Summer Scene 2013

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scene Summer 2013

News and views for the Colgate community

Going Places Chemical Healing The Photo Hunter


Summer 2013

26 Going Places

For many students, Spring Break 2013 was much more than a break

32 Chemical Healing

Psychology professor Scott Kraly on the tricky task of tweaking the brain for mental health

36 The Photo Hunter

Otters and penguins and moose — oh, my! The scientific wildlife adventures of Brendan Smith ’02 yield amazing images from Alaska and beyond.


Message from President Jeffrey Herbst




Work & Play


Tableau: “The making of a crusade”


The torch medal — a new tradition


Life of the Mind


Arts & Culture


Go ’gate


New, Noted & Quoted


The Big Picture: The Threepenny Opera


Stay Connected


Class News 54 Alumni awards 2013 74 Marriages & Unions 74 Births & Adoptions 74 In Memoriam


Salmagundi: Puzzle, Slices contest, Rewind


On the cover: Masum Wiese ’14 (left) and Ewa Protasiuk ’15 check out traditionalstyle mosaic tile lamps at Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar. See more about their spring break immersion experience in Turkey on page 28. Photo by Lindsay Mackenzie ’05 Left: Chenango Valley evening glow over Case-Geyer Library. Photo by Tommy Brown ’79 News and views for the Colgate community


scene team


Volume XLII Number 4 The Scene is published by Colgate University four times a year — in autumn, winter, spring, and summer. The Scene is circulated without charge to alumni, parents, friends, and students.

Psychology professor Scott Kraly (“Chemical Healing,” pg. 32) has taught at Colgate since 1978. Many students in his lab, where he studies neuroendocrine control of ingestive behavior, have become co-authors on journal articles. When not working, he’s the drummer for the alternative/ pop band Dangerboy, which has entertained crowds on campus, in town, and at the House of Blues in Atlantic City.

Illustrator James Steinberg (“Chemical Healing,” pg. 32) created a U.S. postage stamp for diabetes awareness. His clients also include Reebok, Polygram Records, Price Waterhouse, Time, Businessweek, Fortune, and the Wall Street Journal, among others. His work often appears in award annuals like Communication Arts, American Illustration, and Society of Illustrators.

Self-taught photography entrepreneur and web designer Brendan Smith ’02 (“The Photo Hunter,” pg. 36) says he’s relied on grit and determination to emerge on Alaska’s photography scene. But despite being 5,000 miles away, he says he will always bleed maroon and white.

Shutterbug Gabriela Bezerra ’13 began college in her native Brasilia, Brazil, but transferred to Colgate as a junior, attracted by the Peace and Conflict Studies Program. She’s had several images published in the Scene (including in “Going Places,” pg. 30) and on this past year. Spending her second summer working as an Upstate Institute Fellow, she hopes to work for an NGO.

scene online

Listen Check out this video about the new student jazzfunk band that’s been performing at events on campus and in the community.

Look See 13 Reunion photos from the Colgate archives.

Talk See a video about the ALANA Cultural Center, then and now.

Get connected

Go paperless Join the discussion about all things Colgate on the university’s Facebook page. Feel free to share your ’gate-related photos, too!


scene: Summer 2013

Colgate University 315-228-1000 Printed and mailed from Lane Press in South Burlington, Vt. If you’re moving... Please clip the address label and send with your new address to: Alumni Records Clerk, Colgate University, 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346-1398. Join Colgate Reads, the new literary discussion group with English professors Jane Pinchin and Jennifer Brice. First up, the short story “Tenth of December” by George Saunders.


Contributors: Barbara Brooks, Director of Marketing and Public Relations; Daniel DeVries, Admission Marketing Manager; Matt Faulkner, Assistant Director of Athletic Communications; Matt Hames, Manager of Media Communications; David Herringshaw, Online Community Manager; Jason Kammerdiener ’10, Web Content Specialist; Karen Luciani, Art Director; Katherine Mutz, Graphic Designer; Timothy O’Keeffe, Director of Web Content; John Painter, Director of Athletic Communications; Mark Walden, Senior Advancement Writer; Laura D’Angelo ’14, intern; Kellyann Hayes ’16, intern Contact: 315-228-7417

Vice President for Communications Debra Townsend Managing Editor Rebecca Costello Associate Editor Aleta Mayne Director of Creative Services Gerald Gall Coordinator of Photographic Services Andrew Daddio Production Assistant Kathy Bridge

Online Scene subscription: To stop receiving the printed Scene, e-mail us your name, class year, address, and e-mail address, and put Online Mailing List in the subject. We’ll send you an e-mail when we post new online editions (colgate. edu/scene).

Opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by the university, the publishers, or the editors. Notice of Non-Discrimination: Colgate University does not discriminate in its programs and activities because of race, color, sex, pregnancy, religion, creed, national origin (including ancestry), citizenship status, physical or mental disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, veteran or military status (including special disabled veteran, Vietnam-era veteran, or recently separated veteran), predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence victim status, or any other protected category under applicable local, state, or federal law. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the university’s non-discrimination policies: Marilyn Rugg, Associate Provost for Equity and Diversity, 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346; 315-228-7288.

Message from President Jeffrey Herbst

There’s a famous New Yorker

cartoon featuring a dog at a

keyboard. The caption reads, “On the Internet, no one knows you are a dog.” But that notion is no longer true. Today, the digital revolution is about the customized shaping of information and opinions to our preferences. As one Yahoo! vice president said, “Now the web is about ‘me’.”

James Yang

Although this can be a great force for good, as Colgate graduates know from their studies of modernity, any dramatic revolution leads to repercussions that we must guard against. It is one of the effects — the polarization of information, ideas, and opinions — that I am most concerned about. Major efforts are going into helping us (whether or not we asked) to manage our interaction with digital media. Author and activist Eli Pariser notes, “The new generation of Internet filters looks at the things you seem to like — the actual things you’ve done, or the things people like you like — and tries to extrapolate.” He calls it the “filter bubble: a unique universe of information for each of us.” As consumers, we like the new mantra of “What you want, when you want it.” We follow what we are interested in, and go where our tastes lead. With unbundling, you don’t have to buy the whole record, you can get a single song. A news aggregator can pluck out the article it thinks you’re likely to read instead of your subscribing to an entire newspaper.

But while we benefit from this personalization in many ways, there are losses. This microtargeting is often undetectable. You might listen to a radio station with an explicit bias, but you don’t know how your search engine’s algorithm is narrowing the scope of information you receive. It also feeds our natural proclivity toward staying in a comfort zone. Without overtly deciding to do so, we can avoid encounters with ideas or information that we are not predisposed to favor. This is extremely unfortunate, because none of us knows all that we should know. Our ability to live in that “bubble for one” has led to the narrowing of many national conversations and a palpable drift toward extremes. Too often, the temptation is to ridicule or mock those we may disagree with rather than argue with facts that are, ironically, at our fingertips. In many ways, Colgate’s liberal arts approach is the antidote to the filter bubble. I am always struck by the number of students who ended up majoring or studying something completely unanticipated. This is not only because we offer subjects not found in high school — neuroscience, philosophy, and peace and conflict studies, to name only three. It’s also because the intellectual climate and very human interactions that take place here force students out of their comfort zones, allowing them to discuss complex and difficult issues in a community where they know and recognize each other. I shared these thoughts with our graduates at Commencement 2013. I also offered a few steps they can take to counter the forces of parochialism while taking advantage of the riches of the digital revolution. First, determine context — take measures to enter the web anonymously and turn off preferences, exacting greater control over the information you receive and, instead, use your Colgate education to understand arguments in historical, intellectual, and political contexts. Second, systematically seek out alternative opinions. My family subscribes to both the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, outstanding journalistic enterprises whose editorial boards have, by American standards, opposing perspectives and whose reporting covers somewhat different topics. Sometimes, after reading both, I feel that I understand the world better. Other days, I wonder if I am straddling two different planets. But at least I’ve tried to diversify the information I receive, and, I believe, I am a better citizen for the effort. Third, because so much is written without attribution, the digital landscape is filled with shrill voices that brook no argument or nuance and are filled with bigotry. You can counter these polarizing effects by ignoring, and refraining from, anonymous posts or commentary. Finally, so many problems could be avoided if we simply talked to one another. Human conversation will maintain its place as the best way to express complex ideas and gain empathy. While such conversations are not always possible, don’t assume that they are anachronistic simply because of the shiny machines we now possess. My message was not nostalgia for the past. Rather, as I told the graduates, as long as they surf, tweet, and post wisely, with care, and without sacrificing real human interaction, we have access to a world of riches unimaginable to anyone only a decade ago. I welcome that world.

News and views for the Colgate community




The song is you!

Spring 2013

News and views for the Colgate community

Sadness but also hope

Orderly and Humane Light from the Island of Refuse Behind and Beyond the News in the New Middle East

The Scene welcomes letters. We reserve the right to decide whether a letter is acceptable for publication and to edit for accuracy, clarity, and length. Letters deemed potentially libelous or that malign a person or group will not be published. Letters should not exceed 250 words. You can reach us by mail, or e-mail sceneletters Please include your full name, class year if applicable, address, phone number, and/or e-mail address. If we receive many letters on a given topic, we will print a representative sample of the opinions expressed. On occasion, we may run additional letters online.

Just wanted to say how much I really enjoyed the spring 2013 Scene, especially Professor Douglas’s story on his book Orderly and Humane (pg. 28). This was a sordid tale I was not familiar with in any way. It saddens me when I read of America doing the very things it denounces in others. I look forward to reading the entire book. The story by Lindsay Mackenzie ’05 on her travels through the Middle East was also eye-opening. Actually gives me some hope for the future. Thanks, and keep up the good work. Steve Shapiro ’75 Houston, Texas

The unsung warrior What a wonderful article by Tiffany Cloud Olson in the spring issue of the Scene (Tableau, pg. 12). Please convey to her my gratitiude for having shared such a heartfelt, touching, and downright stirring piece with all of us. I was actually on tenterhooks as I was reading it, dreading the worst for her husband. I wish her and her family much joy, love, and happiness in the future. And, of course, I would also like to thank her husband, Erik, for his service to our country. Howard M. Liebman ’74 Brussels, Belgium


scene: Summer 2013

Colgate will have a new Song Book this special year of 2013. Our school songs don’t change over time, but the world certainly does. For added dimension and interest, we’re including a historical review of musical Colgate in words and pictures. You can be a major aid in making it special and significant. Send us any musical story, photo, or even a pertinent thought relating to you, music, and Colgate. Perhaps you’ll relate hearing “Fight, Fight, Fight” sung in German at a Munich beer garden, or send us a photo of your kazoo band rehearsing in the dorm, or Simon and Garfunkel relaxing after their Colgate concert. E-mail us at or send mail to 116 Hunter Ln., Ossining, N.Y., 10562. We’ll consider every submission carefully. We also may get in touch for more information. If we use what you send, you’ll be listed as a contributor.

Music has been an important and continued source of pride and enjoyment for nearly 200 years of Colgate life. With your help, this book will engender those feelings in print — for this generation and those to come. Tom Vincent ’53 Doug Wilson ’57

Protests Clinton as speaker choice I would like it to be known to all Colgate students and alumni that I strongly protest the appearance of Hillary Clinton at Colgate on October 25, 2013. I am a member of the Class of 1959 and a former University Trustee. Hillary Clinton is a person of zero integrity. Any person that is invited to speak at the university, be he or she a liberal or conservative, must be a person of integrity and should be a role model for our student body. This is certainly not Hillary Clinton.

Call for Nominations: Colgate Board of Trustees The Nominating Committee of the Board of Trustees welcomes recommendations for new members to bring guidance and wisdom to the university’s governing board. The board seeks energetic and committed people with expertise in areas including, but not limited to: higher education, finance, the arts, technology, global learning, legal affairs, marketing, or media relations. Nominees should display the ability to exercise informed, independent judgment and to act in the best interests of Colgate to properly steward the university’s academic program and fiscal resources. Candidates should be willing to fully immerse themselves in the work of the board. They should place Colgate as a priority in terms of time and philanthropy, and be committed to staying abreast of the changing landscape of higher education. The full board meets at least four times a year, and trustees are expected to participate in meetings at other times. Trustees are also often asked to attend and/or host other university events. Each year, the board welcomes three to five new trustees for threeyear terms that may be followed by two additional three-year terms. Recommendations may be made by mail to: Trustee Nominating Committee, c/o Robert L. Tyburski ’74, Secretary, Colgate University, 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, N.Y., 13346, or by e-mailing

Unless her invitation is withdrawn by the university, I can no longer lend my support to Colgate. Harry F. Mariani ’59 Huntington, N.Y.

Decries Amos ’n Andy reference Despite the Scene’s claims about legalities, editing letters, etc., how could you let such an example of unmitigated racism end the “Rewind” by Bob Husselrath ’47 (pg. 80, Autumn 2012 Scene)? Since you obviously missed it, here’s Husselrath’s last sentence: “I’ll end with Kingfish, a principal character in the Amos ’n Andy radio show (a favorite of my era): “tempest sho do fidget.’” Amos ’n Andy is widely regarded as the epitome of racist characterizations of black people: cartoonish, ignorant, illiterate clowns; degrading stereotypes played by white actors in “blackface.” The show was condemned by the NAACP and many religious and civil rights groups — as well as by any thinking, feeling human being — and finally CBS was forced to withdraw it from the airwaves in 1966. The fact that the Scene editors didn’t even blink when they saw this sentence speaks loud and clear of continuing racism at the university, no matter how many feel-good stories the publication prints about students and alumni of color. If a sentence like that didn’t make the editorial staff sit up and holler, like I did when I read it, then you all need some serious consciousness-raising. You also owe a huge apology to a lot of Colgate people, past and present. Kris DiLorenzo ’72 Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.

Remembering a friend In our fifth decade of friendship with our Deke brother Ron Carrigan ’73 (In Memoriam, spring 2013), we have many cherished memories. It could

be one on the hill, at Starr Rink or the baseball diamond or in the fraternity house; after graduation watching his athletic and professional careers flourish; having the honor of seeing firsthand Ron and Mary’s children and grandchildren as they grew up and were met with educational, athletic, and business success; or out on the high seas in one of our many fishing trips. Ron always took pride in being a mentor, was modest about his accomplishments in sales training, loved to share a humorous story with his friends, always enjoyed a hearty repast, and had comprehensive knowledge of sports statistics. While his presence will be sorely missed, through our memories, Ron remains ever a friend at heart. Mitch Umanoff ’73 on behalf of the Classes of 1973–1976 Mu Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon

What they’re saying online From Colgate’s Facebook page on February 28: Have a favorite Colgate professor? Share with us who they are and why! Mike Schön ’12 Hands down, Karen Harpp (geography), Nancy Ries (anthropology, peace and conflict studies), and Daniel Bertrand Monk (geography, peace and conflict studies). Not only absolutely brilliant and accomplished in their fields and engaging in and out of the classroom, they genuinely care about the success of their students both in academia and in personal life. The above aren’t really so much professors to me, but friends and mentors for life.

Mitch Geller ’86 John Knecht (art and art history, film and media studies) — he taught us to think artistically and politically and made class exciting and fun. I also learned a lot about being both a professor and an artist from him!

clear. He always conveyed his enthusiasm for math and for teaching students. His door was always open. He is an amazing person who cares for us even after graduation! Thanks for writing my PhD letter recs 10 years after graduation.

Victoria Armellino Fine ’00 Coleman Brown (philosophy and religion) — his love for students and teaching shined through! He inspired honest discussions about morality, values, [the] role of religion, and humanity! A true leader and a genuine person!

Virginia Robbins ’80 Marilyn Thie (philosophy and religion). I use the critical thinking skills she helped me hone to this day, not only in my current master’s program (35+ years later and I’m back in school — yikes!) but in my professional work life and even as a parent. She simultaneously appreciated and accepted her students for what we were while challenging us to be more. I am a much better person for having known her.

Colin McNamara ’03 Chris Vescey made American history come alive through the study of music — his expertise in Native American studies was also inspiring. Travelling with Tony Aveni to Mexico and helping him work on site at Teotihuacan at the Pyramid of the Sun was amazing. Viral Keshwala ’02 [Football Head Coach] Dick Biddle taught young men valuable life lessons that no classroom or professor could ever teach — qualities that will last an eternity. Denitza Gintcheva ’02 I took number theory and real analysis with [Dan Saracino]. He never used a textbook, but used his own notes [and] managed to make the material crystal

Devon Skerritt ’00 Ray Douglas was a great mentor, fellow New England Patriots fan, and one of the smartest people I have ever met. He made history such a powerful story and always wove the facts, analysis, and conclusions in a way that made his lectures insightful and enjoyable. Angie Attardo ’08 [Spencer] Kelly in the psychology/neuroscience department. He made cognitive neuroscience accessible and interesting and was a great thesis adviser! .

Picture this: stunning Colgate University photography, just a click away Visit our galleries at to order customized photographic prints in a variety of sizes. Bring home images you’ve seen in the Colgate Scene and other university publications as well as scenic views from around one of America’s most beautiful campuses.

Polly Peterson ’95 Professor [Tony] Aveni is the BEST. He’s not only a rock star of science, but also had us make our own Stonehenge (dubbed ’gatehenge) at the top of the ski hill.

