March 17, 2009

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PACERS’ McROBERTS RETURNS HOME / p8 ton Stei n (lef t) and par tne r Dav e Mor

A cough that lingers after a cold is a sign of asthma.

Photo by CW Photography

Carmel resident Todd Stein has lent his investment property as St. Margaret’s Guild’s Decorators’ Show Home for 2009 / p2

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Carmel resident Todd Stein has lent his investment property as St. Margaret’s Guild’s Decorators’ Show for Home 2009 By Brandie Bohney Current in Carmel

Real estate investor Todd Stein has done some house flipping in his time, though that isn’t his primary investment. In fact, in the past five years, rehab-and-resell projects have been at a minimum. But that didn’t stop him and partner Dave Morton from taking one on two years ago – even though the house (at 1388 Queens Way in Carmel) is worth $2.4 million, or 34 times more than the average house Stein used to flip. “We had dealt with a number of houses on the lower end of the market,” Stein said. “We jumped way to the other end and skipped everything in the middle.” Unfortunately, the timing of the purchase was not ideal. The real estate market began to slide while the home was undergoing renovations, and the house has not yet sold. But even in a cloudy market, there was a silver lining: The house was available to become the St. Margaret’s Guild 2009 Decorators’ Show Home. Initially, the guild approached Stein about using the home as a temporary location for the owners of the originally scheduled home. But after a litigation dispute with the other home’s owner, JC Developers, the guild needed a new location. “They didn’t want to pay anything – it is a charity, and I fully understood their position – so I said … I can’t take it off the market and rent it for zero, but since it’s vacant, you can use my house as the Decorators’ Show Home,” he said. “They jumped on that immediately.” The Decorators’ Show Home – an annual event for which guild members, designers and landscape architects donate their time and talents to raise funds for Wishard Health Services – usually takes place in an occupied home, requiring the

If you go The Decorators’ Show Home April 25 through May 10 Pre-sale tickets are available at Marsh supermarkets for $17 each. Tickets will also be available at the door for $20 each. For more information, visit

Photo by CW Photography



more carmel involvement Carmel interior designer Carolyn Stevens of Carolyn Stevens Design has been involved in the Decorators’ Show Home for 28 years. “The only rooms I haven’t done (for the show home) are a living room or library,” she said. This year, she’ll be decorating the media room of the show home for the first time. “I’m making it not only a media room, but a multi-purpose room,” she said. In addition to the 100-inch rearprojection screen television, there is an area for cards or other games, and of course, comfortable seating. Stevens has also chosen a rather innovative fabric for interior couches: Sunbrella, the popular outdoor cushioning fabric. “It’s great for this room because you can spill anything on it, and it will not stain,” she said. “You don’t have to just use it outside; it has a nice, clean look to it.” Stevens also used an easy-to-clean carpet for the media room. “I tried to make this room very, very practical and easy to take care of.”

the home Address: 1388 Queens Way, Carmel List Price: $2.4 million Year built: 1984 Size: Approximately 14,000 square feet (including 5,000 square foot finished basement) 6 bedrooms, 6 full baths, 1 half bath 6 acre lot Amenities: in-law/nanny suite extra large in-ground swimming pool tennis courts indoor putting green automatic generator for constant power

owners to move into a temporary house. Lisa Knipp, president of St. Margaret’s Guild, says using Stein’s vacant house has made the process much easier. “[Homeowners] give their home to us,

they move out in January or February. We then move all of our different interior and landscape designers into the property to have them redo it,” she said. And while the guild will benefit tre-

mendously, as it always does from the Decorators’ Show Home, it will truly be a win-win. Stein hopes the additional attention from the show will assist in the sale of the home. “It’s going to be a perfect house for somebody because you just can’t reproduce it for the money.” As for “flipping” homes, Stein has only recently gotten back into the practice, and it’s still less than 50 percent of what he does. “Flipping has gotten a bad name, especially in Indiana. There have been some bad eggs out there,” he said. “When it comes to flipping or commercial properties, I never try to squeeze every last penny out of whoever I’m dealing with; that’s not important to me. It has to be a win-win for everybody.”

OUR TAKES It is our position that our government and its officials should share in the economic downturn. While it is tempting to hide behind the beautiful façades of Indiana limestone that line the streets of our nation’s capital, our government, like its people, must share in America’s economic hardship. The present trend of unfettered spending directs most of the benefit from the stimulus package and the omnibus spending bill to feeding our government’s own insatiable consumption. While union membership is down in the manufacturing sector, overall member-

, Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. III, No. 21 Copyright 2008. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032

untenable market conditions

ship is up because of enormous growth in government unions. As we’ve reported, state, federal and local governments are among the largest employers in every state. Pay is up. Perks are up. Employee counts are up. And there is no end in sight. We taxpayers are correct to determine that corporate CEOs who have failed their shareholders are undeserving of ridiculous perks and giant pay packages. Perhaps their behavior has crossed the line into criminal activity and should be investigated as such. That said, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and others continue to demand those same benefits for themselves.

It is our position that the recent closing of C.P. Morgan will have a good long-term effect on our local real estate market. While lost jobs are always unfortunate, C.P. Morgan, among other builders reaping the benefits of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Macsponsored push to home ownership, flooded the housing market here and created an “untenable market condition” for homeowners. And that is precisely why Chuck Morgan said he closed the company’s doors. While builders like C.P. Morgan built

efficiently and quickly, offering maximum square footage with relatively good quality, their positive impact on the local economy – even during the real estate boom – has always been hard to find. Subcontractors and suppliers for these companies constantly trim already razor-thin margins to sustain the cash flow they rely upon. Buyers rarely see any true economic benefit from these homes, even before the market foreclosure rate hit all-time highs. We look forward to a real estate economy in which realistic demand meets common-sense and sustainable development.


Good for the goose


CURRENTOON by Tim Campbell


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Publisher – Brian Kelly / 414.7879 Executive Editor – Steve Greenberg / 847.5022 Associate Editor – Terry Anker Managing Editor – Bryan Unruh / 489.4444 Art Director – Zachary Ross / 787-3291 Associate Artist – Stefanie Lorenz / 340.1836 Senior Reporter – Mike Beas / 730.4833 Reporter – Brandon Bowman / 489.4444 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell

Advertising Carmel Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia / 370.0749 Carmel Sales Executive – Lara Acton / 409.1418 Indianapolis Sales Consultant – Kevin Messmer / 513.4359

Business Office Bookkeeper - Deb Vlasich / 489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper. To comment on Tim’s currentoons, contact him at:





too much, too much


learning and activity into the lives of e have an expression us and our children, but the quality of around our house for our nation’s education continues to slip when the week has been in comparison to the rest of the world. too long and there have been one too many activ- Could it be that we should do less and focus more? ities stuffed into the weekend: News reports from around too much, too much. By that, the globe say families are we mean that while there is no being forced to spend more kid’s basketball game, benefit time together as a result of the dinner, or birthday party we economic downturn. In fact, would have (or should have) many of these reports lament done without, we are neverthe loss of personal freedom theless exhausted from having that has accompanied our all-too-full lives. loss of cash. But could playIt seems the real challenge ing cards at home together of modern life is that the be better than paying for more labor-saving devices we each family member to be develop, the less real time we individually entertained by seem to have. While each new Terry somebody else? Maybe I’m an discovery promises Americans Anker optimist looking for a silver more free time, the exact oplining, but I think I’ll stay posite has occurred. Yet we home tonight. continue purchasing every conceivable technological advancement, hoping to Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current save that elusive hour (forgetting the Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at hours it will take to learn to use them). We keep packing all kinds of training,

Maybe I’m an optimist looking for a silver lining, but I think I’ll stay home tonight.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

irresponsible journalism I am truly shocked after reading the March 3 “Our Take” titled “Driving Us Crazy.” I understand everyone has an opinion, but this particular section appears to represent the views of Current in Westfield. I am amazed the authors did not quote or reference any statistics. They appear to just feel there is no difference between 15-year-old drivers and those who are 15 ½. By the same logic, maybe we should let 14-and-a-half-year-

old kids drive, or why not 14? It is only 12 months. During the developmental stage, teens mature a lot in just a few months. AAA has provided actual data showing raising the driving age by six months reduces accidents. It is irresponsible as a public communication tool to do no research under the umbrella of just being a view.

Armando Hernandez Carmel

stop with the labels Editor:

You would have a nice little community paper if Terry Anker (associate editor), Brian Kelly (publisher) and Steve Greenberg (executive editor) would keep their commentary out of it. Terry, you are correct in saying labels are divisive and counterproductive (“Label Consciousness,” March 10), but then you just add fuel to the fire by referring to MSNBC host Rachel Maddow as a “lesbian hottie.”

It’s good to have spies, and one of ours sang a sweet tune about Michael Feinstein supposedly becoming artistic director of the Regional Performing Arts Center in Carmel for a cool half-million a year. Now, before you go getting your Gershwins into a giant knot over that financial commitment, understand this: Feinstein’s work will be just that, WORK. Never mind the cachet he instantly brings the facility - or his donation of and teachings about the Great American Songbook and artifacts - and instead focus on this: Why would Carmel want anyone else in the role? He is close friends with, for starters, Liza Minnelli, Elton John, Billy Joel, Michael Buble and countless other top-shelf performers that would be willing to “play Carmel” – and we mean that in a musical sense – as a favor to Feinstein. If it’s true, and we couldn’t verify with Mayor Jim Brainard by press time, it gives the RPAC an unbelievably strong chance of succeeding right out of the gate. ••• NEXT? That sound you just heard was the simultaneous firing up of a number of “secret” mayoral campaigns for 2011. Purely for entertainment purposes, of

Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg course, our bet would be on Brainard come November 2011. Keystone mess? What Keystone mess? That’s SO yesterday. ••• SURREAL: In the news last week was the White House announcement that still another $30 billion was going to bail out bankrupt insurance giant AIG. Sickening. It has to cease! ••• SURREAL (THE SEQUEL): This, too, will make you ill: More than one out of every five dollars of the $125 million Massachusetts is receiving from a federal spending bill is going to help preserve the legacy of the Kennedys, including $5.8 million for a new Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the Senate near the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum, which gets $22 million for upgrades.

smoking bans help economy


‘spy’ says feinstein a lock fro RPAC

Here’s a label for you: You are a homophobic, rich snob from Carmel! That didn’t do you or I any good, did it? Why can’t you keep your political views out of this community paper? It appears you three are servicing your egos and personal agendas more than the Westfield community. Please consider getting out of the “me” generation and just reporting what is going on in our community.

Shawn Tresselt Carmel


Smoking is America’s largest hidden tax. or the second time, I read a Your insurance premiums, consumer prodCurrent position on individual ucts and tax bills are higher as a result of rights as it relates to a prosmoking-related expenditures. As we begin posed smoking ban (“From the down the road of universal health coverBackshop,” Feb. 17). And for the age, why should we not put more second time, I said to myself, effort into smoke-free workplace “You guys got it wrong.” policies and smoking cessation Perhaps my view is colprograms? Taxing cigarettes to ored, tinted amber from the fund healthcare, while somewhat house full of cigarette smoke successful in reducing cigarette in which I grew up. Perhaps sales, only leads to a perverse my opinion is skewed by my codependence between governexperience of throwing out my ment and big tobacco. dad’s cigarettes, ashtrays and It’s hypocritical for President clothes when his cough turned Obama to ask us to make sacriinto cancer. But for the life of fices for the common good with me, I cannot fathom why we a microphone in one hand and a would protect policies that encigarette in the other. If we don’t courage smoking – an activity Sue allow people to smoke at work that when legally performed Finkam or in public, we’re sure to drive causes predictable harm to down demand – for cigarettes, oneself and others. It’s wastefor healthcare, and for caskets for fathers ful, it’s sad, and it’s costly. who die too young. This argument could be an emotional one, but it’s largely an economic one. Sue Finkam is interested in making a difThere is a direct link between smoking ference in the community through healthy and poor health status, even if one conconversation. You can participate in the consumes fewer than four cigarettes per day. versation by posting a comment on her blog Smoking causes damage to every organ in the body, results in higher health care costs at and decreases life expectancy.


