B2 First Four Practice Tests

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English for Exams

Cambridge English Qualifications

B2 First (FCE)

Four Practice Tests


Contents Introduction 4 Guide to B2 First (FCE) Reading and Use of English 8 Writing 13 Listening 17 Speaking 21 Test 1 Paper 1: Reading and Use of English 26 Paper 2: Writing 38 Paper 3: Listening 40 Paper 4: Speaking 46 Test 2 Paper 1: Reading and Use of English 48 Paper 2: Writing 60 Paper 3: Listening 62 Paper 4: Speaking 68 Test 3 Paper 1: Reading and Use of English 70 Paper 2: Writing 82 Paper 3: Listening 84 Paper 4: Speaking 90 Test 4 Paper 1: Reading and Use of English 92 Paper 2: Writing 104 Paper 3: Listening 106 Paper 4: Speaking 112 Mini-dictionary 114 Audio script 120 Sample answer sheets 141 Answer key 146 Framework for Paper 4: Speaking 149 Speaking: model answers 165 Writing: model answers 180 Visual materials for Paper 4: Speaking Please see centre of book SamplePages

Test 1

PAPER 1 READING AND USE OF ENGLISH (1 hour 15 minutes)

Part 1

For questions 1–8, read the text below and choose which answer (A, B, C or D) best completes each gap. Here is an example (0).


0 A mention B refer C talk D specify

Answer: 0 ABCD


The Hackney Cab

The words commonly used by Londoners to (0) to the black London taxi, their most famous (1) of transport, does, in fact, have international origins. The official name for the London taxi is ‘hackney carriage’, a term which comes from the French word ‘hacquenée’, meaning a general-purpose carriage that could be hired. The first hackney carriages (2) during the (3) of Queen Elizabeth I. These horse-drawn carriages belonged to wealthy aristocrats, who hired them out to less well-off (4) of the gentry. ‘Cab’, a shortened form of another French word, ‘cabriolet’, was the name given to the faster, two-wheeled carriages that were introduced from France during the nineteenth century. (5) the word ‘taxi’ has a European dimension. The ‘taximeter’ was an instrument invented by a German, Wilhelm Bruhn, in 1891. This machine (6) an end to debates about the cost of a cab ride as it measured the distance travelled and time taken of all (7) , allowing the driver to (8) the customer an accurate fare.



2 WRITING (1 hour 20 minutes)

Part 1

You must answer this question. Write your answer in an appropriate style (140–190 words).

1 In your English class you have been talking about employment. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

Now write your essay


Test 2

You are going to hear a man talking about courses in Internet security. For questions 9–18, complete the sentences. Use a word or short phrase.

Dealing with Internet Security

The Internet safety sessions will take place in the 9 When creating passwords, some people use their 10 or even ‘password’.

People should watch out for emails that say you have recently 12 and that you need to check the details are correct. One session will give advice about using 13 safely, both in the home and outside it.

64 Test 2
Part 2
11 .
14 . Users should
16 . The
Three of the speaker’s computers broke down in a 18 . 7 SamplePages
Criminals often send emails pretending to be from a well-known
to be careful about sharing
information with others when using
get to know the 15 on the websites they use.
personal information like photos is particularly important with regards to
final session will look at how to protect the
files on your computer.

Visual materials for Paper 4: Speaking

Test 1

Part 2: Candidate A

Why do you think these people have chosen to travel to work in this way?


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