May 13, 2008

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TUESDAY May 13, 2008 FREE

KIds misbEhave for many reasons P8





CarmelFest 2008 chair Gary Frey has whipped his demons by immersing himself in volunteering. P2 Want a FREE yard sign? See back page for details.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


UP FROM DOWN UNDER CarmelFest 2008 chair Gary Frey has whipped his demons by immersing himself in volunteering. By Steve Greenberg For Current in Carmel Gary Frey understands full well from whence he has traveled, and he’s not going back. Ever. The chairman of CarmelFest 2008 is “just living the dream, baby,” but it is no delusion. It’s not so far back to the isolation he endured as a child. He was reared outside Terre Haute in a four-room concrete-block house. “We had two coal stoves and no indoor plumbing, and it was 100 feet, regardless of the weather, to the outhouse,” Frey, 60, matter-of-factly tells a listener. “We took sponge baths. In winter, the walls would ice over from condensation. But we had food and electricity as well as a propane stove.” Frey and his now-deceased parents, Fred and Lorraine, and his sister, Marilyn, lived amongst the corn and wheat fields, but there was no farming to be done. The coal piles and the fields were Frey’s playgrounds. He would climb the coal or grab a bat and ball and swing for the future into the crops. It wasn’t baseball that was his target; it was, rather, a way out. His friends were few, and he finally enjoyed his first shower when he went to the former Terre Haute Garfield High School, but he had “this vivid imagination. I lived in my own little world.” So, as it turned out, did his father, and Fred’s little world was fueled by booze. “He was a heavy drinker and a smoker, and he never talked to us unless he was drunk,” Frey says. “Mom was a stay-athome mom...[and was] very depressed most of the time. She and my dad were made to marry because (Lorraine was pregnant with Gary).” When Frey was

in the eighth grade, Fred and Lorraine divorced. “Mom moved into the city, married a guy, moved away and then died. I never saw her again. This happened when I was 17,” he says contemplatively. Frey was exposed to the idea of college while at Garfield, and since he didn’t want to work as a factory laborer as his father did for Winslow Scales Works, Indiana State University seemed to be the ticket. In his junior year there, he rented his first apartment, never again to return to the little block house by the fields. Freedom and his dreamer nature conjoined. One thing led to another, and then the heavy drinking began. “Truthfully, I majored in booze and girls. The dean asked me to leave, and then I got drafted,” Frey says. “I knew I was wasting time and money.” Although he never was shipped out for the Vietnam War, he served nearly five years in the U.S. Army, rising to the rank of first lieutenant, and another two years in the National Guard, for which he was a captain and a trained member of the Airborne Special Forces. “It’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I learned leadership. Look, I was afraid to ask for dates, but (soldiers) would follow me. It gave me a lot of confidence, and I went back to school and got my degree in business management.” He worked in sales and sales management for a time, was a minister for a small, non-denominational church in the mid-1980s and became a Christian in the mid-’90s. “It was a calling. How do you know? You don’t,” he says. He then became discouraged when his dream of building a church got derailed, became too egotistical, made a ton of mistakes and got humbled. Mightily. It cost him his marriage in 1994. “I wasn’t thinking clearly, and again I turned to women and alcohol,” Frey says. “I had my most disappointing decade from 1994 to 2005. I was a lost puppy... I’d always had a struggle with alcohol. I’d hated my dad. He was abusive. I vowed I’d never be like that, but alcohol became

my medication of choice. I was a pretty heavy drinker. I had a DUI, and Judge (Gail) Bardach (the former Carmel City Court judge) hammered me but good. That was my ‘rock bottom.’ I asked myself, ‘Is this what is going to define you the rest of your life?’ The answer was, ‘No.’ ” Today Frey, who owns American Insurance Solutions, is as optimistic and as “everywhere” as he can be. “I now can bring something to the room,” he says, crediting the opportunity to volunteer for CarmelFest, the Carmel International Arts Festival and many other initiatives for pulling him into the now. “I was a social recluse, but not any longer. No more plodding through life,” he says. “I have great relationships with my kids now, I’m a grandfather, I have more friends than ever before and I get to contribute to the community, especially with CarmelFest, which portrays this community at its best.” Any secrets? Frey pauses, then says: “Just this: Live in the present moment and enjoy what God has given us. It’s a new experience for me that never will get old.”

MEET GARY FREY Birth date: Nov. 25, 1947 Birthplace: Terre Haute High school: Terre Haute Garfield (1965) College: Indiana State University (1976), Bachelor of Science degree in business management. Children: Courtney Hudson (30, an Arbonne distributor living in Noblesville, and the mother of Ella, 2, and pregnant with a child due in August), Cassandra Stevning (28, an outside sales and marketing specialist for The Ritz Charles, living in Noblesville and due to deliver a child in October), Jordan Frey (24, working in sales and living in Chicago) and Jonathan Frey (22, graduating this Saturday from Grove City College in northwest Pennsylvania with a degree in history).

OUR TAKES It is our position that the explosion of spyware represents a new, nefarious subtext to the wonder that is technology. Spyware represents everything from a hacker unleashing a Trojan program onto a PC to log keystrokes to target marketing attempts to discover personal preferences in order to offer up highly personalized advertising content. As anyone who has ventured out into cyberspace in an attempt to live a more e-friendly life will tell you, we really have little control over what data will be collected. Or over what will be done with it. Even “safe” devices like Apple’s iPod require

Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. II, No. 28 Copyright 2008. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032


extensive computer downloads, upgrades and information/data collection to function. What goes on as the Apple folks are uploading and downloading is a mystery to most. Honestly, they like it that way. Even as we are bombarded by the media with news of privacy data breaches, it is surprising that some of the worst invasions of our privacy occur soon after we hit “OK” to that 75page licensing agreement online. There may well be a time and a place for targeted marketing ploys and devices, but they must come with clear, simple notice and escape option with each occurrence.

It is our position that Central Indiana needs its own airline presence. With the sad departure of American Trans Air (ATA), Indiana lost its only true carrier. More was lost on this sad day than just another in a list of Indiana businesses to go under: We all surrendered a tremendous freedom and flexibility and even businesses’ clout. It has long been the contention of many Indiana entrepreneurs that two key environmental factors hold back the growth of investment in the heartland: (1) lack of participation in daylight savings time, (finally addressed by our own Rep. Jerry Torr and Gov. Mitch) and (2) inability

to get into or out of Indianapolis on a direct flight. These days, one is hard pressed to find a direct flight to anywhere other than hub cities. In addition to the lack of scheduling flexibility and competitive pricing, Indianapolis is about to debut a brand-new airport terminal. This community asset carries an astonishing price tag north of $1 billion. That investment of public funds to service puddle-jumper airlines to larger and more “worthy” cities does not seem to be well placed. We need an aggressive local player willing to serve this market.


Who’s Watching Me?

CURRENTOON by Tim Campbell



Carmel Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia / 370.0749 Carmel Sales Executive – Lara Acton / 409.1418 Indianapolis Sales Consultant – Kevin Messmer / 513.4359 Westfield Sales Consultant – Angel Herendeen / 489.4444

Business Office

Bookkeeper - Deb Vlasich / 489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Publisher – Brian Kelly / 414.7879 Executive Editor – Steve Greenberg / 847.5022 Associate Editor – Terry Anker Managing Editor – Stephanie Curtis / 414.5607 Content Editor – Brandie Bohney / 292.9279 Art Director – Zachary Ross / 787-3291 Associate Artist – Stefanie Lorenz / 340.1836 Reporter – Brandon Bowman / 489.4444 Reporter – Bryan Unruh / 489.4444 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell

Tuesday, May 13, 2008



Comfort in a lean


n attempting to define the differboth the sunshine and the rain. ence between an acquaintance and As children, some of us naturally begin a good friend, we often refer to the to offer our surely not brawny enough most important in our lives as those frames up to provide support for those upon whom we “lean.” In around us. We care for our sib1971, R&B singer Bill Withers lings–both younger and older. put a point on this concept We hold up our parents as they with his seminal song “Lean struggle with life’s challenges. on Me,” which became the If you aren’t the one, you know anthem of offering oneself to who the one is. Each group has the support of another. But those upon whom we can lean. what does that really mean? I They are there in a real and guess in the most specific sense, tactile way. They bring their it is simply a metaphor for the whole being to bear to give us interconnectivity that we all strength. give and that we all need. A Today we communicate in lonely or sad child will reach ways that remove or reduce out for the weight and security human interaction. We take of a loving and protective adult. away the touch. But can the Terry And a lonely or sad adult will mass of another human ever Anker reach out for the weight and setruly be replaced? curity of another to find solace Size doesn’t matter. In fact, and reinforcement to survive whatever the some of the greatest support I’ve ever retribulation. ceived came in the form of a child wiping It all reminds me of one of my favorite away my tears at a funeral many years ago. parts of being married. When awakened That little gesture from that little person by an unpleasant or unsettling sound or showed great strength. dream all you do is reach across the covers And we all feel safe in the presence of to your partner there. Unlike the pillow, the fireman or police officer or soldier. soft and compliant to the They represent a body touch, the warm body at upon which we may all your side is there with a lean. They are there often more considerable presto help those without opence. There’s something tions. Withers was right,: solid, something reinforc“Lean on me when you’re ing, in the attendance of not strong, and I’ll be another being that carries your friend–I’ll help you both mass and gravitas. I carry on.” Isn’t that the like that. It makes me feel sum of what we’re missas though there are things ing? Isn’t there power in that truly are authentic in the solidity of two? Or our lives–unyielding and three? Or many? lasting truths. Words are We live in a world that not required. The touch values absolute indepenalone lowers the heart-rate dence. Separate cars. and returns equilibrium. Separate houses. Separate So much of ours lives are in flux. Jobs lives. What would come if we were all are not permanent. Confidence in leaders able to reach out in the darkness and find is cast aside with each election cycle. And another person there beside us? That some so-called friends are more like mansleeping, weighty mass is quietly ready at nequins made from ash – if you were to our side–all we have to do is ask. lean upon them they’d simply disintegrate. I fear with each passing year that families are a little less committed to each other. Terry Anker is the associate editor of Current But with a few it is different. They are in Carmel. You may e-mail him at sturdy folk. They are the kind made for


Wanna write us a letter? You can do it a couple ways. The easiest is to e-mail it to The old-fashioned way is to snail mail it

to Current in Carmel, 1 South Range Line Road, Carmel, IN 46032. Keep letters to 200 words max (we may make exceptions), and be sure to include your home zip code and a daytime number for verification.

FROM THE BACKSHOP ‘the Hillary‘ ran stRongly Begrudgingly, we’re compelled to give credit where it is due. The Hillary (along with The Bill and The Chelsea) blanketed virtually every parcel in Indiana, which, no doubt, helped to fuel her victory in last week’s primary. Compared to Barack Obama’s campaign, this approach seemingly had Holy Grail-like power. We suggested weeks ago that he needed a testosterone booster shot or would risk losing the state. Heh-heh, right again! The silver lining here, for those of us inside the “O Ring,” is that she won’t have enough delegates–regardless of the outcomes of the remaining primaries–to make it to The Big Dance in November. (Time to put the voodoo doll away, we suppose. It was fun while it lasted.)

way around than before Daniels assumed control, tell us why. All we’d like to see him do more of at this juncture is rid state government of excess (in terms of overpaid and extra workers and over-funded programs). Lookit, this guy doesn’t NEED the job and the headaches that come with it. The fact is, he loves his work and his state, and we’re all better off for having him at the helm. Jill Long Thompson? Puh-leeze!



We don’t get it. At all. Gov. Mitch Daniels has done more to fix this formerly struggling state’s ills in quite a short amount of time, and his popularity is plunging more quickly than did the Titanic? Are you serious? If you really don’t believe Indiana is better off (almost) all the

Admit it. You crossed party lines, too. Hell froze over. You looked for that lightning bolt coming out of the gymnasium ceiling the moment you declared yourself a “D” for the primary election. Strange feeling, eh? It won’t reprise itself in November.

Steve Greenberg & Brian Kelly


You guys were dead on with your Backshop, Where Does It All Stop? (Current, May 6.) The part-time Carmel City Council doesn’t deserve paid health benefits nor does anyone deserve adoption benefits when the taxpayers are footing the bill. The people are well paid for the jobs they do. It seems that government today is no longer “FOR THE PEOPLE,” but is for itself. Greed has taken over our local govern-

ment as well as our national government. It seems that once these people get into office, they want to take all they can before they get out. The people need more say as to what goes on when it comes to our tax dollars. They say this is the “Land of Taxes,” and I agree. Bad policies come from bad politicians, and this country has developed a virus of it. We need to find a cure fast!

