Chaminade High School Yearbook 1952

Page 64


Top Row: R . Krug, F. Fisher, R. Rosenberger, C. Bruns, R. Kraus, T. Heider, R. Krueper, R. Dresher, E. Cu ~ hen, B. McWilliams, T. Coleman. Middle Row: J. Wiles, J. Rieger, C. Estevez, L. Ulrich, D. Miller, R. Troy, D. Eilerman, C. Krull, R. Borgerding, J. Tarlano, T . Steger. Front Row: R. Mergy, J. Mantia, R. Staley (Student Council), J. Schmitz (Treas.), J. Furderer (Pres.), J. McCarthy (V. Pres.), W. Kappeler (Sec .), B. Jacobs, J . O'Neil.

CLASS OF 1953 . and next time use the back space." "What-cha mean! I taught Godfrey." It's easier to use nickels, boys.


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