Eat, Love, Get Pregnant:A Couple's Guide To Boosting Fertility and Having A Healthy Baby!

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Love Get Pregnant A Couples Guide To Boosting Fertility & Having A Healthy Baby

Ivy League Press New York, NY 10021


Love Get Pregnant To Eat ‌ means not just to fill your tummy with nutritious foods, but to fill your heart and your soul with the positive emotions that make the world a better place to be.

To Love‌ means to not just love each other, but to love yourself, and to share your love freely and unconditionally with the new life you are about to create.

To Get Pregnant ‌ means to not just conceive, but to fill your hearts and your life with the new found joy of creating a family - your family - the most important thing there is in life.

Eat - Love - Get Pregnant

Whether you’ve just started thinking about getting pregnant …. Or you’ve been trying for a while … Whether you want to get pregnant naturally … Or you want to increase the success of your next IVF, ICSI or insemination… If you simply want to get pregnant quickly and have the healthiest baby possible ….

Then Eat - Love - GET PREGNANT - is the book for you ! Renowned fertility expert Dr. Niels Lauersen & women’s wellness expert Colette Bouchez help readers take charge of their fertility with a revolutionary new self-help plan designed to show couples how to work together to boost their conception odds, plan for a healthy pregnancy, & get pregnant faster – all without the use of expensive fertility treatments or medications. Based on scientific research & tested on thousands of couples Eat-Love- GET PREGNANT is a simple yet revolutionary plan that provides the quintessential “missing link ” absent from most other fertility programs – namely, the importance of not only boosting both male and female fertility simultaneously, but also brand new evidence showing how, when couples work together in certain special and unique ways, they can create a unified “fertility power boost” strong enough to take them from infertile to fertile in as little as three months. ·

For those thinking about getting pregnant it’s the planning tool that will help ensure not just pregnancy success but a healthy baby.


For those already trying to conceive it’s a way to give their fertility a power boost and get pregnant faster.


For those already working with a fertility doctor, the secrets in Eat- Love- GET PREGNANT will dramatically increase their chances for pregnancy success!

By Niels Lauersen, MD & Colette Bouchez

Filled to the brim with new discoveries and exciting “A Ha !” moments from start to finish, Eat-Love-GET PREGNANT will open your eyes to a whole new way of approaching pregnancy success – whether you are trying to get pregnant on your own, or already working with a fertility doctor.

Indeed, by safely, gently and naturally, guiding couples to the best, scientifically proven ways to take control of their fertility potential, Eat-Love-GET PREGNANT offers both the tools to plan a healthy , successful pregnancy, as well as the power to increase conception odds, get pregnant faster, avoid miscarriage, and give birth to a stronger, happier, healthier baby!

A heartwarming, yet authoratative guide Eat, Love, Get Pregnant is unlike any other fertility book ever written - and it promises to take you and your partner on a journey of self discovery that will help unravel your personal secret formula for getting pregnant. A plan that is so easy and simple to follow you won't believe how quickly your dreams will come true!

Eat - Love - Get Pregnant

* The Couples Approach To Boosting Fertility: What It Is & Why It Works * How To Make Love To Get Pregnant - it’s not what you think! * How Pillow Talk Can Increase Fertility – and what to say to make it happen! * How Your Relationship Affects Your Fertility – and how to make it work for you! * The Secret Behind Orgasm & Getting Pregnant - WOW – wait till you read this!

* How your relationship affects your hormones - and how to optimize both. *Why talking can lead to great sex which in turn can lead to a faster conception! * The sexy couples dance that can boost conception odds. ( it's true!) * The one thing your partner can do for you that almost guarantees a quicker conception!

