City & State New York 091321

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A ni l ia iu G e rs w v te re co ta nd dis ps NY u Forget legal marijuana. The elusive hemp boom has growers searching for the end of the rainbow.





September 13, 2021

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September 13, 2021

City & State New York




RALPH R. ORTEGA Editor-in-chief

I’VE WORKED FOR a couple of after-school programs in my life and can’t imagine if I were to have the opportunity to do the same work during the coronavirus pandemic that I would go into a school without wearing a mask or being vaccinated against COVID-19. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is keeping the requirement that everyone coming to school this fall wear masks. He’s also required that all staff be vaccinated on their return to the largest school system in the United States. However, the mayor stopped short of requiring vaccinations for eligible students. “We just don’t think that’s the right thing to do,” he explained to WABC 7 after Los Angeles, the second largest district in the country, decided last week to require vaccinations for students 12 and older. De Blasio said New York City schools are currently focused on getting kids back into classrooms, but that an option for vaccinating older students remains on the table. There’s comfort in knowing that more than 65% of New York City students who are 12 and older have been vaccinated, compared to the state average of 50% for kids the same age. But it’s still hard to understand why de Blasio’s policy stops short of making the requirement apply to all. Ultimately, it remains up to every individual to what extent they’re willing to go to ensure their safety and that of others, especially children. And school, of all places, should be a safe haven for everyone. At the moment, the city’s schools are jeopardizing that core ideal.

Andrew Giuliani is banking on name recognition in the GOP primary for governor.

CONTENTS FIRST READ … 4 The week that was

HEMP … 8

The potential is there, but will anyone care?

ANDREW GIULIANI … 12 The long shot GOP candidate for governor ventures upstate. CORNELL AG … 16

Solving farmers’ problems, one field at a time.

AGRICULTURE POWER 50 … 18 The essential people feeding New York


Who was up and who was down last week


September 13, 2021

York City Housing Authority. Hochul also mentioned criminal justice as an issue that he will work on, although Benjamin did not off er specifics on that issue at his swearing in.

“Keep your damn hands off our bodies!” - Gov. Kathy Hochul, at a Brooklyn rally against the new Texas abortion law, via the Daily News Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin celebrated his swearing in with his family in Gov. Kathy Hochul’s Manhattan office.


election to replace him in the state Senate can coincide with this year’s general election. At the ceremony, Hochul said she wanted a real partner in government who would off er advice and guidance, signaling a shift away from the largely ceremonial role that lieutenant governors play and a

Brian Benjamin got sworn in as the state’s new lieutenant governor and Gov. Kathy Hochul’s partner in the Executive Chamber. She announced her pick last month, but Hochul waited until after Labor Day to make it off icial so that the special Sunday, September

closer relationship than she indicated she had with former Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Benjamin said his agenda coming into off ice right now includes three main priorities: getting the COVID-19 vaccine to hesitant communities, helping to distribute rent relief money and chairing a task force on the New

5, 2021


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WE REMEMBER l ains etched on city’s sou 20 years later, 9/11 rem

FITTING TRIBUTES New York City marked the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks last week and honored the 2,977 people who were killed that day at several events across the city. The Tribute in Light, two bright beams of light that recall the twin towers, was organized by the 9/11 Memorial & Museum. There was also a national TV special and musical performances at Lincoln Center and Green-Wood Cemetery.

“55 years ago today one of the greatest shows ever made premiered! During one of my annual tours it was great to sit in Captain Kirk’s chair at the Star Trek Original Series Set Tour right here in Ticonderoga, NY.” – Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie on Star Trek Day, via Twitter

The race for mayor in Buffalo took another turn for the interesting when two courts, both federal and state, ruled that Mayor Byron Brown must be placed on the ballot despite submitting petition signatures well past the filing deadline. After losing the Democratic primary to socialist India Walton in June, Brown launched a write-in campaign for the general election after the Buffalo Board of Elections rejected his late petition signatures to run on a third-party line. But the court rulings change the calculus and help Brown. Both the Board of Elections and Walton have already appealed the decisions in an attempt to remove him from the ballot again, but Brown expressed confidence he will remain. Although a state appellate court placed a stay on decision putting Brown on the ballot, the federal decision still holds. The pair also faced off head-to-head in their first debate, after Brown declined to debate Walton during the primary, laying bare the stark differences in their visions for Buffalo.



September 13, 2021


As the delta variant of the coronavirus continues to spread in New York and across the country, Hochul is making plans to distribute booster vaccine shots to the public once they get officially approved. She said that she doesn’t expect supply to be an issue like during the initial rollout of the vaccine, which she likened to “The Hunger Games.” Hochul said she plans to work with local health departments to get the shots out, including in determining whether to reopen mass vaccination sites, and will allocate $65 million to local governments for the effort. She also announced a new digital campaign to get more children between the ages of 12 and 17 vaccinated as they prepare to return to school. Vaccination rates among that age range remain very low. Meanwhile, de Blasio announced a new vaccine mandate for child care and after-school workers.

City & State New York


President Joe Biden came to New York to survey damage from the remnants of Hurricane Ida in Queens. His visit was after the federal government officially declared areas of New York and New Jersey major disaster zones, approving federal aid to help with recovery efforts. New York will get at least $50 million. Debate over basement apartments, where the majority of flood-related deaths in New York City occurred, continued as well. The flash flooding caused multiple people living in garden apartments to drown in their own homes when water came rushing in, while others barely escaped with their lives. Mayor Bill de Blasio said that he didn’t have an “immediate solution” to the problem of illegal basement dwellings, which house some 100,000 people but are not up to code for safety.

President Joe Biden visited Queens last week to survey the damage wrought by the remnants of Hurricane Ida, which brought deadly flooding.



TUESDAY 9/14 Join City & State, elected officials and other government leaders for a 1 p.m. virtual Rebuilding New York Summit.


As Rikers gets worse, NYC pushes new plan As plans are underway to close Rikers Island, current living and working conditions at the complex continue to quickly deteriorate. In a report issued late last month, the court-appointed federal monitor overseeing Rikers found “a steady increase in serious use of force incidents, a disturbing rise in the level of security lapses and unchecked breaches and failures of basic security protocols, and instances of inadequate supervision,” the report said. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio responded to the findings, saying, “These are serious problems that need to be addressed.” “The whole culture of the Department of Correction needs a lot of change,” the mayor added. Vincent Schiraldi, appointed as New York City Department of Correction commissioner in May, has had his hands full taking on the job while a plan exists to shut down Rikers by 2027, replacing it with individual jails in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx. Schiraldi toured the department’s facilities and rolled out a strategy for addressing the more immediate concerns for both inmates and staff. Dubbed #NewDayDOC, the effort focuses on fairness, wellness and safety issues. The correction commissioner expressed optimism about closing Rikers on schedule,

WEDNESDAY 9/15 The state Independent Redistricting Commission is expected to release its first draft maps of newly redrawn districts for Congress and the state Legislature.


while hoping to improve the deteriorating conditions there. He also stressed to City & State that it will take a full commitment by the city and all of the department’s stakeholders to achieve significant results. “It’s challenging to make the Department of Correction a priority, because most people never come here. It’s not like filling potholes; everybody wants you to fill the potholes on their block. The mayor has to altruistically care about it. Otherwise, Rikers Island continues to be neglected, which it has been for decades,” Schiraldi said. Rikers has been facing alarming staff shortages, maintaining about four correction officers for every three inmates, a decrease from the previous five correction officers for every three inmates in 2020. Understaffing has led to employees working triple shifts and increased the threat of injury to workers by inmates. Ongoing grievances led the union representing the complex’s workers – the Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association – to sue the city in July over “inhumane conditions” within city jails. The union also criticized the federal monitor’s report for blaming absenteeism for causing worker shortages, failing to acknowledge the stress of working consecutive shifts and the threat of bodily harm to staff. – Jasmine Sheena

Democratic leaders have not ruled out using their legislative supermajorities to gerrymander future iterations of the maps.

WEDNESDAY 9/15 Amid an increase in deaths on Rikers Island, the New York City Council Criminal Justice Committee holds a 10 a.m. oversight hearing at City Hall on jail conditions.


September 6, 2021



GOV. KATHY HOCHUL may have lost the “lieutenant” in her title, but she hasn’t lost the energy she brought to the position. Known for her jampacked schedules that brought her to every corner of New York on a regular basis, Hochul seems to have brought that drive with her to the Executive Mansion. BUFFALO For her first official COVID-19 briefing, Hochul went back to her home turf, and returned there for Labor Day as well.

Less than a month into her new role as governor, she has already made trips all over the state even as she gets settled into her new position with a laundry list of issues waiting for her. So where in the world has Kathy Hochul been so far during her short time as governor?

SARATOGA SPRINGS Hochul made the nearby trip from Albany to Saratoga Springs for the Travers Stakes at the Saratoga Race Course.

ALBANY Of course, Hochul’s base of operations is in the state capital, but she also made time to visit a local farmers market with Albany’s mayor.

WESTCHESTER Hochul made appearances at two different Westchester cities as she continued her tour of storm-impacted parts of downstate.

NEW YORK CITY The state’s biggest city is of course a no-brainer for early days in office, but she has already made trips to Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island, returning multiple times for storm briefings in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida.

LONG ISLAND As part of her briefings on storm recovery, Hochul made her first trip to the island in Nassau County.

September 13, 2021

City & State New York

A Q&A with New York City Emergency Management Department Commissioner



In New York City, 13 people died when the remnants of Hurricane Ida hit. Has the Office of Emergency Management changed its plans in responding to flash flood events? We are in the process of working on what the mayor announced, which is the Extreme Weather (Response) Task Force. And we’re looking at what our existing triggers are and how we could be more aggressive with both the activation of our plans and the messaging that we do to the city. A chunk of that is about specific alerts for people that live in basements. So we are currently working on that

for a rollout at the end of the month. Who’s in charge of that messaging and the emergency alerts? Is it OEM? So specifically for emergency alerting for weather, it is the National Weather Service and those automated messages that you get on your phone through the Wireless Emergency Alert system. At the local level, we have our Notify NYC program, which is an opt-in program where people can sign up. During the last storm, I got one notification telling me that there’s a tornado warning, and

I should seek shelter. Another one telling me that there’s flash flooding, and I should seek high ground. Was that a mistake? And was that even under OEM’s purview? Yeah, all those alerts are National Weather Service alerts, and all the language within those alerts is. It’s not like they’re developing that at the time of the storm. That’s all prepackaged information that automatically gets triggered when they do notifications on their system. So you’re 100% correct, that message can be confusing. We’re in the process of talking to the weather service about that.


It’s still the cyberthreat that is really scary, because even with pandemics and floods and these other challenges that we come across, we could still function and operate. You know, the interesting part about the WEAs are they use a system to pick a geographic area on a map, and it hits the specific cellphone sites. There could be bleed-over of where that message goes. And we’re also talking to them about making sure that the message is very clear about which geographic area they targeted. This summer we’ve seen extreme heat, serious flooding, continuation of a deadly pandemic – what type of emergency keeps you up at night? Even with all that, it’s still the cyberthreat that is

really scary, because even with pandemics and floods and these other challenges that we come across, we could still function and operate and help citizens. If we did have a major cyberattack against our infrastructure – and I’m not talking about just shutting down our computers, but as we’ve seen with the pipelines, you see them try to attack electrical grids around the world. Those are the longer, bigger challenges where it would really impact how we operate and how we get people services right away. That’s what can keep you up at night. – Jeff Coltin

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September 13, 2021

Hemp hyp


A new industry is budding in New York. It could be transformative, or a lost chance.


N CASE YOU missed the parades featuring giant doobie floats, the joint giveaways for the vaccinated or the general celebratory aroma of city streets, recreational marijuana is now legal in New York. While attention is trained on the new legal drug business the state is building, another even larger cannabis business is awaiting its day in the sun. Already legal to grow and process, industrial hemp is the potentially billion-dollar New York industry few are paying attention to yet. While it may take longer to scale up than recreational marijuana, industrial hemp could have even greater economic potential for the state. Although most people are familiar with the drug marijuana that comes from the cannabis plant, far fewer know about the many uses for hemp, which looks similar, but has negligible amounts of the psychoactive chemical THC. For those who are familiar with hemp, they may most closely associate it with their local hippie stores next to the crystals and incense. But its uses range from textiles for clothes to construction material to food. “People are chasing these bright shiny objects, and I think those will have maybe short-lived potential,” said Daniel Dolgin, owner of Eaton Hemp in Central New York, of recreational marijuana. “I think there will be more losers than winners – there will be big winners, but the industrial side has much less sex appeal.” As companies seek green alternatives to traditional products from cotton (which is incredibly water-intensive to grow and process) to plastics, hemp is becoming increasingly popular. But it still must overcome a decadeslong disinformation campaign associating it with its closely related drug cousin, and set up the supply chains to compete with the major industries that helped to kill hemp in the first place. Dolgin’s farm was one of the first to win a license under the state Department of Agriculture and Markets’ Industrial Hemp Agricultural Research Pilot Program established in 2015. Since then, he’s been growing his vertically integrated business – growing, processing, creating and marketing hemp products – as a sort of proof of concept to others interested in the industry. “We’re in sort of the innovation stage where you have to show like, hey, this can be done,” Dolgin said. Currently, Eaton Hemp has entered the pet care industry with a popular hemp pet bedding, among other products including hemp-based foods. The major roadblock now is getting other farmers interested in

Daniel Dolgin is one of New York’s first licensed hemp growers. He calls this the crop’s “innovation stage.”

