Corban Magazine - Fall 2013

Page 17

new foreman!’” Any Christian university will be well served to have a president who, like the stonecutter, understands his calling. The stonecutter was not merely an individual artisan going about his craft; his craftsmanship was the servant of something larger and far grander. In the same way, Corban’s president must view his work as larger than himself, in fact larger than the institution itself. The president must look not only at what is being created, but also ensure its Christ-centered implications. This tethering of the temporal to the eternal provides meaning and significance and beauty to what we do and generates the highest motivation for excellence. Our work

becomes an act of worship. We work to deepen our understanding and appreciation of, and ultimately our relationship with, the Creator of the Universe, the Lord Jesus Christ.

How do you approach the identification and management of risk? I believe that educational administrators are risk managers. We live in a litigious society, and we should mitigate risk by being welltrained and having breadth and depth of experiences. I am confident in my abilities as an executive administrator due to: (1) the training I’ve attained—both

my master’s and doctoral degree included classes regarding legal, educational and fiscal management of risk, (2) the broad experiences I’ve had at executive levels in varied institutional settings, and (3) my faith in the truth that our responsibility is to be competent and diligent, and that we serve a Lord who is responsible for the results. Risk Takers Living with uncertainty and rapid change requires a measure of boldness coupled with trust in oneself and one’s decisions. There is a growing sentiment in higher education that “leaders can no longer be caretakers; they are here to take the risks. The environment is changing so fast that nothing we do 17

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