Leadership NZ Yearbook 2015

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Developing a unique partnership with every New Zealander ACC has been a partner of Leadership NZ since its inception. Debbie Barrott, Chief Talent Officer for ACC reflects on this partnership and the importance of leadership today in ACC. What is it that has led ACC to send 22 people on the Leadership NZ Programme and continue the partnership for over 10 years? To answer this, we need to rewind to 2004 for some Leadership NZ folklore! As Leadership NZ Founder Jo Brosnahan tells it, she went to meet then ACC CEO (Garry Wilson), planning to advise him that the first Programme (in 2005) may not start as she hadn’t found enough participants. On arrival Garry apparently asked (before Jo could say anything) when the Programme was starting as he had already nominated two ACC people. Jo felt she had no choice but to confirm the Programme was going ahead and headed off to make it happen! The rest is history. Debbie knows this story and has seen first-hand the benefits that come from being involved in the Programme. She recalls a colleague who was on the Programme and observed how they grew and developed; more open to being challenged and thinking from different perspectives. Since Debbie joined ACC in 1999, there have been some challenging times, many played out in the public domain. She says, “there has been a huge requirement to step into challenging situations and for ACC people to come together to solve problems. Stepping into these challenges requires fearless leadership – having the courage to question, challenge and debate; being curious about options; mobilising others to solve a problem; asking questions to allow issues to bubble up.” “Our leadership challenges are not just about the issues of the day. It’s also about ensuring the sustainability of the ACC scheme into the future.” 30


“Leadership is important for ACC to achieve its goals. It’s a key competency and includes being curious; seeing things from different perspectives; having challenging, constructive conversations; being open to debate. Leadership NZ is known for creating an environment to have such conversations.” Debbie has seen Programme participants becoming more open to debate and “being comfortable in the uncomfortable, embracing not having the answers to a situation or issue, but working through it.” Debbie believes the Programme helps increase curiosity, awareness and perspective. “The Programme structure - through its location, themes/topics and range of speakers - helps participants increase their knowledge and awareness to think from different perspectives.” She believes that it’s important for leaders to look inside themselves first before leading others. This is also a key part of the Programme. Sid Miller, Chief Customer Officer, has been sending his people on the Programme. He sees a change in a person’s growth and knows that leadership makes a real difference. “The proof is in the pudding.” Leadership is core to ACC in transforming the way they have a relationship with the New Zealand public

“Our leadership challenges are not just about the issues of the day, but to also ensure sustainability of the ACC scheme for the future.”

and how they design their services. Some of Sid’s people have moved into bigger roles at ACC after the Programme. Having ACC people on the Programme, whilst providing the opportunity to promote ACC, allows the participants to be exposed to different ways of thinking. This comes from the diversity that is the core of Leadership NZ; diversity across many aspects including sector, location, gender, age and ethnicity. Debbie values this diversity and encourages participants to embrace how this expands their thinking. When Debbie was asked why ACC remained a partner of Leadership NZ, she said it demonstrated an ongoing commitment to growing people. “ACC has ‘skin in the game’. Partnership is so much more than just sending someone on a course.” To be successful ACC needs incredibly strong partners. Over the last couple of years, ACC has thought about what they are here to do and have reviewed their vision and values. The essence of its new aspirational vision is to have a unique partnership with every New Zealander to reduce the incidence and impact of injury. This sits well alongside the Leadership NZ vision of enriching New Zealand through active leadership in a connected community. Both organisations have community at the core of what they do. When Debbie describes the various challenges on ACC’s radar, it requires ongoing leadership that she describes requiring “courage, tenacity and perseverance.” Which is, when you think about it, probably what Jo Brosnahan displayed all those years ago when Leadership NZ and ACC began their partnership.

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