Connections Aug-Sept 2013 Sample

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Vol 13 No 4 August • September 2013

Protect yourself Excellence abounds

Insurance Awards formatters Excellence

raises the bar

The rise and eyes RICKY RICHARDS of machinery Notches three Aeronautup takes one

decades in business big step forward

Marine TENSION Fabricators STRUCTURES Workshop Design challenges,

rewards STA’s material latest initiative

young beware! leaders Copycats Showcase theirlandscape expertise The legal

The shadecloth people See our article on page 38

the latest news from the sta office | new members | rtos & upcoming events

Everview External Screen Fabric

Features 22 colours available in both 2.34 and 3.20 metre widths. The versatile 2x2 weave construction provides a great symmetrical finish and has an additional key functional benefit, of being able to railroad the fabric. Image features the fabric colour Motive.

p o r D t h g i a r t S 1.

1 of 5 in the ALPHA Awning Series, also available as 2. Cable Guide 3. Deep Channel 4. Pivot Arm 5. Side Retention System ALL with common componentry to minimise stock holding and maintain common aesthetics across the series.

Copyright 2013 Hunter Douglas Limited [ABN 98 009 675 709]. 09/13


Open Roller

A modern industrial look is offered by exposing the componentry. By eliminating the aluminium headbox profiles, the price is significantly reduced making it the ideal choice for the cost conscious consumer.


Hold Down Straps

Can be used to hold down the awning at various points across the bottom rail giving maximum flexibility for installation.

Bottom Rail End Caps

Provide a neat, clean finish for the drop awning giving it a complete, premium look.

Website: | Phone: 1800 021 022

CONNECTIONS magazine is published on behalf of the Specialised Textiles Association Inc. by CommStrat Limited.

Contents 18

Publisher CommStrat Editor & WRITER Nicola Card Design & production Annette Epifanidis National Sales MANAGER Yuri Mamistvalov Phone: 03 8534 5008



Contributors Max Brady, John Clark, Neil Hancock, Janice Kleinschmidt, Beatrice Moonen, Chris Round, the Jardine Lloyd Thompson team.





ABN 31 008 434 802

Level 8, 574 St Kilda Rd Melbourne Vic 3004 Specialised Textiles Association Suite 201, 22 St Kilda Road, St Kilda Vic 3182 Phone: 03 9521 2114 Local call: 1300 555 787 Fax: 03 9521 2116 Disclaimer: Except where specifically stated, the opinions and material published in the magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher or the STA Council.






Report by STA President


STA office update



Fabric Structures Committee report

Silicon Eye Aeronaut Automation’s brilliant images


STA welcomes its newest member


STA stalwarts’ epic journey Max Brady and colleagues scenic trip to SuperExpo


Outstanding in their field A look at US innovation in agriculture


Special Commendation


Marine Fabricators Workshop By course presenter Neil Hancock


ACCC legislation and liability Protect yourself and your business


Copyright – and wrong Avoiding overlaps


Members’ products and services Contender/Weathermax, Polyfab, Ricky Richards

RTOs and EVENTS 48

Industry events and RTOs



subscriptions To subscribe to Connections for just $75 inc GST annually contact Ruth Spiegel 2 · CONNECTIONS


Member news Top dignitaries launch Avenue of Honour

Special features in the next issue of Connections... Sail Makers, Marine & Motor Trimming Disaster Relief If you would like to be involved in any of these features by providing commentary or insights please contact the editor

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From the office of the President Tom Gastin We have spent a fantastic fortnight visiting

dollar and an election that I think we

our members across the country in the

all want over and done with so we can

state member meetings.

move on.

I would like to thank all those who took

The indecision of buyers prior to an

time out of their day to come and find out

election seems to have a strong effect

what is happening in the association and

on many of our members. It’s now more

provide vital feedback.

obvious, but not limited to, projects that are

The association relies on this feedback to continue to increase value of membership so please, keep it coming. The feeling around the country seems not

government funded. It’s times like these that require a collaborative effort from the association and our industry leaders to support our

to have changed much over the last couple

industry as a whole. The recently launched

of years since I first joined the committee.

