Crack the Spine - Issue 175

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Alexander Sammartino Message Not Sent #48 Clementine Hallow About me: Don’t look at the profile picture. It’s not me. I searched “women on trampolines” and it was the third picture that came up. For a period of six weeks I fed my neighbor’s lhaso apso Kit-Kats. When I dropped out of college I operated a fork lift at a salmon canning plant in Alaska for one month. My neighbor’s dog’s name is Serenity. She’s still alive. I’ve never eaten salmon. My issue with online dating is that it encourages a certain fatalism, replacing total surprise with unearned certainty. Even if you loved me, knowing so many things that may or may not be true about me would be boring. My issue with whatever is supposed to be the opposite of online dating is that I don’t think anyone will ever know enough about me. You will never know just enough about someone. I can’t believe I’m doing this. If you’re still reading, you might be the one. I read tips for writing this, a more extensive literature than I would have imagined, particularly for men. As a woman I’m supposed to appear outgoing and fun. And unique. As a woman I’m supposed to state what I desire in a man. Anyone who resembles Charles Manson is where I draw the line. I don’t just mean physically. Beards are okay,

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