Tom Walden 46032


I am upset, and I totally agree with your comments on taxpayer-funded health benefits (Current, May 6) for Carmel City Council. How many private employers in this area offer benefits for part time workers? I recall that Starbucks does, at least for now. If Carmel is going to add City Council members to a health care plan at taxpayer expense, then what about adding benefits to the many part time workers in other public sectors? One such group is Carmel Clay Schools support workers. They work just as hard. Some would argue

that working in our school cafeterias, for example, is twice as hard work as shaking hands and kissing babies at the Monon Center. Yet, none of them is offered any benefits of health coverage or even the opportunity to buy coverage on their own through the system. I support everyone being able to obtain affordable health coverage at a fair price. But let’s be fair with our tax dollars and help all part-time public sector employees, not just a select few on city council.

Steve Wallace 46032

What’s your Dream Home?

Game, set, match: Top-ranked tennis player Robby Ginepri visited Forest Dale Elementary School on May 8 for a convocation explaining the importance and benefits of making healthy choices in their lives. The presentation was aimed at combating the problem of childhood obesity by encouraging regular activity through tennis.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008




ne of my favorite things to galley. talk about with my husband is A basement is a must, preferably walkour dream home—the house out, but we’d be okay if it weren’t (not we would buy or build if we being able to sneak in and out of the house could afford anything. While could be a major plus once our children we love our current abode and become teenagers!). We would neighborhood, we have a few have to have a bathroom down things we would change for our there, though; our oldest actunext place. ally peed in a basement trash For starters, we’d have five can once because he didn’t want bedrooms instead of three. to walk all the way upstairs to One would be a master suite on use the restroom! the first floor so that when we’re Hardwoods throughout, old and gray we won’t have to nine-foot ceilings, canned climb stairs, and the other four lighting, a fire-pit overlooking would be two sets of jack-nour private, stocked pond—all jills (bedrooms connected by a givens. Well, maybe not the bathroom) on the second floor pond. There’s still the drownto keep fights and stereos far ing issue. And what I’d absoDanielle from us. Girls at one end, boys lutely love is a Mom Room. A Wilson at the other. The boys’ bathspace all to myself with ample room would have a urinal. lighting; a big spacious desk; We’d also have a four-car garage. Two lots of counter space for wrapping presspaces for my husband’s BMW 300i and ents, sewing hems, and fixing broken toys; pick-up truck, one for my Jag (it’s a dream maybe a mini fridge with Diet Coke and home!), and one bay entirely for bikes, Hershey’s Special Darks and definitely a scooters, tools, sleds, old paint, broken RC television and a PC, both with voice reccars, and lawn equipment. We currently ognition so they’d lock down immediately often look like we’re having a yard sale whenever a child or husband attempted to because so much of our stuff is spilling out turn them on. onto the driveway! Since our dream home will be on ten I’d also have a hot tub/Jacuzzi located landscaped acres, we will definitely need somewhere on the premises. Not so much an in-ground irrigation system. Our for the romance factor (who’s got time for lawn was dead by July this year because that?) but for the therapeutic powers of I couldn’t (and wouldn’t) water the grass the steaming, bubbly water. “Calgon, take “twice weekly for a minimum of one me away!” hour.” No pool, though—I can’t take the A man-servant/masseuse would be lovely. stress that would plague me if I thought What would you have in your perfect there was even a small possibility of a kid home? We actually keep a list so that drowning. when we’re ready we won’t leave anything The most important feature of our out, like the hallway switch that turns on dream home is a great room that is priall 5000 Christmas lights at once (somemarily a kitchen (with granite countertops thing we only think about in December). and an island that seats eight), but also Remember the crazy dude at the beginincludes a living area (with 54-inch flat ning of Pretty Woman? “You got to have screen TV), and a spot for our five-foot dreams! What’s yours?” Peace out. round dining table. Forget the formal living and dining rooms; we never ever use Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at them anyway. People always congregate in the kitchen, even if it’s only a four-inch




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7226 E 550 S $1,500,000

Almost 10 acres! Fab kit w/FP, mstr w/FP, unbelievable mstr BA, wrap-around porch, elevator, custom etched windows & custom cabinetry! Spectacular home! DAWN KENDRICK, 329-8535, 846-7751

4877 moRgANS CREEK Ct $938,900 4BR/3.5BA new construction. Hdwd flrs, grmt kit w/granite cntrs. Main flr mstr, huge LL w/ wetbar & media rm. Wooded cul-de-sac lot. Incrdbl att to detail! SpENCER KlINE, 216-5631, 846-7751

4830 moRgANS CREEK Ct $869,900 5BR/4.5BA w/incrdbl quality & attn to detail. Hdwd flrs, grmt kit, LL w/wetbar & media rm.Huge BR’s w/walk-in clsts. Prof lndscping, cul-de-sac-A must see! SpENCER KlINE, 216-5631, 846-7751

4726 AUStIN $637,900 5BR/6BA open flr pln w/1st flr den 2nd flr bonus rm, guest rm w/priv BA. Daylite bsmt w/BR & full BA. Custom lndscp iron fence & irrigation sys. SHEllY pADDACK, 329-8583, 846-7751

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Elegant dream home on 10 beautiful private acres. Lg kitchen w/keeping room. Master bedroom w/sitting room. 6 bedrooms, LL walk-out, pool, pond. DAWN KENDRICK, 329-8535, 846-7751

7240 HAmIltoN CR $1,375,000

5288 ARApAHo Ct $589,900

5531 N DElAWARE St $515,000

4637 S 575 E $475,000

Unique house built in 1900. In-ground pool, high clgs, crown molding, hdwd floors, 2 frplcs, 4BRs, 3 full & 2 half BAs = enjoyment for family on 1 acre. VIRgINIA KERR, 216-4231, 846-7751

Heart of Meridian Kessler. 4 bedrooms, 5 baths. Gorgeous kitchen & baths, formal dining room & living room. Large family room, one bedroom on main. DAWN KENDRICK, 329-8535, 846-7751

One of a kind post & beam; 5 bedroom home. Spacious kitchen w/granite isle, Bosch cooktop, over 7 1/2 acres pasture & trees in Boone County. DAWN KENDRICK, 329-8535, 846-7751

3521 CARmEl DR E $467,900 5BR/3.5BA w/custom kit w/ granite counters & SS appls. Maple hdwds & oversized hearth FP. Sunrm w/skylights. Brkfst rm overlooks wooded grounds. Walkout LL. mARIlYN HARBISoN, 299-1120, 846-7751

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Truly a 10! 5BR/5BA open flr plan in Delaware Trace. Hg MBR w/FP. Sunrm w/beautiful views. Upscale kit w/granite counters. Super dylght bsmt w/FP,BA & bar. mARIlYN HARBISoN, 299-1120, 846-7751

1804 WooD VAllEY DR $545,000

3550 INVERNESS Bl $379,850 Fantastic ranch with beautiful golf course view. Open floorplan, 10’ ceilings. Hardwood flrs. Custom built-ins. Upstairs bonus room/3rd BR. 3 car garage. tHE KolASINSKI tEAm, 216-4224, 844-4646

10513 SHAfER $359,900 4BR/4BA open flr pln w/1st flr den 2nd flr split BRs w/open catwalk fin bsmt. Professional lndscp w/irrigation sys. Paver patio & privacy fence. SHEllY pADDACK, 329-8583, 846-7751





Sparkling pool, C-D-S fncd corner lot! Custom marble entry, formal dining, lg kitch w/Amish cabinets, dbl ovens, nook. 5BR/ big mstr, 3BA, fin bsmt, 3c gar. mARIlYN HARBISoN, 299-1120, 846-7751

678 WooDBINE DR E $309,900

Custom built home with beautiful yard on quiet cul-de-sac. This 4 bedroom home has many updates, and is a great neighborhood with pool & tennis. lISA mEINERS, 216-5976, 846-7751

5th BR + BA on main level. Island kit w/new stainless appliances. Special upper level ofc. Fin partial bsmt. Side-ld garage. Fenced bk yard. VIRgINIA KERR, 216-4231, 846-7751

12361 mEDAlISt pKWY $304,900 Beautiful one owner custom blt home with 2BR+bonus rm (w/ inside access) 2.5BA. Gleaming hdwds. Scrnd porch & brick patio. Extensive landscaping-Impeccable! mARIlYN HARBISoN, 299-1120, 846-7751

Irresistible, fenced 4BR/2+BA tri-level positioned on 0.51 acres. Gas fireplace. Huge foyer, bay windows, hardwood flooring. Updated kitchen, pantry. CoNStANCE lIDStRom, 317-525-8836, 846-7751

2535 98tH St E $231,900


14510 oAK RIDgE RD $193,000

5267 pURSEl lN $190,000

Location! Playgrounds, Monon & ballfields all within walking distance. 4 bedrooms, nice deck. Extra large mini-barn. Updated floors & countertops. lISA mEINERS, 216-5976, 846-7751

3BR/2FB ranch in Lake Forest. Bright open flr pln. Handicap accessbl. New roof & crpt 07, wtr htr 06. Cath clgs. All appls stay incl Maytag Neptune W&D. SpENCER KlINE, 216-5631, 846-7751

10974 EAtoN Ct $190,000 One of the best lots in the Parks of White River. C-D-S, pond, mature trees. 4BR/2.5BA. Updts: windows, int/ext paint, laminent fls, scr prch, deck & more! mARtY gAllAgHER, 290-7695, 846-7751



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Nicely updated 4BR/3BA w/fin bsmt including big screen TV. Lots of hdwd flrs. Super 2-sty deck. Fncd yd & xtra 1car w/ electricity for wkshop or car repair. mARIlYN HARBISoN, 299-1120, 846-7751


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4709 BRooKSHIRE pKWY $270,000

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1408 CAREY Ct $324,900


Great Carmel location new construction built to fit your needs. Stop in & make an appointment today!Many models to select from. RAYmoND Cox, 317-937-2703, 846-7751

200 RED oAK lN $329,900 Come by and see or go online! Don’tmiss this beautiful home by Westport Homes! RAYmoND Cox, 317-937-2703, 846-7751


10 AC Tuesday, RE May 13, 2008

2681 NEWINgtoN $331,680

14268 HEAtHER KNoll pKWY $331,845

go Co lf C mm oU UN RSE It Y

11873 StoNEY BAY CI $397,500 Pond Home w/East Backyard in Carmel Schools. Fantastic hm offers a beautiful mstr BR, huge kitchen, natural lighting and walk out basement.www.RitaO. com. RItA o’REAR, 508-1553, 844-4646


13494 DAllAS lN $429,900 Quiet cul-de-sac east of Keystone. 3148 sq ft + 1764 fin bsmt. 2FPs, hdwds, island kit. New: HVAC, dble ovens, dishwasher, sunrm, fncd bk yd. VIRgINIA KERR, 216-4231, 846-7751 525 ASH DR $179,900

Location, location, location! 4 bdrm home w/bsmt in the heart of Carmel. Walk to many Carmel activities. Many updates. Built-in pool. lISA mEINERS, 216-5976, 846-7751

756 CollEgE WAY $179,900 Friendly 4BR/2+BA residence. An easy-to-love setup, with gas fireplace, tile flooring and hardwood flooring. Cool pool. Walk-in closets. Fenced. CoNStANCE lIDStRom, 317-525-8836, 846-7751

3331 BEECH DR DR $165,000 Beautiful 3/4acre lot w/mature trees. Stone ranch w/hdwds & partial bsmt. 4BR, 2.5BA. LR, DR & FR w/frplc. New: roof + 1bath. Convenient location. VIRgINIA KERR, 216-4231, 846-7751