September 13, 2021

p pe By Rebecca C. Lewis

City & State New York



September 13, 2021

taking the potential risk, as well as getting investors and companies to buy into the industry, which takes time.


ATON HEMP ALSO sells CBD products, which are made from a hemp extract that for a brief moment completely dominated the hemp market. It’s not a drug per se, but it’s touted as offering a calming effect without the high of THC. Unlike with other industrial hemp uses that require a degree of risk in building up the market, CBD was a popular fad seen as an easy market to enter. The problem was that the market became oversaturated with products without proper regulations. Southern Tier Assembly Member Donna Lupardo, sponsor of various hemp bills, said that while she’s eager to get those CBD regulations finalized, the state is ripe to capitalize on hemp’s many other uses. “I have a briefcase – I call it my hemp sample bag,” Lupardo said of a briefcase made of hemp fibers that she uses to carry sample hemp products like alternative Styrofoam and building materials. “Once people see what’s possible, they’re very intrigued by it.” New York is already in a good position to enter the slowly burgeoning industrial hemp market as a major national leader. “We’re already considered a leader in this industry,” Lupardo said, adding that the state was among the top five in the country in terms of licensed acreage before the pandemic. “We are absolutely viewed as not only innovators in terms of new products and new potential, we’re also viewed as a state that’s willing to push the envelope.” Daniel Walcyzk is a professor of mechanical engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute focused on hemp biocomposites as an alternative to the likes of carbon fiber. He said that he can think of no state that is more advanced in its research. “New York has the potential to be a key leader in bast fiber – including hemp – research, and development and application,” Walcyzk said. “There just needs to be more thought into where the funding is going to go.” From an agricultural standpoint, New York is well-suited for growing hemp, which thrives in a temperate climate like the state’s, unlike cannabis for recreational marijuana, which does better in warmer climes. It is not water intensive; it helps replenish soil when used as part of a regular crop rotation (and can even be used for remediating brownfields with toxic or hazardous materials in the soil); and generally does not require pesticides or herbicides to grow as it naturally suppresses weeds. Also, it offers a high return on ener-

gy consumed to grow the plant as effectively every part can be used in some way. “Our motto is nothing goes to waste, because we use every part of the plant to create a viable product,” Dolgin said. Certainly, the state is better suited for growing industrial hemp than recreational marijuana, most of which will likely be grown in energy-intensive indoor grow operations in New York. Jennifer Gilbert Jenkins, an associate professor of agricultural science at SUNY Morrisville, said that the state’s geography also is conducive to a robust industrial hemp industry as it has agricultural regions interspersed with small urban areas. “This means that materials don’t have to travel far to get from farm gate to the first

“I have a briefcase – I call it my hemp sample bag. Once people see what’s possible, they’re very intrigued by it.” – Assembly Member Donna Lupardo

September 13, 2021


City & State New York

Hemp grows well in New York, where many farmers have licensed land to cultivate it.

York. “I think it could be a great tool to use to revitalize downtrodden poorer areas of the state hurting for investment and job growth.” Hemp also offers New York an avenue into the green jobs sector as more companies are looking to invest in environmental alternatives to traditional products. Much stock has been put into the prospect of solar panel manufacturing plants in the state, but hemp growing and processing is another way to grow the sector. Hemp could be a multibillion-dollar industry, particularly in the construction field, said Walcyzk. But it’s more than that. “It could be huge, but I think more importantly is that it’s the future,” Walczyk said. “Oil is going to run out, natural gas is going to run out – and carbon fiber, by the way, is petroleum based. … (Hemp) materials have to be part of the engineering material future.”


D stage of processing,” Gilbert Jenkins said. “The geography of the state lends itself to ease of tying agricultural and industrial sectors together.” In that vein, the agricultural side is just one part of the industry that could potentially benefit New York, with the processing and manufacturing side presenting a potential boon for the state as well. Gilbert Jenkins pointed out that the growth of the hemp industry could help revitalize rural areas that have lost manufacturing jobs in the past several decades if major industries decide to move into the state to process the raw materials they purchase. “That’s the million-dollar question,” Gilbert Jenkins said when asked just how big this industry could be for New

ESPITE THE MULTIFACETED nature of industrial hemp, the state still has major roadblocks to overcome. First and foremost are the decades of disinformation about the plant after it was lumped in with the drug marijuana that depressed its use and research for years. Hemp was at one point a major crop in the U.S., to the point that colonial farmers were required to grow it. In the 19th century, Henry Ford famously created blueprints for a car built out of hemp biocomposites. In fact, in an article written in 1937, one magazine said that hemp was poised to become “the billion-dollar crop.” But in the 1930s and later with the Nixon era and the Rockefeller drug laws, hemp got lumped together with marijuana as part of a concerted lobbying effort by major industries that stood to lose if hemp became too big, including petroleum (the producer of synthetic materials), cotton and paper. In fact, strict laws about and demonization of marijuana have been traced back to the attempt to kill the hemp industry when new inventions made processing it easier and cheaper than before. It wasn’t until the 2014 U.S. Farm Bill that hemp became legal to grow for research purposes and was given a definition to differentiate it from marijuana. So the state has a long education campaign ahead of it to undo years of intentional effort to keep the hemp industry from burgeoning, even as attitudes change. There is also the issue of getting investors interested in the industry, companies to set up shop or source from New York and sup-

port from the state. “There’s no real way that farmers on our own can just create this industry through entrepreneurship and grit and hustle,” said Damian Fagon, owner of Gullybean farm in the Hudson Valley. “It has to kind of come from the top down with some guidance from the state.” Lupardo is working on her end to get buy-in from the state through conversations with Empire State Development, but she said that the pandemic has interrupted her efforts. Dolgin said he has had conversations with the state Department of Transportation and the Executive Chamber about using hemp for phytoremediation – remediating land with toxins – and erosion control, but he also acknowledged the hurdles the state still needs to overcome. He compared the industry to different stages of development for the advent of the internet. “Right now, a lot of people who are kind of looking at the industry are looking at internet 3.0 and looking at uses for industrial hemp that don’t have a market, don’t have the technology, don’t have the efficiency, but it all holds a lot of promise,” Dolgin said. It’s why he says his company is thinking about “internet 1.0” by finding industries they can add products to for which there is already demand and buying hemp from other farmers to encourage them to begin growing it themselves. Fagon also cautioned against pinning too much hope on the promise of industrial hemp in New York once the market begins to take off more and other states start to get involved in growing, manufacturing and processing. He said that while hemp textiles could help revitalize the likes of garment-making in New York City, he said that competing with other states with more farmland and infrastructure could put a damper on industrial hemp in New York. “Industrial hemp will be subject to the same push and pull factors that pushed the dairy industry out of New York,” Fagon said. He doesn’t want to see farmers fall into the same trap as with CBD, which promised big payouts but turned into a bust for many. But many hemp proponents see a real opportunity for New York to enter the industry in a big way. And with a new governor in the Executive Mansion, they have renewed hope. “We have a governor who’s not afraid to have her picture taken with me standing next to a cannabis plant,” Lupardo said, recalling a 2017 picture then-Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul asked to have taken at the state’s first industrial hemp summit. “She’s very, very, very big on what we’re talking about right here.”


September 13, 2021

On the farm with Andrew Giuliani The long shot Republican candidate for governor is taking his message of MAGA cliches straight to the people. By Zach Williams

On the day state Attorney General Letitia James released the report that ended Andrew Cuomo’s career, Andrew Giuliani was talking to upstaters at Empire Farm Days.

September 13, 2021

City & State New York



NDREW GIULIANI IS easy to spot in the crowd at Empire Farm Days. The Republican candidate for governor is the only guy wearing casual knit sneakers and Jacob Cohën slacks at the largest agricultural trade show in the Northeast. He leaves no doubt about where he comes from every time he shakes a hand or slaps a back. “I’m out of Manhattan,” he tells one after another. “I’m one of those downstaters, but that’s OK.” He might not know much about the nuts and bolts of combines, or recognize the name of the local member of the Assembly, but the 35-year-old son of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani can relate in another way to the types of conservative voters he needs to win the GOP nomination next June. It starts with the name. While Rudy Giuliani might be a target of scorn on the political left nowadays because of his association with former President Donald Trump and their joint efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, the former mayor had plenty of fans among the people who talked to his son at Empire Farm Days. “He’s just a stand-up guy,” Bruce Reeves, a farmer from Baldwinsville, said about the former mayor in an interview. Andrew Giuliani then shifts the conversation to the “defund the police movement” and “Second Amendment rights.” Reeves had not heard of any other GOP candidates for governor and he likes what he hears from Andrew Giuliani. “What do we got to lose?” he says of electing the millennial son of Rudy. Appearances at events like Empire Farm Days are Giuliani’s way of overcoming some big disadvantages in his long shot campaign for governor. He cannot compete with Rep. Lee Zeldin in fundraising or endorsements, but Giuliani has a famous name, hustle and command of the culture war clichés that could appeal to GOP primary voters. That might not be enough to get him elected as the first Republican governor in two decades, but it could go a long way toward changing the public’s perceptions of him. He used to be best known for loudly repeating his father’s words at Rudy’s 1994 inauguration as mayor, which was lampooned by comedian Chris Farley in a “Saturday Night Live” skit. Andrew attracted addi-


tional attention as an undergrad at Duke University after several incidents led to him being kicked off the golf team. He then sued the school claiming he was guaranteed a spot on the team and lifetime access to the Duke golf facilities, but the suit was later tossed. His appointment years later as a White House aide during the Trump administration – which included a lot of time hitting the links with the president – only added to his reputation as a lifelong beneficiary of nepotism. Rivals like Zeldin of Long Island – the front-runner for the GOP nomination for governor – and former Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino have experience as elected officials and connections to the state party, but Giuliani touts something else. “I’m a politician out of the womb,” he told reporters while announcing his campaign in lower Manhattan in May. “It’s in my DNA.” His suspect claim of being the most experienced candidate in the race with “parts of 32 years in politics and government” and “parts of five decades in politics” inspired a fresh round of mockery in the media. His candidacy has not fared much better since when it comes to the mainstream media. He got burned at a Schenectady bakery after staging a campaign event there uninvited. “If I were going to host a political candidate, it wouldn’t be Andrew Giuliani. It would be someone with more traction, to put it diplomatically,” the owner told The Daily Gazette. “I’m at a loss here.” New York magazine wrote about how his campaign was less about politics and more about dealing with lingering issues following his parents’ public divorce. Father and son were estranged for years, though they eventually smoothed things over in time for Rudy’s political influence to power Andrew’s rise in right-wing circles. “(The author) pushed a narrative and it is what it is,” Giuliani said of the magazine story. Andrew Giuliani’s campaign was dealt a big blow when he did not get a single vote from party insiders at a gathering in June where they deemed Zeldin their preferred choice. That fact alone highlights the limits of his father’s name and helps explain why an Upper East Side native is appealing to voters directly by attending events like the Lewis County Fair and Empire Farm Days while making appearances on right-wing media outlets. “It’s just a matter of going and meet-


ing as many voters as possible,” Giuliani says following an impromptu appearance on Newsmax – where he was briefly a paid contributor – minutes after the release of the damning report by state Attorney General Letitia James on sexual harassment allegations against Gov. Andrew Cuomo. The report gives Giuliani a chance to hate on the Democrats while grandstanding with potential voters. “Do you think Tish James is going to run?” Monica Cody of Cazenovia asks him after he approaches a table where she is sitting with her husband Bill Cody and their children. “You know what? Good question,” Giuliani responds. “We were just talking about it. I think there’s a good chance that she does. I think there is a good chance that she does.” He explains how the state Senate could convict the embattled governor if he were to get impeached. Bill and Monica Cody are no fans of Cuomo, but they have some questions about who might replace him: “Giuliani, he’s definitely running?” Monica Cody asks. “Yeah, that’s me, so I’m running,” Giuliani replies. “You’re Rudy?” Bill Cody interjects. “No, I’m Andrew. I’m his son,” Giuliani replies. “You’re running? Not your dad,” Monica Cody asks. “No. He’s not running. I’m running,” Giuliani responds. “Well good luck. You know who else is running?” Monica Cody adds. Giuliani explains that there is a guy named Zeldin and a guy named Astorino – but he says he is the guy to beat based on a poll his campaign released weeks before that showed him with an 8-point lead on Zeldin. “You get my vote!” someone yells from a nearby table as Giuliani goes on about how he is going to stop the “AOCs of the world” from hurting the good people of upstate New York. Monica Cody asks where he stands on the use of agricultural land for green energy. Giuliani responds with a long-winded answer. “There’s nothing that actually we can implement as a way to actually take over what’s happened, let’s say downstate at Indian Point or as a way where we can do clean fracking, let’s say on the Southern Tier over here,” he says. “We’ve just seen this kind of quick rush to green energy and renew-

