Jesus is Better Devotional - Grand Point Church

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Jesus is Better


Introduction Jesus is Better was a 13-week series on the book of Hebrews in the summer of 2019. Over the course of the series we tackled questions like: How does Christianity compare to other religions? How does Jesus Christ stack up to other religious leaders past and present? How does our future compare with those who do not know Christ?

The Book of Hebrews answers those questions (and more) in one word …”Better!” This motivational New Testament book encourages all Christians to follow Christ and His example regardless of the obstacles they may be facing to receive the better reward that awaits. In addition to our sermon weekly sermon series we released a corresponding weekly devotional written by a member of the Grand Point Church family. Our prayer is that, as you read the devotionals and revisit the messages, you would be encouraged as you discover that Jesus is Better!


A Name Above All Names

Have you ever looked up the meaning of your name? Maybe your parents had a keepsake created when you were born, or you’ve looked online at some point to see if your name holds any significance. My daughter’s name, Madison, can mean “mighty warrior” or “gift of the Lord” (which is also what my husband’s name, Matthew, means). My name? It means “ice” or “colorless glass.” We




can’t all have exciting meanings to our names, I suppose. I remember wishing I had a different name when I was younger, maybe the name of a heroine I was reading about, or a character on a show that I loved. I didn’t understand then that it’s not our names - or their definitions - that make us who we are, but how we serve and love others in the name


of Jesus.

Today’s Scripture, which kicks off our 13-week

When we feel stuck in our circumstances,

“Jesus is Better” series, reminds us that Jesus has

wondering if sticking to our old habits, sins, and

the name above all names. In Hebrews 1:4 we read,

excuses would be easier we can rest, we can move

“So he became superior to the angels, just as the

forward in faith as we believe that a new life with

name he inherited is more excellent than theirs.”

Jesus is better.

Jesus: When the enemy distracts us with memories of the Mighty God

way things used to be, we can take another step

Alpha and Omega

toward Jesus, trusting that His plan for our future


is better than anything we’re leaving behind. Jesus

Good Shepherd

is greater than all. His is the name above all names.

Lamb of God Lord of All

He is the One we’ve been waiting for, and we can

Our Hope

trust His name.

Savior Wonderful Counselor Prince of Peace Jesus is better. We can turn to Him with confidence and hope, trusting in His righteousness and love.

Reflect Instead of focusing this week on what you can do, in your own power to make your own name great, how can you choose instead to proclaim that Jesus is better? A quick search online will show you that Jesus has many, many names throughout the Bible. Take some time this week to look up a few of those names. Which one means the most to you in your current season? Additional Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:4-6; Isaiah 9:6; Philippians 2:9-11


Better than Angels

In Hebrews 2, Jesus is compared to angels. Why angels? For us it seems like a no-brainer…of course Jesus is greater than angels. But to 1st century Jewish Christians who were wrestling with returning to their Jewish roots, this wasn’t so apparent. The Jewish tradition taught that Moses received God’s words (Torah) at Mount Sinai from angels (see Deuteronomy 33:2-4 and Galatians 3:19-




22). The author of Hebrews is proclaiming that Jesus is better than angels, and therefore the message we received from Jesus is better than the message Moses received from angels. The warning in chapter 2 is to pay close attention to the message we heard “so that we do not drift away” (v.1) or experience judgement for ignoring this great


message of salvation (v. 3-4).

The rest of the chapter is a close examination of

Angels have not laid down their lives as a sacrifice

what it means that Jesus became human, and how

for our sinful human race. Angels have not

His suffering here as a human helps us through our

overcome the grave in victorious resurrection!

sufferings and temptations as well (v.18).

Only Jesus.

Seeing an angel today would be life-altering (and

Do we realize the ‘greatness’ of what we believe?

probably terrifying)! Angels worship and minister

While other religions and belief systems have us

in the Lord’s very presence. Can you imagine that?

working our tail off to somehow get to God, our

Angels deliver special messages of revelation to

God humbled Himself and came to us…experienced

God’s chosen.They fight and wage war in the

our fragile humanity…walked not only in our shoes,

heavenly realms. Angels protect, guard and defend.

but in our skin…and died excruciatingly while in

But, for as glorious, mighty, and supernatural as

that skin! How should we respond?

angels are, they have not done what Jesus did. Angels did not create the universe with a word

How can we respond with anything but worship,

from their mouths. Angels have not entered the

adoration, and an utter surrendering of everything

world as a child and come through all the growing

we are to this Jesus?

pains and heartache of our human existence.