507 HUNtERS DR $129,900 Admirable 2BR/2BA garden unit. Happily planned, with great room, formal dining room and huge foyer. Hardwood flooring, walk-in closets, updated kitchen. lISA mEINERS, 216-5976, 846-7751

y children often like to pubviolation highlighted by the sentence I wish licly share their confidence I never would have written. Sinking lower that if their Father were to in my seat than really should be possible to commit a traffic violation on avoid being spotted by my neighbors or inthe streets of Carmel surance agent, I fished out my and get caught, a citation would go driver’s license with a shaking unissued. Their teenage logic ashand and asked, “Didn’t we sumes just because they ride with work together at Carmelfest?� me on a golf cart at Carmelfest each No, I didn’t really stoop that year and see me conversing with low. I realized very quickly, I countless numbers of Carmel Police am going to get a ticket. As it Officers, that a traffic stop would should be, since I was guilty. surely involve nothing more than a Without my children in the warning to conclude with “Have a backseat, overly confident that nice day, sir.� I would restart the engine and I will admit that I don’t often corbe on my way having escaped rect their backseat commentary as I the long arm of the law, they secretly wonder if it might actually missed an important lesson Jeff be true. Could I have an invisible in life. Worrell shield insulating me from the rules Maybe not everywhere in of the road and the resulting punishment the world, but at least here, the rules apply to just because of Carmelfest? everyone. In the bigger picture, I think it is Not more than three hours after pushing a good thing to be assured of. I even selfishly the computer send button to deliver my next mentioned my ticket to several city officials column to the Current in Carmel editor last during the ensuing 48 hours. Their response week, my children’s theory was put to the was always the same, if not more forceful test. I only mention my last column because from some than others: don’t do that, and of the irony of the final sentence in which I you won’t get a ticket. offer sage advice to always wear your seatbelt, I like what I heard and my children come to a complete stop at 4-way intersecshould, too. tions and not speed in school zones. When I saw the blue and red lights in my rearview Jeff Worrell is a local business owner. He recogmirror signaling me to immediately pull nizes volunteers on “Connecting with Carmel� over, it was too late to heed my own advice. on cable channel 16. Contact him at jworrelll@ I was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of a



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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

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Not above the law


Time To buy your spark buTTons


CosT: $3 Where To buy: Spark Buttons will go on sale May 19 at most merchants in the Carmel Arts & Design District. They will also be available at the Farmers’ Market each Saturday in June. Drawings for prizes will be held Monday through Friday starting June 16. The last prize drawing will be July 5. Winning prize numbers will be displayed at www.CarmelFest. net and Prizes are donated by Carmel businesses. All proceeds help defray the cost of fireworks on July 4 at 9:45 p.m.

n, Alice Brya IR HA # 6OLUNTEER

Top Ten reasons To VoLunTeer for CarmeLfesT 2008 (Put your tongue in your cheek!)

#10 A chance for you to give back to the best doggone community in Indiana. #9 Your friends will see you finally doing something worthwhile. #8 You will be miles away from any controversial window displays. #7 A chance to get away from your wife and kids for a couple of hours.

DouG anD kay Thompson -ARKETPLACE 6ENDOR #O #HAIRS

meeT VoLunTeers “Hi! We’re Doug and Kay Thompson, lifelong Carmel residents who have been married to each other for nearly 30 years. This is only the second activity we’ve tackled together where we actually agree on most things! It’s our fourth or fifth year, but who’s counting? One of us is, by nature, very logical, analytical, and decisive; the other is creative, emotional and subjective, so we sort of fit together. Can you guess which is which? We make the tough decisions on who to put in the arts and crafts, or Marketplace area, and in the Business Showplace Aisle at Carmelfest. Every applicant has a unique story. Which ones will the crowd like this year and support? Wow, it’s tough, but fun! We hope you like this year’s vendor participants!�

VoLunTeer or sponsor? Contact us at: or 571.2464.

reD o s n y spo arT b p in

#6 Access to a nifty golf cart (well, maybe). #5 Get to pick your own hours . . . as long as they are the same as ours. #4 You can tell your mother-in-law where to go . . . to CarmelFest! #3 A chance to get away from your husband and kids for a couple of hours. #2 Volunteer hours count towards your court-appointed community service. And the # 1 reason to volunteer for CarmelFest 2008 is . . .

9OU lNALLY GET THE @4 SHIRT sT.VinCenT hearT CenTer of inDiana paraDe aT CarmeLfesT Marching bands, floats, clowns, and some exciting surprises will parade through Carmel on July 4th, beginning at 10:30 a.m.

The firesTone Gazebo sTaGe Barometer Soup will warm up the stage July 3rd at 4 p.m. for the Wright Brothers, who will once again launch CarmelFest with a performance at 7 p.m.



b105.7 fireWorks aT CarmeLfesT Beginning at 9:45 p.m., sharp, on July 4th, the skies will dazzle with a magnificent display sychronized to great music on B105.7.


Learn more about PUDs: The Indianapolis-based law firm of Bose McKinney & Evans LLP is pleased to announce that partner and Carmel resident Paul Reis will serve as part of the faculty for the upcoming Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum’s (ICLEF) “Planning and Zoning” workshop to be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., May 22, at the ICLEF Conference Facility, 230 E. Ohio St., 5th Floor, in Indianapolis. Reis will discuss planned unit developments. For more information or to register, visit 2007 JUVENILE DIABETES SWING FOR A CURE: On Monday, July 21, at Prairie View Golf Club, 7000 Longest Drive, Carmel, Indiana. Registration includes golf, electric cart, lunch, open driving range, putting contest entry, refreshments on the course, dinner, awards and prizes. Participants also receive an opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child with juvenile diabetes through their participation. A great collection of raffle and silent auction items are being collected as well. –

FOR THOSE LOOKING TO START INVESTING: If you’re starting out, hire the best professional help you can afford. Professional advice will likely pay for itself within a short period of time. Once you become used to the market, do the research yourself. Later on in the game, switch to an online broker, but don’t expect your broker to recommend stocks that will double in value within a few months. If you do have a stock that goes up considerably--50% or more--sell. –

A Mother and A Daughter Cleaning Services It’s not just a business, it’s a relationship.


5346 Riplingbrook Way Carmel

3091 E. 98th St., Suite 150 Carmel


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

LEAVE A NOTE ON A NAMETAG TO NETWORK: If nametags are preprinted and on display at the registration table, scan the tags of the other attendees to see what opportunities await you. Rachel Wood, a top financial advisor in the Boston area who does something out of the ordinary. If she spots a nametag on the registration table of someone she would like to meet, she asks the people manning the table if she can clip a note to their tag saying she would like to meet them.


ver think about how connections farmer? Associations and assumptions are are made? Companies spend bilalso made about businesses based on the lions of dollars each year in an people who represent them. attempt to make connections and As it relates to marketing, think of a forge relationships with existing brand as every person in the company. and potential customers. They Every person represents every create messages that tell their other person. Imagine if somestories, and they spend countless one met you only one time hours moving those messages and never came in contact with through various platforms to another person from your orfind their markets, specifically to ganization. What would that connect with their buyers. But is person think of your company that how connections are made? or brand? As people connect What causes you to make a with others, brands are defined. connection and start a relationEach time someone from your ship? Sure, a good story helps organization meets someone and so does a product or service else, that employee is defining that might solve your problem, the brand of your company. but true connections are made And in this ever-growing digital David Cain when you interact with other world, that brand is defined Marketing people. People who understand more and more by online you. People who share your interactions. The online envibeliefs and interests. Because what is a ronment provides a perfect incubator for connection? It’s a relationship. And a repeople to make connections. lationship that creates loyalty is what every Whether online or in person, every business wants. interaction by company representatives When you hear the term “brand” to dewith customers affects the company brand. scribe a company, it’s really no more than Providing excellent customer or client serthe people who represent the company. vice is an essential marketing tool in creatHave you ever met an individual from a ing the brand you want for your company. particular place and from then on felt that David Cain is president of MediaSauce, a digital everyone living in that place must be like media and online marketing company in Carmel. that person? Or have you ever met someE-mail him at one who thought everyone in Indiana is a


CORRECTION: The date for the Carmel Chamber of Commerce luncheon was incorrect in the May 6 edition of Current in Carmel. It is scheduled for Wednesday.

the brand connection




$580K Type: Historic Built: 2000 Location: Near Rangeline Rd. and 116th Street Neighborhood: Rosemeade Commons is a very interesting, winding, mature-treed, single-street neighborhood with homes that you typically only see downtown in Indy’s Historic North side or in the Village of West Clay. Square footage: 4100 square feet on three above-ground levels Rooms: This 4-bedroom home has 3.5 baths, an open kitchen with hearth room, main floor office, formal dining room and third-floor recreation room. There is no basement, but there is plenty of storage in the walk-in crawl space. Strengths: The key strength is that it is completely different from the typical home in this area. The architect designed it to be a replica of a home built in Georgia in 1884. The covered porch

NOW OPEN Z-Coil Pain Relief Footwear

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Brain and Stacy Noss 1362 S Range Line Rd. Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: 317-843-COIL (2645) E-mail: Web:

By John Pacilio, RE/MAX Ability Plus

The answer to pain relief doesn’t have to come in pill form. It can actually come in the steel-coiled sole of a Z-Coil shoe. Brian and Stacy Noss are the owners of Z-Coil Pain Relief Footwear on Rangeline Road. The shoes they sell are made with a steel coil in the sole of the shoe. “Some people

is an incredible 1000 square feet. The custom woodwork on and in the home is outstanding. The lot is only a block away from the Monon Trail. Challenges: At this price range, the kitchen countertops will likely require an upgrade to granite prior to selling. Comparable homes have a 3-car garage. The trees and landscaping as well as the half-acre lot provide separation from 116th Street; however, the close proximity to the entrance may be an issue for some buyers. John Pacilio and his team specialize in Westfield real estate with RE/MAX Ability Plus. Contact him at 216.8500 or John@

come in and say the shoes look weird, but that’s alright with me. Some people thought Crocs looked weird, but now everyone is wearing those shoes,” Noss said. Each pair of shoes is customized for the customer. Many of Z-Coil’s customers are seeking relief from the pain of injuries. “If someone has a different position of their heel when they walk, we can adjust the coil to help combat that,” Noss said. According to a pamphlet available at their Carmel location, the coil in the shoe absorbs 50 percent of the impact that normal walking or running delivers to the body. “The best part of this job is knowing that I’m making people feel better and live a better life,” Noss said.

MONEY MATTERS Do you own your home free of mortgage? If not, when do you plan on paying it off?

I’m not free of mortgages yet. We have two that we pay monthly. The second is a home equity mortgage. Matt Bair Carmel

We just bought a house in July, so we have just started our mortgage. We pay every two weeks to get it done quicker. Dawn Taylor-Hudson Carmel

I have a 30 year mortgage. Neil Estabeoor Carmel

am a guy who’s all about outcomes-getting to the answer. I’m sure I haven’t seen it all yet, but after almost 25 years in business, I’ve seen lots. Not everybody is all about the outcome. As a matter of fact, an alarming number of people aren’t that way. Why is this? Do people have a genetic predisposition that causes this? A friend of mine calls it “getting in your own way.” I think that’s fairly accurate. For some reason, we humans have an Kent Burns alarming tendency On Success to land ourselves in behavioral patterns that lead us nowhere we’re interested in going. If we do it long enough, we sometimes even forget where we’re going. It happens to you, it happens to me, and some people have chosen to make it a way of life. A former boss and mentor of mine used to counsel me to keep my eyes on the prize. He taught me the power of focusing on the objective–the answer, if you will. The question that he continually


“Is what you are doing getting us closer to the prize?” challenged me with was, “Is what you are doing getting us closer to the prize?” It was a simple, powerful way to keep us focused. This doesn’t just apply to business. It applies to your whole life. Decide what outcome you seek, and then become ruthlessly focused on it. Then–and this is absolutely critical–you must correct where necessary: adjust your efforts and commitment levels continually. This is where most people fail. They don’t have the vision to see that they’re not getting closer to the answer, and then they don’t have the discipline to either row the boat faster or in a different direction. Don’t be someone who engages in the same misdirected, unproductive behaviors over and over again with the expectation of getting to the prize. You’re better than that.

CarmelFest’s premier soCial event



getting results

saturday, July 5 at 6:00 p.m. at RItZ CHaRLES SILEnt & LIvE auCtIon EntERtaInmEnt by FIvE EaSy pIECES REgIStER at • tICkEtS $75 EaCH Sponsored by


Kent Burns is a Carmel resident, investor and co-founder of CrossConfirm. He is also a professional speaker and author of What’s Your Why? His blog is, and he can be reached at

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

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DISPATCHES SUMMER BASEBALL: The Carmel High School Baseball program is offering a summer camp for all boys in elementary grades K-5 from 8 a.m.-9:45 a.m. and all boys in middle school grades 6-8 from 10 a.m.-11:45 a.m. on June 4, 5, and 6 at Hartman Field. For additional information contact Eric Lentz at Carmel High School at TEXTBOOKS TO AFRICA: Sylvia Hyde’s French students at Clay Middle School will donate their used textbooks to Benin University in Nigeria and requests the community’s support to help pay shipping costs. Students will be gathering, boxing, addressing and shipping the textbooks before the school year ends. Anyone wishing to donate may send contributions to Clay Middle School. Checks should be payable to CMS with “Ship the Books” written on the memo line. For more information, contact Hyde at

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

TEEN INTERNET SAFETY: The Hamilton County Metro Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force will offer a free presentation at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 15, at Clay Middle School for parents and caregivers. Topics include internet safety, online bullying and harassment, online predators, MySpace, Facebook and other internet issues. For questions, contact Michael Pitman at mpitman@ccs. or 571-4450.

