CityPages August 2015 Issue

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68 AUGUST 2015 Scan this QR code with your smart phone /tablet and enjoy reading CityPages. To read it on your computer, simply visit the web link above.


The early bird with no regrets

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‫‪VelaShape III‬‬ ‫‪Stretch Marks‬‬

contents ISSUE 68, VOLUME 5, AUGUST 2015

ENTERTAINMENT 73. Top Music Charts 78. August Movie Releases.



86. Fashion Shoot 94. CityPages Fashion Report 99. The Style Code TM 100. Fashion News


14. Why DIY? 16. So You Think You Know Your English 18. The Second wife 21. ‎‫اللي بقلبه صالة‬ 22. To Boldly Go 28. Love Your Body 37. ‫هل تفكر بالتوسع ؟‬ 38. Leisure And Pleasure 42. Did You Know 46. The Flickering Light Of Hope 48. A Wholesome Welcome At The Wholesale Market 58. Top Hotel Trends

86 74


70. Let’s Get Real With Nat


60. Comfortable Vision And The Computer 62. Dangers Of Rubbing Your Eyes 64. Blepharoplasty


24. Meet The Winners Of Kuwait Grand Photography Competition 30. Rawiah AlAteeqi 52. Mark Lander 66. Professor Kazem Behbehani 74. Doss AlEidani

TECHNOLOGY 82. Cool New Gadgets 84. Tech Updates & News




40. Top Five ‘Musts’ For Tronso


44. The City Guide 72. In Permanent Pursuit Of Perfection 80. August Book Releases 81. Book Club 106. Events 107. Adopt A Street Princess 108. Press 112. Horoscopes 114. Homework For Grown Ups

52 44


From the Editor Dear Readers,

Welcome to this special August edition of CityPages. I hope you’re coping with the soaring summer temperatures. The team has been busy during the holiday period to bring you lots of exciting interviews including one with our cover star, Rawiah Alateeqi. Rawiah may be enjoying a successful career in PR and marketing but she can’t start the day without a coffee - I know the feeling!

Dhari Al-Muhareb Editor-in-Chief

Jameel Arif

We also have interviews with Mark Lander, the manager of Harvey Nichols, who talks to us about his career in retail management and his life in Kuwait; Professor Kazem Behbehani, OBE who tells us about his role at the Dasman Diabetes Institute; and Doss Al-Eidani who shares his story about Mr. Wiggles and his subsequent decision to teach dance. Yes, you read that right!

General Manager & Editor

Eng. Homoud AlMuhareb Publishing Director

Gill Sherry

Gill Sherry continues her discovery of Kuwait with a trip to the Wholesale Market and Paul Tunbridge provides you with a unique and entertaining view of the drive enhancing features in today’s motor vehicles; an article that’s guaranteed to make you smile - even if it doesn’t change your driving habits! Similarly, Melody Mackintosh will have you reassessing your airport attitude in her permanent pursuit of perfection.

Group Editor

Kinda Al-Faris

Executive Editor

Muhammed Altaf

Our regular contributor John MacArthur gives us all something to think about as he talks about New Horizons and other space related wonders; not forgetting your other favourite columnists covering everything from books, health, fashion, technology, travel and…….barbequed bull meat! Yes, whatever it is, this issue certainly has it covered.

Sr. Sales Manager

Claudia Farias

Content Supervisor

Tanya Burns

Happy reading everyone. Stay cool.

Creative Director Graphic Designers

Mohammed Syed Khaled Al-Enezi

Jameel Arif General Manager & Editor

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#68 AUGUST 2015 Kinda Al Faris Executive Editor

Dear Readers, I'm glad to back home and excited to start anew after spending a great summer in Europe.

ON THE COVER: Rawiah Alateeqi PHOTOGRAPHY Hamad Al-Qaoud @hamadalqaoud

Hopping between France, Switzerland, Spain and Turkey gave me the chance to relax and allow myself to be reinspired. The sights, sounds and generally being elsewhere got my creative juices flowing again. Despite the heatwave, which took hold of Europe for most of July, outdoor activities were still quite enjoyable. We swam, we walked, we ate, we sunbathed, and what fun that all was. I'm taking a break from my column this month to prepare for an extra special interview for September. Enjoy this issue !

Abdullah Y. Shams AlDeen Abdulaziz Al-Khamis Abdalla AlMuzaini Ali - DJ RAVEN ASAMA Perfumes BirthKuwait Dr. Nazia Nausheen Faisal Al-Dhofari Erika Habig John McArthur Julieta Altamiranda Layla Harmony Maha Al-Rashed

Photography Team Abdullah Hamadah Abdulaziz AlSoraya Abdulaziz AlShayaji Natalia Sitcai Othman AlMishaan Dalal AlDhughaishem

Nadia Al-Hassan Nada Soliman Nada Faris Nour Al-Zaabi Paul Tunbridge Sanaa Abdul Hamid Sandra Bakhamian Sherihan A. Hassabo Talah Alabdulaaly Tassnim Hassoun Zahra Taqi

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DIY? Paul Tunbridge A professional Facilities Manager from England, and with work experience across mainland Europe before arriving in Kuwait in 2007 Paul's interests include architecture and gardening as well as creative writing and the arts in general.

Before I start writing in earnest, I guess I’d better clarify exactly what I mean by DIY as I’m thinking it might be a very British expression…but, to put it simply, it’s pronounced letter by letter (as in ‘Dee’, ‘Eye’, ‘Why’) and is a commonlyused acronym for “Do It Yourself”. As a young lad, I was brought up in a family home that was furnished and decorated in true fifties and sixties style. My mother was very proud of her lovely teak dining room furniture, which had been built by a reputable manufacturer and for which my parents had saved hard to make the purchase. Indeed, it was treated to a good beeswax polish every Friday! There

was a comfortable living room suite too. But not every piece of furniture in our house had been purchased from a store and the idea of self-assembly furniture packs hadn’t crossed anyone’s mind at that time. The fact is that if we wanted extra cupboards or shelves, then my father would start a construction project. He’d look at his construction books, draw out a plan and head to the timberyard to buy his raw materials. I would often accompany him and can still remember the sweet smell of freshly-sawn timber as the woodcutter meticulously measured and cut all the timber to the sizes that my father had listed. From there we would go to the ironmonger to choose hinges and handles, plus screws and whatever other fixings were needed for the project-in-hand. And then he would disappear into his

shed and start constructing. Once built and painted, it would be fixed into position in the room for which it was intended and we would all look and admire my father’s handiwork before filling the cupboards with clothes or toys and the shelves with books and ornaments. I guess that, at the time, I had taken for granted that my father could build anything. Perhaps all dads were gifted with such a natural ability. But in retrospect I realise that my father was really quite skilled. His construction projects included shelves, cupboards, wardrobes, chests of drawers and curtain pelmets; he custom-built a shed and an external ‘lean-to’ behind the garage; he laid concrete paths, built walls and a fish pond; painted and hung wallpaper seamlessly.... the list was endless. Oh, and he crafted some wooden wall-hangings using different coloured and grained wood and marquetry techniques! Moving on a few years and having acquired my first house at age 21, I was not in a position to purchase furniture enough to fill my home. My funds were limited and I’d had to invest in mostly second user furniture and appliances, but nevertheless had bought myself a power drill and some tools and decided to put up my own curtain rods and blinds. And I didn’t do too bad a job, even if I say so myself. Admiring my handiwork, I was spurred on to other, more creative projects and soon found myself building shelves and cupboards, a stone fireplace (yes, it was fashionable in the early eighties) and even a remarkably solid and presentable dining table! It seemed that some of my father’s skills might have rubbed off on to me. Sadly these skills didn’t extend to plumbing, as I found when I tried to install some plumbing for a washing machine and ended with a flooded kitchen and dining room. Nor did they extend to building brick walls, but that’s another story! But at least I tried most things DIY with mostly decent results. A few houses later and with more experience under my belt, I spent many happy hours cruising the aisles at DIY Superstores to get inspiration for the next project.

I am well aware, of course, that everyone is blessed with different skills and talents such that we cannot all be successful at everything we attempt – my plumbing being a prime example. And I will never forget a time when I was invited to the house of some friends who had just finished decorating and they asked me to judge which was the better papered wall (the husband had hung wallpaper on one wall and his wife had hung wallpaper on the other). I had to say that both walls were equally good and, in some ways, that was true. But they were equally bad too, as both walls had wallpaper hung the right way up AND upside down in equal measure! I saved my laughter for when I got home, of course, as I really didn’t want to hurt their feelings and they were both so proud of their achievements. But in that last sentence I am answering the initial question of Why DIY? It can be to save money, although some DIY projects can easily cost more than readymade. But it generates in its creator a wonderful sense of achievement and we all like to feel that we achieve great things, don’t we? I was reminded of this recently, hence sharing it with you in this article. Having moved into a sparkling new apartment just 8 months ago, I felt that I’d lived with bare white walls for too long. So I made a decision to introduce some much-needed personality and colour by painting just one wall during the recent Eid weekend. Armed with two colours of paint, an assortment of rollers, brushes and sponges; various sizes of masking tape and a large floor protection sheet, I dragged out my stepladder and set to work. After three days I was tired and aching and felt as though I had just finished painting the longest wall in the history of walls, but when I sat down to admire the finished wall (as shown in the accompanying photo) a big grin crossed my face and I felt a great sense of pride in what I had done. Every day I sit and look at my painted wall with a warm feeling of achievement. That’s Why DIY!

August, 2015


ENGLISH? Gill Sherry Gill is a qualified insurance broker, working in the insurance sector in the UK for almost 30 years. Now a blogger and creative writer, she has joined CityPages as our Group Editor. Readers can look forward to Gill’s regular and varied contribution to the magazine. Instagram: @gsherryq8

There’s no disputing the fact that English is a complex language. Despite it being my mother tongue, there are still words I’m unfamiliar with or grammar I have to think twice about. I have nothing but admiration for those who have mastered English as a second language, particularly as my own foreign language skills extend only to schoolgirl French, very basic German and the odd word of Arabic. I would never criticise someone for their poor spoken English; the fact they are communicating in English at all means they are fluent in at least one other language – which is more than can be said for me. My taxi driver’s favourite expression is ‘too much hot’ but rather than mock his inaccurate sentence structure, I just smile and agree wholeheartedly at his cunning observation. Since moving to Kuwait, I have had the pleasure of meeting people from all over the world. Some speak English better than others but all share the ability to communicate in this dominant world language. But the UK has so many different words, accents, abbreviations and quirky expressions it’s a wonder anyone can understand them! Take a bread roll for example. I would call this a roll. However, it could also be batch, a bap or a cob; and if you live in the North it would be a barm cake. How or where you are brought up in the UK has a huge influence on both your spoken English and your vocabulary. You’d be forgiven for thinking that the North of England and Scotland have an entire language of their own. A baby, for example, is a bairn; and if someone from Liverpool (a Scouser) says ‘R8 mate?’ he’s not asking if you’re interested in buying an Audi supercar, he’s merely asking if you’re ok. It’s fair to say

that even the native English sometimes struggle to understand a broad Glaswegian (Glasgow) or Geordie (Tyneside) accent – ah kid yee not! If you’re clever enough to decipher the accents and remember the words, you’re then faced with a slang alternative. An umbrella becomes a brolly, sausages are bangers, a toilet is a loo and a man is suddenly a bloke. In addition to this secondary vocabulary, you may also have to construe strange expressions. There are so many of these it’s difficult to know where to start but here are some which have recently perplexed my friends: Bob’s your uncle

Sorted/Done/There you go!

Swings and roundabouts

There are as many advantages as there are problems

Spend a penny Donkey’s years Cat got your tongue? Off your trolley Nailed it Spitting feathers Barking up the wrong tree Don’t give up the day job Elvis has left the building

Go to the toilet A very long time Unable to speak/Suddenly quiet Mad/Out of your mind Got something right Very angry Looking in the wrong place/ Accusing the wrong person Not very good at something The show’s over/Time to go home

Some idioms are so random they’re almost impossible to explain but they’ve existed in the UK for donkey’s years. And just when you think you’ve nailed it, there’s a whole new dialect waiting to be learned. Cockney Rhyming Slang originated in the East End of London as early as the 1840s and is still used today. There isn’t necessarily any logic to it, it’s purely a case of replacing one word with a rhyming phrase; the two don’t even need to be related. Apples and pears (stairs) is one of the most common examples but you may also hear these unusual phrases: Adam and Eve


Dog and bone


Boat race


Fireman’s hose


Butcher’s hook


Tea leaf


Barney Rubble


Lemon tart


Skin and blister


Currant bun


Dustbin lids


Mince pies


The endless list of Cockney Rhyming Slang is constantly being up-dated so you need to be lemon tart to keep up. A quick butcher’s hook on the internet will reveal the entire listicle (see below). Traditionally, Londoners used the first part of the saying only, even altering it slightly, to deliberately make it more difficult for outsiders to understand i.e. He’s barney, you can see it in his mincers. If you now Adam and Eve you’re familiar with the weird and wonderful world of the English language, you’re off your trolley. Following research into current language trends, The Oxford English Dictionary (including Oxford has recently added a host of new words and up-dated the translation of dozens of others in its word bank. While many modern words are considered slang, they’re used so frequently that the OED felt their addition to the dictionary was justified. Social media is responsible for the growth of many of these words. Examples include the following: Brain fade

Inability to concentrate or think clearly


Feelings of extreme annoyance or irritation

Irrits Mansplain

Poor or unreliable quality

Explain something to someone in a condescending manner


An article on the internet presented in the form of a list


Having a strong, unpleasant smell


To move with a twisting or jerking motion (think Miley Cyrus)


Abbreviation for ‘shake my head’


Abbreviation for ‘you only live once’

I’m pretty sure my English teacher would be spitting feathers at this list of jargon but I suppose we should congratulate the OED for keeping up with the times and recognising the need to evolve. And let’s face it; there are some fabulous sounding words in the dictionary – gob smacked, hunky-dory and codswallop being among my personal favourites. Having said that, I find it hard to believe that sick can be translated as anything other than nauseous, crazy or ill but the youth of today has somehow managed to turn sick into a positive adjective i.e. the party was sick! We have the likes of Taylor Swift to thank for the promotion and widespread use of this new translation. But your English lesson is still not complete as you have yet to recognise the age-old trait of English sarcasm. The English are masters of this particular art and the most important thing to remember as a nonBrit is not to be offended by it. The fact is the English think it’s funny but generally speaking, everyone else does not. Admittedly, there are some who choose to use it as an ill-disguised insult, but the user’s tone of voice is usually a sign of their intent. As a general rule, if the user is smiling, no offence is intended. One of the most easily recognised forms of sarcasm is used when someone is late: ‘Nice of you to join us’ would be the sarcastic response to the late arrival. Here are some other examples: Well, aren’t you just a ray You’re being miserable, cheer up! of sunshine? Has your mouth got an ‘off’ button?

You’re talking too much, take a break.

Don’t worry, I’ve got all day.

You’re taking too long, hurry up.

I didn’t know it was fancy You’re wearing strange clothes. dress. I haven’t had this much fun in ages!

This is really boring.

Some of these may sound insulting but more often than not, they’re just a form of ironic comedy. And whether you’re insulted by it or amused by it, it’s a form of humour that will be forever British. The same can’t be said for certain words which have somehow adopted the American spelling by substituting the S with a Z, e.g. criticise/criticize, realise/realize, recognise/recognize. These transatlantic variations also confuse other words like harbour/harbor, theatre/ theater and licence/license. As if you weren’t confused enough already! Kuwait tends to follow the American versions but you’d definitely drop points in an English spelling test by doing so. Now you’ve read about some of the more unconventional English language quirks, you’d be entitled to think we make it up as we go along. Well, you wouldn’t be far wrong. I could SMH myself at some of the phrases. But rest assured I know you haven’t got all day so for this lesson at least, Elvis has left the building. August, 2015


THE CONVENTIONAL INFEDILITY To start, I must say that I am not writing about this issue from a religious point of view, it is purely a state of social opinion.

Sherihan A. Hassabo Sherihan A. Hassabo is a passionate writer who started expressing her opinion about controversial subjects when she was 14. When she is not directing events, she likes to investigate the interesting relationships' controversy in our Eastern society. Every month, and from real life experience; Sherihan will share a story, an idea, opinion, or a simple advice for men and women to live happily ever after.

A second wife! The words are echoingly shocking to any woman.

(naturally) gets attracted to when it is found in another woman – a very common answer I have to say.

Why? Because simply, this means she is not good enough.

Others tended to blame it on their ‘nature’ by saying “This is simply the way we were created”. “Fine!” I said “But why don’t you let go of your first wife? Why would you want both?” The answer to this question was usually: “I can be in love with both”. Well, at this point I have to stop them. “Love both of them? You actually believe you can love more than one woman equally?” I kept digging and the sole answer I got from almost everyone was “We just can!”

“Never! I will never accept a second wife! If you want a second wife, you can go out and get one. Just consider me out of your life forever.” That’s what she would say. “If she walks in, I walk out! Plain and simple. If you are willing to risk our marriage, our life, our children for another woman, then you must go ahead. I will not stand for it!” Those are the words a husband can only expect when informing his ‘sane’ wife that he is intending to have a second wife. How can a woman be expected to accept such a situation? A situation where she would be willingly sharing her husband with another woman; sharing his jokes, his smiles and his love with a woman other than herself? It is normally unacceptable and extremely outrageous. Throughout the years, I have asked lots of men about the reason for seeking a second wife. Most of them said that the first wife was lacking something which a man

However, a very smart recent addition from a close friend came through as an interesting change. After he started with “God made us this way” I said “Even so, I can’t understand how you can say that you have the ability to love two or more women equally. There has to be some kind of differentiation.” He then added the one line that I will always remember. “How can you love your children equally?” “God made me this way!” Not that he convinced me with the whole second wife idea, but it was interesting to get a different answer to at least understand where the usual one comes from and to provoke me to write this article. Thanks to his innovation.