By Niels Lauersen, MD & Colette Bouchez

But while Eat, Love GET PREGNANT will help shine a light on the importance of working together, as a couple to realize your parenting dreams, you’ll also learn some important “technical” information about getting pregnant that could surprise! For example, did you know that ... * The time of day you make love could significantly boost conception odds by maximizing your partner's sperm count? * Making love every day isn't the best way to get pregnant ... but there are days when it pays to have sex more than once! * Some sex toys can boost your fertility others can keep you from getting pregnant. * Why one of the sexiest things you and your partner can do might actually be keeping you from conceiving.

And do you know … * The one thing you must do after sex if you want to get pregnant faster. * How an ordinary pillow can increase your conception odds. * Why making love this way - helps give sperm an extra boost. * How to keep the passion alive when sex ends up on the fertility “To Do” list.

But this is just the beginning …

Eat - Love - Get Pregnant

And we have the diet for baby making success! While Eat-Love-GET PREGNANT is clearly a couple’s guide, our advice doesn’t just apply to the bedroom! Indeed, what you and your partner can accomplish at the “kitchen table” can more than double the success of whatever baby-making efforts that take place in the bedroom!

Some of the new information you and your partner will discover : * The Six Fertility Foods That Boost Fertility Immediately! * The Six Foods That Can Keep You From Conceiving * The One Type of Fish That Can Help You Get Pregnant * How Ice Cream Can Boost Your Fertility * The Fertility Salad: Veggies That Can Help You Conceive * The Carbohydrates That Hate Sperm ! * The one food every woman MUST eat to get pregnant! * The one "healthy fat" that every woman must eat to have a healthy baby . * Why eliminating just one common snack food can triple your chances for getting pregnant! * The foods that can increase the success rate of IVF, IUI Insemination or any fertility drug. * Which foods to eat -and which ones to avoid - if you've been diagnosed with "unexplained infertility". * The six foods that can help your body to manufacture more and better quality eggs and get you ovulating on time every month! Plus...which foods can disrupt ovulation, even in healthy women! All totaled, Eat-Love-GET PREGNANT is also an amazing Fertility Diet book, brimming with scientifically proven advice on the foods that really make a difference! But there’s still more …

By Niels Lauersen, MD & Colette Bouchez

Although good nutrition is an important part of getting pregnant, food alone is not the answer. Indeed, for many, studies show that the addition of certain vitamin supplements as well as minerals and even some herbs can also have an important impact on getting pregnant. In Eat-Love-GET PREGNANT you’ll find the very latest clinical studies on supplements that really work! Just some of what you’ll discover includes: * The one vitamin that boosts sperm count in just a matter of days. * The one vitamin found in follicular fluid - and why a shortage can increase your risk of miscarriage. * The one vitamin you should never take - and what to substitute instead. * The 2 nutrient deficiencies that can cause male and female infertility. * The natural herbs shown to boost male fertiilty. * The one “health food supplement” men and women should avoid while trying to conceive. * 8 Natural Fertility Boosters for women. * Omega 3 supplements : Why you must have them for a healthy conception. * The “secret” fertility nutrient that can double your conception odds. * Fertility Supplements: Which ones really work- and which ones to avoid. PLUS: - How a beach vacation can boost male fertility, increase sperm count and help you get pregnant faster! The secret …is in what you get from the sun!

Eat - Love - Get Pregnant

Lifestyle & Fertility From how much you exercise, to how much you sleep at night, to how much tension you face every day, the latest science shows that a couple’s lifestyle can play a huge part in how quickly and easily they conceive! That’s why in Eat- Love-GET PREGNANT you’ll find the very latest information on the lifestyle factors that impact fertility and the easy, simple ways to protect against harm!

Some of what you’ll discover … * How weight affects fertility. * Too skinny to get pregnant? Find out! * Metabolism and infertility: How To Avoid Problems * The 6 exercises that increase male & female fertility -and what you should avoid.

* Why yoga can help male * How taking a nap can help you get pregnant faster - Why adding just one hour a sleep a night can increase male and female fertility - How the night shift affects fertility - How sleep affects reproductive hormones

& female fertility - and why it’s the best exercise to help you get pregnant!