WINTER KIDS KONCERT – On March 25, Wendy Reed will perform in the Monon Center banquet room (1235 Central Park Dr. East in Carmel) from 10-11 a.m. The performance is musically based, interactive and geared toward children ages 2-5. CORRECTION – In our March 10 story, “A Housing Dilemma,” we incorrectly labeled a photo of the Monon on Main condos as the Main Street on the Monon apartments. We also incorrectly listed the NTS-owned Carmel Center apartments as an AMLI property.


he brilliant Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report” believes bears are the No. 1 threat to the United Sates. I beg to differ, for I have come across an enemy so subversive, so deceitful, so evil, that it threatens to destroy the very fabric of American society. I’m speaking, of course, of salad. Yah, you read it right. Salad. Hear me out on this one.

salad bar, and the next thing I know there’s blood all over the counter and a deep cut in my left thumb. Off to the ER for some stitches and a tetanus shot. Not cool, salad!

Salad is both inefficient and costly. To make a really good, tasty salad, you need lots of ingredients. But field greens, feta cheese, slivered almonds and Bosc pear slices are not cheap, plus they don’t last much longer than Salad is a liar. It makes three or four hours, so leftovers you believe it’s healthy when, must go straight into the trash. in actuality, the kind people Campbell’s Vegetable Soup costs eat is full of fat and cholesterol. a dollar and has the equivalent No one in their right mind can nutritional value. And sure, you ingest spinach, radicchio and might have a stroke from the fennel without a little “sumpin, Danielle mile-high sodium level, but you sumpin” to take the edge off, Wilson can take the extra soup to work and said “sumpin, sumpin” does with you the next day, pop it not work if it’s fat-free. But in the microwave, and have an “Mmm, Caesar dressing, ranch and even plain old Mmm Good” meal. Italian have like 50 grams of fat per two tablespoons. Kind of defeats the purpose Salad is restaurant extortion. of a healthy meal. “Would you like to order a salad with that, ma’am?” “Why, yes, Rodondo, I would.” Salad is extremely dangerous to prepare. When I was in college, I What a scam! A piece of wilted lettuce and an extra 10 bucks later, and you can’t worked as a prep cook in this godforsaken finish your main entrée of filet mignon. I hell-hole of a restaurant called Western could have had a cappuccino and tiramisu Sizzlin’. (Not the Sizzler, mind you, but for the price of the stupid Mediterranean a knock-off, redneck wannabe.) So I’m salad. Damn you! And don’t even get me back chopping lettuce for the requisite

started on main-course salads. It’s the same as a side salad only with grilled tuna or blackened chicken, but for double the cost, and you’re hungry two hours later. If I want a meal to go right through me, I’ll just order General Tao’s chicken and be done with it. Salad is pretentious. Arugula, radicchio, dandelion­– they’re all just fancy names for greens, a.k.a vegetables. I can take a One-A-Day and get more than my daily allowance of vitamins without the headache of diva salad. Seriously, what a show-off. And let’s not forget her ostentatious accessories, like pomegranate, chevre and wonton threads (huh?). Whatever happened to good ole bacon bits, shredded cheese and garlic croutons the size of my thumb?


CARMEL RESIDENT PROMOTED – Carmel resident Roger Harvey has been promoted from vice president to senior vice president of Bose Public Affairs Group. A HARVEY former Emmy-award winning TV news anchor, Roger works closely with corporations, governmental entities and non-profit organizations, providing strategic communications services. His expertise includes crisis communications, media training, public relations and grassroots campaigns. Bose Public Affairs Group is a fullservice public affairs firm with offices in Indianapolis and Washington, D.C.

salad: our greatest enemy

Salad, I’m on to you! And now the good people of central Indiana are too. You can no longer hide behind bottled water and ala carte asparagus. We will not stand for your trickery any longer. Bears? Pa-lease. I’ll let my 5-year-old girl contend with them. Salad, bring it! “My name is Soccer Mom. You killed my appetite. Prepare to die!” Peace out. Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


will make educational reform a top priority. t’s time for a fresh face and new I believe families, houses of worship and leadership in Indiana’s Congressional communities are most effective and should district. That is why I have decided to place be the first source of support for individumy name before my neighbors on the als in need. Government should target its social services at those individuRepublican ballot come May als who face the most difficult 2010. challenges. I believe in the core principles I believe in a strong but cauon which this nation was built: tious national security posture personal freedom, personal refor the United States, which sponsibility, a free market and seeks first to protect Americans, self determination. second to defend our alliances I will be a candidate for Congress and finally works to support all because I believe in a strong, people who seek freedom. free, vibrant economy in which I love the outdoors, nature, everyone can create economic our farms and our wildlife. We and personal achievement for his should strive to conserve and or her family through creativity, protect the precious natural rehard work and competition – and Brose sources we are blessed to enjoy, a market in which government McVey but any regulation should be doesn’t pick winners and losers. based on science, not emotion. I believe our federal governOver the next year, I will travel this disment is too large and intrusive, and it has trict to articulate my views, introduce my long overstepped its intended purpose. specific solutions and ideas, and share my Simply stated, government has become experiences with citizens in the 5th district. part of the problem. I believe the current torrent of new programs, new spending Please share your feedback and thoughts and new regulation represents a threat to with me. the long-term health of our nation. Brose McVey is a Carmel resident and business I believe education is the engine that will owner. You may e-mail him at brose@brosepower our people and our nation. I believe all children learn in different ways, and I

CARMEL SPRINT TRIATHLON APPROACHEs By Chelsie Lanning Current in Carmel

On April 19, the Carmel Swim Club will host the sixth-annual Carmel Sprint Triathlon (formerly known as the Splash, Flash and Dash). Registration is now open to the public. The race, held at Carmel High School, aims this year to increase participation among children and continue its firsttimer-friendly reputation. It will include events for participants of all ages. Kathy Pelletier, marketing coordinator at Vision Event Management, said she hopes to attract 900 participants this year. In past years, it has hovered around 480. This is Vision Event Management’s first year marketing the event, which includes swimming, bicycling and sprinting sections. “The majority of participants are adults – we expect around 700,” Pelletier said. “We’re also looking to expand our kid base, because there are a lot of misconceptions for kids who can’t swim very well.” Something new this year will be shirts for all participants, a new bike route and medals for all youth participants. The finish line area is also newly designed and will imitate a bigger race, with an arch and bleachers along the sides. The event will also include a post-race catered pasta lunch for participants, entertainment

10-year-old Zachary Messaglia at the 2008 Carmel Sprint Triathlon

along the route and a DJ in the gym. Carmel resident Kate Wilson will compete in the full triathlon for the first time this year. Her 8- and 9-year-old children are previous participants and look forward to the event. “They love it,” she said. “This has become the new summer sport for them. It really encourages kids to get out there and be more active.” Wilson has been training since September for both the triathlon and the Indianapolis Mini Marathon. She said many people are intimidated by the event because they are strong in one sport, but not all three. “It’s so family friendly and there’s all of this positive energy,” she said. “I’ve talked it up to a lot of people and it just gives you a great sense of accomplishment to see what your body can do in an hour and a half.” For more information or to register, visit triathlon.

Improve your smIle . . .

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

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It’s Time to Take Hoosier Common Sense to Washington

t seems the Keystone Avenue funding woes will continue for some time. I would like to share some ideas perhaps Mayor Jim Brainard and the City Council have not considered. If we move on these quickly, we might even be able to get some bailout money to cover the costs. At the intersection of Keystone and 96th Street, we can build an arch. Emblazoned on the arch will be “Welcome to Carmel ... Gateway to Kokomo.” Upon Randy this grand arch will Chapman be sponsorships from the auto industry. Companies like Chrysler, Delphi, Firestone and Champion Spark Plugs can bid millions for their names to be tactfully displayed on our arch. In turn we, the citizens of Carmel, will agree to buy only American cars. It’s good for Carmel and I suppose it would be good for Kokomo. I find this idea more logical than the rumors of privatization and toll roads, don’t you? Conseco, Lucas Oil and RCA have shelled out millions to have their

freaking out and jumping on my back with its claws out. Finally, the Keystone project is a Carmel project and not an Indianapolis project. I was born in Indy and I have known Keystone Avenue all my life. It is a grand road with many memories. However, I think we should consider renaming our portion of this fine road. I have some ideas that I would like to share, and perhaps you can come up with some of your own. “Brainard Boulevard” – needs more pizzazz! “The Dan Burton ‘I Will Vote When I Feel Like It’ Freeway” – may offend Burton backers (whoever those might be) Artist’s rendering of 126th Street and Keystone

names on projects, haven’t they? With unprecedented funding enthusiasm, I suggest letting Kokomo pay for the project. Now that I have you thinking, here’s another area of concern for me: I heard recently that the Monon Bridge over Carmel Drive has come in at $600,000 over budget. Again, I have a simple solution that will not only cover the deficit, but pay for the entire project. I suggest putting roundabouts on the Monon. At each end


he said. “We have no additional funding from the council to the mayor, and we have one intersection left to address. And it certainly isn’t going to cost $50 million, so … this public discussion has been very good for the people of Carmel.” Council member Ron Carter, howCARTER ever, said the project’s benefits have been “overshadowed by five months of bickering spurred on by some of those in the media community.” Council member John Accetturo said the key, despite the controversy, is the city didn’t need to borrow money. “Sometimes it takes a little time to work things out,” he said. When the Carmel’s Board of Public Works opened bids for the 116th Street and Carmel Drive intersections on March 9, the low bid came in at about $25.4 million – 33 percent lower than the engineer’s estimate of $37.9 million. According to American Structurepoint president Rick Conner, the project will now cost about $130 million.

of the bridge, we should put a roundabout with not a fountain in the center, but a turnstile to allow you to continue. Fifty cents lets you in, and fifty cents lets you out. Not only does this make sense financially, but just think about the safety issues. I don’t want a biker or skateboarder coming at me at 30 mph as I am out walking my cat. The roundabouts will slow the bikers and ’boarders down, keeping my cat from

“The Rick Sharp ‘I Meant No Harm … Let’s Be One Big Happy Family’ Highway” “Road to Riches” – too pretentious? “The LMNOP Parkway” – a salute to Carmel’s fine schools!

