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3.0 Responses to Comments

40-73 The comment suggests corrections to the text describing the SR 110, including indicating it should be called the Arroyo Seco Freeway, that its northerly terminus is in Pasadena not South Pasadena, that it generally provides four lanes in each direction, and notes that Amador/Solano-Casanova should be added to the ramp list in the study area. The comment then states, “Several items were in error and should be modified and augmented. Provide a revised, updated version and re-circulate for meaningful review and comments.” The text will be modified to add the designation Pasadena Freeway/Arroyo Seco Parkway, the text will be corrected to remove the word “South” in reference to the northerly terminus of the freeway. The freeway is generally 3 lanes in each direction in the study area, so that would not be modified according to the suggestions of the comment. Amador Street and Solano Avenue/Casanova Street will be added to the list of ramps. These text corrections do not affect the traffic counts, analysis or overall conclusions in the Original DEIR; therefore, it is not necessary to re-circulate because the analysis is relevant and adequate. 40-74 The comment indicates that corrections to the Original DEIR text should be made related to the description of the US 101 freeway, and following the suggested corrections states, “Several items were in error and should be modified and augmented. Provide a revised, updated version and re-circulate for meaningful review and comments.” It also states, “Pleasant Ramp is in error and is not in the Study Area; other additional ramps in/near the Study Area were not included.” The text will be revised to indicate that US 101 runs through the southerly portion of the Study Area. US 101 terminates at I-5. The US 101 Pleasant Avenue ramps are located in the southern end of the study area, as illustrated on Figure 4-1 on page 4-4 of the Original DEIR, southeast of the US 101/I-10 merge point. In addition to the ramps listed on page 4-1 of the Original DEIR, the US 101 includes ramps that serve Broadway and Spring Street, and Mission Road. These ramps will be added to the text. These text corrections do not affect the traffic counts, analysis or overall conclusions in the Original DEIR; therefore, it is not necessary to re-circulate because the analysis is relevant and adequate. 40-75 The comment states, “Classification Terms are used without comparisons of the designated street and the LACity, LACo, and/or Caltrans standards and as evidenced below with many errors for the real streets. Items were in error or contradictory and should be modified and revised.” Roadway designations described on pages 4-1 and 4-2 of the Original DEIR are the City of Los Angeles’ current roadway designations for the Northeast Los Angeles community plan area. San Fernando Road is designated as a Secondary south of the intersection of San Fernando Road and Avenue 26, and is a Major Highway Class II north of this intersection. The Original DEIR will be revised to add this additional designation to the language describing San Fernando Road. The comparison of streets described to the standard cross section per General Plan designation is not required to be included in the Original DEIR. One of the major outcomes of the Specific Plan will be to redesignate the Cornfield Arroyo Seco Specific Plan FEIR


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