By Niels Lauersen, MD & Colette Bouchez

How chanting, meditation, even prayer can impact the hormones necessary for conception! Discover the why acupuncture works to improve fertility -and how reducing stress levels can take you from infertile to fertile in 3 months or less! What’s more harmful to your fertility - caffeine, sugar, alcohol or peanuts? The answer will surprise you! PLUS: How second hand smoke affects fertility - what cigarettes do to sperm - the common pain relievers that can stop ovulation - the allergy drugs that impact conception - prescription drugs that interfere with getting pregnant, how to protect your fertility from the environment - and more!

* How pillow talk enhances fertility. * How sharing your feelings can impact your reproductive hormones. * Dealing with infertility anger in a positive way * Why it’s okay to be jealous/angry/sad when you can’t conceive. * How sharing your feelings with your partner can help you get pregnant.

Eat - Love - Get Pregnant

The most complete guide to

Getting Pregnant you can own! Whether you’re just beginning your journey to parenthood - or you’ve already been trying for a while, Eat- Love- GET PREGNANT will put you on the right path to not only getting pregnant faster and easier - but helping to ensure the healthiest conception possible!

Tested on thousands of couples just like you, we promise that the Eat-Love-GET PREGNANT Fertility Boosting Plan is like nothing you’ve ever tried before! In fact, we’re so sure that you will discover a ton of brand new things about getting pregnant - and brand new ways to increase your fertility - that if you’re not satisfied, just return the book within 30 days for a full money-back guarantee! No questions asked!

Still not convinced? Flip the page to find the full Tableof-Contents - PLUS A FREE Sample Chapter - AND a special discount coupon for a full 25% off the retail price!

By Niels Lauersen, MD & Colette Bouchez


Eat, Love Get Pregnant A Couple’s Guide To Boosting Fertility & Having A Healthy Baby By Niels H. Lauersen, M.D., Ph.D & Colette Bouchez

Eat - Love - Get Pregnant


Eat, G et Pregnant A Couple’s Guide To Boosting Fertility & Having A Healthy Baby By Niels H. Lauersen, M.D, Ph.D & Colette Bouchez


INTRODUCTION EAT, LOVE, GET PREGNANT: A BREAKTHROUGH COUPLES GUIDE TO INCREASING FERTILITY Working As A Team To Get Pregnant Faster - Why I Wrote This Book & How It Can Help You - A Breakthrough Couples Guide To Getting Pregnant


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UNDERSTANDING YOUR FERTILITY WHAT EVERY COUPLE NEEDS TO KNOW -Life Begins With Hormones – How Your Brain Helps You Get Pregnant – How Your Body Prepares You For Conception - Introducing Sperm To Egg - When Pregnancy Doesn’t Happen: What Can Go Wrong - Why A Woman Doesn’t Get Pregnant - What Blocks A Man’s Fertility - The Good News: You Will Get Pregnant!

By Niels Lauersen, MD & Colette Bouchez


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EAT SMART & GET PREGNANT EASIER: HOW FOOD CAN BOOST YOUR FERTILITY -Foods That Boost Fertility – Fruits, Vegetables & Conception - PhytoNutrients: The Secret Fertility Foods - What To Eat To Get Pregnant – Super Food Protection With Antioxidants – Explaining Unexplained Infertility: The Nutrient Connection - What To Eat To Protect Fertility - The Top 20 Foods High In Antioxidants - Six Super Fertility Foods: What Helps The Most


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THE FOODS FOR FERTILITY SUCCESS: COMFORT CARBS, HEALTHY FATS & TASTY PROTEINS -Super Protein Power: What To Eat To Get Pregnant - Beer, Peanuts & Sperm – Lupin: The New Fertility Protein - Ice Cream: The Comfort Food That Can Help You Get Pregnant - Comfort Foods & Cravings: The Fertility Connection - How Sugar Affects Fertility The Carbohydrates That Hate Sperm- The Carbohydrates That Can Help You Get Pregnant - How Fat Can Boost Your Fertility – Omega 3: The Super Fat Fertility Booster - The Fats That Harm Fertility: What To Avoid - Feed Your Fertility & Nurture The One You Love!


