Croatia Camping

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C r o a t i a n N a t i o n a l To u r i s t B o a r d

Accessible from every corner of Europe in only few hours’ drive, especially with the recent additions to its modern highway system, or with just an airline flight of an hour or two, the Croatian coast really is your closest vacation destination in the European Mediterranean. With its beautifully preserved nature, its pleasant climate, its clean sea with more than a hundred beaches on which blue flags fly (the international ecological symbol of cleanliness of sea and beaches), its rich cultural and historical heritage and its delectable local cuisine with unmistakeably Mediterranean flavours, Croatia is well on the way of becoming, if not quite the best, then certainly the most attractive camp destination in the Mediterranean. In addition to their size, facilities they offer and the beauty of their surroundings – ranging from the veritable small camping towns that predominate in Istria (camp settlements with a wide range of infrastuctural amenities and attractions for leisure time) - to the smaller camps, situated in the gardens and courtyards of private homeowners, most frequently found in Dalmatia - Croatian camps provide a wide scope of activities for all target groups - from families with children and older people seeking a peaceful, high-quality vacation, to the younger, more adventurous guests seeking a more dynamic vacation.


A rather special category are nature camps of very high standards, beauty in both appearance and location and, above all, security. Croatian nature camps are indeed oases where freedom is treasured

In your hands you are holding the “Camping” catalogue of Croatia. Organized

and where a true return to nature can be realized.

on the cluster principle and filled with attractive photographs that will often tell

Whether you are traveling with you own camper, or you decide on the

you more about the camps than words alone, this brochure is an easy-to-use

spot to rent a trailer, room, bungalow or mobile home, one thing is cer-

listing of all the camps with all the necessary information. It is an exhaustive

tain - our standards are not dissimilar from the European ones. So, turn

review that provides descriptions and a pictographic legend for quicker, easier

to the following pages, read through the catalogue and take the first

use. This is a brochure that you will be pleased to have while planning your next

step towards the vacation of your dreams. Wake up beneath an open

vacation. Do not hesitate, take a look inside and find out for yourself what this

sky canopy of thousands of stars in the country of a thousand islands.

beautiful country of ours has to offer.

Wake up in Croatia! We are waiting for you with a smile.


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