avoidant paruresis - bashful bladder - bashful bladder syndrome

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"I'm so happy I discovered the Paruresis Treatment System, it's made me realize that I'm NOT powerless over my paruresis. I was astounded how effective the techniques in the program actually were, it's been wonderful to finally gain control over my shy bladder for the first time in my life. Now I know I can urinate anywhere, in fact, I know I can do ANYTHING. I wish I would have known all this years ago!"


What would your life be like WITHOUT paruresis? The freedom to go wherever you want to without being concerned about where you’ll go to the bathroom? Ending the struggle that comes with the constant anxiety in the pit of your stomach? Not having to worry about how far you are from home or a "safe" bathroom? Not having to hide your fear from people or be embarrassed? Throwing out your limitations that steal your enjoyment of life? Having the chance to finally focus on work, school, or your family instead of your anxiety about using a public bathroom? Not having to wait until the bathroom is empty, or finding one with privacy barriers or stalls, or making any other sort of accommodation just to do what everyone else seems to do so easily? Never again suffering with a full bladder because you know that no matter how hard you try it will be IMPOSSIBLE to go. Ending the obsessing, anxiety, and even panic attacks that go hand in hand with paruresis. Being able to just breathe out a sigh of relief that it's over... Being terrified to think that if you don’t get help soon you’re going to have to live your whole life with your fear and all the misery that comes with it?

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