Cannexus 2007 Conference Program (bilingual)

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10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Morning Session Title


Career Development E-Tools – Who Are They Reaching And What Are They Teaching?



Elm 2

90 min.


With career providers looking to put more career information online, it is time to ask some critical questions: Are users learning online what we are trying to teach them about career development? What kinds of online learning tools are they most responsive to? This roundtable session will review student user feedback on the Career Management E-learning Program used at the University of Toronto Career Centre. Participants are invited to share how they are using online tools, what’s helpful to users, and how this informs future program planning and development.


Presenters: Lucky Kalsi, Career Counsellor, and Elena Pizzamiglio, Career Counsellor University of Toronto, Career Centre

Lucky Kalsi, MSW brings over 10 years of counselling experience working with diverse adult populations focusing on issues related to self-exploration, finding meaningful work, work-life balance and career transition. Lucky has presented at NATCON, CACUSS, and at several staff development sessions at the University of Toronto. Elena Pizzamiglio, M.Ed., is a Career Counsellor at the University of Toronto. With 6 years of career counselling experience, Elena has worked with a variety of client groups. Elena has presented at University of Toronto staff development sessions, and prior to counselling, she worked in the field of adult education.

Session Title


From Job Stress To Job Smart – Working Smart In Today’s Hectic Workplaces




90 min.


Downsizing, doing more with less, a lack of control and appreciation - everyone experiences some degree of job related stress. Some stress is essential to maintain peak performance. However, too much job stress can lower productivity, create burnout, increase medical claims, and decrease satisfaction. This workshop identifies top sources of workplace stress. Through assessments, participants see if they are working at their optimal stress level and assist them in identifying symptoms that may be linked to their stress. Participants are encouraged to develop a personal action plan based on the S-O-S Principle™ for identifying opportunities and integrating these techniques into their busy work life.


Presenter: Beverly Beuermann-King, Work Smart, Live Smart Stress and wellness specialist, Beverly Beuermann-King translates current research and best practices information into a realistic, accessible and practical approach through her dynamic stress and wellness workshops, on-line articles, e-newsletters and media interviews.

Session Title


How To Build Your Network



Willow 2

90 min.


The speed of work and life continues to move faster as we become more technologically connected. This workshop will discuss how to build and maintain a professional network by integrating traditional and modern networking strategies into a holistic whole. The successful networker or connector is one who knows how to develop informal and formal relationships to the enth degree. The benefit of this workshop will be to understand why the most effective leaders are often the most effective networkers.


Presenter: Flavian DeLima, President, Acuity Careers Flavian DeLima is the principal of ACUITY Careers, a strategy career and business consulting firm specializing in managing and positioning individuals and organizations for the future workplace. Flavian is the author of Bridging the Skills Gap, which deals with the skills gap we all face and how one can stay skilled in the Information Age. He has been featured in the media as a career trends expert on Global Television, City TV, TV Ontario, CNN, The Toronto Star, Computing Canada, The Toronto Sun, We Compute, Canada Computes and the Ontario Technologist. He has been a columnist with the Toronto Star, Computing Canada and the Ontario Technologist writing on emerging workplace and career trends. Flavian’s background includes 10 years of corporate professional experience in a variety of sectors including management consulting, high technology, logistics, education and training, publishing, hospitality and tourism and counselling and coaching.

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