Kelas XII, Bahasa Inggris

Page 170

Task 14 Have you ever heard or been told a fairytale entitled Little Red Riding Hood? Listen to your teacher telling the fairytale, then identify the expressions of regretting and preventing you heard in the fairy tale. The listening script is in the Appendix. v

The hunter said: (expression of preventing)_____________________________________________________


Little Red riding Hood said: (expression of regret)_________________________________________________________

Task 15 Library Work Search a short fairy tale in your school library. Then, get in groups of five and read the tale to your group without telling the ending of the tale. Let the rest of the group discuss and guess the ending.

2. Read and Write

Task 16 Reflect on your personal belief and answer the questions with your partner before you read a text entitled The Fairies’ Cake. Then, find the Indonesian equivalents of the words in the box based on the context. Read the text again and answer the questions that follow. Personal Belief Reflection: 1.

Have you ever heard or been told any stories about fairies or elves?


Do you believe in fairies and elves? v If so, tell your partner why and also tell if you have got any experiences convincing you that they exist. v If not, tell your partner why not.


Imagine that if you could see either fairies or elves, what would you do?


Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XII

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