STA Accreditation system is a great start

There is still a general consensus that we

to educating our clients that we support

are not in easy times.

and produce best practice and quality,

However, there is one main difference from then to now – Calm. Businesses, although finding it tough, are

The recently launched STA Accreditation system is a great start to educating our clients that we support and produce best practice and quality, reliable products … I am looking forward to seeing the substance accreditation will provide for our industry and seeing it become one of our strongest tools for industry progression.”

reliable products. It was great seeing support for the program launch during STA’s recent round

not panicking as much anymore. Strategic

of state meetings and I am looking forward

adjustments have been made to suit the

to seeing the substance accreditation

STA office if you would like some more

ever-changing modern economic climate to

will provide for our industry and seeing

information on how to get involved and get

see through the storm.

it become one of our strongest tools for

more out of your membership while giving

industry progression.

more to the industry.

These strategic adjustments have come in

Please don’t hesitate to contact the

the form of re-structuring of product lines,

The willingness of our members to

target markets and business infrastructure.

participate in our sub-committees and

summer season and let’s hope we can

These decisions have been tough at times,

initiatives is inspirational and evident of

get through the coming weeks of election

yet essential for sustainability of business

the volume of passion in our industry. I

campaigning and hope that the politicians

models. Especially in the wake of an influx

thank you all for your involvement and I

have our industry and businesses in the

of imported products, a strong Australian

encourage all to get involved when they can

forefront of their minds when developing

afford the time.

their policies.

Businesses … are not panicking as much anymore. Strategic adjustments have been made to suit the ever-changing modern economic climate to see through the storm.” 4 · CONNECTIONS

If you are keen, there is plenty to sink

I wish you all the best for the approaching

Now is the perfect time to put the heat on

your teeth in to with the Fabric Structures

your local pollies and make sure they don’t

Committee, the Connections Editorial

forget us.

Committee, the Young Leaders Conference, the Training Committee and the recently developed Women in Textiles Group and Marine Fabricators Group. The latter provided an excellent hands-on workshop in Sydney for Marine trimmers.

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The STA Diary Office manager Ana Drougas presents a round-up of association activities We (STA) hold a series of information sessions

Training update

Training Committee

in five cities around the country twice a

Manufacturing Skills Australia (MSA) has

Training has always played an important

year for our members. The second round of

commenced a scoping project to investigate

role within our association but unfortunately

sessions for 2013 was held during the first

the skills needed in the specialised textiles

the number of trainees is decreasing in each

two weeks of August. While the agenda is the

and fabrication industry.

state. Some states have no trainees in textile

same for all sessions, it is always interesting to

The Specialised Textiles Association has

learn that members in each city have different

prepared a short survey with MSA to help

leaves the training institution with no option

topics of concern.

capture the skills and training priorities of

other than to remove the course from their

The next few paragraphs provide a glimpse

enterprises in the specialised textiles and

scope which in turn leaves us as an industry

of the topics and discussions that took place

fabrication industry. Members are invited

rather vulnerable.

during member sessions.

to participate in the survey in order to contribute to this investigation. This project

Website and member communication

will result in recommendations for changes

We communicate with our members using

units and qualifications.

various methods, the main one being the electronic newsletter which is generally

to the Textile Fabrication Training Package Submissions must be received by end of August 2013.

circulated every fortnight. While this is

We as an industry are being consulted

emailed to about 400 email addresses,

and asked to contribute to all aspects of

statistics show us that only a quarter of that

training relating to our industry. Even the

number open the newsletter. It is difficult

certificate name/s are up for discussion and

to ascertain why the majority are not

change. Participate in the survey and help

reading the newsletter, however the member

shape training in the specialised textiles

sessions allow us to raise awareness with our

and fabrication industry for years to come:

members. Are they aware that the newsletter


is produced? Do they receive it? Our challenge


over the next few months is to increase the

Our association is currently establishing

fabrication or other associated courses, which

Some states have no trainees in textile fabrication or other associated courses, which leaves the training institution with no option other than to remove the course from their scope which in turn leaves us as an industry rather vulnerable." With the training package currently under review we have the opportunity to shape our industry training into something that will

number of newsletter ‘opens’ to ensure our

focus groups that will concentrate on

show a clear career pathway for our future

members are up to date with the latest STA

specific industry issues/topics. These focus


projects and industry news.

