Drive / West Carmel Drive 7:50:41 a.m., trespassing, 314 Arbor Drive 8:18:48 a.m., investigation, 11725 Illinois St 8:22:38 a.m., alarm hold up, 525 Congressional Boulevard




GARAGE SALE Former distributor has collectibles, mirrors, neons, steins & clothes. NASCAR steins,mirrors & stand ups. Designer clothes-small sizes, some baby clothes. Desk w/chair, house items & more. Thurs, June 26 - Sun, June 29 8-4 rain or shine, in garage. 528 Kennard Ln in Countryside off 169th & Oakridge, first left into Countryside off of 169th, Westfield


Dooley O’Toole’s Waiters & waitresses Days or nights 843.9900

Bridges of Indiana is seeking Personal Assistants to provide direct care to individuals with disabilities. Candidates must be at least 18 yrs. old, have valid driver’s license and proof of insurance, have a clean criminal history and able to pass a drug screen. On-the-job training and certifications are provided. Experience working with individuals with disabilities preferred but not required. Please apply in person at Bridges of Indiana, 8116 Zionsville Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268.

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For Sale Billiard/Pool Table, 1”slate, Solid, 8’, Leather Pockets, NEW, Retail $5000 Sell $1250 (317) 670-9587

11:31:38 p.m., investigation, 14490 Lowes Way 11:44:39 p.m., suspicious activity, 5223 Westwood Drive 11:58:36 p.m., accident property damage, East 106th St / College Avenue

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008 www.currentincarmel.com

Beginners thru Advanced All styles Electric-Acoustic-Bass Private Lessons Parent-Child Lessons Gift Certificates Available near Carey Road & 146th Carmel

damage, 805 City Center Drive 6:10:48 p.m., investigation, 14012 N Meridian St 6:15:46 p.m., suspicious activity, 2700 W 116th St 6:29:54 p.m., damage to property, 13500 N Meridian St 6:58:05 p.m., investigation, 104 Brierley Way 7:02:27 p.m., alarm burglar, 2475 Glebe St 7:06:51 p.m., alarm burglar, 2636 Faust Court 7:21:32 p.m., harassment, 3 Civic Square 7:59:45 p.m., civil dispute, 11318 Green St 8:20:52 p.m., f fire commercial, South Rangeline Road / East Main Street 8:23:15 p.m., alarm burglar, 10101 N Meridian St 8:50:54 p.m., investigation, 30 I 465 W 9:28:26 p.m., alarm burglar, 14400 Clay Terrace Boulevard 9:53:54 p.m., disturbance, 5767 Cantigny Way N 10:08:33 p.m., burglary, 11428 Lakeshore Drive W 10:17:55 p.m., accident property damage, W 96th St / N Meridian St


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12:05:18 p.m., accident property damage, North Meridian Street / West136th St 1:22:44 p.m., investigation, 205 E Carmel Drive 1:33:40 p.m., found/lost property, 4610 E 96th St 2:39:15 p.m., theft, 3 Civic Square 2:58:01 p.m., disturbance, 1254 Golfview Drive 2:57:50 p.m., alarm burglar, 1778 Fairmount St 3:06:10 p.m., alarm burglar, 1764 Halifax St 3:28:48 p.m., theft, 4610 E 96th St 3:28:33 p.m., juvenile complaint, 11205 Ruckle St 3:38:37 p.m., accident property damage, 138 W Carmel Drive 4:00:37 p.m., investigation, 3451 W 126th St 4:07:19 p.m., warrant service, 5769 Whippoorwill Way 4:23:33 p.m., alarm burglar, 14411 Quail Pointe Drive 4:32:27 p.m., investigation, West 126th St / Shelborne Road 5:10:44 p.m., alarm burglar, 13352 Kickapoo Trail 5:15:35 p.m., theft, 1424 W Carmel Drive 5:38:33 p.m., accident property



Thursday, June 5 Girls - Harder, Jonathan & Linda: Velez-Sharkey Moraima

Getting hit by a car is the second leading cause of injury-related deaths among children 5 to 9 years old. Because depth perception isn’t fully developed at this age, children can’t accurately judge the distance of an approaching car. Drivers must slow down and be alert in areas where children live and play. Find where you can pick up your FREE yard sign at ACallToChange.org.

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