Reflect As you read Hebrews 2, which verse or passage speaks to you the most? Why? What is it that could make you want to go back to life before following Christ? How can re-examining the message of salvation we received help you to keep going in your journey with Jesus? Additional Reading: Deuteronomy 33; Colossians 1:15-20; Galatians 3:19-22; 1 Timothy 4:8-16


What Can I Do Today?

As you read today’s passage, what words leap off the page? The line mentioning ‘today’ grabs my attention. How often do we miss what’s right in front of us? All the moments, the conversations, the blessings are seemingly invisible to us when we start looking past the here and now and fretting about the “what if’s” or the “used to be.” Friend, there is no day like today. After all scripture says




our days are numbered (Job 14:5, 39:4-13). I believe our relationship with Christ comes alive as we meditate daily on Scripture, and the Holy Spirit is still speaking through the Old Testament in powerful ways. I admit, when I read the Old Testament I often scoff at the Israelites and their continued fleeting obedience to God. Moses climbs a mountain and when he comes down the people


have already returned to idols and false teachings.

What were the conversations they were having that

We have a choice to be partners and partakers with

led to their unbelieving hearts? What kind of

Christ. His obedience, suffering, death,

conversations do we have or NOT have that lead to

resurrection, victory, plan, power, ministry, work,

dangerous opportunities for our hearts to become

glory, and destiny. The love of God is always

hardened in unbelief?

welcoming and inviting. It is a genuine invitation and He wants us to come. No one is exempt and

If you haven’t figured it out yet, the enemy is

there is no longer any condemnation from those in

scratching at the door of your heart every moment

Christ (Romans 8:1-2). Our daily response and

he can. He wants the joy to turn to cold

encouragement to one another should be rooted in

resentment. He wants to destroy the mustard seed

the fact that He has overcome the world.

or the mountain of hope you have in the Lord. We like to think that if we witnessed a sea part like the

Fear, darkness, and unbelief have no place when we

Israelites did that we would NEVER question the

choose to make Him our centerpiece- and that’s an

Lord. The truth is, He is still in the business of

everyday decision. “Relying on God has to begin all

parting seas in our life, but we often fail to notice

over again every day as if nothing had yet been

what He’s doing.

done.” (C. S. Lewis)

Reflect Do I consider myself a partner and partaker with Christ? What is one thing I can do today to acknowledge the seas God is parting in my life? Spend some time in prayer, asking God to reveal any areas where your heart may have become hardened. How can your family, friends, or small group support you as you give those pieces back to God Additional Reading: Psalm 119:1-8; John 10:10; Philippians 4:8; Psalms 95:7; John 14


Jesus Knows!

The world tells us that it’s “on us” to be successful, that we shouldn’t let anyone tell us who we are, and that we should define ourselves. That’s a lot of pressure! What if we change our minds? Make a mistake? Isn’t there an example we can follow? Isn’t there someone out there who knows how we’re feeling?




One of the best things about God is that He never asks us to do something He wouldn’t do Himself. We’re not doing something new, we’re following each step that Jesus has already taken ahead of us. Jesus faced every feeling, challenge, and temptation we face in our daily lives. Yes, even that anxiety, depression, anger, bitterness, grief, and even that hurt. He has faced it all and He made it through.


So what does God ask us to do? Hebrews 4:14-16

Step three: Receive mercy and find grace to help in

gives us three steps to follow:

time of need (Hebrews 4:16) We can often allow our past hurts to transfer to our

Step one: Hold fast to our confession (Hebrews

relationship with God and stop us from asking Him


for help. But Jesus condemns that kind of thinking

Jesus told a parable to explain the importance of

in Matthew 7:9-11.

knowing the Word of God and trusting it in Matthew 7:24-27. When we hear God’s Word and put

If we’re willing to give good gifts to those we love

it into practice, we are building a foundation that

when they ask, how much more will God give to us

will never be brought down by the storms and

when we ask Him!

temptations of life. Step two: Draw near to the throne of grace with confidence (Hebrews 4:16) James encourages believers to pray in faith, without any doubt, because the one who doubts “is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind” (James 1:6). If we are to stand firm, we have to pray with confidence.