There you have it. Simple minds, simple solutions. Randy Chapman is a Carmel resident and contributor to Current in Carmel. You may e-mail him at



become a good career role model. Kudos ocal attorney John Walls has a to Paul Wonch and the Rotary Club of 4-year-old son and is enjoying Carmel for organizing the fourth-grade every minute of fatherhood. He mentor program. is especially looking forward to Side note: I would like to publicly thank the day his young lad will be old a very nice Carmel resident. enough to climb the steps of My doorbell rang recently, and a yellow bus and begin his standing on the other side of education. the front door was a gentleman Walls says the modern elI had never met before. He said ementary school is much more he lives two neighborhoods east complex and dynamic than the of me and had recently found school he attended as a child. a check with my house address But complex in a good way, stuck in the bushes. It was a as the learning opportunities check I had previously delivered for young students are much to a neighbor for our homeowngreater than ever before. He er’s dues. knows firsthand, because he With the strong winds, it steps through the front doors of must have blown out of the Orchard Park Elementary each Jeff newspaper holder and headed week to volunteer. east to this man’s yard. I was so One lucky fourth grader is Worrell amazed that he made the effort especially grateful to John, beto rescue my check from the shrubbery cause the pair has met, without fail, since the first day of school. They work on read- and hand-deliver it to me that I failed to properly register his name. Please accept ing comprehension, math, homework or my thanks. People do the nicest things for whatever is on the young student’s mind. strangers all the time, and I appreciate the The fourth grader has a committed friend effort. in Rotarian John Walls, and he knows it. John can see he is making a difference, Jeff Worrell is a local business owner. He as he has noticed positive changes in his recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with young friend. Not only is he more outgoCarmel” on cable channel 16. Contact him at ing and engaged in the learning process, but he seems happier. Walls believes that by working with the student, he has

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

With full funding secured on five of the six Keystone Avenue intersections, Mayor Jim Brainard and City Council are still dealing with criticism and controversy surrounding the project. SHARP “I have some right to be angry,” he said during a council meeting earlier this month. Brainard spent a portion of the meeting clarifying his previous statements to the press. When the project’s original price increased by about $50 million last October, the council’s concerns about the project resulted not only in hiring consulting firm KPMG, but also in repeated discussions between council members and city officials – and the community – about the media’s coverage of the project. Council member Rick Sharp said vigorous debate about public policy is always advantageous. “Here we are today after the council’s probing and questioning – we are underway with all but the last intersection,”



keystone: simple minds, simple solutions

By Chelsie Lanning Current in Carmel The Carmel Dads’ Club kicked off its 50th anniversary last week with a press conference at Carmel Elementary School featuring Mayor Jim Brainard and Josh McRoberts of the Indiana Pacers. As students celebrated the anniversary – wearing their favorite CDC jersey or gear – McRoberts, a 2005 Carmel High School graduate and former CDC member, thanked the club for helping him on his path to the NBA. “I sat where you all are sitting right now,” he said to the students in attendance. “(The club) provides great opportunity to learn and grow as an athlete and a person.”

Tuesday, March 17, 2009



Tammy Wittmann, O.D. Kathleen I. Busby, O.D.

McRoberts McRoberts was the 2005 McDonalds All-America Players of the Year. Brainard said he was honored to be a part of the conference honoring a “truly remarkable organization.” “It gives young people an opportunity to develop physically and grow in sportsmanship and citizenship,” he said. “It offers outlets for volunteers in the community and allows parents to interact with their children.” Brainard proclaimed March 11 the official “Carmel Dads’ Club Day.” The club will celebrate its 50th anniversary again with a Nov. 7 gala at the Monon Center (1235 Central Park Dr. East in Carmel). The theme is “Bring a Ball, Have a Ball.”

Bill McFadden – a Force in Carmel for 45 Years

e’s 72 years old and has survived seven heart attacks. But Bill McFadden is still going strong with his business, Circle City Embroidery (160 W. Carmel Dr.) And he’s still a mighty force within Carmel, primarily because of his longstanding, intense service with the Carmel Rotary. A 1954 Shortridge High School grad and 1959 Butler University grad, Bill moved to Carmel in 1964 for one reason: “I wanted my kids Danny in the Carmel O’Malia Schools!” Bill’s career started as a salesman for the Universal Match Corporation, where he worked from around 1962 until the mid ‘70s. The company went out of business about 30 years ago. And in 1996, after a couple other job stops, Bill bought Circle City Embroidery. He remembers how Carmel was when

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he first arrived in 1964. “Keystone stopped at 86th,” he said. “When they were constructing the new road, we rode our bikes on it! Bill joined the Carmel Jaycees in 1965 and served as its president in 1968. He also served on the board of the Carmel Clay Education McFadden Foundation. After the Jaycees “kicked him out,” he joined the Rotary in 1976. He served as its president in 1992. Bill is most proud of the Rotary for two of many programs: CarmelFest and the Rotary Youth Exchange, which brings teenagers worldwide to live with the families of Carmel Rotarians for a year. “We’ve had eight kids and I remember some of the homelands – Bulgaria, Zimbabwe, France, Mexico, Denmark … It’s just a great program!” Danny O’Malia is a Carmel resident. You may e-mail him at

Photo by Chelsie Lanning



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swing better at golf with exercise, training

• “What kind?” • “Will exercise or weight training alter my swing?” • “Should I just stick with exercise only for my arms?”

When I work with a golfer, it is common that he or she will see an additional 30 to 40 yards on drives and more control of their irons in the short game. Golf training won’t necessarily make one a better golfer, but it will aid tremendously in the basics. Here are tips for consideration:

blast through an “abs routine” and call it good. The golf swing is an awkward motion for the body, so the more support you have in your core for your back and extremities, the better off you will be.


John Karesh Fitness

Strengthen the core. The power generated in legs is transferred to the core, which is comprised mainly of four muscles (low back, (spinal erector), low abdominal (transverse abdominus), internal/external obliques and upper abdominal (rectus abdominus). Don’t simply


PINS AND NEEDLES EXPLAINED - If you sit too long in an awkward position – or even just with your legs crossed – you may press hard enough on a nerve to interrupt its signaling to the brain, causing your feet, for example, to “fall asleep,” or go numb. Paresthesia is usually felt in the extremities – hands, feet and ankles. That crazy-making prickly sensation is the resumption of pain messages to the brain. Simply changing your position is almost always enough to allow the nerve to resume communication. But prickly feelings

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John Karesh, a fitness and nutrition expert, is the owner of Paradise Personal Training in Carmel. You may e-mail him at

more rarely can be symptoms of diseases as diverse and serious as diabetes, lupus, and MS. If your pins and needles don’t resolve quickly with a change of body position, see a doctor.

INFLAMED BY ATKINS - New research from the University of Maryland Medical Center shows that the Atkins diet can increase inflammations in the body, which may lead to heart disease. In the study, 18 people went on three diets for one month each: Atkins, which had 50 percent of calories from fat; South Beach, which had 30 percent of calories from fat; and the Ornish diet, with just 10 percent of calories from fat. Markers for inflammation in the blood zoomed up by 40 percent when the subjects were on the Atkins plan. On the South Beach and Ornish diets, these markers stayed the same or decreased up to 20 percent. The moral of the story: Nix the Atkins diet for simple, clean eating that’s rich in veggies, legumes and whole grains. -Clean Eating

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

REDSTONE’S ANTIOXIDANTS - Sumner Redstone, who controls Viacom and CBS, swears by two drinks for their antioxidants. Every evening he has a glass of cranberry juice, diet tonic, orange juice and vodka, and with his lunch each day he drinks half a glass of Clos de Vougeot burgundy wine. He can’t resist boasting, “I feel as good as I did when I was 20 years old!” He may feel that young, but he still looks all of his 85 years. -Conde Nast Portfolio

Aileen C. Helton DDS

Rangeline Rd.


Flexibility training. It is extremely important, if you train properly with the strength-training exercises, most of your flexibility training should come. However, your hamstrings and hips probably should get some extra “love” as well. Consider some doorway stretches for your shoulders and neck.

with a complete new patient exam, appropriate cleaning, and xrays.

Guilford Ave.

Strengthen the legs. The quadriceps start the swing; the power you generate here is transferred through your body to the swing.



US 31


Upper body. Chest, upper back, shoulders, biceps and triceps all play roles and work together, as well. They provide stability and a conduit to transfer energy throughout your swing to the impact of hitting the ball. Rotator cuff exercises are helpful and can help prevent overuse injuries in your shoulders.



an exercise improve one’s golf game? That question has been asked of me several times, followed quickly by:





The Facts: Even slightly less sleep will leave you feeling less energetic, hinder your alertness, affect your ability to think properly, affect cardiovascular health and even weaken your immune system. The Quick Cure: It’s not when you wake up as much as when you go to sleep. Go to bed an hour earlier, and don’t use the excuse “I can’t fall asleep.” Instead make it a routine, and soon your body will adjust.

Your body adjusts quickly to new sleep schedules.

The Facts: It takes between one and

two weeks for your body to fully adjust to a new sleep schedule when there is more than even a two hour time difference. The Quick Cure: Jet lag when traveling to new time zones can be offset by changing your sleep schedule to be consistent with the destination’s clock a week before you head out.

More sleep means more awake time.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Facts: doesn’t only matter that you sleep eight hours, it also matters that you sleep soundly and deeply. The Quick Cure: Get a “white noise” sound machine. For most people that is more effective than over-the-counter-drugs and supplements.

Power naps are a waste.

The Facts: Nothing can replace a full nights sleep, but if you need some rest, a power nap is the most effective. The Quick Cure: Keep the power naps to 45 minutes max. If you sleep more than an hour, you may find it difficult to get back up.

Snoring is normal.

The Facts: It’s common, especially as we get older, but that doesn’t make it normal (aka healthy). Evidence indicates snoring may be an indication of heart disease and type two diabetes. Loud snoring may be an indication of sleep apnea, and that can lead to high blood pressure, impotence and memory problems. The Quick Cure: Go for a regular checkup with your doctor. Also try natural products to open breathing passageways while you sleep.

A reoccurring inability to sleep is usually caused by stress. The Facts: Although stress can cause

short periods of insomnia, a persistent inability to sleep can stem from a number of different issues including chemical/ hormonal imbalances, depression, asthma, arthritis or other medical conditions The Quick Cure: Review your diet and see a doctor.

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It’s not a serious problem, but it sounds terrible: laryngitis. Some people lose their voices for a few days or even longer. If you’re looking to regain your voice, try these methods: Sip warm tea with lemon. The tea helps soothe inflamed tissues, and the lemon cuts through mucus. Pour down the water. Drinking 8 to 12 glasses of water a day will help lubricate the larynx, which is essential for stopping laryngitis. Settle in for a hot shower. Breathing hot, steamy air will help relax your throat and airways so you can breathe – and talk – more easily. Forget the salt water. Gargling salt water can dry out the throat even more than going without. Don’t take aspirin. It slows the time it takes your body to form blood clots, and because laryngitis may be caused by minor injuries to the vocal cords, it can slow healing time. Handle your voice with care. Speak quietly, but don’t whisper. Whispering is harder on your vocal cords than talking in a normal voice. -Natural Healing Secrets

Do you wear a transdermal patch, a patch stuck to your skin that contains medication? Or a nicotine patch while you’re trying to quit smoking? Skin patches can be risky if you’re also undergoing the diagnostic procedure known as MRI. Several-dozen types of skin patches are now on the market. About a third of them contain metal as part of the patch backing on the side away from the skin. During an MRI, the metal can overheat and burn you. Not good. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning about potential harm from the patches. If you wear a patch and are about to undergo an MRI, be sure to tell the MRI tech about the patch before you climb into the big machine. MRI facilities are supposed to be prepared to advise patients whether they need to remove transdermal patches and also how to take them off safely.

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LOCAL BUTLER GRADS – Eight Carmel natives were among the 116 students who participated in Butler University’s fall 2008 graduation ceremony. They are Janet O’Malia Andriole, an education administration major; Carina Noelle Becker, an international management major; Marina Mercedes Corredor-Perdomo, a journalism major; Cullan Brook Eikenberry, an electronic media major; Wendy Hart Higdon, an education administration major; Matthew Dimock Hunter, an education administration major; Hyesun Christine Kim, a business administration major; and Sandra Lynn Soeder-Tresselt, a business administration major.


