Squeeze Me - By Ali Nazih

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SQUEEZE ME - BY ALI (GENRE: COMEDY) The film aims to advertise a bottle of mayonnaise, whilst a couple is watching the TV. In the Ad, the character will be walking down the street thinking about consuming the dip; however whilst as he is thinking about it the voiceover will be giving the audience sexual innuendoes. CHARACTER 1: RAY CHARACTER 2: OTIS CHARACTER 3: SARAH Scene 1: COUPLE SITS DOWN FOR DINNER. SARAH BRINGS TWO PLATES OVER AND SITS NEXT TO OTIS. BOTH LOOK TOWARDS TV. Scene 2: RAY WALKS TOWARDS CAMERA FROM DISTANCE DOWN AISLE. WALKS OUT OF SHOP. BEGINS TALKING IN HIS HEAD. Ray: Hmmm… Finally! After a long day!! HE STANDS IN THE STREET. AND SPEAKS ALOUD. Ray: Don’t do it Ray. Don’t doo itttt… STARTS WALKING FASTER. Ray: Hurry up. You gotta run gurl! STOPS IN THE MIDDLE OFF THE STREET AND SHOUTS. Ray: ENOUGH!!! (Breaths and looks around in embarrassment) Ray: Get a hold of yourself man! Not long now!! BEGINS TO WALK AGAIN Ray: I’m gonna let sit on my tongue. Mmm… Ray: Yes! So moist. So smooth.

Scene 3: WALKS TOWARD HOUSE. OPENS FRONT DOOR. GOES TO FRIDGE. TAKES OUT MAYO. Ray: This is gonna be worth wait... I’m gonna squeeze it SO HARD!! It’s gonna go EVERYWHERE! DIPS CHIP IN DIP. Zooms out off TV slowly. Scene 4: BACK TO COUPLE SITTING WATCHING THE TV. Sarah: Mmm... I could do with some Squeeze Me now? Turns to Otis. Otis is looking shocked. END.

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