News and views for the Colgate community


work & play

Campus scrapbook A





Alumni heat up the night at Reunion 2013. Photo by Andrew Daddio


The Goo Goo Dolls light up the Sanford Field House stage during Spring Party Weekend. Photo by Ashlee Eve ’14


Rugby team alumni prove they’ve still got their skills as they beat out the current players in the Old Boys Game on Academy Field. Photo by Ashlee Eve ’14


President Jeffrey Herbst (center, left) got back in the classroom this past spring to co-teach with computer science professor Vijay Ramachandran (center, right). Their course, Technology and Disruption, explored the role of technology in our society and the economy. Photo by Andrew Daddio


Getting a leg up. Student groups show off their talented moves at Dancefest. Photo by Ashlee Eve ’14


Hats off to you! Many members of the Class of 2013 decorated their commencement caps with the lucky number 13. Photo by Andrew Daddio


Rower Ryan Kelliher ’15 shows a Hamilton resident the ropes on a rowing machine at the third annual town-gown event on Whitnall Field. Photo by Ashlee Eve ’14


Christelle Boursiquot ’15 turned recycled materials like newspapers, pizza boxes, tape, and a water bottle into “high fashion” at the Wearable Art Runway Show, an event started by Julia Won ’15 to promote environmentalism and sustainability. Photo by Gabriela Bezerra ’13


Alex Solin ’15 kicks up her feet while hitting the books during finals week. Photo by Andrew Daddio

scene: Summer 2013







News and views for the Colgate community


Sheryl Sandberg leans in to the crowd during her Entrepreneur Weekend keynote speech.

Standing in front of several thousand at Cotterell Court, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg put forth a challenge: Stand up if you’ve ever told someone you would become president or CEO. When the vast majority remained seated, she exclaimed, “Why did you not stand up? Ambition is complicated … but ambition is important.” The New York Times bestselling author of Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead went on to explain her philosophy that women need to assert themselves in the workplace and to challenge common stereotypes, such as young girls being considered “bossy,” a word she would like to see banished. “With the opportunity Colgate gives you, you can create a more just world,” Sandberg said in her keynote address for this year’s Entrepreneur Weekend, held in April. She also met with the Colgate Women in Business student group while on campus. Nicole Brookman ’16 said she can relate to being looked down upon at times for being ambitious. But, she thinks Sandberg “is going to continue to break down those stereotypes for women.” Thomas Wobby ’15 said it was easy to agree with Sandberg. “I think everyone should be a feminist. I think there are a lot of inequalities and it’s good to hear about it.”

Little Talks, Big Ideas

Andrew Daddio

work & play

Also on the weekend’s program, Hamdi Ulukaya, CEO and president of Chobani, told his own story of entrepreneurship in creating the manufacturer of the rich Greek-style yogurt that Americans are now buying at a rate of 1.8 million cases per week. Taking care not to be slowed by the weight of his success, he said, “We never sit and wonder what we’re going to do next. Being in the action of doing, it comes.”

Facebook COO headlines Entrepreneur Weekend


scene: Summer 2013

A new feature of Colgate’s spring Entrepreneur Weekend called Little Talks, Big Ideas resulted in a big-time funding commitment to one student and the promise of an invaluable connection for another. Maggie Dunne ’13 made an impassioned presentation about Lakota Children’s Enrichment, Inc., her nonprofit that addresses issues facing the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. (Dunne, who would go on to receive Colgate’s prestigious 1819 Award at the end of the year, has raised more than $100,000 and collected $150,000 in new and salvaged goods for her cause. Read more on pg. 31.). She told the audience about the need to invest in human capital and address rural poverty. “We don’t want to face the injustices happening right here in our own country, to Native Americans and others,” she said. Up stepped David Fialkow ’81, cofounder of General Catalyst Partners, and Mike Ellenbogen ’86, an entrepreneur in residence there. In a flash, they had committed $22,000 to Dunne’s nonprofit and solicited at least $3,000 more from the audience. “Let’s do this,” said Fialkow. “Let’s make this happen.” He then pulled Jack Henley ’12 onto the stage and had him pitch Real Abroad, which he co-founded with Steve Carey ’12. Their website is geared toward college students interested in information about study-abroad and travel experiences. After Henley fielded questions, Fialkow and Ellenbogen promised him an introduction to people they know at Rough Draft Ventures, a Bostonarea partnership that provides seed money for startups. Henley and Dunne both participate in Thought Into Action (TIA), which pairs alumni mentors with students starting up their own businesses or nonprofits. Now in its fourth year, TIA

Views from the hill What is something odd, funny, or memorable that you brought with you to Colgate? “My brother is three years old and I have his finger paintings and drawings hanging in my room.” — Michelle Sagalchik ’15, history and education double major from Brooklyn, N.Y. “A number of people from my extended family were bringing me bibles so I had five by the time I got here. People asked me, ‘Why do you have so many bibles?’” — Robera Geleta ’14, computer science/ mathematics major from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia “I accidentally brought this weird puzzle that has pictures of babies on it. It’s really creepy and my roommate and I go back and forth hiding it in each other’s stuff because we both hate it.” — Monica Murphy ’16, neuroscience and religion double major from Des Moines, Iowa “I brought my ukulele and I got a lot better at playing it.” — Quincy Pierce ’16, undeclared major from Greenville, S.C.

was co-founded by veteran entrepreneur Andy Greenfield ’74, P’12; Wills Hapworth ’07, president, DarkHorse Investors; and Bob Gold ’80, P’15, president and CEO, Ridgewood Capital. Greenfield introduced the Little Talks, Big Ideas speakers, who provided advice and snippets from their successes and failures as entrepreneurs, including: Amy Jurkowitz ’85, co-founder of Milkshake, a media company devoted to discovering companies, causes, products, people, and places making a positive impact; Sarah Stewart ’04, co-founder of The Pop Nation, which manufactures and sells gourmet, vegan, and gluten-free popsicles; Katie Finnegan ’05, whose Hukkster online platform allows shoppers to track desired products as they go on sale; and Brian Haghighi ’09, co-founder and chief marketing officer of California Fruit Wine Co.

From one woman to another

This past spring, a new fixture in Case Library’s Hieber Café settled in among the crazed study groups, casual procrastinators, and line of students waiting for another dose of caffeine. Students walking in were greeted with a smiling face and a neon poster advertising “Womentoring,” a program that facilitates open discussion among women about their daily lives, challenges, and triumphs. The Womentors — four seniors and one junior — would be waiting for anyone to stop by and talk, no appointment necessary. The idea is for women to share information, commiserate, and encourage each other. Founder Christina Liu ’13 wanted to

enable younger women to benefit from older peers’ advice on navigating the social environment at Colgate and beyond. “It’s a space for women of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences to talk, and where barriers between class years are broken down,” explained Louisa Jelaco ’13. “As young adults, we are constantly learning about ourselves, and it’s wonderful to be able to share that process with someone.” So far, the program has sparked conversations about sorority life, spirituality, soul searching, life outside of Colgate, and anxiety about future job prospects. “It’s like an instant friend for 10, 30, or 60 minutes,” said Womentor April Bailey ’14. “Even for those who don’t have specific questions or concerns, it gives them a space to relax, think about things out loud, and regroup.” The program dovetailed with Liu’s education in women’s studies. She used it as the “praxis” section of her senior seminar — putting “theory into practice and activism,” Liu explained. She had found that many women are hesitant to share their stories, which she attributes to stigma. “This project is about normalizing the act of having these meaningful conversations and to talk about these issues.” “Womentoring is a step in the right direction in promoting conversation,” said “womentee” Lizzie Blanchett ’14. “You are not abnormal for wanting to share, vent, or just talk about these subjects.” Over time, Liu wants to see mentoring-based conversations

Back on campus More than 2,000 people returned to campus in early June for a reunion weekend of fun, friends, and learning. Amidst catching up and hanging out, several alumni also held lectures and classes as part of Reunion College. Here are just a few! Participants gained a new perspective on church-state separation and what it means for democracy to be secular at a lecture by Robert Audi ’63, John A. O’Brien Professor of philosophy and professor of management at Notre Dame. Audi discussed the correlation between the neutrality of democratic governments and the health care system. Asking questions such as whether it is liberty to require Catholic institutions to provide contraception in their health care policies, Audi then turned the floor over to attendees to voice their own opinions in a dynamic group discussion. The Hon. Tim Stanceu ’83 also got his audience involved in a relevant national issue: the financial crisis of 2008. Stanceu offered his unique perspective on its aftermath as a

judge serving on the U.S. Court of International Trade before turning to discussion with other alumni, friends, and family. Bob Dewey ’88 provided a bit of sports education in his lecture titled “Rugby Football in the Pacific Islands: History, Hits, and Hakas.” An associate professor of history at DePauw University, Dewey discussed the history and growth of rugby in the Pacific Island countries of Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa since British imperialism. His lecture, based on research he is currently conducting for a book on the history of rugby football in the Fiji Islands, included topics such as the indigenous embrace of rugby and the marginalization of Pacific rugby by the sport’s major powers. At reunion, Colgate also commemorated the 40th anniversary of women’s athletics on campus, with a presentation discussing the growth of the program since 1972, a tour of athletic facilities, and a banquet for alumnae athletes. — Kellyann Hayes ’16

become commonplace. She hopes women will realize that they should not be afraid to open up. — Emma Barge ’14

clear ideas about their capital needs, resource needs, and business strategies, so it was explicitly clear what the funding was going toward.” For Yuni Sameshima ’13 and Joey Petracca ’13, ENY funding and guidance has meant their business, Recipe into Reality, has gone from concept and prototype to launching a fullfeatured service. Residents of Hamilton can order ingredients from recipes found online, and have them delivered the same day. “The biggest thing is that we got exposure and were able to secure another $15,000 in angel funding,” said Petracca. The company hired a marketing intern and computer programmer for the duration of the six-week program, which ended June 28. For Harry Raymond ’11, ENY has helped propel his iPhone app, Shindig– Drink Explorers Club, onto a list of the top 300 food and drink apps in the iTunes store. “It wasn’t about the money for us. The reason we were so excited to come up here is because of the

ENY Fund fosters startups locally

Gabriela Bezerra ’13

No appointment necessary at the Womentoring table

Six fledgling businesses launched by Colgate students and alumni spent six weeks sharing downtown office space, receiving invaluable mentorship from the Thought Into Action Institute (TIA), and utilizing $15,000 each in development funding, thanks to the Entrepreneurs of New York Fund (ENY). The work being done by ENY winners in the incubator space encourages development in Hamilton, and brings together innovative and energetic entrepreneurs to share ideas, said TIA co-founder Wills Hapworth ’07. “These were not just good pitches that impressed the judges … these are teams that have already stumbled and learned what being an entrepreneur is really about. By the time they came to pitch for the fund, they already had

News and views for the Colgate community


Andrew Daddio

work & play

Harry Raymond ’11, founder and CEO of Shindig, a mobile app for potent potables explorers, on the move in the Entrepreneurs of New York incubator space in downtown Hamilton

mentorship and the access to alumni. They’ve been invaluable in giving us advice and steering us in the right direction,” Raymond said. Having teams huddled together for long hours of work in a shared location also leads to innovation and collaboration. “It’s a cool environment. We’ve been able to talk and bounce ideas off each other,” said Gabe Zetter ’15. With Rob Carroll ’15, he co-founded GateSwap, a way to buy and sell goods and services on college campuses. The other ENY winners included ProtoEx-

Two owls, a hawk, a falcon, and a raven were seen swooping among the bookshelves at the Colgate Bookstore during Talons! A Bird of Prey Experience. This free event, with an optional donation to the Hamilton Food Cupboard, brought the Village Green birds for an afternoon of learning for children and adults alike. Falconer Lorrie Schumacher demonstrated aerial flights while teaching about the habits, behaviors, and anatomy of the birds of prey. The more than 40 people in attendance witnessed flying demonstrations, played problem-solving games with a raven, heard fun personal stories about the birds from their trainer, and even got the chance to pet the eagle owl Big Mama. The Hamilton Public Library and Colgate Bookstore teamed up to encourage kids to pick up their pencils


scene: Summer 2013

change, a manufacturer of prototypes using 3D printing co-founded by Jimmy Placa ’07; Real Abroad (mentioned on pg. 8); and Good Nature Brewing, co-founded by Carrie Blackmore ’08. The fund was co-conceived and started with financial assistance from Dan Rosensweig P’15, ’17.

Tournament honors young bombing victim

The J.W. Abrahamson Memorial Courts were abuzz as bright green tennis balls shot over nets and spectators watched nearby. Live music, fair

and crayons for the fourth-annual Chenango Valley Scribes Young Writers & Illustrators Contest. Children in kindergarten through grade five submitted their original works of writing and art to be judged by a panel of local children’s authors and artists. The students received recognition for what they had done particularly well in their submissions, and a public reading and awards reception was held for the winning contestants at the bookstore on May 17. Families gathered at the Eaton Street ball field on June 1 for the fourth annual Touch a Truck Day, where various vehicles, from an ambulance, school bus, army jeep, fire truck, and greens mower from the Seven Oaks Golf Course to local trucks, tractors, and antique cars were on display. Children’s activities included arts and crafts, a sand truck play area, and a petting zoo featuring a llama — the original “truck” of the Andes Mountains! Proceeds were donated to Chenango Nursery School. — Kellyann Hayes ’16

games, and mixed doubles matches kept everyone entertained. But amidst the excitement and competition on that sunny afternoon, the memory of an 8-year-old whose life was ripped away remained with all. Lexi Lazares ’16, a native of Milton, Mass., held the fundraiser tournament in memory of Boston Marathon bombing victim Martin Richard. While in high school, she was his tutor and mentor in his second-grade classroom at the Neighborhood House Charter School in Dorchester, Mass. She helped him with reading comprehension and speech. “We worked really hard together sounding out words and sentences,” Lazares said. She even helped Richard with his “No more hurting people. Peace” poster that was seen worldwide. Richard created it for a class project about Gandhi’s principle of ahimsa (nonviolence). Lazares described Richard as a caring boy who always wanted to learn, and who would calm his classmates down when they were rowdy. And sometimes it was Richard who was bursting with energy. “He was a very respectful student, but he was very enthusiastic and I sometimes had to reel him in,” Lazares remembered. That’s what led Lazares, a member of the tennis team, to the idea that a sports tournament was the perfect way to honor him. “He always wore a Red Sox jersey with one of those magnetic necklaces that some of the pitchers wear. He would run around during recess and play tag, football, and basketball.”

Lexi Lazares ’16 (center) pals around with Lauren Gorajek ’16 (left) and Katie Fauntleroy ’16, who helped her organize the tennis tournament fundraiser in memory of Boston Marathon bombing victim Martin Richard.

Niederauer helps Class of 2013 bask in glow of No. 13

As the senior class was celebrated for its achievements, its unique link to Colgate’s lucky number was at the forefront of Commencement 2013. Speaker Duncan L. Niederauer ’81, CEO of NYSE Euronext, shared his “13 for 13” — pieces of advice for personal and professional success. In addition to encouraging students to embrace change, stand behind their convictions, play to their strengths, take the high road, and approach situations with optimism, Niederauer shared a story about the rapper Snoop Dogg ringing the opening bell at NYSE. When asked if he had ever dreamed of being invited to Wall Street for such an occasion, Snoop

Andrew Daddio

Dogg replied, “Why not?” — a moment epitomizing the American Dream. “This is the land of opportunity,” Niederauer said. “You find me another country where the son of an immigrant can have the job of CEO of the New York Stock Exchange threequarters of a century later.” Niederauer’s 13th point advised students to leave every situation — in both their personal lives and careers — better than they found it. While at the NYSE, and previously at Goldman Sachs for 22 years, he has created jobs and helped veterans transition from military life to civilian life. An advocate for autism awareness, he and his wife, Alison, are building a school in New Jersey for students with autism. The opening of the school will be held on, of all days, Friday, Sept. 13, 2013. He summarized with: “Pay more attention to your self worth than your net worth; spend time with people who tell you what you can do and not what you can’t do; dare to do great things and hold yourself accountable to make a difference in the lives of others; participate, don’t spectate; and have the feelings of victory and defeat.” At the ceremony, Niederauer received an honorary degree, along with Jeff Fager ’77, P’06, chairman of CBS News and executive producer of 60 Minutes; baccalaureate speaker The Very Reverend Dr. Jane Shaw, dean of San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral; Jill Lepore, David Woods Kemper Professor of American history at Harvard University and staff writer for The New Yorker; and Hamdi Ulukaya, founder, CEO, and president of Chobani.

Former President of Mexico Felipe Calderón appeared in April as part of the Kerschner Family Series Global Leaders at Colgate. Detailing the “perfect storm” of floods, droughts, a global economic crisis, a surge in violent crime, and an outbreak of swine flu that confronted his government, the Harvard-trained economist discussed his efforts to pull Mexico back from the brink of violence and international recession; U.S.-Mexico relations; and the precept of “defending ideas, principles, and dreams.”

Ingrid Miller Hale ’89, and their three children have been highly involved in the community. Ingrid, formerly an admission staffer and director of Colgate’s COVE, was a three-time Hamilton School Board member, among other contributions. A member of the board of directors and chair of the Finance Committee at Community Memorial Hospital, Dave has been an area Little League baseball and softball coach for more than a decade. A national search for his replacement is underway.