Handmade Wooden Eyewear


- Sharq

- Kuwait City

- Sharq

- Fahaheel International intoptique Optique August, 2015

Coffee is the



Tiramisu Blended CUPCAKE

‫اللي بقلبه صالة‪‎‬‬

‫‪Nour AlZaabi‬‬ ‫‪Nour holds a Master in Business‬‬ ‫‪Administration and a Bachelor‬‬ ‫‪in Marketing and is a Member‬‬ ‫‪at The Kuwait Economic Society‬‬ ‫‪and British Council Entrepreneur‬‬ ‫‪Network in Kuwait. Stay tuned‬‬ ‫‪for her articles and features in the‬‬ ‫‪CityPages magazine.‬‬

‫‪August, 2015‬‬

‫اتصلت بي احدى متدرباتي وطلبت لقائي بأقرب وقت ممكن‪،‬‬ ‫فاستجبت لها وتالقينا بعد ساعة‪ ،‬متدربتي متزوجة منذ ‪6‬‬ ‫شهور وعروس جديدة لكني حين نظرت لها لم أرى أي بوادر‬ ‫سعادة في وجهها وال بريق حب في عينيها‪ ،‬فسألتها ماذا‬ ‫جرى لها؟ فقالت لي‪ :‬بعد زواجي بالشخص المناسب‪ ،‬على حد‬ ‫قولها بحسب مواصفات وكل ما تتمناه فيه‪ ،‬فهو من عائلة‬ ‫كريمة معروفة وموظف يحب عمله والجميع يشهد بحسن‬ ‫عمله وأخالقه‪ ،‬صحيح أنه ليس جامعي مثلها لكنها لم تجعل‬ ‫ذلك عائق أمام زواج باركه الجميع‪ ،‬ولكنها لم تكن تعلم أن‬ ‫والدة زوجها لم تكن تريدها على حد قولها " مو عاجبتني"‬ ‫ولكن حتى ال تكسر قلب ولدها وافقت‪ .‬تقول بعد انتقالي‬ ‫لبيت الزوجية (الذي يقطن داخل بيت العائلة )‪ :‬واهلل انني‬ ‫كنت اشبه األسيرات ولم أكن عروس أبدًا‪ ،‬فقد اخرجها زوجها‬ ‫من عملها‪ ،‬ومنعها من اكمال دراستها العليا‪ ،‬ومنعها من‬ ‫جميع صديقاتها وأهلها حتى والدتها‪ ،‬ويفرض عليها أمورًا‬ ‫ال تحبها وتبعدها عن شخصيتها الحقيقية حتى وصل األمر‬ ‫أنه يجبرها على أكل ما ال تحبه‪ .‬ولم يكتفي لهذا الحد فقد‬ ‫كان يضربها دائمًا مما سبب لها ضعف في النظر وصعوبة‬ ‫بالتركيز‪ ،‬وآالم متفرقة في جسدها‪ .‬ووصل فيه األمر أنه‬ ‫يتهمها أنها السبب بعدم التزامه بالصالة !! حتى هنا أجبتها‬ ‫ضاحكة‪( :‬اللي بقلبه صالة ما تفوته) فعالقة الشخص بربه ال‬ ‫يمكن أن يوقف أحد بينها ‪،‬اال اذا كان هذا الشخص ذاته قليل‬ ‫إيمان أو قد يكون معدم حتى‪ ،‬وأكملت لي قائلة‪ :‬أنه يجبرها‬ ‫للسفر طوال شهر رمضان المبارك مع عائلته‪ ،‬فسألتها ما‬ ‫السبب؟ فرمضان شهر عبادة وصيام و صالة وصلة رحم‪،‬‬ ‫فأجابت وهي تبكي بشدة‪ :‬النه ال يصوم رمضان وال يريدني أن‬ ‫أصوم وأمرني بالتخلي عن حجابي في السفر‪ .‬شعرت وكأن‬ ‫نبض قلبي توقف لوهلة‪ ،‬أي زواج هذا وأي رجولة هذه وأي‬ ‫طاعة لزوج ال يعرف ربه وال يحترمه فال يمكنه احترام عالقة‬

‫زوجية مقدسة وال زوجة ‪ ،‬لكنها قالت بأنها قررت أن تنفصل‬ ‫ورفعت قضية طالق وذهبت لبيت أهلها ولم يتوقف أهل‬ ‫زوجها من اشاعة الحديث السيء عنها وعن أخالقها وعن‬ ‫أهلها وتقول‪ :‬كيف لي أن أنسى وأسامح ‪ ،‬هذا ما تعلمونا إياه‬ ‫في الدورات التدريبي‪ ،‬ال أستطيع‪ ،‬فأجبتها‪ :‬السيدة عائشة‬ ‫أم المؤمنين وزوجة أشرف الخلق سيدي محمد عليه الصالة‬ ‫والسالم لم تسلم من الحديث السيء عنها‪ ،‬حتى جاءت‬ ‫برائتها من السماء‪ ،‬ومريم العذراء أشرف نساء العالمين‬ ‫التي اختارها رب العالمين لينفخ فيها من روحه لتحمل‬ ‫نبيه عيسى عليه السالم اتهمها قومها بشرفها وبسوء‬ ‫خلقها‪ ،‬ولن يخفف آالمك وجروحك غير قراءة كتاب ربك‪،‬‬ ‫وان كان على التسامح لن أطلب منك الغفران والمسامحة‬ ‫اآلن أعلم جيدًا ما تشعرين به‪ ،‬ولكن لتكن المسامحة‬ ‫لروح اهلل في من خلق وليس لهم‪،‬واكملي اجراءات طالقك‬ ‫واسترداد حقوقك فهذا حق شرعي لك‪ ،‬وتأكدي أن قضيتك‬ ‫لم ترفع في محاكم الدنيا ليحكم فيها قاضي الدنيا‪ ،‬بل‬ ‫رفعتيها لرب العالمين فهو أحكم الحاكمين‪ ،‬ويكفيك فخرًا‬ ‫أن تكوني صابرة على تجربة تعيشينها اآلن فتحسب لك‬ ‫أجرًا‪ .‬ليس عليك اآلن الى أن تكوني أنت‪ ،‬فمارسي هواياتك‬ ‫المفضلة‪ ،‬وتقربي من األشخاص الداعمين لك فقط‪ ،‬احترمي‬ ‫ذاتك أكثر وافهميها وطوريها فهي من ستكون معك‬ ‫طوال الوقت‪ .‬الى هنا أنهيت الحديث معها وغادرت وهي‬ ‫مبتسمة‪ ،‬ولكن لم ينتهي الحديث مع قلبي وعقلي لما‬ ‫أراه من مشاكل زوجية سخيفة تقتل الحياة الزوجية بسبب‬ ‫تدخالت اآلباء واألهل‪ ،‬وسوء ادارة وتعامل الزوج مع زوجته‪،‬‬ ‫أو كثرة طلبات الزوجة من زوجها‪ ،‬وكأن من يقرر الزواج قرر‬ ‫يدخل حرب أهلية بين عائلتين!! فمتى يكون الوعي لهذا‬ ‫الموضوع وشغل الكثيرين لهذه القضية لينهض مجتمعنا‬ ‫وأمتنا من جديد‪ ...‬متى؟‬


John McArthur John MacArthur was born in England, but has Celtic ancestry, so loves to sing. Abandoning his choral training, he sings songs of love and loss, owning several antique acoustic guitars. He has degrees in physics, chemistry and mathematics, has studied theology and business management, so, in fine nomadic tradition, he can call several universities home. After seven years in Kuwait, he 'retired' and laughs at himself every morning, commuting between his Paris island home and country house in rural France where he lives with his wife, a food writer and stylist, and, perhaps soon, a dog, should he be allowed one. Much to her dismay, he is thinking of taking up the mandolin. He has written for various publications worldwide on whatever happens to catch his imagination.

To boldly go. The best known split infinitive in the world. A generation was captivated by the Star Trek franchise, with its iconic characters and unique language. Everybody has heard the phrase "Beam me up, Scotty"; some even dream of warp drive capability. Since ancient times, we have looked heavenward and woven stories and legends. Today, we've been places in space and can equip these legends with the tiniest aroma of possibility. 'Goldilocks planets' are discovered almost daily; the fact that they are impossibly far away seems not to diminish our eagerness to locate them. When I was at school, Pluto was the ninth rock from the sun, a tiny dot on the edge of our solar system. Discovered in Flagstaff, Arizona in 1930 by an amateur, unqualified astronomer who drew Jupiter and Mars and built his own telescope, it was no more than a dot in the heavens, observed cursorily from time to time, until just over twenty years ago, when its status was downgraded to that of a 'dwarf planet' since it seemed to be irregular in shape - some liked to call it 'potato-shaped', with a wobbly, eccentric orbit. It seemed to belong to a group of objects orbiting further than Neptune in a strange ring, known as the Kuiper Belt about which we know so very little. With a very powerful telescope, it is visible in the Northern Hemisphere just west of South, low in the

sky, just after sunset. Most non-professional telescopes can barely resolve the tiny dot - almost no more than a ragged collection of pixels - its magnitude 14 brightness making it desperately hard to locate. This tiny object, thirty-three times further away from us than the Sun and taking almost a quarter of a millenium to orbit it what could possibly be so very interesting? And yet, we chose to send a probe to find it and look at it. The New Horizons mission was perhaps inspired by an American postage stamp. In 1992, a stamp was issued of the 'planet' Pluto, with a caption underneath it which read "Not Yet Explored". The probe was designed, built and tested in forty-two months - almost a record time by aerospace standards in order for New Horizons to take advantage of Jupiter’s huge gravitational pull to slingshot itself toward Pluto, gaining an increase in speed of four thousand metres per second as it did so. If it had missed this rendezvous, the journey would have taken an additional four years. The launch took place in January 2006, with the relatively small spacecraft – ‘a baby grand piano with a salad bowl on top’ as one of its designers fondly described it - hitching its ride out of Earth's gravity atop NASA’s behemoth, the Atlas V rocket. Its Earth-relative speed was just shy of 16.3 kilometres a second and set the record for the highest launch speed of a man-made object from the surface of the earth.

Trains and aeroplanes are notorious for their delays. Who among us has not sat in an airport lounge, miserably curled up on hard, unforgiving upholstery, waiting for a plane? Not so this particular craft. Exactly seventy-two seconds ahead of schedule, after a journey lasting nine and a half years, the probe was eight thousand kilometres from the dwarf planet, exactly where it was supposed to be. Given that the actual distance to the planet was not accurately known to better than six thousand kilometres, the precision involved is rather like teeing off from a golf course in Scotland and landing a ball in the hole on a green in California. But, what were they to find when they got there? Some of the scientists were concerned that the planet might be, as one put it, ‘a bit bland’. After all, if you've travelled all that way to look at nothing more interesting than a lump of frozen methane, it hardly justifies the not inconsiderable expenditure, which the organisers had to battle to get for years. NASA had even booked the magician David Blaine to entertain the crowd that gathered at mission control, the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, in suburban Maryland, just in case the first highresolution images proved insufficiently wondrous. Pluto is four and a half light-hours from us, so an image snapped at noon doesn't get to us till teatime - it must have felt like a very long afternoon indeed. As the images began to arrive, mouths dropped open. Everyone gazed in wonderment, astonished by the unique colorations that they saw. One project scientist described it as ‘psychedelic’. The flypast didn't take long, but the terabytes of data obtained will take months to reach the laboratory and be processed. The results will be images so detailed that objects the size of the 360 Mall can be mapped in detail, almost down to the cars in the car park. With these images will come detailed information, where mountains and valleys are, what they might be made of and whether there's an atmosphere or not. Does it have icecaps like we do, for example? Are there hazy clouds, oceans, volcanoes and... and... and.....?

underground. There, with Persephone as his queen, he ruled over Hades. Quite a good choice, really, since it's very dark and very cold and the sun is impossibly far away. Charon, the only known moon for many years, was named after the ferryman who rowed the deceased to Hades across the river Styx. The ancients placed a coin in the mouth of the dead as payment for his services. The research team has already started to give names to the objects they see - first, nicknames, such as ‘the heart’ and ‘the whale’ and then unofficial but more formal names. The whale became Lovecraft’s Cthulhu, and a nearby dark area was christened Balrog after the demons of Tolkien’s Middle-Earth. An alien landscape has started to become a collection of places: a knowable but not yet familiar map. Even Charon's dark smudge is called Mordor, the land of shadows from 'The Lord of the Rings'; and - its new Internet calling card - a reddish heart shaped structure has provisionally been named after the planet's discoverer, Clyde Tombaugh. Although its mission has been accomplished, the little craft’s journey is not yet over. By the time you read this, Pluto will be fifteen million kilometres behind, a smudge in the vastness. In the next several years, if all goes well, it will travel deep into the Kuiper Belt, the solar system’s dark, mysterious edgeland, where remnants of its beginnings have been preserved as if in a giant deep freeze. This offers us a window of time over four billion years old and the objects we encounter there may help us explain our own earth’s origins; an imperative that we believe was worth the 700 or so million dollars it took to send the fragile object into the unknown. It will be able to keep transmitting data until perhaps 2035, after which its plutonium power source will run out and it will shut down, sailing onward and alone into deep space, on a little shrug of eternity.

Applying for a timeslot on the Hubble Space Telescope takes a very long time, is subject to frequent rejection and, if obtained, ruinously expensive. A cancellation caused by equipment failure provided a window of opportunity for the Johns Hopkins group to scope the terrain ahead of time for possible hazards. An object the size of a mosquito colliding with a space probe travelling at close to fifty five thousand kilometres an hour can punch a hole clean through it, undo years of work, and the probability of such an event should therefore be carefully calculated. At less than one hundredth of one percent, the risk seemed acceptable. The enormous resolving power of Hubble yielded four hitherto unknown moons - a long-range traffic hazard the probe would have to navigate and perhaps even take a look at - as the carefully choreographed flypast was mapped, timed and counted. It seems that the little planet has come up with more than a few surprises already. It does indeed have an ice cap, made up of frozen methane and nitrogen, which return to the atmosphere during the warmer periods of orbit, falling to the ground as frost and snow. Methane ice, however, is softer than water ice, which might limit skiing opportunities; despite the fact that there are mountains the height of the Alps on the surface. A cratered section, a history of impacts, appears to be billions of years old, while other areas seem younger, perhaps indicating either earthquake damage or atmospheric erosion. In places, Pluto has red, almost Martian-like patches, in contrast to the dark, almost oily black parts, which are tantalisingly fuelling speculation that such material is "prebiotic", or contains possible chemical precursors of life. We've become very good at giving names to what we see. Pluto itself wasn't, in fact, named after a Disney dog with floppy ears. Instead, it (or should it be 'he') was named after the Greek god of the underworld. In Greek mythology, after the fall of the Titans, Pluto and his brothers Zeus and Poseidon, divided the universe and Pluto was awarded everything August, 2015

‫ﻣﺴﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﺍﻟﻜﻮﻳﺖ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ ﻟﻠﺘﺼﻮﻳﺮ‬ Kuwait Grand Photography Contest

THE 2015 KUWAIT GRAND PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST The Kuwait Grand Photography Contest has proved to be a big hit since its launch in 2014. The quality of entries was astounding in all categories and the winning photographs, understandably, attracted plenty of attention. At CityPages, we were privileged to show you some of the stunning award winning pictures in our May magazine. This month we are delighted to share interviews with four of the winning photographers who talk about their early photographic experience, their favourite photography subject and how it felt to win such a prestigious award.

KARIM SAHIB MOUHASEN (Category: Grand Prize)

Please introduce yourself. Karim Sahib, Iraqi photographer working with Agence France-Presse (AFP) since 1991. When did your interest in photography begin? Since the 1980s when I was still a student at Iraqi Fine Arts Institute. Share with us your early experiences of photography. I started my professional work with AFP. It was quite a difficult experience as I was introduced to an industry completely different from my experience as an amateur. Did you take any professional courses for photography to develop your skills or is it through your regular practice? I took elementary photography courses but all of my photo development was through regular practice. What type of photography are you best at and why? War photography because I started in an environment engulfed in war and conflict. Who is your favourite photographer? James Nachtwey. For you, how important is retouching in photography while using computer software? It is important but it should not lead to the change of the content of the image. What is your opinion about Kuwait Grand Photography Contest? Excellent. It spiked pictures that were heavily manipulated in Photoshop. How do you feel after winning? Great joy - I hope to win again!

Grand Prize Winning Photo

What are your favourite photography gadgets? There are no specific gadgets. What would you like to add? Thanks to the Kuwait Grand Photography contest.

August, 2015

SARAH HASAN ALSAYEGH (Category: Landscape - 1st Prize)

Please introduce yourself. My name is Sarah Hasan Alsayegh. Landscape and Cityscape Photographer from Kuwait.

When did your interest in photography begin? I started photography as a hobby and to kill my free time in 2005. I began with a film camera then evolved to a DSLR in 2007. After that I started seriously with photography. Since then it has evolved from a hobby to a level, not in a professional way, but one which is now a part of my daily routine; especially when the weather and light are good for photography.

Share with us your early experiences of photography. My early experience with photography first came from my father. As I mentioned, in 2005 I started taking pictures with a film camera and I enjoyed going to develop it in the Co-op studio. Later, my father gave me my first point-and-shoot camera and, after graduating from college, I started going out taking pictures - everything from street photography to beginner’s landscape pictures. After that I got my first DSLR and thought of learning the first level of photography by trial and error.

Did you take any professional courses for photography to develop your skills or is it through your regular practice? At first I learned from photography books and beginner’s books. I also self-taught through taking pictures and knowing my weaknesses. Then I decided to take some professional workshops in the UK and EU with experienced photographers, particularly in landscape photography (which is different than courses).

What type of photography are you best at and why? During my early learning years I tried almost all types of photography. However I have found myself in landscape and cityscape photography and decided this is the type of photography I am best at. In those two types, it’s hard to get the best points of view. Also, I can say that those two types somehow describe my personality in real life.

Who is your favorite photographer? My all time favorite photographer is the godfather of landscape photography, Ansel Adams.

For you, how important is retouching in photography while using computer software? Retouching in photography is important, However in my work I do not tend to use it to a great extent. I always love to capture a natural picture that can show real beauty in reality. I do not spend a lot of time editing a picture; I just use a little retouch with White Balance and Contrast. Usually I use Photoshop CC or Lightroom - both do the same job for me.

What is your opinion about Kuwait Grand Photography Contest? In my opinion Kuwait Grand Photography Year 2015 was the hardest contest (locally and GCC) to participate in. There are many talented photographers in the Kuwait and GCC region who have the best captures. It was a great challenge for me to participate. Hopefully I will next year too.

How do you feel after winning? I honestly wasn’t expecting to win. It was shocking news for me when they announced my name in first place in the Landscape category. The feeling was great and it was an unforgettable moment for me. It was my first time to win such an award in such a big contest, especially with the photographers who participated in the same category. I think it was a great challenge for me.

What are your favorite photography gadgets? My favorite photography gadget is my Camera (Canon EOS 5D Mark III) and the lenses that I own that help me to take landscape and cityscape pictures.

What would you like to add? I would like to thank you for giving me the honor of this interview.

MOHAMMAD KHORSHID (Category: Wildlife - 1st Prize)

Please introduce yourself. My name is Mohammad Khorshid. I work for Kuwait Oil Company as a production operator. I’m 35 years old, married with two children; a son and a daughter. When did your interest in photography begin? I started in 2007 after I bought my first DSLR camera. It was second-hand from Olympus. Share with us your early experiences of photography. In the beginning I tried all kinds of photography. I bought lots of photography magazines and I tried to apply lessons. I always look at the famous photos and try to make mine the same. Did you take any professional courses for photography to develop your skills or is it through your regular practice? I learned from photography websites and forums and some old photographers from their shared experience. Also books were the main source. What type of photography are you best at and why? I like bird photography. Birds have always been a lovely part of Kuwait’s wildlife and from my childhood I was very curious to see these lovely creatures. Who is your favourite photographer? Bence Mate from Hungary and Arthur Morris from USA. For you, how important is retouching in photography while using computer software? Because of new technology, I think retouching has now become 30% of photography. You can control your photos and correct some mistakes even after the photo has been taken. What is your opinion about Kuwait Grand Photography Contest? It’s a dream come true. How do you feel after winning? I am absolutely very happy to be a winner in a competition between the finest photographers in the Arabian Gulf. What are your favourite photography gadgets? I use ‘hide’ to be like one of the birds in their own environment. It allows me to see birds and how they act in their real life without fear. What would you like to add? I’d like to tell everyone that bird photography is not only taking photos of birds; it's good for depression and clarity of mind.

‫ﻣﺴﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﺍﻟﻜﻮﻳﺖ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ ﻟﻠﺘﺼﻮﻳﺮ‬ Kuwait Grand Photography Contest

This year’s Kuwait Grand Photography Contest was organized by Phoenix Services and chaired by its founder, Mr. Jassim Jassim. Entrants were invited to select from nine caterogories: Grand, General, Islamic, Kuwait, Landscape, People, Sports, Wildlife and Kuwaiti. Under the patronage of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, represented by His Highness Shaikh Mohammed Al-Abduallah Al-Mabarak Al-Sabah, the competition proved to be not just popular, but one with amazingly high standards. We look forward to featuring further interviews with other deserved prize winners in the next issues of CityPages. And who knows, next year it could be you! August, 2015



Every month I ask myself: What will I write about and will it add anything to my readers? I must admit, this month’s article did not come easy as I had the worst writer’s block and as hard as I tried to come up with an idea, I just came blank on what to write. That is, until something happened that aligned everything; giving me – what I hope – the perfect idea.

Zahra Taqi Zahra is a Certified Professional Coach and the President of Milestones Coaching. She would love to hear back from you. So please feel free to drop her a line on her email: zahrataqi@gmail. com or find her on FB: http://www. or twitter: @MilestonesCoach

I am realizing that body image is becoming a big issue among preteen girls and many obsess over their weight. I have heard many young girls, sometimes as young as six years old, ask each other if they are (gulp) “fat”! In my book, kids that young should not be asking that question. Kids as young as six years old should be enjoying running around in the park, making new friends and swimming in the pool Fostering a positive body image is becoming more of an issue in our day and age; but before I go on, here is some food for thought: Kids, preteens and teens with a positive body image are more comfortable and confident in their ability to succeed. These kids do not obsess over calories, food or weight. They also have energy to enjoy physical education. On the other hand, kids with a negative body image are more self conscious, anxious and sometimes even more isolated. These kids are at a great risk of excessive weight gain and eating disorders. For the reasons above, our role as parents, teachers and caretakers becomes that much more important in helping our kids foster a positive body image. According to research, nearly 80% of ten year olds are afraid of being overweight. Other research has found that almost 50% of teenage girls and 30% of teenage boys use methods like vomiting, laxatives or smoking to control their weight. These numbers scream to me that we need to be doing something proactive to help our kids and with that in mind, here are a few tips to help you help your kids: 1. Do not criticize your own weight! Many parents will tell their kids that they are unhappy about their own weight. Others will comment

on other people’s weight or size in front of their children, favoring one over another. According to a study done at Harvard Medical School, researchers found that a mother’s concern about her own body weight is a leading cause of body image problems in adolescents. The same study found that the more mothers worried about their own weight, the more likely they were to pass on that attitude to their own children. 2. Don’t talk about weight. Instead of obsessing over weight, shift your focus to health instead. Do not focus on the number on the scale and instead focus on delicious and nutritious meals. Encourage playtime and physical activity and make it a part of your routine. Children should not be counting calories or restricting their intake; instead we can teach them about healthy and nutritious foods versus ones that are not. 3. Compliment your children on what they do, not how they look. I am not telling you that you should never tell your kid how great they look; by all means do, they definitely will appreciate it. What I am telling you though is that you should compliment them on what their bodies can do; like swinging on the monkey bars, sprinting, or their amazing swimming skills, etc. By helping them see what their bodies are able to do, you open their eyes to a new way of body appreciation and pave the way for a positive body image. 4. Be their walking, talking “MythBuster”. Unfortunately, the media showcases an impossible ideal when it comes to the human body. Help your children understand that what they see on TV, in cinemas, in magazines or online has been retouched, airbrushed or otherwise manipulated to create that “perfect” body. I believe in leading by example. I believe that whatever it is we wish to pass on to our children, we have a better chance of doing so if we do it ourselves. With that in mind, if we wish for our children to embrace their bodies, then we too should do the same. All that body shaming needs to come to an abrupt end. Love your body, love yourself and embrace your body whether you are the curvylicious or the slender type. Let your mantra from today be: I am beautiful just the way I am.

