Everything Colorado Springs Wants To Know About Veneers! PART 1

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Everything Colorado Springs Wants To Know About Veneers! PART 1

This two-part article series takes a detailed look at dental veneers as an excellent treatment for a wide variety of cosmetic imperfections. Do you want to know the secret behind countless celebrities’ gorgeous white smiles? It’s not always genetics… it’s dental veneers! Veneers are a fantastic cosmetic treatment that can be done to give anyone – celebrity or not – a trademark red carpet smile. And the great news is that there are many Colorado Springs cosmetic dentists who are trained and experienced in this treatment! So if you have never been particularly proud of your smile, perhaps it’s time to change that. In this two-part article series, we’ll be taking a look at what veneers are, how they work and who might be best considered a candidate for this cosmetic treatment. Let’s get started… What Are Dental Veneers? Also known as porcelain veneers, dental veneers are wafer-thin shells of ceramic material that are bonded (cemented) to the outer surface of a tooth. First, however, a veneer is custom designed by a cosmetic dentist to fit over a specific tooth to:  Fill out any portions of it that might be missing, as a consequence of chipping or cracking,  Fill out portions of the tooth that may be deficient through genetics, such as large gaps between teeth, or teeth that look small,  Augment the tooth structure and fill in gaps created by skew and uneven teeth,  To cover up deep stains and discolorations, making the tooth look evenly white.

“Applying a dental veneer to a tooth is very much like throwing a gorgeous clean and white tablecloth over a stained, beaten up table,” says one Colorado Springs veneers specialist. “It covers up the damage, it covers up the staining and totally changes the appearance of the tooth. It’s also incredibly versatile in addressing a great array of cosmetic imperfections.” But, according to Colorado Springs cosmetic dentists, veneers are useful for more than just creating the perfect smiles…

The Importance of Dental Veneers as a Restorative Treatment As it was mentioned above, dental veneers can be placed on chipped, cracked, fractured and uneven teeth to restore their appearance, but also their strength and resilience. By filling in portions of the tooth structure that have gone missing or were absent “from birth,” veneers can provide Colorado Springs residents with teeth that are much stronger and less vulnerable to further damage and erosion.

“We sometimes also recommend dental veneers to patients who have large gaps between their teeth, or who have skew, uneven teeth. We custom design the veneers to fill out any small spaces that might otherwise trap food and bacteria and this leaves their oral health in a much better place. Veneers are exceptionally versatile and are great for both smile aesthetics and oral health,” says the Colorado Springs cosmetic dentist.

Modern Dental Veneers Better Than Ever Before Dental veneers have always been touted as a cosmetic treatment, but advances in the field of cosmetic dentistry and of the materials used in dental restoration mean that modern veneers can achieve more natural and aesthetically appealing outcomes than ever before. Additionally, some Colorado Springs veneer specialists work with products that don’t require as thick a layer of enamel to be shaved off the front of the teeth, which is certainly the more desirable option. But, we will look more closely into this next time! Stay Tuned for Part 2

To find out more about dental veneers, how they work and the procedures required to have them fitted, stay tuned for the second half of this two-part article series, coming next week.

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