ables without actually saying: ‘Well, can the grid actually handle it yet?’ It can’t handle it yet. So it’s not actually in a place right now where we actually can power our state with.” That was not exactly what the Codys were getting at. “What about 94C landowner property rights?” Monica Cody asks. Giuliani asks for an explanation. Bill Cody explains that 94C is a controversial state law that streamlines the process for locating renewable energy projects in places like Central New York. This drives up demand for agricultural land and places limits on zoning laws imposed by local governments. Giuliani pivots back to a key campaign talking point. “This has happened on so many different issues – not just energy, not just agriculture – where you continue to see the Cuomo administration centralize power in Albany and all that,” he says. “Yeah,” replies Bill Cody, but his wife still

has doubts that Giuliani is up to the task of protecting upstate farmland. “My concern is that anybody that’s (dealing) with the Legislature has to be well informed,” she says in an interview. Still, they say they are willing to give Giuliani a chance in the absence of other attractive candidates. They have never heard of Zeldin, and Bill Cody says Astorino – who lost the 2014 gubernatorial election to Cuomo – is too “weak” to challenge the forces of liberalism run amok. Opposition to Democrats is a theme that Giuliani returns to at Empire Farm Days. The political left will defund the police while he will “back the blue” and allow them to do their jobs as they see fit. “Stop, question and frisk worked in the ’90s in New York City,” he says in an interview. “It’s not as dangerous as it was 35 years ago, but we see crime going up.” He also harps on the dangers of critical race theory, though he strug-


Giuliani talked up his connections to former President Donald Trump, though Trump hasn’t returned the favor.

City & State New York

“This is all grassroots people. I can tell you right now there ain’t 10 of them up here that want anything more than Trump.” – R.J. Windhausen, homebuilder

gled to define exactly what that term means. “The theory is this original sin in the United States of America that we cannot recover from,” he adds. “We are continually divided on racial lines, on religious lines, it’s kind of a continued push of that.” Giuliani does not differ much from Zeldin and other Republicans when it comes to identifying what they say is wrong with Democrats, but he has a knack for putting it in uniquely personal terms. “(Cuomo) described himself as Italian (while) grabbing people,” he tells One America News Network during a late afternoon appearance from the hill overlooking Empire Farm Days. “As an Italian, I’m offended that he would actually even say that, and group us in like that. That’s beyond disgusting.” Then it’s back to bashing the Democrats with voters in person at a tractor pull down the road. The Manhattanite is no expert on the rural sport of measuring how far a turbocharged tractor can drag a weighted sled down a dirt track, but Giuliani does know a thing or two about appealing to the types of people who will pay $20 on a Tuesday night to watch their favorite drivers compete. Giuliani is sipping a spiked seltzer and introducing himself to as many people as he can amid the cacophony of screaming engines and billowing smoke. Many of them have never heard of him, but they get an idea of what he stands for as soon as they hear his last name. “This is all grassroots people,” homebuilder R.J. Windhausen explains. “I can tell you right now there ain’t 10 of them up here that want anything more than Trump.” The former president has not expressed any public willingness to endorse his former golf partner despite Giuliani’s efforts to talk up their connection, but the


long shot candidate for governor may not need it if everything goes well for him on the campaign trail. His family name gives him an in with voters at a time when he is pushing hard to be taken seriously as a candidate. He cannot offer voters policy nuance or the benefit of much political experience except for a few years as a liaison to sports teams and small businesses as a White House aide. Party elites have already gotten behind Zeldin. However, long shot candidates have staged upsets before in Republican primaries. Businessman Carl Paladino beat former Rep. Rick Lazio to become the 2010 GOP gubernatorial nominee despite his lack of institutional support. Giuliani has reported having just a few hundred thousand dollars to compete against Zeldin, who has amassed a multimillion-dollar war chest for the primary. Giuliani has also had to adjust his campaign messaging since Cuomo’s resignation by joining other Republicans in labeling his successor, Gov. Kathy Hochul, as just another out-of-touch Democrat who is pushing supposedly unconstitutional vaccine and mask mandates on law-abiding New Yorkers. The boos a Giuliani sign got at a recent baseball game at CitiField, and the unflattering headlines it generated, highlight his ongoing struggles in being taken seriously, but Republican voters see him differently – at least judging by the reception he got at Empire Farm Days. “I said to my wife, ‘Hmm, that’s Rudy’s boy right there,” Windhausen said in an interview. “He introduced himself and I’m not into politics but I’ll listen and see what he has to say.”

September 13, 2021

New York’s agricultural brainiacs


DROUGHT HIT the Finger Lakes region several years ago, right as Scott Osborn was testing a new product on the crops in his vineyards. He sprayed the product, which contained a type of fungus meant to form mutually beneficial relationships with grapevines, on six rows of vines that had fared poorly during a similar drought the previous year. The leaves on those six rows of vines managed to stay green despite the drought. Meanwhile, the untreated vines next to them began to lose their leaves. “There was something going on here that I didn’t understand,” said Osborn, the president and co-owner of Fox Run Vineyards. He turned to Justine Vanden Heuvel, a professor at the Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, to see whether she might be able to look into the use of such fungi. Vanden Heuvel asked Osborn to gather a group of growers who might be interested in testing it, and she applied for research funding and took on the project – which emerged with promising results. This project illustrated how Cornell University, a land-grant institution, has played a key role in bolstering New York’s agricultural sector. Beyond agricultural research, the university works on numerous programs and initiatives with local farmers to develop new technology and practices. That work is fueled by approximately $334 million from federal, state and corporate sources that has been spent locally in New York. The Morrill Land Grant College Act, passed amid the Civil War in 1862, allowed states to create new agricultural and engineering schools using proceeds from selling federal land largely taken from Indigenous people. The formation of these land-grant institutions fueled Cornell University’s creation in 1865. Subsequent legislation established new agricultural experiment stations, which supported research into food production at these universities. By 1914, the federal government also had enacted a new law funding a service that had land-grant universities disseminate their agricultural research to the broader population of rural Americans. Land-grant universities continue to exist in each state, with Cornell – a rare example of a private land-grant uni-

Cornell is helping farmers with their most confounding problems through its top-tier research and outreach programs.

versity – as the only one in New York. Cornell’s role in producing research and sharing it with the public stems from this history and continues in the 21st century. The university hosts two federally funded research sites, for example: the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cornell AgriTech. Cornell’s Cooperative Extension system, which connects its research to local communities, has a presence in each county in New York state. The extension system reaches about 1.7 million New Yorkers each year, according to the university. Collectively, this means that Cornell plays a notable role in supporting and growing the state’s agricul-

By Kay Dervishi

tural industry. Former state Sen. Catharine Young leads one of Cornell’s initiatives to connect with the broader agricultural community as executive director of the New York State Center of Excellence for Food and Agriculture at Cornell AgriTech. In this role, she leads efforts to draw entrepreneurs and startups focused on food and agriculture to New York and helps grow existing businesses in the state. The center currently works with about 200 clients, according to Young, who drafted agriculture legislation during her time in elected office. “The way that we do it is through a variety of methods,” she said. “It’s connect-



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City & State New York


Left, workers with the Cornell Cooperative Extension examine crops. Top right, the Center of Excellence for Food and Agriculture at Cornell AgriTech. Bottom right, diseased leaves on a grapevine.

ing with – if it’s appropriate – Cornell research, innovation and technology. It may be business mentoring. And we review pitch decks or business plans, business-to-business partnerships.” Megan Méza is one business owner who said she benefited from working with Cornell. She founded Bandida, a company selling a version of horchata mixed with cold brew coffee, two years ago and has communicated with Cornell’s experts over the course of about a year and a half. With their help, Méza tested her recipe in a pilot plant and produced more than 500 bottles that she was then able to send out as samples to distributors and customers. They

also helped guide her submission for a pitch competition for entrepreneurs, which she won, netting her business $20,000. “I always feel like I would not be where I am today without Cornell,” she said. The Cornell Cooperative Extension encompasses a significant portion of the university’s outreach efforts. One example of how the extension engages with the agricultural industry is through its workforce development program led by Richard Stup. He coordinates with the extension’s educators – who communicate with farmers on the ground – as well as farm management professionals, associations and other people in agribusiness to provide guidance

on management, compliance and developing the agricultural workforce. For the past year and a half, that’s also meant a lot of support on developing guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and encouraging workers to get vaccinated. “All of us at Cornell, and especially the extension, worked extra, extra overtime to help the industry adapt to be able to manage COVID,” Stup said. Cornell University’s research and outreach will continue to carry weight in New York and often beyond. “The impact that they do locally, in many cases, is carried around the world,” Osborn said.


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The New Yorkers cultivating the state’s thriving farming and agricultural sectors.


where New York’s elected officials pose for pictures with butter sculptures and sausage sandwiches, and this year was no exception as Gov. Kathy Hochul made her first appearance there in her new role. Such visits allow politicians not only to raise their profiles, but also to express support for New York’s farming and agricultural industries. From Long Island to the Finger Lakes, farms play an essential role in feeding New Yorkers. New York farms generate billions of dollars annually – the state is a national leader in producing yogurt, cottage cheese, apples, maple syrup and more – and they have weathered the COVID-19 pandemic, with essential farmworkers toiling to help the state respond to rising hunger.

This is City & State’s first agriculture-focused list, highlighting public officials, farmers, business executives, association heads, labor leaders, policymakers and others who have shaped New York’s agricultural landscape. And that includes people operating in every aspect of the diverse sector, from dairy farming to craft brewing to hemp cultivation. The list – researched and written by City & State’s Kay Dervishi with assistance from Jasmine Sheena and Jon Lentz – also emphasizes important developments over the past year. For example, the recent legalization of recreational marijuana in the state will open the door for growers and business owners to expand their presence in the state. City & State is proud to present the Agriculture Power 50.


and all of the Agriculture Power 50 honorees!

New York Farm Bureau congratulates our President

David Fisher

and Deputy Director of Public Policy

Elizabeth Wolters

for being named City & State’s Top 50 in New York Agriculture

 NYFB is the leading voice for the state’s farming community, food production system, and rural economy.

Congratulations to Ben Houlton, the Ronald P. Lynch Dean of Cornell CALS, and to all of the Agriculture Power 50!

Learn more:


September 13, 2021

1 RICHARD BALL COMMISSIONER State Department of Agriculture and Markets As New York’s agriculture commissioner since 2014, Richard Ball has had his hand in just about every farmingrelated legislative change or policy debate in the state. He’s made public appearances to discuss farmworker labor shortages, kicked off the start of Dairy Month and touted the state’s impressive array of agricultural products at the Great New York State Fair – which his agency oversees. During his free time, the veteran farmer from Schoharie finds forward-looking ways to help the agricultural sector evolve and thrive in the face of various crises, most recently the COVID-19 pandemic.

DONNA LUPARDO & MICHELLE HINCHEY CHAIRS Assembly and state Senate Agriculture Committees Although it was only in 2019 that Assembly Member Donna Lupardo was appointed to chair the Assembly Agriculture Committee, the veteran lawmaker from Broome County has long been a proponent of the state’s farming sector. She championed the state’s Industrial Hemp Agricultural Research Pilot Program in

2015, paving the way for a thriving new industry. She has sponsored legislation boosting the craft beverage industry – including last year’s measure allowing liquorinfused ice cream. This year, Lupardo teamed up with her counterpart, state Sen. Michelle Hinchey, on another measure easing regulatory restrictions for craft beverage producers. Hinchey, a firstterm lawmaker representing an Albany-area and Hudson Valley district, also worked with Lupardo this session to pass the state’s Soil Health and Climate Resiliency Act. In addition, Hinchey was a lead sponsor of legislation to make the Nourish New York farm-to-food-bank program permanent.

Lupardo championed the state’s industrial hemp pilot program.

3 KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND MEMBER U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is known nationally for her efforts to remove sexual assault cases in the military from the chain of command, but a lesser known priority is her advocacy for farmers and farmworkers. Gillibrand is a member of the U.S. Senate’s agriculture committee and is chair of its Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, Poultry, Local Food Systems, and Food Safety and Security. She has sought to connect farms to food banks and provide relief for small farmers during COVID-19. As the first New Yorker to serve on

the agriculture committee in nearly four decades, Gillibrand has also pushed to reform dairy pricing and support specialty crops.