CAT RACE: Registration is now open for the fifth annual Creekside Middle School Cat Race, which will take place in the Village of West Clay at 8:30 a.m., Saturday, May 17. This 5K run/walk is a fund-raiser for the school’s athletic and activities departments. Entry forms are available on their web site, at the Creekside front office, and at College Wood, Orchard Park, Towne Meadow and West Clay Elementary schools. The entry fee is $17/person or $45/family.

TOP FUNDRAISER: As a result of its donation of $12,947, Clay Middle School has been named the top school fundraiser in the state in this year’s Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Pennies for Patients campaign. Students, faculty and staff participated in a number of activities to generate this donation. Events included candy sales, a faculty vs. eighth-grade boys basketball game and a day during which students could make a donation to listen to their iPods during lunch.

children misbehave for many reasons


ast time I covered two of the four categories of why children misbehave based on the findings of I covered the physical and cognitive categories (see Current In Westfield-April 29 Edition). PHYSICAL REASONS– hungry, tired, sick, reaction to weather, physically stressful situations, sensitive to tags in clothing. COGNITIVE REASONS – curiosity, lack of understanding, lack of Becky Kapsalis knowledge, lack of Ask YiaYia experience or training, frustration from inability to do a task, child wants to be helpful but isn’t skilled, bored. Again, most behaviors are learned behaviors, and all behaviors are need driven. The final two categories of why children misbehave are Emotional and Spiritual.


Attention (child feels invisible, apart; needs love, belonging, importance, recog-


Speech and Hearing Screenings May is Better Speech and Hearing Month. Speech Pathology Services is offering speech and hearing screenings for children age 3 and older throughout the month at our Carmel location (1980 E. 116th St, Suite 300.) Screenings take approximately 15 minutes and will be offered at a charge of $15. If you have concerns about your child’s speech, language or hearing, please call our office at 843-2801 to schedule a screening.

nition, appreciation). Power (child feels bossed, angry; needs independence, controlled choices, to be responsible for own choices). Revenge (child feels embarrassed, hurt; needs respect, fairness, companioning). Display of inadequacy (child feels inferior, hopeless, incapable; needs patient teaching, realistic expectations, opportunities for success, trust in self, and attitude that mistakes are opportunities for learning). I tell my own kids and grandkids that if we never made mistakes, the eraser would have never been invented. Scared, fearful, anxious (child needs to feel protected, to have the safety of clear boundaries, consistency). Situation stress, tension (child needs understanding, honest communication, be made a part of the solution without blame or excuses).


Meaningless—Needs to know, “What is the meaning of life?” Insignificant—Needs to know, “What are my special gifts?” Aimlessness—Needs to know, “What is my particular contribution in this world?” Separateness—Needs to know, “How can I feel at peace with others? That I belong?”

These reasons are but a beginning to our understanding of our children’s needs at any age. We are not immune from experiencing these same reasons for our own adult behaviors, but when we recognize them in ourselves, we can understand and help our children understand them. Hugs! Have a parenting topic or question? Submit it to Ask Yiayia, aka Becky Kapsalis, Certified Parent Coach, at or call 810.9358.


High blood pressure? Try figs. Six fresh figs have 891 mg of blood pressurelowering potassium, nearly 20% of your daily need and about double what you’d find in one large banana. In a recent five-year study from the Netherlands, high-potassium diets were linked with lower rates of death from all causes in healthy adults age 55 and older. Figs are also one of the best fruit sources of calcium, with nearly as much per serving (six figs) as 1/2 cup of fat-free milk! —


n general, posture is a problem with most people. Primarily, we are a sedentary society. Since the arrival of computers in offices, we’ve become slouchers and sitters. If you consider that only approximately 15 to 20 percent of the population engages in some form of exercise, we’re staring down the barrels of future orthopedic problems. Slouching puts pressure on your vertebrae, ultimately compressing discs, which makes you John Karesh defenseless to back Fitness pain. Pelvic muscles lose tone, which makes it more difficult to support a wellaligned stance. Nerves in your neck are pinched, too, tightening muscles there and causing headaches. Here’s how to safeguard your posture: 1. When sitting at a desk using a computer, raise the monitor to eye level. 2. Take breaks every hour to stretch. You may use the corner of a room or a doorway to stretch your shoulders, neck and back. While you’re at it, take a water



any $35 purchase

Not valid with other offers or discounts. Expires 6/3/08.

Consignments accepted daily 210 E. Main St., Carmel (131 St. between Keystone and Rangeline) st


postural problems won’t get better with age. Do something now that will help your body later. Your muscles will be more supple, and your mobility will improve. When your back and legs are relaxed, your spine will feel longer. Overall, you’ll feel–and look--better. John Karesh, a certified personal trainer and nutrition expert, is the owner of Fitness Together in Carmel. You may e-mail him at


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Model home furniture and accessories, estates, and consignments

break. 3. Don’t slouch when walking. Taller people are more likely to slouch. They shouldn’t. Stand erect, keep your belly button sucked in tight and make sure your shoulders are held back. 4. Exercise! If you simply use your muscles, you will keep them from tightening. The old saying is, “use it or lose it.” It has validity. Just two days a week of exercise will make a major impact. Remember, muscle imbalances and


VACCINATE: State health officials urge Hoosiers planning international travel this summer to be sure they are up to date on routine vaccinations and to check with their health care providers to find out if there are recommended vaccinations they should receive. If vaccines are needed, get them four to six weeks prior to traveling to allow the vaccines to work properly, as most vaccines take time to become effective in the body.




STRATTERA APPROVED FOR ADHD KIDS - Eli Lilly and Co. has anounced the Food and Drug Administration approved its drug, Strattera, for maintenance of attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents. The company said Strattera is the first FDA-approved non-stimulant to treat ADHD in children, adolescents and adults. Stimulant drugs currently on the market include Shire Pharmaceuticals’ Adderall and Novartis’ Ritalin.



D Aileen C. Helton





Tuesday, May 13, 2008

SMOKING OUT THE RISKS The federal government’s new advice to doctors for helping smokers quit recommends the drug, Chantix, which has recently been linked with depression and suicidal behavior. The new guidelines mention the psychiatric risks but also say the popular Pfizer Inc. drug is the most effective at helping people get off cigarettes. The guidelines mention other options, too, and highly recommend combining counseling and medication. But doctors are encouraged to talk to all smokers who want to quit about trying medication.






Neighbors by Chance...


Friends for Life Apartments & Garden Homes Personalized Assisted Living Clare Bridge Place Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care


Crunch in Bed - Before you even get out of bed in the morning, do 10 stomach crunches while lying flat on your mattress. Increase daily by one until you get up to 100. Think you’ll never get there? Try it. You may eventually have to set your clock to wake up 15 minutes earlier, a small price to pay for a flatter stomach. -

Rehabilitation & Skilled Nursing Center


with our Bio-Therapeutic Non-Surgical Face Lift

Like Indianapolis itself, Robin Run Village is a community immersed in rich tradition and extraordinary people that has set a foundation of stability for years to come. The large campus is dotted with spacious privatelyowned Garden Homes and lovely apartments that will conjure up memories of your favorite neighborhoods. But value is just as important now as it was then and that’s what you’ll find at Robin Run. In addition to a complete building renovation, we now offer a complete healthcare continuum and two new Entry Fee purchase plans that help you preserve your assets and offer generous healthcare discounts. Isn’t this the peace of mind you look for in a retirement community?

Apartments and Garden Homes Personalized Assisted Living Clare Bridge Place Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Rehabilitation & Skilled Nursing Center 5354 West 62nd Street Indianapolis, IN 46268 317-293-5500 Robin Run Village does not discriminate against any employees and/or admissions on grounds of race, color, national origin or on the basis of disability or age. 945-ROP01-0208



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Ad prices good Tuesday, May 13 through Monday, May 19

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Grand re-oPeninG

Around the Table


?? 16

The Beers of summer By Louis Calli Warmer weather is finally upon us. As the temperature rises, so does my desire for a nice, frosty brew! Some of my fondest summer memories were spent slowly sipping ice cold suds on a porch surrounded by friends. Oh, but what beer should I choose? Perhaps a crisp, German hefeweizen? Or maybe a spicy IPA or even a tart, Belgian Lambic! Allow me to list few of my favorite warm weather beer styles: Wheat Beer—These are beers brewed primarily with wheat and a little malted barley. There are several different styles of this done throughout the world. Witbier (Belgium), hefeweizen (Germany), white or wheat ales (the US), and krystallweizen (Germany), among others. They tend to be light in color and brisk in flavor. The German and Belgian varieties are a bit more spicy and earthy, while the domestic white ales tend to carry rather fruity/citrusy flavors. a Belgian Examples: Wittekerke, Troublette. b American Examples: Bell’s Oberon, Avery White Rascal c German Examples: Weihenstephaner Cristal, Hofbrau Hefeweiss I.P.A.—IPA stands for India Pale Ale. The style originated in the 18th century when British brewers sought a style of beer that would keep from

Tuesday, 13,15, 2008 Tuesday,May April 2008



Modelo Especial (6pk) List: $11.99 V&T: $8.49

souring on the long hot voyage to India. What they knew was that hops prevented growth of bacteria, and alcohol was a preservative, so they made a brew loaded with both, and the IPA was born! These tend to be very crisp and spicy, ranging from gold to amber in color. The heavier ones end with a great puckering bitterness and go extremely well with spicy food. U.S. Examples: Stone “Ruination” I.P.A., Red Hook “Long Hammer” I.P.A., Founders “Centennial” I.P.A. Fruit Lambic—A one-of-a-kind-style of beer brewed only in Belgium, just southeast of Brussels. These brews typically have whole fruit or syrup added during fermentation to create a naturally flavored wonderful fruit beer. Not to be confused with the artificially sweetened domestic counterparts, fruit lambics are rich, complex and deliciously refreshing. Some of the flavors available are raspberry, blackberry, cherry, peach, pear and apple among others. I have only scratched the surface of the complex universe of international brews here, but hopefully this gives you the opportunity to enjoy some new styles with your suds loving friends. For more information on the hundreds of styles available, come in and see our Beermeister Marvin for a personal ed-brew-cation!


Cin Cin!

Celis Grand Cru (6pk) List: $11.99 V&T: $9.99

Beer Specials at Vine & Table

Mexicali Pilsner This beer is a bright, deep golden yellow color. The aroma is of sweet malt, lightly floral and hoppy. The flavor reflects its hop bitterness; slightly sweet and just a perfect balance of barley and three types of hops that culminate to a very clean and semi-dry finish. If you like the taste of Corona you’ll love the fuller, richer taste of Mexicali. List: $11.99 V&T: $8.99 Negra Modelo (6pk) is the pride of Mexico’s dark ales, and is a one of a few remaining examples of an original Vienna lager. It has a rich amber color, a pleasant malt aroma and a dry hop flavor that gives it a smooth mellow taste. List: $10.99 V&T: $7.99 Warbird Thunderbolt Wheat (6pk) This beer is a traditional unfiltered German-style “hefeweizen.” Unlike some other wheat beers, they don’t add any additives or spices for flavor. The Wheat yeast is responsible for the beautiful aroma of citrus and cloves. This is a beer that works for cook-outs, track events and parties. List: $11.99 V&T: $9.99

Founder’s Red’s Rye (6pk) List: $11.99 V&T: $8.99

Argentinean A

Prepared open with buffe

Asador (Argentin

Arthur Murray will Tango





Simple Salad of To and C Ensalada Rusa Berengenas en E E Fresh Frui


Grilled an (Note: Asado a whole cow

Provoleta (Grilled Chorizos (Ass (Sweetbread and V


Our family of companies dedicate fine foods, distinctive libations an

313 E. Carmel Dr., Carmel 317-817-WINE (9463)

n-flame in front of guests et accompaniments

nean Grill Chef): Juan Artaza

be providing entertainment with o and Salsa dancing

ng: Terrazas Wines

On Tables:

hurri and Salsa Criolla

n the Buffet:

omatoes, Onion, Butter Lettuce, Cider Vinnaigrette a (Argentinean Potato Salad) Escabeche (Grilled Argentine Eggplant Dish) it and Assorted Breads

n the Grill:

d Cheese) with Sliced Baguettes sorted Sausages), Mollejas ds), Asado de Tira (Ribs), Vacio (Flank Steak)


Flan Dulce de Batata with Cheese

The Montage

8580 Allison Pointe Blvd. Thursday, June 12, 6p.m. $40 per person. RSVP to Rick or Steve: 817.9463

ed to nd superior service.