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THE FERTILITY POWER BOOSTERS: IT’S VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS Understanding Vitamins – Super Fertility Nutrients: The 6 Vitamins You Both Must Have – How A Beach Vacation Can Help You Get Pregnant - Vitamin E & Your Fertility – An Extra Nutrient Boost For Male Fertility - Four Super Nutrients For Male Fertility Vitamins & Diet: An Inseparable Couple


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NATURE’S RECIPE FOR BOOSTING FERTILITY: HERBS & SUPPLEMENTS THAT HELP YOU GET PREGNANT 8 Natural Fertility Boosters For Women - The 4 Most Important Herbs For Male Fertility - Boost Male & Female Fertility With Omega 3 Supplements - How Flax Seed Can Help You Get Pregnant - The Fertility Nutrient: CoQ10 - Fertility Blend & Other Support Supplements: What You Must Know –

Eat - Love - Get Pregnant


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How Weight Affects Fertility – Are You Too Skinny To Get Pregnant? - Hormones Weight and Female Fertility – Weight & Male Fertility - Belly Fat: How It Affects Male & Female Fertility – Hot Testicles, A Beer Belly & Male Fertility:What You Must Know - Boxers Vs. Briefs - Body Mass Index and Fertility Risks - How Exercise Can Help You Get Pregnant - Metabolism & Fertility – Working Out Together Increases Fertility Benefits - Exercise & Sex - The Exercises That Boost Fertility -


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SLEEP, RELAX, GET PREGNANT: THE WINNING FORMULA! How Stress Affects Fertility –Stress & The Anti-Fertility Hormone – Women, Work & Infertility – The Stress of Trying To Get Pregnant – Stress & Miscarriage: New Links Everyday Stress: How To Keep It From Harming Your Fertility – Combating Your Silent Stresses - Sleep, Stress & Getting Pregnant - Working The Infertility Shift? How Night Work Affects Conception – Fertility Stress Relief: East Meets West - How Yoga Helps Male & Female Fertility - Prayer, Meditation, Chanting & Getting Pregnant - Reduce Stress, Get Pregnant Easier.


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EVERY DAY WAYS TO INCREASE FERTILITY: HOW LIFESTYLE CHOICES AFFECT GETTING PREGNANT Sound The Smoke Alarm: Cigarettes & Fertility – Men, Smoking and Fertility – Second Hand Smoke & Getting Pregnant - How Smokers Can Increase Their Fertility Odds Martinis, Beer, Wine & Conception - Alcohol & Male Fertility: Which Drinks Do The Most Damage - Reversing Alcohol’s Effects - Coffee, Soda, Tea & Fertility: How Caffeine Affects Conception - Have Your Caffeine & Still Get Pregnant - Prescription Drugs That Impact Fertility - Pain Medications & Female Fertility – Baby Aspirin: The Secret Fertility Remedy – Recreational Drugs & Fertility – Steroids & Fertility

By Niels Lauersen, MD & Colette Bouchez



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THE SECRETS TO MAKING LOVE & MAKING BABIES Making Love & Making Babies: What You Must Know - Making Love At The Right Time - The Secret To Ovulation Prediction – How Your Body Temperature Predicts Ovulation - Cervical Changes & Ovulation – Ovulation Predictor Kits – The Saliva Test for Ovulation – Ova Cue Test - The Secret To Using Fertility Monitors - Ovulation Prediction Advice


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YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO BABY MAKING SEX Having Sex, Making Babies: How To Make It Happen Faster - Wild Sex and Getting Pregnant - Orgasm and Getting Pregnant - Morning Sex vs. Night Sex: Which Is Better For Pregnancy? – Lying Still After Sex: How It Helps – Can You Have Too Much Sex? The Scent of Fertility: How To Encourage Pregnancy Naturally - Allergy Drugs, Sex & Getting Pregnant - Oral Sex & Fertility – Sex Toys and Getting Pregnant – Lubricants, Massage Oils and Fertility – Douching and Fertility - Viagra & Conception - How To Conceive A Girl – How To Conceive A Boy - Keeping The Passion Alive.


