Rad American Women A-Z Flyer for Events in a Bookstore

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CELEBRATE “Rad American Women” this March 2016, Women’s History Month!

Create a Kids’ Event in March for Women’s History Month! Rad American Women A-Z: Rebels, Trailblazers, and Visionaries Who Shaped Our History . . . and Our Future, the first kid’s book ever published by City Lights, is now a New York Times bestseller! Hardcover ISBN: 9780872866836 $14.95 64 pages Women’s History Month, March 2016, is around the corner and now is a great time to think about ways to create engaging events for kids and their parents and guardians using this book. We’ve got lots of easy ideas and resources to use! once your at tendees are present . . . • Talk about the title and ask the group what the word “rad” means to them. Talk about the author’s intention in using it (see book’s introduction). • Read a profile of one or two of the women featured in the book. • Share a video from our “Rad American Women A-Z” series at blogcitylights.com: A number of amazing contemporary writers, artists, activists and others read a profile from the book. Be sure to check out the children’s group “The Radical Monarchs” reading “X is for the Women Whose Names We Don’t Know.” • Ask kids to either write and/or talk about a rad woman in their life.

• Have participants draw a picture of a rad woman (can be same person they write or talk about). • Using the page “X is for the Women Whose Names We Don’t Know” a) Ask for a few volunteers to read from the page (or choose to show blog video) b) Ask the following discussion questions: What does the author mean when she says women “didn’t get credit for their ideas”? What’s the overall message of the page for “X”? Answer the last question: What will you do to make the world rad? • For more ideas check out the resources at radamericanwomen.com

Order books from Consortium at 1-800-283-3572 or orderentry@perseusbooks.com

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