Summer is just around the corner and so is the increase volume of extra-virgin olive oil. Extra-virgin olive oil is always in my kitchen and throughout the summer it is safe to say that I use this as a key ingredient almost nightly. Standards:


Always first-pressed olives produce extra-virgin olive oil or olive juice. Olive oil cannot be considered extra-virgin if the oleic acid level is greater then 1%. This basically means that there is no oxidation in the oil after pressing. The difference: great taste, texture, and aroma.

taste in the olive oil. These oils tend to have flavors from pits, skins, and pulp. Pressing: In order to produce the best possible oil the producer must extract the oil without using heat.


Must be less then 100 degrees Fahrenheit Cold-pressed olive oil usually produces oils with greater taste and flavor.

Great Uses for Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Salads Salad Dressings Pizza Bread

Traditional Method

Virgin Olive Oil

Stone Wheels –millstones or peitre –used to press the olives into mash. Olives are spread on mats between large metal discs and hydraulically pressed.

Olive Oil or Pure Oil

After olives have been mashed into smaller pieces, paper-thin, crescent-shaped blades are used to run through the mash and the olive oil that adheres to the blades is the only oil used to produce high-quality extra-virgin oil.

This contains oils greater than 1% oleic acid; usually a second pressing of olives or olives of lesser quality. The more presses of the olives or the lesser the grade of the olives leads to olive oil with a much greater level of oleic acid. Contains greater than 3% oleic acid; this is olive oil from multiple pressings and usually a lower grade of oil. This oil is used for cooking at higher heat than extra-virgin olive oil. This oil is unlike peanut oil; however, it can sustain greater heat than other olive oils. This oil does not have an acidic taste; in fact it has an unusually sweet taste and flavor. More presses equals less flavor and

From the Kitchen oF

cheF nathaniel malone

Sinolea Method

Continuous Press Method

This is the newest technology and the direction most quality producers are taking. This process is considered cutting edge and will continue to be utilized by the companies attempting produce the ultimate olive oil. Invented by Polish-born engineer working for an Italian firm (Pieralisi), olives are crushed with a series of small hammers in a long round metal tube with a 4ft opening. The tube looks like a round pipe

Summer Salad with Olive Oil Dressing Ingredients:

• Mesclun Mix Greens • Grilled Orange Supremes • Shaved Fennel and Red onion Slaw • Peppered Crumbled Goat Cheese • Toasted Pine Nuts • Olive Oil and Kalamata Olive Vinaigrette

Grilled Oranges:

Peel orange into 6 wedges. Lightly toss in Olive Oil and a sprinkle of salt. Place wedges on the grill turning when mark is made. Pull off grill and place into refrigeration to cool.

Fennel and Red Onion Slaw:

Cut top off Fennel Bulb. Take the Fennel Bulb and with a mandoline on its thinnest cut shave Bulb, then Shave Red Onion. Next Finely Slice a small bunch of Chives and add to mix. Then Lightly toss in Olive Oil and Rice Vinegar with Salt and Pepper to taste. Place in cooler to keep cold.

Peppered Goat Cheese:

Get a Small Log of Goat Cheese and Crumble the

cheese. Next take Coarse Ground Black Pepper and Sprinkle about 1 Tbsp and mix in with the Goat Cheese. Place in cooler to keep cold.

Toasted Pine Nuts:

Preheat oven to 350 Degrees. Put Pine Nuts on Baking Pan. Place in Oven until they start to turn golden brown. Then Take out of oven and let cool.

Olive Oil and Kalamata Olive Vinaigrette

In a Blender Place ¼ cup Pitted Kalamata Olives, 1 Clove Garlic, 1 Tbsp Chopped Shallot, 2 tsp Fresh Thyme, 1/3 cup Rice Vinegar, 2 tsp Kosher Salt and 1 tsp Ground Black Pepper. Start to Blend, when to pureed consistency slowly add in 2/3- ¾ cup Olive Oil depending on desired Thickness. When Emulsified together taste to make sure desired flavor is how you want it.

Plating Salad:

Place Greens in center of plate, place three oranges one on a section near rim of plate, Put Fennel and Red Onion Slaw in center of greens, Next sprinkle Pine Nuts and Goat Cheese around Salad. Finally Drizzle Vinaigrette on Salad.

Baked Potatoes Vegetables Pasta Pesto

?? 17

the size of a hot water heater turned on its side. It is spun in order to separate olive oil, solids and water. This is by far the cleanest technique, as well. Selection:


This produces the absolute best olive oil. Olives are carefully selected to ensure olives that are ripe and ready to pick, and helps to dramatically reduce bruising. The process is much more expensive then machine picking however the olives are far superior.


Weather, climate, soil, and vintage are very similar to wine. Many experts feel this is even more important with olive oil then with wine. I think this would be hard to argue since the terroir (soil-ground) is critical to all farmed items.

Seasonal Picking and Pressing

Olive oils have significant flavor changes depending upon the time they are picked and pressed. Usually the best oils are harvested earlier with the olives are partially ripe. These oils tend to produce more fruity, robust, peppery olive oils than olive oils from olives that are harvested later in the season. The olives are usually picked in October, or the very latest, early November. Olives that are picked at two different times from the same estate will produce completely different tasting olive oil. Olive oil is a great way to add a different texture and taste to your meals. Come to Vine & Table to taste ten great extra-virgin olive oils daily on display in the gourmet market!

Olive Oil Specials Frantoia Italian (500 ml) List: $17.99 V & T: $12.99 Salvatore Mirisola Italian (500 ml) List: $49.99 V & T: $41.99 Muraccio Italian (500 ml) List: $28.99 V & T: $21.99

Tuesday, April Tuesday, May15,13,2008 2008

nd Offered in Progression o is typically made by splitting w, similar to roasting a pig.)

By Joe Husar


Asado Dinner

olive oil or exTra-virgin olive oil?

SAVING MONEY ON DRY CLEANING AND LOOKING GOOD DOING IT: Autrepeau tops are extremely thin undershirts designed to layer under clothes to alleviate the yellow underarm problem. The owner, Amy Kistler, tells me that customers love the fact that it saves them on dry cleaning bills and washing times and protects their clothing. And, since the garments are so lightweight, they don’t add any extra bulk under clothes. FIVE WAYS TO SPRUCE UP A BATHROOM 1. Paint the whole room, including the ceiling a deep, rich color. Even though this is a small room, a deep color on the walls allows them to fade away, and at once makes the room cozy and seem more spacious. 2. Get rid of the clutter! If you can’t get most of the makeup and shaving cream under the sink, (and who can?) pick up a few baskets from the dollar shop and corral them in. 3. Dress up that large frameless mirror. Hang swags of fabric from cup hooks to hide and soften the edges of the mirror, and to give it a frame. Or actually use cut lengths of 1x4 lumber, and attach them to the wall over the edges of the mirror to simulate a real wood frame. You can paint or stain them as well to coordinate with your cabinets. 4. Speaking of cabinets, how about giving them a quick redo? Paint them black for a sophisticated look, or white with sponge painting for a country theme. Try any of the hot faux finishes. You can even paint the Formica counters. Just clean well and use a special primer first such as BIN or KILZ. Then seal with 4-6 coats of polyurethane after the paint dries. It should last for years! 5. Add some detail to the room. Sew fabric edging to your towels, add a shell for a soap dish, and stitch up a pretty shower curtain to cover that vinyl one. Hang some calendar pictures on the wall in dollar store frames…perhaps of a faraway place you can dream about as you soak away your cares? NUMETREX RUNNING TANK TOP MONITORS HEART RATE: Made of quick drying nylon/Lycra fabric, the Heartbeat Tank contains patented fabric sensors in the inner shelf bra giving the wearer direct feedback that includes the time spent exercising, calories burned, and heart rate performance. A small pocket for a compatible snap-in transmitter is also in the shelf bra relaying the information to a compatible watch or cardio machine.

design errors: costly but valuable


ood taste is subjective. A plaid chair could provide a rich foundation for a masculine study, or it could look like over-stuffed Bermuda shorts.

indiscretions, war and hot wheels. It had to serve as gymnastic equipment and as a nap-time option. After pouring over thousands upon thousands of fabric swatches with toddler in tow, the clear winner was a Subjective. navy blue nubby textile. In retThere is one truism to interospect, I think that the fabric rior design that absolutely no that met my demands was made one will disagree with: mistakes from an early form of recycled are expensive. plastic. If that sofa is in a landAlmost two decades ago, I fill today, I am positive that the ordered my first custom furnifabric is still totally intact. ture. I was armed only with a Custom takes time in 2008, naive confidence and an intuiand it took even more time tive understanding of color and twenty years ago. Weeks passed scale. In retrospect, I did not after I made a deposit on this have sufficient life experience to custom sofa that I had painstakavoid the pitfalls. ingly planned. The house we owned in It was during that period of Vicky Early 1988 featured a mauve, blue waiting that I woke up at 3:00 Design and tan floral wallpaper from AM in a sweat. In the still of a company called Bousac of the night, I realized that I had France. I think I liked saying the name of not considered how this sofa, which was the wallpaper more than I liked the actual developed as a monument to durability, paper. Although the paper was only in the would actually look in the room. kitchen, the family room was an extension It may have been my imagination but I of that space. swear the delivery men had a look of pity The house was shiny and new, and I had on their faces when the sofa was delivered. that all-important husband approval for a Panic set in and I began to imagine peals new sofa! of laughter at the warehouse when my creThroughout the selection process, I obation was being loaded for delivery. Beads sessed on the elements that I judged to be of sweat developed on my upper lip. critical to the end product. This sofa had I wish I could say that when the wrapto be durable enough to withstand libation ping was removed, my fears dissipated

and the sofa was magnificent. That was not the case. My sofa looked like a long, upholstered Noxzema jar. The nubby blue fabric was the epitome of dissonance when paired with a curved sofa frame and placed in an area adjacent to the soft floral wallpaper from Bousac of France. It was horrible--really, really horrible. I don’t think my husband ever knew about my decorating lapse. I sold it at a yard sale before he had time to bond with my practical creation that still stars in an occasional nightmare to this day. Do I regret my mistake? Absolutely not. Some mistakes have to be made to avoid bigger ones in the future. I internalized “Big Blue” and have not forgotten, for even a moment, that one element builds on another. My intense desire for pain avoidance now triggers an immediate visualization of how a project will look when all elements are in place. One of the main things that a decorator brings to a project is “been there, done that.” Some mistakes can be avoided only by experience. Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact

Fine Lines, Inc. Hair & Nail Salon T h e w av e of The fuTure

europe is already 90% GeLS; the uSa will soon follow. The benefits over acrylics: natural look and feel, no lifting, and (most of all) odorless! Call for an appointment with Lynn.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008




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Carmel Arts: Rob Ryan will exhibit his work (oils, pastels, acrylics) on the Carmel Clay Library Art Wall during all dates the Library is open in May. Students from Woodbrook Elementary School will have art on exhibit at the World’s Smallest Children’s Art Gallery (40 West Main St.) on May 18 from 2-4 p.m.

By Barbara E. Cohen Current In Westfield Two potters from Carmel are among the 225 artists participating in this weekend’s Broad Ripple Art Fair, which raises money to support Indianapolis Art Center programs. Christine Davis (booth 107) and Judy DeGan (booth 35) will have raku and other glazed pottery for sale. Davis will spend a lot of time at the fair explaining exactly what raku is because the technique is better known on the West Coast than in the Midwest. Raku, a Japanese ceramic technique, involves a second firing of wheel-thrown pottery in a chamber with combustible materials, such as newsprint, which impart various smoky colors to the glaze. The potter cannot guarantee what the vessel will look like after the second firing. “What I like about raku is trying to control what’s essentially an uncontrollable process,” said Davis, who also runs the kiln for Loran Hill’s Art Center raku classes. Because the second step involves setting fire to small containers holding the pots, part of Davis’ Art Center job is keeping students from setting themselves ablaze while getting shiny coppers, greens, blues or golds to form on the surface of their vessels. Each piece that emerges from the fire is a unique work of art impossible to replicate.