Hail and farewell to Hale

Andrew Daddio

A warm hug for Chibuike Achuko ’13 at Commencement 2013, when he and 684 others received their bachelor’s degrees and seven others received master’s degrees

In June, Dave Hale ’84, vice president for finance and administration and treasurer — and notorious Buffalo Bills fan — departed Colgate after 20 years of service, moving on to vice president for business and finance and treasurer at the University of Richmond. A highly respected administrator and gifted fiscal manager, he’s been responsible for Colgate’s finances and investments as well as facilities, human resources, auxiliary services, and community affairs. He oversaw significant restructuring of the operating budget during the economic downturn of 2008–2010, maintaining the university’s commitment to academic excellence and access through financial aid. “Dave has made an enormous impact on this campus. His work and wisdom have touched everything and everyone in immeasurable ways,” said President Jeffrey Herbst. “Thanks to his professionalism, Colgate is on firm financial footing and the campus is in wonderful physical condition.” Hale has also led Colgate’s engagement with the local community through both the Hamilton Initiative and the Partnership for Community Development. As well, he and his wife,

Cutting back Andrew Daddio

“I was nervous that people would be too busy studying for exams,” said Lazares of the May 2 event, which was hosted by women’s tennis. But, more than 150 students, professors, and Hamilton residents attended, including the 40 teams who competed. The event raised approximately $5,000 for a fund in Richard’s name at his school. Various local businesses donated refreshments, and one generous corporate donor offered to match the money raised and provided four Red Sox tickets for a raffle. Lazares hopes that the tournament can become an annual way to remember such a special boy. “At the end of the day,” she said, “my friends and I wrote messages to Martin on balloons and released them into the sunset. I know he was looking down on us.” — Kellyann Hayes ’16

Keeping Colgate’s vast lawns trimmed is no small feat. But the task is a little smaller now. The old nine-acre golf course above the campus is now being mowed only twice a year, rather than every week. The reduction will save 100 hours of labor, reduce fuel consumption by 600 gallons, eliminate more than two tons of carbon emissions — and save the university $2,200 in fuel costs. And, of course, there are the ecological benefits, from meadow restoration that will attract more birds and pollinating insects, to reducing runoff into Taylor Lake and Payne Creek. The grounds crew had already cut back mowing the old Ski Hill and two acres near the water tower above the cemetery. The reduction in mowing, which will eventually include more acreage, is part of the plan to achieve climate neutrality by the university’s bicentennial in 2019.

News and views for the Colgate community



The Making of a Crusade By Jennifer (Badenoch) Schwartz ’97

My oldest friend is covered in tattoos. I once asked what they all meant to her. She said each marked a place, time, or transition. When she is old, she wants to be able to read her body like a journal. Although I am not interested in filling all the pages of my own bodily journal, marking one particular experience was important to me. So last year, I got a tattoo. It’s a famous quote by Rabbi Nachman of Breslav: The whole world is a very narrow bridge. The most important part is to not be afraid. I was crossing my bridge. I was starting the Crusade for Collecting. In March 2009, I had opened a fine art photography gallery, showcasing the work of emerging photographers. Because these artists do not already have an established reputation and collector base, I recognized that my role was not just selling their work — my challenge was to find an audience for them. With blue-chip work, the purchasing audience is already educated about the art and has bought into the value of owning it. But because I was showing emerging artists, I realized that my target collectors would also be emerging — members of the younger generations (college age through early 40s) who might never have thought about buying art, but would if certain perceived barriers were lower. But how do you find someone who isn’t looking for you? And why weren’t they looking for me? Why are the younger generations as a whole not buying art nor placing a high value on owning original work? Culturally, we are in our prime. We have sophisticated tastes and crave unique experiences. We are on-trend, we are curious, we are seekers. We care where our food comes from and how our coffee is roasted. But our spending priorities do not include art. We spend the equivalent of an original fine art photograph on a night out or a new pair of jeans without batting an eye, yet we do not buy art, patronize galleries and museums, or support artists. Abstractly, we think art is interesting and to be valued, but we are not collectors. This is what set me on my Crusade for Collecting. To cultivate a new crop of art collectors. To make collecting cool. Because it is cool. Falling in love with an original piece of art and buying it — that is collecting. It doesn’t have to make a huge dent in your paycheck. It’s about looking at something and hav-

ing an emotional response. And then purchasing that piece, hanging it on your wall, and living with it. Your walls start to describe you, and everywhere you look, you see something you love that makes your life beautiful. You don’t need to have an art history degree or use “artspeak”; you just need to look. The art will do the rest. I started the Crusade for Collecting to begin a dialogue about connecting to original art and about supporting the artists who make it. But art isn’t meant to just be talked about — it is meant to be experienced. So I decided to bring art to people and people to art. An art revival. I felt that if I could give people an opportunity to meet artists, learn about their work, and connect to an original piece that became theirs to keep, it might put them on a path to loving, supporting, and collecting original art. And what could be more fun than walking by a turquoise 1977 VW bus with photographers standing in front giving away original, signed photographs to someone who wanted to chat about them? So this spring/summer, we’ve been touring the country, pulling up in Lady Blue (as we affectionately call the VW) in high–foot-traffic areas of cities. We stage two-hour pop-up events to give away 50 original, signed photographs. Five local photographers are chosen for the project in each city. They each give away Jennifer Schwartz ’97 10 copies of a single image, developing 10 new collectors in their own town by the end of the event. The hope is that engaging with a photographer and making a personal connection to an image will be transformative in some way. And maybe the next time these fledgling collectors want to hang something over their couches to match their throw pillows, they will think twice before heading to IKEA or Target to purchase a mass-produced piece of wall décor. After our Seattle event, one of the photographers told me he was skeptical. He found it frustrating trying to strike up conversations on the street, and did not think he would benefit personally from his participation. But then, not two days later, he e-mailed me. One of the people who collected his image had called to thank him and tell him how much he enjoyed meeting him and hearing the story behind the photograph. It was an eye-opener for both of them. Learning firsthand about the story behind a piece of art is not intimidating — it’s interesting. In city after city, the same lesson has emerged: people value connection. While the art world as we know it is driven by trends and price tags, the status quo is not cultivating new audiences for art. We need to provide opportunities to facilitate a personal connection between artist, collector, and image. The whole world is a very narrow bridge. The most important part is to not be afraid. Art is awesome. There’s nothing to be afraid of.

Crusade for Collecting founder Jennifer Schwartz ’97 lives in Atlanta with her husband, classmate Michael Schwartz ’97, and their children Jonah (8), Lila (7), and Sabine (3). Check out photos, videos, and more about the tour at


scene: Summer 2013

The torch medal From the symbolic torchlight ceremony to our embrace of the number 13 to the two beloved (and sometimes adventurous) swans, Adam and Eve, life at Colgate is enriched by distinctive traditions. This past year, the Konosioni Honor Society added a new one to the list — the torch medal. The medal is engraved with Colgate’s seal whose flaming torch serves as a guide as well as a source of light and inspiration. Seniors can award a medal to a member of the Colgate community who had the most significant impact on their college careers. With more than 110 medals conferred — and some people receiving more than one — this year, the new tradition honors the close connection between students and their mentors. From staff members in the admission office and buildings and grounds to professors in Russian studies and geology, the diverse range of recipients reflected the students’ profound gratitude for the Colgate community. — Laura D’Angelo ’14 To see the students with their mentors and medals, check out Colgate’s Facebook page.

“ I see Steve on a regular weekday basis; we always greet each other with a smile, and a little humor, and [I] always wish him well on his day on the mountain (classes). I was truly shocked and honored to receive the medal.” — Larry Crandall, Custodian Student: Stephen Xu ’13 Relationship: Crandall works in the Delta Upsilon fraternity, where Xu lived.

“ She has been instrumental in modeling the living of her Jewish faith to my son, Colby. I could not be more proud of her.” — Patti Van Voorhis, Sodexo employee in Case Library’s Hieber Café “ I love seeing her and her family around campus and know I will always have a connection to this region because of them.” — Becca Friedland ’13 Relationship: After tutoring Van Voorhis’s son for his Bar Mitzvah and in Hebrew, Friedland developed a lasting connection with the entire family.

“ Krista has shown me patience, support, and kindness unceasingly since the day I emailed her out of the blue to join her lab for summer research after my first year. I imagine that I would be a very different person right now were it not for Krista’s support.” — Andrew Hoadley ’13 “ As professors, we teach because we want to touch someone’s life, to make a difference. The medal symbolizes this in a tangible way. The irony is that often the students who have passed on the torch medal have actually inspired me to become a better teacher.” — Krista Ingram, Assistant Professor of Biology Relationship: Hoadley also took animal behavior classes and an independent study with Ingram.

“ Every one of the students who gave me a medal took the time to have a serious conversation with me about how they were influenced by me, and this conversation was a gift to me and I think perhaps to them as well. In my experience, it can be difficult for students to articulate their feelings for their professors, and this medal seemed to me to give them a specific opening for doing this.” — Jenna Reinbold, Assistant Professor of Religion Students: Fran Hodgins ’13, Alicia Scully ’13, Meegan Smith ’13, Nile Williams ’13

“ I always try to be a bright spot in the morning for the students. They are a wonderful group of people and the fact that a bus driver should be so honored speaks well of [the university’s] instruction and overall acceptance of anyone no matter [her] station in life.” — Reenie Delacy Student: Sarah Henderson ’13 Relationship: Henderson was a frequent rider on Cruiser B, which Delacy drove every morning.

“ Personally speaking, it is, hands down, the highest distinction I have received to date. I will treasure it for years to come.” — Milan Babik, Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science Student: Shilpa Ahlawat ’13 Relationship: Ahlawat took two of Babik’s upper-level political science courses.

13 Page 13 is the showplace

for Colgate tradition, history, and school spirit.

Peter Klepeis

life of the mind 14


Forested areas in the rolling hills of nearby Eaton revealed some surprising trends in a recent study.

scene: Summer 2013

Gotcha covered

The findings of a Colgate research team recently raised questions about theories surrounding forest change. In a paper published in the journal Area, co-authors Peter Klepeis and Peter Scull (geography), Tara LaLonde ’06, and Nicole Svajlenka ’08, and Australian professor Nicholas Gill unearthed two new trends. According to Klepeis, the news media often focuses on deforestation and its negative consequences. Loss of biodiversity, carbon dioxide emissions, and threats to local inhabitants are very important issues. But, he said, global trends hide regional differences. While most clearing occurs in the tropics, many temperate and richcountry contexts have been experiencing forest recovery for decades. In the eastern United States, there has been widespread natural forest regeneration since the 1800s. The Colgate team analyzed aerial photographs and land-use history in the nearby town of Eaton to evaluate changing forest cover between 1936 and 2008. A decline in the farming sector and changing livelihood goals within farming families led to 25.8 percent of the town’s reforesting — an anticipated finding. But before 1994, reforestation on high-quality soils was rare, Klepeis said. His team found “a pronounced increase in the percentage of forest recovering on prime agricultural soils, which can diversify habitats and increase biodiversity. Also, alternative land uses and invasive species, such as

the emerald ash borer, represent possible new forms of forest disturbance,” he said. “Landowners are starting to develop wind power and natural gas, and practice silviculture [development and care of forests]. There is steady growth in amenity-oriented land use and rural residential development. These new dynamics challenge theories of forest change, and raise questions about the prospects of sustainable land and forest use in the region.”

Maurer wins Balmuth Teaching Award

Margaret Maurer, who since 1974 has urged generations of Colgate undergraduates to study “things that resist the coherence that we try to impose on them through interpretation,” received the 2013 Balmuth Teaching Award in April. At an event to mark the occasion, the Shakespeare scholar and William Henry Crawshaw Professor of literature cited particularly important moments in her career: a student performance of Love’s Labours Lost that she led in 1979, experiences while leading the London Study Group, and teaching Core 151, Legacies of the Ancient World. “When I found myself teaching Plato’s dialogues in a class period right before teaching Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, I understood Feste’s catechism and Malvolio for the first time,” she said. “As my first-years in Core 151 struggled with Socrates’ arguments, premised on the Pythagorean understanding of the soul’s immortal-

In April, students showcased their thoughtprovoking research — and their expository speaking skills — by presenting papers originally written for class at the Colgate Speaking Union’s Stevenson Undergraduate Research Conference. A panel of judges including Dean Scott Brown and history professor Jyoti Balachandran selected the winners based on their organization, adaptation, development, delivery, style, purpose, and responses to questions. Matt Levitsky ’13, who presented research from his neuroscience honors thesis, took top honors: the Stevenson Prize for Expository Speaking. All the winning papers, published in the spring 2013 Colgate Academic Review, were written for courses ranging from Global Environmental Health Issues to Core 152: Challenges of Modernity. “Performance Perception: How Others’ Actions Influence Our Own” by Matt Levitsky ’13 “Sailing through Loopholes: Great Britain’s Burden of Neutrality during the American Civil War” by Sam Berman ’13 “V for Vendetta: Modernity and Masks” by Lee Tremblay ’16 “Exploring the Factors Behind Low Malaria Prevalence but High HIV/AIDS Prevalence in Swaziland” by Colin Shipley ’15 “How they did it: Spanish Success in the New World” by Dylan Crouse ’15 “Globalization and Carnival: Then and Now” by Asabi Rawlins ’16 “Encoding Information Onto Light: An Undergraduate Experimental Approach” by Xinru Cheng ’14 “A Pound, a Pistol and a Purse: An Analysis of the Impacts of the Mexican Drug War on Women” by Jimmy Juarez ’15

From meters to maps

Last summer, Emmalee Dolfi ’13 found herself wandering the streets of

Hamilton counting electrical meters, driveways, and porches. Her mission? Dolfi’s assignment, which was part of her Upstate Institute Field School Fellowship, was identified by Hamilton’s Zoning Review Committee as an element of a project to gather data about residential properties. The Upstate Institute matches field school fellows with community organizations to bolster their capacity while giving students realworld experiences and skills. Dolfi, a double major in math and geography, worked on the project with Jesse Chang ’12, Rita Van Kirk ’13, and Charlotte Aldrich ’13, all of whom were chosen for their GIS (Geographic Information Systems) skills. The team did visual inspections from the sidewalk to identify the number of single-family versus multiresident dwellings. In addition to gathering the data, Dolfi regularly met with members of the Zoning Review Committee during her 10-week fellowship. By the end of the summer,

Melinda Fawver/

ity, they were a whole class of little Malvolios.” Maurer’s impact has spanned generations of little Malvolios, with former students now watching their own children register for her courses. “Margaret’s courses are designed to develop a eureka-like understanding of the uses of language to reveal thought, motive, and action,” said the award’s namesake, Jerry Balmuth, Harry Emerson Fosdick Professor of philosophy and religion, emeritus. “These are realized through the imaginative teaching of a master teacher.” The master teacher revealed how she spurred her imagination throughout the years: “I remember very vividly the day when I decided to destroy all my notes from the material I teach and start afresh each time,” she said. “I may or may not be an inspirational teacher, but I’m definitely a teacher who has been inspired by the privilege of engaging with young people in the environment of this kind of school.”

with a concentration in applied geospatial techniques. Reflecting on her experiences, Dolfi noted, “This project taught me to appreciate my surroundings. I began to consider myself a resident of Hamilton, N.Y., not just living on Colgate’s campus.” — Alicia Klepeis

Dolfi said, “I think they were pretty happy with it [the collected data]. They might like to cover more of the village.” Following the data collection project, the Upstate Institute hired Dolfi to build on her work by creating userfriendly maps that, thanks to Professor Adam Burnett’s Cartography class, were also “pleasing to the eye,” Dolfi noted. The maps, which she presented to members of the Upstate Institute and the Partnership for Community Development’s Housing Task Force, indicate rental property locations as well as available land for future development in both the village and town. “Emmie’s work has been extremely useful to the Housing Task Force as we work to better understand the supply and demand for housing, including rental property, in the Hamilton area,” said Joanne Borfitz, associate vice president for community affairs and auxiliary services at Colgate. This fall, Dolfi will continue working with digital elevation models and further refine her GIS skills when she attends George Washington University’s master’s in geography program,

An oratory tradition lives on

Gabriela Bezerra ’13

A “classical” path to law: seven alumni from the classics department returned to campus to discuss how their majors — ranging from Latin to Greek to classical studies — helped them achieve success in both law school and their legal careers. “It sets you apart from almost everyone in law school,” said Carl Ruggiero ’10, who majored in Latin and is now a first-year student at Stanford Law. “Everyone knows it’s difficult, interesting, and intrinsically connected to law.”

Karl Marx reportedly did it, as did George Orwell — or so the story goes. But it’s definitely true that Anthony Tamburro ’14, Caroline Kraeutler ’14, and three other members of Colgate’s London Study Group made their voices heard at the Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park. The spectacle was as expected: four or five orators speaking at one time — some perched atop ladders or waving placards — all within a few hundred square yards of each other. Passersby heckled or cheered, or just ambled past, in one of London’s oldest traditions that celebrates free speech. Tamburro, who admitted that “the pressure of the venue can bring out the hyperbole,” took his turn in the spotlight and talked to 50 people about “how democracy does not work, and how the mob rule of our current political system is ruining everything.” “Public discussion is very important to the historical process: so many movements, from abolitionism to communism, have started on soap boxes,” Tamburro said. “Simply changing the meaning of a word in the popular usage can have great historical consequences, as can documenting what somebody may or may not have said over the course of [his or her] life.” Kraeutler, a novice at public speaking, condemned the notorious Page 3 daily feature with a large photograph of a topless female in the British tabloid The Sun. She became interested in the way the media portrays women in her Introduction to Women’s Studies class with Professor Meika Loe. “The feature exploits and sexualizes women and undermines the progress the female gender has made in Britain. Page 3 perpetuates the outdated sexist norms of the 1970s and contributes to a culture of sexual violence against women,” she said. Alan Cooper, professor of history, who offered credit to any student

News and views for the Colgate community


Ashlee Eve ’14

who spoke out, said, “I thought they were incredibly brave, because the atmosphere is a bit intimidating — and they were talking about politics (for the most part) in public to strangers. This is something that sticks with the students forever.”