Reflect What are some things in your life that you’re trying to control? What would it look like to give those things over to God? Is there a situation where you feel like you’re the only one who has gone through it? How would you feel or act if you knew that Jesus truly understood what you were going through? Additional Reading: Matthew 7:24-27; Psalm 119:105; James 1:5-8; Matthew 7:9-11


Spiritually Dull

Woah! When I read today’s passage it kicks me in the gut and makes me take a spiritual inventory. Have I become dull in my faith? Have I stopped growing? Verse 12 goes on to say, “You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others.” Am I teaching others, mentoring them, helping them to grow, or I am still sitting in the pew expecting others to feed me?




Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve heard all the stories of the Bible, learned about all of the people in the Bible, and participated in many Bible studies. And yet, I’m not sure that I could sit down with you and recite many Scriptures from memory or accurately tell the stories of people and events throughout the Bible.


I have recently decided that this is an area I want to

Hebrews 5:14 – “Solid food is for those who are

grow in so I can go deeper in my knowledge and

mature, who through training have the skill to

understanding of God’s Word and all it contains.

recognize the difference between right and

I’m taking steps to grow in this area but it requires

wrong.” Do we recognize the truth? Do we know

discipline, time, energy, and commitment. But all

why we believe what we believe? Why we stand for

that God asks is that we take the steps!

the things we stand for? Do we truly know what God has to say about the issues we face today – so

We are called into something deeper, to feast on

that we can determine the difference between right

the goodness of our God, to allow Him to fill our

and wrong? Have we stopped trying, stopped

every need, to provide a rich satisfaction from

seeking, stopped searching?

fellowship with Him. Yes, we are called to fellowship with others, and learn from others,

Let’s sit at the feet of Jesus, allowing Him to show

absolutely! But we also have to take ownership of

us truths, seeking His will, and diving into deeper

our relationship with Jesus and invest our own time

understanding of these areas with Him.

in order to develop a deeper intimacy with our


More of Him will make us better.

Reflect In what areas do you find you may need to go deeper in your relationship with God? Where have you become ‘dull’ in your spiritual life? What steps can you take to become sharpened? What are some truths that you may find difficult to digest? Additional Reading: 1 John 3:18; Ephesians 6:10-20; John 8:32; Romans 15:4



Despite being early afternoon, darkness overtook the hillside. The earth shook and rocks split (Matthew 27:51). Those gathered were terrified and frightened. They knew this day was nothing ordinary; yet describe it as hopeful? Hebrews 6:19-20 says: “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the




inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us has entered on our behalf.” Fearful and trembling, did they know that the tabernacle curtain was torn from top to bottom exposing the Most Holy Place? A place of limited access, only through a high priest, and only once a year - yet Christ’s redeeming love tore through all barriers and invited us into the very presence of



Christ’s sacrifice is God’s gift, once, for all people.

Heavenly Father,

With confidence we can now approach the very

Thank you that the curtain is torn! Thank you that

throne room of God (Ephesians 3:12), where His

Christ, our High Priest, gave His life so that we may

presence is known, felt and experienced.

know life with You. Thank you that when we seek

You, we find You wherever we are [Jeremiah 29:13].

Jesus, our High Priest, entered the Most Holy Place

Please help us to fully understand Christ’s

on our behalf--making God Himself accessible to

sacrifice, His love for us, the freedom He gives

us wherever we are. He opened the way for us to

through the forgiveness of sin. Please help us live

know Him, His forgiveness, His mercy, and His

in the fullness of Your love and share the beauty of

beautiful presence. Hope is found anywhere we

this Hope we know. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

seek Him (Jeremiah 29:13)! We can experience God’s overwhelming love at any moment. He desires to walk with us daily, fully forgiven, our sin nailed to the cross, with the gift of eternal life. Did they know that day they experienced the Hope of God? Today, this Hope is ours, firm and secure! The curtain is torn! Let’s celebrate this Good News!