Rawiah Alateeqi Rawiah Alateeqi has learned to always see the positive things in life. The PR and Marketing Specialist believes we

Photographer: Hamad Al-Qaoud- @hamadalqaoud

should take risks and never be afraid of failure. She also believes we each create not just a public image of ourselves, but our own personal brand. Rawiah talks to us about her challenges, inspirations and what she considers are the keys to success.

The early bird with no regrets

August, 2015

Please introduce yourself to our readers.

My name is Rawiah Alateeqi. I am a PR and Marketing Specialist. I have been working in the PR and Marketing field for about five years in the retail and telecom sectors.

Tell us about your education.

I was a science student and studied Environmental Science in Vancouver, Canada. However I came to realize, that although I enjoyed it, this was not what I wanted to do for life. So I took the decision to go for the major of Business Marketing. I received my Bachelor Degree in Business Marketing from the Australian College of Kuwait (University of Tasmania/Australia affiliation).

Why did you think of changing your studies from Environmental Science to Marketing? Environmental Science is an interesting field that has to do with a lot of research and field studies. It requires the support of governments, the private sector and NGOs. In Canada, this field was (and still is) booming because of the increasing demand and support for it. There is a huge need for it in some parts of the world where the best research centers and institutes are located. In Kuwait, however, the economy depends mainly on the oil sector followed by other sectors such as banking and services. I made the decision to get my degree in Business Marketing as I realized that this field would be more interesting for me to take as a path in my career in Kuwait. I knew it would give me the chance to grow as the call for it is increasing and the opportunities are rising in the country.

Can you tell us a little about your career path?

I started in the retail sector. I did Marketing for Starbucks Middle East. I was very cautious about where to start my career after I graduated. I had job offers from other large companies in the country that were very exciting and interesting. However, after I compared my options, I rejected them to start my career with Starbucks. Let me say, it was the perfect start for me. It offered me the experience in an international company with a multinational environment. I worked on advertising campaigns, branding, social media and more. Two years later, I decided to move to the telecom sector to do Public Relations at Ooredoo Kuwait to expand my learning and knowledge. Within Public Relations I worked on Media Relations, Sponsorship, Events and Internal Relations. Ooredoo Kuwait has helped me build and shape my personality as well as my experience. It provided me the opportunity to strengthen my relations with all those I work with internally and externally.

What is a typical day at work like for you?

A cup of coffee is a must - I can’t start my day without it! My colleagues are my family at work. We spend more time together than we do with our own families. We have an open door policy with our managers and it is a very comfortable and welcoming environment. On the other side, the telecom sector relies mainly on technology which changes at a fast pace. Therefore, my to-do list is full every working day. Our work requires speed and quick decision making. We work after hours and on the weekends as well. Stress is there of course but I have learned how to manage it and control it.

What are the most rewarding aspects of your job?

Customer satisfaction and client happiness! By customers and clients, I don’t only mean those who make an actual purchase from us, I mean those who we deal with on a daily basis. My customers are my colleagues, other departments within the company, the media, ministries, universities and other groups and agencies. This is the most rewarding aspect. In Public Relations, the most important thing is keeping good relations with everyone because you will most likely meet those people again or work with them in the future.

What do you do to de-stress and stay motivated?

I try to work-out after working hours between 3 to 5 times a week for at least 1 hour. I enjoy spinning and weight lifting the most. In these 1 to 2 hours I spend at the gym, I forget about the world even after a hard day. I focus on my workout and once I leave the gym, I feel completely happy and energized. And of course, traveling helps too! For my vacations, I like to choose places that have nice quiet beaches. The beach helps us recharge our energy and unplug from the world. It is the best place to meditate, move your body and get vitamin D naturally. Studies have also shown that exposure to the sun helps decrease depression and increase happiness!

What are some of your hobbies?

Working-out, Oil Painting and reading when I have time for it.

What do you enjoy about Public Relations?

PR is an education in itself and I enjoy learning. A PR person has to understand the importance of it to a company. I recall a quote by Bill Gates: “If I had 1 dollar left I would spend it on PR.” PR

August, June, July, 2015

Photographer: Hamad Al-Qaoud- @hamadalqaoud

Photographer: Jalil Marvin

teaches a person how to carry him/herself ethically as a brand not only at work but even in their daily life. Each one of us is a brand of him/herself. How you present yourself to people is the image you create for yourself, exactly as how a PR person presents a brand and reflects an image of it. Another thing l like about PR is that I get the chance to meet new people and build new relations. I also love it because we do not sit behind a desk every day. We get to attend meetings, different events and occasions. This works very well for me as I am a very active person.

What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced?

Time management and prioritising jobs! At work, we receive a number of tasks that are all equally important and urgent and prioritising gets hard at some point. It takes skill to manage between important tasks and projects. Communication is sometimes a challenge when we are working with people of different backgrounds. With experience, I understood that diversity in people requires different communication methods. Another challenge I have is finding more time to socialise. With my kind of job, it is very hard to spare enough time to spend with my family and friends. I believe I am still learning how to do this best!

How do you successfully cultivate and maintain relationships with the media? Communication! I try to stay in touch as much as possible to keep my relations strong. Being close to the media is key. The closer you are to them, the closer they are to you. I keep in touch with them, call them and text them personally on different events and occasions.

How important is social media for you?

Very important! It is obviously the latest trend in social networking. Personally, I use it to follow up on the latest news to stay updated because my job requires it.

What is your motto in life?

You should never regret anything in life. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience. Always see the positive in anything that happens to you.

Are you an Early Bird or a Night Owl?

An early bird! I love mornings even on my vacations.

Who are you inspired by?

I am inspired by my favourite book “The Power of Now,” by Eckhart Tolle.

Who is your role model and why?

In dedication, love, sacrifice and commitment, my mother is my role model. I grew up seeing all these things in her for years and years and she never changed. In leadership, eagerness and optimism, it is His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

What, according to you, are the three keys to success?

Love, enthusiasm and commitment. You have to love what you do and believe in it. You have to be enthusiastic about it. You have to commit to working on it.

What advice would you give to PR students and those who are soon to graduate? You have to start your career selectively. Plan your career path and create your own future. PR requires skills that can be gained by experience and training so work on yourself to achieve them. Do not rely on your job alone to gain these skills. Challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zones. Take risks and don’t be afraid of failure because failure is proof that you tried; it is good learning for you. Later in life, we only regret losing those chances we never took.

Your message for us at CityPages:

Thank you for having me in this issue. CityPages is one of my favourite magazines. I can see the result of hard work in its pages. I wish the magazine and the team all the best and success in future. Best luck!

August, July, 2015

Photographer:Photographer: Jalil Marvin Hamad Al-Qaoud- @hamadalqaoud

‫هل تفكر بالتوسع ؟‬

‫‪Mubarak AL-Esmail‬‬ ‫‪Follow Mubarak on Instagram at:‬‬ ‫‪@IdeasOwners‬‬

‫قد يستعجل معظم أصحاب المشاريع الصغيرة بالتوسع عن طريق افتتاح فرع جديد أو شراء أصول جديدة من‬ ‫معدات و أدوات أو غيرها من األمور المتعلقة بزيادة حجم المشروع وينسى البعض أمر ُا مهما جدًا وهو قسم‬ ‫المبيعات!‬ ‫اسأل نفسك هل المشروع جاهز فعليًا للتوسع وزيادة االنتاج ؟ هل اإلنتاج سيزداد بالشكل المتوقع ؟ ماهي‬ ‫العوامل التي ستؤدي إلى زيادة اإلنتاج ؟ هل ستعتمد على حملة إعالنية فقط ؟‬ ‫الحمالت اإلعالنية قد تكون مكلفة و نتائجها محدودة خالل فترة الحملة فقط ‪ ،‬لذلك ينصح المستشارين بإنشاء‬ ‫قسم المبيعات بعدد كاف من فريق العمل حسب احتياج الشركة ليقوم بالعمل خالل إطالق الحمالت اإلعالنية‬ ‫وبعدها مثل متابعة المهتمين الذين تم حصرهم من الحملة ومحاولة تحويلهم إلى زبائن وعمالء ‪ ،‬ويعتبر قسم‬ ‫المبيعات من أول األقسام التي يجب توظيفها وتشكيلها في الشركات ألنه بمثابة المحرك الذي يولد المال‬ ‫للشركة‪.‬‬ ‫التوسع بزيادة اإلنتاج عن طريق شراء معدات جديدة أو إفتتاح فرع جديد قد يكون حجر عثرة أمام مشروعك‬ ‫ويستنفد جهدك و وقتك وميزانيتك إذا لم يكن هذا القرار مدروس بشكل جيد و معد بشكل مناسب بالتنسيق‬ ‫مع فريق العمل وخصوصًا فريق المبيعات‪.‬‬ ‫‪August, 2015‬‬


Peregrine Spode

Dentally challenged. Still single.

Tottering into the old office the other week, breezily insouciant as usual, more or less revved up for a new day to toil at the unforgiving chalkface of commerce, I was met with something of a surprise. There was nobody there. Except of course for Mrs B, our cleaning lady, morosely pushing

the floor polisher. ‘Morning, Mrs B’. I hailed the aged crone much as two tramp steamers on a lonely ocean might pass the time of day. She muttered something unintelligible, which was about as near as she ever got to civility. I cleared my throat and tried again. ‘Er, not very many about this morning’ I remarked. ‘All on holiday’ was the brief and superficial response, before her ministrations to the floor continued uninterrupted. ‘Ah’, I said.

I'm rather ashamed to admit to not being a holiday sort of person. Not for me the glitz of Monaco, with air-conditioned casinos and impossibly good-looking young people beclad in Vilebrequin swimwear disporting themselves with much general merriment. Mother and I used to go to Wales a lot when Spode was more minor than at present, perhaps because the wild foam of the Irish Sea was allegedly good for asthma sufferers. The memories are less a hazy glow, more a

recurrently disturbing bad dream. We sat on the shingle and wrapped ourselves in blankets, usually in the teeth of a howling gale, gazing morosely at an empty, pewter ocean. It was too cold for ice creams and Father was too mean to pay for deck chairs. So the Spode rear end was usually covered in pebble-sized bruises by day end. I well recall the last time I went away by myself. I went to one of the more crowded parts of southern Spain, sharing a three-quarter inch of beach space with sweaty, ebullient Germans and determinedly vast Belgian women. Getting sand kicked in my face was less deliberate than accidentally inevitable. Despite the crowd, I nodded off for a while. When I awoke, some hours later, the beach was almost deserted and the lowering sun had left me exposed to all its ultraviolet penetration and infrared heat. My normally doughy European skin had changed to an angry and quite unpleasantly deep shade of rose pink; except for the single, quite rude word that someone had traced out in fullblock suntan lotion on my chest. I really can't bring myself to tell you exactly what it said, but, well, you rather get the idea. I had to wear T-shirts for the rest of the week. And, not just for the pain. All of the above being by way of prelude or overture for where our little ramble will take us. In short, I made up my mind to go on a little vacation. Vacation. A much pleasanter word than ‘holiday’, the old English term for 'Holy Days' when the Catholic Church in its munificence gave you a day off from all that toiling in the fields. My old Latin master, in between puffs on his vile-smelling pipe, used to make us learn little mnemonics - 'placere to give pleasure and vacare to have leisure, boys', he intoned. Having leisure, or should it be 'leisuring', sitting down somewhere with a glass of something cold seemed a thoroughly sound sort of a wheeze... Marvellous thing, the Internet. Cutting a very long story short, I had been corresponding or, as the young folk call it, 'chatting' - with a French lady for quite some time and she and I had struck up what used to be rather quaintly called an 'understanding'. Which meant that she seemed able to converse with me without being physically sick when confronted with my on-screen persona. Of course, I downplayed any small dental deficiencies I might have and generally gave the impression of dark English menace with a taste (hypothetically) for fast British cars and well-cut single-breasted suits from addresses in Savile Row. (Stop it now! Ed.) She, on the other hand, was robustly and unremittingly gay - no, not that kind of gay, the old-fashioned kind - with an outdoorsy temperament, strong peasant forearms and boundless energy. Quite the opposite, really, of my own, languidly dapper self. (I'm warning

you! Ed.) And, during the course of our conversations, she invited me to an EVENT. The French are obsessed with food. This is undeniable. My French lady was not just a writer - she wrote cookbooks - but also a cook, or chef or general purveyor of all things delicious. A hash slinger of no mean ability, in other words. People queued up to taste the repasts, banquets and collations she threw on the table with effortless ease. She and a friend had signed up for an event in the South of France and with typical and frankly shortsighted generosity she invited me to trundle down and cheer for the team. She told me she was entering a barbecuing competition to find the best barbecue chefs in the country. Now, at this point it is worth noting that when asked to light a barbecue, I normally set my clothes on fire and any surviving meat is blackened to ash on the outside and untouched by the heat within, so I felt it only fair to point out that I would be of little use to the team except perhaps as a taster. After much bonhomous laughter, she said I could do the washing up. Thus, I found myself on a Train Grand Vitesse or high-speed train, en route for a little town on the Camargue coast. Unlike Wales, the Camargue is flat, reclaimed marshland, home to gypsies, cowboys and bulls and about a billion mosquitoes per cubic metre. My destination is home to Sarah the Black Virgin, an Egyptian servant of Mary Magdalene, who, cast adrift by the Romans, arrived on the Camargue coast. There's an entirely serious festival every year in her honour when the gypsies ride their horses into the sea with an effigy of her. According to legend, when the perfidious Romans set the boat adrift, Sarah, left ashore, begged to be taken with them. By a miracle she was able to reach the boat by walking on the water. But, we are losing the thread. Stay with me now. Imagine this, eighty brand-new barbecues set up in the town square. The French have rather lagged behind the curve when it comes to cooking outdoors; Texan muscle and Antipodean flair have rather led the field. But, the French are catching on and, as always, bring more than a little Gallic flair to the barbecue business. There was quite a crowd. Professional teams with slick uniforms and their own washers-up (in our case, me), amateur teams consisting of men in silly hats out for a good time happy to let their meat char to a cinder in favour of drinking and having fun by the sea. Reality TV stars coached by the sponsoring barbecue company, gaggles of photographers, pretty girls with fake tattoos and considerable razzmatazz, and a serious jury, consisting of starred chefs and other persons of import; all converging on the little town of Saintes Maries de la Mer, the capital of the Camargue, to find

the best barbecue chefs in France. Also, two middle-aged women in home made tie-dyed T shirts turned up to take on the 'best of the best' from all over France, Europe and as far away as French Polynesia. One of whom had invited me. She muttered darkly that 'she hadn't come all this way just to come second.' The advertising budget was eye-watering. In addition to a lavish beach party for all those involved, each team received the use of a brand new barbecue, plus tools, competition aprons, charcoal, a large parasol and, of course, meat, fish or vegetables from a topflight local provider. Dear God, my little periwinkles, but it was hot. Most of the time, I hung around, dripping, like a spare usher at a wedding; when my little French gypsy slipped into top gear, the best thing to do was just take cover. Hand movements were as fast as a concert pianist's and one could almost hear the vegetables begging for mercy. I spent my time wandering hither and yon, sniffing appreciatively and tasting when invited to do so, returning to the home culvert to wash up as instructed. The roasting and skewering appeared to go according to schedule and a clipboarded, serious-looking jury arrived. When the 'taureau', or bull meat, was being tasted, a frisson rippled around as the chief juror, an elderly gentleman, suddenly lit up. He stayed for rather longer than his allotted time and questioned the team closely. We were cautiously optimistic, despite TV crews following last year's champion around as if he'd just won the Derby. Prize giving was tense, I have to admit. Leaving aside the holding of the breath, the reverse order announcements and pregnant pauses, we, or rather the team, scooped a first, second and third prize, the top prize being for the Blue Riband event, the 'taureau' - arguably the most demanding category. Despite the fact that I had done nothing but get in the way, I swallowed my English reserve, cawing and hooting with the best of them. Such behaviour might have raised an eyebrow on Kensington High Street, but I was On Vacation thus acceptable behavioural norms could comfortably be discarded. As holidays go, it went rather well. Not a bruised rear end in sight, no rude graffiti on my chest and a little bit of reflected glory. Excellent. August, 2015



Jim West

It’s summer time and the idea of icy landscapes and snow just seems foreign to us living in Kuwait. Yet there is a natural occurrence that drives many travelers to this small town in the northernmost part of Norway during the winter months between September and March. It’s advisable to book early as the best hotels and tours get filled quickly!


the MUST see…the Northern Lights of course! Nothing you see in videos online can quite prepare you for the surreal experience of seeing the lights. Tromso is in the middle of the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) zone but just make sure to NOT go between April and August as the aurora is not visible. This site shows the weather forecast for the Aurora -

2. the MUST eat…for the carnivores try ‘The Mix’ platter from the Skarven Biffhuset; enough for two, but

you will want all this to yourself - en/branches/biffhuset.

3. the MUST shop…Storgata Street is where you will find artwork, gifts, and Artic delicacies like reindeer sausages or dried fish. 4. the MUST stay…for a perfect balance of price and convenience stay at the Skansen Hotel. Located off Storgata Street, you will be centrally located to restaurants and shopping. They offer breakfast and internet access in your hotel cost. Plus, most Northern Light tour pickup locations are within walking distance. 5.

the MUST do off the beaten path…dog sledding. Although the dogs can be very loud, nothing is quite as exhilarating as whipping by the breathtaking landscape while 3-6 dogs race your sled along the icy terrain. Definitely for the thrill seekers!

For more information check out August, 2015

DID YOU KNOW? Paul Tunbridge A professional Facilities Manager from England, and with work experience across mainland Europe before arriving in Kuwait in 2007 Paul's interests include architecture and gardening as well as creative writing and the arts in general.

Did you know that most modern cars are equipped with features to assist motorists drive safely and comfortably, for the benefit of themselves and other road users alike? General observation combined with personal experience of local traffic in Kuwait suggests that many drivers may not be fully aware of the capabilities of their vehicles such that they would enhance the overall driving experience.

that they are planning to turn either left or right by intermittently flashing all the directional indicator lights on one or other side of the car. Operated by a simple stalk, usually attached to the left of the steering column (but sometimes on the right), it is a great way to courteously warn other drivers of the intention to pull out and change lanes or change direction. Designed to be used in conjunction with Mirrors and Windows (see below).

Mirrors Inspired by the “Did You Know� inserts which are broadcast on the Travel Channel, which provide some interesting facts about different world locations, this is a tongue-in-cheek review of some little-used motor vehicle features and accessories.

Directional Indicators There’s a great little gadget that is included in every motor vehicle, which enables the driver to tell others

Most motor vehicles are equipped with around five mirrors. One of these is usually positioned in the middle of the windscreen (front window) at the top, and is essentially for the driver to maintain an awareness of the traffic on the road behind. Another two mirrors are positioned, one on each front door on either side of the vehicle, for the driver to more easily see traffic approaching from the rear on either side. By paying attention to the road and traffic using all three mirrors, drivers will be more aware

Windscreen Wipers Not often a requirement in the local climate, many drivers seem to forget how to switch on their Windscreen Wipers on the rare occasions when it rains. These incredibly handy gadgets are a necessity in wet climates and are commonly usable in several speed settings, clearing the visually obstructive water from the windscreen (See Windows above).

of the times to change or not change lanes, alerting other drivers by signalling via use of the Directional Indicators (see above). The remaining mirrors will most commonly be hidden behind the front sun-visors, and are useful for checking appearance of hair and make-up, or squeezing spots!

Windows Pieces of glass of differing sizes fitted at the front, rear and sides of a vehicle allow the drivers to view everything around them – a view enhanced by using the Mirrors (see above). Will only work, however, when drivers actually look pro-actively through the glass!

Lights Whilst skilful use of Windows and Mirrors assists a driver to see other vehicles and road-users, it is important to ensure that other drivers are similarly observant. At times of poor visibility (at night and in dust-storms etc.) the location of vehicles is greatly enhanced by simply using an easyto-use switch that turns on lights of varying brightness around the vehicle’s perimeter.

Seat Belts It never ceases to amaze me how, here in Kuwait, so many of the accidents I see on the roads appear to result in at least one of the vehicles on its roof. To ensure that the vehicle occupants are given the opportunity to dangle from the roof like bats, instead of getting forcibly ejected from the vehicle through the windscreen, vehicle manufacturers fit seat belts for the safe and secure retention of the driver, as well as for the maximum legal number of passengers in all seats.