When the song “Karma Chameleon” by Culture Club came out in 1984, I was relatively young. And I was just certain the lyrics were not, “karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon,” but, “comma, comma, comma, comma, comma chameleon.” I guess I’ve always had punctuation on the brain. In any case, the chameleon is a good representative of the comma, because commas are tricky. There are literally dozens of rules about commas; I could do a 10-part series on comma use and still not cover all the bases. That said, I do have a comma-usage rule to share, which you may not know. Most people know to use commas to separate items in lists and to set off words or phrases that otherwise interrupt the flow of a sentence. A comma rule of thumb that many people do not know refers to essential and non-essential phrases and words in a sentence. And it’s whether those words are essential that determines whether to use a comma. For example, I have two daughters. Because both of my children are the same gender, if I write the sentence, “My daughter Emma is really excited about kindergarten,” placing Emma’s name in the sentence is essential to the meaning of the sentence. Otherwise, you wouldn’t know which daughter I am referring to. On the other hand, I only have one husband. If I write a similar sentence, “My husband, Bill, played college football,” I need the commas. If I don’t use the commas, it indicates that naming my husband is essential, thereby giving the idea that I have more than one husband (and am breaking the polygamy law). And that’s not the impression I wish to give. Think of it this way: If I remove Bill from the example

sentence, the sentence still makes complete sense, and you know exactly to whom I am referring. If I remove Emma, however, it leaves doubt. It’s not just people’s names that need to be treated this way when it comes to commas. Any number of other things need the same care. Consider the following examples: Coldplay’s song “Viva la Vida” is one of my favorites. Michael Crichton’s first book, “The Andromeda Strain,” came out in 1969.

Coldplay performs dozens of songs, so the title of the song is necessary to the sentence and does not require commas. And although Michael Crichton published 25 books in his life, he only had one first book, so that title, when mentioned as above, needs the commas because it’s not essential to the meaning of the sentence. This same rule is the drive behind another grammatical issue: restrictive and nonrestrictive relative clauses. Those probably sound intimidating, but they’re really not. Relative clauses are those that belong with a relative pronoun, such as that, which or who. If the relative clause is essential in determining to who or what the sentence refers, it’s considered restrictive and requires no commas. If, on the other hand, it is merely peripheral information, it is nonrestrictive and requires commas.


Barack Obama, who grew up in Hawaii, is the first black U.S. President. My cousin who lives in Los Angeles had twins in January.

See the difference? Brandie Bohney is a grammar enthusiast and former English teacher who developed a mastery-learning system of teaching grammar to high school seniors. If you have a grammar-related question, please email her at

dealing with rejection

reader writes: “I just did drama instead of reinforcing the child’s selfworth, is adding fuel. When our children club auditions again. I have are being judged about their ability to parbeen somewhat shocked at ticipate, we take that rejection personally. the ugly comments coming You ask, “Who is going to fight for our through the grapevine about kids if we don’t?” The answer: who got parts and who didn’t. Nobody, and neither should we. Seems like it is worse now than I’ve lost friendships over kids it ever was. The saddest part is I have cut. We parents will go the angry parents (who are only to great lengths to see that our talking ABOUT the director children are not rejected. But and not TO her) are the ones the lessons learned from those whose kids have the most evirejections are the difference bedence of sour grapes. While I’m tween their subsequent successnot hurt about it, it definitely es or failures. Teaching children hurts the kids! Can you address to blame others for rejection this issue? ” removes them from responsibilYes, I can! I have firsthand ity and diminishes their chances knowledge of this issue. As a of acceptance. mother, a coach and a mother Becky Kapsalis Be supportive and empathetic of coaches, I have experienced Ask YiaYia of their feelings. Allowing them the pain stemming from a to release hurt is one of the child’s rejection. I can tell you greatest emotional gifts we can give. cutting kids is every coach/director’s bigHugs! gest heartache. I can also tell you parents who defend their children against those Have a parenting topic or question? Submit who cut them are letting their children it to Ask Yiayia, aka Becky Kapsalis, Certified down. Parent Coach, at or call Rejection is an emotional bomb for 810.9358. children. The parent, who points fingers

Be supportive and empathetic of their feelings.

p i r t S N.Y. er Dinn

- Baked Potato

SSSSSS - Salad :

- Dinner Bread

Support your locally owned businesses

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

CHS RADIO STATION HONORED - For the second consecutive year, Carmel High School radio station WHJE-91.3 FM has been named the Indiana High School Radio Station of the Year by the Indiana Association of School Broadcasters. The award is determined by results from the association’s annual contest and evaluation. Twenty-three Indiana high schools participated in the competition, submitting 296 contest entries. The state’s top radio station is determined by points scored at the competition.

By Brandie Bohney Current in Carmel

the grammar guru

CARMEL NATIVE MAKES IU DEAN’S LIST – Carmel native Matthew May, son of Ronald and Marjorie May, made the dean’s list for the fall semester in the Indiana University College of Arts and Sciences. To make the list, students must complete at least 12 credit hours and earn a 3.7 GPA.

Tricky: comma chameleon


CHS NEWSPAPER SITE EARNS NATIONAL RECOGNITION - The Carmel High School HiLite newspaper Web site,, has been named a finalist in the annual Pacemaker competition sponsored by the National Scholastic Press Association. HiLite Online is one of only 15 scholastic news Web sites in the country – and the only Web site in Indiana – to earn finalist status. Online Pacemaker entries are judged based on design, navigation, writing/editing, graphics and interactivity. Winners will be announced at the NSPA convention in Phoenix on April 19. HiLite Online has performed well in previous years, earning national Pacemaker awards in 2002 and 2004.


Contact the Somerset Tax Team to



DISPATCHES TAXPAYERS FOR COMMON SENSE Earmarks in the upcoming federal spending bill: • $1,117,000 for Mormon cricket removal from Sen. Bob Bennet (R-Utah). • $440,000 for tri-state joint peanut research at Auburn University from Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) and Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) • $500,000 for a fruit fly facility in Hawaii from Sen. Daniel Kahikina Akaka (D-Hawaii) and Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii). • $227,000 for blackbird management in Kansas and Louisiana from Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) and Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) • $250,000 for Nevada weed management from Sen. Harry Reed (D-Nev.)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

AlphaGraphics (12955 Old Meridian St. in Carmel) is offering job seekers a complimentary set of 25 resume copies, 25 sheets of blank paper for cover letters and 25 matching envelopes. This is a limited time offer for out-of-work-residents. For more information, call 317-844-6629. LOOKING FOR WORK/NEW EMPLOYEES? - Send your abbreviated resume (in the format below) to and we will feature it without your name. Companies are encouraged to e-mail us (again, to express interest in any featured candidate. We will send all company information to the candidate, who is free to contact the employer if interested. THIS WEEK’S CANDIDATES: CANDIDATE #1 Looking for: Business development/ sales management/operations role Experience: Senior-level business development/sales management roles, multi-unit senior level operations management, higher education directorlevel admissions experience. Education: Bachelor’s degree CANDIDATE #2 Looking for: Employment in a biotech/pharmaceutical company as a scientist/consultant Experience: Senior research biochemist. More than 10 years of experience in biological research. Education: Ph.D. in molecular biology CANDIDATE #3 Looking for: Legal assistant/paralegal position in litigation practice Experience: 33 years in litigation practice

discuss your business and see your DISPATCHES being myself and making it work


ovie stars started it, athletes made it famous, and now anyone can do it. Creating a personal brand isn’t just about promoting yourself; it’s about being you and feeling good about it. Branding yourself is not new, but these days it’s becoming more important to the average person. With the Internet, you can be a star and have your own message, story and brand. Branding is about David Cain establishing a presMarketing ence that represents who you are and what you do. It’s about representing what is unique. Usually when we think of a brand, we think of a company or product. For example, Toyota is a brand name owned by Toyota Motors, and this company also owns Lexus, which is another brand. Although owned by the same company, each name creates a different story in your mind, and each has its own identity. But if companies can have a brand, why can’t people? In today’s Internet-laden world, it’s easier for people to develop their


MYRTLE BEACH CONDOS REDUCED 50% - Pre-foreclosure resort condos with Atlantic Ocean views are available in Myrtle Beach, S.C. The condos are part of the Malibu Pointe luxury condo development.

FREE BEACH SUNSETS ON THE GULF OF MEXICO – A furnished twobedroom, 2-bathroom condo with a heated pool is available in Sarasota, Fla. for only $400,000. Short-term rentals allowed. For more information on these and other real estate deals, visit www.

tax situation in a COLUMNIST whole new way. CURRENT WINS AWARD

own unique perspective and attract a folJohn Pacilio, lowing. Call it microbranding. Current in Westfield or email Call To develop a successful microbrand, you columnist and need a hook – something to set you apart. . Associate Broker of What’s different about you? Microbrands BUSINESS CONSULTING RE/MAX Ability Plus, can be funny, smart, saucy or cute. It was ranked in the Visit doesn’t matter. What does matter is that it us online at to learn about our top five out of the is unique enough to be noticed. free seminars -- the Somerset thousands of RE/ Why is developing a personal brand or MAX associates in PACILIO microbrand important? For most service Practical MBA program, the state of Indiana Financial businesses, the company’s brand is really for Residential Sales production in 2008. the sum of the collective microbrands.Skills for Kids, Teens and Young Think real estate agents. In many inAdults, Financial Literacy for stances, the microbrands define the brand SOMERSET PRACTICAL MBA INVESTMENT PROPERTIES or main company. When you think ofWomen the PROGRAM – Somerset and much more. CPAs will host a most popular real estate companies in the Practical MBA Program titled “Branding city, don’t the names of individual people & The Elevator Speech” surface? The names you see on the signs? March 25 from A saying I like goes like this: “Time. 7:45-10 a.m. at the out our new First one second turns to a minute, a > Also check Somerset Conference blog, Successful Tax minute to an hour, an hour to a day, and Center (3925 River before you know it, it forms a lifetime.” Strategies, Crossing atParkway Ourpeople Tax Teamjoining Principals: The same goes for a comin Indianapolis) Roy Rice, CPAtwo people, pany: first one person, then Speaker Jay Feller, CPA three people, and Kevin beforeO’Connell, you know it, you Larry CPA, JD have a unique brand. It’s not about Dykes will Susan Bradford, CPA products anymore, it’s about people. Be unique, discuss be yourself, and be true to your passion. what That’s how you develop your microbrand. branding is about at a broad level.


Somerset CPAs Tax Team

He will help you create your “elevator

speech” – a concise ...cutting through the complexities ofdescription the taxabout code.

David Cain works at MediaSauce, a digital media and online marketing company in Carmel. David welcomes © 2009 Somerset CPAs your questions or comments at

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• 10 Workshop sessions to choose from • Booth space • Keynote speakers • Lunch Sponsorships & Booth Space Available • Contact Rick Myers @ 557-1111

The networking game Tony Scelzo, Rainmakers

Effective E-business practices Michelle Burton, Coretech

Tossing it in the toilet: marketing and your business Scott Flood, Scott Flood Writing

How to connect with people so they will buy your stuff Karl Zimmer III, Zimmer Success Group

Strategies to reduce healthcare costs Richard Sutton, R.E. Sutton and Associates Creating a winning team Bobbi Blake, Indiana Tech

How to incorporate your business Steve Ferrucci, Sean M. Clapp, LLC

Do it yourself HR Brian McDermott Ogletree Deakins

Your image matters Amy Woodall, Image Savvy/Trustpointe

So, you want to be an entrepreneur? Dr. Mike Goldsby, Ball State University

University resources for small businesses Tom Darling, Ivy Tech State College



POSTCARD FROM KENYA Editor’s note: Brian Shapiro is on a mission in a remote region of Kenya, where he and others are working with an Indiana University program to teach villagers how to cook and bake conventionally. This is the first in a series of reports from the village.

