Cairo Central Park - 1400 FD - Fostat

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Architects Planners Engineers

Architectural Consultants

Concept . Beyond

‫وزارة االسكان و المرافق و التنمية العمرانية‬ ‫الھيئة العامة للتخطيط العمرانى‬ ‫‪General Organization for Physical Planning‬‬

‫‪@ñ‹çbÔÛa@òÄÏb«@M@ÂbİÐÛa@òÔİäß@‹íìİm@Êë‹“ß‬‬ ‫ﻣﻘﺎﺑر ﺻﻼح ﺳﺎﻟم و اﻟﺑﺳﺎﺗﻳن ‪ -‬ﻣﺻر اﻟﻘدﻳﻣﺔ ‪ -‬اﻟﻔﺳطﺎط ‪ -‬ﻋﻳن اﻟﺻﻳرة‬ ‫فى إطار المخطط المستقبلى للقاھرة الكبرى‬


‫‪Cultural Park‬‬

‫وزارة االسكان و المرافق و التنمية العمرانية‬ ‫الھيئة العامة للتخطيط العمرانى‬ General Organization for Physical Planning

Presentation parts: 01- Existing Situation - ‫الوضع الراھن‬ (Cemeteries, other areas) Existing Problems - Potentials - Networks- land uses – building conditions

02- Previous studies & Projects - ‫الدراسات و المشروعات السابقة‬ (Cemeteries, other areas) Existing Problems - Potentials - Networks- land uses – building conditions

03- Proposed Vision to Area - ‫الرؤية المقترحة للمنطقة‬ Cairo Central park – Downtown historical, cultural, entertainment & religious Park

04- International Samples - ‫أمثلة عالمية‬ New York , Sanfransisco, London

05- Master plan analysis - ‫المخطط العام المقترح‬ Concept , Relocations, Land uses, greens, Networks,…..zoom-in sectors (1,2,3)

06- Construction phases - ‫مراحل تنفيذ المخطط‬ 8 years plan + construction primary cost

‫ فدان‬4000 – ‫المخطط العام لمنطقة الفسطاط‬

CUBE Architectural Consultants CUBE firm is considered an Architectural consultancy firm involving distinguished experiences in various fields of integrated specializations from city planning, urban and architectural design, various engineering studies and consultancies to quality control, value engineering, development management and implementation supervision. Since we mainly seek to provide special services to our clients, we have cooperated with the largest international expert houses in various fields providing high technology and intelligent solutions promoting the ( Urban Environment ) concept and thus achieving the spatial and architectural quality using the new concept combining advanced technology with the urban and architectural local heritage roots. We believe that internationality is achieved through localization and reality and that forming our houses and urban architectural environment reflects on the formation of our community and the upcoming generations. Thus, architecture is basically the reflection of the society and its development engine. As a result, our work and planning designs are conceptually and philosophically unique using advanced technology within the local identity.

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