Child and Pet Restraints It is easy to imagine how, in a road accident, anything loose within a vehicle could potentially be violently ejected from a vehicle through any of the windows. Hence the legal provision of Seat Belts (see above). But regular seat belts are designed for adults, so the market offers a wide range of accessories to responsible drivers for the protection of all sizes of children and pets. Baby seats, child harnesses and booster seats, plus pet restraints for dogs and other pets, all make good sense.

Driver’s Seat Adjustment

Ash Trays / Waste Containers Most vehicles have some small receptacles for depositing ash and small items of rubbish; and carrying larger bags in the vehicle to cater for larger items such as fast-food containers and disposable drinks cups is always a sensible plan. The bags can then be removed at the end of the journey and put into larger waste containers. This solution is, of course, an alternative to the more commonly-used practise of simply opening the vehicle’s door when waiting at traffic signals and emptying all rubbish on to the road.

Hands-Free Connectivity The incorporation of Hands-Free Connections into most new vehicles means that no drivers need to physically hold their mobile phones when driving. No … no hands needed to talk on a mobile phone … not even in Kuwait! So now you know!

Large vehicles and short drivers are not ideally suited. Vision of the road is severely restricted when a driver’s eyes are only a few centimetres above the top of the steering wheel, yet such drivers are a common sight on our local roads. Most vehicle seats are easily adjustable for reach, back tilt and height nowadays, with some boasting electronic adjustment and position memory! Failing that, many homestores provide a wide range of cushions.

August, 2015


Mykonos is so beautiful; it is no accident that it has become one of the most desired destinations in the world. And if you add the cosmopolitan lifestyle, the sophisticated nightlife and the historic treasures of the nearby Delos to its stunning natural beauties and picturesque villages, you’ll have the recipe for an unforgettable holiday.

Where to Stay


Poseidon Hotel Suites is a picturesque Sea view Mykonos Town Hotel, located next to the sea and only a breath away from the vibrant Mykonos town. The traditional Mykonos Island architecture, the affordable prices and the majestic view of Delos, make this 3 star hotel, the ideal choice for those seeking an unforgettable stay in the renowned Mykonos Island.

Madalena Mykonos Town Hotel

Madalena is a small boutique hotel; built according to the authentic Mykonian architectural style, located 1 block from the center of Mykonos town (280 meters). Madalena is situated just above the old port of Mykonos and overlooks the center of Mykonos town, the port, the sea and the neighboring islands.

Take a selfie with Pétros the Pelican

This is one tough old bird. After being left by his migrating flock in the 1950s, he was nursed back to health by fishermen. He became the mascot of Mykonos, and after his passing the legacy of Petros has lived on - there are now three pelicans who have made Mykonos harbour their home.

Things to do

Work on your tan at Paraga Beach Saint John Mykonos

It is an idyllic stunning oasis silhouetted against the clear blue skyline of Mykonos Island and located on a 20,000 square meter stretch of pristine coastline in Agios Ioannis, where Shirley Valentine's movie was filmed. As one of the leading Mykonos beach hotels, Saint John hotel combines the elegance and luxury amenities you would come to expect from a 5 star, Mykonos hotel of this high caliber

You’ll be glowing after a few days lounging about on the glorious sand at Paraga Beach. Soak up the sun and take a dip in the crystal clear water. Plus, it’s the perfect photo opp to pretend you are walking on water.

Where to Dine Paradise Restaurant

Stroll around Mykonos Town

Acrogiali - Beach Hotel Mykonos

Hotel Acrogiali is an A ‘class Hotel, situated directly on the beach, one of the most beautiful beaches of Mykonos island, in Platy Yialos. It was built in 1993. A regular public bus service will take you to visit the town of Mykonos which is just 10 minutes from Platys Yialos beach. From the beach of PlatyYialos small boats will take you to the beaches of Paraga, Paradise, Super Paradise, Agrari and Elia.

Beautiful white buildings and bright blue doors; Mykonos Town delivers all these iconic images of the Greek Islands and more. Lose yourself in the winding alleys, stop to smile at one of the many Greek cats and make your way to the seaside


Fokos Taverna

Grab a gyro from Jimmy's Gyros This is an absolute Mykonos must and your taste buds will thank you for it. Jimmy’s Gyros are legendary and also good value. Open late night, a delicious Greek eating experience awaits here.

Bon voyage!

August, 2015


Nadia AlHassan Nadia Al-Hassan is a student in Ireland, studying Journalism. She is passionate about writing stories and poetry. Nadia loves helping people with her stories. She believes that words are beautiful and powerful.

Ahmed didn’t seem to know where he was heading in life. He seemed lost and confused and it took him some time to think about what he was going to do. When he finally thought he had made up his mind to follow his heart, he shook the thought away again. “I can’t” he said to his brother Faisal with sadness in his eyes. He left the house with a heavy heart. He needed some space to think. “You don’t have to hold back just because you’re worried about change. Follow your heart” Faisal called out after him. Faye looked around the room waiting. She wasn’t sure what she was waiting for but she was waiting. Perhaps a sign would be sent her way. At any moment, maybe she’d know just what to do; whether she should take that step or not. She was waiting for that sign to tell her she was making the right decision. Faye looked at her mother with those big brown eyes and her mother knew her daughter’s thoughts straight away- was he the right man to marry? Khalid walked around the mall as if he carried the whole weight of the world on his shoulders. He’d been so busy over the last couple of months trying to make other people happy and fix their problems that he’d forgot about himself. He had lost his job months ago, he wasn’t making any money and he was sick of the lifestyle he was living.

Depression was hitting him and whilst Khalid was busy helping other people with their problems, he needed someone to help him with his own. As he walked through the mall with his head held low, he realised he made the right choice by calling his best friend to meet him for a coffee. Yousef was too busy trying to please all those around him and live the life they wanted him to live that his life was no longer his own. As he approached his house, he knew he had to tell his family that he wasn’t happy and needed to make his own decisions from now on. It was time to marry the woman that he wanted to marry all along. Iman just wanted to speak up for herself for once but she was too afraid. “Dad, I think I am independent and mature enough to study my masters abroad now” she said in almost a whisper, afraid of what her father was going to say. They were all afraid to make a step. They were afraid they would let others down and perhaps afraid of change. So they were doing nothing about the heaviness they were feeling in their hearts - until now. It was time for these young adults to follow their heart. It was time for them to choose a road. It was time for them to be happy and let go of that fear. It was time to trust the flickering light of hope.

A Wholesome Welcome at the Wholesale Market Gill Sherry

I must confess I was pleasantly surprised by my first visit to Kuwait’s Wholesale Market in Shuwaikh. Situated behind The London Shopping Centre on Canada Dry Street, it doesn’t look particularly inviting. Neither, I discovered, does it hint at the welcome you’re likely to receive from those inside. So when I entered the first store to be greeted by two traditionally dressed gentlemen with big smiles and even bigger personalities, I could barely suppress my delight. They were quick to welcome me into their small but very well stocked store and were soon handing me a cup of Arabic coffee and tempting me with their vast display of dates. I’m ashamed to admit, my previous experience of dates is limited to the tasteless, pre-packed variety found in supermarkets. Boy, was I in for a treat! There were dozens of different dates to choose from. Some were soft and sweet, others firm and slightly chalky; but all were fresh and delicious and I was invited to try them all. My hosts, partners Abdulla Mohammed and Golam Khader, were more than willing to confirm the name and origin of each fruit. Birhi dates, for example, are grown in Kuwait and are so soft they melt in your mouth. Rotana dates from Saudi Arabia are also deliciously sweet and tender. The younger Bream variety is firm in comparison and less sweet but equally tasty. Sipping my coffee, I was enthralled by their tales and wasn’t surprised to learn they had fifty years experience in the trade. In addition to their ‘Jarir’ store, they have a number of other stores at the Wholesale Market. They insisted I visit another and gestured for me to follow them to a second ‘date den’. This was larger, with even more delectable treats for me to try. As well as dates there were nuts, spices, seeds, sweets, pickles, biscuits and pastes. It was difficult to know where to start but having been handed a second cup of Arabic coffee and having learned how well the two complement each other, I opted for more dates. This time, dark and sticky stuffed with almond and coated with sesame seeds. I had no idea dates could be so deliciously addictive.

August, July, 2015

One member of staff beckoned me to the rear of the store where the most expensive dates were stored. Ajwa dates are grown in the Madinah region of Saudi Arabia. These special dates are referred to in the Holy Qur’an in which The Messenger says ‘Ajwa dates are from Paradise’. It is believed that if you take seven Ajwa dates in the morning, you will be protected from magic and poison throughout the day. My visit so far was certainly an education and I was impressed, not just by the knowledge of the vendors, but also their enthusiasm. We encountered some language difficulties but with gestures and a little help from our friends, the message was received. It was cheerfully delivered, exceptionally welcoming and full of typical Kuwait hospitality. Before leaving the store, I admired the strings of green Khalal dates, bright coloured apricots and dark furrowed prunes as well the large variety of teas on display. It wasn’t just a treat for my taste buds it was a feast for my eyes too and having made my purchase, I reluctantly left my new friends behind.

Whilst admiring the deep, bright colours of the spices and savouring the rich, sweet smell of dates, I was approached by another gentleman wanting to tell me about their flavoured water. Palm Water, he told me, was good for digestion, Alban Water is used when kids develop a cough, Margadosh is good for colic and Olive Tree Water helps with blood pressure. These natural remedies can be consumed straight from the bottle or mixed with tea and can be purchased in sample sizes too. I thanked him for his help, only to discover he didn’t actually work there, he was just another customer!

As with most trading in Kuwait, the businesses operating from the Wholesale Market are steeped in tradition. At the meat market I met with Khalid Kabil, a Syrian butcher with twentyfour years experience. He was happy to tell me about his business activities which include the import of meat for distribution throughout Kuwait. He also exports the animal skins to Turkey so very little goes to waste. Whilst his store was obviously not as attractive or as sweet smelling as the previous stores, it was a pleasure to meet the staff and hear about his family business. After losing his father three years ago, Khalid is building on the sixty-year family tradition by continuing to supply quality, halal meat to his customers. But there was still more to discover at the Wholesale Market. As you would expect, they cater for hotels and restaurants so for bulk buying, this is the place to go. From kitchen equipment and appliances to commercial sized soap and washing powder and every packaging requirement you could need, you’ll find it all here. But they cater for individual shoppers too. It’s also ideal for purchasing fresh fruit and vegetables, olives and shrimps as well as everyday goods like breakfast cereals, milk and cheese – take your pick from goat, camel, cow or sheep.

It was sad to see the abandoned fruit and vegetable market as I left. The derelict structure cast a sorry shadow over its surroundings; a sign of long forgotten traders and their perishable produce. But fear not, you can still purchase your pears and pumpkins at the Wholesale Market – and a whole lot more besides.

August, 2015

MARK Meet the English gentleman leading by example in his pursuit of progress and performance. Mark Lander is politeness personified. His sincere personality ensures a guaranteed warm welcome at Kuwait’s favourite luxury brand store. But with over thirty years experience, the manager of Harvey Nichols knows the key to success is all about teamwork and putting the customer first.

August, 2015

Photographer: Natalia Sitcai @moonlightstudio

Please introduce yourself to our readers. I’m Mark Lander, the General Manager of Harvey Nichols Kuwait.

Have you always worked in retail? Yes! My career in retail started straight after my education, and here we are, 32 years later.

How long have you lived in Kuwait? It will be two years in September. I am really enjoying the experience, the people and the place.

Do you get to meet many of your customers? I meet so many interesting and fabulous customers as part of my job! Our customers are the number one priority in everything I do, so it is great to talk to them about the store, our products and life in general.

What do you believe is the secret to good retail management? I think it’s a combination of skills, attitude and behaviors. It’s important to lead by example, to lead from the front with integrity and good values. You have to have a vision and a strategy to get you there. Good retail is also all about building a great team around you and having strong relationships with key stakeholders. This means communicating clearly and listening well. To deliver results you need drive and determination; you have to be positive, proactive and have a sense of pace and urgency. But most of all, you must put the customer first in everything you do!

Life is full of cans, not can’ts. Do you have a favourite department or designer in Harvey Nichols? Because fashion is constantly changing, it’s difficult to pick a specific one. I love luxury brands and products, so I could walk you around the store at any given time enthusing about many.

What has been the highlight of your role at Harvey Nichols so far? The team and store is evolving all the time, so watching people progress and the store performing are my highlights.

What do you enjoy most about living/ working in Kuwait? My friends, who are my second family. Also the diversity of people; I have 32 different nationalities in my store alone!

August, 2015

Photographer: Natalia Sitcai @moonlightstudio

What do you consider to be the biggest challenges living in Kuwait? Coping with the heat! And crossing the Gulf Road when you’re out walking!

What piece of advice would you give to someone relocating to Kuwait? Do some research on where you want to live and plan to best suit your circumstances. Make sure you like sunshine. And you’ll get used to the roads and traffic, even though it will scare you at first.

What do you do to relax? FaceTime home to speak to my family, eat out with friends, swimming, walking, watching TV and listening to music.

Do you have a favourite restaurant in Kuwait? Veranda and P.F. Chang’s for food. Starbucks for my coffee and croissant.

What is your favourite holiday destination? Mauritius and Cornwall, UK. They’re both beautiful and magical places.

What is your motto in life? Life is full of cans, not can’ts.

Do you have a message for the team at CityPages? Thank you for this opportunity, keep up the great work with the magazine and best wishes for the future!

Quick Questions

City or beach? Beach. Meat or fish? Meat. Tea or coffee? Tea in the morning, coffee (Starbucks) after. Love both. Dream car – Bentley GTC convertible. All-time favourite movies – Ghost, Cool Runnings, Grease and Forest Gump. Favourite band/artist – Barry White. Desert Island discs – Valerie by Mark Ronson feat. Amy Winehouse. Don’t stop me now by Queen. Favourite book – Jonathan Livingston’s Seagull. Favourite colour – Blue. Your next holiday – Istanbul.

The team and store is evolving all the time, so watching people progress and the store performing are my highlights.

August, 2015

Photographer: Natalia Sitcai @moonlightstudio


Aigerim Rahmet Born in Kazakhstan, lived in Prague, Czech Republic for more than 10 years, graduated with a HND in Business and BA(hons) in International Management from Teesside University, Aigerim Rahmet is an Assistant Spa Manager at Six Senses Spa. She earned an MBA in Hospitality Management from one of the top hospitality schools-Les Roches International school of Hotel Management and an MAS degree from Les Roches Gruyère University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland. Follow Aigerim on Instagram at: @a_rahmet & @divineq8

In the next few years, hotels will implement an enhanced experience for guests via innovative technology, integrative wellness, sustainability and more. The hotel industry is required to improve and find new ways to appeal to travelers by providing exceptional services and unique amenities. Let’s check out the trends for 2015.

Innovative technology such as self –service and mobile check- in. Innovative technologies on a mobile platform will be expected as more individuals rely on digital concierge services. The leading hotel chains are experimenting with self-service check-in initiatives, for example Marriott’s check-in kiosks and Starwood’s keyless entry via mobile devices. Benefits of these programs include more consistent up-sell opportunities, labor savings and, perhaps most importantly, alignment of the hotel experience with the guests’ increasing preference for convenience. However, the impact of reducing face-to-face interactions with hotel staff on guest satisfaction and return bookings is likely to vary by guest segment. Given the associated risk, hotel executives will benefit from testing self-service check-in initiatives in a subset of hotels or markets prior to broad implementation. Technology is better and smarter and more integrated with user experiences. The smartphone is essential kit for almost all employees, making it a potential tool for HR training and other workplace uses. Integrated outlets, USB ports and wireless technology integration with hotel TV systems are basic. The iPod docking station is passé, but simple clocks are back in. Starwood Hotels have embedded a team within Apple. Together, they are working on integrating the Apple Watch into on-property technology at Starwoodbranded hotels. The company has been testing Apple Watch functionality for the past six or seven months, with the goal of integrating it into Starwood’s mobile check-in/keyless entry offering.

Integrative wellness. A number of travelers are

focused on maintaining their health-conscious lifestyles while on the road. Many hotels offer different programs such as ‘wellness rooms’. Transforming traditional hotel rooms to ‘wellness rooms’ includes mattress and shower modifications and many more. For example, Six Senses Resorts provide big variety of pillows with scents, water, herbs and more that can stimulate or improve sleep. They also have many wellness activities such as Yoga programs. Other hotels offer Detox programs and Yoga breaks for corporate bookings. The shift towards ‘wellness tourism’ provides the potential for hotels to attract new guest segments.





Hotels are also tempting tech-obsessed travelers by offering the latest amenities to make their stay more convenient. For example, in-room touch-screen controls that operate everything from the television and lighting to the curtains and thermostat and complimentary iPads.

Sustainability. Many hotels will start to

implement eco-friendly practices and an attractive ‘green policy’. Travelers expect hotels to have some type of environmental program in place and many guests are willing to pay more for eco-features. Critical resources such as water and power are under increasing strain leading to price increases, volatility and even shortages. While staying in Six Senses Resort in Thailand, I was able to contribute to the Mangrove Trail by planting my own tree. Some hotels combine meeting and conference options that focus on greening all aspects of the conference, from zero waste and carbon offsetting options, to greening services such as compostable and recyclable products. The latter includes things like a stationary, disposal free food and beverage service using reusable products such as china and linen napkins, focusing on eco-tours of the hotel and surrounding areas, and locally sourced, organic cuisine.

* Starts from 27



tart Date: 05/01/2015 Remove Date COP: 28/02/2015

Fantastic flavours. Tons of toppings. Endless fun.


Natalie Rose Choonoo Natalie is an optometrist and contact lens specialist at International Optique. She has a Bachelor of Optometry from the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal South Africa. For more information contact International Optique. Tel: 25714007 – 97234753, www. –, Instagram: @intoptique

Are you suffering from neck pain? Do you push your reading spectacles to the tip of your nose while using the computer? Are you continually fiddling with the settings on your computer screen? If you are, then read on for your solution to this awkward problem. Many of our daily routine activities are performed using our mid-range vision e.g. holding a conversation with a colleague in the office, having dinner, computer use and so forth. Mid-range or intermediate vision is that vision which is further than the traditional 40 cm

of reading but less than distance viewing of 5 meters. Whether it is in the office or at home, your mid-range vision should not be neglected. Today's technological advances demand we read at various distances with different devices. Office lenses are designed to offer optimal viewing at intermediate and near. They may just be your answer to enhance your mid-range vision, improve your posture and ease visual strain. We offer a few options for your mid-range visual needs. Here are some which should provide an insight as to what your may require.

FOR THE READERS •Offers you more freedom in reading range than the traditional 40 cm of reading spectacles. • Great choice for people who read intensively on a mobile phone, tablet or laptop. • Good choice for those who require a reading prescription for the first time and those who want to extend their reading range.

FOR THE READERS & COMPUTER USERS • Good choice for those who need to read and use a computer screen simultaneously. • A wider intermediate zone for computer work, allows for a smoother shift between computer and near compared to multifocals or progressive lenses. • Range of vision from 40 cm-1.2 meters. • Lens of choice for people who only want their vision to be maximized at their desk space. • Good choice for accountants, doctors and IT professionals.


• Suitable for those who require a lens dedicated to their office or meeting space. • Range of vision from 40 cm- 3 meters. • Lens of choice for architects, office workers and managers. • Suitable for those who are actively moving around a small office space area and require vision beyond the conventional desk space. • Not suitable for driving.

Please consult us at International Optique for the optimal lens choice to suit your visual needs. Remember that your lenses can be upgraded with additional coatings to further enhance your mid-vision and protect from harmful blue light.

August, 2015



Dr. Nazia Nausheen Dr. Nazia Nausheen is a certified medical doctor. She also holds a Masters Degree in Business, Specializing in Sales and Marketing. Readers should look forward to her regular articles on women health and other general health related issues.

From sleepy newborn babies to overworked business people, we all rub our eyes. Sometimes it's with one finger, other times we use the heels of both hands and when we're after a nice firm gouge, we stick in a knuckle or two. Rubbing our eyes stimulates tears to flow and lubricates dry eyes, removing dust and other irritants. It also relieves stress. That's because pressing down on the eyeball stimulates the Vagus nerve to slow down our heart rate. This so-called oculo-cardiac reflex helps us to relax and smell the roses. Rubbing the eyes also increases the eye pressure. An occasional rub is nothing to worry about. But if you’ve made a habit of jamming your palms into your eyes, that pressure build-up could lead to a detached retina. The retina is a thin layer of tissue on the back of your eyeball that translates visual data into the neural information your brain understands. And if it detaches—or separates from your eyeball—you could go permanently blind.