groups are: Training Committee, Marine

STA’s training committee is involved in

Fabricator Division, Connections Editorial

reviewing current training needs for our

participants were guided through the member

Committee, Women in Textiles and the

industry. The committee is made up of

area of the STA website to ensure they

Fabric Structures Committee. The focus

member volunteers - one from each state.

were using their business listing in order to

groups which ultimately report to STA’s

Vacancies on the committee exist for

be included in the online product/service

Council of Management are encouraged

positions from South Australia, Northern

search. The member area allows members to

to set their own agenda and develop their

Territory and Tasmania. If industry training

maintain their contact details, upload their

own objectives while keeping the welfare

is important to you, get involved and make a

business logo, access Ai Group information,

of the members and the association

difference. Contact the STA office to express

apply for accreditation and much more.

in mind.

your interest.

During the state member sessions,


Don’t carry stock that you don’t need, keep your stock levels to a minimum. Buy only what you need from us, rolls and cut lengths*, and reduce your inventory. *Cut lengths available for most fabrics, some exceptions fo apply

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STA MATTERS Marine Fabricator Division of STA

An Editorial Committee has now been

The aim of the Women in Textiles

The objectives of the Marine Fabricator

established and will be reviewing the editorial

Committee is to make a difference for women

Division of STA (MFD) are to support

plan and content along with the circulation

in our industry by:

and raise awareness within the marine

numbers and method in a bid to provide

• Showcasing achievements and being

fabricators in our industry.

association input to the magazine editor.

To this end, the MFD while only in existence

Did you know that Connections is also

rewarded for efforts • Raising money for a chosen charity, and

for four months has put together a networking

available in digital format? You can now read

breakfast in Melbourne and a two-day

Connections online. STA members receive the

workshop in Sydney. Marine fabricators

printed copy as well as a link via our e-news

got together for both events to share ideas,

enabling them to download the entire ‘flip

facets of our industry to join the committee

networking and learn.

book’ version of every Connections issue.

in order to get this off the ground. This is a

Neil Hancock, Aussie Boat Covers, is passionate about what he does and felt that marine fabricators needed the opportunity to be promoted, educated and supported. Neil now holds the position of Chairperson of the MFD. The Marine Fabricator Division will be made up of six STA members who will set their own objectives and mission statement while reporting to Council of Management. Four positions have been filled to date. If you are involved in the marine industry and feel you can make a difference, please contact our office to express your interest in joining this committee.

• Networking with other like minded women We seek six motivated women from all

challenge for you, so, if you are ready and

The Fabric Structures Committee is chaired by Beatrice Moonen of Abacus Shade Structures who has been working tirelessly over the past few months developing a series of documents promoting the industry to consumers and government bodies." If you have any suggestions about

willing to play in a bigger game and develop your leadership potential, get involved! If this sounds like an opportunity for you and you are ready to extend yourself and make a difference, please phone Ana Drougas (on 03 9521 2114) or Connie Hellyar (0404 086 158) and jump on board. The experience will be both profound and life enriching.

Young Leaders Conference 2013 Learning – networking – mentoring

Connections magazine that you would like to

The next Young Leaders Conference is

Fabric Structures Committee

pass onto the Editorial Committee, please

scheduled to take place on Saturday 12 and

The Fabric Structures Committee is chaired

contact Ana at the STA office on 03 9521 2114.

Sunday 13 October 2013 on the Gold Coast.

Structures who has been working tirelessly

Women in Textiles Committee

those aged 35 year or younger who have been

over the past few months developing a series

During our last Awards for Excellence dinner,

involved in the industry for two or more years,

of documents promoting the industry to

STA Councillor Connie Hellyar was chatting

and the number of attendees is limited to 20

consumers and government bodies.

to a few members about the significant

each year. During the Young Leaders Conference,

The following documents are available

achievements of our industry’s Young Leaders.

all attendees participate in a learning,

for use by all installers via the ‘Resources’

Connie was inspired seeing them achieve such

networking and mentoring environment.

section of the STA website:

great results, and it got her thinking about the

Motivational and inspiring speaker sessions/

About Fabric Structures - Pre release 2013

many talented women in our industry who

workshops are organised for all to participate in.

