Constructing an inclusive institutional culture

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to offset the weaknesses of the approach chosen through balancing measures and to rely on the strong points of a winning strategy to incorporate intercultural diversity.

Incorporating diversity in the values of the institution

It is in the institution’s interests to include a concern for diversity in its written policy for the following reasons: • the institution’s management thereby shows that it is aware of its statutory and professional obligations; • it is proof that management is facing up to its responsibility and commitment to promote an inclusive environment sensitive to individual rights; • the institution ensures transparency of its values, principles and procedures and makes all its staff accountable; • the institution’s internal policy should mirror the institutional remit and include a statement of principles concerning its commitment to recognising and reflecting diversity in its norms. It should make it clear that this policy covers all staff and depends on everyone’s co-operation; • a written policy may make it possible to avoid certain discriminatory situations by informing staff of their rights and obligations.

Relating institutional policy to other policies •• Anti-exclusion and antidiscrimination policies •• Equality of opportunity policies •• Fairness policies



The Walloon Region in Belgium encourages employers to sign a diversity charter. This covers both in-house and external communication to: • explain the reasons behind a diversity-management policy; • show the support of the management team and union representatives for the principles of equality and anti-discrimination; • explain the action plan; • break down stereotypes relating to target groups; • remove fears of and constraints on integration and facilitate communication; • inform workers of their rights and duties (for example, information on part-time working and its consequences). A communications policy may include reminders of the law (laws to be complied with and risks for companies or individuals practising discrimination or displaying racist and/or sexist behaviour). Communications policies include codes of conduct, charters, and may also consist of a letter from the organisation manager sent to each employee or published in the house journal drawing attention to: • the importance of the diversity issue (compliance with the law, social responsibility, value creation, etc.); • the company’s ethical principles, including: –– the assertion that company values do not include discriminatory practices, –– the duty to oppose harassment and discrimination, –– the duty to be open to difference and diversity. 49 Source: La gestion de la diversité des ressources humaines dans les entreprises et organisations (“Managing human resources diversity in companies and organisations”), a practical guide produced as part of the “Diversity and Human Resources in Wallonia” project launched in 2006 by Jean-Claude Marcourt, Minister for the Economy, Employment, Foreign Trade and Heritage.


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