You can seriously damage your eyes! Most people's eye pressure returns to normal when they stop rubbing and the temporary blip does no obvious long-term damage. However, for people with certain eye conditions, an increase in eye pressure caused by hard, frequent or prolonged rubbing could be more serious. For instance, people with progressive myopia – a common type of short-sightedness (when objects in the distance appear blurry) caused by a lengthened eyeball – can find their eyesight worsens. In some cases, their retina detaches from the back of the eye. People with glaucoma may also be affected by the increase in eye pressure as it can disrupt blood flow at the back of the eye and lead to nerve damage, harming your sight. Rubbing can also affect the front of the eye. The combination of increased eye pressure and the

mechanical damage caused by rubbing can harm the cornea; the dome-shaped window that we rely on for a clear view of the world. In rare cases, the cornea tears. More commonly, it's weakened and pushes forward to become more conical, like the pointy end of a rugby ball, a condition known as Keratoconus. Again, the damage could be enough to cause significant loss of sight.

High risk: • Rubbing your eyes first thing in the morning can be particularly risky for your cornea, which can be swollen from excess fluid as a result of low overnight oxygen levels. • Another high risk time is when you take out your contact lenses, as your eye's oxygen levels might still be recovering, especially if you wear thick lenses. Like rubbing first thing in the morning, a swollen cornea is more vulnerable to damage. • Eye rubbing can aggravate already sore, red and itchy eyes. • If you suffer from allergies, rubbing can also transfer allergens like pollen from the lashes to the eye's surface. • Then, there's the chance of transferring germs from your hands to the eye, increasing the risk of styes and eye infections.

How can you avoid rubbing your eyes? • Gently applying a clean, wet facecloth to your eyes to help reduce the itch and urge to rub or to remove sleep from your eyes in the morning. • Treating the underlying causes of dry, irritated or itchy eyes to minimize the need for rubbing. This could include avoiding known allergens or irritants, or taking your allergy medication. • Trying to manage your stress if this is the reason for rubbing your eyes.



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Consultant Plastic surgeon Mob : 98029419 1888877 – Ext : 140-141

Baghdad Street – Building 38 same as Boushahri Seema Pharmacy, Opposite Suleiman Al-Luhaib Mosque - Tel : 1888877



People say the eye is the mirror of the body; an old saying but a very true one in reflecting the effects of age and overall general well being of the body. As the eyelid is a major component of the periorbital area, it receives the full attention of cosmetic surgeons and specialists in their everlasting attempts to counter the effects of age on this vulnerable area. The following article will focus on the cosmetic changes without discussing pathological, traumatic or other changes related to general diseases affecting the body. As time goes by, progressive sagging occurs in the upper eyelids with relative weakening in the eye opening muscles, giving an exhausted appearance to the face. In extreme cases, this can be aggravated with drooping of the lacrimal gland, responsible for tear production. This can cause marked fullness in the outer portion of the eyelid. Another aging effect is the appearance of what is generally known as bags of fat, mostly in the lower lids. These are due to progressive weakness of the septum protecting the globe, causing escape of the fat under the skin. This

also contributes to the old, exhausted look. Although dark halos around the eye can have many causes unrelated to age, ageing can contribute to the drooping of cheek fullness which can exaggerate these halos. Management of the periorbital area has many modalities. To start, prophylactic measures in creams, abstinence from smoking and alcohol, correction of eye sight errors, getting a good share of sleep every night and avoiding drastic weight change, either up or down, can be of great help in delaying or reducing ageing changes around the eye. Secondly, the cosmetic surgeon has many tools to help with correction of the eyelid

area. Botox injections can raise the upper eyelid and reduce lateral wrinkles known as crow's feet to give a wider, more youthful eye opening. Injection of growth factors "PRP" has a marked effect on reducing halos and wrinkles. Laser rejuvenation can help with stretching the aging skin giving it a healthy look. Mesotherapy can dissolve bulging fat and reduce dark halos. However, surgery has the major role in rejuvenation of the eyelids. Excision of excess skin, and removal or redraping of herniated fat, totally reverses the old look. Combined with lifting of the cheek area through the lower lid incision, the patient can notice a marked improvement in facial contour. This has a major effect on restoring facial contour and gives a youthful look. All these procedures can be done under local anesthesia with sedation and the patient can leave the hospital on the same day. To sum up, it has to be noted that eyelid surgery and other ancillary procedures for periorbital rejuvenation are safe and have no damaging effect on vision or eye functions.

Baghdad Street – Building 38 same as Boushahri Seema Pharmacy, Opposite Suleiman Al-Luhaib Mosque - Tel : 1888877


Prof. Kazem Behbehani, OBE THE DECORATED KUWAITI PUTTING THE DASMAN INSTITUTE ON THE MAP Professor Kazem Behbehani is no stranger to Royalty. Not only has he been awarded an OBE by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, he has also been approached directly by The Amir to tackle the growing problem of Diabetes in Kuwait. Read on to learn about his previous successes and his future goals.

In 2014 you were awarded the Order of the British Empire in recognition of your work in international and global health. Did this come as a surprise?

In your position as Director of Tropical Medicine you were able to pioneer a new approach for WHO. Can you tell us a little about what you did and why it was so new?

Definitely, it was a great surprise to me. I had no idea that I, a Kuwaiti, was considered for such an honour by Her Majesty the Queen of England. But I can assure you it was a very pleasant surprise that I will always recall and cherish.

Well, very briefly, the first thing I did was to bring all the main stakeholders around the table to plan a global battle against lymphatic filariasis or what is often called elephantiasis. I realized, from a very early stage, that the committed parties lacked coordination in their approach in fighting this disease and was able to bring together the European Union, the WHO and the pharmaceutical industry. This was a major step forward for WHO which, until that point,was working more or less alone. My philosophy has always been to try to get people to collaborate, join forces, share ideas and bring their resources together in order to face problems. It was a great success and the program I created is still being strongly implemented. The model of collaboration I created has also been taken up by other programs at WHO. By 2020, we hope to have eradicated this dreadful disease.

Tell us about the key positions you held at the World Health Organization. Prior to my appointment as Assistant Director General, I was the Director of WHO’s Program on Tropical Medicine. During my tenure I was able to develop and lead a very ambitious program to eliminate diseases that had been plaguing developing countries for centuries. Our greatest achievement was creating a global initiative to eradicate lymphatic filariasis. However, being recognized and honoured by Her Majesty the Queen was more for my achievements in the field of tropical medicine.

August, 2015

What lead to your decision to come back to Kuwait and lead the Dasman Diabetes Institute? My decision was very simple. His Highness, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad AlJaber Al-Sabah, the Amir of Kuwait, asked me to return due to the increasing problem of diabetes in Kuwait and his concern that the problem was not receiving the attention it deserved. I immediately accepted and came back to find a frightening situation. During the years I had been away, diabetes had become a major problem throughout the GCC and the Middle East. Diabetes had traditionally been considered to be more of a problem in highly developed countries such as the United States and not in countries such as Kuwait where the concern was for communicable diseases. What I saw when I came back was a rapidly growing rate of all types of diabetes and a society that was not only unaware of the challenge but also unprepared to deal with it.

Was anything being done about diabetes in Kuwait at that time? Of course. In fact one of the things that Kuwait does not lack is good medical specialists. We have excellent physicians specialized in diabetes in Kuwait. But, in 2009, when His Highness asked me to take over the position of Director General of Dasman Diabetes Institute, there was no consolidated national effort to tackle the problem. I think many people were simply accepting diabetes as just another disease and assuming there was nothing that could be done about it. It was the same type of problem I had seen in many other countries when I was with WHO. Accordingly, I decided to make Dasman a Kuwait center of excellence that would bring together the talents of our specialists in Kuwait and at the same time embody a research and training program capable of responding to the challenges of diabetes in Kuwait.

In Kuwait there are still some people who do not know about the work of the Dasman Diabetes Institute, can you explain further? The problem is that there are still too many people who do not know enough about diabetes, not that they do not know about the Dasman Diabetes Institute. Today, Kuwait is one of the top countries in the world suffering from diabetes. Almost a quarter of our population are diabetic. This is a frightening and alarming statistic and many people do not seem to be aware that the most common form of diabetes, namely Type 2 diabetes, is highly preventable. Moreover even when people have diabetes there is a lot they can do to manage it and lead a normal life and a good quality lifestyle. But we still find people suffering from diabetes complications such as loss of sight and serious foot and leg problems that require intensive care.

Are you saying the situation is getting worse? In some ways no, but in other ways yes. In terms of treatment we have never been in better shape than we are today in Kuwait. There are a number of excellent diabetes specialists in Kuwait and at the Dasman Diabetes Institute we have a podiatry program that has become a world leader. We have put together a team of international podiatry specialists and brought a new type of treatment from Cuba that is now literally saving legs from amputation. We are very proud of all of this and I can say that there are people in Kuwait who will walk well again as a result of the treatment they have received at Dasman. Our education programs have become increasingly effective. We are reaching out more than ever to children in schools and our nutrition education programs are bringing new ideas and better lifestyle practices into homes. In doing so, we are gradually promoting healthier eating and cooking habits. We have created research programs that attracted world-wide recognition and today the Dasman Diabetes Institute is collaborating with major universities such as Harvard in the United States, Oxford, Cambridge and Dundee in the UK, and ICMHD in Switzerland. I think our research is going to make a big difference to our understanding of diabetes in Kuwait and the Middle East and tell us

why some people are more vulnerable than others. It will also provide a key to how we can intervene to improve diabetes prevention and treatment. At the same time I must admit that the lifestyles of people in Kuwait and other parts of the world continue to worry me. Globally we are becoming too sedentary and the fast food industry has become a global phenomenon that is changing our traditional eating habits. While I recognize that this is not in itself a bad thing, there is a downside to it; namely that we are eating too much unhealthy food and we are exercising too little. People everywhere are becoming more obese and considering it as normal, when in fact, it is highly dangerous. There is still a lot to do here in Kuwait and elsewhere in the world to control and regulate this.

Is there anything you would like to add? Well, I would like to say that I am obliged and very grateful to His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al -Ahmad Al- Jaber Al-Sabah the Amir of Kuwait for entrusting me with his confidence to take up this challenge through my position at the Dasman Diabetes Institute and for his support and guidance. I would like to thank him too for giving so much attention to the problem of diabetes. In addition I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the Crown Prince of Kuwait for his continuous support. It has been an immense challenge but I think we are now making a difference and I hope that our future generations will benefit from the work we are doing at the Dasman Diabetes Institute. We have benefited enormously from the support of the Ministry of Health and the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences and I hope we will continue to do so. August, 2015

Let’s Get Real… with Nat

Natalie Van Rooyen

Entertaining is by far the hardest hurdle to get over when you change the way you eat. Even if it’s not a Paleo or Banting diet, you are subjecting your ‘normal eating’ friends to your preferences and are most likely opening yourself up to criticism.

Throwing a party or having a get-together should be pure enjoyment and should no way involve the stress of self-restraint. You don’t even need to tell your friends that everything is Banting or Paleo, just serve them delicious food and if they ask, tell them it’s good, healthy food.

Entertaining at home is a big part of our lives in Kuwait, so I thought I would give you a recipe that can be enjoyed completely guilt free. Your guests won’t even know the difference. I prefer to roll the minced meat into little meatballs served on colorful little forks and keep the tzatziki as a dipping sauce on the side.

Let’s Get Real… with Nat LAMB KOFTA WITH TZATZIKI Ingredients:


For the kofta:

For the tzatziki (Greek cucumber yoghurt sauce):

• 800g lamb mince

• 2 cups double thick Greek yoghurt

• onion, chopped

• 1 medium cucumber, peeled, halved and seeded

• 2 cloves garlic, crushed • olive oil • 1 tbsp ground coriander

• 2 tsp salt • ½ clove garlic

• 1 tsp salt

• 1 tbsp olive oil

• 1 tsp ground cumin

• 1 tbsp lemon juice

• ½ tsp ground cinnamon • ½ tsp ground allspice • ¼ tsp cayenne pepper • ¼ tsp ground ginger • 3 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped • salt and black pepper

• ½ tbsp fresh mint, finely chopped

Directions: 1. Grate the cucumber into a bowl and sprinkle with salt, rubbing it into the cucumber with your hands. 2. Rest for 20 minutes, then squeeze the cucumbers to release as much liquid as possible.

Directions: 1. Sauté the onion and garlic in oil until softened. Add the salt and spices and toast them until they become aromatic. Remove from the heat.

3. Stir the cucumber, garlic, olive oil, lemon juice and mint into the yoghurt. 4. Refrigerate for at least one hour before serving.

2. Mix the pan contents, the parsley and mince together in a bowl and season well. 3. Divide the meat mixture into about 14 rough balls. Mould each piece around the pointed end of a bamboo kebab skewer, making an oval kebab that comes to a point, just covering the tip of the skewer. Cover and refrigerate for at least one hour before grilling. 4. Heat a griddle pan over medium heat. 5. Brush the meat lightly with olive oil and grill, turning until brown all over and just cooked through (about five minutes). Serve with tzatziki. Note: When using wooden skewers be sure to soak them in water for at least 15 minutes before using them.

You can also stretch this dish out into a full dinner course by serving it with a lovely quinoa and baby spinach salad or just fresh salad greens with an easy lemon vinaigrette.

Watch this space for more easy and delicious guilt-free recipes to come. You can also visit the Real Meal Revolution website for more tips and recipes, as well as informed research about adopting a healthy lifestyle. August, 2015

IN-FLIGHT by: Melody Mackintosh @MelodyMackintosh What is it about airports? Why do they turn perfectly normal, pleasant individuals into irrational, belligerent travellers? Some of you may remember the children’s animated cartoon character Mr. Benn. I was a big fan of Mr. Benn when I was a girl. The respected gentleman in the smart suit and bowler hat would enter the magic changing room in his local fancy dress shop and emerge in a strange new world as a completely different character. Airports seem to have the same transformation ability, but without the need for fancy dress. It’s the airline staff I feel sorry for. Whilst some girls dream of being an air hostess, I personally can’t think of anything worse. Even in my naive years of adolescence, I was never taken in by the jet-set persona and always saw an air hostess as a glorified waitress rather than a glamorous high-flyer getting paid to satisfy her wander-lust. Working in a confined space at the beck and call of hundreds of short-tempered travellers is not my idea of fun. During a recent flight from Kuwait to Amsterdam, I observed the socalled ‘trolley-dollies’ with unveiled curiosity. Their patience levels were exemplary - another reason why I could never follow this particular career path. The behaviour of some of the passengers would have tested my tolerance levels to the extreme but the cabin crew maintained their longanimity as well as their smiles. It’s a shame the same couldn’t be said for the passengers. We all feel weary when we’re travelling but that’s no excuse for rude or offensive behaviour. It started in the departure lounge with people barging their way to the front before the staff had even finished their opening sentence inviting Business-Class passengers to board first. Once on board, they stuffed their overfilled cabin bags into the overhead bins with no consideration for the storage needs of others. Several ignored the seat number on their boarding pass and chose to sit elsewhere, causing unnecessary chaos before we’d even taken off. Those solo travellers who were asked, very politely, if they wouldn’t mind changing seats to accommodate families wishing to sit together, huffed, puffed, objected and cursed before begrudgingly moving to what was a perfectly acceptable alternative seat. Many chose to talk over the safety demonstration, deciding it was far more important to discuss the on-board entertainment than it was to learn where the emergency exits and life vests were. Once in the air, people waited until the cabin crew had blocked the aisles with trolleys before deciding they needed to visit the bathroom. Others slept with their legs stretched across the aisle, only to throw ‘if looks could kill’ stares when they were accidentally knocked with a trolley. Then there were those constantly pressing their call button instead of the overhead light; others complaining they were too hot or too cold; and not forgetting the ‘master chefs’ who didn’t like the food - it’s an airplane not a Michelin starred restaurant! Talking of food, I was just about to tuck into my in-flight fodder,


when the gentleman in front of me decided to recline his seat. Not a smooth, gradual recline but a swift, jerking movement that had me grabbing my coffee cup before it up-ended itself all over my lap. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the passenger behind me decided he would be more comfortable if he stretched his legs out and rested his sock-clad feet on my armrest. Clearly he’d never heard of Odour Eaters. Eating a meal with barely enough room to lift my arms and whilst trying not to breathe through my nose was not an easy task. I could try sleeping, but with a Michael Buble wanna-be singing his heart out two rows back, I didn’t fancy my chances. After a night of passenger-related challenges, the staff emerged with fixed grins and a hot breakfast of eggs or pancakes. Predictably, at least one passenger objected when his first choice was no longer available and held the hostess personally responsible when forced to eat what he considered to be a poor substitute. There were plenty of other treats on the tray to satisfy most morning appetites – a fact I would love to have pointed out to the already overweight aggressor who, despite his complaints, tucked into his second choice with gusto. When the captain announced our descent, numerous passengers ignored the request to return to their seat, fold away their tray table, return their luggage to the overhead bin, put their seat back to its upright position or fasten their seat belt. All straight-forward requests but seemingly too much trouble for those who refused to comply. The staff simply smiled politely and repeated the instructions. Once landed, dozens of people were up and out of their seats before we had even reached our gate. The seat belt signs were still illuminated and the cabin crew were still strapped into their seats. This particular offence winds me up every time I travel and I dream of the day when they introduce detention, forcing the culprits to stay behind until everyone else has disembarked. Most passengers left the aircraft without as much as a word of thanks to the still-smiling staff who wished them all a pleasant stay or a safe onward journey. The mess left behind was shocking. It looked more like an animal’s cage than a transatlantic aircraft. I was still sympathizing with the staff as I waited to collect my suitcase. Despite their perpetual smiles and pleasant goodbyes, they looked jaded and relieved to be leaving the airport and its demanding travellers behind. And what did they have to look forward to? A few hours sleep in a sterile hotel room before the monotony of a return journey. Rather them than me. In the meantime, after jostling for space at the baggage carousel and bouncing their luggage off my unsuspecting shins, the vexatious passengers exited the airport (aka Mr. Benn’s magic changing room) with their good moods restored and their original personalities reinstated. Until the next time.

DJ Raven

TOP MUSIC CHARTS 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06.


Can't Feel My Face

Watch Me

Bad Blood

See You Again

Lean On




Taylor Swift

Wiz Khalifa & Charlie Puth

Major Lazer, Snake & MO

07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12.

Trap Queen

My Way

Fight Song

Shut Up And Dance

Good For You


Fetty Wap

Fetty Wap & Monty

Rachel Platten

Walk The Moon

Selena Gomez & A$ap Rocky

Fetty Wap & Remy Boyz

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Where Are U Now

She's Kinda Hot

Skrillex, Diplo & Justin Bieber

5 Seconds Of Summer

Hey Mama

David Guetta, Nicki Minaj & Afrojack

The Hills

Want To Want Me



Jason Derulo

Maroon 5

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Energy Drake

Honey, I'm Good

I Really Like You

Post To Be

All Eyes On You

Talking Body

Andy Grammer

Carly Rae Jepsen

Omarion, Chris Brown & Jhene Aiko

Meek Mill, Chris Brown & Nicki Minaj

Tove Lo

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Uptown Funk!

Classic Man

Mark Ronson & Bruno Mars


House Party Sam Hunt

Earned It


You Know You Like It


Ed Sheeran

DJ Snake & AlunaGeorge

August, 2015

Doss Al-Eidani is a gifted, self-taught dancer who believes you really need to feel the music to be able to dance. He’s now sharing his passion with budding dancers in Kuwait and teaching them the moves, that through passion and dedication, he has managed to perfect.

August, 2015

about Urban Art which was shown to the French President. Also Arabs Got Talent season 2, Hiphop Old New Kuwait and BC One main show 2013-2015.

Please introduce yourself to our readers. My real name is Mohammed Faaker Al Eidani but I’m known as Doss. I’m a dancer and instructor at Rana Fitness Studio. From Kuwait, I started dancing in 2004 but didn’t really take it seriously until 2010 when I began doing shows and teaching kids and adults all about the dance culture and how to dance.

How would describe your style of dance in three words? Popping, funky and old-school.

How would you describe the hip-hop dance scene in Kuwait in general? It was really big back in days gone by and then it started to pick up again as we did more jams and more workshops here in Kuwait and tried to make it legal.

When did you become a dancer and how old were you when you gained this passion for dance? When I was young, dancing was just for fun and I would copy Michael Jackson moves. Then when I was 14, I saw a Mr. Wiggles video and it made me want to be a real dancer and start to teach and do shows here in Kuwait.

5. You are an amazing dancer and so flexible with incredible moves. How many hours of rehearsals and training does it take to reach the level you are at today? It takes passion, research, knowledge, experience and time to practice. It’s easier now for new dancers here in Kuwait to be better because we are trying to teach them the easy way. Back when I started, I didn’t have anyone to teach me so it was harder to learn from videos or movies, until I met dancers from France (Afid, Lil Romu, Pepito).

What are some of the daily habits and disciplines required to become a professional dancer? Listen and feel the music - any kind of music – and dance like no-one is watching! Always be you when you dance.

