Couture Living Magazine

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Stellar Gospel Greatness!

The 28th Annual Stellar Awards

Isaac Levy, President and Designer of YVEL Jewelry Company: Inspired ~ Innovative ~ Limitless

Volume 3 Issue 1 | 2013 |

Discover the Content

Volume3 Issue 1 Pristine Commencement Issue 2013

Founders’s Thoughts 4 Let’s Talk

Be Encouraged

6 Divine Living 8 Get Empowered 9 Young and Gifted 14 The Viewpoint

Lifestyle Design

16 Intellectually Speaking 18 Fashion Fit 22 Scene in Fashion 24 Palate Teaser 25 Mature Money 26 Health First, Self First 28 Socially Living

Features 10 Front Cover: Isaac Levy, President and Designer of Yvel Company

Founder, Publisher and Editorial Director Joi McCreary Managing Copy Editor

Janice Howard

Creative Editor Acqusitions Specialist

Shaletta Fuqua Anjanette Brown Felecia Taylor

Editorial Specialist Spiritual Director Inspirational Specialist

Reverend Frankie Morton RoShanda Johnson

Intellectual Reviews Specialist

LeAnne Joshua

Domestic Director

Crystal Puckett Tiffany Lockridge

Youth Advancement Director Creative Beauty Director Fashion Image Director Finance Specialist Health & Wellness Specialist Travel & Entertainment Specialist

Marketing & Media Department

20 Stellar Gospel Greatness The 2013 28th Stellar Awards

General Information Advertising Press & Media

Keondra Atwater Danisha Greene Lisa Gilliard Tia Grady Nichole Riddick

Creative Production Department Andrea Smith, Photographer Studio 57 Photography Keondra Renee ,Hair/Make up Artist Gifts From a Goddess 317-427-3482

Danisha Greene ,Wardrobe Stylist Submissions & Nominations Yours In Fashion

Cover Credits:

Contributor Information

Photos Courtesy of Yvel Company

Couture Living Incorporated | P.O. Box 533302 | Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 | 1-866-266-5550 | 317-643-2381 | Copyright 2010 Couture Living Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Let’s Talk

Live your life couture with

The year 2012 has ended and we welcome 2013 with open arms! This year is going to be exciting. Let’s set the groundwork to ensure such a notion. Starting a new year we begin to set goals, budgets, resolutions, and all those great things. We could go on and on but my suggestion is to be realistic, prioritize and not forget that the things in the past year just don’t disappear because it is a new year. If in 2012 you were late to every appointment, meeting and deadline, and then admit the problem with time management and figure out a strategy to do better because it is an issue not because it is 2013. Set the clocks ahead, discover your best time to make appointments, and if you are not a morning person do not schedule morning appointments. Make goals to be 15 minutes early to your appointment and see how often you can meet your goal and create a positive habit. Maybe your goal is like many others to lose those unwanted pounds that we have wanted to loose for the last couple years. Find out why we haven’t been able to tackle that goal.

With Open Arms Is it discipline, dedication, or maybe there is really something medically going on that we just aren’t aware of that is preventing us from losing those pounds. Get to the source and then work on changing your lifestyle to have the fit life you desire. Some struggle with time some struggle with weight but many of us also struggle with finances. Saving money is something many of us often strive to improve to do better with. I suggest talking with a professional financial planner or accountant who can have a great outlook on how to get your finances on track and put things into a better perspective. These are just a few things among many that I have seen as resolutions some want to finish school, purchase a home, find love, start a business and so much more, but as I said above let’s get to the source of why we have not been able to complete some of the things we desire; the source of our incompletion. Start this year out with a great foundation, with awareness to the things to continue to work on that hindered you from completing things in the previous years. Start your evolution, begin the change and get the discipline in the areas that need improvement. We often pour out so much love and concern for others and there issues sew some of that back into yourself so you may be filled as well! . As always I leave you with this…, ! . As always I leave you with this…

Always Remember. .......... “Beauty has no boundaries, Self-Love has no limits and Fashion is forever! Be the Best of the best, the greatest of the greats, be confident and build a legacy of which you will be proud!”

Divinely Determined, Joi McCreary Founder, Publisher, & Editorial Director

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Pastor Patsy and Minister Odis Martin Invite YOU to come worship! 1005 W. 27th St. Indianapolis, IN 46208 Service Time: 9 a.m. every Sunday.

Word of Life is a non-denominational place of worship, “Where the healing presence of God’s love flows freely.”

