Cosplay GEN #02

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REVIEW General Atmosphere and Etiquette US con-goers are generally quite extremely chill. There are little hidden rules compared to cosplay cultures elsewhere, but that does not excuse attendees from being impolite. Asking for permission and saying thank you is not required, but strongly recommended when taking photos. Photoshoots If you see some cosplayers and photographers at a less populated area of the convention, chances are they are doing a photoshoot. It is best not to disturb them, but if you absolutely want a photo, ask for both the cosplayers’ and the photographers’ permission. Gatherings Gatherings are basically attempts to gather cosplayers from the same series or franchise and a chance for all of them to meet each other and take pictures together. Examples: Gundam, Macross Fontier, Vocaloid. Don’t expect superb photographs from gatherings since they tend to be chaotic, but it is a great way to meet other cosplayers who share the same fandom as you. Badge Unless there is an official event that you really want to attend, say a concert, panel, or an autograph session, I would say the badge is rather optional. If you just want to visit the dealer’s room and/or artist alley, it is pretty easy to find someone willing to lend you a badge for a few hours. Good photo locations usually don’t require badge access anyways. Do note that if you plan to get a badge, you have to register prior to the convention or face hours of lineup. Dealer’s Room and Artist Alley I personally avoid those areas at all cost, because they are pretty good at drilling a hole in your wallet. But this can be a good place to find emergency supplies in case your costume is incomplete or damaged. Masquerade / Contests The cosplay culture in the US is heavily focused on masquerades, which is just a fancy term for cosplay stage competitions. During the masquerade, there will be dozens of teams giving stage performances relevant for cosplay. The most common performances are parodies, fight scenes, or dance shows. Craftsmanship contests are also held but not judged on stage. Things to Really Watch Out For - Fangirls - Protesters - Preaching voice actors - Drunk people at night // Article and photos by Shiroin (


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