New findings from the ancient past

Murder, the god Jupiter, and Plato in China. Colgate students joined their peers from Union, Hamilton, and Skidmore to share their newest research in the classics at the eighth-annual Parilia undergraduate conference. Alan Dowling ’15 discussed the work that went into producing Murder on the Ides, a re-enactment of the assassination of Julius Caesar that featured the comet that appeared in the sky above Rome four months after the emperor’s death. He examined how the project, produced for Colgate’s Ho Tung Visualization Lab, married technology with history and literature. In “Revisiting the Temple of Jupiter and its New Position on the Capitoline Hill,” Shitong Kang ’14 discussed the religious center of Rome and how environmental archaeology has improved our modern understanding of the structure. Jialin Li ’14 wrote about the Chinese translation of Plato’s dialogue “Euthyphro,” with a larger goal of testing hypotheses on the relationship between language and thought. Li compared seven Chinese translations, dating back to 1932, to the Greek text and discussed how the texts use participles differently.

It’s easy to forget the power of a snapshot. But the Students of Mukono

scene: Summer 2013

The exhibition also included drawings created by Mukono students that featured gorillas with brightly colored trees and pastel skies. Hajric sold these works to raise funds for the students in Uganda. “Just $100 is enough to cover the school attendance fees, uniforms, books, and even medical insurance for one student for a full year,” Hajric said. President Jeffrey Herbst, who joined the group for part of the trip, said globalization is often misconstrued only as the United States having an impact on smaller countries, but the opposite is just as true. “When we interact with people from other regions of the world, especially regions that are markedly different from our own, we leave a trace, of course, but they also affect us in many different ways.”

Paul brings message of liberty

Former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul may not be making another run for the White House, but that did not dissuade the three-time presidential candidate from answering student questions after his speech at Memorial Chapel. As a libertarian, Paul centered his message on the idea of personal liberties and how an irresponsible and overly large U.S. government is endangering them. Paul entreated students in the audience to tell Washington, D.C., to respect their freedoms, saying, “Things down in Washington haven’t been going so well, and I’m looking forward to your generation doing

Ugandan elementary school students created this drawing on display at the Students of Mukono exhibition. It was later sold to raise funds for children living in poverty.

Ashlee Eve ’14

life of the mind

Shitong Kang ’14 presented his research on the Temple of Jupiter at the Parilia undergraduate conference.

Snapshots leave tangible trace


exhibition at the Ho Science Center in April was a tangible reminder. The collection of photos of Ugandan elementary school students with matching red-checked uniforms and sheepish smiles was taken by Colgate Benton Scholars who traveled there in 2012. Led by geography professor Peter Scull, biology professor Frank Frey, and political science professor Tim Byrnes, the students were there to conduct water tests and household sanitation surveys with Bwindi Community Hospital. In their off hours, they explored other areas of the community. Victor Mak ’15 came up with the idea for the photography project. He spent afternoons taking pictures and printing them out for anyone who would stand still. He took pictures of a local soccer team, the students at Mukono Primary School, and new mothers in the hospital maternity ward. Many of the children had never been photographed before. “We live in a society where everything is visually documented, but rampant poverty prevents most Ugandans from engaging with their pasts in the form of photographs,” Mak said. “Without access to photographs, memories fade.” Elma Hajric ’15 compiled the works for the exhibition “to bring a little piece of Uganda back to Colgate,” she said. “I interviewed a number of students to get cultural insight on what their daily lives were like, and their thoughts and perspectives on the U.S. and our culture.”

Janna Minehart ’13

Four retirements, 154 years

Former U.S. Representative Ron Paul spoke about “Liberty Defined: The Future of Freedom” to a packed crowd at Memorial Chapel.

something about it.” Paul spoke about his desire to abolish the income tax and Federal Reserve System, and to change U.S. foreign policy by becoming less involved overseas. He also said the proliferation of laws directed at harnessing and manipulating personal liberties is not what Americans deserve from their democratically elected government. “Freedom will take care of the people a lot better than a bunch of bureaucrats and politicians,” he said. In a lengthy question-and-answer period, proponents and opponents of Paul’s political beliefs took to the microphone. Javed Narejo ’14 asked Paul whether America has a humanitarian responsibility to intervene in Syria. A supporter of decreasing the U.S. presence overseas, Paul responded, “We don’t have a moral or constitutional authority to meddle.” Honing in on Paul’s stance on reforming the welfare system, Janna Minehart ’13 detailed a system where a “loss of talent will occur when hardworking and intelligent but poor people are not encouraged to succeed.” “This is a perfect point on how we are giving stuff away that we don’t have,” Paul responded. “People have to have [their own] incentive. There are going to be inequities.” Austin Collier ’15 asked about the dangers of martial law and the burgeoning national prison system. Paul responded that there are “too many laws and too many unnecessary laws,” especially laws criminalizing recreational drugs.

The event was sponsored by the College Republicans, the Center for Freedom and Western Civilization, the Institute for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, the Budget Allocation Committee, Students for a Sensible Drug Policy, and the Colgate Entrepreneurs Club. — Natalie Sportelli ’15

Barn raising

Sanders instead of pencils, paint cans, not laptops, and ladders rather than rolling chairs — such were the homework tools used by five students in biology professor Krista Ingram’s Community-based Study of Environmental Issues class. Converting a barn behind the Chenango Nursery School (CNS) into a kid-friendly nature center, Sebastian Sagramoso Haley ’15, Fareeza Islam ’14, Hugo Fausto Torres-Fetsco ’15, Sara DiMassimo ’14, and Saliha Moore ’14 spent their spring semester putting up drywall, spackling, painting, sanding, and decorating for the preschoolers. The service learning project allowed the students to bring their knowledge and love of science to local children, said Ingram. She had given her class four project options involving different learning ages, from preschool to high school. DiMassimo said she chose to work on the nature center “because it was a very open-ended project that offered a lot of creativity.” Before the transformation, the barn was naked and dark, with rusty nails poking through the thin walls. Chris-

Four teacher-scholars — whose service to Colgate collectively totals 154 years — were recognized at commencement for achieving emeritus status. John Ross Carter, who joined the faculty in 1972, chaired the philosophy and religion department, was instrumental in launching Colgate’s Asian Studies Program, and led study groups to Sri Lanka, India, Japan, and Scotland. A leading scholar of Theravada and Mahayana Buddhist traditions, he has written and edited numerous books on Buddhist expressions of faith, including his translation of the Dhammapada. As director of Chapel House and the Fund for the Study of the Great Religious Traditions of the World, he made Colgate a crossroads for leading international scholars, practitioners, musicians, and spiritual seekers. The many courses taught by George Hudson since 1969 include Literature of the 17th Century, Milton, Studies in the Renaissance, and the much-sought-after Literature and Medicine. He directed the London English Study Group and the Kyoto Study Group and led several extended-study trips to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. For many years, he headed the Smithsonian Institution’s Kyoto Seminar and guided hikers on Smithsonian trips in the Swiss, Italian, and Austrian Alps. Recipient of the Alumni Corporation’s Distinguished Teaching Award, AAUP Professor of the Year Award, and Sidney J. and Florence Felten French Award for Inspirational Teaching, Hudson has served as English department chair and Asian studies director, and was university marshal for the past 16 years. Judith Oliver, an internationally known medieval scholar, joined the faculty in 1984. She published three books and numerous articles on the manuscript culture of the Low Countries. Her deep commitment to art objects is manifest in numerous scholarly curatorial projects as well as her active integration of the Picker Art Gallery collection into the art and art history curriculum. A champion of scholarship throughout the university, she helped establish Colgate’s Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program, twice served as chair of the Research Council and of art and art history, and was appointed a Presidential Research Scholar. Tom Tucker, Charles G. Hetherington Professor of mathematics, at Colgate since 1973, served as department chair, division director, and acting dean of the college. He taught several core courses and received the Alumni Corporation’s Distinguished Teaching Award. Author of more than 50 articles and two books and recipient of several NSF research grants, he is prominent nationally in secondary and undergraduate education. He served as chair of the College Board’s Mathematics Advanced Placement Committee, first vice president of the Mathematics Association of America, and consultant to ETS, the New York State Board of Education, and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. A leader in the calculus reform movement, Tucker is co-author of a calculus textbook now in its sixth edition.

tina Buyea, assistant director at CNS, said that the staff had wanted to do something with the building but just didn’t have the time, and then Ingram proposed that her students give them a hand. “When she came to us with this offer, we were thrilled, not knowing what the outcome would be!”

Check out the students getting their hands dirty in this documentary by Torres-Fetsco ’15 at

With yellow flowers painted on the walls, interactive learning tools

like sensory tables, stuffed animals, and other educational toys scattered throughout the now-colorful room, the nature center is set up to spark curiosity in the preschoolers. Ingram’s students had done extensive research on New York state standards to get a better idea of what teaching aids teachers would want. As Ingram said, “There’s a way of using what children love to help them understand science.” And the most rewarding part? The kids’ reactions at the grand opening. “They just ran into that room!” Ingram said. — Kellyann Hayes ’16

News and views for the Colgate community


arts & culture 18

Open mic Murmuration

A Native Corroboree (1949) by Reynold Hart, one of 119 artworks by Noongar children of Australia’s “Stolen Generations” given to Curtin University by Colgate this summer. To see more of the art, visit noongarart.

scene: Summer 2013

Noongar art finds its way home

In an example of international, cultural, and educational collaboration, Colgate has given 119 indigenous artworks to Curtin University in Western Australia. The works, a significant part of the heritage and history of the region, were created by Noongar children who were part of Australia’s “Stolen Generations.” The drawings and paintings, produced between 1945 and 1951 at the Carrolup Native School and Settlement in the southwest region of Western Australia, were the subject of international news coverage in 2005 when they were exhibited at Colgate’s Picker Art Gallery. The collection represents a painful time in Western Australian history. Between 1910 and 1970, an estimated 100,000 Aboriginal children were forcibly removed from their parents and sent to institutions or placed with white foster families — a policy designed to ‘assimilate’ indigenous people. Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologized to the affected families on behalf of the Australian government in February 2008. Herbert Mayer ’29, a well-known New York City collector, gave the artworks to Colgate in 1966. He had purchased them from Florence Rutter, a major benefactor of the Carrolup School and its children. The works, which feature native landscape and bush scenes as well

as animals, hunting, and traditional Noongar cultural activities, have influenced the work of several prominent contemporary Australian artists. The collection has been, and will continue to be, the focus of joint study between Curtin and Colgate. During the past eight years, under the guidance of geography professor Ellen Kraly, many Colgate students have traveled to Western Australia to visit the Mungart Boodja Art Centre and the John Curtin Gallery at Curtin University to learn about Noongar art and culture. Kraly initiated the talks among Colgate, Curtin, and Noongar leaders, which included consultation with the representatives from the Mungart Boodja organization. “The relocation of the art will allow both the conservation and exhibition of the work for future generations of Noongar people and others in Western Australia,” she said. “The work has so much meaning in their country that it deserves to be within the hearts, souls, and eyes of the people.” Jeanette Hacket, Curtin’s vicechancellor, and Douglas Hicks, Colgate’s provost and dean of the faculty, signed a memorandum of agreement in May during a ceremony at Curtin’s Centre for Aboriginal Studies. There, Hicks gave the painting “Hunting” by Reynold Hart to Curtin to symbolize the future transfer of the full collection, which took place in midsum-

During the coldest sundowns, when the sky is full of stillness and the day is carved away, thousands of starlings perch on wires and coat the sprawling elms and sod. There’s a great whoosh and, look up, see the sheet of birds, curling and rippling and weaving without collision. Be aware of wonder. Did the wind pluck them up or did their wings carry the current past, where I imagine it lingered behind someone’s ear for a moment until she tucked her hair? The grains diminish as their sleek frames thrust toward another place and then swell as their wings catch the breeze and spread in collective forms. John Updike called them “a great scarf of birds,” and Mary Oliver wrote that they “float like one stippled star / that opens, / becomes for a moment fragmented, / then closes again.” English farmers liken them to “a swarm of locusts” that devours animal feed and grain crops, with one flock plastering seven inches of droppings in some spots of a small village. For scientists, they are the common starling — Sturnus vulgaris. — Amy Brown ’13 (originally published in the spring 2013 Colgate Portfolio) ­

mer. Hacket said the longstanding academic connection between Curtin and Colgate is expected to continue for many years. “We are grateful that Colgate sees the deep and enduring value in returning the art to Noongar country,” she said. Hicks said that Colgate’s goal was to provide access to the art for Noongar people, particularly those in rural Western Australia. “We hold these treasures in high regard and expect to extend the cooperative educational and exhibition efforts around them,” he said. “It is a time for celebration in Noongar country and in Western Australia,” Ezzard Flowers, a spokesperson for the Mungart Boodja organization,

Listen up!

As birds chirped cheerful songs, a Chinese character duplicated and formed fractal shapes. In sharp contrast, city vibrations served as the soundtrack for bustling scenes from Shanghai and Hangzhou. With the Revolutions per Minute (RPM) exhibition, visitors traveled beyond sight and sound. Presenting the works of more than 30 artists, RPM was the worldpremiere survey exhibition of Chinese sound art, co-curated by Wenhua Shi, assistant professor of art and art history at Colgate, and Dajuin Yao, artist and director of Open Media Lab at the China Academy of Art. The monthlong spring exhibition opened with four days of events, including live audio-visual performances, a show at the Ho Tung Visualization Lab, a discussion panel, and workshops featuring Yao and five of the artists. The majority of the 35 pieces were located on the second floor of Little Hall; others were in unexpected places like the underground tunnel between Olin Hall and the Ho Science Center, as well as several outdoor locations. Lane of Cicadas played springtime sounds from a speaker on the Willow Path bridge. Roars, Thunderings, Explosions… involved machine and war sound effects that rumbled from the steps below Persson Hall. Hong Kong Pavilion and China Pavilion emitted Chinese city sounds juxtaposed in Hamilton’s Village Green.

Certain pieces were interactive, like Shi’s What’s in Your Suitcase? By scanning one of the 30 palm-sized plastic suitcases across the top of a wooden box, a visitor heard a first-person travel tale. The survey was a 10-year retrospective of works exchanged between sound artists who have known each other anywhere from two to 20 years. “We made a conscious choice to think about what pieces represent significant moments of Chinese sound art,” Shi said. In the workshops, participants created their own sound art. During Electronic Circuit Bending and Effect Box Building, Xu Cheng demonstrated how to solder wires onto a circuit board to make sounds. “Music can be anything,” said Caitlin Grossjung ’13, who attended several events. “These installations expanded our notions of what sound can be, creating a distinct link between visuals and audio.” Chase Jackson ’13 signed on to build installations, and he also had his own work, Selfexplanatory, featured. Jackson built the growing piece — which plays unique clips when the user presses one or more of 360 different buttons (there will be 1,000 when it’s done) — for an independent study assignment. Shi was so impressed with the work that it was added to the exhibition. The co-curators encouraged students and community members to submit their own sound art for the closing night presentation at the former Crowe’s Pharmacy downtown,

Ashlee Eve ’14

said. “We are very grateful to our friends at Colgate who understand how much this means to us.”

Katie Sotos ’15 and Molly Frantzen ’13 starred in The Threepenny Opera. Check out another scene from the show on page 42.

to “allow everyone to listen to how others interpreted the sound art, how they experienced this exhibit, and created their own work,” said Shi.

Giurgea explores new directions

Dajuin Yao

Dajuin Yao’s Garden of Buddhahood, part of the world premiere Chinese sound art survey exhibition, featured 45 lamps that changed hues and played recordings of Buddhist chanting.

This past spring, Adrian Giurgea, director of Colgate University Theater, became the first American to direct a play at Russia’s Moscow Art Theatre. Circle Mirror Transformation, written by Annie Baker, revolves around the different personalities who attend an adult creative drama class in Shirley, a small town in Vermont. This fictional town is also the setting of Baker’s The Aliens, which Giurgea had directed at the Moscow Pushkin Drama Theatre last fall. “She is the preeminent playwright of her generation, so I was interested in her plays,” Giurgea explained. “She has a very distinctive voice.” Although born in Romania, Giurgea is an ambassador for American theater given his work at Colgate. He was asked to direct The Aliens through the New Directions – New Voices: Russian/U.S. Theatre Initiative, and The Aliens made Circle Mirror Transformation possible. Because the Moscow Art Theatre actors are also famous movie stars with busy schedules, Giurgea doublecast the play. This resulted in two individual productions and twice the work. The hard work paid off. “Director Adrian Giurgea gives the play a lovely, colorful, and heartfelt reading … all of the actors turn in warm, affecting performances,” wrote John Freedman

in the Moscow Times. For Giurgea, Circle Mirror Transformation, which opened in mid-April and will run indefinitely, is the most important production of the seven he’s done in Russia. And he’s brought the experience back to campus. “I’m driven by a desire to touch the souls of the young,” he said, “to give them what they need while being immensely inspired by their desire to learn.”