What are your biggest achievements to date? Being in a French book named Khaleej Voice

Tell us about collaborations.

I am working on a tour for workshops in the Middle East and would like to start to make the dance scene bigger in the region.




I have worked with amazing people so big thanks to TJC films (Timothy Carr) for all the videos on YouTube. Also Aswat 1 and Aswat 2 (mix between Kuwait culture with France hiphop culture), Arfjan show for United States Army (Kuwait underground show), K-Town Hiphop, Monstariam, BBoy C Sick, BBoy Hush, Aysha, DJ Malek from France, DJ Shred and many more.

What are some of the current projects you are working on and what future projects do you have lined up? I am working on a tour for workshops in the Middle East and would like to start to make the dance scene bigger in the region. Also, to be ready to enter Juste Debout in France and KOD (Keep on Dancing) in China.

Who is your number one inspiration in life and how do they inspire you? My father, may his soul rest in peace. He believed in what he did so he is my inspiration.

Do you teach dance classes? Please share more information with us. I do. I teach in Rana Fitness Studio in Rawdha. I teach Popping, Boogaloo, Handstyle Toyman, Hip-Hop, Top Rock and more.

Any special shout-outs you want to give? Yes. My family for supporting me, KG, N Jay, Lil GG, Timothy Carr, Monstariam, Yosif, K-Town Hiphop, Rana Al Omani, Pepito, Afid, Romus, Dillen Mr. of Colors and all the people who support me.

Do you have a message for us at CityPages magazine? Thanks for this interview, for helping the people see the talent we have in Kuwait, for trying to make the scene bigger and for always keeping it funky and fresh!

August, 2015





Director: Camille Delamarre

Director: Director: Alejandro GuillermoAmenábar del Toro

Director: Marielle Heller

Director: Director:Ciaran James Foy Wan

Starring: Ed Skrein, Loan Chabanal, Radivoje Bukvic, Gabriella Wright, Anatole Taubman, Tatiana Pajkovic

Starring: Ethan Hawke, Emma Watson, David Thewlis, David Dencik, Lothaire Bluteau, Devon Bostick

Starring: Bel Powley, Alexander Skarsgard, Kristen Wiig, Christopher Meloni

Starring: Shannyn Sossamon, James Ransone, Tate Ellington, Laila Haley


Director: Mark Neveldine Starring: Zac Efron, Emily Ratajkowski, Jon Bernthal, Vanessa Lengies, Jonny Weston

Genres: Adventure, Action, Sequel

Genres: Thriller

Genres: Drama

Genres: Horror, Thriller, Sequel

Genres: Romance, Drama

Synopsis: Frank Martin (played by

Synopsis: Minnesota, 1990. Detective

Synopsis: Like most teenage girls, Minnie

Synopsis: In the aftermath of the shocking

Synopsis: We Are Your Friends is about

Bruce Kenner (Ethan Hawke) investigates the case of young Angela (Emma Watson), who accuses her father, John Gray (David Dencik), of an unspeakable crime. When John unexpectedly and without recollection admits guilt, renowned psychologist Dr. Raines (David Thewlis) is brought in to help him relive his memories and what they discover unmasks a horrifying nationwide mystery.

Goetze (Bel Powley) is longing for love, acceptance and a sense of purpose in the world. Minnie begins a complex love affair with her mother's (Kristen Wiig) boyfriend, "the handsomest man in the world," Monroe Rutherford (Alexander Skarsgård).

events in Sinister, a protective mother



newcomer Ed Skrein), a former special-ops mercenary, is now living a less perilous life - or so he thinks - transporting classified packages for questionable people. When Frank’s father (Ray Stevenson) pays him a visit in the south of France, their father-son bonding weekend takes a turn for the worse when Frank is engaged by a cunning femme-fatale, Anna (Loan Chabanol), and her three seductive sidekicks to orchestrate the bank heist of the century. Frank must use his covert expertise and knowledge of fast cars, fast driving and fast women to outrun a sinister Russian kingpin, and worse than that, he is thrust into a dangerous game of chess with a team of gorgeous women out for revenge.


(Shannyn Sossamon) and her 9-year-old twin sons (real-life twins Robert and Dartanian Sloan) find themselves in a rural house marked for death as the evil spirit of Buhguul continues to spread with frightening intensity.


what it takes to find your voice. Set in the world of electronic music and Hollywood nightlife, an aspiring 23-year-old DJ named Cole (Efron) spends his days scheming with his childhood friends and his nights working on the one track that will set the world on fire. All of this changes when he meets a charismatic but damaged older DJ named James (Bentley), who takes him under his wing. Things get complicated, however, when Cole starts falling for James’ much younger girlfriend, Sophie (Ratajkowski). With Cole’s forbidden relationship intensifying and his friendships unraveling, he must choose between love, loyalty, and the future he is destined for.


Director: Jonathan Demme

Director: Juan Jose Campanella

Director: Fouad Mikati

Director: Chris Evans

Director: Xavier Dolan

Starring: Meryl Streep, Sebastian Stan, Kevin Kline, Ben Platt, Mamie Gummer, Rick Springfield

Starring: Matthew Morrison,

Starring: Rosamund Pike, Shiloh Fernandez, Nick Nolte

Starring: Alice Eve, Emma Fitzpatrick,

Nicholas Hoult, Ariana Grande

Starring: Xavier Dolan, Pierre-Yves Cardinal, Lisa Roy

Genres: Comedy, Drama, True Story

Genres: Family, Animation

Genres: Suspense, Psychological Thriller

Genres: Romance, Comedy, Drama

Genres: Drama, Thriller

Synopsis: A musician who gave up everything for her dream of rock-and-roll stardom returns home, looking to make things right with her family. Meryl Streep stars as Ricki Rendazzo, a guitar heroine who made a world of mistakes as she followed her dreams of rock-and-roll stardom. Returning home, Ricki gets a shot at redemption and a chance to make things right as she faces the music with her family. Streep stars opposite her real-life daughter Mamie Gummer; Rick Springfield, portraying a Flash member in love with Ricki; Kevin Kline as Ricki’s ex-husband; and Audra McDonald as Kline’s new wife.

Synopsis: The story of a reluctant hero

Synopsis: A meticulous small-town nurse

Synopsis: A young woman in New York

Synopsis: After the sudden death of his

whose town is threatened when his long-time rival returns home to avenge an old grudge. When the players from his football table are magically brought to life, he recruits them to help him enter into the biggest underdog match ever, save the town and win back the love of his life.

(Rosamund Pike) falls victim to a life-altering event after she goes on a blind date with a man (Shiloh Fernandez) who turns out not to be who he says he is. She must find the strength and courage to rebuild her life and return to her former self.

Chris Evans, Daniel Spink

City races to catch the 1:30 Train to Boston. On the way she is robbed. Stranded in New York, Brooke has nobody who can help her, except Nick, the young trumpet player whom she meets by chance in Grand Central Station. The duo spend the wee hours wandering around the city, and the night becomes one of discoveries.

lover, Guillaume (Caleb Landry Jones), Tom (Xavier Dolan), travels from his home in the city to a remote country farm for the funeral. Upon arriving, he’s shocked to find that Guillaume's family knows nothing about him and was expecting a woman in his place. Torn between his own grief and that of the family, Tom keeps his identity a secret but soon finds himself increasingly drawn into a twisted game by Guillaume’s aggressive brother (PierreYves Cardinal), who suspects the truth.

Travel Made Easy THE VISIT


Enjoy our

Meet & Assist Service

Director:M. James Wan Director: Night Shyamalan

Director: F. Gary Gray

Starring: Kathryn Hahn, Ed Oxenbould, Benjamin Kanes, Peter McRobbie, Olivia DeJonge

Starring: Corey Hawkins, Jason Mitchell, Oshea Jackson Jr

Genres: Horror,Thriller

Genres: Drama,True Story, Mystery

Synopsis: The Visit focuses on a brother

Synopsis: In the mid-1980s, the streets of



and sister who are sent to their grandparents’ remote Pennsylvania farm for a weeklong trip. Once the children discover that the elderly couple is involved in something deeply disturbing, they see their chances of getting back home are growing smaller every day.

Director: Peter Bogdanovich Starring: Louise Stratten, Jennifer Aniston, Imogen Poots, Owen Wilson, Rhys Ifans, Will Forte

Compton, California, were some of the most dangerous in the country. When five young men translated their experiences growing up into brutally honest music that rebelled against abusive authority, they gave an explosive voice to a silenced generation. Following the meteoric rise and fall of N.W.A., Straight Outta Compton tells the astonishing story of how these youngsters revolutionized music and pop culture forever the moment they told the world the truth about life in the hood and ignited a cultural war.

Director: Aleksander Bach Starring: Zachary Quinto, Rupert Friend, Thomas Kretschmann, Ciaran Hinds, Emilio Rivera, Hannah Ware

Genres: Comedy, Drama

Genres: Action, Reboot, Remake

Synopsis: A screwball comedy following a

Synopsis: Hitman: Agent 47 centers on an

married film and Broadway director (Owen Wilson) who falls for a prostitute-turnedactress (Imogen Poots). Jennifer Aniston plays a therapist whose mother is in rehab.

elite assassin who was genetically engineered from conception to be the perfect killing machine, and is known only by the last two digits on the barcode tattooed on the back of his neck. He is the culmination of decades of research ÂŹ and forty-six earlier Agent clones -- endowing him with unprecedented strength, speed, stamina and intelligence. His latest target is a mega-corporation that plans to unlock the secret of Agent 47's past to create an army of killers whose powers surpass even his own. Teaming up with a young woman who may hold the secret to overcoming their powerful and clandestine enemies, 47 confronts stunning revelations about his own origins and squares off in an epic battle with his deadliest foe.

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Member of the2015 National August, Aviation Services Group

AUGUST Book Releases A Window Opens Elisabeth Egan

You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)

In A Window Opens, beloved books editor at Glamour magazine, Elisabeth Egan, brings us Alice Pearse, a compulsively honest, longing-tohave-it-all, sandwich generation heroine for our social-media-obsessed, lean in (or opt out) age. Like her fictional forebears Kate Reddy and Bridget Jones, Alice plays many roles (which she never refers to as “wearing many hats” and wishes you wouldn’t, either). She is a mostly-happily married mother of three, an attentive daughter, an ambivalent dog-owner, a part-time editor, a loyal neighbor and a Zen commuter.

From online entertainment mogul, actress, and “queen of the geeks” Felicia Day, a funny, quirky, and inspiring memoir about her unusual upbringing, her rise to Internet-stardom, and embracing her individuality to find success in Hollywood. The Internet isn’t all cat videos. There’s also Felicia Day—violinist, filmmaker, Internet entrepreneur, compulsive gamer, hoagie specialist, and former lonely homeschooled girl who overcame her isolated childhood to become the ruler of a new world…or at least semi-influential in the world of Internet Geeks and Goodreads book clubs.

The Gratitude Diaries: How a Year Looking on the Bright Side Can Transform Your Life

Barry Yourgrau

In this inspiring memoir backed by pioneering research, Janice Kaplan spends a year living gratefully and gains a fresh outlook that transforms her marriage, family life, work, health, and every day experience. On New Year’s Eve, journalist and former Parade editor in chief Janice Kaplan makes a promise to be grateful and look on the bright side of whatever happens. She realizes that how she feels over the next months will have less to do with the events that occur than her own attitude and perspective. Getting advice at every turn from psychologists, academics, doctors, and philosophers she brings readers on a smart and witty journey to discover the value of appreciating what you have.

Hilarious and poignant, a glimpse into the mind of someone who is both a sufferer from and an investigator of clutter. Millions of Americans struggle with severe clutter and hoarding. New York writer and bohemian Barry Yourgrau is one of them. Behind the door of his Queens apartment, Yourgrau’s life is, quite literally, chaos. Confronted by his exasperated girlfriend, a globe-trotting food critic, he embarks on a heartfelt, wide-ranging, and too often uproarious project—part Larry David, part Janet Malcolm—to take control of his crammed, disorderly apartment and life, and to explore the wider world of collecting, clutter, and extreme hoarding.

J. Ryan Stradal

If You Only Knew

Mess: One Man's Struggle to Clean Up His House and His Act

The Man in the Monster: An

Kristan Higgins

Intimate Portrait of a Serial Killer

Sisterhood in all its drama, hilarity and tears is at the heart of New York Times bestselling author Kristan Higgins's thoroughly captivating new novel, featuring the wit and romance that readers have come to expect from the much-loved creator of the Blue Heron series... Wedding-dress designer Jenny Tate understands the happily-ever-after business, yet somehow she's still involved in her ex-husband's life. In fact, Owen's new wife may—inexplicably—be Jenny's new best friend. Sensing this, well, relationship isn't helping her move on, Jenny trades the Manhattan skyline for her hometown up the Hudson, where she'll be able to bask in her sister Rachel's picture-perfect family life…and hopefully make one of her own.

Michael Ross was a serial killer who raped and murdered eight young women between 1981 and 1984, and several years ago the state of Connecticut put him to death. His crimes were horrific, and he paid the ultimate price for them. When journalist Martha Elliott first heard of Ross, she learned what the world knew of him— that he had been a master at hiding in plain sight. Elliott, a staunch critic of the death penalty, was drawn to the case when the Connecticut Supreme Court overturned Ross’s six death sentences.

Out on the Wire: Uncovering the Secrets of Radio's New Masters of Story with Ira Glass Jessica Abel

A graphic narrative that takes readers behind-the-scenes of five of today's most popular narrative radio shows, including "This American Life" and "RadioLab." Every week, millions of devoted fans download or tune in to "This American Life," "The Moth," "Radiolab," "Planet Money," "Snap Judgment," and other narrative radio shows. The pieces captivating listeners are by turns funny, heartbreaking, and profound. Using personal stories to breathe life into abstractions, these programs help us--all in the space of an hour or less--to understand ourselves and our world a little bit better. Each of these beloved shows has a distinct style, but every one delivers stories that are brilliantly told and produced. "Out on the Wire" offers an unexpected window into this new kind of storytelling--one that literally illustrates the making of a purely auditory medium.

Felicia Day

Martha Elliott

Fortune Smiles

Adam Johnson

Following his Pulitzer Prize for Fiction triumph for THE ORPHAN MASTER'S SON Adam Johnson became recognized as an American literary giant. These brand new stories from Johnson are typically comic and tender, absurd and totally universal. In post-Katrina Louisiana, a young man and his new girlfriend search for the mother of his son. In Palo Alto, a computer programmer whose wife has a rare disease finds solace in a digital copy of the recently assassinated President. In contemporary Berlin a former Stasi agent ponders his past.




This book is very dear to my heart as it’s written by one of my closest friend’s late mother, Luciana Craita; a woman with many talents. Born in South East Romania, she moved to Kuwait in 1995 working various jobs in various fields. However, her true passion was art; she loved painting, sketching and other artistic skills. She held a few exhibitions in Boushahri Art Gallery where she showcased her paintings; one was titled ‘A World of Fantasy’ and another ‘Feelings’. Some of her paintings are still displayed at various Embassies such as the Italian and Romanian Embassies in Kuwait. Luciana Craita earned a degree in beauty from Christine Valmy International School of Beauty, a prestigious beauty school based in New York City which has many different branches worldwide. Luciana has two sons, Cristian and Stefan, to whom she dedicated this book. Since she was a child, Luciana was fascinated by the mysteries of her own country, hence the title of

this great book; Luca the Werewolf Daughter (2014). The mountains were her favorite place to go and she loved to see the sky full of stars. She was gifted with an artistic style; her goblin tapestry reflects very well her personality and who she was. Luca the Werewolf Daughter (2014) is a story that mixes fiction with nonfiction. It steps into the world of the real werewolves of Romania, which is well known for its magical creatures dating back to Conte Dracula, father of all vampires. It is a story of Luca who encounters real werewolves that want to help the human kind, but nothing is how it seems. With the help of her visions and her endless research into the long lost history of her country, Luciana brought us this lovely book. If you haven’t visited Romania before, land of the cultural scary stories, this book will definitely put you in the right mindset for your next visit. Luciana Craita was a multi-talented woman with a beautiful soul. This book is her legacy to the world.

Nada Soliman Meet Nada, our team member is simply a book savvy. Every month Nada picks her favourite book and shares with you its review. Please feel free to contact Nada to discuss your opinion or ask her opinion on your favourite book or author.

August, 2015

to add to your wishlist Some things are just ... better. VAPOURLIGHT HYPER SMOCK 2.0 On long hiking trips, every ounce matters, so Berghaus has created the lightest-weight waterproof jacket yet. At a mere 85 grams for a size large, it’s roughly 30 percent lighter than its nearest competitor.

MiPosaur MILWAUKEE M18 JOBSITE Fan Milwaukee’s new jobsite fan moves air at 284 cubic feet per minute and can run on battery power for up to 17 hours--enough time to dry wet paint and plaster on the job. It can also swivel 120 degrees, so you don’t need to constantly reposition it.


Legendary guitar maker Gibson worked with Olympian Usain Bolt to develop wireless over-ear headphones for runners. Built-in LEDs in the earpieces increase nighttime visibility. At the touch of a button, you can also lower the volume to stay alert during your run.

WowWee’s newest self-stabilizing bot has teeth and talons. But this toy is far from frightful—MiPosaur plays with, guards, and chases a little ball using the company’s BeaconSense technology. If you have a few MiPosaurs, they’ll play with each other too.


Who says you can’t count steps at a black‑tie event? Misfit’s newest activity tracker comes with a Swarovski crystal face and can be worn with nine different accessories, so it will fit in with your wardrobe whether you’re at the gym or next year’s Met Gala.


TomTom’s Bandit lets you edit on the go--no need to download footage onto a computer. Motion and GPS sensors tag your most extreme moments, and a companion smartphone app turns them into a highlight reel.

ASYM ENERGY BOOST A left-handed golfer wouldn’t tee off with a righthander’s club. With that in mind, Adidas designed a golf shoe specific to the player’s dominant hand. During a swing, the asymmetrical cleat pattern adds stability and grip only where they’re necessary.


Outdoor shindigs need illumination come nightfall. Philips turned its Hue smart bulb into a portable, batterypowered light. It lasts three hours on a charge and, like the smart bulb, changes colors and works with more than 300 third-party apps.


Leatherman is getting on board with wearables. The stainless-steel Tread multitool is wrist worn and becomes a box wrench, screwdriver, bottle opener, and plenty more.

Tactus PHORM Tactus’s iPad mini case snaps onto your tablet and uses microfluidic channels to expand a top layer of polymer. The result: your cold, unfeeling touchscreen morphs into a tactile keyboard.

STOWER CANDLE CHARGER With Stower’s Candle Charger system, a single Sterno canister can charge a smartphone-twice. The candle’s flame heats and purifies a pot of water, which serves as a thermoelectric generator.

COOLBOX For all the innovations in tool design, the humble box to house them has remained, well, a box. Coolbox not only stores hammers and nails; it also has a tablet stand, built-in battery, LED lights, and even Bluetooth speakers.

August, 2015

Revenues, Profits and Losses.

‫ األرباح والخسائر‬، ‫العائدات‬

It’s time to count your money big fellas! Amazon, the website we all know and love, scored a $92 million profit in the second quarter with sales of $23.18 billion. Their unexpected profit jumped the shares market to 17% making its market value around $264 billion. Apple, the money maker company, generated $49.6 billion in revenue and a $10.7 billion profit in its third quarter. Apple has $202 billion in cash just lying around - now that is really impressive! As for Microsoft,

‫ حققت شركة أمازون التي نحبها أرباح بقيمة‬.‫حان وقت احتساب أموالكم ايها الكبار‬ ‫ رفعت هذه األرباح‬.‫ مليار دوالر‬$٢٣.١٨ ‫ مليون دوالر في الربع الثاني بمبيعات قيمتها‬$٩٢ ‫ وهذا بدوره زاد من قيمة الشركة‬٪١٧ ‫غير المتوقعة من قيمة أسهم الشركة بنسبة‬ ‫ في حين أن شركة أبل المعروفة بالشركة التي تصنع‬.‫ مليار دوالر‬$٢٦٤ ‫السوقية إلى‬ .‫ مليار دوالر من األرباح في الربع الثالث‬$١٠.٧ ‫ مليار دوالر من العائدات و‬$٤٩.٦ ‫المال حققت‬ ‫ في حين شركة‬.‫ مليار دوالر‬$٢٠٢ ‫المثير لإلعجاب أن شركة أبل لديها سيولة مالية بقيمة‬

the giant of all giants (or as it used to be), despite the $22.2 billion in

‫ مليار دوالر‬$٢٢.٢ ‫مايكروسوفت العمالقة أو كما كانت تعد كذلك بالرغم من تحقيقها‬

revenue, they lost $2.1 billion in the fourth quarter due to the job cuts

‫ مليار دوالر في الربع الرابع نظرًا لخفض عدد الموظفين‬$٢.١ ‫في العائدات إالّ أنها خسرت‬

which cost them $7.5 billion.