4 ANTONIO DELGADO, CHRIS JACOBS & SEAN PATRICK MALONEY MEMBERS House Agriculture Committee While New York is known for its massive downstate population, much of the sprawling state is home to a thriving agricultural sector – which is why several members of Congress serve on the House Agriculture Committee. The two New York Democrats currently serving on the committee are Reps. Sean Patrick Maloney of the Hudson Valley and Antonio Delgado,



Assembly Member Donna Lupardo, left, and state Sen. Michelle Hinchey, right


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September 13, 2021

whose large rural district is just to the north of Maloney’s. Along with Republican Rep. Chris Jacobs of Western New York, who joined the committee upon taking office last year, New York now has three committee members (and briefly had four until then-Rep. Anthony Brindisi lost his 2020 reelection bid.) The trio has joined forces on issues such as crop conservation standards, while Maloney and Delgado have pushed for relief for small farmers.

pushing to keep in place a 60-hour overtime threshold for farm laborers.


5 DAVID FISHER PRESIDENT New York Farm Bureau David Fisher oversees one of the largest organizations advocating on behalf of farmers at the state government level. The New York Farm Bureau emphasized the needs of the agricultural sector during the COVID-19 pandemic this past year, pushing for farmworkers to get access to vaccines and highlighting the financial struggles farms have faced. In addition to his leadership at the organization, Fisher is a dairy farmer and served on the three-member state wage board that issued guidance on overtime rules for farmworkers.

6 HAMDI ULUKAYA FOUNDER AND CEO Chobani Hamdi Ulukaya already owned a small feta cheese company, Euphrates, when he came across a defunct yogurt factory for sale in upstate New York in 2005. Ulukaya,


David Fisher leads the New York Farm Bureau.

a Kurdish immigrant from Turkey, took a chance and bought it, launching Chobani. The company now generates more than $1.5 billion in revenue annually and has expanded its production beyond New York to Idaho. Ulukaya has cemented a reputation as a philanthropic leader as well, having launched initiatives such as the New York City-based Chobani Incubator, which funds food and beverage product startups.

7 BENJAMIN HOULTON THE RONALD P. LYNCH DEAN Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Benjamin Houlton is almost a year into his role overseeing one of the country’s top agriculture-focused colleges. Nearly 5,000 undergraduate and graduate students attend Cornell University’s College

State Senate Labor Committee

of Agriculture and Life Sciences, which also hosts robust research initiatives. As an environmental scientist, Houlton has dedicated research to understanding how a resilient agricultural system can be used to combat climate change.

8 JOHN DICKINSON BOARD CHAIR Northeast Dairy Producers Association The dairy industry makes up the largest share of New York’s agricultural sector, with the state leading the nation in the production of cottage cheese, sour cream and yogurt. John Dickinson, owner of Ideal Dairy Farms, oversees the Northeast Dairy Producers Association’s work educating, supporting and advocating for dairy farms of all sizes across the state. The organization has lended its support to the Grow NY Farms coalition, which is

In 2019, state Sen. Jessica Ramos of Queens sponsored a groundbreaking law instituting new protections for New York farmworkers. While many farmers opposed the measure due to increased costs, Ramos teamed up with some of them for months to deliver food to her struggling constituents during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. The food policy wonk also held a hearing this spring on diversifying the agricultural sector and “addressing food justice” and “continuing inequalities on our food systems.”


September 13, 2021

City & State New York

has frequently delved into international trade policy over the years. During the Trump administration, Ellis criticized Canadian trade policies that barred certain dairy imports that hurt his bottom line. Also, in 2015, he joined a New York delegation to Cuba in the hopes of boosting trade.


Colleen Klein leads the New York Corn and Soybean Growers Association.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s slow pace in rolling out New York’s recreational marijuana program. Her nominations of former Assembly Member Tremaine Wright to chair New York’s Cannabis Control Board and of Chris Alexander to run the state Office of Cannabis Management shows the new governor means business. The pair will implement the state’s Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act, which covers recreational and medical marijuana as well as hemp. They will also ensure the law’s emphasis on benefiting communities of color that were disproportionately harmed by enforcement efforts when marijuana was illegal. Wright is not only a former lawmaker but also an entrepreneur, while she helped draft the MRTA bill as a state Senate Democratic staffer.

11 DANNY & COLLEEN WEGMAN CHAIR; PRESIDENT AND CEO Wegmans Food Markets During his tenure as the eponymous supermarket chain’s CEO, Danny

Wegman played a major role transforming agriculture in the Finger Lakes region. Under his leadership, the Rochesterbased company connected suppliers, researchers and producers to one another – several family farms have credited the company with helping them stay afloat – and even started its own farm and restaurants. Colleen Wegman has carried on that work at Wegmans since becoming president and CEO in 2017.


13 BRIAN REEVES PRESIDENT New York State Vegetable Growers Association Brian Reeves is no stranger to the challenges vegetable growers face in New York state. He and his brother run Reeves Farms in Onondaga County, which produces strawberries, zucchini, squash and other fruits and vegetables. His experience as a farm owner and vegetable grower inform his leadership at the New York State Vegetable Growers Association, where he has spearheaded efforts against lowering the overtime threshold for farmworkers.



acres and produces cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkins and other vegetables. At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, she and other farmers coordinated with state Sen. Jessica Ramos to donate tens of thousands of pounds of food to New York City.

15 COLLEEN KLEIN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR New York Corn and Soybean Growers Association New York farmers planted about 330,000 acres of soybeans this year and more than 1 million acres of corn. These growers look to Colleen Klein, executive director of the New York Corn and Soybean Growers Association, for the latest information on public policy affecting their work. In addition to educating and advocating for its members, the association sponsors research on corn and soybean production, utilization and marketing.





Cayuga Milk Ingredients



As the CEO of Cayuga Milk Ingredients, Kevin Ellis runs an Auburn-based operation that produces nearly a billion pounds of milk annually in a variety of forms – liquid, condensed, powdered, blended and more. But beyond Cayuga County, he

Torrey Farms

Many Cabot Creamery Cooperative’s popular cheese and butter products, which are sold around the country, originate from hundreds of dairy farms in upstate New York, including those making up Agri-Mark. Agri-Mark, a cooperative of dairy farmers formed over a century ago, merged with Vermont-based Cabot Creamery Cooperative in the early 1990s. In 2003, Agri-Mark also merged with New York’s Chateaugay Cooperative and acquired its McCadam Cheese brand.

The Torrey family can trace its farming roots in Genesee County as far back as 1803. Now, alongside her husband Paul Marshall, Maureen Torrey co-owns a farm that spans more than 13,000

Many popular Cabot products originate from upstate dairy farms.


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monthslong process to secure a full permit.

19 PHILLIP GRANT CEO Hunts Point Produce Market

Sam Filler is the executive director of the New York Wine & Grape Foundation.

This summer, Agri-Mark CEO William Beaton joined then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo to announce the start of construction on a $16 million expansion of the company’s Chateaugay plant.

17 SAM FILLER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR New York Wine & Grape Foundation According to a report from the New York Wine & Grape Foundation released last year, New York ranked as the thirdleading producer of wine in the nation in 2019. Sam Filler leads the organization’s efforts to ensure the state’s wine industry maintains its strength. Before joining the foundation in 2017, Filler was director of industry development for Empire State Development, where he served as a liaison

between the state government and the wine, beer, spirits and cider industries.

It’s been quite a year for the Hunts Point Produce Market’s Phillip Grant. He guided the nation’s largest wholesale produce market through a deadly pandemic that disrupted the food supply chain, reached an agreement on a new contract with striking workers and was promoted from the position of general manager to chief executive officer. “If we learned anything from this pandemic, it is the importance Hunts Point Produce Market plays in distributing safe produce to the New York region,” Grant said during a state legislative hearing in December.

18 PAUL LEONE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR New York State Brewers Association After stints as a producer for the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum and Farmers’ Almanac TV, Paul Leone developed TV pilots about craft beer – and while they weren’t picked up, Leone adopted a new career. Since 2013, he has headed the New York State Brewers Association, which advocates for an industry that’s now the country’s second largest. He recently called on the governor to sign legislation that would provide a temporary permit to craft brewers during the

20 GEORGE BORRELLO & CATALINA CRUZ STATE SENATOR AND ASSEMBLY MEMBER Then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo launched the Nourish New York initiative last year to connect farmers and their products to food banks helping to fight growing hunger amid the COVID-19 pandemic. But it was Assembly Member Catalina Cruz and state Sen. George

Borrello who crossed party lines and geographic divides to emphasize the importance of continuing the program. Cruz, along with state Sen. Michelle Hinchey, sponsored legislation to make the program permanent. Borrello joined Cruz in promoting the bill, which passed the state Legislature this May and awaits Gov. Kathy Hochul’s signature.

21 HELEN THOMAS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR New York State Maple Producers Association The New York State Maple Producers Association represents the more than 700 members who make New York the state producing the second-highest haul of maple syrup in the country. As the association’s executive director, Helen Thomas has pushed for continued state funding of Cornell University’s program focused on maple research. She has also drawn attention to the challenges maple producers have faced as climate change leads to warmer winters in New York.

22 CYNTHIA HASKINS PRESIDENT AND CEO New York Apple Association It might not be the reason some people call New York City the Big Apple, but New York nonetheless produces more apples nationally than all but one other state. As head of the New York Apple Association, Cynthia Haskins represents more than 600 apple growers statewide. She brings with her 35 years of experience

September 13, 2021

City & State New York

working with growers, having previously managed business development for the Illinois Farm Bureau before joining the association in 2017.

the state to allow small and midsized farmers to begin growing as soon as possible and to quickly establish regulations.







Curaleaf Holdings As New York picks up the pace on implementing the state’s recreational marijuana law under Gov. Kathy Hochul, Curaleaf Holdings is among the companies who appear to be best positioned to capitalize on the major new market. The company, which is widely considered as one of the top multistate cannabis companies in the country, already has a foothold in New York thanks to its medical marijuana license. Curaleaf Holdings Regional President of the Northeast Patrik Jonsson oversees the Massachusettsbased company’s operations in New York and half a dozen other states.



Allan Gandelman is the founder and president of the New York Cannabis Growers and Processors Association.

York in 2019, is led by Charles Bachtell, who applauded the “inclusive framework” put forward when the state legalized recreational use this spring.





Columbia Care

Cresco Labs

Columbia Care may not be the biggest cannabis company in the country, but it’s one of the major players. The New York-based company operates in 18 jurisdictions in the U.S. – including its home state, where it already has a medical marijuana license and is among the likely contenders for a recreational one. The company, led by CEO Nicholas Vita, announced this spring the purchase of a 34acre cultivation site on Long Island to bolster its medical marijuana supply.

Along with Curaleaf Holdings, Green Thumb Industries and Trulieve Cannabis Corp., Cresco Labs is one of the top cannabis companies in the U.S. And like Curaleaf Holdings, it already has a medical marijuana operation in New York, whose recently legalized recreational market is projected to exceed $4 billion. Chicago-based Cresco Labs, which closed on its acquisition of medical marijuana company Valley Agriceuticals LLC in New


26 ALLAN GANDELMAN FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT New York Cannabis Growers and Processors Association Allan Gandelman got his start in agriculture as a vegetable farmer before going on to co-found a CBD processing company. As head of the New York Cannabis Growers and Processors Association, he has advocated for hemp legislation in the state and assisted growers, processors, retailers, prospective license holders and others involved in the state’s growing cannabis industry. With recreational marijuana finally legalized, Gandelman has advocated for

Feeding New York State supports 10 regional food banks across the state, in part by partnering with farmers and others in the food industry to encourage donations. For example, the New York Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers & Ranchers program donated more than 8 million pounds of food to the organization last year as hunger rose during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dan Egan, who previously served as a division administrator at the state Department of Health, has overseen Feeding New York State’s work since 2019.

28 LUIS JIMÉNEZ PRESIDENT Alianza Agrícola Luis Jiménez together with several other immigrants working on dairy farms in Western New York founded Alianza Agrícola in 2016 to advocate for their needs. The group has successfully pushed for the state to allow undocumented immigrants to apply for driver’s licenses in 2019. More recently, the

Jiménez pushed for driver’s licenses for undocumented people in 2019.


September 13, 2021

investments following food supply disruptions due to COVID-19.


Food Systems in Santa Cruz. As an advocate for diversifying agriculture and helping farmers of color, she is one of the co-founders of Black Urban Growers.


Eric Adams is likely to be New York City’s next mayor.

organization has turned its energy toward making sure farmworkers across the state are being protected throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

29 LAWRENCE WEBSTER CEO Upstate Niagara Cooperative More than 300 dairy farms own the Upstate Niagara Cooperative, which produces milk, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese and other dairy products for New Yorkers. In addition to his role as general manager at O-ATKA Milk Products, Lawrence Webster serves as the dairy co-op’s CEO. He has overseen the company’s recent expansion, which includes settling into a new corporate headquarters in Erie County

Samantha Levy spearheads the American Farmland Trust’s efforts to help protect and preserve farmland in New York state. The organization scored a success in this year’s state budget via increased funding to its program connecting retiring farmers to new farmers. Before joining American Farmland Trust, Levy worked for U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on federal agriculture policy and for Blue Hill at Stone Barns, GrowNYC and Down to Earth Markets.

and preparing to take over a plant in Batavia, a town in Genesee County.