Divine Living

Let’s Do It Again! Author Reverend Frankie Morton

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!What a blessing it is to have survived another year in a world continuously filled with tests, trials, tribulation, and tragedy.It means, by the Grace of God, we made it through because there were those who did not. Some did not make it because the pressures and the challenges they faced last year were just too much for them to bear, and whatever it was they were going through caused them to suffer mental and emotional breakdowns.Then there were those who were derailed because they became inpatient, unfocused, and unmotivated.Others, God simply chose to call home to live with Him forever.Yet, we were spared another year to live life to its fullest.So for that, I say, “Let’s Do It Again!” Yes, let’s begin another exciting New Year by planning and pursuing our blessings, goals, dreams, visions, and destinies that have been predestined for us before our arrivals (Jeremiah 29:11).Whether or not it involves going back to school, starting a new job, losing weight, beginning a new ministry, planning a wedding, or facing a new year without the presence of a loved one, we can do it!In fact, we can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens us.We cannot allow what has or has not happened in our past dictate to us what is going to happen in our future. Furthermore, we must remember, it’s not where we start, but where we finish. The question one should ask his or her self is, “How bad do I want it?”Do you want it bad enough to start over again or pick up wherever it was you left off?Are you willing to sacrifice sweat, blood, and tears because sometimes, no, most times, it requires all three?In other words, are you willing to FIGHT for the things God has for you?You can do it!We can do it!The best is yet to come!

We can promptly begin this new season, this new journey, by resurrecting our faith in God. How do we carry out this resurgence?We can do this by performing a healthy spiritual introspection of our relationship with Him.This process should include examining our worship, prayer, and praise life.Developing daily an attitude of worship will continuously remind us God alone is worthy of our worship and adoration. In fact, the act of worship signifies we recognize God for His divinity and majesty, and He is in control of both our world and our lives.Prayer allows us to stay connected to Him on all levels by conversing with him on a regular basis.It allows us to not only ask for the forgiveness of our sins and special requests for those who may also be in need, but it also provides us an opportunity to release to Him our daily stresses and pressures as well as request strength for our new journey.In addition, praising God everyday lets Him know we are thankful for Him being the Supreme Being in our lives as well as the many blessings He has bestowed on us, past, present, and future.Praise also says to God, “If I don’t get what I want, when I want it, and how I want it, I’m still going to praise you because you are worthy of my praise.”Yes, praise is personal! Although I have only identified a few spiritual examples of how to adequately restart and revive the pursuit of long lost and forgotten blessings, goals, dreams, visions, and destinies in this new season, please know you have to also balance it by factoring in other components. For example, take initiative and stay persistent; steady the course during turbulent periods; maintain proper health and nutrition; maintain a positive attitude and have a made up mind; and no matter what, trust God when you can’t trace Him.And by the way, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” (1Corinthians 2:9) So, are you ready? Get on your mark, get set, GO! Let’s do it again!

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Get Empowered Author RoShanda Johnson You’re never going to please everyone. The scriptures say as far as you can, live at peace with every person. Some people don’t want to have peace with you.They have their own issues they are not dealing with. No longer try to win over someone that doesn’t want peace. You’ve done your part; you’ve gone the extra mile. Now… just back away! If they don’t want to have peace it’s not your problem, it’s theirs. You are NOT responsible for someone else’s happiness; you’re responsible for your own happiness!But, if you go around trying to keep everyone happy, meet all of their demands, win over their approval,the one person who is NOT going to be happy is YOU! Some people, you just have to love from a distance. Stop frustrating yourself trying to make something happen that probably won’t.



time. to be Celebrated!

Use your time, energy, talents, and emotions for the right purpose. You should not spend your time continuously trying to convince someone to like you.

DONT STAY WHERE YOU ARE TOLERATED, GO WHERE YOU’RE CELEBRATED!! Stop being engaged in battles you are not supposed to fight!!! It’s pointless and a waste of energy you don’t need to put out! Focus on being who GOD has called you to be, not what man wants you to be. It’s ok to just dust your feet off and keep it moving. Try it, it will change your whole existence. (Some points taken from a Joel Osteen excerpt)

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Young & Gifted Author Tiffany Lockridge Today’s youth are faced with the most influential, powerful, and destructive era of all time. Although we have achieved what has been said to never happen by voting in an African American president, our youth are challenged with some of the most critical times. Fortunately, The National Center for Education Statics show overall, the high school dropout rate has declined since the 1980s, falling from about 14 percent in 1980 to 8 percent in 2011. Great variances among racial and ethnic groups remain, however. For example, the dropout rate for white students in 2008 was 4.8 percent, compared to 9.9 percent among African-American students, and 18.3 percent for Hispanic students.

Empower, Innovate and Transform our Future!