‫ مليار دوالر‬$٧.٥ ‫الذي كلفهم‬

Yousif AlSaeed Yousif holds a BSc. in Information Technology & Computing Degree and is a Teacher and Software Developer. He loves sharing the latest technology news and gadgets with people. Yousif believes that behind everything in the tech-world is a great story. He spends most of his time reading technology blogs and self development.

Saad Almseikan A burger lover who works as a Computer Technician during the day. Saad has a curious mind that likes to discover everything new that's related to computers, hardware, gadgets and technology. You'll most probably find him holding a burger while playing with a new gadget. He is 27 years old, loves Mixed Martial Arts. Music is what keeps him going especially Rock & Roll.

Intel`s New Processor "Skylake" Intel will announce its new processor, Skylake, which offers great performance enhancements. It will provide a 10-20% CPU performance boost, with lower power consumption and a 30% longer battery life. Regarding the graphics, it will be faster by up to 30% with Intel`s integrated graphics and up to 50% better 3D gaming.

Chrysler Recalls 1.4 Million Cars Because Hackers Can Hijack Them! Chrysler Automobile is recalling 1.4 million cars due to a security flaw that allow hackers to completely takeover the car. The weak link is with the UConnect software installed in these models. The software flaw can be used to take control of vehicles, cutting transmission and putting the people inside the car at great risk. The fix is available, it`s simply a software update to close the security hole, and that`s it!

China Ends Ban On Video Game Consoles After a 15 year ban on video game consoles, china is removing this ban completely. Now all the companies with an interest in video games consoles (Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft) can manufacture and sell them anywhere in the country. They first banned the consoles in 2000 due to fears that it would have a negative impact on the mental and physical development of children. This move will open a massive new market for game consoles in China.

Over 1 Million Minutes Of Historical Videos Added To YouTube. God bless the Internet and YouTube. Associated Press and British Movietone are uploading more than 1 million minutes of footage to YouTube containing historic events from the last 120 years. Two channels will feature more than 550,000 videos. The Associated Press has a massive archive over its 120 year lifespan and they decided to share some of it with us so we can enjoy some old scenes and footage. The clips include the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the effects of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, the collapse of the Berlin Wall and Tiananmen Square's ‘Tank Man’.

August, 2015

Fashion Brand : LETOUCH FASHION @le_touch Location : @midasfurniture Makeup & hairstyle : @rolasbeautylounge Photography : @claudestephanphotography Directions : Asmaa Ali

August, 2015

August, 2015

August, 2015

August, 2015

CityPages Fashion Report Julieta Altamiranda Julieta Altamiranda is a talented fashion designer on the rise. She was born and raised in Argentina. During her adolescence she started developing her artistic vision while living in The United States and in the capital of fashion (Italy). Eventually her love for sketching and for creative artistic expressions led her to study a career in fashion in one of the main institutions of her home country. From then on, she has been developing her own collections. Once having moved to Kuwait she has collaborated with one of the main Kuwaiti fashion companies designing several collections. Additionally she has participated in designing competitions where she has been awarded with multiple prizes. Her great devotion for the world of fashion keeps her constantly engaged in exciting new projects. @fashioncookieq8

Fun is the unexpected

Our whole childhood was spent feeling we were the cool kids on the block just by wearing something cute and comfy at the same time. It didn’t matter if our favorite frilly dress was matched with our white chunky sneakers; we loved each separate part of the outfit, so why wouldn’t we love the entire look? Well, we have great news for the nostalgic fashion lovers. Sneakers are back making a huge statement! As soon as you wear this sporty footwear you’ll notice that even your elegant outfits become 100% refreshed, trendy and cool. Here we are going to show you different ways to style them, inspired by the great fashionistas and trend setters on the streets.

Naive Aim Pastels and pleats are a season must have, especially for the classy chicks. Get a similar look by coordinating your outfit with some cool tennis shoes. Metal details on them are a plus!

Athletic Glitz

Edgy Breeze

Check this image of Giovana Battaglia at the NYFW. She’s ruling the streets with a bold & gold ensemble. Basic flat silhouettes with contrasting bold details is the key. Note that in this case gold decreases the sportiness of the look making it more fashionable.

It’s all in the big layers. Skirts, capes and tops with sneakers are the “it” thing to wear for a mysterious feel, and in this case it gives us many ways to accessorize our abayas. Adidas shoes + cool shades + a clever bag = comfort at its best.

Relaxed Luxury Chiara Ferragni can make any over-the- top ensemble look effortless. Here she shows us how to mix an elegant vintage looking dress with white sneakers and a funky fluffy clutch. This chic & kitsch look is a green light for those who love to be eye catching.

Pastel Posh Pencil skirts are as hot as the weather right now. Any kind of summer shoe will look great with it but we must admit these pastel track shoes make a huge statement with a matching top and plain grey mélange skirt.

Young Soul

Braggart Chic If you’re a fashion know-it-all you’re definitely going to love this kind of summer look. The key is mixing big solid colors and small prints. Note that “A” shape skirts look amazing with sneakers.

Polished Sport

Espadrilles are a great version of sneakers for those who fear being underdressed with average sneakers. Boyfriend jeans, espadrilles and a simple t-shirt is a total laid back look but if you add some elegant accessories you’ll sure rock the city with your chic and nonchalant spirit.

The fashionista was spotted at the NYFW15 wearing a classy gingham hi-low dress styled with a mix of trendy elegant accessories creating the perfect cool-clean look we need this season. August, 2015

GET INSPIRED... Is your wedding day coming soon? (mine is ) We know how important it is to wear the perfect wedding dress - you’ve probably been dreaming of it since you were a kid. He proposed, now you must find your gown. But you need to know that just as it takes time to find a husband, finding the perfect dress also requires patience. The best thing to do is start looking 9 to 12 months before the wedding. For custom made dresses, the fittings usually start 6 months before the big day. We suggest you try to schedule an appointment at the bridal store early in the morning as you want the employees to focus their full energy on you when the place is not too packed with random people. Regarding the people you take with you, you don’t need a huge team of girls giving you advice as that could lead to shopping confusion. Try to take your closest and most honest girls so they give you their honest opinions. And if no one can go with you don’t worry; being by yourself will give you a clear view of how you feel about the dress. Just remember that your dress will be the centerpiece of the day and be reflected in hundreds of pictures so it should make you feel comfortable, glamorous and beautiful all the way! Hoping to get you inspired, we’ll go through some images of the most stylish wedding dresses of the century worn by celebrities.

Solange Knowles left everyone astonished at her wedding with this Kenzo custom made cape dress.

Gwen Stefani wore a Dior dress designed by John Galliano. One to remember for sure!

Beatrice Borromeo wore a soft pink lace dress by Valentino. Classy and unique all in one.

Nicole Richie and her beautiful long tutu-swanlike-dress custom made by Marchesa.

Angelina Jolie wearing her emblematic Versace dress which has lots of embroideries of her kids’ doodles.

Jessica Biel looked magical in her Giambattista Valli pink wedding dress. Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, wore the most beautiful and classy dress ever seen to her wedding - and this is just the upper view!

Nicky Hilton in her stunning intricate lace wedding dress by Valentino.

Adriana Lima modeling a Berta Bridal dress...simply to die for. August, 2015



We all have goals, but often they are hard to achieve. Overcoming our natural instinct to procrastinate, and culminating the willpower to hit a target can be developed and strengthened over time. But first we must understand what drives us. The power to just get on and make things happen is elusive and mystifying for most of us. As much as we may want to become an inspired gogetter, follow through on our good intentions, keep our bank account balanced, quit smoking, or get on with that walking programme, most of us don’t. Very often it's for reasons that we can't understand and we become frustrated, self-critical and disappointed with ourselves time and time again. You have to identify what it is you really want. It sounds basic, but we often think we want to accomplish something without honestly assessing what we are

For booking appointment contact #965-94080449 or email Instagram: @style_coach_shaikha

willing to tolerate to meet the goal.

One reason some people aren't motivated is that other people are dictating the task involved; it's not 'your' goal. For example, a friend recruits you for their book club, but because of time constraints you can never finish any books. One of the hallmarks of being motivated is feeling like you have some control, but if a goal is being dictated by others, it's very easy to sabotage it without realizing. One strategy is to honestly consider what's important to you. Which parts of your life – work, family, and hobbies – bring you enjoyment? If something doesn’t make you happy it's little wonder you're not motivated. If there's no emotional pay-off, pleasure, or relief gained, then you need to seek a more appealing, more exciting and more inspiring goal. The style coach can help you reach your goal and most importantly, to be honest with yourself. August, 2015

ADIDAS INTRODUCES THE ADIGIRL APPAREL COLLECTION First Collection Designed Specifically for Sporty Teen Girls adidas unveils The adigirl Collection, a new apparel line designed specifically for the teen athlete. The line—a first of its kind—combines key performance attributes with street style detailing to create a unique, versatile assortment of pieces that bring sport into everyday life. The adigirl Collection draws inspiration from five team sports – basketball, volleyball, track, softball and soccer—each popular with the teen athlete. Using these activities as a starting point, adidas designers also infused adigirl with some of the same industry-leading technologies found in its other Sport Performance product. The resulting adigirl Collection offers a wide assortment of key pieces, each addressing the sport and stylistic wants of the athletic teen. “adigirl was created to specifically meet the needs of the female teen athlete and provides her with versatile options that can be worn for more than just practice,” says Katie Becker, Senior Design Director for adidas Training and Sportswear. “We brought a fashion element to the design process that adds a fresh look and style that is unique to the adigirl Collection.”

Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards 2015 : THE FINALISTS

Cartier, in partnership with the Women’s Forum, INSEAD Business School and McKinsey & Company, announced today the 2015 Finalists of the Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards. The 20 Finalists, running 18 businesses, were selected among over 1700 applications from more than 100 countries. They will be coached by professionals from Cartier, INSEAD and McKinsey & Company to prepare for the second round of the competition in October. The Laureates will be announced at the Awards Ceremony on October 15, 2015, at the Annual Global Meeting of the Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society, in Deauville, France. This year’s Finalists distinguished themselves by the impact they are making in bringing people together; developing a more connected science; redesigning our food supply; and creating from natural resources. Having supported women-run enterprises all over the world since 2006, the international competition will be celebrating its 10th Anniversary in 2016. Three of the finalists are from the Middle East.




Khaki Navy ‫مجموعة‬

‫هاملتون تخط فصالً جديدا ً من تاريخها الغني‬ Khaki Navy ‫تستمد مجموعة ساعات‬ ‫تصميمها من التعاون املتأصل والوثيق الذي‬ ،‫يجمع شركة هاملتون بالبحرية األميركية‬ ‫حيث أوكلت هذه االخيرة لعالمة هاملتون‬ ‫التجارية تطوير االدوات املالحية خالل احلرب‬ ‫ السيما الكرونومترات البحرية‬،‫العاملية الثانية‬ ‫كما وساعة خاصة للغطس يستخدمها‬ ّ .‫الغطاسون‬ August, 2015

ColorStay™ Moisture Stain The New Level of Glossy, Wet Color

From the leader in lips comes a new way to wear color, Revlon ColorStay™ Moisture Stain. This luxuriously sexy formula is virtually weightless, gliding on lips with creamy comfort and glossy, wet color.


MAKE UP FOR EVER tied up again with the renowned award-winning Lebanese actress, Cyrine Abdelnour this year in Ramadan series “24 Kirat”. The 30 episode series was aired this Ramadan 2015 on OSN Yahala HD and MTV, starring Syrian actor Abed Fahed, Lebanese actresses Maguy Bou Ghosn, Takla Chamoun and Lebanese actor Bassem Moughnieh and others. During the filming, MAKE UP FOR EVER brought the world of professional makeup from backstage onto the cameras where Cyrine showed in the best looks for each episode. Key MAKE UP FOR EVER products such as STEP 1 Smoothing primer, MAT VELVET Foundation and Sculpting Kit #3 were used to secure a perfectly redesigned complexion. For her eyes, ARTIST SHADOW eye shadows and Aqua Black were her must-have for that catching eye look. As for the lips, Cyrine’s favourite lipstick is Rouge Artist Intense #M4 in Matte Antique Pink.

Origen Fire as the beginning, transformation, and life The heat of diamonds, authentic flames of white and yellow gold. Energy, expression, splendor, and great significance. Fire as origin and myth, as creative power. Magnificent jewels designed by our master goldsmiths that isolate fire, its heat, within small works of art. This is Origen. An avant-garde style with a vintage finish for powerful and sinuous shapes full of strength, culminating in the brilliance of amethysts and prasiolites. Jewels that surprise us with all of the energy and power of fire. Works of art that burn with passion, awakening desire in any woman.

P'8478: Iconic Aviator Sunglasses The Accessory of Celebrities Stuttgart. The European luxury and lifestyle brand Porsche Design created a unique style icon – the Porsche Design sunglasses P'8478. As the first Porsche Design spectacles ever, it set a milestone not only in the area of design, but also with its revolutionary interchangeable lens mechanism. Until today, the P'8478 that was sold more than 6 million times, is known around the world. Hardly any other sunglasses have caught the spirit of the times to such a degree – and they are still a must-have and beloved accessory also of international celebrities. Available in four sizes, the P'8478 is a classic for any face shape.

August, 2015

Fashionable way to go back to school with


Giordano, the global apparel retailer, is welcoming the school season with a range of smart casual apparel for students. Available beginning August at all Giordano stores in the GCC, the collection includes oxford shirts and polo shirts for tops and versatile khaki pants to pair.

There’s Always a New Adventure on the Horizon The New Mamas and Papas Summer Arrivals The Summer is the start of something special with Mamas and Papas Summer Collection. First impressions count and our signature Welcome to the World range lets your little one arrive in style. Available from 0-24 months, our collection takes inspiration from nautical themes with strong navy and bold lines. Our girls’ collection also features delicate lace detailing and shades of soft pink. With classic silhouettes and intricate features, Welcome to the World proves that you’re never too young to stand out. Every day is exciting, and your outfit should match. With bold, bright designs and vibrant patterns, our Fashion range has everything from summer dresses and shorts and tee sets to all-in-ones and overalls. Our collection brings a burst of color and a splash of style to our little one’s wardrobe, because fashion is for every day.

Adults Stay Cool this Summer with GAP Gap’s Summer collection is perfect for sand, sky, and ocean offering an array of white tones for women. Essential cotton tops and light-weight slip dresses showcase feminine knot and cut-out details. Nautical and work-wear references can be found in shorts and shirts with accents of embroidery, burn-out, and texture. Must-have fabrications include slub rayon, eyelet, and linen across dresses, skirts, tops, and shorts. Don’t forget to complete the look with your favorite accessories in crisp white or a fun pop of color!

Summer 2015


From the lavender hues of the Howling Cat, to the cabarets of Les Folies Bergères, to le jazz wafting from the caves of Montmartre, Paris nightlife thrives in the abstract, the secret, the seductive. Celebration of the unveiling of the 2016 Croisière collection and the introduction of the first house fragrance, Miu Miu opens the Miu Miu Club, a one-night-only intervention in the 1937 Palais d’Iena in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. Inspired by the rich tradition and dark evocation of Parisian nightlife, the Miu Miu Club featured a cocktail gathering, exclusive dinner, fashion show, musical performances, and a late night party. In addition the Club includes a special powder room dedicated to experiencing the first Miu Miu fragrance. Music features prominently with guest appearances by long-time Miu Miu collaborator sound artist Frederic Sanchez, tech house DJ Craig Richards, American DJ and producer Seth Troxler, and Dutch DJ Cassy.


Centrepoint, the region’s largest retailer, has launched its fun and practical back-to-school collection that is set to make all school children stars. Adding the excitement to the start of a new academic year, Centrepoint is offering the widest range of licensed character merchandise in the market in addition to its smart and comfortable collection of accessories, shoes and cosmetics.

August, 2015

At Twin Set Opening At The Avenues By Alyasra Fashion

Kuwait Marriott Hotels Ramadan Raffle Draw


Welcome to the August issue of CityPages. These are exciting times for “Adopt a Street Princess”. After opening our own shelter we have already started expansion works to provide more Kuwaiti dogs with safe accommodation until they can go for adoption into new loving homes. We are proud to announce that construction will be complete at the end of August and the shelter will be open for visitors every weekend. We already have many new dogs just waiting to become your new best friend.

Pure breed chow chow, male. 1 year.

White Saluki mix, female, 10 months old, playful, medium size dog.

German Shepherd medium size dog.




If you wish to have a dog but you’re unable to adopt one, we provide the opportunity to become godfather/godmother to your favourite dog at the shelter. Please contact us for more information.

August, 2015


Redefining contemporary luxury: All-new BMW 7 Series to launch in Kuwait this year

Ooredoo Kuwait (NMTC) Posts KWD 359. 1 Million Revenue for the First Half 2015 Customer Number Increased by 11. 3 Profit Impacted by Forex losses

Blancpain - Traditional Chinese Calendar One-of-a-kind creation – Only Watch 2015

Blancpain is renewing its support for the Only Watch charity auction by presenting an exceptional and indeed unique version of its Villeret Traditional Chinese Calendar. Standing firmly alongside the Monaco Association against Muscular Dystrophy (AMM) for almost 15 years, Blancpain is proud to be taking part in this 6th edition of Only Watch. This auction held every two years under the patronage of His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco brings together the most prestigious watch brands on behalf of research into Duchenne muscular dystrophy. A travelling exhibition will embark on a world tour as of September 23rd to enable the public to view the unique timepieces that will be up for sale in Geneva on November 7th 2015.

Following the confirmation of BMW Group that the new and refined flagship sixth generation BMW 7 Series will have its world premiere at the Frankfurt Motor Show in mid-September, it will be just a matter of time before the car will also be available through Ali Alghanim & Sons Automotive – the exclusive importer for BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce, Land Rover and Mclaren automobiles in Kuwait. Accordingly, advance bookings for the car can already be made by simply visiting the Ali Alghanim & Sons Automotive BMW showroom during its regular business hours of 8 am to 1 pm, and from 4:30 pm until 8:30 pm. “We are truly excited about the upcoming arrival of the new BMW 7 Series,” said Mr. Yousef Al Qatami, General Manager of Ali Alghanim & Sons Automotive Company. “And to match such excitement of BMW lovers and customers as well, we have decided to start entertaining advance bookings for the car. This is to accommodate the expectedly huge influx of customers wanting to be among the first owners of this fantastic car.” Combining state-of-the-art comfort with dynamic agility and styling, the latest instalment of the sophisticated sedan will arrive in three luxury packages: Pure Excellence, M-Sport and Individual Design. Consistently amongst BMW Group’s best-selling vehicles, the new BMW 7 Series will once again set new benchmarks within the premium segment when it arrives in showrooms later this year. Offering innovative design and technology features both inside and out, luxury-conscious customers in Kuwait can look forward to enhanced refinement with elements such as the futuristic headlamp technology, BMW Laser Light, the glamorous welcome of the Light Carpet and star-gazer-inspired panorama glass “Sky Lounge” sun roof.

National Mobile Telecommunications Company K.S.C.P – Ticker: NMTC (Ooredoo) today announced its financial results for the first half of 2015: Sheikh Saud Bin Nasser Al Thani, Chairman of the Board, commented: “Ooredoo Kuwait continued strong customer growth in the first half of 2015. Our customer base grew by 2.4 million, which is equivalent to an increase of 11% to 24 million in first half 2015 driven by Kuwait, Algeria and Maldives, where we delivered good growth in local currency revenues. We maintained our market leadership position in Tunisia and continued to implement our strategy in Palestine. Net profit was impacted mainly due to adverse currency movements in Algeria and Tunisia. This customer and revenue growth performance demonstrates the progression and delivery of our strategy to invest in differentiating our customer experience, whilst providing world-leading network speeds delivered through innovative technology. With the fastest LTE Advanced network in Kuwait, we continue to make it easier for our customers to access and experience high quality, high speed data services. We will continue to execute on our data-centric strategy to take advantage of the opportunities offered by an increasingly digital world.

