Columbia University Press Spring 2014 Catalog

Page 57

Ne w i n P a p e r

River Republic

The Fall and Rise of America’s Rivers Daniel McCool “An easy read that raises important questions about politics, money, and development along U.S. rivers while providing vibrant accounts of restoration projects all across the country.” —H–Environment

Daniel McCool not only chronicles the history of water development agencies in America and the way in which special interests have abused rather than preserved the country’s rivers, he also narrates the second, brighter act in this ongoing story: the surging, grassroots movement to bring these rivers back to life and ensure they remain pristine for future generations.

The politics of river restoration demonstrates how strong grassroots movements can challenge entrenched powers and win. Through passion and dedication, ordinary people are reclaiming the American landscape, forming a “river republic” of concerned citizens from all backgrounds and sectors of society. As McCool shows, the history, culture, and fate of America is tied to its rivers, and their restoration is a microcosm mirroring American beliefs, livelihoods, and an increasing awareness of environmental degradation. “A broad, up-to-date, hopeful view of our nation’s rivers.” —Kirkus Reviews Daniel McCool

“McCool tempers the flow of statistics and environmental facts with liberal doses of wit and colorful anecdotes while offering a reassuring account of working-class citizens triumphing in a timely cause.” —Booklist

“Well-researched and well-written.” —Choice

“McCool leaves us inspired and hopeful for a happy ending.” —Michael Brune, executive director, Sierra Club

is the director of the Environmental and Sustainabil-

ity Studies Program and a professor in the Political Science Department at the University of Utah.

$26.00* / £18.00 paper 978-0-231-16131-2 J u ly   408 pages E n v i r o n m e n ta l S t u d i e s   /   P o l i t i c s

c l o t h e d i t i o n   2012 978-0-231-16130-5

All Rights: Columbia University Press c u p. c o l u m b i a . e d u   |   55

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