Justin Cook UNC 2

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VIA FIRST CLASS MAIL AND ELECTRONIC MAIL Mr. Justin Cook Justin Cook Documentary Photography P.O. Box 2541 Durham, NC 27715 Cook.justin@gmail.com

June 16, 2014 Dear Mr. Cook: I have received your communication requesting that The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Psychology (the “University”) remove a photograph from a Facebook page and provide payment as per the invoice you attached. The same day the University received the communication, the University removed the requested photograph from the Facebook page. The University is a public, 501(c)(3) non-profit entity. Compliance with federal copyright law is expected of all students, faculty, and staff at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Faculty and staff are encouraged to secure copyright permission, or a license, or a legal basis for use of someone else’s intellectual property without permission, before using the material. No commercial use of the photograph or harm to your business as a professional photographer was intended. I apologize for the inadvertent use of the photograph. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely,

Donald T. Lysle, Ph.D., Chair Kenan Distinguished Professor


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