But I have not seen a bag from Kenya’s government. There will probably be another 20 years of violence here until the old politicians go away. As for Dr. Joe Mamlin (who brought me on this trip), he is amazing. He looks to do his very best. It is not competihis place is about to tion, but just doing your best. blow up again. In He has trained many locals to Nairobi, the police be professionals and assist with are starting to shoot HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria. indiscriminately at Dr. Mamlin created a prostudents. Government officials gram that provides food to the are eating at the tax trough. The families of HIV victims. He Brian place is getting frustrating with feeds about 6,000 families a Shapiro the economy slowing, and the week with produce and food, government has stolen so much because medicine will not work in tax dollars that the teachers are not properly if people aren’t properly fed. He getting paid. Officials say that money is has more than 85,000 HIV patients overall. being spent on food for the poor, but I Brian Shapiro is a Carmel resident and contribhave been to food distribution centers, uting columnist. He owns Shapiro’s Deli and is and every bag is from the United States, a non-practicing CPA/JD. You may e-mail him Canada and Saudi Arabia. Japan and at some other nations also are supporting.


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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

He feeds about 6,000 families a week with produce and food, because medicine will not work properly if people aren’t properly fed.


What’s it Worth

By Keith Albrecht, RE/MAX Real Estate Groups


My Opinion



Type: Residential Age: Built in 2001 Location: Buckhorn Estates, Carmel Square Footage: 7,000 (including basement) Property Description: This custom home in the popular Buckhorn Estates neighborhood on Carmel’s West side has six bedrooms, 5.5 bathrooms and a walkout basement. Details: This home has a hearth room with a fireplace adjacent to the kitchen, a

large great room, five bedrooms upstairs, and a walk-out basement with a wet bar, a full bath and a theater area. Keith Albrecht is a Carmel resident and realtor with RE/MAX Real Estate Groups. Contact him at 317-819-3388 or Keith@

NOW OPEN Weaver Air Products

Owner: Jon Weaver Address: 505 Industrial Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: 317-848-4420 Web:

If the big oil companies were in the same financial shape as the “big three” automakers, do you think politicians would attempt to bail them out?

“Absolutely. That is one of the resources all Americans use. They probably wouldn’t hesitate.” Saidah Pearsall Carmel

“Yes, I think they probably would because they have a similar impact on our economy. Not that I think they should, but they would.” May Reich Carmel

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GoinG out of business


what I’m doing because the major thrust of business is to save money on energy costs,” he said. “If I can find distributors that can help their customers save money and help the environment, then I’m doing something worthwhile.”



Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Carmel resident Jon Weaver opened his manufacturer’s representation firm, Weaver Air Products, on Jan. 1. The new firm represents the products of five companies: AirRow Fan Company, Air Lab Werks, EnviraNorth Systems, Ventec Ltd. and GlasFloss Filters. “Basically, I match up manufacturers of industrial and commercial fans and air cleaner products with distributors across the country,” he said. Weaver has been involved in fan sales and engineering since the early 1980s. “I feel pretty good about

In Spirit


mark: succinct for the romans


animal. I often have to look twice to find ohn Mark, a close associate of the the actual scripture amid the above-menApostle Peter, is credited with writtioned maze of study material. ing the Gospel of Mark between The variety of information especially 50-65 AD somewhere in Italy. facilitates a curious phenomenon that beWith its succinct, active, direct falls every person who reads any style – an apt metaphor for Bible on a regular basis: With the Roman way of life – Mark each reading, new bits of indescribes what Christ did more sight and previously unnoticed than what Christ said. Scholars facts fairly jump off the pages. regard the book of Mark, which, I like to think this is the not surprisingly, focuses on perHoly Spirit’s way of keeping secution and martyrdom, as a our thirst whetted for conportrayal of Peter’s teaching and tinued scriptural study and a sermons to the Romans. deeper relationship with God Tradition suggests Peter lived through Christ. his later years in and around A new insight? It occurred Rome and was martyred there. to me that Jesus’ famous stateJohn Mark – who we see elsement about money and taxes, where in the Bible as the man Bob Walters “Render unto to Caesar …” who ran naked from Christ’s Spirituality (Mark 12:17), positions money arrest in the Garden (Mark as an earthly thing, not a divine 14:51), deserted Barnabas and Paul (Acts 13:13), and later regained Paul’s thing. That sort of knocks a hole in the popular prosperity preaching that says, favor (2 Titus 4:11) – was, like Luke, not “God wants us to be rich.” Hogwash. one of the 12 Disciples. This is the kind of scripture background How many rich Christian missionaries do you know? Money rich, I mean. available from a standard study Bible. A typical study Bible note? Mark 6:3 is When I first read the Bible a few years ago, it was an edition with a minimum of notes the only place in the Bible where Jesus is referred to as a carpenter. because I wanted to focus on the scripture and not have my eyes and thoughts jerked Bob Walters (, in honor of St. around a maze of notes, footnotes, citaPatrick’s Day, notes that Mark 16:18 is the “snake tions, charts, and maps. handling” scripture. You can look it up. A study Bible is an entirely different

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

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14641 U.S. 31 North Carmel, IN 46032 317-569-PETS



going on vacation with pets For Current in Carmel

GREAT TOY FOR A BORED KITTY - If your cat isn’t getting enough exercise, there are any number of toys available to get him interested in active play. One such toy is the Kitty Kat Circus, a jungle gym for cats. Catnip-filled toys, which should entice even the laziest of cats, dangle from the trapeze bar. They are available at various retailers, including, for less than $40.

SLOW TO MOLT - Although an adult bird will typically replace all of its feathers during a molt, the loss of feathers is staggered, often over several months, so the bird has enough feathers for flight and insulation. A molt is usually triggered by the change in day length or may occur after breeding. Some wild birds, such as goldfinches, who molt twice a year, change from a bright plumage during the breeding season to a more somber plumage for the rest of the year.

Pet birds, cats, dogs and other small animals can enjoy family getaways just as much as humans if behavioral, environmental, nutritional and maintenance needs are met. Preparations for taking a pet on vacation vary slightly depending on the mode of transportation. However, all modes require pets to be confined in well-ventilated, petapproved travel crates – ones in which pets can stand up and turn around. Strapping the crate to the back seat of your car with a seatbelt will keep the pet in place and safe during sudden stops. Airlines sometimes allow small pets, no more than eight weeks old, to ride in crates under their owners’ seats in the plane’s cabin. However, larger pets usually must ride in the cargo section. Generally, pet crates must be appropriately tagged, and most airlines require a veterinarianapproved health certificate.

pets of the week Marlee is a 5-year-old male black-withmerle-markings Australian Shepherd mix. He is a very sweet boy in need of some extra TLC. He was attacked by a not-so-friendly dog, and when he arrived at the shelter, he had several bite wounds on his hips. Marlee is pretty laid back, and he is neutered and good with people of all ages. He may still be a little leery of other dogs, but he is willing to consider a home with another laid-back canine. Victoria is a 4-year-old female tortie DSH. She is a gentle girl who is occasionally shy with new people, but once she warms up she will purr and rub her head against your neck hoping to convince you to take her home. Victoria arrived at the shelter last March, and within a few weeks she gave birth to five kittens. She was a wonderful mom, and all of her babies found homes months ago, but Victoria is still waiting. For more information on these and other animals at the Humane Society, call 317-7734974 or go to

Heed the following information before taking a pet on vacation: Take a trial run: Your pet may be a wonderful traveler, but motion might also make it ill. Take your pet on a few short practice trips to see how it responds. If sickness is severe, you may decide it is best to keep your pet at home while you vacation. Watch the water: Pets, like people, often have intestinal problems when

adapting to drinking water different than the home tap. To help make the transition, bring a couple gallons of water from home. On the trip, you can gradually add small amounts of the “new” water. Stay on time: Keeping your pet’s regular feeding, exercise and sleeping schedule while on vacation will make the trip less stressful for your pet. Fresh water should be offered at all times, and breaks should be frequent. Keep a vet on call: Plan for the worst and have a veterinarian on call at your intended vacation destination. This is especially important with birds and small pets that may require specialized veterinary care. If your trip is extremely long, you may want to have several veterinarians on call at points along the way. Article courtesy of Petland, Carmel. For more information, contact Juan Lopez at 317-569-PETS.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

RESIST EASTER PETS - Bunnies, chicks, ducks and other animals are adorable, but resist the urge to buy or adopt a pet on impulse. “People often forget that these cute little animals grow up into adult animals who require a commitment to provide daily care for the rest of their lives,” says Stephanie Shain, outreach director for the companion animals section of the HSUS. “Bringing any animal, including small animals like rabbits and chicks, into your home places demands on your time and financial resources and should be done only after carefully assessing your family’s ability to meet the animal’s needs.”


14641 U.S. 31 North Carmel, IN 46032


Presented in part by


COMMERCIAL INTERRUPTIONS - A pair of research studies finds that we enjoy television programs more when they include commercial interruptions, reports Benedict Carey in the New York Times (3/3/09). This is true even when the commercials suck, according to Leif Nelson, an assistant marketing professor at the University of California, San Diego. Lief’s explanation is that even enjoyable experiences quickly become routine, and the commercial breaks renew one’s enjoyment.

SHAKE ON IT - The origin of the handshake lies in medieval history. By offering a right hand to a stranger, a hand that could otherwise be used to draw a sword, men were overtly displaying their intentions of peace toward one another. Nowadays, from signing a treaty to settling a bet with friends, “shaking on it” remains a symbolic sign of agreement.

Kelly’s upside down ball March 20, 6-11 p.m. Ritz Charles 12156 Meridian St., Carmel www.

What: Kelly’s Kids Party When: 6-11 p.m. March 20 Where: The Ritz Charles, 12156 N. Meridian St. in Carmel Cost: $20 per child, $60 max Photo by Shane Rodimel per family Details: Don’t worry about getting a sitter for the kids while you attend Kelly’s Upside Down Ball. They’ll get a kick out of a separate party just for them, where they’ll enjoy a kidfriendly meal, snacks, drinks, games and prizes hosted by DSI’s friends at The Sugar Buzz. Info: 317-925-7617 or toll-free 888989-9255; www.kellysupsidedownball. org or

Jurogue Johnson

ter, Kelly, a six-year-old cancer survivor with Down syndrome. Kelly’s situation is, unfortunately, not unusual; children with Down syndrome have an increased risk of contracting leukemia. To encourage additional support for DSI, other works of art currently on display in the Arts & Design District will be auctioned at the party on March 20. They include works by Michael Jurogue Johnson, a Chicago artist with Down syndrome, on display at Blue Egg Gallery (430 N. Range Line Road) and a canvas by the abstract/ impressionistic painter Stephen S. Pace, of

Submitted Photo

An unusual art show on display in the windows of Carmel’s Main Street for the last month is about to come down, just in time for Kelly’s Upside Down Ball this Friday. In partnership with Down Syndrome Indiana, a not-for-profit foundation dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals with Down syndrome, several art galleries in the Carmel Arts & Design District are displaying works of art and photography created and inspired by Hoosiers with Down syndrome. Local photographer and musician Shane Rodimel, of Shane Photography (23 E. Main St., Suite 300), worked with Robbin Thomas Lyons, founder of Kelly’s Upside Down Ball and a former Carmel resident, to photograph children with Down syndrome for the organization’s 2009 calendar. A selection of the resulting photographs is on display at Simply Sweet Shoppe (30 N. Range Line Road), where the calendars are also for sale. The event is named for Robbin’s daugh-

Evansville, on display at Magdalena Gallery of Art (27 E. Main St.). The A&D District office (111 W. Main St.) is hosting works by Ted Scofield, an artist and graphic designer who serves on the board of DSI. Scofield is also a founding member of Dads Appreciating Down Syndrome, an organization with more than 400 members in 26 chapters in the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Australia. Barbara E. Cohen covers the arts for the Current community newspapers. Please send comments or story ideas to

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

FLYING FLOWERS - In attracting butterflies to your garden, it’s important to understand what they want most out of life: nectar. Butterflies’ wish list also includes sunny open spaces, shelter from the wind, and fresh water. For a nectar-rich flower border designed to satisfy these requirements, consider the following plants: Butterfly Bush, Columbine, Daylily, Larkspur, Foxglove, Petunia, Summer Phlox (complete list available at Then invite a few butterflies over for a drink.