The youth constitute a very important resource of our society. They are the most agile, dynamic, energetic, and innovative segment of society and their abundant energy and talents, when properly tapped, harnessed and channeled, can contribute immensely to the positive transformation of the fortunes of society. On the other hand, if left unattended or neglected and abandoned to their fate, they could become destructive. Learning how to prepare teens for the adult world isn’t an easy job, but there are tactics than can be used to keep them focus. • At a young age, you can begin questioning what your dream career will be. Although, you will change your mind as you grow and develop individually, it will allow you to begin thinking about future goals. • Research the chosen career. Internet technology has changed dramatically and any career can be researched through the web or found at your local library. • Create short and long term goals for yourself in regards to the chosen career. This will allow you to see for yourself if the career you have chosen will suit you. • Enroll in programs in that chosen field. If you don’t see the career in action or aren’t allowed an opportunity to have hands on training, you can easily become distracted. • Understand you will have to work at whatever you choose. At a young age, kids think that money grows on trees. You must realize it won’t be an easy task, but can be accomplished ONLY with hard work. Each of these can be repeated until a chosen career path is determined. Don’t be afraid to be challenged. That will take you along way if applied to your life properly. Believe if these steps are carried out, you will be encouraged and supported to stand on your own. You will have a higher chance of leading a productive life and contributing to a sustainable society.

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Isaac Levy, President and Designer of YVEL Jewelry Company: Inspired ~ Innovative ~ Limitless Author CLM Editorial Team

Photos Courtesy of YVEL Company

Yvel President and designer Isaac Levy debuted

With a $2000 investment, the couple began manu-

the new Fall 2012 collections of award-winning Yvel jew-

facturing and selling pearl jewelry.Isaac studied the

elry in a personal appearance and trunk show in Novem-

art of jewelry design from his mother-in-law and

ber at G.Thrapp Jewels in Indianapolis.Yvel‘s award-win-

soon discovered his abilities and his passion with

ning pearl and gemstone collections have been available

the gems, in particular irregular baroque pearls: He

at G. Thrapp Jewels for several years. Yvel’s organic and

believes that he “finds perfection in imperfectly-

versatile designs, ranging from exotic baroque pearls to

shaped pearls.” Drawing inspiration from “im-

rainbow colored gemstones, have often been applauded

perfection,” he has created collections and unique

by long-time G.Thrapp customers who appreciate the

pieces that follow the natural contours and shades

opportunity to see the latest collections and to learn more

of the pearls.

about the intoxicating beauty of Mother Nature from Mr.

More than 47 years later, the same plot of land

Levy himself. Couture Living Magazine was delighted

that once housed the sausage factory is today the

with meeting with Isaac;a very knowledgeablecharis-

headquarters of the multi-million dollar jewelry

matic and dynamic designer who inspired many with his

empire Isaac co-founded with his wife. The 50,000

exquisite pieces.

square foot facility is also home to the Megemeria

In 1986, Isaac Levy, together with his wife Orna, estab-

School of Jewelry and Art(“Genesis” in Amharic)

lished the international luxury jewelry brand Yvel (a mir-

where Ethiopian immigrants learn the art of jewelry

ror image of his last name Levy). Isaac Levy’s personal

design and manufacturing is his jewel in the crown

journey began in 1963 as a four-year-old immigrant from

of Isaac’s corporate social responsibility program.

Buenos Aires, Argentina, who faced many challenges

The school, which he opened in September 2010, is

growing up in his new home in Jerusalem. His memo-

the facility and the philanthropic school represents

ries are of harsh and difficult times, and a father who

Isaac’s commitment to his family and to new Israel

never allowed the financial problems to color his Zionist

immigrants., The facility houses the company’s

fervor. When his father, Moshe Levy, ran into unresolv-

factory, employing over one hundred artisans

able issues with his partnership with theirfamily business

who craft the collections by hand. The center also

a sausage factory, Isaac vowed to rebuild his family’s

includes a Visitor’s Center; a 10,000 square-foot

wealth and to help new immigrants assimilate into Israeli

factory showroom; a philanthropic jewelry school

society in the future and he managed to accomplish that

where Ethiopian immigrants learn the art of fine

and more.

jewelry-making and a wine cellar featuring bou-

With no formal education in gemological studies, Isaac

tique wineries from the surrounding Judean Hills.

began his jewelry career shortly after getting married.

The wine cellar was built within a restored 19th

At the time, he was working as a supermarket manager,

Century stone building that once served as an inn

and his wife, who is the fourth generation of the illustri-

for pilgrims and previously housed the Efrat win-

ous Moussaieff jewelry family, brought her knowledge of

ery. The first-of-its-kind school, located within the

stringing pearls to the new partnership. She taught Isaac

Yvel Design Center, offers a unique opportunity to

who was not familiar with pearls how to string them and

21 Ethiopian students each year who receive profes-

from then on he developed this passion that shows with

sional training in the art of jewelry design, setting

every word uttered about his collection and every piece

and manufacture, enrichment classes in Hebrew and


math, a monthly stipend and employment opportunities after completing the one-year course.