The art of absurdity

With music, wit, and a little absurdity, University Theater mounted The Threepenny Opera in Brehmer Theater in April. Led and choreographed by Broadway director Eleanor Reissa, the production was of professional caliber, with expertise also lent by musical director Dianne Adams McDowell, set designer Marjorie Bradley Kellogg, and costume designer Vicki Davis. The Threepenny Opera is the story of criminal/hero MacHeath (Joshua Jackson ’13) and his marriage to Polly Peachum (Katie Sotos ’15), the daughter of greedy businessman Mr. Peachum (Denny Gonzalez ’13). Mr. Peachum and Mrs. Peachum (Elyse McGrath ’15) are not happy with MacHeath as a son-in-law and set out to have him hanged. The story that follows is full of humor and absurdist twists such as Peachum’s business built on the best way to beg for money, the white text that appears above the actors’ heads like a Sparknotes summary of the plot, and the leather cowboy costume of beggar CrookFinger Jake (Corin Kinkhabwala ’13).

News and views for the Colgate community


Rare pottery from Papua New Guinea

This Damarau sago storage jar with a spirit face from the Iatmul people in Aibom village of Papua New Guinea was on display at the Longyear Museum of Anthropology.

Warren Wheeler


scene: Summer 2013

Swirling designs, a myriad of faces, and earth tones baked into pottery — in addition to being pleasing to the eye, these details represent a cultural significance. Mastery in Clay: Indigenous Pottery from Papua New Guinea in the Richard W. Arnold Collection was on display at the Longyear Museum of Anthropology from March through May. “The variety in this exhibition is amazing, in terms of both the shapes and the decorations,” said curator Carol Ann Lorenz. “With highly developed skills and creativity, Papuan potters have produced, in a relatively small corner of the world, clay vessels of extraordinary richness and diversity.” Nearly 50 selections from the collection illustrated the breadth of Papuan vessels and the mastery of the potters who made them. Included were pots from the late 19th and early 20th centuries used in ceremonial rites of passage for young men. Many vessels had deeply incised line designs, while other nonceremonial bowls, such as those from the Sawos people of East Sepik Province, were created

Mark Williams

arts & culture

Bertold Brecht wrote the musical in Germany in 1928, as a form of protest for poor German artists, asking questions about what is really right and wrong. The question “What is the killing of a man compared to the subjection of a man?” is repeated multiple times by different characters. The tongue-in-cheek humor and questions of how to maintain morality in modern society keep the play relevant today. “Working with the students was extremely rewarding,” said Reissa, who had never worked on a university show before. “They were open, fun, and worked hard. I loved watching them grow and blossom. They taught me a lot.” The feeling was mutual. “Working with Eleanor had me leaving each rehearsal drained, frustrated, exhausted, and wanting more,” said Gonzalez. “She was a great teacher.” — Katie Rice ’13

Tucker’s Group of Genus Two (steel, bronze, copper, aluminum, 84" x 60" x 42") represents a mathematical discovery by Tom Tucker, Charles G. Hetherington Professor of mathematics. The two handles (“genus two”) physically express Tucker’s proof of a unique group of symmetries created through the dissection of a cube into a map of vertices, edges, and octagonal faces. The sculpture is the culmination of a collaboration between art professor/sculptor DeWitt Godfrey, former visiting math professor Tomaž Pisanski, and Tucker, as well as Kellen Myers ’07, Gordon Higgins ’06, and local artist Duane Martinez. Funded by Colgate’s Picker Interdisciplinary Science Institute, it was installed at the Ho Science Center shortly before Tucker’s retirement this past spring.

through the collaboration of men and women on the islands. Women first mold the bowls using a coil method, and then the men smooth and incise designs in the work. The men give the bowls back to the women for firing, and then the men paint them with earth pigments. Today, Lorenz said, “People store their water in plastic, they cook their food in metal pans. This is a dying tradition that exists in very few places.”

Keep it moving

A body in motion stays in motion, at least until it is given a new stage direction. “Performers in motion” was one of the themes explored by 12 visiting scholars who convened at Colgate in April for an interdisciplinary symposium dedicated to “The Performing Body in the Hollywood Film Musical.” “We paid particular attention to the ways in which the film musical employs the performing bodies of the cast and crew to reflect and shape political, cultural, and artistic ideologies at various moments,” said Mary Simonson, professor of women’s studies and film and media studies, who coordinated this unique gather-

ing featuring film screenings, keynote speeches, panels, and roundtable discussions. Scholars with backgrounds in film studies, musicology, dance studies, English and composition literature, and theater came from as far away as the University of Zurich and as close as Syracuse University. The three keynote speakers, Adrienne McLean of University of Texas-Dallas, Caryl Flinn of the University of Michigan, and Steven Cohan of Syracuse University, touched on masculinity, the role of technology and production practices in performances, and the implicit and explicit function of race. Students in Simonson’s capstone seminar course The Film Musical acted as the producers and stage crew for the three-day event; they also took part in the discussion sessions. “They were truly invaluable, and many commented that, in addition to gaining a clearer sense of how the scholarly process works, they also gained useful event-planning skills,” Simonson explained. The class had studied articles and books written by the symposium scholars and discussed the movies

Alumnus wins SXSW film prize

David Kaplan’s first film was named a grand jury winner at the South by Southwest Film Festival (SXSW) in Austin, Texas, in March. Short Term 12 won the prize for narrative feature. Kaplan ’07, who was a political science major at Colgate, is an inde-

pendent film producer who recently launched Animal Kingdom Films. He is an executive producer of the film, which was directed by Deston Cretton. “Set in a group home for damaged adolescents where staff members face many of the same challenges as their young charges, this compelling human drama finds fresh energy in the inspirational-teacher genre,” raved Variety magazine. “[Short Term 12] is a film about scars, some physical, others emotional, but all examined with a sensitivity and understanding that cuts deep.” Kaplan, who also works as his company’s financing consultant and sales agent, was the executive producer for Joe Swanberg’s Drinking Buddies and put together the financing for Jordan Vogt-Roberts’ Toy’s House, which was an official selection at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival.

2013 Senior Art Projects: Selections Quincey Spagnoletti In the Spare Room (digital prints) is a series of photographs that reveal the vulnerability and sexuality of women’s bodies. After years of playing with her Barbie doll as a child, Spagnoletti wanted to explore the societal implications of this female icon. “I began to riff on ideas and suggestions about how females try to fulfill their perceived roles,” Spagnoletti said. “It is my desire that as you revisit the photographs you will develop a sense of the effects and expectations that our society imposes on our bodies.”

Mark Williams (3)

— The Court Jester and The Sound of Music — that were screened. As a result, “During the sessions, they asked sophisticated questions and shared interesting insights; during meals and breaks, they freely chatted with the speakers about their scholarship, and in some cases, picked our visitors’ brains about their final project topics,” Simonson remarked, noting also that, “Our invited speakers told me that the [symposium] was inspiring, stimulating, and congenial.” — Natalie Sportelli ’15

Riana Lum Fewer Lifeboats (oil on canvas) is one of five paintings exploring the interactions between shapes through the use of varied color and surface. “Through gestural layers of paint, I suggest to the viewer that I am part of the painting and a part of the narrative that’s evolving,” Lum explained. “Tensions between shapes question systems of flow in a world where objects seem to fit together, but as easily float apart.”

Dan Saita Escapades (cherry, maple, and ash) reflects Saita’s curious nature while roaming through the forest as a child. Beyond evoking the viewer’s desire to explore, these forms are meant to serve as metaphors for emptiness, discontent, desire, and need. “The processes of deconstruction, manipulation, and reassembly are analogous to different layers of interactions with each other and the world around us,” Saita said. Peasants at a Doorway [Country Inn], Isaac van Ostade (Dutch, 1621–1649), part of Selected Old Masters From The Picker Art Gallery, the gallery’s first curated digital exhibition. The project, led by art and art history professor Judith Oliver, features recent acquisitions of Old Master paintings donated to the university by Renate and Donald Schaefer ’46. The paintings are from the Max Oberlander collection, and include works by Pieter Brueghel the Younger, Adriaen Brouwer, David Ryckaert III, and van Ostade. The exhibition, which also draws on the Picker’s permanent collection of works from the 15th to 17th centuries, seeks to place the new acquisitions in the broader context of how we understand art by the Old Masters, according to Oliver. View it at

Slide show:

News and views for the Colgate community


Bob Cornell

James Queeney ’13 (#28) and Peter Baum ’13 were named Scholar All-Americans by the U.S. Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association.


scene: Summer 2013

For James Queeney ’13, posting impressive stats is not only reserved for his time on the lacrosse field. A captain and defenseman on the lacrosse team, Queeney was also the valedictorian of his class. Finishing his academic career with a 4.17 gradepoint average while double majoring in mathematics and mathematical economics, he received several academic and athletic accolades. Queeney, who hails from Reading, Mass., graduated summa cum laude and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He earned the John T. (Jack) Mitchell Award, presented to the studentathlete with the highest GPA, twice. A member of the Raider Academic Honor Roll and Dean’s List every semester, he recorded a GPA below 4.0 only once. He also received the Osborne Mathematics Prize and was a Charles A. Dana Scholar. Most recently, the U.S. Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association honored Queeney and teammate Peter Baum ’13 as Scholar All-Americans for their performances on the field and in the classroom. Queeney has been selected three times for the Academic AllPatriot League honor, and was named to the Capital One Academic AllDistrict I Men’s At-Large Team for the second year in a row. As a senior, Queeney started in all 15 games. He tallied 32 ground balls

and caused seven turnovers. Throughout his career, Queeney played in 56 games with 49 starts, and finished with 88 ground balls and 30 caused turnovers. He will go on to work at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in the Investment Banking Division in New York City.

2013 Hall of Honor Class

Six inductees representing seven sports make up the latest class of the Athletics Hall of Honor. This year’s honorees will be inducted during Homecoming Weekend in September. After lettering three seasons in football and two in basketball, Larry Cabrelli ’41 began his seven-year professional football career as a starter with the Philadelphia Eagles. Later, he served as an assistant coach for the Washington Redskins and Canada’s Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Cabrelli died June 6, 1974, at age 57. Dave Conte ’71, an alternate captain, was named hockey team MVP during 1970–71. The center graduated as the Raiders’ second all-time scorer with 66 goals and 85 assists for 151 points in 73 games. He played professionally in Europe and has been the New Jersey Devils’ executive vice president for hockey operations and director of scouting for 29 years. Dr. Merrill Miller is in her 32nd season as Colgate’s team physician. The first and only female head physi-

Bob Cornell

go ’gate

Queen-tessential scholar-athlete

Alana Dyson ’13 ended her Colgate softball career on a high note after being named to the 2013 All-Patriot League First Team. While leading the Raiders with a .365 batting average this season, she broke the career record for at-bats and triples with 619 and 12, respectively. She is also a two-time All-Patriot League Second Team member. Overall, the team finished the season in the quarterfinals of the Patriot League Tournament.

cian on the NCAA Division I level, she has received the John LeFevre Athletic Appreciation Award, Maroon Council Award, Senior Class Award, and Maroon Citation. Also serving as director of health services for Colgate, she’s the former president of Community Memorial Hospital, and hosts and produces What’s up, Doc?, a campus radio show on health-related topics. As an attacker, Elizabeth Montaigne ’83 lettered all four seasons in lacrosse and her first two years in field hockey. Nicknamed “Wiz,” she made 79 goals and added 33 career assists for 112 all-time lacrosse points. Jane Savage Riley ’78, a captain of both field hockey and lacrosse, earned seven varsity letters and lacrosse MVP honors. She also received the Sandy Baur Award as Colgate’s outstanding female student-athlete. After graduation, she was invited to the U.S. field hockey pre-Olympic team trials. Eli Zackheim ’01, an All-District selection and co-captain, graduated with the lowest scoring average in

The men’s and women’s rowing teams held their own at the 75thannual Aberdeen Dad Vail Regatta, the largest collegiate regatta in the United States. Bringing together more than 100 colleges from the United States and Canada, the race is held on Schuylkill River in Philadelphia. The men’s Varsity 8+ competed to an impressive third-place finish in the Second Final, while the women’s Varsity 8+ and Varsity 4+ both qualified for the Petite Final. The men’s Varsity 8+ finished the Second Final in third place with a time of 5 minutes and 59.748 seconds, behind Jacksonville and Purdue, but ahead of Temple, Bucknell, and George Mason. The men’s Varsity 4+ finished fifth in their heat with a time of 6:56.716. After finishing third in its semifinal race to advance to the Petite Final, the women’s Varsity 8+ placed 12th out of 30 boats with a time of 7:00.825. The Varsity 4+ rowed to second place in the semifinals, and finished fifth out of 35 boats in the Petite Final with a time of 8:01.344.

Dodgeball: A Colgate underdog story

A sport that involves hurling balls at the opposing team and strategizing how to pick off players — who says playing dodgeball isn’t a good way to make friends? Well, several members of the spring London Economics Study Group did just that. “My students live and take classes with other Colgate students in London, so it is tempting to stay in the proverbial ‘Colgate bubble,’” said economics professor Chad Sparber, who led the study group. “This year, I wanted to nudge students out of that bubble.” So, he required them to join

Ashlee Eve ’14

Smooth sailing at Dad Vail

a club or activity that would get them involved in British student life. Dodgeball, which enjoyed a resurgence in popularity after the 2004 release of the film Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, may be assumed in the United States to be an American pastime, but it’s played on the other side of the pond as well. Joining the University College London (UCL) dodgeball team, three of Sparber’s students made both friends with, and an impression on, their British counterparts. Pete Koehler ’14, Billy Floyd ’14, and Kevin Sayles ’14 committed to the UCL dodgeball team’s practice schedule, in preparation for a tournament at the end of March. Brady Plastaras ’14 and Bryant Gordon ’14, members of the London History Study Group, also joined. As the 45-team tournament drew near, confidence wavered and uncertainty arose. The combined Colgate and UCL team wasn’t sure if its hard work would pay off when facing the fierce competition. On top of that, when their 30-member group was divided into teams of five for the tournament, the Colgate students were split into their own team to compete by themselves. But, the Americans put their game faces on and committed to making their country proud. Ironically, Koehler said, their squad found themselves pitted against all the teams “you wouldn’t want to face” — those with the most skill in hand-eye coordination, from sports like baseball, cricket, handball, and basketball — “but somehow, we kept pulling it off.” “We started off pretty shaky — we almost lost in the first round,” said Sayles. “But we played much better as the day went on, and by the end of the tournament, we had become the crowd’s favorite team, and all the students were cheering for us,” he said. “There were even a few ‘U.S.A’ chants.” Bolstered by the crowd’s support, the Colgate underdogs ended up winning the whole tournament. “We were all in a bit of collective shock when we won,” said Koehler. “Our British friends were proud that we properly repped the UCL dodgeball team.” — Natalie Sportelli ’15

After finishing fourth in its last show at Morrisville State this spring, the Equestrian Western team, led by co-captains Rebecca Silberman ’13 (pictured) and Ilona Haidvogel ’13, placed fourth overall in the competitive Region III, which consists of both club and varsity teams. Coach Val Logsdon, who works with the riders at nearby Saddleback Farm, remarked, “Some spend their whole four years [on the team], and graduate able to jump from having never ridden before.”

Bob Cornell

Colgate golf history, a 75.60 mark that still ranks second all-time. His senior season average of 73.26 remains nearly one full stroke lower than the next-closest. The Patriot League’s Golf Scholar-Athlete of the Year three times and team MVP, he was an ECAC medalist in 1998 and 1999, the only repeat winner in 40 years.

As a co-captain and midfielder, Amanda O’Sullivan ’13 (above) led the lacrosse team with a career-high 35 goals. She also set a personal record with 40 points, which was second on the squad behind fellow senior Kate Sheridan’s 41 points. O’Sullivan, along with teammate Jenna Frost ’15, earned a spot on the All-Patriot League First Team.

News and views for the Colgate community


new, noted , & quoted 24

scene: Summer 2013

Books, music & film Information is provided by publishers, authors, and artists.

Big Data for Dummies

Fern Halper ’79, Judith Hurwitz, Alan Nugent, Marcia Kaufman (Wiley) Big data management is one of the major challenges facing business, industry, and nonprofit organizations. Data sets such as customer transactions for a mega-retailer, weather patterns monitored by meteorologists, or social network activity can quickly outpace the capacity of traditional data management tools. The authors — who are experts in information management, big data, and a variety of solutions — explain big data in detail and discuss how to select and implement a solution, security concerns to consider, data storage and presentation issues, analytics, and more.


Laura Klugherz (viola) and Steven Heyman (piano) (Centaur) Echoes is an original recording of commissions and premieres for solo viola and piano from Spain, Latin America, Africa, and the United States performed by violist Laura Klugherz, professor of music and Africana and Latin American studies, and pianist Steven Heyman, a Colgate artist in residence. Several works on the recording were written for Klugherz, and several were also premiered by her in concerts around the world. Echoes won a Syracuse Area Music Award (SAMMY) — recognizing excellence in recorded music in central New York — as best recording in the “Other” category in March 2013.