LIBRARY PROGRAM: Off the Shelf, a new group for people in their 20s and 30s, will meet from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 22, in the Carmel Library’s Program Room. The topic for this month is “Financial Planning for Your Future.” Don Wylin, CFP, from BDK Financial Planning, Inc., will discuss financial planning from a perspective that is relevant to people in their 20s and 30s. Light refreshments will be served. Register for this free event by calling 8443362.

What: Dana Mecum’s Original Spring Classic Automobile Auction When: Thursday through Sunday, gates open for preview at 9 a.m. each day (check Web for auction start times) Where: Indiana State Fairgrounds, 1202 E. 38th St., Indianapolis Cost: $20 adults; free for children 12 and under Details: Crave a classic muscle car for summer cruisin’? Choose from over 1,000 muscle and classic collectible automobiles, including many convertibles, up for auction. Or just browse and dream. Info: (815) 568-8888, www.

Another Carmel potter, Judy DeGan of Piece of My Peace Pottery, offers sturdy utilitarian wares in a variety of everyday vessel forms. She sees a direct connection between her work and that of ancient potters. “Through the centuries, men and woman have transformed simple clay into beautiful, functional vessels,” she said. “As


Barbara E. Cohen is a freelance writer who covers the arts for Current in Westfield and teaches art history at Ivy Tech Community College. Please send comments or story ideas at

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Carmel High School’s planetarium will present, “More Than Meets the Eye,” May 17, with the first of two 45-minute shows at 7 p.m., followed by an 8 p.m. show. The show will focus on what can be seen in the night sky with the naked eye and include observatory astrophotos, spacecraft images and small telescope views. Tickets ($4 for adults and $2 for children and seniors) are on sale now in the bookstore. Children under 12 should be accompanied by an adult.

Judy DeGan

a modern potter, I treasure this connection to history, but I want my pieces to be taken off a shelf and used.” When looking at an old ceramic vessel, DeGan imagines the hand of the maker controlling its forms and embellishments. So too, she hopes people using her pots and plates will see the gentle alterations made by her hands, even tracing the marks made by her fingers. Each object is intended to enrich the life of the person who owns it. Other Hamilton County artists scheduled to participate include Carmel jeweler Mark Grosser (booth 34) and Noblesville steel fabricator Joanie Drizin (booths 21 and 22). The 38th Broad Ripple Art Fair takes place 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday at the Indianapolis Art Center, 820 East 67th Street (just east of College Avenue). Tickets are $12 for adults in advance (Fifth Third Bank branches, Marsh Supermarkets and the Indianapolis Art Center), $15 at the gate, and $2 for children ages 3-12. For more information, call (317) 255-2464 or visit


CHILDREN’S AUTHOR: Junie B. Jones (of the children’s book series) and her Smelly Bus will be at the Carmel Meijer (1425 West Carmel Dr) at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, May 18, to visit and sign autographs with her fans. For event guidelines and additional information, call 573-8300.

raku ‘n’ roll: potters at the broad ripple art fair



Smokey Potato Packets Ingredients:

Sonia Smith Clay Terrace

Where she likes to eat? Red Robin Burgers What she likes to eat there? The Royal Burger What do you like about Red Robin? I like that all the employees have fun, and I like the crazy art on the walls. Red Robin 14599 Clay Terrace Blvd. Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 574-0102 Sunday-Thursday: 11 a.m.-10p.m. Friday-Saturday: 11 a.m.-11 p.m.

About 1/3 cup olive oil 2 lbs. new potatoes, sliced thinly (1/4-inch) 2 slices of a sweet Spanish onion, or 4 slices yellow onion, thinly sliced 3/4 tsp. dried rosemary leaves or 1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary leaves 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. pepper or pinch of cayenne pepper


1. When the fire is lit but not ready, lay out 8 pieces of foil (about 12 by 8 inches) and brush with olive oil. Shingle an eighth of the potatoes in a circle in the center of each piece of foil. Break the onion

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Carmel Arts & Design District will play host to the first Carmel Artomobilia – a celebration of the art and design of the automobile on June 14. The event will include 100 cars, spanning 100 years - from the early 20th century to contemporary. The event takes place from noon to 6 p.m. Several city blocks will be closed to make room for an outdoor gallery of seminal designs from automotive history. Galleries, restaurants and design houses in the district will join with collector-car owners to present a display of automotive design on wheels and on canvas. The free-admission show is expected to attract more than 10,000 visitors.


42 Below Kiwi Vodka Ingredients 1 part 42 Below Kiwi Vodka 5 parts mango nectar or juice 8 mint leaves


slices into rings and scatter evenly over each potato ring. Equally divide the remaining olive oil, rosemary, salt and pepper over the potatoes. 2. With the potato rings intact, bring the two large edges of foil to the center, sealing firmly. Fold over the other two short edges to seal. Place on a medium or medium-hot fire for 20 to 25 minutes or until the potatoes are cooked through. (Cooking in foil packets is not an exact science, so remember to check one packet after 20 minutes for doneness and to make sure the bottom isn’t burning. If necessary, finish cooking with another foil sheet under the packets.) Serves 8.

Among the cars anticipated are: • The incredibly rare Bugatti Veyron - the fastest production car in the world. • Lamborghini Gallardo. • Noble M400 • Porsche Carrera GT3. • The limited edition Aston Martin AR1. • Audi R8. The classic section includes many notable names in Indiana’s automotive heritage, including: • Auburn. • Cord. • Duesenberg. • Stutz. • Studebaker. Other event attractions include early racers, several associated with the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. In addition to the cars, two-time Indianapolis 500 winner Al Unser Jr. will be the guest of honor. Also, his son, Al Unser III, will be present with display cars from his Firestone Indy Lights racing team.

Directions 1. Fill a highball glass with ice. 2. Add the mint leaves and vodka. 3. Top with nectar or juice. 4. Stir well.


El Torito Grill 8650 Keystone Crossing Indianapolis, IN 46240 Phone: 848-5202 Hours: Monday-Thursday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Friday-Saturday 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m.-10 p.m. El Torito Grill is proclaiming a “Mexican Revolution” with contemporary and native Mexican foods. The restaurant specializes in homemade tortillas, fresh salsas, deep-fried ice cream, margaritas and cuisine. Its goal is to blend traditional Mexican dishes with contemporary tastes nationwide. Chef specials at Keystone include seafood chimichanga, enchiladas suizas and mesquite-grilled salmon. El Torito Grill has several locations on the West Coast; the Keystone location is the first outside Southern California. The restaurant is part of parent company Real Mex Restaurants’ commitment to spreading the concept of upscale Mexican dining.

church building and community sports fields.


Kiss Z Cook 890 E. 116th St. Ste.125, Carmel Due to the amazing response that we received from a Date Night in Paris, we thought it would be a good idea to experience more of France. The country has more than Paris to offer. Take, for example, the Riviera. Come and explore the cuisines of this coastal region of France. We will be making some exciting dishes on this night of romance. Join us Friday, May 16, at 7:00 p.m. Cost is $125.00 per couple. Call 815.0681 for more information. North Communities Church Presents John David Webster in Concert Summer Kick off Celebration of Faith, Family and Friendship Location: Westfield High School Auditorium When: Saturday, June 7th @ 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m. Ticket Information: go to or call 317-896-9898 Proceeds to benefit NCC in purchase of land for future



The Foreigner The Carmel Community Players will be performing an inspired comic romp, equal in inventive hilarity to the author’s classic comedy The Nerd. This play demonstrates what can happen when a group of devious characters must deal with a stranger who (they think) knows no English. The scene is in a lodge where the “exotic foreigner” overhears more than he should from a group of strangers with a lot of sinister, fun, and secrets. Directed by Ron Creviston and Dick Davis, the final performances will be this Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 for students, children, and seniors. For reservations and more information, call 815-9387 or log on to www.


Live Music: Muldoon’s 111 W. Main Street, Suite 100, Carmel Thursday, May 15, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. featuring Jeff DeHerdt Saturday, May 17, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. featuring Siochain Visit www. or call 571-1116 for more information.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008



DISPATCHES ON THE GO INTERNET HOT SPOT: No matter where you are, your internet connection can be reached though a little box. These boxes come from companies like Kyocera, Junxion and Top Global, and they’re every bit as awesome as they sound. Plug it into a power outlet — or even your car’s cigarette lighter — and boom, you and everyone within 200 feet could get onto the Internet at high speed, without wires. These wireless boxes cost $60 a month to use.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

THE APPLE IMAC: The Apple iMac (24-inch Penryn) is the iconic all-in-one desktop that others try emulate. Its aluminumand-glass face evokes the iPhone and iPod Touch. A successor to the aluminum 20-inch iMac, it upgrades the screen to 1,920 by 1,200 pixels—big enough to view true HD video content. This newest iteration of iMac is powered by the new IntelPenryn

(45nm) Core 2 Duo E8235 processor, which allows lower energy usage and offers greater computing power than the Merom chips in older iMacs. The extra power helps the iMac maintain its place in the vanguard of all-in-one AN AFFORDABLE INTERNET RADIO: The Grace Wireless Internet Radio is one of the few Wi-Fi radios available in the American market and--for less than $200--the price is right. At the end of the day, the Grace Wireless Internet Radio excels at its main purpose: pumping out thousands of Internet radio stations with solid sound quality. There’s an LCD readout in the upper right that can display about four lines of text at a time. Down and to the left of the display are nine buttons, used for playback, storing presets and navigation.

Should you install Windows XP Service Pack 3? For those unfamiliar with a Service Pack it doesn’t know until they release a Service (SP), think of it as a collection of updates, Pack. To that end, the safe money will sit patches and enhancements for a software on the sidelines for a month or so to let all program all rolled into one download. of the potential issues surface before taking Service Pack 3 is the long-awaited major the plunge. update for Windows XP (SP2 Microsoft planned to make was released in August of 2004) SP3 available on April 29 but that is mainly the collection of halted its release when it found all previous downloads along a compatibility issue with one of with some minor enhancements. its own fairly obscure software Most of the enhancements programs called RMS (Retail are designed to assist users who Management System), which, manage large numbers of comoddly enough, is what we use in puters on business networks; our Data Doctor stores across however, some of the security the country. enhancements will be beneficial They plan to release the for all users. update once they either have Various entities on the a fix for the RMS issue or an Internet that have tested Service automatic block for systems that Pack 3 claim that they have seen are running RMS. Gary Hubbard performance improvements--as If you keep your systems Technology much as 10 percent--on their updated on a regular basis, you test systems after installing the probably have most of the fixes update (your mileage may vary). that are in SP3 already, so rushing out and Microsoft is making no claims of iminstalling it as soon as it’s available isn’t that proved performance for Windows XP syscritical. tems, but then again, anything that could If your computer is running “mission cause consumers to stick with XP over Vista critical” applications, being cautious about is not something Microsoft would want to installing any major update to your operatpromote. ing system is always the way to go. If you The real concern with major updates of have more than one Windows XP comthis nature is that we don’t know what we puter, installing the update on a system that don’t know. More importantly, history has isn’t relied upon as heavily is a good way to shown that Microsoft doesn’t know what understand how the update might impact

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your computers, especially in a business environment. For those who want to control when Service Pack 3 is installed on their Windows XP systems, a simple change to the way Windows handles updates will do the trick. To access the Automatic Update configuration interface, right-click on My Computer and then select Properties to open the System Properties window. Next, click on the “Automatic Updates” tab and select the “Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them” option. This will tell Windows to download updates as they become available and notify you so you can decide when or if you want to install them. A yellow shield will appear in your Systray (lower right hand corner next to the clock) to notify you that new updates are available for installation, so don’t ignore the yellow shield! When you double-click the yellow shield, a screen will appear with an Express Install or Custom Install option for the updates. Choose the Custom Install update if you want to decide what does and does not get installed in your system. Gary Hubbard is Owner of Data Doctors Computer Services - www.datadoctors. com Have a technology question? Send it to