Home-grown Kuwaiti F&B brands Kashounat-Al-Bait, Burgers and Mayfair Grill open at 360 MALL

Grande Reverso Ultra Thin 1931 special edition marks the opening of London flagship boutique

A scent of chloé ‫ متوفرة‬:“‫اجملموعة املميزة‬ ‫حصرياً لسيارة طوارق‬ ‫الرياضية لدى شركة‬ ‫بهبهاني للسيارات‬

The iconic 360 MALL from the Tamdeen Group has recently opened three home-grown restaurants, Kashounat-Al-Bait, Burgers and Mayfair Grill on Level 2, in its quest to provide a wider F&B offering covering local as well as international cuisines. With the addition of these brands the mall now offers its visitors over 40 F&B outlets to choose from. Kashounat-Al-Bait has opened its third store in Kuwait at 360 MALL and will serve traditional Kuwaiti food in an authentic setting. The 340 sq.m restaurant is targeting Kuwaitis keen to enjoy traditional food out of home, and expats who would like to sample the local cuisine. The restaurant concept and decor is based on spices and aroma which is evident in the design and ambience of the store. Burgers, which opened its first store in Kuwait at 360 MALL is spread across 120 sq.m and will serve American-style sandwiches and burgers in a retro environment reminiscent of the 1990s, when western style food started becoming increasingly popular in the Middle East. The restaurant will cater to the young at heart looking to enjoy casual food. A unique offering from Burgers is their fish burger which is a musthave in addition to other appetizers, salads and desserts. Mayfair Grill is a 110 sq.m classic bar style concept offering stakes, salads, desserts and drinks. The restaurant also offers a breakfast menu. The food and service is of the highest standards and is served in a comfortable and relaxed environment. Claudia Lopusinska, Marketing Manager, 360 MALL, said: “We are trying to provide an enhanced F&B offering to surpass customer expectations and create new dining destinations for mall visitors. We welcome local F&B concepts as they create unique experiences and help differentiate the mall’s offering. F&B is fast becoming a dominant anchor in our malls and is a key footfall driver. It bridges food and entertainment and is a vital part of a shopper’s mall visit.”

‫فولكس واجن تقدم باقة اإلكسسوارات األصلية اجلديدة‬ ‫واخلاصة بسيارة طوارق الرياضية لدى شركة بهبهاني‬ ‫ الكويت‬،‫للسيارات‬ ‫طرحت شركة بهبهاني‬2015 ‫يوليو‬XX ،‫الكويت‬ ‫ املوزع احلصري لفولكس واجن في الكويت‬،‫للسيارات‬ ‫باقة االكسسوارات األصلية اجلديدة كلياُ من فولكس‬ ‫واجن حتت اسم ”اجملموعة املميزة“ خصيصا ً لسيارة طوارق‬ ‫الرياضية اجلديدة وحصريا ً لدى معرض فولكس واجن‬ .‫الكائن في الريوالشويخ‬ ‫تضم ”اجملموعة املميزة“ تشكيلة فريدة من اإلكسسوارات‬ ‫األصلية التي تتميز بالتصميم األنيق والعصري منها‬ ‫عارضة احلماية السفلية في اجلزء األمامي واخللفي‬ ‫ وجناح حافة السقف املتوفر باللونني األسود‬،‫للسيارة‬ ‫ باإلضافة إلى درجة الصعود إلى السيارة‬،‫أو الفضي‬ ‫ أما محبي‬.‫واملتوفرة أيضا ً باللونني األسود أو الفضي‬ ‫ والباحثني عن االستمتاع بالهواء الطلق واملغامرة‬،‫السفر‬ ‫على الطرقات الوعرة فبإمكانهم اآلن إضافة صندوق‬ .‫السقف لتوفير مساحة تخزين أكبر‬ ‫ املدير العام‬،‫ قال السيد عبداهلل علي‬،‫وتعليقا ً على ذلك‬ ‫ "إن سيارة‬:‫لفولكس واجن في شركة بهبهاني للسيارات‬ ‫طوارق هي واحدة من أكثر السيارات جناحا ً في العالم‬ ،‫ضمن فئة السيارات الرياضية متعددة االستخدامات‬ ‫التي جتمع بني القدرات القوية في الطرق الوعرة مع‬ ‫الراحة املطلقة كالتي توفرها سيارات سيدان الفخمة‬ “.‫باإلضافة الى وجود محرك السيارات الرياضية القوي‬ ‫ ”انطالقا من حرصنا الدائم على إرضاء عمالئنا‬:‫وأضاف‬ ‫ قمنا بتقدمي مجموعة‬،‫وتقدمي كل ما هو جديد‬ ‫إكسسوارات فولكس واجن األصلية في معرضنا‬ ‫صمـمت خصيصا ً لتتماشى‬ ّ ‫”اجملموعة املميزة“ هي باقة‬ ‫مع سيارة فولكس واجن الرياضية وتضفي عليها الطابع‬ .“‫الشخصي األنيق ملالك السيارة بأسعار في املتناول‬ ‫ميكنكم احلصول على ”اجملموعة املميزة“ من فولكس واجن‬ ً ‫ وتشمل اجملموعة إضافات وقطعا‬،‫الكويت بأسعار خاصة‬ ‫تساعد على إضافة اللمسة اخلاصة ملالك السيارة والتي‬ .‫تتماشى مع اسلوب حياته‬ ‫ملعرفة املزيد عن باقة اكسسوارات فولكس واجن االصلية‬ ‫ تفضلوا اليوم‬،‫”اجملموعة املميزة“ اخلاصة بطوارق اجلديدة‬ ‫ شركة بهبهاني للسيارات‬،‫بزيارة معرض فولكس واجن‬ :‫في الري أوالشويخ أو زوروا املوقع اإللكتروني على االنترنت‬

Chloé’s signature scent captures the creative, confident individuality of the Chloé woman. A fresh and feminine fragrance suited to a free spirit with an utterly innate sense of chic. In the same way as Chloé fashion playfully twists notions of femininity, so too does the scent as it takes the classic rose and ingeniously translates it into a vibrant perfume: in turns translucent and warm, playful and seductive. Robertet perfumers Michel Almairac and Amandine Marie worked to distill Chloé’s beguiling, liberated essence through a combination of floral powdery notes, sprightly hints of peony and lychee, and the embellishment of springtime freesia. The airy, flirtatious head notes drift away to reveal the richer and more sensual side of the rose, derived from the velvety interior of the flower. The rose is accompanied by heady magnolia and lily of the valley, as well as subtle intimations of warm amber and elegant cedarwood. This complex yet intuitive blend effortlessly characterizes the cool chic of the Chloé woman. An enduring bottle Just as the fragrance fuses classic elements with fresh ideas, and airy sweetness with woody strength, the flacon is a study in opposites. Designer Patrick Veillet drew on the intricate detail of the sleeve of a Chloé blouse as the inspiration for the delicately pleated glass walls of the square flacon. An oval cap plays off the strong lines while a silver collar adds a nostalgic feel. The metal plaque is a unique example of craftsmanship rarely seen in modern perfumery, and graced with the finishing touch, a loosely knotted petal-colored ribbon.

“The timepiece is the most limited in the tribute series of the Grande Reverso Ultra Thin 1931 collection”, says Stephane Belmont, Creation & Marketing Executive Director of the Manufacture. “With only 26 pieces to be made, following on from the acclaimed “Rouge” model and the delicious “Chocolat” model in this tribute collection, the special London Flagship edition dial is a beautiful deep green lacquered dial, reminiscent of the rolling British countryside and of course with a nod to the legendary sporting colour.” The deep green colour is dear to many at Jaeger-LeCoultre, including Design and Artistic Director, Janek Deleskiewicz, whose time as a young man in England in the 1960s and 1970s form some of his greatest memories of freedom and during which he collected many eclectic objects from around the country, and also became interested in beautiful cars at that time. What’s more is that since those days, Deleskiewicz has been totally in love with the surprise and elegance of British tailoring – many of his suits have this deep green silk lining.

August, 2015


Fragrance for the Millennial Arab Payless Shoesource Woman: BLING NOIR Sports The Latest by Ajmal Back To School Styles

Adidas Originals By Pharrell Williams – Supershell – Artwork Collection FIVE YEARS OF INNOVATION IN REEBOK CROSSFIT® NANO 5.0

Reebok, the leaders in CrossFit® product innovation and engineering, has marked its five year anniversary as official CrossFit footwear and apparel partner with the launch of the highly anticipated Reebok CrossFit Nano 5.0 – a training shoe that features Kevlar® material for protection and durability now available in Kuwait. Engineered specifically for the CrossFit athlete and developed in association with the CrossFit community, the Reebok CrossFit Nano 5.0 features a number of updates making it the ultimate training shoe. Reebok continues its ongoing evolution in footwear for CrossFit with the introduction of Kevlar® material throughout the upper of the shoe for increased durability and abrasion protection.

After captivating the world with the ground breaking Supercolor release in April, Pharrell Williams is back for FW15 with Supershell. The Supershell project sees Pharrell hand-pick friends and creatives from around the world to completely reinvent the shoe’s Shelltoe for the very first time, evolving the Superstar into a canvas for creation. Debuting with the Artwork Collection, Supershell brings art and creativity to the Superstar like never before. The Superstar’s Shelltoe comes alive with signature graphic artworks and designs from NYC contemporary artist Todd James, American photographer-director Cass Bird and contemporary Japanese artist mr. The artists’ designs are then joined by six of Pharrell’s very own artworks that explore life force and energy and its relationship with colour. With a limited release and exclusive artworks for different regions around the globe, the footwear is offered in black and white colourways, allowing the vibrant artworks to take centre stage. Adding an additional layer to the concept: each left and right shoe features a different graphic treatment allowing the collection to be mixed and matched endlessly, forming yet another opportunity for creative expression by the wearer themselves.

The Millennial woman is powerful beyond measure and beautiful beyond description. Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful and she is in charge. This woman is a go getter when it comes to professional pursuits while keeping the family culture and traditions intact. And from the makers of world class, award-winning fragrances, Ajmal Perfumes have created the perfect scent that exudes the personality of this woman of today. Bling Noir is the ultimate scent of a woman. A fragrance that captures the way a woman feels when she has discovered herself. Real and true, serene and sensual all encompassed in a sheer bottle of sophistication. “There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. With her zest for life both personally and professionally, she is capable of handling it effortlessly. That to us is the true essence of Beauty,” says Abdulla Ajmal, General Manager, Ajmal Perfumes. “Bling Noir is the perfect scent for the cognizant woman, who embodies the qualities of the millennial woman,” he added. The eau de parfum is an aura of seduction, bursting with extracts of spicy cardamom, geranium, saffron and rose. Well complemented with the voluptuous base of sandalwood and the distinguishable agarwood, this lavish mix of spices and exquisite woody notes enamours you in a fantasy all wrapped within this sensual fragrance. A stimulating, intense and powerful fragrance is the perfect solution for the confident woman, making Bling Noir a bold statement of sheer glamour. A piéce de resistance, Bling Noir exudes all of a mystic seduction in a 75ml bottle, which is an illustrious olfactory idea of an accord exquisitely portrayed. Stylishly encased in a mysterious dark bottle, resplendent with shimmering crystals, this pure fragrance is bound to become a fashion statement for the woman of today. Bling Noir is available across all Ajmal showrooms and selected dealers in the Middle East.

As July turns into August, going back to school is on every child and parent’s mind. Luckily, Payless is the one-stop shop for awesome Back to School shoes and accessories. Payless has a wide selection of colorful athletics, fun canvas, trend-right short boots and affordable flats for this year’s busy Back to School season, with a shoe for everyone in the family. Athletics are at the forefront of this year’s Back to School fashion. Payless offers a bevy of colorful, comfortable athletics in exciting new color options as well as all-white and allblack runners with popular chop-out and mesh styling for men, women, and kids. Canvas is a star in this season’s lineup. Payless’ casual canvas continues to delight with its classic look and comfortable feel. Popular styles will be head-of-the-class at a price everyone will love. All canvas styles will be available in an assortment of must-have colors, prints and patterns.

AUGUST HOROSCOPES Saturn in Scorpio turns direct on August 2 and signals a increased pace in your professional life. An irksome personal issue is suddenly and mysteriously resolved, leaving you with more confidence in the value of patience or just waiting it out. A New Moon in Leo on August 14 stirs your creativity, and your more-than-ready attitude toward new responsibility doesn't go unnoticed. Although alliances seem shaky at the August 22 Quarter Moon, you willingly accept a challenge. The Full Moon in magical Pisces on August 29 finds your inner artist poised to do some of your best work to date.


(March 21 - April 19)

August 6 could be a surprisingly good day at work, but there's the risk of picking a fight later at home. Temper, temper! It's possible to have too much fun around the New Moon on August 14, so pace yourself. Sweetness and luxury are more appealing than wildness, so unless you overspend, you should be fine. Give your heart its desire for a few days. The Full Moon on August 29 could be full of crazy dreams and impossible aspirations. Enjoy the lofty feelings. You won't neglect your daily stuff, and perhaps a sweet fantasy will brighten your mood.


(April 20 - May 20)

August 4 is a bonus day of luck and love as Venus and Jupiter conjoin in golden Leo. The New Moon on August 14 could make your home feel more like the palace you see in your dreams. Indulge in decorative embellishments or perhaps some stylish entertainment and allow yourself to live that dream. Have some fun on the Full Moon of August 29, but don't expect everyone to be on the up and up with you. Perhaps it's a misunderstood intention or maybe someone is leading you on. None of this will dampen the party atmosphere, though.


(May 21 - June 20)

August 4 turns the energy of the week in your favor as Mercury conjoins Jupiter for big fun and bigger conversations. Comforts and summer fun come to you with the New Moon on August 14. Relatives may insist that you enjoy their company at the beach, barbecue, or other big-time gathering. People want you to have a good time. Make sure you take care of business around the Full Moon of August 29. You may be doing everything right and still find yourself the victim of some misperception or perhaps a co-worker's jealousy or opportunism. Just do the right thing and be clear.


(June 21 - July 22)

August 10 opens the work week with your instincts in high gear. No one is going to be able to fool you about anything. At the New Moon on August 14, be lucky in all the material ways that may have eluded you recently. If money doesn't increase, you can find ways to need less and still acquire more of what you love. Wanderlust or some other craving for spiritual adventure could strike your fancy around the August 29 Full Moon. Satisfy your taste for something more exotic or enlightened and then love your own home and cozy world all the more.



(July 23 - August 22)

Leap into overdrive when Mars enters your sign on August 8. Get fired up and motivated to do something especially ambitious. You own this New Moon on August 14. Make some changes in your appearance or behavior and then control how other people react to you. People may have trouble saying no to you, so be careful what you ask of them. The world might make some impossible demands of you as the August 29 Full Moon draws near. You're always ready to help, but you don't need to drown in a flood of imagined calls for heroics on your part.

(November 22 - December 21)

Look your best, feel your best, and be unbelievably popular on August 4 when Venus and Jupiter conjoin in the festive sign of Leo. Have you taken your vacation yet? The New Moon on August 14 may beckon with faraway places, if only on the big screen. Or perhaps a fascinating and exotic person will find you. The whole world may feel like your home and backyard at the Full Moon on August 29. Your actual home may not be technically perfect, but so what? It feels great to you. Shine at work and then go home to your own special dreams.



(August 23 - September 22)

Be inspired to dress up more and be entertained by your friends and admirers when Mercury conjoins Venus on August 6. At the New Moon of August 14, someone may surprise you with a personal gift or favor that you may not want to accept. You're more than worthy of it, so be gracious and find a way to reciprocate if you must (but nothing is expected in return). Dreams of the perfect love could flood your mind and heart under the Full Moon on August 29. You're tremendously attractive and desirable now, so be wise to the attention you attract.

(December 22 - January 19)

If you've been frustrated or felt stalled, the wheels will start turning again for you as Saturn goes stationary direct on August 1. Be the answer to an important person's problem around the New Moon on August 14. You'll have an elegant solution to what at first looks like a messy situation. You'll come out looking like a hero. (You are!) Friends and family are doing their best for you on the Full Moon of August 29. You may know it, but it still may be hard to feel content. Sometimes nothing can live up to expectations and hopes, and that's OK.



(September 23 - October 22)

August 4 is busy with offers to share in the high life as Venus conjoins Jupiter in regal Leo. Big fun and energetic friends may keep you hopping during the New Moon on August 14. A secret admirer could be lurking in the shadows, too. Allow people to treat you like royalty. Take great pleasure in all the little things you do at the Full Moon on August 29. Better still, be grateful for how much is being done for you by people who appreciate you. You have great friends and family (and some strangers, too) who may not tell you so.

(January 20 - February 18)

Sharp wits and some great new ideas come to you on August 7. You'll also get a clear view of what works best as the Moon opposes Saturn. Romance of the most glorious kind is yours this month with the New Moon on August 14. Even if the reality isn't as opulent as a fairy tale's happy ending, it will touch your heart and please you all the same. Be realistic about money and keep track of bills and expenses as the August 29 Full Moon approaches. If your attention strays, pause and restart. Be systematic and you won't overlook anything important.



(October 23 - November 21)

Quietly play it smart and see if luck doesn't break your way when the Moon trines Pluto on August 6. Work may feel a lot more like fun under the New Moon of August 14. Resolve to let the feeling last for the next month. Let people respect you more. Stand up straight and be willing to be more of a manager. Indulge that creative streak and have some serious fun at the August 29 Full Moon. Don't judge something as done well or badly, but love all you do because it's yours and yours alone. Your friends will encourage you.

(February 19 - March 20)

You're at your most inspired and inspiring when the Moon conjoins Neptune in Pisces on August 2. Be at your most robust and energetic under the New Moon on August 14. Sweep up all those little loose ends, easily address any minor details, and purr with contentment. Feel good about everything this month. The August 29 Full Moon lights up some of your fondest hopes and ideals. This can lead to some wild fantasies if your idealism has no grounding in reality. Someone who loves you for yourself will be able to pull you back out of the emotional fog.

*All the Illustrations on this page are done by: Sandra Bakhamian @SandraBakhamian and are Copyrighted

HOMEWORK FOR GROWN UPS EVERYTHING YOU LEARNED AT SCHOOL... BUT CAN YOU REMEMBER? General Knowledge Quiz 1. What Eurasian winged-fruit maple tree is named after the Greek words sukon (fig) and moron (mulberry)? 2. What Native American Apache Indian chief's name became an exclamation of exhilaration? 3. What note is produced at the 5th fret of the 5th string (ie the 2nd lowest pitched) of a conventionally tuned guitar: A; B; C; or D? 4. In physics, the motions of particles within matter is understood by (What?) theory:

Test Your Vocabulary An animal might not question it, but a human would see hands had manufactured it quickly enough.

In this sentence, manufactured means: 1. put together out of artificial or natural components 2. ripped it to shreds or small sections 3. shown to be right by providing justification 4. crumpled up or wadded up

Kinetic; Atomic; Existential; or Chaos?

6. The old English tithe, was a tax taken for the church/clergy equating to a: Quarter; Tenth; Twentieth; or Three-Nineteenths? 7. IPO - referring to the flotation of a company - stands for what?

ANSWER: 1.To manufacture something, is to make or construct it, usually for industry and sale. Unless you make all your own clothes, a company probably had to manufacture them.

Alfred; or Kevin?

Manufacture is generally associated with industry and factories. Henry Ford, for instance, revolutionized industry by using assembly lines to manufacture Model Ts. But manufacture can also be used for the natural word, like bees that manufacture honey. Occasionally it use used more generally to mean to construct by putting parts together. And in a pinch, you can manufacture — or make — the truth, which is a creative way to say “lie.”

5. Which old English King is associated with having burned cakes: William; Harold;

8. Strongly scented toilet water is named after which city of its origination? 9. Le Coq Sportif is a famous French corporation/brand for: Fried chicken takeaway; Healthfoods; Sportswear/goods; or Erectile dysfunction? 10. What word makes new words when prefixing: Rule, Projection, Guitar, Valve

Same Length Red Lines? Are the red lines the same length?

and Fastener? 11. What's the Anglicized-Spanish plural noun referring to a particular male facial hair style? 12. An opsimath is a person who begins to do what later in life: Have children; Study; Go bald; or Understand arithmetic? 13. The literary/dramatic description 'redivivus' (emphasis on the 'div') refers to someone who comes back: Home; To life; To haunt; or Drunk? 14. Neolithic refers to which age: Stone; Agricultural; Renaissance; or Industrial? 15. Chrysanthemum means originally which two of these: Red; Blue; Gold; Flower; Star; or Sun? 16. Olibanum is the medieval Latin alternative English word for which Biblical aromatic resin? 17. Germination refers technically to: Contamination; Relevance/connection; Prussian empire building; or Seed/spore growth after dormancy? 18. Spell the word: Spontenaity; Spontinaity; Spontoneity; Spontaneity? 19. Poplin is a type of 18th-century-originating: Drug; Cotton fabric; Alcoholic drink; or Skin disease? 20. Phylum porifera is the technical name for what organic cleaning device: Soap;


Sponge; Tea towel; or Feather duster?


and where the fabric was first made), 20.Sponge spore growth after dormancy, 18.Spontaneity, 19.Cotton fabric (likely named after papal reference to Avignon, where exiled popes lived, (actually the late stone age - neo 'new' and Greek lithos 'stone'), 15.Gold Flower (Greek khrusos and anthemon), 16.Frankincense, 17.Seed/ a moustache has two parts), 12.Study (Greek opse, late, and math, study), 13.To life (or reborn - from re, again, and vivus, living), 14.Stone de Cologne), 9.Sportswear/goods (it means the athletic rooster), 10.Slide, 11.Mustachios (plural noun of mustache/moustache - given that ANSWERS: 1.Sycamore, 2.Geronimo, 3.D, 4.Kinetic, 5.Alfred, 6.Tenth (from teotha, tenth), 7.Initial Public Offering, 8.Cologne (as in eau




The Avenues -Phase 3 - Soku



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