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The contemporary Megemeria collection, inspired by the immigrants’ personal and collective journey to Israel, is sold through Yvel distribution channels and all profits generated by sales are put back in to the Megemeria company to help fund the salaries and running costs of the school. The school, which isoperated by the non-profit organization YEDID – The Association for Community Empowerment, is funded by Isaac and Orna Levy, with additional financial support from friends around the world and foundations such as the Jewish Federation of Greater San Francisco and the Baron de Hirsch Foundation. According to Isaac, this project is his contribution to tikkun olam, repairing the world. “My way of repairing the world is to give others what I didn’t have as a child and to help repair the weakest links in Israeli society – our immigrants and, in particular, Ethiopian immigrants.” Together, he and Orna have created an international enterprise that not only bears a mirror image of their own name but also reflects their own individual style, incorporating a strong corporate social responsibility program that is dedicated to assisting new immigrants integrate into Israeli society. 90% of all Yvel employees are new or veteran immigrants. The all new collections feature the latest in Fresh Water and South Sea baroque pearls from the Far East, as well as exotic asymmetrical gemstones from around the globe, offering customers handmade, organic and fashion forward jewels that support a worthy charitable cause. Sales of Yvel jewelry directly help support the Megemeria School of Jewelry & Art, a philanthropic school in the Yvel Design Center in Jerusalem, which is facilitated and funded by Yvel and the Levy family, to benefit the Ethiopian Jewish immigrant population of Israel. Yvel has won many awards for its creative designs, including, among others, the Town and Country Couture Design Awards and the Centurion Design Award for the Pearl category. Today, the company sells its products in more than 650 exclusive retail stores in five continents. It was an honor to grace the presence of such beauty from the Yvel collections. Visit G. Thrapp Jewelers at 5609 N. Illinois Street in Indianapolis, Indiana 46205, call (317) 255-5555 to arrange an appointment or to learn more. Also visit or

Photos Courtesy of YVEL Company

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Photos Courtesy of YVEL Company Isaac and Orna Levy

The Viewpoint Crystal’s Corner Author: Crystal Puckett,

t a e f e D Defeat-failure to win, a coming to naught ( I have learned to listen to what my child doesn’t say. I have realized as much as I have urged them to express themselves, there are times when they are simply unable to articulate themselves fully. I have learned when my one year old is hungry she will point to the palm of her hand, or when my two year old is sleepy she will hug my leg and whine. This brings me to my six year old son. He started a new school and took on a”new” behavior. I say this behavior is new because thus far in his classroom experiences “negative behavior” or “misbehaving” hadn’t been an issue. He began a new school and about a month or so into the school year my son began having problems. He was more aggressive and was having trouble following directions. His teacher was wonderful and kept me abreast on his behavior and we came up with a plan to help rectify these issues.

My son had restrictions (we took away his favorite shoes and clothing and made him “dress for success”. This consisted of him only being allowed to wear dress clothes to school) we tried numerous methods to rectify his behavior to no avail. I then noticed his reports which were sent home showed a trend. Whenever he had an incident, whether in the morning or afternoon, his behavior would spiral downward from there. This continued for a month or so and further frustrated my husband and myself, as well as my son. I remember talking to my son one day and asked, “Why didn’t you try to straighten out your behavior for the remainder of the day”? He looked at me and shrugged and simply said, “Mommy....I don’t know. I knew I was going to get on punishment anyway,” he then looked at me and shrugged and held his head down. Normally I would have gotten upset because my children know “I don’t know” isn’t an acceptable answer in my household; however, I hugged him, told him I loved him, and left the room. His body language and look gave me a bit more insight into the matter. My child felt defeated! I was so worried about correcting the “negative” behavior, I hadn’t taken time to acknowledge the positive behavior he tried to show. I prayed on the matter and I remember my son waking up one morning and the first thing he said was, “I’m going to try to have a good day mommy”

. My heart broke and it further confirmed my suspicion. I was the roadblock on my son’s quest to exhibit “positive” behavior. I revampedmy approach to this issue and made sure to show more emphasis on the positives he had achieved for the day and addressed the negative behavior accordingly. I noticed instant changes. His confidence shined through, his speech improved (he has a stutter and it worsened during this timeframe) and most importantly, his behavior improved... drastically! As adults, are we not more productive when we feel valued or our efforts appreciated? Are there times when we feel defeated by someone or something? If so, how do we react? What would you need to “bounce back” from the feeling of defeat? The same goes for children. They naturally look for approval and acceptance from their parents and peers. As hard as it may be to believe, they too have bad days, just as we do. They can also feel defeated. The difference is that as adults we have mastered to ability to “dust” ourselves off and move forward and we know having bad days are just a part of life. There’s not always someone there pointing out what we have done wrong or condemning us for simply having a bad day. I still held my son accountable for the negative behavior he had done. I just had to realize kids don’t always react to change the way we want them to and in those cases the best method can be to simply reassure them you love them and keep the lines of communication open with them. This was a huge lesson for me in simplylearning sometimes what a child doesn’t say can speak louder than what they do say.