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008




dealing with jesus

en Stein’s recent movie Expelled freedom to invent secular views like evolupresents Intelligent Design/ tion, humanism, and broad and competCreation as a salient life sciing swaths of philosophy–or conversely, to ence subverted by 150 years discover God, life, love, purpose, salvation, of incomplete-yetrelationships and truth in the burgeoning and now-pervasive Bible–too often create conflict, Darwinian/Evolution worldview not understanding. For the and education. record, I don’t think science is The 1996 PBS NOVA episode specifically secular or necessarily entitled “The Ultimate Journey,” divisive. a video on evolution comIn discussing the Creationmonly shown in high school versus-Evolution issue with a biology classes with fascinating friend from church, wondering microphotography of embryos, why so many people insist on confidently asserts itself as “The separating science and scripOdyssey of Life,” a veritable ture, she said, “The problem is highlight reel of how life works. that if you deal with Creation, The video contains this direct you have to deal with the Bible. Bob Walters quotation: “We don’t know how And if you deal with the Bible, Spirituality life began.” then you have to deal with Jesus How odd. I know how life … and a lot of people don’t began: God created life and us. The Bible lays want to go there.” it out plainly in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. So true. The thing is, we should recThe fact that there is life because God ognize that our individuality, uniqueness wanted there to be life–and our trying to and significance all come from Jesus, not figure out the how and why of life based Darwin. Evolution defeats all those ideas, on that–is entirely different, and I daresay and Darwin doesn’t demand that we act more satisfying, than evolutionists stuffily correctly and love each other. saying, “we don’t know how life began,” and We’d all be better off dealing with Jesus. foregoing any explanation of why life exists. Bob Walters ( finds dinosaur To an evolutionist, there is no why. bones and carbon dating quite fascinating, Creationism is different. That’s because the Bible is different, and Jesus is different. but not as fascinating as his relationship with God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. Our God-given human creativity and

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he collapse of the subprime mortquick closings and easy qualifications--often gage market in turn adversely using a “stated� income program (a.k.a. affected the real estate market. “Liar’s Loan�). If these loans weren’t availToday, it is much harder to get real able, a good portion of the recent housing estate financing than it was two boom would not have happened. years ago. Either way you look at it, in There are plenty of voices in most cases the law wasn’t broken. the media that place the blame on And when you hear about forethe lenders. The argument is that closure situations resulting from homebuyers were unknowingly a rate adjustment, there is never placed with loans that were set to any mention of the thousands of adjust to levels that many of them dollars saved every month by the couldn’t afford. Assuming that same homeowner who enjoyed most of these borrowers were not the use of perhaps a $300,000 made fully aware of the potential home for $900 a month for two adjustments, other than in the years. Had they put any money fine print, you can conclude that aside at all, they could have the industry is, at least in part, to bought down the loan to reduce blame for their own demise. their payment or to put themNathan I don’t think it is that simple. selves in a lower loan-to-value Thornberry Sure, writing these loans as category where they could comopposed to conforming loans fortably refinance the debt. was a great deal easier and more profitable Nathan Thornberry, a Carmel resident, is for everyone from the mortgage broker on owner of Residential Warranty Services. E-mail up. On the other hand, the buyers wanted him at

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

the debate over predatory lending


I just caught up with one of Carmel’s all “We always had to fight with people time greats—Jim Steckley–who is actually who wanted to use our lot for the Carmel a member of the Carmel High School Hall Theatre. We had to guard the lot on weekof Fame. Jim moved to Carmel with his ends. It was nuts,� said a smiling Steckley. family at age 5 in 1945. He attended Carmel Jim had started catering with the Mr. schools for 12 years. “My class of ’58 had 51 Chicken and continued at The Olde House. kids in it,� says Jim. “This year is In the late 1970s, he opened The our 50th Anniversary!� Cannery—later Occasions—off After Carmel High and a stint SR 31 in Westfield. I remember in the Navy, Jim attended both the annual O’Malia Christmas I.U. Extension (pre IUPUI–only Party was held there. We always natives will remember this!) and had a blast. Jim catered open then the University of Hawaii. houses for the grand openings of He also sold insurance for John four O’Malia stores, including Hancock from 1964 through 1969 126th and Gray in 1982. He while going to school. He also was also handled the annual O’Malia co-owner of a Mr. Chicken carry Employee Picnic. Quite an out at 38th and College prior to endeavor! opening his own Mr. Chicken In 1987, Jim and I co-sponat 106th and College, which, of sored and co-chaired Carmel’s course, is where he met my father, Sesquicentennial Barbecue. A Danny O’Malia the late Joe O’Malia. real wingding–literally! Jim reJim remembered himself and membered how we “beat up our a partner signing the contract for the Mr. suppliers and got the cost down to about $4 Chicken on 38th Street “on the back of a or $5. Everybody in Carmel was there.� The Hook’s Placemat at the lunch counter of the event was held where City Hall now stands. Hook’s at 38th & College.� He also rememAlong with the July 4 Parade (the same day), bers being very lucky that the fellow who this was the original Carmelfest. Jim and I sold it to them was an honest man because were dog tired after that one, but it was really “We sure didn’t know what we were doing!� great. Jim continued, “When I found out Jim’s next big project was Oak Hill your dad was opening that second store on Mansion. He remembers “moving the entire Rangeline, I decided to buy the property building from across Hazel Dell.� He also across the street and open a real, honest-toowned the Arbitorium in Noblesville. He goodness restaurant. The owner had quoted has sold all these businesses. He dabbles in a price of $10,000 for the parking lot piece. real estate and loves fishing—especially off When he found out O’Malia’s was coming, Pine Island, Florida near Ft. Myers. He and he raised it to $15,000.� Jim then bought his wife Ginny still have a home in Carmel. the lot next door for The Olde House—for If you visit one of Jim’s places, you are always $30,000. Years later he bought another lot greeted by Ginny’s smile. Jim has three adult across the alley to the south for more parkchildren and two “little grandkids.� ing. There was one lot in between that he Danny O’Malia is a contributor to Current could not purchase. I remember having to Publishing. E-mail him at dannyo@thetrustuse that second lot more than once myself!

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BIRDIE BAKED GOODS: Here are some ways for you to do some at-home baking for your at-home bird. Why not try some Birdie Cornbread? Start off by making the cornbread mix as directed on the package. Add an extra egg--leave in the egg shells also--and 1 cup frozen mixed vegetables. Bake as directed on package. Cool. Cut into serving-size pieces. Freeze in small freezer bags until needed. Defrost and serve.

rescue dogs: ‘pick me!’

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

By Michele Alexander Current in Westfield

THE BEST SNAKES FOR POTENTIAL OWNERS: For new owners who are inexperienced with snakes, corn snakes, king snakes or ball pythons are the best choice for pets. These types of snakes tend to be gentle, and meeting their diet and environmental needs is not as difficult as for some other species. These are relatively small snakes, ranging from 4-5 feet adult length (up to 7 feet for some king snakes). - BACKYARD DOG AGILITY COURSE: You can bring dog agility to your own backyard, and you can do it even if you are on a budget. In order to start your dog in agility, you need to have several pieces of equipment: a teeter board, tunnel, collapsed tunnel, standard jumps, tire jumps, weave poles, pause table, and dog walk. Any dog, no matter what breed, can benefit from being involved in agility. Agility equipment can be expensive, but with a budget of $150.00 you can have your own dog agility course. - THE HOLISTIC PET TREND: There are many steps to raising a holistic pet. One of the ways is minimizing vaccinations. Over-vaccination is harmful and may predispose your pet to allergies and autoimmune disorders (like thyroid disease, anemias, etc.). More information at

If you are looking to add to your pack, consider a rescue dog. Rescue dogs come in all breeds, sizes and ages, and they are all deserving of a loving permanent home. Rescue dogs make instant companions, and unlike puppies, you know exactly what their temperaments are and what they look like. The following tips can help you in the process of adopting a rescue dog from a local shelter or breed-specific rescue group. • Talk to the adoption counselor. The adoption counselor can help match you with the right dog for your family based on your lifestyle, needs and physical surroundings. He or she should also be able to offer tips to help acquaint your new dog to your home. • Introduce the dog to all family members. Before committing to a rescue dog, arrange time for the dog, your family and even other pets to spend time together getting to know each other.

• Bring your new dog home when you have plenty of time to orient him to his new home Ideally, bring the dog home at a time when all family members are home and new routines can be established. • Consider an obedience class. A basic obedience class can make the dog’s transition to his new home a smooth one and enhance the bonding process. • Socialize your rescue dog As your rescue dog settles in to his new home, introduce him to plenty of sociable human and canine friends. Socialization will help develop the dog’s self-esteem which should, in turn, help him become confident and obedient. Rescue dogs can make a great addition to your family. Take the time to visit your local shelter or breed-specific groups to find the dog that will look lovingly into your eyes and say, “pick me!” Michele Alexander is the owner Camp Bow Wow. You may reach her at

FOR THE LOVE OF DOGS, A DOG BAKERY Isabelle says: We now carry the new Holistic Select Small and Mini Breed Puppy and Adult Formula

Isabelle 816 W. Main St., Carmel 317-582-1DOG or 317-582-1364 Mon through Fri: 10-7 Sat: 10-6 • Sun: Closed

Grief upon the loss of a pet is a normal response, and a very individual one. For some people, grieving for a pet that has died may be a more difficult process than grieving for a human loved one. One reason is that the support network of understanding and caring people may be smaller. If a person has lost a human loved one, the friends, family, co-workers and others will all be understanding. This is often not the case when a pet dies. We know that grieving is a complex process which includes a number of stages. These stages include: • Denial (a defense mechanism). • Bargaining (“If you recover, I will never scold you again.”). • Anger (mostly for feeling the pet has abandoned them). • Sadness (For many people, losing a pet may be one of the saddest experiences they Continued on p.27

Continued from p.26 will ever have.). • Resolution (We are able to accept that our wonderful friend has died.). The stages may come in a recognized sequence or they may appear as a complex series of emotions and feelings. The length of each stage varies with each person, and often among cultures. Some people may return to a particular stage, such as anger, time and again. Others may reach resolution quite quickly. It does not mean they loved their pet any less; it is just their individual reaction to their loss. In most instances, the grieving process may continue for a few months to almost a year. -




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Tuesday, May 13, 2008



Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) in Dogs and Cats: Urinary Tract infections may result from insufficient water intake and are most commonly caused by the bacteria, E.coli. There are substances in cranberries (vaccinium macrocarpon) and bluberries (vaccinium myrtilus) that have been shown in a number of clinical trials to prevent the adhesion of E.coli to the bladder wall and uretha. If the bacteria are unable to attach, they are washed out of the urinary tract during urination, and an infection cannot develop. Increased water intake will assit in flushing out infections and can be achieved by feeding a canned food which can contain up to 78 percent moisture. Dog and cat food should be as close to neutral P.H. as possible (neutral P.H. is 7).

Tuesday, May 13, 2008




recently got a new PIN for a credit spamming or they’d tell the authorities card, bringing to something like on me. Then I got one from the authoritwenty the number of PINs and pass- ties telling me--in short words and simple words I’m expected to have on instant sentences because only a moron would let recall in order to go about my 21stthis happen--that it appeared I had been century business. hacked. I have PINs for cards. I have Now, it certainly wasn’t as bad PINs for telephones. I have passas it could have been. Thanks to words and passphrases to use on lucky coincidence, I stumbled various computers with various onto the hack mere seconds programs. I even have a passafter it had happened. And my sentence, which is something finances were safe. I already I’d like to do on the people who knew better than to store my made it all necessary. And why is credit card numbers and such in it necessary? To prevent hacking. my computer, preferring instead I got hacked. to have them tattooed on my My security was inadequate, forehead. which made me feel not only viJust kidding. I kept them olated, but also old. Remember, where they belonged: on the Mike Redmond I come from a world where credit cards, in my wallet, which Humor security meant memorizing your at all times is close to my ... well, locker combination. not my heart. Further south. This happened several months ago, and At the time, I was using the same passto be honest, I didn’t know it until the word for a lot of my computer stuff, and hacker sent one of those embarrassing email I decided this was foolishness that had to solicitations that offers low prices on–well, stop. I embarked on a new program of it ain’t Geritol, let’s put it that way--from changing all my passwords and PINs so that one of my e-mail accounts to another. no two were exactly alike. It took a while, The receiving account was one I don’t but I got it done. Then I set about the task really use anymore. I’ve had it since I of memorizing them from a cheat sheet. I’m bought my first computer, a Flintstone 100. still working on that part. Back then, the only way to get a decent Frankly, I don’t know if it will ever get price on a computer was to sign a muldone. Seems like every day I run into sometiple-year contract with an Internet Service thing that’s going to require me writing a Provider with a reputation that made all new password or PIN on the cheat sheet. your computer-savvy friends snicker. Or There’s only one problem. in the case of my brother, laugh so hard he I can’t remember where I hid it. shot root beer from his nostrils. I logged on (surprised that I remembered Mike Redmond is an author, journalist, humorist and speaker. Write him at mike@ the password) and found the or P.O. Box 44385, tioned e-mail lounging in the in-box. Hey, Indianapolis, IN 46244. I thought, I don’t remember sending that. I opened it and saw that I was offering the Internet’s lowest prices on It Ain’t Geritol. I REALLY don’t remember sending that, I thought. Quickly, I switched over to the sending account. In that inbox I found messages from roughly half the computer users in North America telling me to knock it off with the