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LET’S TALK: CONCEPTION & CONVERSATION How Emotions Affect Conception – Intimacy, Communication & Conception: What Every Couple Must Know - Dealing With Fertility Anger: What To Do –What If : When It’s Your Partner’s Fault - Getting Pregnant & Breaking The Cycle of Guilt – Sharing The Road Ahead


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TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR FERTILITY & GET PREGNANT FAST! Taking Charge of Your Fertility – 5 Most Common Medical Problems To Affect Fertility - Endometriosis & Getting Pregnant - Thyroid Disorder and Conception – Getting Pregnant With PCOS - How Infections Influence Fertility – Wheat Allergy, Celiac’s Disease and Getting Pregnant - The Medical Problems That Affect Male Fertility - Eat, Love & Get Pregnant: The Keys To Success


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Eat - Love - Get Pregnant


Eat, Love, Get Pregnant:

A Couples Guide


iscovering you are pregnant, and giving birth to a child, are two of life’s greatest joys. For a man and woman to share their love in this special and unique way doesn’t just make the world go round, it makes our individual world the special place it is. To share our love not just with our partner, but with our children is, indeed, a gift that is beyond compare. For some of you reading this book, giving and receiving this special gift will be easy. Within a few months of “trying” you will be blessed with the news that you are pregnant – bringing new joy and new meaning to your life.

By Niels Lauersen, MD & Colette Bouchez

For others, however, things may not go exactly as planned. For some it may simply take a little bit longer than normal to conceive – you probably know by now, that Mother Nature has her own time-table, and it’s never the same for any two couples! For still others, however, the “pregnancy timetable” may begin to extend much further than you could have imagined. Weeks of hopefulness can turn into months of trying, and still no pregnancy occurs. And you begin to wonder … “Could something really be wrong – will I ever get pregnant?” But no matter what point you are in your pregnancy journey – just starting out, trying for several months, or unsuccessful at trying for 6, 8, 10 months or more what you will discover in this book can and will change your life. ·

If you are just beginning your journey towards parenting, what you will learn in this book will not only save you time and help you conceive faster and easier, but also help insure you have a healthier baby.


If you have been trying for a while – and getting a bit frustrated because you are not getting pregnant, this unique guide will shine the light on the simple, easy ways to identify the small lifestyle and nutritional changes that can speed up the process – and get you quickly and safely on the road to conception, and having a healthy baby.


If you have been trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant for an extended period of time, and have grown weary and frightened that you will never conceive, this book will help you assess and evaluate your personal pregnancy obstacles and teach you how to remove them and improve your fertility– so you can conceive, and give birth to a healthy, happy, smart baby sooner than you realize.

How can I make you these promises – and be so certain they can come true? Because the guidelines featured in this book have already been tested and proven to work on thousands of couples at my own Park Avenue fertility center in New York City – and at the clinics of many of my colleagues around the world. Certainly, if you or your partner have a serious, physiological problem standing in the way – such as blocked fallopian tube or the inability to manufacture healthy sperm – the information in this book will be extremely helpful, but it may not be

Eat - Love - Get Pregnant

quite enough to complete your journey to parenthood. For this you may need some medical treatment to overcome the specific medical problems that could be standing in your way. And the good news is that everything you will discover in this book will help maximize your fertility in ways that will encourage the success of any medical treatment you receive. That said, I can promise that for the vast majority of you reading this book, the information you will discover - on diet, lifestyle, nutrition, natural and Chinese herbal formulas, as well as how to solve the simple medical problems that stand in the way of pregnancy – can and will make the difference between infertility and fertility. And when it comes to giving birth to your beautiful new baby, well these same suggestions will help ensure you will have the smartest, healthiest, baby possible!