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The Viewpoint Civics Cabinet Author CLM Editorial Team

Back to the Basics

The 2012 Elections have seemed to be one of the biggest events of the year! There have been great debates among the Presidential candidates as well as with the civilians of the nation. Lots of opinions flying through the social media feeds, some based on feelings, some on emotions, some on the facts and let’s be honest some just ignorance.In these observations, there seemed to be a need for basic understanding of civics. Not whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Libertarian, but the basic understanding of how government works and who’s who and who does what. There is so much more to government than the mayor, governor, vice president and president. So Couture Living Magazine has decided to have a section dedicated to civics where you can learn some general things about how the government works and be educated to make an informed decision about your economy and the future of you and your family.Welcome to the Civics Cabinet! Let’s start with some cool questions and test your knowledge in Civics. Civics Quick Quiz #1 1. What are the colors of our flag? 2. How many stars are there in our flag? 3. What color are the stars on our flag? 4. What do the stars on the flag mean? 5. How many stripes are there in the flag? 6. What color are the stripes? 7. What do the stripes on the flag mean? 8. How many states are there in the union? 9. What is the 4th of July? 10. What is the date of Independence Day? 11. Independence from whom? 12. What country did we fight during the Revolutionary War? 13. Who was the first President of the United States? 14. Who is the President of the United States today? 15. Who is the Vice-President of the United States today? 16. Who elects the President of the United States? 17. Who becomes President of the United States if the President should die? 18. For how long do we elect the President? 19. What is the Constitution? 20. Can the Constitution be changed? How do you think you did? Check your answers with the answers below.

1. Red, white and blue 2. 50 3. White 4.One for each state in the union 5. 13 6. Red and white 7. They represent the original 13 states. 8. 50 9. Independence Day 10. July 4th 11. England 12. England 13. George Washington 14. Barack Obama 15. Joe Biden 16. The electoral college 17. Vice-President 18. 4 years 19. The supreme law of the land 20. Yes

So what’s the verdict? How well do you know some of the basics in what’s going on in civics? Stay tuned for information in the Civics Cabinet. Have a specific question you would like to have answered? Please send to and it’s a possibility it may end up in the Civic Cabinet.

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Intellectually Speaking Author: LeAnne Joshua, Intellectual Reviews Specialist

Novel Reviews and more!

Will the loss of her mother drive her farther outside of the fold, or will the family embrace her? Bootsy,is the youngest Boyd, lost in the shadow of her older sisters and living the life of the dutiful daughter.Will saying goodbye to her mother finally allow her to spread her wings and fly?Dawson Boyd, the patriarch, has lost his best friend and wife of 48 years.He is stunned by a chain reaction of events set into motion by his wife prior to her passing, and with his daughters home and in need of answers, he has to face up to choices he made 25 years ago.This family is rocked to its core; heartache, pain, faith, love, and forgiveness are their constant companions through this necessary journey when, as Neal so simply names this novel, Worlds Collide. This is the type of book I love to read.I opened it expecting to Worlds Collide, the first published novel by Janice Morris Neal, is a work of fiction, depicting the story of a sister returning home after a 10 year absence in the midst of upheaval and grief. The matriarch of the family has passed away from cancer bringingher husband and four daughters together to deal with this loss.Each member of this family is ultimately forced to face the demons which have haunted and driven them for years. Shaunie Boyd fled Tunica, Mississippi around 10 years ago and established a life for herself in Indianapolis, Indiana.The phone call that would ultimately change her life came a little too late to say her last goodbyes to her mother, but it brought her back to her roots, her home.Alma, the oldest of the Boyd sisters, the one groomed to be the son their father never had, faces the loss of her mother and finding herself.Carletta, the black sheep or the child that marches to the beat of her own drum, depending on which family member you ask, has been doing her own thingher entire life.

read about a character and the family drama that always follows a funeral.Instead the author weaves a story that encompasses not just the character of Shaunie, but gives depth to her sisters, father, and the matriarch, Emma.As the family comes together following the death of Emma, the sisters and their father are forced to come to grips with choices they made in past that have shaped them as adults. Emma has laid plans to bring her family together after her death, and the way she strategizes shows her belief in God and the power of forgiveness. I was prepared to like this novel, and ended up LOVING it!I cried and I laughed, each of the characters is relatable and so well developed they became tangible!As children we look to our parents to be super-human: above making mistakes and having faults.Neal showed how the relationship of parent and child comes full-circle and the humbling of a parent in the eyes of their children.Neal’s story is about a family, but it is also about God, the meaning of love, the act of repentance, and the simplicity of forgiveness. I began to cheer for the characters as they went on this journey.Most importantly, I also began to reflect on my own life.This is definitely a good read.It will inspire you, humble you, and comfort you all in 298 pages.

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Fashion Fit

Old Man Winter hasn’t Left Yet! Winterize Your Wardrobe! Author CLM Editorial Team

The weather outside can be ever so changing in the season of winter. Snow, sleet, ice, rain and simply just that brisk cold chill that makes you move a little faster into a warm place. In all the confusion of what old man winter wants to do FASHION should never be the question. Here are some great picks of must have items to accompany your wardrobe this winter season!

