1 minute read

From Light to Dark, But Bright Again

Ashlynn E. Ward

The children dance around the room Feeling nothing but pure elation


No wonder of their uncertain destination

No signs of any gloom

The now adolescents are constantly bored Glaring at a phone Feeling nothing but alone What happened to the vibrant souls that once roared Adult life resurrects them from their phase of muted emotion Joy surrounds them again Unbothered by the pain that was then The question now lingers, what was the magic potion?

Giles Corey

Breanne Shepherd

A man known to some as a wizard, A mean old man he was. Put on trial for the crime of witchcraft, Shunned and left to plea, He did not plea, He did not deny, He did not lie. With no confession, he was sent to die. A painful death was his luck, Stones thrown on him until he was struck, Wanting his fate to be quickly near, He cried, “Please, please, please put more weight over here.” And with one last cry, It was the wizard’s wicked way to die.



T. Riddick

Time flies, they say when you used to give me butterflies. Now I’m the one who cries. I used to tell you every detail and line of my day, and it was fine and because you made a way. Now I’m sitting here with all these memories of mine, and what stings the most is you seem to be fine. And though I disguise these feelings and cries, you still give me butterflies.