Reflect Take some time and reflect on this beautiful gift of God’s invitation to come, wherever you are, as you are. How does your life express and celebrate the freedom you know through Christ? How is God leading you to share the Hope we have in Him? Additional Reading: Matthew 27:45-56; Jeremiah 29:13; Ephesians 3:12


A Better Hope

Our daughter came home from her grandmother’s house the other week with a very confused look on her face. “Did you know that Grammy MAKES her own ice cubes?” Apparently, in the 7 short years of her life, we have never owned ice cube trays. She is growing up in a generation where ice comes out of the refrigerator door, and the idea that someone would actually have to make ice cubes was a




revelation. With each passing generation, something that seemed perfectly normal and common is replaced with something new. The celebrities that were famous are forgotten, music changes, and styles go in and out (and sometimes back in) fashion. Our grandparents and great-grandparents tell stories of the way things used to be, and we can appreciate


the history, but we might not understand everything.

It’s important to approach this week’s section of

“Jesus Christ is a high priest who is holy,

Hebrews with this mindset. If you read Hebrews 7

blameless, and pure. And He only needed to offer a

and feel like you have a confused look on your face,

single sacrifice to God. Its effectiveness covered

I get it. What does any of this information about

past, present, and future. The Levitical priesthood

high priests and a guy named Melchizedek have to

was not the last word in salvation; Jesus is.” Dr.

do with Jesus? How do we even say that name? But

Mark Strauss

the first-century Jews understood. They were familiar with the tradition of Levitical high priests,

Jesus is our better hope, and “the guarantee of a

and including these references to Melchizedek

better covenant.” (Hebrews 7:22). Although

helped them wrap their minds around who Jesus

traditions, styles, and fame may fade away, Jesus is



Jesus was the new thing that was bringing in

We can put our hope in Him, knowing that “He is

something better. He swapped impossible

able to save completely those who come to God

perfection through the law for a better hope that

through him, since he always lives to intercede for

invites us to draw near to God. Jesus exchanged

them.” (Hebrews 7:24)

temple sacrifices and religious rituals for relationship and sacrificed Himself once and for all.

Reflect How does knowing Jesus give you hope? Is there any part of your faith that has turned into a ritual or obligation? How can you do something new to renew your relationship with God? Is there someone in your life who needs to know the hope you have in Jesus? Additional Reading: Psalm 110:4, Genesis 14:11-20, Romans 15:13


New is Better

I am a perfectionist by nature - an all-or-nothing, nose to the grindstone, get-it-done, kind of girl. I love when I can attack a goal with skillful precision, execute it flawlessly and reap the reward of achievement. But, I have a very real love-hate relationship with my perfect idealism. Because, the reality is, I




rarely, if ever, obtain perfection; and if I know I can’t reach the goal in front of me, then I give up before I even start. Have you ever been there? Knowing that you’ll fall short? That you’ll never live up? That you’ll never be enough? It can be an overwhelming and hopeless feeling. But, praise the Lord, we have a Savior who made a way for us to reach holiness.


“But now Jesus, our High Priest, has been given a

“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you:

ministry that is far superior to the old priesthood,

take your everyday, ordinary life – your sleeping,

for he is the one who mediates for us a far better

eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life –

covenant with God, based on better promises.”

and place it before God as an offering. Embracing

Hebrews 8:6

what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him.” Romans 12:1 MSG

A new covenant was made when Jesus sacrificed His life on the cross. We’re no longer required to

So, more accurately, I’m a recovering perfectionist.

offer gifts and sacrifices because our High Priest,

I am learning to rely on Him more every day. I’m

Jesus Christ, made an offering for us. Jesus, and

transforming my mind with the truth that Jesus is

Jesus alone, is the only reason we will ever be

the ONLY reason I’m worthy to be in the presence

enough. He is the only one that makes us

of the Almighty God.

acceptable to God the Father. We can stop striving because He’s already given everything that is

And everything I do, with a pure heart, is

required. The old is gone, the new has come, and

acceptable worship to Him.

the only thing God desires now are true worshippers.