30 ERIC ADAMS DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR NEW YORK CITY MAYOR Part of Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams’ political persona is his shift to a vegan diet, which spurred him to write “Healthy at Last: A PlantBased Approach to Preventing and Reversing Diabetes and Other Chronic Illnesses.” His experience with veganism has also shaped the policy positions of the likely next mayor of New York City. He sponsored legislation to create a comprehensive, citywide urban agriculture plan and recently released a report, “The New Agrarian Economy,” calling for community farming

32 ONIKA ABRAHAM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Farm School NYC Onika Abraham, who heads Farm School NYC, which trains people in urban agriculture and pushes for cities to support the field, is a strong proponent of urban farming. She has spent more than 15 years in the nonprofit sector and honed her expertise in sustainable agriculture at the Center for Agroecology & Sustainable

33 ERIKA RINCON NEW YORK CAMPAIGN ORGANIZER The National Young Farmers Coalition The next generation of farmers in the United States is relying on the National Young Farmers Coalition for training, guidance and support. Erika Rincon, who leads much of the organization’s work in New York, has worked on farms in the Hudson Valley, Long Island and Brooklyn. Rincon has also worked on food justice initiatives and currently serves as a farmto-school coordinator for the Beacon City School District in Dutchess County.

34 BETHANY WALLIS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York Bethany Wallis has been with the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York since 2006, educating and supporting organic and sustainable farmers across New York state. The 38-yearold nonprofit organization

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is active in Albany, where it recently backed legislation promoting soil health in the face of climate change and a bill restricting the use of pesticide-coated seeds, which some research indicates could hurt bees and songbirds.

City & State New York

and other financial services to farmers in New York and half a dozen other Northeast states. Griffen and her husband also operate the 600-acre Saratoga Sod Farm, where they install sod, sell seed and fertilizer as well as grow soybeans, corn and barley. “I live and breathe it every day,” Griffen recently told Lancaster Farming of her work in agriculture. “It’s certainly a business for us, but it’s a lifestyle as well.”



Empire State Council of Agricultural Organizations The Empire State Council of Agricultural Organizations brings together associations and institutions across New York’s diverse agricultural industry under one umbrella to jointly advocate for policies. Elizabeth Wolters chairs the council and oversees its work, while also serving as deputy director of public policy at the New York Farm Bureau. The council’s policy goals this past year have included prioritizing agricultural workers for COVID-19 vaccines and giving the agricultural sector more input on the state’s rollout of its adult-use cannabis program.

36 LAURIE GRIFFEN BOARD CHAIR Farm Credit East Laurie Griffen chairs the board of Farm Credit East, an institution providing credit

KYLE KINGSLEY CHAIR AND CEO Vireo Health The Minnesota-based cannabis company Vireo Health differentiates itself from its competitors as a physicianled operation, with Dr. Kyle Kingsley at the top of the corporate ladder. Vireo Health started out in Minnesota and soon after began providing medical marijuana to patients in New York through a subsidiary, Vireo Health of New York. The company is among a number of likely contenders for a recreational marijuana license in New York.

38 KEVIN MURPHY & PETER CALDINI CHAIR; CEO Acreage Holdings New York-based Acreage Holdings already operates in major marijuana markets in states such as Illinois and Massachusetts, but it’s likely to be in the mix for a recreational license in its own state now that it has been legalized there. Like several multistate competitors, Acreage Holdings already has been operating a medical

marijuana operation after securing a license in New York. The company is led by Kevin Murphy, the founder and chair with an extensive background in finance, and Peter Caldini, who has worked in the pharmaceutical sector.

39 BRIAN FACQUET PRESIDENT New York State Distillers Guild Before craft distilling took off in New York, Brian Facquet was making Bootlegger brand vodka and gin at his Roscoebased Prohibition Distillery, which has since been renamed Do Good Spirits. While business has taken off, Facquet has also taken on the role of president of the New York State Distillers Guild, which represents licensed distillers across the state. He supports state Sen. Michelle Hinchey’s proposed legislation that would allow distillers to market and sell their products the same way breweries and wineries do.

40 DAN BARBER CO-OWNER Blue Hill at Stone Barns Dan Barber’s restaurant, Blue Hill, has long been a destination of the New York City restaurant scene, but he has made his mark in a related area as well: sustainable food. After Blue Hill was invited to partner with the nonprofit Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture in the Hudson Valley, Barber became invaluable in driving and drawing attention to sustainable food practices. Last year, he announced that


he would step aside as chef and implement a diversitydriven residence program with a new chef in the kitchen each season.

41 ANDREA CALLAN & DIANA SAGUILÁN INTERIM CO-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Worker Justice Center of New York The Worker Justice Center of New York speaks out on behalf of farmworkers and other low-wage workers in upstate New York while providing legal services and other forms of support. Two longtime employees, Diana Saguilán and Andrea Callan, are now heading the organization on an interim basis. Under their leadership, the nonprofit has advocated for greater COVID-19 safety measures and protections for farmworkers. In December, they joined then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo in calling for stronger federal efforts to vaccinate people of color and lowincome New Yorkers.

42 DANIEL DOLGIN CEO AND CO-FOUNDER Eaton Hemp While hemp may be a small part of the overall state agricultural economy, Eaton Hemp CEO and Co-Founder Daniel Dolgin has been at the forefront of advocating for the promising industry. A veteran of the security and intelligence industries, Dolgin shifted his ambitions to more agricultural ones in 2016 when he started Eaton Hemp, which produces a number of hemp- and CBDrelated products. That same


technical assistance for the agricultural sector in the North Country, which ranks second in agricultural sales in the state. The small grants program funds everything from production efficiency to environmental stewardship for farms involved in dairy, livestock, crops and more. Jon Greenwood, who owns a dairy farm in Northern New York, guides the program’s work alongside Joe Giroux and Jon Rulfs.







Black Farmer Fund Olivia Watkins co-founded the Black Farmer Fund in 2017 after discussing the lack of financial assistance available to Black farmers. With Black farmers constituting less than 1% of the state’s producers and typically earning less than white farmers, Watkins’ New York organization provides capital to Black farmers, restaurant owners and food distributors and advocates for policy changes. The issue is being taken seriously by the state Department of Agriculture and Markets, which released a report in August outlining avenues to improve diversity and racial equity.

Becker Farms Oscar Vizcarra and his wife Melinda Vizcarra have spent decades overseeing Becker Farms, a sixth-generation fruit and vegetable farm in Western New York. They’ve spent significant time growing it into a premier tourist destination over the years, opening up a winery and brewery and offering various tours around the farm. The business has often drawn up to 100,000 visitors a year, not including the many people who have their weddings there.





John Gaus wears many hats: computer and electrical engineer, entrepreneur and organic farmer. His experience led him in 2014 to co-found Agbotic Inc., an organic farming company aiming to reimagine controlled environmental agriculture via automation, technology and environmentally sustainable

CO-CHAIR Northern New York Agricultural Development Program The Northern New York Agricultural Development Program funds research and


practices. The company, located in Sackets Harbor, near Lake Ontario, is now expanding operations to conduct business across Europe.


issues in New York, including opposing efforts to restrict the use of antibiotics while caring for animals.





Stone House Grain

Hempire State Growers

Ben Dobson’s Stone House Grain is no ordinary farm. Not only is it an organic farm, but its operations are aimed at combating climate change through various strategies to keep carbon contained in the soil. Dobson’s efforts prompted Assembly Member Didi Barrett to sponsor legislation creating a pilot program to test so-called carbon farming. Dobson also helped launch the nonprofit Hudson Carbon to study carbon farming practices and founded Hudson Hemp, an industrial hemp company.

Farming is in Gail Hepworth’s blood. Her farm, Hepworth Farms, has been in the family for seven generations, and she has been overseeing operations with her twin sister Amy. She has transferred her agricultural skills to focus on growing hemp, having founded Hempire State Growers, a producer of organically grown hemp that sells CBD products as well. Her hemp business is thriving, with 150 employees during peak season, but she wants the state to allow her to move into marijuana production as well.

48 CARIE TELGEN PRESIDENT American Association of Bovine Practitioners Carie Telgen co-owns a veterinary practice in Washington County, where she cares for cattle. Her expertise both as a veterinarian and as someone who grew up on a dairy farm led her to become the president of American Association of Bovine Practitioners, which represents more than 5,000 veterinarians and veterinary students interested in bovine medicine. Telgen has been an active voice on animal care

50 DAN RAO PRESIDENT Assured Edge Solutions Dan Rao was inspired to create Assured Edge Solutions, which repurposes various produce into fruit and vegetable powders, in 2011 after he used misshapen apples slated to be discarded to create fruit powder. In addition, Rao also spearheaded the creation of the Healthier Way brand, which features products such as frozen vegetable noodles and sweet potato flour. This year, Assured Edge Solutions received local and state funding to expand its manufacturing operations at the Cornell Agriculture and Food Technology Park.


year he launched JD Farms, which was awarded the first license to grow industrial hemp in New York.

September 13, 2021


Notice of Formation of 2108 Estate LLC, filed with SSNY on 7/20/2021. Office: KINGS County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 2108 Bath Avenue Brooklyn NY 11214. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.

September 13, 2021 For more info. 212-268-0442 Ext.2039

Email Notice of Formation of ACDMP, LLC filed with SSNY on July 10, 2021. Office: Richmond County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 44 Pemberton Ave, Staten Island, NY 10308. Purpose: any lawful act or activity

Notice of Formation of Birthdae Studio, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/13/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 141 Engert Ave, Apt 3R, Brooklyn, NY 11222 . Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of 7514 15 AVE LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/9/21. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 7514 15TH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11228. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of Dan Roth Studio LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/5/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 175 Kent Ave Apt 707, Brooklyn, NY 11249. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of EUREK A3 HOMES BUYERS LLC filed with SSNY on 02/06/2018. Office: PUTMAN C O U N T Y. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: USA CORP INC 325 DIVISION AVE . SUITE 201, BROOKLYN, NY 11211 Purpose: any lawful act or activity.


Notice of Form. of HOST INTE R NATIONAL LOGISTICS, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 1/5/16. Office location: Chemung. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 124 Wygant Rd, Horseheads, NY 14845. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of Stacey Simon Nutrition LLC filed with SSNY on 05/10/2021. Office: New York County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 1675 York Ave. #17E New York, NY 10128. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.

Notice of Formation of So Help Us, LLC filed with SSNY on 04/23/2021. Office: Kings County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 751 troy ave apt 1P Brooklyn NY 11203. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.

Notice of Formation of Benedict Law Group PLLC. Ar ticles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on June 1, 2021. Location: New York County. SSNY designated as agent for service of process on PLLC. SSNY shall mail process to 42 W. 38th Street, Suite 1002, NY, NY 10018. Purpose: Law.

Notice of Formation of JFP TRANSIT, LLC filed with SSNY on 5/14/21. Office: BRONX County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 3226 OXFORD AVE, BRONX, NY 10463. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Formation of BAY 31ST STREET 2A LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/14/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served S SN Y mail proces s to 56 Wilson Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10304. Any law ful purpose.

Le Rouge Graine LLC filed w/ SSNY on 7/13/21. Office: New York Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: c/o So Young Shin, 795 Columbus Ave., #15B, NY, NY 10025. Purpose: any lawful.

September 13, 2021

Notice of Formation of ONLY AN OCTAVE APART LLC Arts. o f Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/01/21. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 200 Park Ave. South, 8th Fl., NY, NY 10003. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y. Notice of Formation of WC Value Managment, LLC filed with SSNY on August 9, 2021. Office: Westchester Count y. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 6 Kingswood Way, South Salem, NY. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Qual. of FGNYW Amherst, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Of fice location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of GABELLINI SHEPPARD PRODUCT DESIGN LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/27/21. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: Attn: K imb e r l y S h e p p ard , 665 Broadway, Rm. 706, NY, NY 10012. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the addr. of its princ. office. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y.


Notice of Formation of CLW ENTERPRISES LLC Articles of Organization filled with Secretar y of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/08/2021. Office Location: Kings SSNY designed as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to; CHARLENE WILSON 1261 E 80TH STREET #48 BROOKLYN, NY 11236. Purpose: Any law ful purpose or activit y.

Notice of Formation of P&B Electric Vehicles, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/17/21. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Messner Reeves LLP, Attn: Maclain Joyce, 1430 Wynkoop, Ste. 300, D e n v e r, CO 80202. Purpose: any lawful activities.