Printed and Colored Tights

Add a little flair by flattering those beautiful legs with a little dimension with printed tights or a pop of color!

Neck Warmers and Scarves

Sometimes a necklace just isn’t big enough! Go for an infinity scarf or neck warmer to give that great look that makes the statement you want! Tie just doesn’t make the cut? Put a scarf around your neck and strut on…

Draped Coat and Cape Sweaters

Cover up in style, who said bundling up couldn’t be fashionable!

Winter Frocks

Cozy, Comfy, and Cute! The winter dress is flawless easy and can be worn just about anywhere!

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Fashion Fit All winter Boots and Booties

Have to have a good shoe, but who wants to ruin them in the snow, ice, and sleet? So go with a fashionable all winter boot!

Ultimate Fashion Handbags

Handbags, handbags, handbags…need we say more…the ultimate accessory that says a lot about you. Are you feeling edgy, funky, couture, sassy…Pick wisely what do you want your handbag to speak for you?

Colored Jeans

Brighten up the season with the colored jean! It adds a sparkle with your attire without too much thought!

First Layer Fashions

The underlayer are just as important as the top layers. You need those awesome longsleeve scoop neck shirts or wonderful turtle neck, maybe your in the mood for a colorful cami tank to put under that perfect sweater to give a little pizazz. Always be prepare with your first layers you can mix and match so much!

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Stellar GospelTheGreatness! 28th Annual Stellar Awards Author Janice Howard

The 28th Annual Stellar Awards were broadcast live from The Grand Ole Opry on Saturday, January 19, 2013. This is one of the biggest events in the gospel music industry where artists, producers, writers, and fans from all around converge upon the city of Nashville, Tennessee to partake in the events. Couture Living Magazine was on hand to witness the magnificent night and all of the events surrounding it. Most people know about the award show itself, but what do you know about the events not televised? There are a myriad of happenings taking place during the awards. The first we attended was the Real Talent Media Group, LLC 1st Annual Saving Our Youth Celebrity Basketball Game. While it is not an officially sanctioned Stellar Awards event, you couldn’t tell it from those in attendance.

Jessica Reedy at the Pre Show, Credit: Andrea Smith, Studio57 Photography, Indianapolis, Indiana

The event was held on Thursday evening at the Trevecca Nazarene University Gymnasium with a portion of the proceeds going toward helping the youth. Just a sampling of the players/coaches on hand were ‘Q’ formerly of 112, newcomer to the gospel scene Jonathan McReynolds, James Fortune, Brian Courtney Wilson, Isaac Carree, Pastor Jason Nelson, former Pretty Ricky member turned gospel artist J. Long, and Tennesse’s own Bishop Joseph Walker. They had skills on the court! To make it even better, we were serenaded by the sounds of New Artist of the Year nominee, Cheneta Jones, runner up on Sunday Best Season 5Alexis Spight, and up and coming gospel youth group Livre’ just to name a few. Just hanging out we spotted several famous faces such as Amber Bullock who is the winner of Sunday Best Season 4, and Adrian Anderson formerly of the gospel girl group Trin-i-tee 5:7. Can I tell you how beautiful, warm, and friendly she is in person?

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Le’Andria Johnson Credit: Andrea Smith, Studio57 Photography, Indianapolis, Indiana

On Friday, the Stellar Gospel Music Awards Pre-Show was at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center (TPAC). We weren’t sure what it would entail, but what we received was definitely not what we expected. The honors which were not awarded on air were announced here. There were performances by artists and the atmosphere was one of worship and praise. It was exciting to have an unexpected concert by some of the most talented gospel artists and choirs in the business. It was a truly amazing experience. On Saturday, at the Gaylord Springs Clubhouse &Pavilion, the Sistafriendz Stellar Women of Gospel Awards were presented. Unfortunately, we were unable to attend as this was an invitation only event. Immediately following, was the Stellar Awards Gospel Radio Awards & Showcase again held at the TPAC. It was wonderful to see all of the different talk show hosts and radio programs who were nominated receive their recognition. Tasha Smith, Al Hobbs, and Nephew Tommy were the hosts and let me tell you, Al Hobbs still has that bass in his voice and Tasha Smith and Nephew Tommy are hilarious! The Stellar Awards Red Carpet Prelude began at 4:00pm and the actual awards, which were broadcast live this year from the Grand Ole Opry House, began at 6:00pm. Take a look at the pictures because they are worth more than words. If you missed them this year, check out this link to find the airdates in your city. http:// If you have the opportunity to travel to the awards next year, I would suggest participating. You will not be disappointed and you will get your praise on! For a list of the nominees, click here: To see the winners, go here:

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Scene in Fashion

Above: Dr. Bobby Jones, Sarah Jakes, Bishop TD Jakes, Erma Davis, James and Cheryl Fortune. Below: Byron Cage and his fabulous shoes Above: Alexis Spight Below: Jessica Reedy