By Barbara E. Cohen Current In Westfield


AUTHOR EVENT - Author Jeff Alt will present an Appalachian Trail Show and share his humorous “Life Lessons from the Trail” this march 21 at 1 p.m. at Barnes & Noble (Greyhound Plaza in Carmel). ALT He first detailed these lessons in the revised edition of his award-winning book, “A Walk for Sunshine.” Alt will share how walking the Appalachian Trail has changed him in profound, unique and positive ways. He will also detail how he has applied his lessons to his career, his marriage, and raising his children. The event is free and requires no registration.

art up for down syndrome


20 Grace Kwok Employee at Chang Fu Chinese Restaurant

Where she likes to eat? International Buffet What she likes to eat there? Mostly vegetables and fruits. I also like the seafood. What she likes about International Buffet. It’s nice and clean and the waitresses are very nice.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

International Buffet 7783 E. Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-351-8528 Hours: Monday – Sunday, 10:30 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Bleecker Street Eatery

10 W. Jackson St. Cicero, IN 46034 Phone: 317-984-4200 Hours: Tuesday – Thursday, 4:30 p.m. – 10 pm. Friday & Saturday, 4 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Bleecker Street Eatery features a warm, fun, relaxed New York Greenwich Village atmosphere. The building is 110 years old, with 13-foot ceilings, brick walls and the original hardwood floors. The walls of Bleecker Street Eatery display a history of Greenwich Village’s importance to music. They are decorated with musical images from the 1960s and 1970s, featuring singers such as Bob Dylan and other artists who began their careers in Greenwich Village. Sundays at Bleecker Street are all-you-can-eat brunch, and Thursday are all-you-can-eat ribs. The restaurant also has music on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

time to clean your pantry?


t’s time. It won’t be fun, but it will be worth it. Trust me. On your “to do” list, put down “CLEAN OUT THE PANTRY.” I can hear you moaning and groaning already. But it needs to be done. Am I right? The year 2008 is gone, and the new year is well under way. I bet you have stale chips, cookies, nuts, crackers and the like that need to be pitched. Or how about those spices, herbs and vinegars you haven’t touched Richelle Rider in more than a year Chef Inspired (or maybe two or three)? Hmm, yep, it’s time alright. These three simple questions should help you answer whether you are due for a pantry “clean up.” Question No. 1: Would you be embarrassed to have your friends and/or neighbors see inside your pantry? Question No. 2: Have you purchased an item lately that may already be in your pantry, but you didn’t feel like looking for it? Question No. 3: When you open the pantry, does anything fall out? Do you have to pull out three or more items to get something you need? As a chef, one would think my pantry would be stocked full of all kinds of fun “gourmet” items. But I try to keep it simple. That’s my rule. I try to always keep certain staples on hand, but I have some fun items as well. The trick is not to let those fun items take over. Treat your pantry like your closet: If you haven’t “worn it” in a year, it should probably go. A little fact: Originally, a “pantry” was a cool, dark place for perishable foods, such as freshly baked bread. In fact, the word “pantry” is derived from the French word “pan,” which means bread.

Love Lets It Go Saturday Casual Worship . . . . . . . . . 5:01 p .m .

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The basics: Your pantry is a personal subject dependant on your family/lifestyle, but these are the “top 10” things I cannot do without in my pantry: • Oils/vinegars (olive, sesame, canola, vegetable and cooking spray; balsamic, red wine and white vinegars) • Starches (pasta, rice, popcorn, crackers and cereal … limit to two kinds) • Bouillon (beef, chicken and vegetable) • Nuts (almonds, pecans, pine nuts, walnuts and peanut butter) • Sauces (soy, teriyaki, hot sauce, honey, tomato, Worcestershire and corn syrup) • Seasonings (herbs and spices; will vary depending upon what you cook) • “White” stuff (flour, sugar, cornstarch, baking powder/soda) • Flavoring extracts (Vanilla and almond are my top choices.) • Wine/liquor (mainly for cooking, but the cook deserves a drink too!) • Meal-type makers/“on the go” items (mac ’n cheese, canned soup, tuna, SpaghettiOs beanie weenies, etc.)

The fun “extras” I mentioned earlier include candy, cookies, snack chips, chocolate and the like – the things one can live

Richelle Rider is a chef/owner at Woody’s Library Restaurant, 40 E. Main St. in Carmel. For more information, visit or her catering Web site, www.


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without. If you have a bunch of items in your pantry that are still usable but that you know you don’t need or won’t use, I urge you to gather them up and give them to somebody who will. Plenty of local churches and organizations take food donations. Please don’t pitch perfectly good food! So what’s in your pantry? Is it time? Start the spring cleaning early and get a fresh start!

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21 DIVERSIONS Photos by Brandie Bohney

Carmel’s historic Peele House (formerly at 140 W. Main St.) made it first move March 8. After an introduction by City Council member Ron Carter, the house took a one-hour, multiple-block journey to its temporary location on 2nd Street SW next to the Monon Trail. The journey included several tight turns and the removal of several street signs, and more than 100 spectators came to watch. It will move to its final location on North Range Line Road when the lot is cleared and prepared. 1. The Peele House loaded on the truck and ready to roll out. 2. A worker loosens the chains on one side of the trailer with a giant ratchet. 3. Starting the turn at 1st Street SW and 2nd Street SW. 4. The Peele House in its temporary location.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Miss America pageant-winner Katie Stam with a fan on a recent visit to Carmel’s Clay Terrace shopping plaza. Hailing from Seymour, Ind., Stam is the first Miss America from Indiana. During the visit, she encouraged people to look beyond what they saw on the stage at the Miss America pageant. “People just look at our outsides,” she said. “If they looked deeper, they would realize there are so many talented women who are accomplished, driven leaders of scholarship.”

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sical, best book of a musical and best original score. For reservations, call the box office at 317-872-9664 any day between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. For more information or a complete show schedule, visit

Show at Woody’s Restaurant Woody’s Library Restaurant (40 E. Main St. in Carmel) will present Matt Heincker and the Walkaways March 19 at 8 p.m. Special guests are Patchwork and Justin McElhany. CDs will be available for purchase.

Live Music

‘Sleeping Beauty’

‘Cats’ ‘Cats’ at Beef & Boards America’s favorite musical sensation is playing at Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre (9301 N. Michigan Rd. in Indianapolis) through April 5. Based on T.S. Eliot’s “Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats,” Andrew Lloyd Webber’s masterpiece won seven Tony Awards including best mu-

‘Sleeping Beauty’ at Beef & Boards Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre’s Pyramid Players have opened the first production in the Live Theatre for Kids 2009 series: “Sleeping Beauty.” This classic fairy tale, made popular by the Brothers Grimm, centers around a beautiful princess, who receives generous gifts from the good fairies in the kingdom at her christening. The role of Princess Melisande is played by Noblesville High School senior Chelsea McLean, with the king played by Jami Keck and the queen by Karen Webb. Mathew deGuzman, Jill Kelly, Kate Goetzinger, Sally Mitchell, Michael Dauer and Callie L.N. Johnson round out the cast. The production runs through March 28 on Frididays at 10 a.m. and Saturdays at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. For reservations, call 317-872-9664. For more information, visit

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The following musical acts will be playing live at Mickey’s Irish Pub, 13644 N. Meridian, Carmel. For more information, call 317-573-9746: March 20: Aberdeen Project March 21: Peace Train & The Flower Power Brass

Peace Train & The Flower Power Brass March 27: Toy Factory March 28: Why Stop Now

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

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‘St. John Passion’ St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church (10655 Haverstick Rd. in Carmel) will present Johann Sebastian Bach’s St. John Passion March 29 at 3 p.m. The critically acclaimed Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra, along with the Meridian Vocal Consort, will perform with soloists Steven Stolen, Kyle Ferrill and Alan Dunbar, as well as with the parish choirs of St. Elizabeth Seton and Trinity. These performances feature Baroque-period instruments and historically informed performance practice. The work in its entirety lasts for two hours; there will be an intermission between Parts 1 and 2. For more information, call 317-846-3850 or 317-926-1346.



DISPATCHES FOR THE GIRL WHO WON’T GROW UP Barbie may not look a day over 30, but she actually turns the big 5-0 this year. To celebrate, the unnaturally-shaped one has released her own MP3 player. While it probably won’t have Sony, Archos, Microsoft or Apple quaking about the competition, it does have the advantage of being really, really pink. And there’s a mirror. (Oh, and 2G storage and an FM radio.) You can pick it up at Fred Segal on Melrose, so we’re bound to see Nicole Richie or someone carrying one soon. For her daughter, of course.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

LED LIGHTBULBS - This July, Philips will release an LED bulb that’s ready for mainstream consumption, the Master LED. Fitting in a standard bulb socket, the mercury-free Master LED bulb sips just 7W while burning up to 45,000 hours, or about 30x the length of a normal bulb. It’s actually already available in parts of Europe for about $50-70 USD, but with the proper retail availability, it could excite the mainstream US public. SOLAR-POWERED CLOTHING - If you’re a biker, runner or skier, you may be interested in solar-powered fabric that lights up for you to be easily seen. Jackets, for example, have conductive fabric on the sleeves, and the use of silver-plated thread allows the whole setup to be connected so that when the sleeves are touched, the lights on the back turn on. Solar panels on the upper arm allow for charging. Pretty cool (but sometimes difficult to get through airport security).

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OPENDNS — What is it?


By default, your primary DNS server penDNS is a new startup comes from your Internet provider. company that offers an alterOne reason to use is it nate way for your computer allows you to control what your computer to get “directions” on the Internet and to control exactly can access from its Web interface. It also automatically blocks known what your home or business phishing sites and botnet network can access. This is one agents, and it can resolve comof those tools that has value monly misspelled URLs. for some and creates privacy The pundits of this service concerns for others (more on seem to be most vocal about that later). concerns surrounding privacy DNS stands for Domain and advertising. This is a free Name System, and it transservice because the program lates our requests from plain gathers information about English into the numeric users’ surfing habits and system known as IP (Internet inserts user-specific advertisProtocol). In other words, ing. (To get both sides of this early in the development of debate, type “pros and cons of the Internet, somebody really OpenDNS” in Google.) smart realized it would be OpenDNS is really best much easier to remember Gary Hubbard used in the hands of a technames than numbers. For exTechnology savvy network administrator. ample, telling you to visit our If you’re interested in using Web site at this service, but lack the technical backhas much greater value than telling you ground, I would highly recommend findto visit (If you type those ing a trusted tech-savvy friend or service numbers in your browser, you will also be provider to help you understand how to taken to our site.) best use it in your situation (or whether Think of the DNS servers on the Internet as “traffic cops” that give us direc- you should use it at all). tions to our desired location. Whenever you type a Web address into your browser, Gary Hubbard is Owner of Data Doctors Computer Services - www.datadoctors. it goes first to your primary DNS server, com Have a technology question? Send it to which translates your request into an IP address and sends you on your way.

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isn’t it ironic?

I am very happy.

I will definitely continue to advertise.”

I am very happy.

I will definitely continue to advertise.”