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Life-Changing Experience



Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Dick Wolfsie is a syndicated columnist, author and public speaker. Write him at


I got an email the other day that was pretty special and I’d like to share it with you. Dear Dick, Thank you so very much for your sensitivity, generosity and kindness. You will never know what a difference you made in my life. Jerry I just had one question. Who’s Jerry? Mary Ellen thought I was making this up. “How can you not know who Jerry is? You changed his life.” “I know, I know, but the name doesn’t ring a bell.” “Fine, but doesn’t the changing his life part ring a bell?” This was very frustrating for me because I’m not really that wonderful a guy and I usually don’t do a great deal of life changing. In fact, I’d Dick Wolfsie say I change someHumor one’s life only about once every six or eight years, so you’d think I’d remember a guy named Jerry. Nope. Not a clue. I went back through my appointment book to see if I had made any appointments that had life-altering possibilities. It was actually kind of depressing because I saw no potential in the last six months for any such accomplishment. In fact, I didn’t have much evidence in my appointment calendar for any displays of sensitivity or generosity. Truth is, if I had gotten a letter from someone saying: Dear Dick: You insensitive, ungenerous lout. You are not a very kind person. Thanks for messing up my life. …well, a letter like that I could understand. That could have been from anybody. But this one? Jerry? Jerry?? Heaven help me. Who is Jerry? Wait, I had an idea. I went to my computer and typed in “Jerry.” Now we were getting somewhere. There were two million Web sites with the name Jerry—the first 2,000 had something to do with gourmet ice cream, the next 3,000 were fan clubs for Leave It to Beaver and 2,500 more were for Jerry Springer. Jerry may have thought I changed his life, but I didn’t. That’s why I couldn’t remember. It was some random act of kindness that I bestowed on someone—someone whose name I never got. I started feeling better about myself. I am a kind and generous guy. I have changed a life and I had no motive other than the knowledge that I made a difference. I was content. No I wasn’t. Please, Lord, who is Jerry?


Tuesday, May 13, 2008




By Larry Greene, Case Handyman & Remodeling

Question: What are the latest trends in bathroom re-

modeling in Carmel? Answer: Bathroom remodeling is the second most popular type of remodeling behind kitchens. One of the major drives of bathroom remodeling in our local market is the desire to update. Bathroom finish options have changed and improved so much in recent years that even bathrooms in homes fewer than ten years old can appear dated. Consider the following trends in bathroom remodeling: 1. Environmentally Friendly Products and Water Conservation: There is a growing awareness and interest from homeowners to consider environmentally friendly and “sustainable” products for the bathroom. Homeowners are selecting new toilets with water-saving technology. The Toto brand “Ultra-max” toilet is very popular, and, despite the water savings, it works well. This Japanese company is the industry leader in water-saving technology. Homeowners are also interested in LED lighting. LED light bulbs offer tremendous energy savings and are being incorporated into bathroom lighting fix-

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tures. Look for the price of LED lighting to decline in the next year as the demand increases. 2. Accessibility and Universal Design for an Aging Population: Homeowners are thinking about making the home better suited to meet the needs of an aging and less-mobile population. This includes features such as designing a shower with a low or curbless threshold that allows for a wheel chair or makes the entry into the shower safer and easier. Other popular features include an elevated “comfort-height” toilet, grab bars and wall-mounted sinks that are accessible to wheelchairs. 3. Plumbing Fixtures: The biggest trend we see is the use of dual shower heads, hand-held showers and rainfall shower heads. The shower has become the focal point of the bathroom, at the expense of jetted and soaking tubs. Remember to consult a professional to analyze your existing water pressure and how much hot water you will need. You may need a larger capacity water heater to ensure a long, hot shower. Have a remodeling question? Ask Larry Greene, owner of Case Handyman & Remodeling. You may e-mail him at lgreene@ or call 846.2600.


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depending on the counsel of a reputable shop. Over time they will get to know you and then be able to recommend the appropriate services needed based on your maintenance intensity. 3. What information should drivers have available for the shop when they arrive? The vehicle mileage helps us to know what items should need service. If the issue is a symptom-related problem, details are wonderful. We use questionnaires for customer check-in as well as specific issues or problems. The questionnaires are an awesome tool to help us gather enough information so the technician can quickly verify the complaint to begin the diagnostic process, so filling paperwork out completely and accurately is very important. Consider the doctor-patient relationship. Familiarity with the patient assists in the care process. If you are one of my customers, our maintenance program allows us to track your mileage and send factory reminders when specific services are due. This also allows us to monitor minor issues to put off or avoid unnecessary repair expenses. I recommend having one shop take care of your car. Get to know them through regular maintenance visits. Then when something big happens, you’ve got someone to call whom you trust.

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Ensuring a smooth ride

1. In order to ensure that consumers’ vehicles run smoothly, what maintenance schedule should drivers follow? The simplest answer is to follow the maintenance schedule provided by the vehicle manufacturer. The list, depending on the vehicle’s mileage, can be pretty exhaustive. Some places will charge considerable fees to perform these inspections, but we cover most of the maintenance schedule items when performing our regular oil Bob Waeiss change with a tire Automotive rotation. So if you are going to a respectable shop, oil changes and tires rotations should keep you on track. 2. What auto repairs and maintenance items are unnecessary or a waste of money? This is a difficult question because it’s all necessary. Drivers need to assess how well they want to maintain their cars and go from there. Some folks want everything from the maintenance schedule done line by line, and some folks are the other extreme and are barely willing to change the oil in their vehicles. Again, I suggest

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May 2 12:36:38, investigation, 5563 Salem Drive S 1:35:31 a.m., f als serious, 10725 Westfield Blvd 2:26:16 a.m., investigation, 13500 N Meridian St 2:38:17 a.m., burglary, 13865 Stone Haven Drive 3:09:05 a.m., animal complaint, 826 S Park Trail Drive 5:54:49 a.m., alarm hold up, 14153 Charity Chase Circle 6:36:36 a.m., animal complaint, East 116th St / Hazel Dell Parkway 6:49:06 a.m., alarm burglar, 11784 Eden Estates Place 7:44:42 a.m., accident property damage, 13989 Hazel Dell Parkway 7:54:40 a.m., suspicious activity, Rosalind Place /

East 136th St 8:01:11 a.m., accident property damage, 301 E Carmel Drive 8:50:54 a.m., assist other dept, 5688 Pebblestone Court 9:13:03 a.m., accident property damage, West 136th St / Old Meridian Street 10:27:00 a.m., investigation, 606 Station Drive 10:27:36 a.m., criminal mischief, 1869 Arrowwood Drive 11:14:42 a.m., alarm burglar, 2034 Rhettsbury St 12:00:02 p.m., accident property damage, East 116th St / South Rangeline Road 12:59:30 p.m., investigation, 5940 Mckinges Circle 1:12:04 p.m., assist other dept, 520 E Main St 1:24:39 p.m., acc pi, West Carmel Drive / Pennsylvania Street 1:37:34 p.m., investigation, East 96th St / Monon Trail 1:30:28 p.m., missing person, 12491 Bellingrath St 2:00:07 p.m., investigation, 10665 Kings Mill Drive 2:07:56 p.m., theft, 3530 Hawthorne Drive W 2:24:03 p.m., accident property damage, 3rd Ave Sw / City Center Drive 2:26:41 p.m., accident property damage, 251 West Main St 2:29:52 p.m., accident property damage, State Road 431 S / East 136th St 2:38:04 p.m., accident property damage, Medical Drive / South Rangeline Road 4:09:33 p.m., accident property damage, East 116th St / State Road 431 N 4:13:30 p.m., accident property damage, South Rangeline Road / East Main Street 4:09:33 p.m., accident property damage, East 116th St / State Road 431 N 4:12:57 p.m., solicitor, Twin Springs Drive / Lakeshore Drive E 4:30:55 p.m., accident property damage, North Meridian Street / West Carmel Drive 4:55:48 p.m., alarm burglar, 12850 Horseferry Road 5:20:46 p.m., juvenile complaint, 12745 Crescent Drive 6:05:30 p.m., driving complaint, 31 I 465 E 6:10:20 p.m., alarm burglar, 2343 Blisland St 6:15:05 p.m., solicitor, 3518 Timber Springs Court 6:16:54 p.m., accident property damage, 3230 E 96th St 6:38:45 p.m., alarm burglar, 800 E 96th St



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Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Parkview Place 7:38:25 p.m., ordinance misc, 1424 W Carmel Drive 8:36:33 p.m., accident property damage, 31 I 465 E 8:44:25 p.m., alarm burglar, 12360 Warrenburg Way

May 3 12:27:46 a.m., suspicious activity, Monon Trail / West Main Street 1:51:32 a.m., driving complaint, North Meridian St / West 136th Street 4:39:11 a.m., alarm burglar, 10202 N Meridian St 5:22:54 a.m., suspicious activity, Charles Court / Woodfield Drive 5:39:54 a.m., theft, 1708 E 116th St 7:09:18 a.m., missing person, 1424 W Carmel Drive 7:41:55 a.m., accident property damage, 520 E Main St 8:32:32 a.m., accident property damage, 2100 E 116th St 9:38:24 a.m., alarm burglar, 1020 W 116th St 11:54:34 a.m., alarm burglar, 14460 Welford Way 12:30:33 p.m., found/lost property, 310 Shoshone Drive 12:42:34 p.m., animal complaint, 810 Mohawk Hills Drive 1:06:00 p.m., accident property damage, West Carmel Drive / North Meridian Street 1:20:31 p.m., damage to property, High Drive / Hillcrest Drive 1:56:09 p.m., assist public, 4719 Brookshire Parkway 2:51:58 p.m., animal complaint, 228 Legacy Lane 2:58:55 p.m., juvenile complaint, 3525 W 126th St 3:33:07 p.m., alarm burglar, 12850 Horseferry Road 3:48:06 p.m., theft, 3400 E 96th St 4:48:07 p.m., assist public, 3 Civic Square 4:51:34 p.m., animal complaint, 2709 Laura Drive 5:52:58 p.m., assist other dept, 93rd St / North Meridian Street 6:39:14 p.m., alarm burglar, 12742 Hamilton Crossing Blvd 6:53:39 p.m., investigation, 770 E 126th St 7:21:25 p.m., suspicious activity, State Road 431 N / East 96th St 7:26:00 p.m., animal complaint, Meadow Lane /


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7:20:09 p.m., alarm burglar, 90 Executive Drive 8:41:10 p.m., disturbance, Keystone Way / Station Drive 9:19:38 p.m., alarm burglar, 800 E 96th St 10:00:08 p.m., investigation, 3 Civic Square 10:16:38 p.m., assist other dept, 1314 S Rangeline Road 10:29:00 p.m., alarm burglar, 800 E 96th St


Daniel Merritt Murphy, 66, passed away on April 24, 2008, in California. He was born on May 3, 1941, to Merritt and Olive Jessup Murphy. After growing up in Hamilton County, Dan graduated from Carmel High School in 1959 and Iowa State University in 1963. He was employed with Eli Lily and later with Murphy Products Company in Wisconsin. Dan was always interested in auto racing. He raced in SCCA as a hobby for several years, winning one year on total points in both Arizona and California. He continued to be active in the organization. Under the direction of the World Food Bank, Dan, along with others from Arizona University, was sent to Poland to assist the many families who had been given small plots to grow gardens. He also spent a year in Saudi Arabia teaching the people how to raise a plant that would produce cooking oil. Currently, Dan owned a landscaping business in Loreto Bay on Baha, Mexico, where a new resort area was being built. He was preceded in death by his father. Survivors include his wife, Jeanine Murphy; mother Olive Murphy Morford; brothers, Richard “Dick” Murphy (Janice), Mark Murphy (Dyan); sister, Peggy Sechrist (Richard). A memorial service will be held at 1:00 P.M. on Saturday, May, 10, 2008 in the Carmel Friends Church, where Dan attended during his adolescent years, and will be officiated by Pastor Wayne Carter.

Getting hit by a car is the second leading cause of injury-related deaths among children 5 to 9 years old. Because depth perception isn’t fully developed at this age, children can’t accurately judge the distance of an approaching car. Drivers must slow down and be alert in areas where children live and play. Find where you can pick up your FREE yard sign at

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