Above: David and Tamela Mann Below: Shirley Ceasar

The 28th Annual Stellar Awards

Above: Vashawn and Lexi Mitchell

All photos credited to Andrea Smith, Studio 57 Photography, Indianapolis, Indiana

Couture Living Magazine Vol. 3 Iss. 1 ||23

Palate Teasers Chocolate Truffles

Ingredients: 3 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk 1 tablespoon vanilla extract Coating Options: Finely Chopped Nuts Coconut Flakes Chocolate or Colored Sprinkles Unsweetened Cocoa Powdered Sugar Raw Colored Sugar

Directions: 1.Melt chocolate chips with sweetened condensed milk in large saucepan over low heat. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla. 2.Pour into medium bowl. Cover and chill 2 to 3 hours or until firm. 3.Shape into 1-inch balls; roll in desired coating and/or decorate with frosting and candies. Chill 1 hour or until firm.

Moments by Tia Marie

Handcrafted Jewelry and Special Moments Gifts Tia Grady Email:

24 | Couture Living Magazine Vol. 3 Iss. 1 |

Mature Money Author Lisa Gilliard, M.B.A., M.A.

The cost of owning a home and keeping up with its required maintenance at times can become overwhelming.So much so, you begin to feel as if the minor renovations, additions, or upgrades you have put off for so long will never come to pass. After a while, you begin to feel trapped in your own home and although selling your home and purchasing another has crossed your mind, given the current market and selling trends now may be a less than popular time to put your house on the market or incur a larger debt. That does not mean you have to live uncomfortably.For as little as a few hundred dollars you can make your home seem larger and more livable. Let’s begin with the guest room.Most individuals dedicate one bedroom to guests who will visit sparingly throughout the year. With a futon, daybed, or air mattress, you can replace a complete bedroom set with items of necessity or leisure.Add furniture so your room ensemble can double as an office or den area.

Thinking Inside the Box: Remodeling on a Budget Add shelving units in your garage to easily store household supplies, holiday dĂŠcor, and tools without cluttering necessary closet space inside the home. Use a walk-in closet or armoire as a small office.In some homes, to use a bedroom as an office may be out of the question.If you place a small shelving unit into the closet and the lowest shelf is at least 30 inches high you can slide a chair underneath. Do you have a formal dining room and eat-in kitchen? Your formal dining space can double as a craft space, den, or office. Search for versatile tables and fitted padding to protect the table top.Choose cabinetry that has the space to hold additional items and aesthetics to suit your taste. Open the floor plan.Older homes often have historic charm with outdated floor plans.The disjointed layout of closed rooms can make a home feel smaller.To adjust the floor plan without creating a major expense, simply remove doors from rooms that do not need them.By doing this, the room will feel more open, airy, and inviting. Using these smart tips will help you get the most out of your limited space without busting your wallet.

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Health First, Self First Author: Tia Grady

New Resolutions: New Year’s Resolutions: A Healthier New Year Once again we are at the beginning of a brand new year. A year filled with new hopes, new dreams, and new goals. Whether your goal is weight loss, smoking cessation, or financial control, the new year brings another year of improving your healthy lifestyle. Let’s make this year the Year of Healthy Living. Here are some actions you can take to promote a healthier lifestyle. 1. Portion Your Portions: Need a simple weight loss tip? Start decreasing the size of your dishes. Studies show using smaller plates and bowls promotes weight loss because they help to curb eating more than necessary. 2. Get Active: One habit naturally slim people share is staying in motion. Try to infuse each day with more activity, at least 30 minutes daily. The possibilities are endless once you’ve developed the right mindset. 3. Decrease Your Sodium: Studies show many Americans consume nearly twice the recommended limit of sodium. The recommended limit of sodium is a teaspoon (or 6 grams) daily. Not only does sodium contribute to retaining water, but sodium can also raise blood pressure. Be careful of processed foods. Processed foods contain the most, so be sure to read labels. Diets low in sodium are linked to decreased risk of heart disease, but they are also linked to lower hypertension and management of weight.

A Healthier New Year 4. Increase Your Antioxidants: When your body digests food it produces molecules called free radicals. Cigarette smoke and radiation also produce free radicals. During the course of time, the damage from free radicals can result in conditions like infection, cancer, inflammation, and heart disease. Antioxidants can help defend your body the same way by including rich sources in your diet. Pomegranates, oranges, coffee, and even chocolate contain antioxidants. 5. Quit Smoking: Smokers find quitting may be the hardest resolution to stick with because it can be so challenging. Consider the benefits and take advantage of today’s resources, because this year you can be a successful nonsmoker. The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) website is a good resource to make a favorite. 6. Take Care of Your Teeth: You may not realize that bacteria in your mouth can lead to serious complications if you do not take care of your oral health. You may also be surprised to learn during routine exams, your dentist can spot indications of diabetes and heart disease. One of the most important things you can do to head off bacteria is to brush and floss your teeth regularly. Also, schedule regular preventative dental exams and cleanings. 7. Protect the Skin You Are In: Everyone is affected by sun exposure. The NCI reports most skin cancer occurs after the age of 50, even though sun damage may begin at an early age. The sun’s rays are also behind brown spots, and can make wrinkles appear before their time. Wear a broad spectrum sunscreen, even in the winter, anywhere skin may be victim to the elements. 8. Expect a Positive Life for Yourself: Healthy expectations for yourself are necessary for your physical and your mental health. Of course, that is definitely easier said than done. Keep in mind that a mean-spirited inner critic can ruin relationships, keep you from obtaining personal goals, and diminish your ability to be an active participant in your life. By adopting these eight simple lifestyle changes, you can make 2013 a positive, successful Year of Healthy Living. So, whatever your New Year’s resolutions may be, Remember Health First, Self First!

