Chaminade Julienne High School Yearbook 1991

Page 61

Juniors Jessica Myers and Nicole Paxton show their spirit for the fall sports. Freshman First row: Sukara Gregory, Gina Smith, and Reniquia Hughes. Second row: Michele Delauer, Jade Harris, Tiffany Brown . Third row: Paula Siebert, Carrie Wise. Varsity Basketball First row: Jennifer Dalton Second row: Kim Smith , Renee Reid. Third row: Charmaine Joson, Cybele Grandjean, Nicole Paxton, Gina Powers, and Suzie Hallum. The five senior cheerleaders, Renee Reid, Cybele Grandjean, Gina Powers, Beth Tompkins, and Nicole Hatcher show their smiles warming up before a performance for the C-J students. Reserve Basketball First row: Rebecca Gibbs, Brenda Finley Second row: Heather Fletcher, Chonda Copeland, Jennifer Zwiesler Third row: Shai Littlejohn, Dyonne Burns.


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