Kelas XII, Bahasa Inggris

Page 234

Task 7 Let’s play Dramatic Feelings Game. First study the following instructions on how to play the game. Play the game in groups of six.

Dramatic Feelings Game 1. Materials a. A box, container, or bag b. Pieces of paper with a different feeling word written on each. Choose the words that your class is familiar with. 2. Method a. b. c. d.

Place the feeling words in the box, container, or bag. Ask one student to come up and pick out the word without looking. Now, this student is to act out according to the word. The rest of the class guess. The student who guesses correctly gets to go next, and the process is repeated.

angry: marah

shy: malu

sympathetic: simpatik

anxious: gelisah

cautious: waspada

depressed: tertekan

apprehensive: khawatir

confident: percaya diri

disgusted: muak

ashamed: memalukan

confused: bingung

ecstatic: sangat senang

enraged: marah sekali

guilty: bersalah

embarrassed: malu

exhausted: kelelahan

happy: gembira

jealous: cemburu

frightened: ketakutan

hopeful: penuh harapan

lonely: sendiri

frustrated: kecewa

hysterical: histeris

loves-truck: kasmaran

mysterious: aneh

surprised: terkejut

mischievous: jahat

nervous: gugup

shocked: kaget

suspicious: curiga

overwhelmed: takjub

bored: bosen

smug: puas

sad: sedih

Task 8 Study the words below before you read the drama entitled The Pumpkin in the Jar. Analyze the elements of drama and then answer the questions given. Work in a group of five and perform the drama. pumpkin (kb) maiden (kb) bow (kki) cottage  (kb)


: labu : gadis : membungkuk : pondok

Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XII

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