26 | Couture Living Magazine Vol. 3 Iss. 1 |

Socially Living Author CLM Editorial Team

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Whew! You made it through all the Thanksgiving dinners, holiday parties and New Year’s Eve extravaganzas have and are you just ready to relax or keep the party going? Well it’s some amazing things that are in the forecast for the social scene that you can enjoy while in the comforts of your own home or get in gear and join the festivities! We’ve got award shows, inaugurations, and Valentine’s Day coming, if you want to kick back and take it easy… go ahead. Order in, chill a bottle of wine and enjoy the Stellar Awards, Golden Globes Awards, People’s Choice Awards, Grammys and the Oscars right in the comforts of your own couch. Maybe invite over a friend or two to make things interesting but light. If you’re up for a road trip go to the Capital and see the inauguration! Be a part of history for this will be an event to remember, this event is an epic event that marks how far America has progressed and a symbol of the barriers that have been broken. Let’s not forget the day of love...ValentinesDay! The time to show the one’s you love just how special they are. Keep in mind this should be done every day, but Valentine’s Day is something extra special. There are lots of things that you can do but be sure to book it early to make sure all reservations are intact. Want to do something different? Try coming up with wonderful ideas that are original and creative that specifically cater to your love. If they enjoy a favorite meal cook it for them at home and make it special 3 courses of course. If they love shopping, don’t just take them to the local mall take them on a small road trip and stop at different places along the way that they have never been. If he’s a sports fanatic, get him those awesome seats and go with him to show just how important it is that you share interests. If they aren’t too picky and love the simple things like time and attention schedule the day and give them your undivided attention…NO cell phone, NO computer, No iPad, tablet, etc. Spend the day just loving each other and talking about all the things that matter and definitely laugh a lot! The social scene is always exciting and fun to keep in the know but sometimes a good social settle down is needed!

28 | Couture Living Magazine Vol. 3 Iss. 1 |

Socially Living Metropolitian Picks

Planning those winter vacations, breaks, or quick getaways? Always check out our list of Metropolitan picks and our Favorite Finds!

Metropolitan Picks The Home Ranch, Clark, Colorado Zermatt, Switzerland Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts Isla Taboga, Panama Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Roatan, Honduras

Couture Living Magazine Vol. 3 Iss. 1 | | 29

FAVORITE FINDS Designs by LOLITA Chic Accesories-Chic, Sassy and Classy! Designs by Lolita wants all

the fashionistas out there know that there is a way to carry coffee in style, because a fashionista WAYS needs to be well accessorized. A chic moment To Go...What is your moment?

Baby Be Hip-


Just because your tiny does not mean you can’t make a statement! Baby Be Hip is luxurious online boutique for personalized baby and kids gifts Get your personalized accessories for your little ones.

Prep Sportswear-

Game Time, Team up! Personalized Quality Apparel and Approved! Your Team. Your Gear. Your Way.


Zero Calories but such flavor fun! Enjoy a refreshing beverage or mix a cocktail but cut the calories! www.

Corset Chicks- Loveably Sexy! Fun, Flirty and Fabulous.

Lush Cosmetics

Be Lush with - LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics offers scented selections of ethical skin care, hair care, bath and body products as well as off-beat gift ideas loaded with natural ingredients.

Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur

Surprisingly light and smooth, equipped with decadent flavor notes.

MarieBelle Chocolates by an exsquite chocolatier-

Delicate chocolates and confections for the chocolate connoisseur.

30 | Couture Living Magazine Vol. 3 Iss. 1 |

Couture Living Magazine seeks remarkable people across the world to be featured in our publication. We are a platform to inspire, inform and empower globally. Send us your ideas, feature or editorial suggestions through email. We would love to hear them. All content Copyright 2010 Couture Living Incorporated. All rights reserved. Any use of the contents of this publication via in print or digital without expressed written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. All trademarks and works are the property of their respective owners. Couture Living Magazine is published by Couture Living Incorporated, P.O. Box 533302, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46253. For more information, to order copies, exclusive updates or promotions please email


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