A budget for the rich

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A budget for workers and the people! Britain is still one of the world's richest societies. We can afford first-class public services, higher wages, decent pensions and welfare benefits. But most of the wealth is owned by a small minority. The richest one-tenth own £4,000 billion in personal wealth.  A 2 per cent Wealth Tax would raise £80 billion a year – twice the annual cuts in public spending. Other measures would raise all the funds needed to make Britain a much better, fairer society:  A windfall tax on gas, electricity, oil, banking and drug company monopoly profits.  A financial transaction tax on the bankers and speculators.  Closure of all overseas tax havens under British jurisdiction. WHAT COULD WE DO WITH THE MONEY?

 Reverse the cuts and invest in health, education, housing, public transport and the environment.  Increase pensions, benefits and disability allowances and cut VAT.  Control gas, electricity and water prices and take all the utilities back into public ownership.  Nationalise the banks and direct funds into manufacturing, small businesses, cooperatives and housing.  Take the railways back into public ownership and subsidise fares and investment not shareholder dividends.

That’s why the Communist Party says: Resist the unelected bankers’ regimes in Britain and the EU

A budget of the rich, by the rich, for the rich Despite claims to the contrary Gideon Osbourne’s budget will actually see:

The poorest one-third of people will be worse

off – the unemployed, pensioners, single parents, the low-paid and disabled.

Regional pay will depress the economies of large part of Scotland, Wales and England still further.

New motorways and trunk roads will be

privatised – because the government thinks they should be run like the water industry!

Britain will have the lowest taxes on big business

profits among the developed economies – far lower than the USA, Germany, France and Japan.

www.thepeoplescharter.org Join the fight for peace, socialism working class & people power name address postcode Age if under 30 E-mail


return to Communist Party Young Communist League

Ruskin House 23 Coombe Rd, London CR0 1BD t: 0208 686 1659 e: office@communist-party.org.uk Printed & published by the Communist Party. CP 073/B/03-12

The rich have been rewarded for dodging the top rate of tax, which will now be abolished in stages. THIS IS A GOVERNMENT WHICH HAS JUST PUMPED ANOTHER £5,000 million INTO THE BANKS AND FINANCIAL MARKETS – while shutting 36 Remploy factories for disabled workers because they make an annual loss of £26 million. But what do you expect from a Cabinet with 22 millionaires in it?

p: 02086861659 t: @communists1920


A budget for workers and the people! Britain is still one of the world's richest societies. We can afford first-class public services, higher wages, decent pensions and welfare benefits. But most of the wealth is owned by a small minority. The richest one-tenth own £4,000 billion in personal wealth.  A 2 per cent Wealth Tax would raise £80 billion a year – twice the annual cuts in public spending. Other measures would raise all the funds needed to make Britain a much better, fairer society:  A windfall tax on gas, electricity, oil, banking and drug company monopoly profits.  A financial transaction tax on the bankers and speculators.  Closure of all overseas tax havens under British jurisdiction. WHAT COULD WE DO WITH THE MONEY?

 Reverse the cuts and invest in health, education, housing, public transport and the environment.  Increase pensions, benefits and disability allowances and cut VAT.  Control gas, electricity and water prices and take all the utilities back into public ownership.  Nationalise the banks and direct funds into manufacturing, small businesses, cooperatives and housing.  Take the railways back into public ownership and subsidise fares and investment not shareholder dividends.

That’s why the Communist Party says: Resist the unelected bankers’ regimes in Britain and the EU

A budget of the rich, by the rich, for the rich Despite claims to the contrary Gideon Osbourne’s budget will actually see:

The poorest one-third of people will be worse

off – the unemployed, pensioners, single parents, the low-paid and disabled.

Regional pay will depress the economies of large part of Scotland, Wales and England still further.

New motorways and trunk roads will be

privatised – because the government thinks they should be run like the water industry!

Britain will have the lowest taxes on big business

profits among the developed economies – far lower than the USA, Germany, France and Japan.

www.thepeoplescharter.org Join the fight for peace, socialism working class & people power name address postcode Age if under 30 E-mail


return to Communist Party Young Communist League

Ruskin House 23 Coombe Rd, London CR0 1BD t: 0208 686 1659 e: office@communist-party.org.uk Printed & published by the Communist Party. CP 073/B/03-12

The rich have been rewarded for dodging the top rate of tax, which will now be abolished in stages. THIS IS A GOVERNMENT WHICH HAS JUST PUMPED ANOTHER £5,000 million INTO THE BANKS AND FINANCIAL MARKETS – while shutting 36 Remploy factories for disabled workers because they make an annual loss of £26 million. But what do you expect from a Cabinet with 22 millionaires in it?

p: 02086861659 t: @communists1920


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