Reflect How can you defeat the lie this week that you need to earn your salvation? Spend some time reflecting on the truth that Jesus Christ, the perfect Son of God, is the reason you are accepted by God the Father. How can you worship Him today with your everyday, ordinary life? Additional Reading: Romans 12:1; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ephesians 2:8-9


Serving God

Hebrews chapter nine gives us an incredible picture of the change that Jesus Christ brought to man. The sin that is present in our lives and in our world has separated us from the relationships that we were created to experience with God. God, in His enduring love for you and me, provided a way to repair and restore that relationship.Â




Hebrews chapter nine helps us understand and see the importance of Jesus Christ in this restorative process. Take a moment and read and reflect on the following verses:


Hebrews 9:13-14 (ESV)

What areas of my life do I need to allow the

“For if the blood of goats and bulls, and the

blood of Christ to purify? In my life there are

sprinkling of defiled persons with the ashes of a

areas that are difficult for me to release. These

heifer, sanctify for the purification of the flesh,

things hinder the way that I can “serve the living

how much more will the blood of Christ, who

God.” When we choose to seek forgiveness and

through the eternal Spirit offered himself without

turn from the things that are hindering our

blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead

lives, we can live with a clear conscience.

works to serve the living God.” How can I “serve the living God” effectively These verses give us hope that the blood of Jesus

today? I often find myself thinking in terms of a

Christ gives us the ability to not only have a

to-do list or things that must be accomplished

relationship with Jesus Christ, but also the ability

today. I rarely take the time to slow down and

to serve Him with a clear conscience.

process how God wants me to serve Him. As I have contemplated how to serve instead of strive, I have found that it often occurs in the

As I contemplated the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, it

small moments. The unplanned conversations

prompted me to think on two questions:

with my kids, the quiet moments with my spouse, the water cooler conversations at work, and the chance encounters during my day provide opportunities to serve.

As you head into the coming week, take time to reflect on these two questions. I believe that by changing our outlook in these areas, we will be able to see clearly that Jesus is Better.


Life is Better When We Get Together BY



Have you ever watched a child learn to ride a bike without training wheels for the first time? They wibble and wobble, swerving down the road, left and right, until they find their center, look straight ahead, and learn the beauty of balance. The writer of the book of Hebrews writes, “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:22-25 NIV).


Much like our young cyclist holding on to the

When we are present with people we can mirror

handlebars of his bicycle, we are encouraged to

their facial expressions, echo their laughter, notice

hold tightly to our hope in Jesus Christ. I became

their tears, hear the emotion in their voice, extend

deeply acquainted with the phrase “hold on to

a high five, pat them on the back, or offer a

hope” when I was pregnant with twins. Hope

listening ear. We are designed for relationship, and

became a promise I clung to because choosing hope

the writer of Hebrews reminds to remain faithful to

was far better than letting my fears get the better

meeting together - whatever it takes.

of me. Whether you jump on your bike, drive in your car, When life brings its challenges, we also need faith-

run around the block, or walk out your front door,

filled friends to come alongside us, to steady our

make it a priority to encourage someone that life

ride or reassure us with hope. We need friends who

with Jesus is better when we are together.

inspire us towards love and routine acts of kindness. Although it might be easier to connect with those friends through a text message or social media, I want to encourage you to rediscover the value in meeting together - face to face.

Reflect When was the last time needed to hold onto your hope in Jesus Christ? How could you use your own experiences and life stories to encourage someone else? Hebrews asks us to consider HOW we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds. How could you encourage someone towards intentional acts of love and good deeds? Think of someone who comes to mind who might be in need of a gentle spur or nudge in their faith journey. How can you be more intentional about meeting with other people face to face? How could you take a break from technology and find an alternative way to be more present with others?


Faith From a Distance

Have you ever had someone promise you something, only to fail in following through with that promise? On the flip side, have you ever made a promise that you failed to keep? I would assume that most, if not all of us, know what this is like. I remember a time several years ago that I failed to keep a promise to my wife. I dropped her off at a




friend’s home and “promised” to return to pick her up at a designated time. On my way home, I stopped to see another friend and we decided to go golfing for the afternoon. Can you see where this is going? As we finished the first 9 holes and were getting ready to begin the back 9, I decided I should call my wife to let her know I would be home a little late (this was before we had cell phones).