• That no matter how old you get, when you meet someone special, you still get butterflies. • That married people think the grass is greener on the other side. And that we singles think the same. • That the time when you are most open to meeting someone special is the only time nobody asks you out. • That men want a woman who is fit and thin but want her to eat a lot when they go out to eat. (Mental note: Starve yourself until you’re on a date and then eat like a pig … just kidding.) • That after 100 dates with 100 people, the one person you finally fall in love with doesn’t love you back. • That newly divorced people think the singles world will be their oyster (until reality hits). Rachael Noble • That women complain that nobody G a rasks y Hubbard, DATING o w nthey er them out but are rude to men when approach them. D a t atoD o c tabout o r s it. • That when you come home to an empty home with nobody complain to after a bad week of work, a friend comes along to • That some (notice I say “some”) men will cheat, lie and break remind you how much you are loved. women’s hearts and then complain women are bitter. • That some men boast indiscretions, drink and cuss like a sailor • That a “good morning” text can sweep you off your feet for the and then expect to get a “good girl.” rest of the day. • That the one time you go out with your hair in an ‘80s banana • That we don’t appreciate what we have until it finally gives up clip, without makeup, is the time you see the man of your on us. dreams. • That when you are single, you are an “expert” on relationships • That some women can sport bad attitudes and be high-mainte(until you get into one and realize you know nothing). nance and wonder why no man is interested in them. • That humans can’t help it … we just want to be loved. • That some company decided this world needed another brand of cornflakes. (Ha! Just seeing if you were paying attention.) Rachael Noble is a single Carmel resident and contributing columnist. She can be reached at • That people who haven’t tried online dating have big opinions

Gar y Hubbard, owner Data Doctors



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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I will definitely continue ” 45-minute workout. to advertise.


ow that the sun has decided to make an appearance after months of hibernation, moods are lifting, smiles are more frequent, lawns are greening up … and landscape beds are looking pretty sorry. Yep, it’s time for the annual spring ritual that includes fueling our sorry addiction to mulch. While we are passionate about landscapes and all that goes with it, the mulch craze leaves something to be Randy desired. Fortunately, Sorrell there are a few strategies to ease the pain, both muscular and financial. (Note: Start with a few Advil.) Adding to our distaste are the endless varieties of mulch available. Choice is a great thing, but ordering a load of mulch is similar to a visit to Starbucks loaded with questions regarding color, quality and quantity. I prefer the good old-fashioned premium, hardwood-shredded mulch void of nasty additives (pulverized pallets, railroad ties and sand). Sure, it tends to break

sedum, baltic ivy and emerald pink creeping phlox. Crushed stone as a mulching material can “rock,” but it takes the right house and environment to make sense.


Submitted Photos

Inside & Out



down and compost faster than your grande mocha latte decaf gets too cold to work its magic, but as it breaks down, it feeds the plants, makes the soil rich and full of goodies, retards weed growth and retains moisture better than most alternatives. Unfortunately, my “fav” premium hardwood tends to fade out midsummer, while the edgy dyed decadence mulch continues to blast and offers a marvelous contrast to the shrubs and perennials it is there to protect. Often, the dyed product is produced from less appealing wood products.

Better, try the pulverized, recycled rubber mulch. It’s expensive initially, but very lifelike.


A growing trend is to plant in waves and masses in an effort to consume some of the mulch space, thereby reducing the quantity needed. Try non-aggressive ground covers too. Eventually, they will eat up most of the bed space that requires mulching. We like creeping ajuga (burgundy glow and variegated varieties), creeping

Cut spent perennials, all ornamental grasses and overgrown tired spirea and a few other deciduous shrubs back to the ground. Really, all the way to the ground. Follow immediately by removing all debris, cutting a clean edge into the bed and applying an all-purpose 12.12.12 fertilizer and pre-emergent weed control to the beds. Flowering shrubs will appreciate a shrub-specific fertilizer. All steps are critical for happy, healthy beds and the above sequence is advised. Oops… start with the gutter cleaning. Better yet, call one of the local landscape firms like Salsberry, Sundown, Surroundings or an advertiser in this delightful newspaper, and they will happily handle the entire process. Stimulate our economy while making your home more valuable … what a great investment! Happy mulching. Randy Sorrell is president of SURROUNDINGS by NatureWorks+, a Carmel home improvement firm. He may be reached at 317-6792565, or


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

For Current in Carmel

Recent high winds no doubt have left their calling card on your yard and garden. In most windstorms, the trees hardest hit are weak-wooded species, such as silver maples, Siberian elms, river birch and willows. The trees that lost dead and weak branches may require a bit of “triage” assessment. Of course, the highest priority is to address trees that pose a danger to people or property. If limbs are split or irregularly broken, try to make a clean cut of an otherwise jagged wound so the tree’s natural development of callus tissue can eventually cover. It’s best to prune out affected branches by cutting back to a side bud or branch. For small, low-growing branches, it is relative easy to remove them from the tree, especially if you have appropriate tools. Hand sheers are used on branches up to one-quarter inch in diameter. Lopping sheers are used on branches up to 1.5 inches in diameter. Pruning saws are used on branches more than 1 inch thick. For larger limbs, or those that are too far out of reach, consider hiring an arborist. If

trees are severely damaged, complete removal of the tree might be best. DO NOT attempt to prune trees yourself where power lines are involved. Leaves and flower petals of shrubs, trees, and other garden plants may appear burned, particularly around the edges. But what remains to be seen is the damage to young, expanding foliage and flower buds. Though the soils had abundant moisture, plants were likely to lose moisture to the high winds much faster than they could take it up from the soil. The result could be a drying out around the margins of leaves and petals. This may take several days to weeks to become apparent. -

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

e’ve had Malibu Barbie. wasn’t a good match for the paint. That We’ve had Ballet Barbie. stuff refused to dry past the tacky stage, We’ve even had Trailer and somehow that tiny little cinnamon Trash Barbie (although I’m bun became stuck to Ken’s head, where it pretty sure she wasn’t an bonded permanently. Vicky took one look official Mattel version). and ran shrieking to Mom. And now, ladies and gentleBoy, did we catch it for that men, allow me to introduce... one.) Tramp Stamp Barbie! (Who Over the years, I have IS an official Mattel version). become acquainted with That’s not her official name, enough little girls to get a however. It’s Totally Stylin’ pretty good idea of how Tattoo Barbie. Because, you Barbie has transformed from know, like, a Barbie with a the Campus Queen Hanging tattoo is, like, stylin’. Totally. Out With Her Friends At The Here’s the boilerplate from Record Hop, to the Career Girl “More than 40 With Dream House and Car, easy, no-mess tattoos to design to the Sunny California Beach and decorate Barbie doll’s fashBabe, to the Fashion Maven, Mike Redmond ions. Customize the fashions to the You Can Be Anything Humor and apply the fun temporary Professional. tattoos on you too. Choose And now we come to Sportin’ from Barbie or Nikki dolls Ink Barbie. – both include additional Now, I’m not against tattoos, fashions, tattoo stamper and having a few myself. I’m not tattoos.” even against Barbie having a Wow. Barbie with a couple. I’ve seen some tattoos tattoo stamper. Are we on women that were absolutely through the looking glass striking. or what? But the winged heart in the My older sister Vicky small of the back, with the was one of the origiword “Ken” in the middle, nal Barbie girls, the just sort of raised my hackles. first generation to You know, there’s a reason get sucked into the they call those tattoos “tramp vortex of racks and stamps.” All they need now racks of Keen Barbie is a stool for her to sit on, Fashions and Nifty with a tiny little Long Island Barbie Accessories iced tea in one hand and a and Lost Barbie tiny little Marlboro Light Shoes. She had in the other, and you’ve two, as I recall – a got the next doll in the blonde and a bruseries: Totally Stylin’ nette who came Tramp Stamp Barfly attired in matching Barbie. zebra-stripe bathWhich acing suits. tually would Later, she be kind of added a blond appropriate, Ken doll to the considering the old girl has family. I think he came just turned 50. The early wearing swim togs. I do Barbie’s heavy-lidded, pouty, know he had a pair of pajasex-kitten look was no accident. mas that came with a tiny little The doll that inspired her was alarm clock, a tiny little glass modeled after a German carof milk and a tiny little cintoon hooker. True. Barbie’s benamon bun. ginnings were somewhat on the (It’s the cinnamon bun ... um ... disreputable side. Hey, I remember best. Ken she had to pay for that dream was kind of a drip – a big house somehow. blond Gosharoonie frat I wonder if Ken knew. boy to begin with, so my Mike Redmond is an author, jourbrother P.D. and I denalist, humorist and speaker. Write cided to color his hair him at mike@mikeredmondonline. with Testor’s model com or P.O. Box 44385, Indianapolis, paint. Gloss black. IN 46244. For information on Well, it seems the speaking fees and availability, plastic of Ken’s head

27 laughs

New Barbie Pushing the Envelope?

LAUGHS Tuesday, March 17, 2009




Use logic to fill in the boxes so every row, column and 2 x 3 box contains the letters C-A-R-M-E-L. Answer below.



turned 62 last week. It wasn’t the kind of turn I was looking forward to. I was actually hoping for a U-turn, but I guess I should be happy to be moving forward and enjoying the ride. The Indianapolis Star thought my aging was printworthy. I guess they were hard up for news. They actually called and asked how old I was. I told them 47 because they didn’t specify when. This gave me 62 options for correct answers. Dick Wolfsie The next day, Humor they printed a photo of me they had on file. I didn’t really want them to do that. After all, they’ve never wanted to print my column, but I guess when they heard I was 62, I had finally done something to give them a good laugh. A lot of people called me and said I looked great for my age, which I would have taken as a compliment if the picture hadn’t been taken in front of Market Square Arena. The editor of the newspaper you’re reading has never asked me how old I am. I’ve been asked things like, “Did you honestly think last week’s column was funny?” And, “Did you steal that last idea from Dave Barry?” Sixty-two is a funny age. I also felt this way about 55, which is why I wrote about it several years ago. Funny can mean a number of different things. For example, a lot of people say to me, “Hey Dick, you are really funny.” Well, maybe not a lot of people, but at least two last month. Sometimes, people will say, “This tastes funny.” This has always struck me as odd, because when you think you’re eating tainted peanut butter, it’s hard to find something to chuckle about. Sometimes people use the word funny to denote a curiosity. You might hear someone say, “It’s funny, Henry … I’ve known you since I was a kid and never noticed the two extra fingers.” So what does it mean to be at a funny age? Oh, I’ve been at funny ages before. Eight was pretty funny. Twelve? A riot. Sixteen was not funny. Not for a second. And 40? You couldn’t even get a smirk out of me. I think you get the point here. You might even be finding this column funny – in a peanut butter kind of way. When I reached my mid-50s, I wasn’t really a full-fledged senior citizen yet; I was just rehearsing for it. Businesses tried to capture my hard-earned dollars by declaring I was close enough to geezerhood to take advantage of a few perks. But




that meant I had to admit my age at the movie theater, for example. It was hard to fudge it, especially when half the people in line had just seen me at MCL enjoying the early bird special. Now I’m thrilled to accept the cheaper movie price, but just

once I’d like that kid selling tickets to say, “Sir, I’d need to see some ID. You can’t possibly be a senior.” I’m still waiting. The next birthday I’ll write about is 65. In the meantime, I’ll have the next picture of me taken standing next to Lucas Oil

Stadium. If both the stadium and me hold up, think how great I’ll look in that photo in 20 years. Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at



lmost every week, I am asked whether it is wiser to reupholster or to buy new furniture. My answer is always, “It depends.” If the frame on your existing furniture is hardwood and still in great shape, reupholstering gives you incredible design flexibility and value. If your piece is in poor condition and of questionable quality to begin with, start over and invest in quality that will last Vicky Earley for years. Design Another bonus that comes with choosing to reupholster is the ability to redesign your old furniture for an absolutely new look. Possibilities abound when dealing with a professional upholsterer whose specialized skills enable you to achieve a truly custom outcome with your finished piece. In addition, a good upholsterer can replace springs, rebuild the frame or add new padding. Half of the success in an upholstery project is in the fabric selected. The choice of a loose weave or thin-print cotton will

• Chair with wood arms: 4 yards • Completely upholstered chair with skirt: 7 yards • Vintage sofa with exposed wood: 10 yards • Loveseat: 13 yards • Sofa: 14 yards and up (depending on length and number of cushions)

Fantastic Exposure. “

Welt or cording has not been factored and could require additional yardage. Also, these estimates are all based on 54-inch-wide fabric. In all cases, get a professional yardage quote for your project.

