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3.0 Responses to Comments

27-110 The development of the CASP project will occur to the east of the Los Angeles State Historic Park. The downtown skyline is to the southwest of the CASP area and Elysian Park and the Broadway Bridge are to the north and west. Views looking out from the park towards the locations noted in the comment will not be affected by development of the proposed Specific Plan. 27-111The commenter’s concerns about the impact of noise on the health of humans is noted. 27-112 The commenter’s concerns that the noise monitor locations, selected for the EIR, are not located within the existing residential zones and that the existing conditions data indicates that existing noise levels are already higher than is typically acceptable in a residential community, is noted. The noise monitor locations were selected based upon their proximity to known noise contributors such as freeways, roadways, and rail corridors so as to capture the most severe noise levels present today. 27-113 The commenter suggests that the EIR identifies erroneously that development and operation of the Project will not significantly change the existing degraded noise conditions and the EIR fails to quantify potential noise impacts under the Proposed Alternative. In fact, future noise levels emitted by future traffic capacity and the change in future noise levels compared to a 2035 No Project Alternative were calculated and the results illustrated on Table 12-11on page 12-22, Table 12-12 on page 12-23, and Figure 12-3 on page 12-24. As can be seen in Table 12-12 the differential between the Future 2035 No Project Alternative and Future 2035 with the Proposed Alternative ranges from 0-2 dBL with one dBL reflecting the predominant change. Information directing the reader from to the aforementioned tables and figure will be added in the corrections and omissions section of this document. 27-114 The commenter suggests that the mitigation measures proposed in the Original DEIR fails to mitigate noise impacts to the existing sensitive receptors. The existing uses are already subject to noise from the local roads, freeway and nearby rail corridors. 27-115 The commenter indicates that the Original DEIR provides no indication as to how the interior noise thresholds can be achieved. How the interior noise levels are actually achieved is up to the designer of each project. Regardless of their design and/or engineering solution the project must meet the defined thresholds. 27-116 The comment states that the Original DEIR failed to show how construction noise could impact sensitive receptors, and to evaluate if Mitigation Measure Noise and Vibration 2 is adequate by permitting the use of jackhammers, drills, and impact wrenches between the hours of 7.a.m and 9 p.m. Due to the degree of uncertainty attributed to the programmatic nature of the document, the portion of the Original DEIR related to construction noise impacts has been revised and recirculated in the RP-DEIR on May 31st, 2012 to disclose that noise and vibration impacts related to future construction activities would be considered significant and unavoidable. Mitigation Measure Noise and Vibration 2 was revised in the RP-DEIR to limit activities that generate high noise levels to 6 P.M. See Section 2.C of the RP-DEIR for the revised construction noise analysis. Cornfield Arroyo Seco Specific Plan FEIR


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