Consumer Checklist -2013

are working as business owners, saleswomen,

All in all the sessions provide the opportunity to

Shade sail Guidelines, and

marketing managers and fabricators, to name

learn from some of the industry legends as well

Licensing Requirements for installers across

a few.

as from one another.

by Beatrice Moonen of Abacus Shade

Australia Read more about the work of the Fabric Structures Committee on pages 33 and 34.

Connections Editorial Committee Connections magazine is STA’s most

The Young Leaders Conference is open to

Women are not always appreciated or

Towards the end of the conference,

recognised for the work they produce.

the young leaders are divided into two teams

Traditionally, women have taken a ‘back seat’

and are charged with a task that involves

and supported others rather than promote

developing from scratch a structure of some


sort, or theme, which is to be finalised

Why can’t women in our industry showcase

and presented at the 2014 STA Expo and

recognised tool for communicating with

their accomplishments and be recognised for

Conference. One team will be announced as

members and the industry at large.

what they can achieve?

the winning team at that time.

Connections has progressed throughout the years from its initial form as a newsletter to a newsy and vibrant publication issued six

With this question in mind, Connie developed the idea for ‘Women in Textiles’.

If you fit the criteria or know of someone else who does and would like to participate,

As a woman, no matter whether you work

please send us your expression of interest

times a year, which reflects the achievements

on a full- or part-time basis, your work is an

as soon as possible as this event is sure to

of STA member businesses.

important expression of who you are.

sell out soon.







ILIOS is the latest addition to Acmeda’s Awnings range. Utilising versatile hardware and superior quality components, the patented, award winning Ilios can be manufactured as a pivot arm or wire guide blind. The beautifully designed Ilios awnings will enhance your outdoor living space.

Features include: / Fully enclosed round box with integrated weight bar and no visible screws. / TUV Rheinland certified to withstand winds up to 50Km/h. / Suitable for coastal applications. / Widths up to 5m.

Externally Yours, Acmeda.

Contact your Acmeda representative for further details on 03 9355 0100.

STA MATTERS Accreditation The STA Business Accreditation program has been in the making for over three years. Those members attending the recent round of association sessions embraced the accreditation program and were keen to see it become reality. All being well, the official launch of the accreditation program will have taken place in late August. Members have been involved in the consultation process along the way with many opportunities to contribute and help shape the model into one that we could all

Moving forward, based on the extended feedback received, next year’s industry Expo will focus on high powered, motivational, inspiring as well as industry related business sessions with trade displays on a smaller scale open to visitors for approximately three hours over two days. "

be proud of. We embarked on this road in order to: • Meet defined industry standards

Exhibitor surveys have been collated with the

• Encourage industry best practice

end result indicating a strong preference for

• Differentiate members from other

future joint industry expos every two years.

members (as well as non members in the industry), and • Give customers confidence in the products and services we provide Stage one of STA's Business Accreditation is based one a three level accreditation model. Members apply by completing the online

The survey also indicated that our exhibitors would like the opportunity to participate in the business sessions during the expo. However, given that they are committed to minding their stand, they tend to miss out. Moving forward, based on the extended feedback received, next year’s industry Expo will focus on high

questionnaire located in the members’ area of

powered, motivational, inspiring as well as

the STA website. The STA office will determine

industry related business sessions with trade

whether accreditation has been achieved.

displays on a smaller scale open to visitors for

Member businesses will be known as a Business Accredited Member of STA. What type of things are we checking on for accreditation? o

Business registered in your home state


Whether you have the right business/ legal structure

approximately three hours over two days. The 2014 Conference program will include the traditional STA events we have all come to expect – partners’ program, theme dinner etc. Further details will be available in early October on the STA website. In summary the Expo will be reshaped as:


How do you manage finances, and

• A three-day program


How do you manage risks

• Business sessions with industry specific and

Accreditation is only open to STA Members

business inspired topics

and is voluntary. At some point in the

• Networking and social events

future, we expect that accreditation will be

• Awards for Excellence dinner


• Partners program, and

For now, members please keep an eye out for the official launch of the Accreditation program and if you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

2014 Annual STA Event - Expo or Conference? As recently reported, the joint Expo known as SuperExpo (STA and BMAA joint initiative) was a successful event for all involved. 10 · CONNECTIONS

• Trade display opportunities For now, mark the date for the 2014 Conference in your diary: Saturday May 31 to Monday June 2, 2014 in the Hunter Valley, NSW

STA Council of Management SPECIALISED TEXTILES Association Inc. Suite 201, 22 St Kilda Rd St Kilda, Vic 3182 Ph: (03) 9521 2114 Local Call: 1300 555 787 Facsimile: (03) 9521 2116 Email: Web: ASSOCIATION MANAGER Ana Drougas Email: President Tom Gastin Pattons—Textile Fabrication 80 McDougall St, Kirribilli, NSW 2061 Ph: 02 9955 2563 or 1300 799 980 Fax: 02 9959 3158 Mobile: 0414 952 007 Email: COUNCILLORS David Burton Ricky Richards 16 Park Road, Homebush NSW 2140 Ph: 02 9735 3333 Fax: 02 9735 3311 Mobile: 0419 277 711 Email: Jamie Howard Total Shade Solutions 4 Aldinga St, Brendale QLD 4500 Ph: 07 3889 7200 Fax: 07 3889 8865 Mobile: 0402 274 636 Email: Connie Hellyar OneLink Agencies 3 Toorak Close, Mollymook Beach NSW 2539 Ph: 02 4454 3101 Fax: 02 4454 3201 Mobile: 0404 086 158 Glenn Barlow Positive Resolutions Pty Ltd 2/46 Governor Macquarie Drive, Chipping Norton NSW 2170 Ph: 02 9723 9141 Fax: 02 728 3337 Mobile: 0409 273 284 Email: Daniel Gollan HVG 46 Wodonga Street, Beverley SA 5009 Ph: 08 8348 6800 Fax: 08 8445 8455 Mobile: 0402 274 636 Email: Connections Magazine Advertising submissions: Ph: 03 8534 5008 Editorial: Nicola Card

legal liability

Product Warranty Insurance: Covering fabricators for potentially serious risk

By Jeff Williamson of Jardine Lloyd Thompson Limited

Stuart McKellar and Jeff Williamson of JLT outline the facts at SuperExpo 12 ¡ CONNECTIONS

Most fabricators are unaware of the extent

However, there is an exclusion: “when a

of their liability, under ACCC consumer

person or business procures goods as raw

legislation, for remedy in the event of

materials in manufacture or repair�. Hence, a

failure of their products to meet warranted

fabricator is simply not defined as a consumer


under the Act; and therefore does not have the

Their presumption that this liability,

same rights.

particularly significant consequential

These consumer rights are significant.

damages, can be legally transferred to

There are three (relevant of nine) stipulated

a supplier is erroneous, and they are

guarantees that are mandatory to be

particularly vulnerable in the event of a

provided by a fabricator, namely that the

significant claim. Currently, insurance for this

goods are of acceptable quality, fit for

risk is virtually impossible to obtain.

purpose, and that they match any sample or

Fabricators are not protected by the

description. The consumer has a guaranteed

Australian Competition and Consumer Act,

right to remedy if the goods fail to meet

because they are not a consumer. Under the

these criteria, including replacement and

act, a consumer is defined by the nature of the

consequential damages. The fabricator does

purchase, rather than the purchaser, which

not have the same degree of protection, and

means that, depending on the transaction, even

is reliant on contractual arrangements with

a business can be considered one!

the supplier or Common Law.

Image by nicola card

Earlier this year a confidential survey relating to business insurance and liability was circulated to key industry participants in order to evaluate the potential for a cost effective scheme applicable to the industry and gather information for potential reinsurers.

