October 2017

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JANE& FINCH October 2017

At the beginning of the year, I had it in my mind to ride the Centurion as a fundraiser for my personal ministry account. During the summer, at our Jane & Finch team prayer meeting, I saw how raising support was weighing heavily upon my team. It was after that meeting that I decided to ride the Centurion to raise money for my team members instead. My goal was $2000. It would only be a small help after being divided among the team, but in my mind, it was a realistic goal and all that I could do. The Centurion itself was lots of fun! It was a joy to ride with my YU family, friends from ETCBC and Spring Garden. In the end, God provided for my team in unexpected ways. I ended up raising $1890; not too far off from my goal. The real surprise came several days after the ride. Our executive director called me up to let me know an anonymous donor had made a huge donation towards my teammates and programing in Jane and Finch. Our prayers for God’s provision had been answered! I hadn’t made the connection until I talked to my spiritual director last week. As she pointed out, there was a similarity to the parable of the loaves and fishes. God took what was given and multiplied it many times over. It was a good reminder to me that in my role that I don’t need to solve everything. I just need to use what I’ve been given in the way that He asks. He will take care of the rest. On the home front, Koon has started a new role at Shopper’s Drug Mart in the Operations department (making sure that the stores are running well). She’s enjoying the new challenges in this role. Graydon is now 15. He has taken up blacksmithing as well as Muay Thai (yes, that’s right, blacksmithing!). He’s been taking old railroad spikes and rebar and forging them into knives and tools. Tristan has just turned 12. He’s still keeping up with karate and has been trying his hand at baseball and ultimate frisbee as well. Koon and I are glad that both the boys have had a strong desire to be part of the youth events at Spring Garden, not just for the fun nights, but for the deeper talks and discussions as well. We want them to know and love Jesus as we do and are blessed that they have this strong connection with the youth ministry at our home church. On Thursday November 2nd, Youth Unlimited is hosting its biennial Friends reception. This year’s theme is “Around the Table. Come. Sit. Share.”. I’ll be one of the YU staff speaking at this event and would love your support. Please come on out to this awesome night. RSVP by emailing me at clee@yugta.ca or calling/texting me at 416-508-7355. If you can’t make it, please be praying for me. I am not looking forward to speaking to such a large crowd of strangers (750-1000!). Please pray that what I share and say will give glory to God and encourage those in attendance to see how God is working in and through the staff of Youth Unlimited. Again, thank you for all your support. Blesings. Clem 416-508-7355 clee@yugta.ca

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