Princely Brothers and Sisters: The Sibling Bond in German Politics, 1100–1250

La Vida es Sueño: Edición Critica de las dos Versiones del Auto y de la loa

In Princely Brothers and Sisters, Jonathan Lyon looks at sibling networks and the role they played in shaping the practice of politics in the Middle Ages. Lyon, an assistant history professor at the University of Chicago, focuses on nine of the most prominent aristocratic families in the German kingdom during the Staufen period (1138–1250). He’s found that noblemen — and, to a lesser extent, noblewomen — relied on the cooperation and support of their siblings as they sought to maintain or expand their power and influence within a competitive political environment. Consequently, sibling relationships proved crucial at key moments in shaping the political and territorial interests of many lords of the kingdom.

Based on his famous drama of the same title, the Spanish playwright Pedro Calderón de la Barca (1600–1681) wrote an allegorical play in which the conflict between human freedom and destiny is played out within the parameters of Catholic theology. Calderón composed two versions of the sacramental play: one c. 1636, and a more mature version in 1673. This book, the firstever critical edition of both versions, also includes an edition of the Loa, a short theatrical piece composed by Calderón as a preface to the 1673 version of the play. The introduction includes a historical appraisal of the staging of the play, particularly of the performances in Madrid during the 1673 Corpus Christi festivities, as well as of Garcia Lorca’s interesting staging in the 1930s with his popular theatrical troupe La Barraca, which ended in 1936 with the assassination of the poet at the onset of the Spanish Civil War. Fernando Plata Parga is a professor of Spanish at Colgate.

Jonathan R. Lyon ’97 (Cornell University Press)

On the Shoulders of Hobbits: The Road to Virtue with Tolkien and Lewis Louis Markos ’86 (Moody Publishers)

On the Shoulders of Hobbits seeks to revive a more traditional understanding of virtue and vice and of human purpose and dignity by analyzing J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Each chapter takes up a single theme (the nature of pilgrimage, facing death, kingship and hierarchy, the virtue of hope, the love that forgives, forbidden fruit) that has been overlooked or dismissed by our age, and then illustrates and embodies that theme by references to Tolkien’s epic fantasy. To help clarify Tolkien’s message, each chapter also includes analysis of a parallel episode from C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia. Louis Markos is a professor of English and scholar in residence at Houston Baptist University.

Fernando Plata Parga (Edition Reichenberger)

Ghosts & Compromise

Waiting For Henry (with Dave Ashdown ’90, Michael Chun ’88, and Dave Slomin ’87) (Mighty Hudson Music) Described as an American indie rock band with alt-country undertones, Waiting For Henry is led by former Mr. Henry alt-rocker Dave Slomin ’87 on lead vocals and guitar; Dave Ashdown ’90 on drums, guitar, and vocals; and veteran bassist Michael Chun ’88. Although the band formed in 2010, the members’ history goes back to Colgate. Slomin and Ashdown were members of campus band The Repercussions, while Chun played in a rival group. But, after moving to New York City, Slomin and Chun found themselves running into each other

In the media and realized they shared the same taste for overdriven guitars and gritty songs. When Ashdown moved to New York in 2010, the lineup was set. The resulting album Ghosts & Compromise has garnered immediate critical praise and Americana airplay internationally. Bob Rice of KYRS Radio in Spokane, Wash., wrote, “I love the whole sound… REM meets the Jayhawks.”

Adirondacks: A Great Destination Annie Stoltie ’96 (The Countryman Press)

Organized geographically and in full color, Explorer’s Guides’ Adirondacks edition provides details of the Adirondack Park’s history and geography as well as the cultural, lodging, dining, shopping, and recreational opportunities that abound in the park and its gateway cities of Saratoga Springs and Glens Falls. Maps and photos help with planning a trip to the Adirondack Park, 6.1 million acres of public and private land where activities range from whitewater rafting to mountain biking, a symphony concert or a bluegrass festival, a ride on the scenic railway or a visit to the Adirondack Museum, and more. Author Annie Stoltie is editor of Adirondack Life magazine.

The Last Two

Jim Tarvin ’60 and Tom Flynn (The Friends of the Goshen Public Library and Historical Society) Jim Tarvin and Tom Flynn released this documentary film about the last two dairy farms in the town of Goshen, N.Y., a typical upstate town that once had dozens of dairy farms. The story is told through the eyes of three generations of farmers who describe farming during the Great Depression when they were still using horses, the changeover to tractors, and all the later improvements up to today. The film also includes interviews with members of the Baxter family, owners of the last dairy farm in the town of New Windsor, N.Y., on the sad day their cows went to auction. It is the story of the heart of America — small family farms — in crisis.

Small Town South David Wharton ’69 (GFT Publishing)

David Wharton has been photographing the 12 states that define the American South since 1999, when he became director of documentary studies at the University of Mississippi’s Center for the Study of Southern Culture. Small Town South is one result of Wharton’s extensive travels throughout the region. The author’s 116 duotone photographs, combined with his text, convey an overall sense of what small southern towns looked like at the turn of the 21st century. Wharton organizes his study into thematic portfolios that visually address such themes as decline and renewal on Main Street, the intersection of tradition and modernity, local commemorations of the past, the omnipresence of the church in town life, the difficulties of making a living in the New World economy, the display of public murals and memorials, and the iconographic unfolding of community values.

“I got up on stage with them, and the three of us just killed.”

— Actor and comedian Jim Belushi tells the Arizona Daily Star how, after headlining a comedy show during Colgate’s 2011 Family Weekend, he started an improv troupe with his son Rob and Jon Barinholtz ’05

“Many environmental groups believe that to give up anything to the economic development community is to lose something. I don’t share that view. …You can have viable economic development and still maintain the environmental health of an area.” — Brian Houseal ’72 discusses his goals as executive director of the Adirondack Council with Strictly Business

“She has all the right skills and intellect to be an insightful, modest, and well-respected judge. …Her sense of public service and love of the law have motivated her to bring her talents to the bench.” — Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), in the Buffalo Law Journal on why he recommended Elizabeth Wolford ’89 to be the first woman appointed to the Western District Federal Court of New York

Also of note:

A Gift of Wit, Wisdom, and Modern Folklore (Yawn’s Publishing) by Jack Cashin ’49 is a collection of humorous, thought-provoking, and touching articles, poems, and cartoons that Cashin has gathered over the years. Mapping the Line: Poets on Teaching (Penyeach Press) includes 20 classroom-tested exercises, written and used by some of America’s best teachers and writers of poetry. Meant for the student and teacher alike, the book is also for those who have been writing on their own. It is edited by Bruce Guernsey ’66, distinguished professor emeritus at Eastern Illinois University. Entertainment Law: The Law Student’s Guide to Pursuing a Career in Entertainment Law (The Law Office of Jaia Thomas) by Jaia Thomas ’03 equips law students with the tools to succeed in the sports and entertainment industry, from networking tips to job search strategies to curriculum recommendations.

“I’d gotten to know Colgate professor Enrique Galvez a decade ago for his studies of the orbital angular momentum of light. I went back to him because of his reputation as a pioneer of quantum experiments that college students could do in a lab course.” — George Musser, a contributing editor at Scientific American, tapped physics professor Enrique Galvez for his expertise on quantum entanglement.

“What has often been missing from these conversations is an appreciation of the U.S. role in the destabilization of the region. Mali, after all, was the centerpiece of U.S. counterterrorism doctrine in the Sahara-Sahel under the Obama administration and his predecessor.” — Jacob Mundy, assistant professor of peace and conflict studies, analyzes the U.S. counterterrorism policy and the crisis in the Sahara-Sahel on

News and views for the Colgate community




scene: Summer Summer 2013 2013

We’ve got all kinds of reasons to travel. A family event or business conference. Vacation. A school trip. Whatever the destination, it puts us out of our usual element. Sample-size instead of the full-size shampoo bottle. Exotic fruit and pastry instead of Cheerios on the breakfast table. Unfamiliar faces, intriguing smells, tentative exchanges in another language.

Travel has a way of letting you see things differently.

Red Rock Canyon National Conservancy, Nevada Outdoor Education climbing trip “ It’s kind of like being on the moon. There are these big formations that look like silly sand. My geology major side was so excited to be there. You could see where some uplift had happened where things had bent and buckled, but you could follow the layers around the landscape.”— Mikhaila Redovian ’15

Experiencing “firsts.” Broadening your perspective. Feeling a bit uncomfortable in your own skin, and then letting the new skin take. Spring Break 2013 became that kind of time for students traveling near and far.

Watch some of their climbing, exploring, and camaraderie at Photos by Sam Ward (2) News and views for the Colgate community


“ For the first time, I went to a mosque and prayed for Friday prayer (which I know my father will appreciate). Also, I held my first slightly intelligible Arabic conversation with a very shady shoe dealer.” — Saeed Mouzaffar ‘15

Turkey Interfaith Immersion Experience

nly traditional Turkish cuisine was on the menu (McDonald’s forbidden!) for O students immersing themselves in that country’s culture and traditions. Beyond ancient ruins, temples, mosques, and historic churches of Istanbul, the diverse group of students explored their own religious beliefs and perceptions. The trip was led by Rabbi Dena Bodian, associate university chaplain and director of Jewish life, and Noor Khan, history professor. “ As an atheist, I was not sure I even belonged on this trip; however, I strongly believe that my atheism gives me an even greater responsibility to understand the belief systems of others.” — Colin Shipley ’15 Read their blog at Photos by Lindsay MacKenzie '05 (3)


scene: Summer Summer 2013 2013

A visit to the Hagia Sophia — first a Christian church, later a mosque, and now a museum — revealed the architectural beauty of a monument significant in both the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires.

California and New Mexico Chamber Players Tunes and Tangos Tour

Transfixed at the Blue Mosque in Istanbul

Cellist Chelsea Gottschalk ’13 took everything in stride — including a mid-concert earthquake — on tour in the American Southwest. She joined Professor Laura Klugherz (violin, viola), Professor Sarah Wider (piano), and Clare Pellerin (violin) in performing Latin American and Czech classical music based on folk themes. “I was definitely intimidated, considering I was the only student among three professional players. But we had put a lot of time and effort into rehearsing,” said Gottschalk. “During our first performance, I knew the music so well I just jumped off the page and connected with the music and started to have fun. That was the first time I had reached that level in a performance. It was really exciting.” Following their performance at the Keres Children’s Learning Center, a Montessori school based in the language of the Cochiti Pueblo people, the Chamber Players held an interactive workshop/demonstration with the children. Photo courtesy of Laura Klugherz.

Six performances, eight days

Climbing around the Fort of Rumeli on the Bosphorus. Sultan Mehmed II had it constructed in about six months in 1451 so that he could lay siege to Constantinople.

March 10

Alumni Club gathering at the home of Brian Dovey ’63, La Jolla

March 11

Borrego Springs Middle School Borrego Springs Performing Arts Series

Music on the Mountain Series, San Diego County Library, Julian, Calif.

March 12

March 14

Pueblo de Cochiti Reservation Senior Center Keres Children’s Learning Center

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“ The hands-on work became a Albany and Troy, N.Y. different type of intellectual Center for Women’s Studies Alternative Spring Break challenge.” Singing “My Girl” with a soon-to-be homeowner — and becoming handy with a screw

gun — were just two memorable moments during the center’s first gender-focused alternative spring break. Working with Albany’s Habitat for Humanity affiliate, the group installed insulation and drywall in an area of new rowhouses that will serve a range of families living below the poverty line, including many single mothers. The trip, which also included touring and learning about Planned Parenthood’s work in the region, was led by Kimmie Garner, program assistant, and Meika Loe, director of women’s studies.

Gabriela Bezerra ‘13

“There was a group of retired men who had volunteered there every day for the past 10 years. They proclaimed themselves the Gray Hairs. They showed us how to do everything, and by the second day, we were able to do an entire floor by ourselves. That was a great feeling. "You need to figure out visually how to make it happen. I feel like different types of knowledge are valued more than other types in our society, and that’s utterly ridiculous, because to be able to expose yourself to different things is the best type of knowledge you can have.” — Kristi Carey ’15 See more photos of the trip at


French and Africana and Latin American Studies Alternative Spring Break

Kayaking through mangroves and hiking in tropical rainforests. The Mount Pelée Volcanological Museum. Local markets. The Anthropological Museum of Fort-de-France. The Aimé Césaire’s Cultural Center and Theater. English conversation sessions for law students. And then some. This panoramic study explored the island’s history, language, and environment. As Jimmy Juarez ’15 put it, “Martinique gave me a new way of understanding the French culture, not as a European manifestation on foreign soil, but the transformation of language that eventually makes a culture unique. I’ve been inspired to look beyond the superficial in hopes of finding something more complex, more beautiful.” Interactions with the people from the island, especially college students, added a personal level to the journey. “Despite the difference in opinions and lifestyles,” said Marvin Vilma ’14, “we were all able to relate to one another and participate in dialogue about disputed topics like gay marriage and education.” Professors Mahadevi Ramakrishnan and Patrick Riley of the Romance languages department led the trip, which was facilitated through the University of Antilles and Guyane’s International Research Center for Caribbean and American Exchanges.

Visiting an old prison cell in the city of St. Pierre that held one of the only survivors of the 1902 volcano eruption of Mt. Pelée. “The survivor had been thrown in that prison the day before the eruption, and because the cell lacked windows, it protected him from the lava and such,” said Lorva Prophete ’13 who took this photo.


scene: Summer Summer 2013 2013

12 hours Lectures 5 hours Creole lessons 16 hours Lecture excursions

8 hours Walking/kayaking excursions 4 hours Volunteer time

Pine Ridge Reservation, S.D. Lakota Children’s Enrichment (LCE) Student Writing Challenge

LCE founder Maggie Dunne ’13 created a writing contest for middle- and high-schoolers on the reservation. The challenge: Write a poem about, or a letter to, an inspirational woman on the reservation, past or present. Dunne invited three other judges: Colgate English professor and poet Peter Balakian; activist, artist, and freelance writer Dana Lone Hill; and Susanne Pari, journalist and author of The Fortune Catcher. Dunne and Balakian traveled to the reservation for the awards ceremony. Colgate students also did an alternative spring break on the reservation, rebuilding and repairing homes while learning about Lakota culture through the Max Shacknai COVE.

Melissa Rain Hernandez awed the judges with her inspirational poem about Anna Mae Aquash, an activist and member of the American Indian Movement who was murdered in 1975. “ It’s not just about winning, but it’s about writing, and how you can use that as a force to tell stories of yourself and the community,” said Maggie Dunne ‘13.

Trail of Broken Treaties By Melissa Rain Hernandez, Grand Prize Winner Senior, Little Wound School, Kyle, S.D.

Anna Mae Aquash, where has the tall grass gone? I think it left with you, yet there are traces of dry grass, withered weeds sticking out of the ground in patches surrounded by dirt. A ghost of what you used to be. Traces that can be seen only when the dawn is purple and pink as your ethereal body follows the trail of broken treaties along state road 73. News and views for the Colgate community

iStockphoto - Eric Foltz

Cindy Dunne

Meet all the winning writers at



scene: Summer 2013

Illustration by James Steinberg

Chemical healing The tricky task of tweaking the brain for mental health By Scott Kraly

One in four Americans over age 17 suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. That is approximately 60 million people! Of these, one in 17 suffers from a debilitating mental illness, and many suffer from more than one disorder at a time. The treatment most likely to be offered for psychopathology is drug therapy, and Charles A. Dana Professor of Psychology Scott Kraly has some strong ideas regarding the usage of these medications. He’s spent 35 years using drugs as research tools in his behavioral pharmacology experiments, and teaching students about the brain through discussion of psychotropic medicines in his popular Psychopharmacology course. Now Kraly is writing a book (W.W. Norton, forthcoming early 2014) that will offer useful guidelines for practitioners as well as patients and their families. The book takes a novel, more accessible approach compared to typical texts on psychopharmacology. The Scene asked Professor Kraly to share his knowledge and tips on things to keep in mind if you or someone close to you faces the prospect of using a psychotropic drug to treat a psychological or behavioral disorder. “Your mouth is going to get you into trouble some day, Scotty-Boy!” This was the caution most repeatedly offered to me by Mom and Dad. Little did I realize that the trouble was less likely to be due to something that I had said, than potentially caused by something that I could swallow — a medication. We are being pushed toward a tipping point for the use of psychotropic drugs — chemical substances that alter brain functions related to mood, cognition, consciousness, and behavior. The pervasiveness of psychotropic drug use for recreational or

casual purposes (not only illegal substances such as marijuana or LSD, but also alcohol and stimulants such as nicotine and caffeine) is astounding. Can you name as many as three people you know who do not drink alcohol or take some other psychotropic drug for non-medicinal purposes? But equally worrisome is the increasingly widespread use of antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics (anti-anxiety), analgesics, and anti-obesity drugs. For example, between 2002 and 2011, use of psychotropic medication to treat mental illness in adults increased by one percent in the United States, representing nearly a half-million people. Why am I so concerned about this? Because, unlike recreational drugs, psychotropic medications are sanctioned — prescribed by trusted, trained professionals — and have the more lofty intention of improving one’s health. So, we have developed great confidence in their utility, effectiveness, and safety. This confidence has resulted in persistent increases in their use to treat a wide variety of disorders in both adults and children, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, anorexia nervosa, bulimia, obesity, depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and numerous others. In fact, it is safe to presume that every one of you reading this, or your spouse, parents, or children, are likely to have taken a psychotropic medication already, or will be using one or more in the near future. That is a problem worth thinking about — because psychotropic medications can help, but they also can harm. These chemicals are intended to prevent abnormal thinking or improve emotions and change behavior. But what happens when you take a chemical synthesized on a workbench and place it into a mouth or a blood vessel to get access to a person’s brain? That substance becomes an intruder visiting a place that Mother Nature has not prepared for its arrival. The drug is that long-lost chemical cousin who, without warning, shows up on your doorstep, provoking you to say to your spouse, “Oh, Lord, I’ve never actually met the guy; what are we going to do with him? The kids might love him, or he might be toxic!” Is it prudent to allow a chemical to enter the brain, and then expect only good consequences? How do we ensure a good visit? More specifically, as consumers, patients, and family members, what do

we need to understand about psychotropic medications in order to maximize the likelihood they will provide help with minimal harm? Generally speaking, we need to respect them for what they are. A psychotropic drug is merely a chemical tool, and, like any useful tool, it should be used properly. To do so, we first should understand some general principles about their strengths — and their limitations.