Notice of Qual. of 443 GREENWICH 4B LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 7/13/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 7/13/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: PO Box 641, Rutherford, CA 94573. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of TORCHGARDEN US LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY ) on 07/30/21. O f f ice location: N Y County. Princ. of fice of LLC: 2000 Island Blvd., Unit 2 0 0 7, Aventura, FL 33160. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may b e ser ve d . SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 122072543. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y.

Notice of Qual. of AGUA DEL MAR, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 2/11/2021. Office location: Kings. LLC formed in FL on 11/15/2013. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 1835 E AS T HAL L ANDAL E BEACH, BLVD., #709, HALLENDALE BEACH, FL, 33009. Arts. of Org. filed with FL SOS. 2415 North Monroe St. STE 810 Tallahassee, FL 32303. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Qual. of DIXIE DOG LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 7/9/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on10/02/18. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 1202 Lexington Ave, #292, New York, NY 10028. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 360 Clove Road LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/3/21.Office location: Richmond SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 360 Clove Rd, Staten Island, NY 10310. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of MAHZEDAHR 601 LEXINGTON LLC, Authority filed with the SSNY on 08/25/2021. Office loc: NY County. LLC formed in DE on 07/29/2021. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Umber Ahmad, 56 West 11th St., #7RW, NY, NY 10011. Address required to be maintained in DE: 310 Alder Rd, Dover, DE 19904. Cert of Formation filed with DE Div. of Corps, 401 Federal St., Ste 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose.


Angelina Franchising LLC filed w/ SSNY on 3/5/21. Office: New York Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 41 W 35th St., Fl Ground, NY, NY 10001. Purpose: any lawful.


September 13, 2021

Notice of Formation of Fruitstand LLC. Articles of Organization filled with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 4/14/21. Office Location: New York City. SSNY designed as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to; 45 W 60th St, #11A New York NY 10023. Purpose: Any lawful purpose or activity. Notice of Qualification of 60 Beverly, LLC. Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/15/21. Office location: Westchester County. LLC formed in FL on 7/31/20. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to 5575 Las Brisas Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32967. Principal office addr. of LLC: 5575 Las Brisas Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32967. Art. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of the State of FL, Div. of Corps., 2415 N. Monroe Street, Suite 810, Tallahassee, FL 32303. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. NOTICE OF FILING OF A P P L I C AT I O N FOR AUTHORIT Y OF EMPOWER BROOKLYN LLC UNDER FOREIGN LIMITED LIABILIT Y CO MPA N Y L AW SECTION 802 Name: EmPower Brooklyn LLC. Date of filing of Application for Authority with Dept of State: July 13, 2021. Jurisdiction: Delaware. Date of Organization: July 13, 2017. Office Location: N ew Yo r k C o u n t y. Principal Business Location: 322 West 57th Street, #46U, New York, NY 10019. Service of Process Address: 322 West 57th Street, #46U, New York, NY 10019. Office in Jurisdiction of its Organization: Business Filings Incorporated, 108 West 13th Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. Authorized Officer: State of Delaware, Secretary of State, Division of Corporations, 401 Federal Street, Suite 4 , Dover, Delaware 19901. Purpose: any lawful business activity.


Notice of Formation of FNM 38TH AVENUE LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/14/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 76 North 4th St Space F, Brooklyn, NY 11249. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of FNM 46 CORTLANDT LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 3/18/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 76 North 4th St, Brooklyn, NY, United States, 11249. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of FNM 500 DEKALB LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/14/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 76 North 4th St, Space F, Brooklyn, NY 11249. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of FNM 635 4th Avenue LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/14/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 76 North 4th St, Space F, Brooklyn, NY 11249. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of FNM West 72nd Street LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/14/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 76 North 4th St, Space F, Brooklyn, NY 11249. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of J & M MAPLE PROPERTY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 11/4/21. Office location: Richmond SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. S SN Y mail proces s to 43 Maple Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10306. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of Glowbar NY W Y THE AVE, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/3/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 157 Wythe Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11249. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of GOLDEN 872 REALTY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/3/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 966 3rd Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11232. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of GOLDEN SI3 REALTY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/3/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be s e r ve d S S N Y m a i l process to 966 3rd Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11232 . Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of SR Fitness & Nutrition LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/14/21. Office location: Wayne. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 139 Grace Ave, Newark, NY 14513. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of S TA R R I D E R EQUESTRIAN LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/27/21. Office location Orange SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to P.O. Box 457, Westtown, NY, United States, 10998. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of KENSO LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/26/21. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 15 E 13th St, New York, NY, United States, 10003. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of 50W 27ST LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/02/21. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 672 Westminster Road, Brooklyn, NY, United States, 11230 Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of 201 WEST 17TH LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/30/21.Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 201 West 17th St, Unit PHH, New York , NY 10011.Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 360 Clove Road LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 68/3/21.Office location: Richmond SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 360 Clove Rd, Staten Island, NY 10310. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Qual. of JDS DE VELOPMENT FL LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/4/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in FL on 6/10/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with FL SOS. Clifton Bldg, 2661 Executive Center Circle, Tallahassee FL 32301. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of BAY 31ST STREET LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/20/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 25 Marlboro RD, Westbury, NY 11590. Any law ful purpose.


Notice of Formation of MAX88 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/5/21. Office location: Richmond SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 511 Falcon Ave, Staten Island, NY 10306. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of NEW YORK FINTECH CLUB LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/13/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1501 Avenue U, 2nd Fl, Brooklyn, NY 11229. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of 1245 EAST 100 STREET LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/5/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 2124 Rockaway Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11236 . Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of 1549 DEAN LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/29/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1408 47th Street Apt 1R, Brooklyn, NY 11219. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of 1945 BAY RIDGE LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/04/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 133-48 Avery Ave 2nd Fl, Flushing, NY 11355. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of 462 Property LLC filed with SSNY on 07/02/2021. Office: Kings County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: Jin Ru Chen 832 50 Street Brooklyn, NY 112 20. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.


Notice of Qual. of TRIPLE Y PRODUCTIONS, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 4/9/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 4/5/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 257 West 93rd Street, Apt. 5c, New York, NY 10025. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Qual. of BROADSTREAM VENTURES, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 4/9/21. Of fice location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 5/21/20. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 257 West 93rd Street, Apt. 5c, New York, NY 10025c. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Qual. of BROADSTREAM PRODUCTIONS, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 4/9/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 4/5/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 257 West 93rd Street, Apt. 5c, New York, NY 10025. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 45-47 YALE AVENUE LLC filed with SSNY on 08/07/2020. Office: Westchester Count y. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 45-47 YALE AVENUE LLC 599 W HARTSDALE AVE SUITE 204 WHITE PL AINS, NY 10607. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Formation - Heart of Chelsea Veterinary PLLC. Arts of Org. filed with NY Secy of State (SSNY) on 7/26/21. Office loc.: NY County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 80 State St, Albany, N Y 12 207. Purpose: ve te r inar y m e di c in e


AMENDED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE At an IAS Part 35 of the Supreme Court of the State of New York held in and for the County of Kings at the Courthouse 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, on the 26th day of July 2021. PRESENT: HON. Karen Rothenberg J.S.C. KENT HANDBERRY, SR. Plaintiff, -against- SHAMEL S. DANIELS and “JOHN DOE” being a fictitious name for the operator of the subject vehicle currently unknown to Plaintiff; Defendants. Upon the reading and filing of the annexed Affirmation of STEVEN H. COHEN, dated the 22nd day of July, 2021, and upon all the exhibits annexed hereto and the pleadings and proceedings heretofore had herein; LET Plaintiff KENT HANDBERRY, SR,, appear and show cause before this Court, Park 35 in room 574 on the 9th day of September 2021 at 10:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard: * WHY an Order should not be entered as follows: 1. Pursuant to CPLR 321(b)(2), permitting the Law Offices of Michael E. Pressman to withdraw as attorneys of record for the Plaintiff, KENT HANDBERRY, Sr.; 2. Pursuant to CPLR 308(5) permitting service in lieu of personal service, upon plaintiff, KENT HANDBERRY, SR., by publication in a newspaper. 3. Granting a stay of all proceedings for sixty (60) days to permit Plaintiff, KENT HANDBERRY, SR., to retain new counsel; and 4. Together with such other, further and different relief as the Court deems just and proper. ORDERED that this matter is hereby stayed pending a hearing and determination of the within Order to Show Cause; and it is further LET service of a copy of this Order together with the papers upon which is is granted be deemed timely served upon Plaintiff, KENT HANDBERRY, Sr., if made by publication in a newspaper and by regular mail to last known address and entered certified and regular mail upon MARTYN, MARTYN, SMITH, MURRAY and YONG, attorneys for defendant SHAMEL S. DANIELS, be deemed timely if served on or before the 25th day of August, 2021 be deemed good and sufficient service. ENTERED Karen Rothenberg, J.S.C. * Order to Show cause will be submitted on return date and court will contact parties top set date for argument if required by court. Notice of Qual. of FGNYW Depew, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Of fice location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of FGNYW Brighton, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Of fice location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.


September 13, 2021

Notice of Formation of THE LATE NIGHT CLOSET LLC filed with SSNY on 07/15/2020. Office: Bronx County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: The Late Night Closet LLC 472F East 139th Street, Bronx, New York, 10454, USA. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.

Notice of Qual. of FGNYW East Amherst, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of FGNYW Batavia, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Of fice location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of FGNYW Galleria, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Of fice location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of FGNYW Buffalo, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Of fice location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of FGNYW Greece, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Of fice location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of FGNYW Henrietta, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of FGNYW Hamburg, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of FGNYW Lakewood, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of FGNYW Lockport, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of FGNYW Niagara Falls, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of FGNYW Victor, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Of fice location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of FGNYW Webster, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Of fice location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of FGNYW, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. BA X TE R ADV ISOR S LLC, Arts. of Org. filed with the S SN Y on 08/05/2021. Office loc: NY County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Caryn Paer, 429 East 52nd St. Apt 31G, NY, NY 10022. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose.

Notice of Formation of Gomez Engineering, PLLC filed with SSNY on 07/15/2021. Office: Richmond County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: The PLLC 6 Fonda Place Staten Island, NY 10309 Purpose: Professional Engineering Notice of Formation of H. A .L . Industries, LLC filed with SSNY on 05/28/2021. Office: New York County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 415 East 52nd. Street, Office #2 New York, NY 10022. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Qual. of Dewey Square Group, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/18/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/3/06. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom p ro c e s s a g ain s t i t may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave, #400, Harrison, NY 10528 . Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS . Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Qual. of N E W TO N S T L L C . Auth. filed with SSNY on 7/9/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 6/8/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 1202 Lexington Ave, #292, New York, NY 10028. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. 37 Union LLC Arts. Of Org. filed with Secy. Of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on 07/29/2021. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 230 Mamaroneck Road, Scarsdale NY 10583, which is also the principal business location. Purpose: any law ful ac tivit y.


September 13, 2021

Notice of Qual. of FLOURISH TECHNOLOGIES LLC. Auth. filed with S S N Y o n 8/ 1 8/2 1 . Of fice location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 5/11/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave, #4 0 0, Harrison, N Y 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. D o v e r, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Qual. of FLOUR ISH DIGITAL ASSETS LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/18/21. Of fice location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 5/11/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave, #4 0 0, Harrison, N Y 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. D o v e r, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Divorce NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA MECKLENBURG COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION Jose Lucas Beltran Suarez v. Elizabeth Villanueva 21-CVD-1978 Attention “ELIZABETH VILLANUEVA” Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Divorce. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than October 2nd , 2021 and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This the 23rd day of August 2021. L. Maria Ximena Sussman Sussman Law Firm, PLLC 9916 Monroe Road Charlotte, NC 28270 Ph# (980) 598-8180

Notice of Formation of ARIA PROPERTIES LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/28/21 Office location: Oswego SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 7356 STATE ROUTE 3, PULASKI, NY, United States, 13142. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of DTCM HOLDINGS LLC. .Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 12/28/20. Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 55 East 86th Street, Units 1a, 1a-1, 1c and 1d, New York, Ny, United States, 10028. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of James Huang Photo LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/10/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 63 Decatur St, Apt 3, Brooklyn, NY, United States, 11216. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of MARIANNE DITOMMASO LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/16/21. Office location Richmond SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 72 Princewood Ave, Staten Island, NY, United States, 10309. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of NIE S FAMILY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/13/21. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1610 Ave R, Brooklyn, NY, United States, 11229. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of PDZ OZ HOLDINGS LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/19/21. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 13 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States, 11238. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of RPH SUT TON PROPERTIES, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/14/2021. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 231 KENT STREE T, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11222. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of TE LLE R HOLD IN G S LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 1/22/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 670 Myrtle Ave Ste #388, Brooklyn, NY 11205 . Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of 239 8TH STREET LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/23/21. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 13 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States, 11238. Any law ful purpose.