We have had nothing but compliments and praise from our agents.”

• Dining chair set: ¾ to 1 yard • Fully upholstered dining room chair: 3 yards

Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact

DRESSING THINNER Remember the number one secret of slim dressing: proportion. Full, round shapes on top and bottom will make you look… full and round. So always accentuate your smallest part by pairing your more generously cut pieces with a snugger mate. Balance a full skirt with a fitted shirt, a flowy blouse with pencil-thin jeans, a miniskirt with a longer top.

“ Fantastic

C a r m e l F.

House of Martial Arts 317.575.9333 12570 N. Gray Road Carmel


We have had nothing but compliments and praise from our agents.” S i Jo h n s o n , V i c e P re s i d e n t / R e a l t o r / M a n a g e r C a r m e l F. C . Tu c ke r O f f i c e


We h noth complim praise ag

Si J Vice Presiden

C a r m e l F. C . Tu c ke r O f f i c e


Fan Expo “

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ARE YOU IN A RUT? - There’s nothing wrong with knowing what looks good on you and which products suit your needs, but sometimes there are signs that you need a little inspiration. For example, if in the morning you apply mauve eyeshadow instead of taupe, it takes your dog several seconds to recognize you (and/or your boyfriend actually notices that something’s different). If testing out a new eye makeup seems scary, start small: many larger eyeshadow palettes come with both flattering brights and hard-toscrew-up neutrals.

ensure disaster! If in doubt, ask your fabric source whether the textile you are considering is, in fact, intended for upholstery use. Because you have direct control over a project of this nature, consider some creative methods. I like to mix fabrics – even if it is just a contrast fabric for the welt. The yardage necessary for a project is typically a deep, dark mystery. It is helpful to have a rough idea prior to selecting fabric so you can factor in the cost. The following “fabric shopping guide” is a rough idea of the yardage necessary for common projects.

S i Jo h n s o n , V i c e P re s i d e n t / Realtor/Manager

HIGH ALTITUDE - Hard-to-reach areas are a closet’s no-man’s-land. A springloaded pull-down rack, which you can install yourself (if you are so inclined), solves the problem. A light tug on a handle positioned near the center of the rod brings the clothes to you. The racks are easily found at a variety of online retailers such as www.organizeit. com and at some closet and organizing stores. -Martha Stewart Living


THE ART OF SHAVING - For the best shave, there are a few suggestions you should heed: • Shave in the shower. The heat opens your pores and softens the hair, which gives you a closer shave. • Use a preshave oil. It lubricates your face and protects your skin. • Use a brush. It builds a thicker lather and raises your whiskers slightly. • Shave with the grain, not against it. Going against the grain will get you a closer shave, but also a lot more irritation. -Esquire

reupholstered vs. new furniture


Fan Exp “

We have ha nothing but compliment and praise f our agents.”

Si Johnson, Vice President Realtor/Manag

C a r m e l F. C . Tu c ke r O




style Salon 01 is here to spice up your look with a style stimulus package that won’t break the bank! Reservations are filling fast, so book an appointment toDaY with our capable New talent Stylists. if you are a NEW GuESt and present this ad at the time of service, you will receive 20% off through March 31, 2009. offer applies only to new guests of Salon 01.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

By Christi Thompson


your appointment

lather up!

S p r i n g

For most people, the act of shampooing is merely the routine of cleansing the hair of dirt and other contaminants. However, shampooing your hair is much more than that. There is a wide range of specialty shampoos on the market and it is important to make sure you pick one that is right for your hair type. Your stylist understands your hair type and texture, so it is pertinent to get a

professional recommendation for which shampoo works best for your hair needs. Whether it is color protecting, such as Brocato’s VibraColor shampoo or Aquage’s Volumizing shampoo that you need, your stylist will be able to recommend the perfect bottle for you. Shampoos also can help prevent and reverse damage to your hair caused by chemicals or the elements. Healthy hair begins with the proper products and regimen for at-home maintenance.

When it comes to product, less is more From Fitness magazine

You don’t need as much product as you think. Look great—and save money—with this size-it-right guide.

Eye Cream: The amount of one M&M per eye. “Anything more can clog pores,” says Miami dermatologist Kenneth Beer, MD. Foundation: Use the size of an Altoid. Use only where needed.

size of a nickel. Too much will irritate your skin or make your hair look greasy.

Conditioner: Smooth on one marble for short hair; two for long. Conditioner can weigh down the hair if slathered on. Mousse: Use the size of a golf ball. Mousse may feel light, but it is concentrated. Too much will stiffen strands.

Face or Hair Serum: Pump just the

Protecting your hue Spring is all about new beginnings. So, what better time to try a new hair color, or for the less daring, adding a just few highlights. Investing time and money into a new hair color is only worth it if the color lasts! Be sure to ask your stylist for recommendations for keeping your color as vibrant as the day it was done. Color protecting products, such as Brocato’s

Vibracolor Shampoo and Conditioner will help in keeping your color from fading between visits. Or, you can pick up a product, such as Artego’s Color Shine Mask. This product should be used once a week in between your color appointments. It will actually deposit some color back into your locks, keeping your hair shiny and vibrant! Make an appointment with a Salon 01 stylist today!



The bride-to-be is a 2004 graduate of Bloomington South High School and a 2008 graduate of Purdue University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Eva Marie is employed as a school psychology assistant for the Athens-Meigs Educational Service Center in Pomeroy, Ohio. The groom-to-be is a 2002 graduate of Carmel High School and a 2006 graduate of Purdue University with a bachelor’s


March 9 12:39:31 a.m., harassment, 12796 Ashworth St. 2:47:29 a.m., investigation, 3 Civic Square 5:39:34 a.m., suspicious activity, 3210 E. 96th St. 6:32:46 a.m., alarm burglar, 14637 Handel Drive 6:38:22 a.m., driving complaint, North Meridian Street / Keystone Avenue South 7:52:05 a.m., alarm burglar, 14440 Clay Terrace Blvd 8:01:12 a.m., investigation, Hoover Road / Meeting House Road 8:08:22 a.m., investigation, 10201 N. Meridian Street 8:09:42 a.m., theft, 364 Haydn Drive 8:53:25 a.m., investigation, 12423 Windsor Drive 8:20:33 a.m., theft, 755 W Carmel Drive 9:39:56 a.m., suicide, 697 Pro Med Lane 9:50:05 a.m., animal complaint,

degree in mechanical engineering technology. He is employed at Black and Veatch, Overland Park, Kan. and is on assignment as a field engineer at the Kyger Creek Power Plant in Cheshire, Ohio.

11742 Forest Park Lane 10:15:00 a.m., juvenile complaint, 5150 E. 126th St. 10:19:58 a.m., animal complaint, 2027 E. 110th St. 11:27:10 a.m., criminal mischief, 726 Adams St. 11:31:24 a.m., investigation, 3 Civic Square 1:11:55 p.m., accident property damage, 4160 E. 96th St. 2:05:37 p.m., animal complaint, 14322 Matt St. 3:24:45 p.m., welfare check, 1414 Monroe Drive 3:40:19 p.m., investigation, East 106th St. / Keystone Avenue South 3:45:03 p.m., suspicious activity, Rolling Springs Drive / Rolling Springs Court 3:47:00 p.m., alarm burglar, 12598 Lynnwood Blvd. 3:47:59 p.m., disturbance, 530 W Carmel Drive 3:55:15 p.m., investigation, Thistlewood Drive / West136th Street 4:00:04 p.m., traffic hazard,

7:52:44 p.m., theft, 484 E. Carmel Drive 9:57:54 p.m., accident property damage, East 96th St. / Keystone Avenue South March 10 12:31:30 a.m., alarm burglar, 456 E. Carmel Drive 4:50:55 a.m., alarm burglar, 14511 Clay Terrace Blvd 7:52:49 a.m., investigation, Hancock Street / City Center Road 8:00:00 a.m., alarm burglar, 14511 Clay Terrace Blvd. 10:21:36 a.m., juvenile complaint, 12415 Shelborne Road 10:26:57 a.m., investigation, East 99th St / Keystone Avenue North 11:08:21 a.m., alarm burglar, 11660 Carriage Lane 10:26:57 a.m., investigation, East 99th St / Keystone Avenue North 11:34:12 a.m., investigation, 3108 Hensel Drive 11:34:50 a.m., investigation, Rosemeade Drive / East 116th St.




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11:45:39 a.m., alarm burglar, 13686 Fieldshire Terrrace 11:45:49 a.m., alarm burglar, 12887 Tuscany Blvd. 11:55:21 a.m., accident property damage, 11555 N. Meridian St. 12:25:21 p.m., accident property damage, East 116th Street / South Rangeline Road 12:36:02 p.m., harassment, 801 Ivy Lane 12:40:42 p.m., investigation, 3 Civic Square 12:59:57 p.m., alarm burglar, 514 Cornwall Court 1:05:03 p.m., juvenile complaint, 300 S. Guilford Road 1:10:27 p.m., alarm burglar, 14316 Jessi Lane 1:30:45 p.m., investigation, 14371 Quail Pointe Drive 1:42:11 p.m., investigation, 4260 E. 116th St. 1:42:24 p.m., suspicious activity, 75 Executive Drive

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009


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Keystone Avenue South / East Main Street 4:16:36 p.m., criminal mischief, 13400 N. Meridian St. 4:23:42 p.m., criminal mischief, 582 Hunters Drive W. 4:39:59 p.m., solicitor, 3012 Lucann St. 4:59:08 p.m., accident property damage, East 126th St. / South Rangeline Road 5:04:27 p.m., accident property damage, 918 S Rangeline Road 5:11:06 p.m., accident property damage, 635 E Carmel Drive 5:14:03 p.m., investigation, 3 Civic Square 5:44:45 p.m., investigation, Cherry Creek Boulevard / Mississinewa Drive 5:57:51 p.m., alarm burglar, 12204 Redgold Run 6:41:37 p.m., investigation, 211 Second St. N.E. 7:06:07 p.m., investigation, 3 Civic Square 7:50:39 p.m., investigation, 1909 E. 116th St.

Joe O’Malia’s Food Market (130 S. Range Line Rd.) on its last day in early 1992. The store opened in 1968. The Indiana Design Center, still under construction, now sits in its place. Photo courtesy of Carmel Clay Historical Society


Amy Sargent of Elkhart, Jeff Brennan of Seattle, Wash. and Greg Thomas of Bloomington are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Eva Marie Thomas to Scott Vargo, son of Chris and Sharon Vargo of Carmel.

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Does your child have colds that last an unusually long time or go to his chest?

• ye s • no

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• ye s • no

Does your child cough hard enough to interrupt him when exercising?

• ye s • no

Has your child had pneumonia more than twice?

• ye s • no

Have you ever heard your child wheeze?

• ye s • no

Has your child ever been treated for eczema?

ye s


Is there a family history of asthma (biological mother or father)?

• ye s • no

Does your child have a runny nose all the time, even without a cold?

• ye s • no

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