All medications have limitations For starters, no drug can have only one effect. Any pharmacologist will tell you that there is no escaping this. You wish to use a psychotropic medication to obtain a benefit — in clinical parlance, a main effect. But while you might get that desired main effect, you will also experience unwanted side effects. You can find evidence to support this principle in published scientific literature, but advertisements tell the story much more easily. A one-minute television ad is likely to spend 15 seconds telling you the good news, and another 45 seconds warning you of the drug’s potential for harm. So, a patient must accept that side effects are a price to pay, or a risk to take, in order to get the desired benefit from the medication. One way to minimize the risk is to use the smallest effective dosage. This can be accomplished with careful communication between an introspective patient and an attentive prescribing professional. Frequent meetings to assess the magnitude of a dosage’s main effect, and the patient’s views regarding the tolerability of side effects is the key to knowing whether a dosage should be decreased or increased. In fact, it is generally the case that a patient will find a medication to be acceptable based not upon the magnitude of the main effect, but upon the tolerability of the side effects. For example, various antidepressant medications generally offer similar levels of symptom relief, but the tolerability of the side effects can vary greatly from patient to patient and can determine the choice of medication (as opposed to choosing based upon the main effect). A drug’s effectiveness is also limited by the fact that each person presents a unique case for treatment. Imagine that two different patients are diagnosed with major depression because they fit the same criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (used by psychologists, psychiatrists, and physicians). That fact does not ensure that both of them have precisely the same problem and would benefit from the same treatment. That’s because even a diagnosis based upon the most thorough, conservative, professional assessment is merely a hypothesis — an educated guess about what the problem is. That educated guess enables a second wager — that a specific set of treatment tools might be effective. Moreover, diagnoses of psychological disorders are based principally upon a person’s behavior, and not upon the physiological or neurochemical causes that may lie beneath characteristics of abnormal behavior. Further challenging the ultimate effectiveness of a drug is the fact that a wide range of characteristics, including an individual’s age, sex, history of psycho-

News and views for the Colgate community


tropic drug usage, ethnicity, beliefs, and attitudes toward treatment are also important factors that determine whether or not a method of therapy, including psychotropic medication, will be effective. Good clinicians will take each of these into consideration when deciding upon a drug, its dosage, and whether to combine medication with some form of behavioral therapy or psychotherapy. Good patients will insist that their clinician construct a treatment program that fits their goals, biases, attitudes, and realistic fears. Taking such factors into consideration is important because it facilitates structuring a multidimensional treatment program that fits this patient, which might include talk as well as drug. Why is this important? Why not just pop the pill into the mouth, and let the drug fix the problem?

A drug alone cannot fix things The therapeutic role for a drug is limited — because all psychological and behavioral disorders are biopsychosocial problems. They are not caused solely by dysfunctional brain chemistry. Take addiction as an example. A person who repeatedly uses a drug with addictive potential acquires experience that forms an association between taking it and feeling euphoria. This recurring behavior acts upon specific neurochemical systems of the brain, and produces enduring changes in the brain that can lead to craving and compulsive usage. Further, drug-seeking and drug-taking behaviors can be enabled or diminished by social factors that increase or decrease access to an addictive drug — factors such as encouragement by friends or cultural expectations. Considering all this, the development of addiction depends upon the behavior of an individual, in concert with the brain’s neurochemical processes, and accompanied by changes in brain neurochemistry induced by drug use. And, all of this occurs to a greater or lesser extent depending upon the person’s relationships and social situation. The successful treatment of addiction, therefore, will require attending not only to the abnormal neurochemistry of the addicted brain (the biological facts), but also to important psychological and social factors. It stands to reason, then, that the most effective therapeutic approaches will be multifaceted — addressing the “bio” as well as the “psycho” and “social” aspects of a disorder. A psychotropic medication cannot effectively address all three components; the very nature of psychopathology limits the therapeutic potential of a drug. For example, an addict can take Suboxone (buprenorphine plus naloxone) to diminish her craving for heroin, but that will not keep her drug dealer from showing up on her doorstep. On the other hand, a therapist could counsel her about effective ways to send that sinister entrepreneur away, or about the numerous advantages of moving to a new town without leaving a forwarding address. Advice, counseling, and other non-drug therapies have the potential to enhance the effectiveness of psychotropic medication. At the very least, counseling emphasizing the importance of adhering to the


scene: Summer 2013

instructions for using the medication can facilitate the likelihood that the drug will be effective. This is important, because the principal reason for failure of drug therapy is failure of the patient to comply with instructions. For example, males being treated with antipsychotic medications for schizophrenia are more likely than females to experience troublesome side effects that impair cognitive processes, increasing the likelihood that they will stop taking their medication and suffer a relapse. Combinations of drug and talk therapies can also be more effective than either method alone because most disorders are treated in two stages. The goal for the first stage is reduction of symptoms to partial or full remission, and the second focuses on maintenance of that improvement — or prevention of a relapse. Generally speaking, when psychotropic medication is successful in relieving symptoms, sustained improvement is more likely to be achieved when the patient has learned, through behavioral therapy or psychotherapy, useful strategies for remaining symptom-free after medication is discontinued.

Judicious usage . . . of medication is threatened by overconfidence in the utility of medications, hasty decision making, and lack of knowledge. For example, for treatment of obesity, Belviq (lorcaserin) can facilitate a modest weight loss (i.e., 5 to 10 percent) when combined, over a period of six months, with a program of dieting, exercise, and counseling to encourage better eating habits. These lifestyle changes can help maintain weight loss after the use of the drug is discontinued.

Beware of common threats Powerful tools demand proper usage to ensure the best outcome. Judicious usage of psychotropic medication is threatened by overconfidence in the utility of medications, hasty decision making, and lack of knowledge. One threat to judicious usage is presented by so-called off-label prescribing, which has become increasingly common, especially for the treatment of children and adolescents. How has this happened? The research that leads to approval of medications by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is typically conducted in adult human subjects. A drug approved by the FDA for treatment of a specific disorder in adults can be prescribed off-label for use in humans of any age, including children, adolescents, and the elderly. As well, an FDA-approved drug for the treatment of one disorder can be prescribed offlabel for the treatment of any disorder. These types of off-label usage of drugs are based upon anecdotal evidence from accumulated clinical experience, and speculation that a drug that is effective in a mature adult should be effective and relatively safe in a child, adolescent, or the elderly. Off-label prescrib-

ing affords a physician the flexibility to provide treatment to patients in need; yet, plain and simple, off-label usage is not an evidence-based practice — evidence that a drug is effective and safe in adults is not evidence that the drug will be effective and safe in children. There are many examples of off-label use of psychotropic medication — here are several. The FDA-approved antipsychotic Zyprexa (olanzapine) is used off-label to treat panic disorder (an anxiety disorder), and an approved anticonvulsant medication, Lyrica (pregabalin), has been used off label for generalized anxiety disorder. And numerous antidepressant medications approved for treatment of adults are used off label to treat depression in children and adolescents. An alarming reason to worry about off-label usage of psychotropic medication in children and adolescents is that their brains have not yet fully developed. A drug’s chemical intrusion into the brain has the potential to change the normal course of development in ways that are unknown, unpredictable, and quite possibly not in the best long-term interests of the child. The only satisfactory solution to this dilemma is the increased use of children and adolescents as subjects in clinical research; such research in children is difficult, but it is doable. Another threat to judicious usage is the concurrent use of multiple drugs to treat coexisting psychiatric disorders, called psychotropic polypharmacy, which continues to become more common. Predictably, this is most problematic for the elderly, who are more likely to also be using medications for below-the-neck medical conditions. For example, elderly patients taking medication for a heart condition should not be prescribed the antidepressant Elavil (amitriptyline) due to the possibility of drug interactions that can be fatal. Among the most common inappropriately prescribed drugs in the elderly are antianxiety benzodiazepine drugs, such as Librium (chlordiazepoxide) and Valium (diazepam), which increase the likelihood of catastrophic injury due to falling. Protecting the long- and short-term interests of children and adults using psychotropic medications is only partially the responsibility of the FDA. Although charged with regulating the availability of medications and medical devices of all kinds, the FDA simply cannot ensure the effectiveness or safety of each approved drug in every individual. This is especially the case for people using a medication off label, as well as for those who have been prescribed multiple psychoactive medications. Moreover, although the FDA does demand that clinical research trials demonstrate effectiveness and relative safety of psychotropic drugs, it does not regulate the availability of the many chemicals sold commercially as herbal remedies or dietary supplements. The manufacturers and peddlers of these products, some of which have psychoactive properties, are not required to prove either their effectiveness or their safety. Although some consumers view herbal remedies and supplements as being more “natural” ways of using chemistry to enhance one’s

health, consumers can expect little protection from the wasting of good money on chemicals that may be of little use, or even harmful.

Use your brain — and your mouth We can do more with medication than swallow: we can talk about it. One way to maximize the benefits and minimize the risk associated with taking psychotropic medication is to have a trusting relationship between patient and clinician — with both being candid about the limits of their expertise, about their biases and their expectations. Dialogue between patient and clinician should identify realistic goals, which in the case of psychotropic medication should focus on ensuring that the benefits will outweigh the adverse effects. A healthy working relationship between a patient and a clinician can better ensure that a treatment program will be effective, because the patient who participates in the decision making is more invested and therefore more likely to comply with its requirements. That dialogue will be more useful when a patient can actively contribute, which can be facilitated by self-education. Patients should ask for trustworthy sources of information, whether in books or online, so that at the very least, they can enrich their vocabularies regarding their conditions and possible treatments. Better-informed patients are more able and willing to ask questions, and may be more willing to challenge answers, all in the interests of having their treatment best tailored to their particular situations and needs. Yes, be willing to challenge your prescribing physician, psychiatrist, or psychologist! After all, it is your brain that they are recommending to have a visit from an intruder chemical, and you have every right to help dictate the terms of that stopover. In conclusion, just as a stick of dynamite can be a useful tool in the construction and the mining industries, a drug having psychotropic properties is a useful tool for the treatment of psychological and behavioral disorders — so long as one knows how to best use it. When using a powerful tool capable of both helping and harming, it’s best to keep important principles in mind to facilitate judicious usage. I’m wondering what my mom and dad would say if they could read this advice. They surely would sprinkle our conversation with family stories of mental health issues, stories of relatives treated by physicians and psychiatrists. They would tell of untreated alcoholism. They would tell of failed psychotherapeutic and failed pharmacological treatment for major depression. They would tell of psychotropic medication for anxiety for someone who refused to engage in supportive behavior therapy or psychotherapy. They would talk of the stigma associated with diagnosis of a mental health problem. They would speak of their own psychotropic polypharmacy, which would prompt me to offer unsolicited pointed advice about what they should be doing. That would inevitably provoke them to tell me that my mouth was still getting me into trouble. So I would remind them that professors get paid to read, listen, think, and then turn their mouths loose!

Helpful Hints

If a psychotropic medication is being recommended, there are important questions to ask your prescribing professional. When you are the patient Given my diagnosis, is psychotropic medication necessary, or would counseling or psychotherapy be as, or more, effective? Is there published scientific evidence that supports the use of this medication for my diagnosis? If not, what is the justification for going off label? What percentage of patients using this medication are likely to benefit? If this medication does not improve my symptoms, or if I find the side effects intolerable, what is the alternative plan for my treatment? What are the most likely side effects? When can I expect to stop using the medication? When that day comes, what will I be advised to do to avoid a relapse? What can I read to better understand my situation? And, ask yourself these questions: Now that I’ve been advised on exactly how to use the drug, will I be committed to follow those instructions faithfully? (If not, why am I being a bad patient?) Does the drug produce a side effect that I might find so intolerable that I would quit using it, or ask my doctor to prescribe a different medication? When your child is the patient Given the diagnosis, is it absolutely necessary and in the best interests of our child to expose his/her brain to a drug? Might behavior therapy or psychotherapy be a reasonable alternative? Can the duration of time our child uses medication be shortened if we support the drug therapy with behavior therapy or psychotherapy?

Is there published scientific evidence from clinical trials in children that supports the use of this medication for this diagnosis? If not, what is the justification for the offlabel prescription? What potential drug-induced side effects should we be vigilant about detecting? What questions should we ask our child regarding his or her feelings about the drug’s effectiveness or side effects? Keep in mind the factors and principles of pharmacology that can determine the effectiveness of drug therapy: No drug has only one effect; side effects are inevitable. Compromise on benefits and risks is a realistic goal. Psychotropic medication is often best used together with psychotherapy. The main effects and side effects of a drug depend upon the dosage. Age, sex, genetics, drug history, and ethnicity can affect effectiveness. A drug can have enduring effects upon the brain. A drug can alter the development of a young, maturing brain. The FDA cannot ensure that a drug will be effective and safe for every individual. Herbal remedies and dietary supplements may not be effective or safe. Off-label usage of a drug is not based upon scientific evidence. Avoid polypharmacy, if possible, because some drug interactions can be potent, unpredictable, and harmful.

News and views for the Colgate community


South Anchorage, Alaska

Bleached, disjointed, and disparate, a beluga tail lay separated from the rest of its skeleton. I had been informed of a spot where sandhill cranes were known to nest, but after hours of walking through the mud, I had given up finding them. I stumbled upon the remains on my return to the car. Most likely, this beluga had washed ashore in 2009, when several had been found along the Anchorage shoreline. Although not entirely decomposed, it was a gentle reminder of the hardships of nature but an unwillingness to let go too easily: this was two years later, when the Cook Inlet beluga population was reaching a critical point. Biologists, resource managers, and industry are all weighing in on their status, but one need not look far from Anchorage to see these bleached reminders of something gone awry.


scene: Summer 2013

ack in the summer of 2007, I was working in Russia with a marine mammal research crew as a researcher and photographer. A few days into the trip, one of the fishermen on the rusted vessel we used approached me. (Picture a rugged-looking guy like Mike Rowe, voice of Deadliest Catch.) “Okhotnik za fotografii,” he said, but frankly, because it wasn’t pivo (beer) or da (yes), I had no clue what he was saying. He pointed to the camera with its big lens slung over my shoulder, and in thickly accented English, repeated, “Photo-hunter.” I tried to correct him: “Photographer.” But he was very keen in his translation, and then it hit me. Ahhh! I was hunting photos. The rest of the trip I was “Photo-hunter,” met with a smile, a pat on the back, and the friendship of some tough Russian fishermen. It felt pretty cool being called that, so I decided that “Photo-hunter” could stay in my vernacular.

ANTICIPATION Vibrissae (whiskers) flared, this female Steller sea lion eagerly awaits a rainbow trout meal. Little is known about how sea lions forage for their prey. It is thought that Stellers, especially juveniles, were having difficulty finding food, which may have resulted in their population decline. They were designated an endangered species in Western Alaska in the late 1990s. Scientists at the Alaska SeaLife Center equipped her with accelerometers to measure the speed and response of certain body movements while foraging. Research conducted under National Marine Fisheries (NMFS) Permit #14334.

FIT FOR SCIENCE Marine biologists from the Alaska SeaLife Center attach short- term monitoring devices on a female Steller sea lion at a rookery in Russia’s eastern Kamchatkan region. These devices measure how well she forages during the breeding season by determining how far and how deep she swims. The equipment in the foreground is a specially designed traveling anesthesia kit. Each animal is placed under anesthesia for only 30 to 45 minutes, requiring the researchers to work deftly and efficiently. Due to their extreme territorial nature, our senses were heightened for fear of these 1,000-lb. animals charging our way.

News and views for the Colgate community


Living in a state as big as the entire American Midwest, where I run two distinctive photography businesses — one focused on portraiture and the special moments in people’s lives, and the other a bit “wilder” in nature — it’s no wonder that I’ve found plenty of stories to tell in Alaska through my photos. And, although my subject matter may differ between the two (I have yet to receive a request for a portrait session with a grizzly bear), I’ve applied techniques from both fields to draw inspiration, imagination, and ultimately build better stories. Alaska truly is a place of natural and personal discovery, where you can make it if you have the drive, grit, motivation, and the urge not to hibernate with the other furry omnivores during the long winter. I have chosen to get the most out of Alaska, and, hopefully, vice versa.