NOTICE: Be advised that: Pursuant to the Limited Liability Law of the State of New York on August 19, 2021 Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State thereof forming “Momand Properties LLC” with principle offices located within the County of Schenectady at: 2008 Southgate Drive, Schenectady, NY 12303. The LLC has been formed to carry on and engage in any lawful act or activity and the Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the said company upon whom process may be served and thereupon mailed to: 1412 NY Rte 9P, Saratoga Springs , N Y 12 8 6 6 .

Notice of Formation of WASAF 164 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/12/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 670 Myrtle Ave Ste 166, Brooklyn, NY 11205. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of 303W113 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/29/21. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 13 Greene Ave, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11238. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of WISPACES, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/9/21. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 271 Sullivan Place, Apt. 3E, Brooklyn, NY, United States, 11225. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of 1012 E84 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/10/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5912 Flatlands Ave, Brooklyn, NY, United States, 11234. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of Y&G 18 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/19/2021. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 4615 SURF AVE, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11224. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of 1191 BROADWAY REALTY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/19/2021. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 199 Lee Avenue, Suite 492, Brooklyn, NY, United States, 11211. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of Your NY Limo LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/10/2021.O f fice location: Richmond SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 675 Stewart Ave, Staten Island, NY, United States, 10314. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of 19 SAINT FRANCIS LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/11/21. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 689 Saint Johns Place, Brooklyn, NY, United States, 11216. Any law ful purpose.

Badinage Vintage LLC Art. Of Org. Filed Sec. of State of NY 07/26/2021. Of f. Loc.: Richmond Co. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY to mail copy of process to The LLC, 89 Scribner Avenue Staten Island, NY 10301. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity

New York Manhattan, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed w/ Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/14/2021. Off. loc.: New York Cnty. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 16 Pine Needle Rd., Douglas, GA 31535 . Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y.

NOTICE: Be advised that: Pursuant to the Limited Liability Law of the State of New York on March 22, 2021 Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State thereof forming “Five Star Closing and Settlements LLC” with principle offices l o c a te d wi thin th e County of Schenectady at: 1528 Union Street, Schenectady, NY 12309. The LLC has been formed to carry on and engage in any lawful act or activity and the Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the said company upon whom process may be served and thereupon mailed to: 44 Horseshoe Drive, Saratoga Springs , N Y 12 8 6 6 . Transfinite LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 12/01/20. Office: Buffalo County. Registered Agent Inc. designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Registered Agents Inc. at 1967 Wehrle Drive Suite 1 Office #086, Buffalo, N Y 142 2 1 . Purpose: Any law ful purpose.


Notice of Formation of Abell Communications LLC, LLC filed with SSNY on 05/26/2021. Office: RICHMOND County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 115 Stuyvesant Place # 2H Staten Island, NY 10301. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Qual. of FOOD JUSTICE INITIATIVE PUBLIC BENEFIT LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/23/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 6/22/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Avenue #4 0 0, Harrison, NY, United States, 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of Industrial Innovations and Solutions, LLC filed with SSNY on August 18, 2021. Office: Westchester County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 232 South 9th Avenue, Mt Vernon, New York 10550. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Formation of RAT BASTAD RECORDS LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/05/21. O f f ice location: N Y County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 311 West 43rd St., 12th Fl., NY, NY 10036. Purpose: any lawful activities. NOTICE OF FORMA TION of Sharibah LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 5/ 11/21. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom proc ess may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to 267 W 90th St, Apt 1F, NY, NY 10024. R A: US Corp Agents, Inc. 7014 13th Ave, # 202, BK, NY 11228. Purpose: any lawful act.


Notice of Formation of HTH DEVELOPMENT, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/21/2019. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 165 W 66TH STREET, APT 10J, NEW YORK, NY, 10023. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Form. of 6815 4TH AVE LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/13/21. Office location: Onondaga SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 6815 4th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11220. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of Forefront Studios LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/03/2021. Of fice location: Richmond C ount y. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 108 Milton Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10306. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.

Notice of Qual. of BEAUMONT NATHAN ADVISORY LLC, Authority filed with the SSNY on 03/04/2020. Office loc: NY County. LLC formed in DE on 03/02/2020. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: C/O Spielman Koenigsberg & Parker, LLP 1675 Broadway, FL 20 th, NY, NY 10019. Address required to be maintained in DE: 160 Greentree Dr., Ste 101, Dover, DE 19904. Cert of Formation filed with DE Div. of Corps, 401 Federal St., Ste 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. Notice of Formation of SMCSI LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/6/21. Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 1500 Broadway, 27th Floor, New York, NY 10036.Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of STUYVIEWII PROPERTIES LLC filed with SSNY on 06/10/2021. Office: Kings County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 535 DEAN STREET, APT. 913 C/O NOAM J. RUBINSTEIN B R O O K LY N , NY 112 17. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Qual. of KRE Bklyner 1056 Manhattan LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/24/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/16/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 30 Hudson Yards, 75th Floor, New York, NY 10001. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Qual. of KRE Bklyner 93 Linden LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/24/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/16/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 30 Hudson Yards, 75th Floor, New York, NY 10001. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. TRIBECA SURGICAL CARE, PLLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 08/25/21. Of fice: New York County. SSNY designated as agent of the PLLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the PLLC, 50 Laight Street, New York, NY 10013. Purpose: For the practice of the profession of Medicine. Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (pending) for beer, wine, and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, and liquor at retail in a OP 252 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 318 GRAHAM AV E N U E , BROOKLYN NY 11211 for on premises consumption. HOT METAL SOUP LLC.

September 13, 2021

Notice of Formation of JB DTC MAR K E TING ENTERPRISE LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY ) on 06/15/21. O f f ice location: N Y County. Princ. of fice of LLC: 320 Fifth Ave., 2nd Fl., NY, NY 10001. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may b e ser ve d . SSNY shall mail process to PPI Apparel Group, At tn: Abe Hanan at the princ. office of the LLC. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y. Notice of Formation of SERENDIB VOYAGER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/27/21. O f f ice location: N Y County. Princ. office of LLC: 252 Seventh Ave., Ste. #110, NY, NY 10011. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the addr. of its princ. office. Purpose: To purchase, own and sell real estate in New York. Notice of Formation of TIPPING POINT WEALTH, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 05/26/21. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 10 Grand Central, 155 E. 44th St., 12 Fl., NY, NY 10017. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y. Notice of Qual. of KRE Bklyner 1134 Fulton LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/24/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 8/16/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 30 Hudson Yards, 75th Floor, New York, NY 10001. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.


Public Notice Cellco Partnership a n d its controlled affiliates d o in g b u s in e s s a s Verizon Wireless (Verizon W i r e l e s s) p r o p o s e s to collocate wireless communications antennas at a top height of 91 feet on an 81-foot building at the approx. vicinity of 46 Trinity Place, New York, New York County, NY 10006 and at a top height of 152 feet on a 170-foot building at the approx. vicinity of 630 9th Avenue, New York, New York County, NY 10036. Public comments regarding potential effects from this site on historic properties may be submitted within 30 days from the date of this publication to: Trileaf Corp, L aura Elston,, 1395 South Marietta Parkway, Building 400, Suite 209, Marietta, GA 30067, 678-673-8673.

I M A X T H R E E CA B LLC, Arts. of Org. filed with the S SN Y on 08/26/2021. Office loc: NY County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 432 Park Ave, Apt 49A, NY, NY 10022. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose.

Public Notice Cellco Par tnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless ( Ve r i z o n W i r e l e s s) proposes to collocate wireless communications antennas at a top height of 197 feet on a 204-foot building at the approx. vicinit y of 4 8 West 48th Street, New York, N ew Yo r k C o u n t y, New Yo r k 10036. Public comments regarding potential effects from this site on historic properties m ay b e s u b m i t t e d within 30 days from the date of this publication to: Trileaf Corp, Benjamin Allen,, phone: 678-6538673, 1395 South Marietta Park way, Building 400, Suite 209, Mariet ta, GA 30067.

Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (pending) for beer, wine, cider, and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, cider, and liquor at retail in a OP 252 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 105 WEST 13TH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10011. for on premises consumption. TWO GUYS AND A FISHTANK LLC.


Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (pending) for beer, wine, and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, and liquor at retail in a OP 252 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 318 GRAHAM AV E N U E , BROOKLYN NY 11211 for on premises consumption. HOT MEAL SOUP LLC. Notice of Formation of Make Mish LLC, filed with SSNY on 8/13/2021. Office: Richmond County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 125 Maryland Ave. Staten Island, NY 10305. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Qual. of NNS ADVISERS (US) LLC, Authority filed with the SSNY on 08/10/2021. O f f ice location: N Y County. LLC formed in DE on 07/29/2021. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: C/O Withers Bergman LLP, 157 Church St. 12 Fl, New Haven, CT 06510. Address required to be maintained in DE: C/O The Corporation Trust Co., 1209 Orange St., Wilmington, DE 19801. Cert of Formation filed with DE Div. of Corps, 401 Federal St., Ste 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose.

Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (pending) for beer, wine, cider, and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, cider, and liquor at retail in a HL 242 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 1123 Old Albany Post R oad G arrison , N Y 10524 for on premises c o n s u m p t i o n . 1123 Old Albany Post Road LLC. Notice of Formation of JVM PROPERTIES LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/11/21.Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may b e ser ve d . SSNY mail process to 107-24 71st Rd, Apt. PH3B, Forest Hills, NY 11375.Any lawful purpose. Notice of Qual. of KRE H YOD Owner LLC . Auth. filed with SSNY on 8/27/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 7/20/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #400, Harrison, NY 10528. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of #Tatted Limited liability company , LLC filed with SSNY on April 28,2021. Office: Kings County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 3208 Glenwood Rd apt 4F Brooklyn NY, 11210 . Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Formation of DorkTown, LLC filed with SSNY on 7/29/21. Office: Kings County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 75 State St, Apt 1, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.



September 13, 2021

Notice of Auction Sale is herein given that Citiwide Self Storage located at 455 5 Pear son S tre et , Long Island City, N.Y. 11101 will take place on WWW. STORAGETREASURES. COM Sale by c o mp e ti ti ve b i d ding starting on September 27, 2021 and end on October 8, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. to satis f y unpaid rent and charges on the f o l l ow i n g a c c o u n t s : #3C07-Timothy Hinton: 1-box, 1-pair of gloves, 1-goggle #4R06-Richard Brim: several boxes, several DVD, 1-flat screen TV with mount, 1-picture frame, 2-suitcases, 1-duffel bag #9T19-Andre Loring: 1-shoe box, airpod case, 1-jacket, 1-book bag The contents of each unit will be sold as a lot and all items must be removed f ro m th e p re mi s e s within 72 hours. Owners may redeem their goods by paying all rent and charges due at any time before the sale. All sales are held “with reserve”. Owner reserves the right to cancel sale at any time. Section 106 Public Notice T-Mobile Northeast, LLC proposes to collocate antennas on the rooftop of a 96.2 foot tall building located at 1900 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York County, NY 10035. Interested parties with comments regarding potential ef fects on Historic Proper ties may contact T-Mobile c/o Julia K lima at Dynamic Environmental Associates, Inc., 3850 Lake Street, Suite C, Macon, GA 31204, 8779 6 8 - 4 7 8 7, S e c1 0 6 @ DynamicEnvironmental. com within 30 days from the date of this publication. Re: 22108049.

Notice of Formation of Subledger Publishing LLC filed with SSNY on 4/23/2020. Office: New York County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 295 Madison Avenue, 12th Floor New York , NY 10 017. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Public Notice Cellco Par tnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless ( Ve r i z o n W i r e l e s s) proposes to collocate wireless communications antennas at a top height of 116 feet on a 116-foot building rooftop at the approx. vicinity of 50 Saint Andrews Place, Yonkers, Westchester County, NY 10705. Public comments regarding potential effects from this site on historic properties may be submitted within 30 days from the date of this publication to: Trileaf Corp, Hannah Dell,, 1395 South Marietta Parkway, Building 400, Suite 209, Marietta, GA 30067, 678-653-8673. Notice of Qualification of BROOKFIELD S T R AT E G I C REAL E S TAT E PA R T N E R S IV-C NAVRATNA AIV L.P. Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/26/21. O f f ice location: N Y C ount y. L P forme d in Delaware (DE) on 06/11/21. Duration of LP is Perpetual. SSNY designated as agent of LP upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the L.P., Brookfield Place, 250 Vesey St., 15th Fl., NY, NY 102811023. Name and addr. of each general partner are available from SSNY. DE addr. of LP: Corporation Service Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808-1674. Cert. of LP filed with DE Secy. of State, 401 Federal St., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y.

