Community Engagement Newsletter - March 2011

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March 2011

The South West Fife Community Engagement Newsletter OPERATION KRAKEN Operation Kraken is a national police, maritime crime and counter terrorism initiative to protect the waters of the UK. Fife Constabulary are currently running a South West Fife pilot scheme with a view to it being implemented Force Wide. It is a mechanism for reporting and sharing information in relation to any unusual activity or behaviour within the maritime environment. It is aimed at enhancing community engagement, increase intelligence gathering, improved crime prevention and to identify and prevent any potential acts linked to acts or preparatory acts of terrorism. The purpose is to encourage the general public and ports community to be observant and report any suspicious or unusual behaviour. Members who are registered with Project Kraken receive timely information updates by email, and a quarterly newsletter providing a summary of national and international incidents that might be of interest. The main stakeholders also meet bi-annually to discuss any current developments and to improve communication between partner agencies. If you know of any parties with any connection to our coastal environment please encourage them to register with Operation Kraken. Full details and a registration form can be obtained by contacting

MOTORBIKES As the better weather and lighter nights arrive we are starting to receive calls about off-road motorbikes being used in areas they should not be. Any body using a motorbike off road requires the permission of the landowner to ride a motorbike there. The likelihood is that anyone riding a motorbike in woods, footpaths, playing fields, etc. is doing so illegally. If the Police are able to identify a person who is riding a motorbike off-road and causing a nuisance it may be possible to have a anti-social behaviour notice placed on the motorbike, which means if that motorbike is found in similar circumstances irrespective of who the rider is, the motorbike can be seized by the Police. The very nature of a motorbike and the fact that most riders wear helmets can make it difficult to either catch someone in the act or identify the rider. The Police require as much information as possible about both the motorbike and the rider e.g. colour of motorbike and helmet, description of clothing and anything particularly noticeable such as a number of the motorbike.

LIMEKILNS, CHARLESTOWN, PATTIESMUIR, CROMBIE & CAIRNEYHILL Following the Community Engagement Meeting held on Thursday 3rd March at Cairneyhill Primary School, the following policing priorities were selected by members of the public present for the proceeding two month period. 

Youth disorder on Northbank Road in Cairneyhill


Youth disorder on Main Street Cairneyhill


Speeding on Main Street Cairneyhill

Since the previous Community Engagement Meeting held in January, there have been no further break-ins to properties in my area. Hopefully through initiatives such as the recent Neighbourhood Watch information meeting held in conjunction with Cairneyhill Community Council and the Operation Nightlight leaflet drop in Cairneyhill, peoples' awareness of domestic dwelling security has increased, helping Police to prevent further break-ins in our area. Regardless I am in the process of distributing Neighbourhood Watch information packs to Crombie and Limekilns Community Councils and hopefully new schemes can be established in these areas for the benefit of its members. At the CEM meeting last night, local residents decided that in light of there being no further break ins recently that this priority be removed. In relation to youth disorder on Northbank Road, Cairneyhill this remains a priority and since January one further youth has been issued with a warning letter in relation to anti-social behaviour. At the CEM meeting last night residents expressed concerns in relation to anti-social behaviour becoming a problem on Main Street Cairneyhill identifying the bus shelter in particular. As a result this becomes a new priority and additional patrols will be carried out. I would also continue to encourage people to report any anti-social behaviour to Police so that we can respond to any incidents and also to enable me to quantify the extent of the problem in future. Speeding on Main Street Cairneyhill has also been chosen as a new priority and I will be following this up with speed gun deployments in the village shortly, potential speeders you have been warned!! On Wednesday 23rd February the surgery was held in the Gellet Hall in Limekilns. I spoke to several residents regarding local concerns and the surgery continues to be an excellent opportunity to meet the local community. A reminder that Cairneyhill youth club is on this week with P6 & 7, S1 youth club on Thursday night 7.45 – 9pm, S2 plus on Friday night 8 – 10pm. Please note that the next Community Engagement Meeting is to be held on Thursday 5th May at 7pm at Cairneyhill Primary School. Your community officer is PC Ryan Hutchison who can be contacted on the telephone number

below or by email at "Fife Constabulary is committed to allowing you to directly influence local policing. You can have your say on local priorities by coming to the community engagement meeting in your area. Contact your local community team on 0845 600 5702 or visit for details of your next meeting."

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