What emerged was a technique that I like to call research photography — putting the scientists in the foreground, giving viewers an opportunity to understand and relate to why these people are doing their work in the first place. I also took things a bit further, by pairing personal storytelling with my photos. Telling the story of how a photograph was taken or research was conducted provides context and insight and better educates people about the subject matter; the coupling of the two illustrates a complete moment. It’s an additional way to connect with the audience and give photos a voice. Alaska has about as many professionals running around chasing moose as New York City has pretzel stands. It can be a challenge to distinguish oneself in a saturated market (pun intended) — not to mention visitors from all over the world who come

Having moved there permanently in 2004, I began applying my marine science degree from Colgate straightaway when I signed on as the research education coordinator for the Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC), the state’s only marine research facility and public aquarium. When not in the field assisting with various research projects, I did outreach and communication for their research department. Given the center’s state-of-the-art research on marine life, it was hard to go wrong in disseminating their work. It simply sold itself, yet I wanted to contribute in my own way to build their identity. As tempting as it might be to only photograph the wildlife and beautiful landscapes, what interested me were the researchers who were trying to better understand the species inhabiting their unique environments. Was there a way to capture both? These were impassioned people dedicated to important things like species diversity, ecosystem-based approaches, and biogeography — not to mention that they use some of the most sophisticated technological equipment to help answer their questions. Clearly, each had stories to tell because of the wildlife they study, but it was the how and why that captured my interest. It seemed to me that, if directed in the right way, scientists could market their research to other avenues of funding by telling their stories visually and dramatically. In fact, some grant proposals have built-in educational awards for research to better disseminate their work. It was clear that the next step was to turn my lens onto the scientists themselves. This was the impetus to start Wildlife Research Images in 2009.

to experience our nature, wildlife, history, geology, biology, and photography. So, through research photography, I was able to carve something unique into Alaska’s photography market. Beyond capturing research, I also have a penchant for nature photography in general. Alaska, Russia, and New Zealand — all places where I have shot professionally over the past 10 years — offer spectacular scenery, but one must think outside the box to create images that appeal to various audiences. It’s important to stay relevant and constantly push the envelope with new photographic techniques both in camera and in post-processing. My favorite wildlife shots include weather and landscape. These animals endure extreme environments, so I look to illustrate the raw, visceral side of nature that sometimes goes unseen. Additionally, for landscapes, I like to use special filters that enable longer exposures, creating more dramatic lighting and something that not even Photoshop could recreate. I’ve benefited from incredible direction and guidance from several prominent professionals from the Lower 48. Recently, I connected with Robert O’Toole and David Fitzsimmons while they were on separate assignments in Alaska. Fellow Colgate alumnus R.J. Kern ’00, whose portrait photography is some of the best in the States, exposed me to his field and techniques that have proven invaluable for recent assignments. Luckily, having traveled the majority of Alaska’s coastline over the past 10 years, I had a little insight to help them out, too. Reminiscent of my tour guide duties at Colgate, part of the fun is that I’m able to help other shutterbugs looking to walk away with digital recreations of the “land of the Midnight Sun.”


scene: Summer 2013

Glen Alps region, Alaska

BULL-Y? Before photographing moose, make sure you know your exit strategy and be sure to find a tree you can run behind — it might just save your life. More injuries stem from moose encounters than with brown or black bears combined. During autumn rutting season, the stakes are high for a bull moose, and even at my 6'2" frame, I am but a birch sapling in his way from greeting Mrs. Right. Harems are claimed by bulls like the one pictured, while younger males try to sneak in, which often leads to clamorous, breathtaking battles. When two 1,000-lb. animals clash, my finger is shaky on the shutter release, with condensation building on the back of the LCD screen from my heavy breath. Once, two bulls decided to take their fight to where I was photographing. I dropped my gear and jumped into the brush to my right. I felt one moose’s breath on my face, and yet somehow, my only concern was my camera not getting trampled.

Lovushki Island, Russia

HUNGRY EYES Seeking refuge from dismal weather, our vessel and team of biologists happened upon a stark, volcanic island providing a reprieve from the wind and elevated sea state. When we came ashore, we were greeted by this Arctic fox subspecies. After an initial inquiry about us human visitors, it marked its territory and quickly ran off. Thinking that it would return, we slabbed some peanut butter where it had been. Much to our amusement, it ignored our baiting attempts and returned of its own volition. As I looked into its eyes, it was clear that this animal was a survivor, scavenger, and above all, had a countenance that mirrored its own environment. I have come across numerous Arctic fox, but none as memorable as this one.

Western side of Cook Inlet, Alaska

LANDING ZONE Have you ever been knocked down by a bald eagle? It’s something that cannot be scripted, but several years ago, it happened to me, and I became the “wing” of every joke my colleagues could think of. Fast forward to this year. I think I finally understand where and when to position myself for better eagle shots. This adult is about to land on a perch atop a sandy beach. It always amazes me that our national bird, so majestic in flight, has a call so unlike its regality. If I were to say that it’s a chirping sound, many might question that — television has sensationalized it to sound more like that of a red-tailed hawk. Luckily, the eagle population in Alaska is considerably robust — in some places like Dutch Harbor and Kodiak even considered a nuisance — so hearing an eagle’s call is as commonplace as moose crossing the busy streets of Anchorage.

Palmer, Alaska

In recent years, there have been reports of great gray owls within the Anchorage city limits, due to the efforts of the Bird TLC rehabilitation center. I got a tip that one was regularly perching in a fairly accessible spot north of town. Seeing him on a feeble branch, I knew he was likely to seek a new perch. Little did I know he would decide to fly right over my head. I felt the rush of air from his wings, and as I tell the tale, I can almost feel the talons graze the button on top of my hat. Reviewing my photos, the owl was so close that my lens could not even focus on it at one point.

Petrified Forest beach, South Island, New Zealand

WISHFUL THINKING Yellow-eyed penguins are perhaps the rarest species of penguin in the world, with only about 1,500 existing breeding pairs. Visitors are not allowed to walk on beaches where they are known to nest during dawn and dusk, when they typically return from foraging at sea. This particular penguin did not get the memo. At high noon, it came bounding out of the water approximately 20 feet from me. Fortunately, with a faint hope of encountering such a special moment, I’d lugged my long lens with me. As it hopped along toward its nest, my eye was glued to the viewfinder. After a few clicks of the shutter, I realized that one wrong step could devastate their diminished numbers, so I put my camera down and watched one of nature’s moments jump on by.

Cook Inlet, Alaska

With mud caked on my camera gear and Xtra-Tufs, the sole silhouette upon miles of coastline, I was the only one who heard applause as the midnight sun began its descent. Completely alone in this great expanse, yet only two miles from a city, I took this photograph along the Cook Inlet mudflats, which has some of the largest tidal fluxes in the world. The marsh-like topography draws many different species of seabirds, the occasional moose, and bear looking for marine treasures. These mudflats and I have a love-hate relationship. Every time I venture there, I either don’t find what I’m looking for but end up pleasantly surprised, or something happens to me or my gear. Fortunately, this particular photo fell into the former scenario. Hoping to photograph migrating sandhill cranes, I was instead able to capture the fluid motion of the cirrus clouds in an eight-minute exposure, a photographic technique that requires special filters and cannot be replicated with software like Photoshop.

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FOR THE DUCKS Built specifically for captive sea birds, the Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC) holding facility maintains flocks of Steller’s and spectacled eiders — both on the endangered species list and some of Alaska’s rarest birds. ASLC scientists have been trying to determine the cause of their decline and methods to enhance wild populations. Unlike many aquaria, they study captive animals to better understand the wild ones. Their research and conservation efforts since 2001, which include collaborations from all over the United States and abroad, have become one of the center’s most successful programs. In my years working there, this was the only time I was allowed with the captive flocks. Images like this one and “Avian Regality” are rare glimpses of environmentally sensitive species that have federal, state, and other organizations working ’round the clock to help restore their populations.

AVIAN REGALITY One of few bird species to have blue eyes, spectacled eider males are a colorful fixture in the western Alaska wetlands — or used to be. In 1993, spectacled eiders were listed as threatened in Alaska, and have suffered a 96 percent decline along the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. Recovery plans have been put in place by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect remaining wild populations and their habitat.

Featured in Audubon magazine’s March–April 2013 “Why Birds Matter” issue and one of its top 100 photos of 2012

FIRST SWIM Only an hour or so old, this walrus calf is being persuaded by its mother to enter the water, perhaps for the first time. I was with a U.S. Geological Survey–led team of scientists in an open skiff off the western coast of Alaska when we happened upon them. When I asked chief scientist Dr. Chad Jay what the red “stuff” on the ice was, he smiled and replied, “That’s the placenta.” As our skiff idled by, we were utterly silent except for my camera’s second shutter curtain closing. The mother gently coaxed her youngster by touching vibrissae, giving a quick guttural vocalization, and sliding slowly into the water. First, the calf balked at entering the frigid Bering Sea, but mom knows best, and soon, it followed suit. The scene lasted all of three minutes, but will resonate with me for years.


scene: Summer 2013

BOTTLED RECOVERY This two-week-old sea otter pup was found stranded in Kachemak Bay. With more than 47,000 miles of coastline, Alaska’s stranding network tends to be quite busy. The ASLC Rescue and Rehabilitation Program brings in marine animals and seabirds (whether stranded due to weather, disease, abandonment, or other causes) and, through rehabilitation and research, attempts to return them to their natural environments. But, walrus calves and sea otter pups cannot return to the wild; once stranded, they become entirely dependent upon people like Stranding Coordinator Tim Lebling (one of the most respected in the country) for the duration of their lives. Sea otter pups at ASLC receive 24-hour care: feeding, bathing, and grooming just as the mother would. After 12 years of nursing countless animals back to health, this year, Tim is putting down the bottle to pursue other endeavors. This photo was a tribute to his career as a man of impact and character. Activities conducted under Letter of Authorization from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

THE PHOTO HUNTER Brendan Smith ’02, founder of Wildlife Research Images and Alaskan Portraits in Anchorage, has assisted with marine-related research along the Alaskan coastline (including the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering Seas), the Russian Far East, and British Columbia, Canada. He’s worked with several marine-mammal research organizations, the Alaska SeaLife Center, Norseman Maritime Charters, U.S. Geological Survey, and the Marine Mammal Research Unit at University of British Columbia, as well as National Geographic and the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. His award-winning nature photography has been featured in the Journal of Marine Mammal Science, books, newspapers, and two galleries in Anchorage and by the National Wildlife Federation and various marine research organizations. Two of his photos were named to the top 100 for 2012 in Audubon Magazine. He recently returned from an assignment in the Northwest Arctic photographing remote Alaskan Native communities. Also a graphic and web designer, he lives in Anchorage with his wife, Melodie Sharon. PEBBLES Yakutat, Alaska, is home to one of the rainiest climates in the United States, a $10 gallon of milk, and $12 gallon of gas. The town is situated across the bay from America’s second-largest peak, Mt. St. Elias, whose bear population probably rivals that of their human neighbors. This is a place where, if you forget something from home, you are out of luck. That’s exactly what happened to me with this photo op. I wanted to use a technique that defies most conventional photography, a two-minute exposure in mid-day using a specialized filter akin to a welder’s mask glass. Luckily, I’d brought mine with me, but I forgot my tripod mount. Channeling my inner MacGyver, I rigged something with the gear I had and held my breath. The result is one of my favorite landscape shots I have taken to date.

See more of Smith’s photos at scenephotohunter or on his website at

News and views for the Colgate community



scene: Summer 2013

Ashlee Eve ’14

News and views for the Colgate community


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Colgate Reads We’re looking for 2,013 bookworms to join Colgate Reads, our new literary discussion group! To sign up and be counted, go to colgatereads. You’ll be able to download George Saunders’s short story “Tenth of December,” receive an invitation to an online book forum, and watch a live Q&A session with the author on September 9. You’ll also find information on how to join the audience either online or in person when Saunders reads at Colgate’s Memorial Chapel on September 10. Sign up today, and tell your friends.

The Office of Alumni Relations is pleased to offer many ways for alumni to stay in touch with each other, and with Colgate! E-mail me with questions or concerns at tmansfield@ — Tim Mansfield, director of alumni relations Questions? Contact alumni relations: 315-228-7433 or


scene: Summer 2013

The New York Times calls Tenth of December “the best book you’ll read this year.” To find out for yourself what the buzz is about, read the title story or the whole book.



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Picture yourself behind this book! Be one of 2,013 Colgate readers in 2013.


Project 13 This photographic celebration of our lucky number continues. Colgate people have submitted photos of the number 13 from all around the world — so, the alumni office has created a second volume. Send your pictures to, and see our growing gallery at project13.


Come home Homecoming 2013 (Sept. 19–22) will feature not only a bonfire and a rowdy football game vs. Yale, but also a concert, group reunion tents, and much more. It’s a weekend full of Division I Colgate spirit, and you’re cordially invited. Visit for more details and to see a growing list of activities.

Picture this Stunning Colgate University photography is just a click away. Visit to view our galleries and order customized photographic prints in a variety of sizes. Bring home images you’ve seen in the Colgate Scene and other university publications as well as scenic views from around one of America’s most beautiful campuses. Career services seeks … you Help introduce students to possible careers and the world of work by hosting a one-day job shadow over winter break during A Day in the Life — visit for details. Or, if you’d like to consider top-tier Colgate undergraduates as interns and full-time employees, send your organization’s job postings and hiring manager contact information (at least three weeks prior to deadlines) to Keith Watkins, recruiting coordinator, at

Join the Year of ’13 Movie Contest The popcorn is buttered, the soda is fizzing, and the Junior Mints look refreshing. Now, Joe Berlinger ’83, Jay Chandrasekhar ’90, Zoe Friedman ’89, and Grant Slater ’90 are ready to watch your movie. Have you always dreamed of putting your work in front of a panel of entertainment industry insiders? To find out about the contest that could give you the break you’ve been seeking, visit yearof13movie.

Alumni Council Call for nominations The nominations committee of the Alumni Council seeks recommendations for this 55-member volunteer board. Each year, 11 to 13 positions are filled. For a full list of qualifications, visit The awards committee also seeks nominations from the classes ending in 4 and 9 for awards to be presented at Reunion 2014. A full list of categories can be found at Send nominations by Sept. 1, 2013, to: Tim Mansfield, executive secretary, Colgate University, 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, N.Y., 13346. For guidelines and more information, visit


Think Inside the Box

As in sudoku, use logic to fill each of the eight squares in each row, column, and two-by-four box of this grid with a different letter in THINKERS. When you’re done, a bonus eight-letter word will be spelled out in one row, column, or diagonal of the grid. See page 59 for the answer key.

“As I drove into Hamilton with my parents on the way to the Colgate Inn, a bunch of guys ran out of Phi Tau and threw a guy into Taylor Lake.” — Erica Schrader ’00 “That it was snowing in April and I still loved it.” — Hillary Phelps ’03 “Students and dogs jumping in the windows of the Colgate Inn, which was under renovation.” — Cathy McCartan ’77

Slices A pictorial contest, in homage to the nickname of New York Pizzeria, the late-night Village of Hamilton hot spot serving the Colgate community for more than three decades — one plain slice at a time. Making a splash! What’s going on here? Write a caption for this photo, correctly identifying this Colgate tradition of old. Bonus points if you can name the year. Extra bonus points if you can name the student about to take a swim! Send in your answer about this “slice” of Colgate to or attn: Colgate Scene, 13 Oak Dr., Hamilton, N.Y., 13346. Correct responses received by Sept. 6, 2013, will be put into a drawing for a Slices T-shirt.

scene: Summer 2013

For many students and alumni, their first visit to Colgate seems like yesterday. After all, who could forget the glow of the chapel’s cupola, the close-knit community and charm of Hamilton, or maybe more likely, the never-ending trek up the hill. We asked on Facebook what alumni remember most about their first visit. The responses show how many ways there are to fall in love with Colgate at first sight. — Laura D’Angelo ’14 “Walking up the hill with my duffle bag and pillow as I was spending the weekend on campus, when a student passed by and said “Welcome Home.” I knew it was my school in that moment.” — Gail (Peck) Rauner ’88

Puzzle by Puzzability



“First visit post-acceptance (summer of 1987) I met the woman who would become my wife; she was the tour guide.” — Derrick Wilborn ’91 “All the cute guys with their shirts off playing football on Whitnall Field in 1972.” — Valerie Avedon Gardiner ’76 “Tollhouse Pie. A big portion of the reason why I chose Colgate!” — Athena Feldshon ’14

Do you have a reminiscence for Rewind? Send your submission of short prose, poetry, or a photograph with a description to

Above: Beachy classic rock and Bayside fare brought good vibrations for Brad Taft (left), unit supervisor for the Coop, and Mike Stagnaro, executive chef at Frank Dining Hall, at Sodexo’s music-themed Chefs’ Fare competition. The event pitted chefs from local colleges against each other — alas, Colgate lost to the heavy metal thunder of Le Moyne. Photo by Janna Minehart ’13 Back cover: The Persson Hall bridge at sunset. Photo by Tommy Brown ’79

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scene: Colgate University

13 Oak Drive Hamilton, NY 13346-1398



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