CD Magazine #21 + Upshift Guide

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tAmALPA ceLebRAtINg 35 yeARs of emboDIeD cReAtIvIty AND HeALINg

PHoto by Rick cHAPmAn

movemeNt AND DANce Movement is the body’s primary language. We believe that movement/dance is for all people a way to connect deeply and authentically, and to live a more embodied and creative life. What are the dances that our souls call for?

32 | upshift guide

tamalpa Institute, founded in 1978 by dance and expressive arts pioneers Anna Halprin and Daria Halprin, offers a certification program and workshops in the Life/Art Process, a movement-based expressive arts approach that integrates movement/dance, visual arts, performance techniques and therapeutic practices. Enter into life/art dialogues as a moving, imaginative, art-based process. Use artistic processes and the expressive arts to explore and deepen your relationship to psychological life, to social issues and to creativity itself. Explore the living myths and metaphors that speak to your life. PHoto by LAUREncE DEmont

tHe boDy We live in and through our bodies. The body contains and reveals our entire life experience. It is through the body that our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels become connected. It is through the body that we come to know ourselves and the world. Expression, healing, change and transformation are acts of embodiment.

“If your body could speak, what would it say?” – DARIA HALPRIN

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