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3.0 Responses to Comments

The buffer zone from the nest shall be established in the field with flagging and stakes. Construction personnel shall be instructed on the sensitivity of the area. 27-121 The comment suggests that the Original DEIR fails to properly analyze the Proposed Alternative’s impacts on public services and recreational facilities but provides not additional analyses, facts, or findings that supplement and/or contradict the analyses and conclusions of the Original DEIR. The comment is noted for the record. 27-122a The comment suggests that the Original DEIR fails to adequately determine whether the projected population increase will result in the need for new or physically altered police or fire facilities. Upgraded information systems have expanded the ability of City departments to assess service and infrastructure needs, as well as track the provision of services and infrastructure. By analyzing data from previous years and continuously monitoring current data regarding response times, types of incidents and call frequencies, the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) can shift resources to meet local demands for fire protection, as needed. In addition, LAFD has reviewed the Plan and DEIR and has concluded that that the project will increase the need for fire protection and emergency medical services in this area and adequate off-site public and on-site private fire hydrants may be required. LAFD has also concluded that based upon the number of existing stations within close proximity to the area that fire protection would be adequate. All projects would be required to obtain clearance from LAFD and meet the Firefighting Personnel Access and Firefighting Apparatus Access requirements set forth in the LAFD comment letter of November 9, 2011 and further detailed in the Mitigation Monitoring Plan. Any additional fire hydrants would be identified by LAFD on a project by project basis. 27-122b The comment highlights the fact that LAFD operates a maintenance supply facility within the Project Alternative area and suggests that the Original DEIR has failed to consider the impact on both the project and the City should this facility be moved outside of the project area. The assumption that the facility might move outside of the area at any point in the future is both remote and speculative. The new mixed-use districts, proposed by the Project Alternative, will continue to permit the maintenance facility on the location where it is currently located. The facility would also be permitted on any other parcel within the Project Alternative that is designated as one of the mixed-use districts Urban Village, Urban Innovation, or Urban Center. 27-122c The comment reiterates the Original DEIR’s conclusion that the increased population into the Project Area could increase demand on police protection and fire and emergency medical services in terms of staffing, operational, and maintenance costs but also suggestes that the Original DEIR neglected to discuss whether, and to what extent, the population increase would alter demand for public services and whether the expected level of available service could accommodate the change in demand. As regards the concern about fire and emergency medical services please see response to comment 27122-a above. The police department relies on a computer model called Patrol Plan, which considers 25 different variables, such as forecast call rate and average service time. Utilizing this Plan to target personnel where and when they are most needed LAPD has succeeded in reducing crime nine years in a row. Cornfield Arroyo Seco Specific Plan FEIR


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