Constructing an inclusive institutional culture

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To accommodate or not to accommodate? A couple go to the hospital for the woman to have a medical examination. A nurse receives them before they see the doctor. The husband refuses to wait in the waiting room. Sitting beside his wife, he listens to the nurse asking questions. When they learn that the doctor is a man, they ask for her to be seen by a woman doctor. Faced with the refusal of the doctor, who tells them that the wife can make another appointment if this one does not suit her, the husband gets up and gestures to his wife to follow him.

the Hospital Patients’ Charter and Circular DHOS/ E1/DGS/SD1B/SD1C/SD4A/2006/90 of 2 March 2006 clarify the patient’s rights as follows: “Nobody shall be subjected to discrimination, whether on grounds of health, disability, origin, sex, marital status, political opinions, religion, race or genetic characteristics [...]. The health-care institution must respect the beliefs and convictions of its patients. In public healthcare institutions, individuals must be enabled to practise their religion (contemplation, presence of a minister of their faith, diet, freedom of action and expression, funeral rites, etc.). However, expression of religious beliefs must not interfere with the running of the service, quality of care, rules of hygiene or the peace of other patients and their families.”




In this case, what room for manoeuvre does the nurse have? In preventing medical staff from taking action in an emergency situation, users must be aware that they may incur liability if complications occur as a result of their refusal to allow a medical procedure for a dependant or other person. Depending on its resources, an institution may adopt a policy whereby every effort is made to provide a culturally appropriate service, for example by providing a female assistant when a male doctor examines a female patient.

Can a user choose or refuse a doctor on the basis of his or her religious beliefs or personal convictions? In France, the choice of one’s doctor is a principle recognised in law under Article L.1110-8 of the Public Health Code, which states: “The patient’s right of free choice concerning his or her practitioner and health-care institution is a basic principle of health legislation.” But there may be restrictions on this right “in consideration of health-care institutions’ technical capacities, their methods of charging and the criteria for authorising provision of reimbursable care to social insurance contributors”. In addition,

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Methods of use

• Has the institution catalogued the adaptation practices that it has already used?

Target group All staff.

• Does the institution co-ordinate the different departments seeking acceptable and manageable solutions?

In practice

C.7. Model focusing on intercultural management

• Does the institution have a diversitymanagement policy that clearly indicates the guidance and guidelines to be respected?

Description of the model

• Are all staff familiar with the guidance and guidelines?

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• Is the institution informed of case law developments regarding the right to equality?

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• Does the institution have access to an intercultural advisory service for the most problematic situations?


The model focusing on intercultural management derives from a managerial approach in the business world and is aimed at management performance. Intercultural management is a discipline that was developed in the United States in the 1960s to prepare expatriate workers for life abroad and assimilate foreign workers into the multinational business culture.

• Does the institution have strategies for processing and negotiating demands?

Intercultural management combines organisational management and interculturalism. It aims to improve effectiveness and the management of intercultural work teams.

• Is the institution able to justify its decisions?


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Intercultural skills: models for training and action

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