How My Plan Can Help You Throughout my 40 year career in medicine I have treated tens of thousands of patients just like you –and I have delivered more “miracle” babies than you can imagine often to couples who believed they never would conceive. Indeed, with each new “miracle birth” came a new story of struggle and frustration, of anger and fear – as many of these couples tried, on their own and sometimes with other doctors to get pregnant - and just could not make it happen. And while each patient is a unique and special individual, yet year after year I could see the success of my treatment plan – as described in this book - unfolding as one, by one, patients who could not get pregnant, or whose every pregnancy ended in miscarriage, were able to give birth to healthy, beautiful babies. As time went on and new research appeared, I was pleased to see that the natural approach which I had personally studied and developed for all these years was also being proven over and over in clinical studies. Moreover, as new research began to appear, providing even more evidence on the power of natural treatments to encourage pregnancy, I began to incorporate these new findings into my treatment plan as well . The end result was a program that could help even more couples to conceive - even when they were told by other doctors there was no hope. Finally, earlier this year, I decided to make this successful program available to everyone – and the idea of Eat, Love, Get Pregnant was born. I chose this title because

By Niels Lauersen, MD & Colette Bouchez

of the simple, yet powerful nature of this plan – a program that is so easy to follow, yet so effective that it will benefit every couple planning to conceive.

A Breakthrough Couples Guide To Getting Pregnant But as proud and as happy as I am to bring you not just the latest research, but the proven aspects of a program that has already helped thousands of couples conceive, I wanted to add still something more to this book – something I found was lacking in nearly all fertility and pregnancy books. And that is, the importance of couples working together, as a team, supporting one another and deepening their bonds of intimacy - and the important role that this too can play in a successful conception. Indeed, what many couples can never realize is that in the course of trying to find the road to parenthood, they detour off the path that led them to each other to begin with. I have seen many loving, soul-mate relationships all but crumble under the weight of trying to have a baby.

Eat - Love - Get Pregnant

But perhaps more important was the recognition that when a couple works together, within the bonds of love and intimacy towards a common goal, they can have a powerful impact on each other’s body chemistry. In fact, it can be an impact so strong that it has the ability to affect their own and their partner’s fertility in myriad ways. From hormonal activity controlling ovulation to brain chemistry controlling sperm production, you would be astounded at all the ways in which your relationship affects so many aspects of your health and your fertility. For all these reasons, I have created Eat, Love, Get Pregnant to be a true “couples” guide to getting pregnant – a plan that was created to be read and shared by the both of you. It is a lifestyle plan that incorporates not just your individual bodies, but your relationship as a whole, including how you eat, how you play, and how you share your love. Certainly you will find sections of this book that apply just to male fertility or female fertility, with specific suggestions according to gender. But what you will also find, as a theme running throughout this book is the importance of your relationship and your love, as it pertains to getting pregnant. For this reason it is my hope that not only will you and your partner read this book together, but that Eat, Love, Get Pregnant will help strengthen the bonds between you – and help you to always remember the real reason you wanted to have a baby to begin with: To show your love for one another by creating another wonderful human being to complete your life together.

By Niels Lauersen, MD & Colette Bouchez

Available at And coming to fine bookstores nationwide soon!

