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Our design styles are often derived from past art movements that have been developed throughout the years. From Gothic Revival to Postmodernism, past art and design practitioners have left us incredibly important and insightful findings.


In this article, we prepared a series of questions for you to find out the designer inside you. Are you a Postmodernist? Are you a Pop artist? Or are you both? Or none at all? In the end of the quiz, you may find that you do not belong solely to one movement. You may find a little of yourself in different movement.


Describe the aesthetic of your works.

a // I tend to use the simplest and fewest elements in my work to create the maximum effect. Less is more! b // Chrome, metallic materials are the best! c // Holy crosses, pinnacles, and gargoyles. Nuff said. d // No tool is better than our hands! Imperfection is perfection. e // Repeated images in different colors all the way! f // I love exploring different techniques and mediums! Uncertainty is the key to good art!

(It’s okay no one will judge) Choose 1 answer per question. Take note of your chosen answer.


Describe the content of your work.

a // I love collaborating with designers from different practices! b // I love product design for different lifestyles, love it more when people buy my products! c // I exercise my talent in the service of God. d // My works are for improving the lifestyles of people and I am pleased to be at service. e // Modern popular culture and the mass media are often my themes. f // Self expression is as important as the design itself.

How do you like your room?

c // Beautiful arches with medieval carvings. Probably some statues.

What is your colour palette?


of a good design?

What is the most important part

essential! Make ‘em colours POP! f // I use any colour I feel is right.

c // Black. d // Colours inspired by the nature. e // Sharp colours are

e // That it reflects our contemporary culture. f // Living and breathing it.

d // The skill required to create masterwork.

it. Kaching $$$ c // That it retains the elements of past art and design.

a // That it inspires people to improve themselves. b // That people want to buy

f // “room” is purely a subjective statement.

e // I would like a huge painting with my favourite Singer or actor.

d // Has a wall dedicated to the beautiful patterns of flora and fauna.


a // Basic colors RGB are my jam! b // Silver, gold and better yet, chrome!

e // Being popular. f // Myself.

a // It’s a replica of a showroom in IKEA. b // I want everything metallic!


What do you think design is for?

a // Functionality. b // Money! c // Religions. d // Helping the society.


Andy Warhol

what will you do?

It’s the world apocalypse tomorrow,

which art movement you belong to.

you’ve got and it will determine

Count how many As, Bs, Cs etcetera

f // What is life?

Which quotes apply to you best?

Reason, Glorified for centuries, is the most obstinate adversary of thinking.”

f // “Thinking only begins at the point where we have come to know that

human race, he creates.” e // “Art is anything you can get away with.”

but the thoughts of the men of past ages guide his hands; and, as part of the

d // “Memory and imagination help a man as he works. Not only his thoughts,

out of fragments full of imperfection… raise up a stately and unaccusable whole.”

of architecture, that they receive the results of the labour of inferior minds; and

creative.” c // “It is perhaps the principal admirableness of the Gothic schools

we leaped for the mechanical things, People need the use of their hands to feel

made a big mistake at the beginning of the industrial revolution,

a // “A thing is determined by its nature.” b // “I think the human race

future! e // Do something extremely crazy and post it on Facebook.

MONEY?! c // Pray to God. d // We won’t give up! Humanity has better


e // VTC letterer pro f // Typometry

a // Get everyone together to stop this apocalypse. b // WHERE’S ALL MY


Which typeface do you prefer?

a // Arial b // Courier c // Blackletter. d // Script MT


and fancy lifestyle items.

selling functional product design

generating good economy by

design movement focused on

American industrial design is a

B. American Industrial

The result.

craft while embracing the new technology.

beauty of this movement is the combination of art and

used. Typography is a form of artistic expression. The

follows a tight rule whereby only rectangle and circle is

practitioners. Bauhaus appreciate geometric purity and

plenty of times. It is the quote-to-live-by for Bauhaus

You have probably heard of the phrase “Less is more�

A. Bauhaus

Arts and Crafts believes that too much of industrial production can kill people’s creativity. Therefore, back to handcrafting! Arts and Crafts encourages artists and designers to be craftmasters, embracing humans’ touch, imperfections, and decorations solely for aesthetic purpose.

Believing that society needs more meaningful buildings with feelings, Gothic Revival brings back the Gothic elements in architecture. High-pitched roof, pointed arch, cluster column, repeating patterns, holy crosses, dead animal (gargoyle) are the basic elements of Gothic Revival architecture.

paintings favour colours with high contrast and repeated images.

own emotion and to question everything.

ism encourages people to focus on one’s

all the other art movements. Postmodern-

the norm, neglecting any fixed rules set by

Postmodernism pushes the boundaries of

F. Postmodernism

erism in society. A great example of Pop Art is the Marilyn Monroe painting by Andy Warhol. Pop art

celebrities, and basically everything popular. It is the embodiment of growing materialism and consum-

canvas. Pop art is art and design meet popular culture, which revolves around advertising, television,

the reproduction of Marilyn Monroe’s face in multiple color. Pop Art is more than just colors partying on

What can we say about Pop Art? At first sight, it is a bursting energy of colours and nobody would miss

E. Pop Art

D. Arts and Crafts

C. Gothic Revival

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