Guía Colla para web

Page 62

CLOTHING The Collas wear tanned leather and outfits made of guanaco, sheep, llama and vicuña wool, which were dyed with colors obtained from pepper roots, the caper bush, the chañar bush (thorny shrub with orange or yellow flowers) and the Carob tree, among others. A common element that they wore was a woolen hat like a balaclava, and a woolen sweater. Men usually wore ponchos, slacks and “uchuta” (kind of sandals, known as well as ojotas); the women wore foxtail straw hats, known as cutters, sandals, “choquera”, ponchos, long skirts, as well as woolen socks and “uchuta”.12 In spite that some Colla still use this clothing, they are mainly used during ceremonies.

12. Informe de la Comisión Verdad Histórica y Nuevo Trato: op. cit.


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