About The Authors : Niels Lauersen, MD, PhD

In private practice for more than 30 years, Dr. Niels Lauersen founded the New York Medical Center for Reproductive Technology in 1984 to meet the growing needs of the thousands of patients from the United States and abroad who sought his expertise every year. As a board certified obstetrician/gynecologist, as well as a surgeon, Dr. Lauersen became world-renowned for his expertise in the management of high risk pregnancy, the treatment of endometriosis, PMS, & hormone imbalances as well as the development of fertility - sparing surgeries to avoid hysterectomy. As a fertility expert, he was a founding member of the New York Society for Reproductive Medicine and among the first private physicians in the New York area to offer a full range of infertility treatments, including IVF, GIFT, and the newest ICSI , at his prestigious Park Avenue fertility center. Educated in his native Denmark , Dr. Lauersen received his American medical training at New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, where he continued to do research and clinical patient management and held a professorship in Obstetrics and Gynecology. His academic career expanded, to include professorships at both the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine and New York Medical College. In addition to his private practice, he was also on the clinical staff of Mt Sinai Hospital, Lenox Hill Hospital, and St. Vincent’s Medical Center, all in New York City. During his active practice career, Dr. Lauersen was a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and a member of the American Medical Association, the Society For Gynecological Investigation, The American Fertility Society, and the NY Obstetrical & Gynecological Society. As the author of 14 books on women’s health care, including the international best selling fertility book Getting Pregnant, Dr. Lauersen has published more than 100 hundred scientific medical papers, and wrote and edited several medical textbooks. He has lectured extensively throughout the world and appeared on numerous national television and radio shows including those hosted by Oprah Winfrey, Joan Hamburg, Regis Philbin, Phil Donahue, Sally Jessy Raphael, Maury Povitch and Geraldo Rivera. He has been featured in articles in newspapers and magazines worldwide including Time Magazine, The New York Times, New York Magazine, The NY Daily News, People Magazine, The Los Angeles Times and others. Currently, he is the medical director of, one of the leading fertility and pregnancy web sites as well as a principal in a medical publishing firm. He also a consultant on the use of natural treatments in both men and women's health. Dr. Lauersen also holds a European medical license for practice in the European Union.

About The Authors : Colette Bouchez

As the author of 10 books on women's health and beauty , including an international best seller, and as founding editor of, Colette Bouchez has become one of the most widely read journalists on the Internet. There are currently more than 100,000 pages of references to her work in major search engines, resulting in more than 1 million individual articles and book excerpts. As the Editorial Director of ElleMediaNetwork, she is responsible for the editorial content and production of 14 web sites on health, beauty and style. As the former content producer for WebMD’s women's health, Ms. Bouchez was responsible for conceptualizing and creating content for some 35 million new and unique website readers every month. Currently Ms. Bouchez is a health and beauty columnist for - National Edition where her weekly reports are seen by 22 million readers nationwide. As a journalist Ms. Bouchez's work has been honored by many major medical organizations including: The American Cancer Society, ·The American Academy of Dermatology, The American College of Colon Surgeons, The Coalition of Breast Cancer Organizations, The Multiple Sclerosis Society, and Columbia School of Journalism for her health coverage following the aftermath of 9-11. In 1996 she was the writer on the award winning WNBC TV team that produced a seven day report on breast cancer, taking the Emmy for best news documentary. In 1997 she was one of only a small number of journalists ever to be offered a fellowship at the University of Virginia College of Medicine. In addition to her professional journalism memberships, in 2001 Ms. Bouchez became one of only a select few journalists to be admitted to the prestigious AMWA -American Medical Women's Association -the division of the AMA (American Medical Association) that honors female physicians and researchers. Her reporting experience spans more than two decades and includes 14 years as senior medical reporter for the NY Daily News , founding member of the Health Day News Service and content producer for WebMD. She continues to be a contributing editor to major media including magazines published by the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists. Experience also includes writing CME (continuing medical education) updates for the Excerpta Medica Publishing Group which helped prepare physicians for CME exams. Ms. Bouchez is also a medical/legal consultant for the prestigious law firm of Gerald Shargel and Associates where her medical research and data has often been used in the defense during numerous high profile murder trials

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