Made in Australia Seen around the world Aeronaut Automated Cutting Systems The perfect partner for your big ideas

legal liability “There is a clear need for reasonably priced insurance to cover these consequential costs.” Conditions of sale

consideration, and is not necessarily a

products; where defects in design,

In the absence of any other agreement, the

legal obligation.

manufacture or installation of them have

warranty or conditions of sale form the

In the event of a large claim, where the

resulted in injury or property damage; or

legal basis for the transaction between the

costs of re-fabrication and re-installation far

supplier and the fabricator, who is deemed to

outweigh the value of material, the fabricator

explicitly agree to them on accepting delivery

might not be able to rely on this supplier's

apply if, after inspection, other awnings on

of goods. Most suppliers also include these

“goodwill”, and risks being left holding a

the building were also at risk of detaching

same conditions on credit application forms,

substantive liability. The same issue applies

due to faulty fixing pins, but only if it could

and require agreement to them as a condition

between the supplier and manufacturer of

be demonstrated that there was further

providing credit terms.

the goods, especially if the latter is a foreign

risk of injury or property damage. The

business entity. Further, the interpretation

policy would cover the cost of removal and

against the fabricator for say, faulty

of consequential damages in the consumer

replacement of the remaining awnings.

material, the latter’s recourse against the

legislation appear to be very broad, and there

supplier of that material would be covered

is a real prospect that future claims could

where a product is found not to meet

by the supplier’s warranty or “Conditions

be inflated more than what the industry has

warranty or be fit for purpose. In our

of Sale”. Most supplier warranties are

historically experienced.

example above, this would be say, if the

Thus, in the event of a consumer claim

for replacement of material only and

Therefore, there is a clear need for

where use of them may do so. In our example above, this policy would

Neither of these policies cover a situation

fabric in the awning exhibited excessive

generally exclude or severely limit liability

reasonably priced insurance to cover these

colour or strength loss due to faulty UV

for consequential damages, including re-

consequential costs.

stabiliser, which led to a valid consumer

fabrication and re-installation.

“For example … suppose the fixing pins of an awning on a multi-storey building are sheared in a mild wind, and it falls on a moving vehicle, which crashes into a light pole, in turn causing injury to the driver.”

The types of insurance policies that are

claim. In this case, the loss of amenity

available are summarised below, with

does not of itself create a risk of injury or

shortcomings illustrated by example:

damage, and product recall cover does not apply.

Product Liability Insurance liability insurance covers injury and property

Product Guarantee (or Warranty) Insurance

damage caused by failure or a defect in

The above provides this comprehensive

a product. This type of policy specifically

coverage. It covers the cost of removal,

excludes the “repair, replacement or recall of

repair, alteration, treatment, or replacement

the Insured’s products”

of any product or part, that fails to perform

Often linked to public liability, Product

For example, suppose the fixing pins of an awning on a multi-storey building are sheared in a mild wind, and it falls on a

the function for which it was designed, manufactured or sold. However, this type of insurance, if indeed it

moving vehicle, which crashes into a light

is available at all, is prohibitively expensive

risk of bearing the consequential damages

pole, in turn causing injury to the driver.

and has onerous conditions for product

associated with alleged failure of the

The fabricator’s/installer’s product liability

eligibility, such as documented and audited

supplier’s product. This is often overlooked

policy would cover the costs associated

procedures for quality control along the

by fabricators, who erroneously assume

with treatment of the injury, damage to

whole supply chain.

that their legal obligations to the consumer

the vehicle and the light pole, but not re-

can be directly passed on to their supplier.

fabrication and re-installation of

from an industry specialist group policy

Of course, in practice most suppliers, in

the awning.

which provides strength in numbers, details

The fabricator, therefore, has the legal

The answer is to join forces and benefit

of which were presented at SuperExpo.

the event of a claim, do agree to cover, at least contribute toward consequential

Product Recall Insurance

damages as well as replacement material,

This covers specified costs and expenses

more detail, contact Stuart McKellar of JLT on 07

but this decision is based on a commercial

associated with the recall of the insured’s

3246 7562 or email:


If you want to learn more or discuss this in

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