As she answered our home phone and I heard the

He will never get distracted. But, He WILL wait for

tone of her voice, I began to remember my

His perfect timing and it might be very different

“promise” to return to pick her up! Let’s just say it

than what we think it should be.

was a tense night at the Clugh house, especially since I decided to stay and play the rest of the

As I look at the people mentioned in the first part


of Hebrews 11, I am amazed at their steadfast faith in holding onto the promises of God. Abel, Enoch,

You see, Andrea had faith that I would keep my

Noah, Abraham, and Sarah were all people who had

promise and return for her. Unfortunately, I failed.

a faith that “looked forward.” They chose to trust

I became distracted. I became focused on

God even though the future was pretty unclear.

something other than my wife. Isn’t it good to know

And when we look at Abraham and Sarah, they

that Jesus is so much better and that He doesn’t get

didn’t even live to see their promise fulfilled - yet

distracted from or lose track of His promises!

they trusted and walked in faith. “They saw it all from a distance and welcomed it”(v13). These

There are some times, however, that the promises

heroes of the faith had an eternal perspective that

of God seem to be delayed. We may even feel like

was far greater than their own lives. The question

God has forgotten about us or that maybe He did

is, do we have that kind of faith?

get distracted. But that’s the difference between God and us - He will never forget us.

Reflect What are some promises of God that you have seen Him fulfill in your life? Is there a promise that you are holding onto right now that requires you to “look forward” in faith? How can you continue to walk in faith, knowing that Jesus is better than the uncertain future you are facing?


What is Your Focus?

Do you enjoy mowing? I do…I love it! Some enjoy the time to get out and ride the tractor, filling their time mindlessly or using it as a time to think (or in my case, talk to my self and sing). Others love the straight lines, crisscross patterns, and beautifully spaced rows. These folks focus their energy and efforts on the perfectly cut finished product. I try my best to get straight lines - they just rarely look




very consistent. My dad attempted to teach me a trick to ensure straight lines while mowing; focus on a point at the very end of the row, and don’t take your eyes off it! When you look backward or to the sides, you end up moving the wheel and curving your line. When you look down at the ground, before you know it, your path is slanted or veering off course.


How wonderfully this concept applies to this verse

The ONLY way to live the life God has set before us

and, ultimately, our journey as a follower of

is to keep our eyes on Him; to focus on Him!

Christ. We must focus our eyes on Jesus! He is the author; He wrote the story of all creation, and He

To focus on Jesus, we must know Him.

wrote the story of your life and my life. Jesus is the

To know Him, we must talk to Him - through

perfecter, the perfect example of a life of faith. Not

prayer and knowing Scripture.

only that, but perfecter and finisher are used

To know Him, we must serve Him - obeying and

interchangeably in different versions. Jesus is the

being in tune with the Holy Spirit.

reason for our faith. He knows how it ends, and He

To know Him, we must adore Him – through our

crowns our life when we're done.

praise and worship.

When we attempt to live in the past, turn back to

These are straightforward things, but they all

old ways, or crane our necks looking at those

require making Jesus our focus and priority so that

around us, we easily create (unnecessary) bumps or

we may live the life He has marked out for us. Let’s

curves. When we are only looking down, focused on

keep our eyes on Jesus!

ourselves or our life here on earth, we can quickly go off course (often without realizing it until much later).

Reflect What ways do I tend to look back, look around, or look down rather than keeping my eyes on Jesus? What changes do I need to make in my life so that Jesus is my focus? Additional Reading: Psalm 37:23; Romans 8:5; Matthew 24:13; Colossians 3


Jesus is Better

True or False? Every home has a junk drawer. For some, it’s a room! The designation “junk” is not really valid because the items we keep in those drawers are usually important. It’s just that they are miscellaneous pieces and we don’t know where else to put them.




As you read the last chapter of Hebrews, you get the impression that that writer had a great deal of miscellaneous matter to discuss, saved it until the end, and now dumps it all in chapter 13.


However, far from being a “junk drawer,” chapter

In other words, the faith that we say we have

13 presents the evidence of faith that really should

should be the faith that we show on the street.

appear in our lives if we are walking by faith and not by sight.

A genuine faith shapes your entire life.

Evidence of faith is when: we love each other as brothers and sisters we practice hospitality we care for those in prison there is purity in our sexuality we are content financially and we respond to the leadership of the church.

Reflect How has the Holy Spirit convicted you or prompted you in your faith? Are there any areas of your life where the life of the Spirit and the life of the street are different? What action steps are you taking to follow through on your convictions and promptings? How can the members of your Circle pray for you? Additional Reading: Hebrews 13:15-16; James 2:14-26


Sermon Series Videos

Visit to watch the 2019 "Jesus is Better" messages.


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