Notice of Qualification of BSREP IV BROOKFIELD L.P. Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/26/21. O f f ice location: N Y C ount y. L P forme d in Delaware (DE) on 03/18/21. Duration of LP is Perpetual. SSNY designated as agent of LP upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the L.P., Brookfield Place, 250 Vesey St., 15th Fl., NY, NY 102811023. Name and addr. of each general partner are available from SSNY. DE addr. of LP: Corporation Service Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808-1674. Cert. of LP filed with DE Secy. of State, 401 Federal St., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y. Notice of Formation of Bella Bella New York Administration, LLC filed with SSNY on August 23, 2021. Office: New York County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 2400 McCullough Ave., #12653, San Antonio, Texas 78212. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Qual. of Takeoffs Plus, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 9/1/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 4/4/13. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 Mamaroneck Ave #4 0 0, Harrison, N Y 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of L&B Home Solutions, LLC filed with SSNY on 06-04-2021. Office: Westchester Count y. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 14 Hartley Avenue, Mount Vernon, New York 10550. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.


Public Notice Cellco Par tnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless ( Ve r i z o n W i r e l e s s) proposes to collocate wireless communications antennas at a top height of 197 feet on a 208-foot building at the approx. vicinit y of 4 8 West 48th Street, New York, N ew Yo r k C o u n t y, New Yo r k 10036. Public comments regarding potential effects from this site on historic properties m ay b e s u b m i t t e d within 30 days from the date of this publication to: Trileaf Corp, Benjamin Allen,, phone: 678-6538673, 1395 South Marietta Park way, Building 400, Suite 209, Mariet ta, GA 30067. Public Notice Cellco Par tnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless ( Ve r i z o n W i r e l e s s) proposes to collocate wireless communications antennas on building rooftops at the following locations in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York: at a top height of 43 feet on a 42-foot building at the approx. vicinity of 829 Halsey Street, 11233; at a top height of 84 feet on a 78-foot building at the approx. vicinity of 426 Eastern Parkway, 11225. Public comments regarding potential effects from this site on historic properties may be submit ted within 30 days from the date of this publication to: Trileaf Corp, Hannah Dell,, 1395 S. Marietta Pkwy, Building 400, Suite 209, Marietta, GA 30067; 678-653-8673. Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (pending) for beer, wine, and cider has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, and cider at retail in a TW 344 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 14A Orchard Street New York, NY 10002 for on premises consumption. Dulce Ranger LLC.

Notice of Qual. of REGAL WEALTH HOLDINGS, LLC, Authority filed with the SSNY on 08/13/2021. Office loc: NY County. LLC formed in DE on 10/24/2019. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Attn: Barry Klarberg, 209 East 31st St., NY, NY 10016. Address required to be maintained in DE: N ati onal R e gis te re d Agents, Inc., 1209 Orange St., Wilmington, DE 19801. Cert of Formation filed with DE Div. of Corps, 401 Federal St., Ste 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. Public Notice T-Mobile Northeast LLC proposes an antenna and equipment upgrade atop an existing 105.3’ building at 550 Barry St in Bronx, Borough of the Bronx, NY. Charles Cherundolo Consulting, Inc. (CHERUNDOLO) is publishing this notice in accordance with Federal Communications Commission regulations (47CFR § 1.1307) for Section 106 of the National Historic Preser vation Act (NHPA) and for the National Environmental Policy Ac t (NEPA) . Parties with questions or comments regarding the proposed facility should contact CHERUNDOLO at 976 Tabor Road, Suite 1, Morris Plains, NJ 07950 or via email at tcns@ cherundoloconsulting. c o m . Notice of Qualification of UNITRANCHE LOAN TRANSACTION II, LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/0 6/21. O f fice location: NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 12/30/20. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o C orp oration Service Co. (CSC), 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of LLC: c/o CSC, 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with Jeffrey W. Bullock, Secy. of State of DE, John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal St. - Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y.


Notice of Divorce NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA MECKLENBURG COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION Lourdes Veronica Cabrera Santos v. Aldo Rafael Perez Guevara 20-CVD-17434 Attention “ALDO RAFAEL PEREZ GUEVARA” Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Divorce. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than October 16 th , 2021 and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This the 6 day of September 2021. L. Maria Ximena Sussman Sussman Law Firm, PLLC 9916 Monroe Road Charlotte, NC 28270 Ph# (980) 598-8180 Section 106 Public Notice T-Mobile Northeast, LLC proposes to collocate antennas on the rooftop of an 80 foot tall building located at 1793 Sedgwick Avenue, Bronx, Bronx C ount y, N Y 1 0 4 5 3 . Interested parties with comments regarding potential ef fects on Historic Proper ties may contact T-Mobile c/o Julia K lima at Dynamic Environmental Associates, Inc., 3850 Lake Street, Suite C, Macon, GA 31204, 8779 6 8 - 4 7 8 7, S e c1 0 6 @ DynamicEnvironmental. com within 30 days from the date of this publication. Re: 22108048.



Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (pending) for beer, wine, cider, and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, cider, and liquor at retail in a OP 252 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 97 N 10TH S T R E E T, 1E B R O O K LY N , NY 11249 for on premises c o n s u m p t i o n .

Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (pending) for beer, wine, cider, and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, cider, and liquor at retail in a OP 252 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 306 Gold Street, C2, Store #2, Brooklyn NY 11201 for on premises c o n s u m p t i o n .


M & M Pio Restaurant LLC

Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (pending) for beer, wine, cider, and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, cider, and liquor at retail in a OP 252 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 383 WEST 33RD STREET, UNIT 18 8 -18 9 NE W YORK, NY 10001 for on premises consumption. MOYNIHAN OVERLOOK BAR LLC. Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (pending) for beer, wine, cider, and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, cider, and liquor at retail in a OP 252 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 1312 MADISON AV E N U E NEW YORK , NY 10128 for on premises c o n s u m p t i o n . HIRAMASA RESTAURANT VENTURE LLC. Notice of Formation of Fareweigh LLC filed with SSNY on September 2, 2021. Office: Richmond County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: #239 1324 Forest ave, Staten Island, NY 10302. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.

Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (pending) for beer, wine, cider, and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, cider, and liquor at retail in a OP 252 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 125 N. Main Street Por t Chester, NY 10573 for on premises consumption. Ardara125 LLC. Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (pending) for beer, wine, cider, and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, cider, and liquor at retail in a OP 252 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 798 Old Dock Road Kings Park, NY 11754 for on premises consumption. The Inlet at 798 LLC. Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (pending) for beer, wine, and cider has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, and cider at retail in a OP 252 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 250 Hurds Road Clintondale, NY 12515 for on premises consumption. Minard’s Family Farm LLC.


September 13, 2021

Public Notice Cellco Partnership and its controlled affiliates d o in g b u s in e s s a s Verizon Wireless (Verizon Wireless) is proposing telecommunications installations at various locations in Bronx, Bronx County, New York. Verizon Wireless proposes to replace existing public lighting/traffic control structures and install telecommunications antennas and associated equipment at a top height of 32 feet at the following locations: at the approx. vicinity of Findlay Ave ES 1N of E 167th Street, 10456; at the approx. vicinity of E 168th Street SS 1E of Findlay Ave, 10456; at the approx. vicinity of Morris Ave ES 1N of E 190th St, 10468; at the approx. vicinity of Briggs Ave WS 1N of E 194th Street, 10458; at the approx. vicinity of Leggett Ave WS 1N of Kelly St, 10455; at the approx. vicinity of Lafayette Ave Ns 1E of Barretto St, 10474; at the approx. vicinity of Fox St at NWC of Tiffany St, 10459; at the approx. vicinity of Cross Bronx Expressway Service Road North of 1E of Shakespeare Ave, 10452; at the approx. vicinit y of Bruckner Boulevard Svc Rd @ NWC of Cypress Place, 10454; at the approx. vicinity of East 140th Street Ss 1E of Walnut Avenue, 10454; at the approx. vicinity of Knox Place ES 1N of West Mosholu Parkway North, 10467; at the approx. vicinity of University Avenue ES 4N of West 183 Street, 10468; at the approx. vicinity of Brook Avenue ES 1N of East 153 Street, 10455; at the approx. vicinity of Brook Avenue Ex 1N of East 145th Street, 10455; and at the approx. vicinity of Rider Avenue @SWC of East 139th Street, 10451. Public comments regarding potential effects from this site on historic properties may be submitted within 30 days from the date of this publication to: Trileaf Corp, Morgan Rasmussen, m . rasmus s e n@ trile af. com, 1395 S. Marietta Pkwy, Building 400, Suite 209, Marietta, GA 30067; 678-653-8673 ext. 657.


Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (pending) for beer, wine, and cider has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, and cider at retail in a RW 341 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 797 Yonkers Ave, Yonkers NY 10704 for on premises consumption. Tio Nacho Inc. Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (pending) for beer, wine, and cider has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, and cider at retail in a OP 252 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 338 BEDFORD AVENUE BROOKLYN, NY 11249 for on premises consumption. GOOD THANKS BROOKLYN LLC. Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (pending) for beer, wine, liquor, and cider has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, liquor, and cider at retail in a CT 246 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 153 C O LU M B I A S T R EE T B R O O K LY N , NY 11231 for on premises c o n s u m p t i o n . SEVEN HILLS HOSPITALITY LLC. Notice of formation of BOWERY 2A LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 9/2/21. Office location: N Y C o u n t y. S S N Y designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 534 E. 84th St, 1E, NY, NY 10028. Purpose: any lawful act.



OUR ANNUAL Rebuilding New York Summit will bring together government leaders and industry experts to discuss repairing, improving,and upgrading New York’s housing, building, construction, transportation systems, and more!


Rachel Loeb

President, NYC Economic Development Corporation



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September 13, 2021

CITY & STATE NEW YORK MANAGEMENT & PUBLISHING Publisher & General Manager Tom Allon tallon@, Vice President of Operations Jasmin Freeman, Comptroller David Pirozzi, Business & Operations Manager Patrea Patterson, Administrative Assistant Lauren Mauro

Who was up and who was down last week


After losing reelection for the state Senate, Jen Metzger hit the jack ... pot. She’s on a high now, after being appointed to the Cannabis Control Board. Adam W. Perry, a Buffalonian, will also join the board as Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie’s appointee.

ALPHONSO DAVID The Human Rights Campaign just got a little bit smaller. Former President Alphonso David was ousted from the country’s largest LGBTQ advocacy group for his involvement in advising Cuomo on how to handle his now-infamous sexual assault allegations. David did not take his removal too well, taking to Twitter to tell his followers to “expect a legal challenge.”


ADVERTISING Vice President of Advertising Jim Katocin jkatocin@, Account Executive Scott Augustine, Vice President of Business Development Danielle Koza dkoza@, Account Executive Cydney McQuillan-Grace, Media and Event Sales Associate Zimam Alemenew, Sales Assistant Garth McKee, Legal Advertising Associate Sean Medal EVENTS Events and Sales Director Lissa Blake, Events, Marketing and PR Manager Alexis Arsenault, Events Coordinator Amanda Cortez ADVISORY BOARD Chair Sheryl Huggins Salomon Board members Sayu Bhojwani, Gregg Bishop, David Jones, Maite Junco, Andrew Kirtzman, Tara L. Martin, Mike Nieves, Juanita Scarlett, Larry Scott Blackmon, Lupe Todd-Medina, Ashwin Vasan, Trip Yang

Vol. 10 Issue 35 September 13, 2021

Former top Cuomo aide Joe Percoco and former SUNY Polytechnic President Alain Kaloyeros had their hopes of freedom dashed when a panel of judges upheld their corruption convictions.

ni lia iu G e rs w v te re co ta nd dis ps NY u


DIGITAL Digital Director Michael Filippi, Digital Marketing Manager Caitlin Dorman, Digital Strategist Isabel Beebe


It’s one win after another for this lawmaking duo. A few weeks after getting their hotel conversion bill signed into law, Gianaris and Reyes got their legislation requiring workplace safety rules in response to COVID-19 implemented.

CREATIVE Art Director Andrew Horton, Senior Graphic Designer Alex Law, Senior Graphic Designer Aaron Aniton, Photo Researcher Michelle Steinhauser

Forget legal marijuana. The elusive hemp boom has growers searching for the end of the rainbow.


The entire board of Time’s Up, a nonprofit dedicated to combating harassment, stepped down last week. That followed the resignation of CEO Tina Tchen and the Legal Defense Fund Chair Roberta Kaplan, who were said to have advised Cuomo on his sexual harassment allegations.

WINNERS & LOSERS is published every Friday morning in City & State’s First Read email. Sign up for the email, cast your vote and see who won at





September 13, 2021

Cover design: Andrew Horton

CITY & STATE NEW YORK (ISSN 2474-4107) is published weekly, 48 times a year except for the four weeks containing New Year’s Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving and Christmas by City & State NY, LLC, 61 Broadway, Suite 1315, New York, NY 100062763. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to City & State New York, 61 Broadway, Suite 1315, New York, NY 10006-2763. General: (212) 268-0442, Copyright ©2021, City & State NY, LLC


BYRON BROWN The embattled Buffalo mayor convinced a federal judge to put him back on the November ballot despite missing a key deadline. An appeal is in the works, but it looks like Brown has some fight left in him after losing the Democratic primary to socialist candidate India Walton. What a change! Brown even debated Walton despite refusing to do so in the primary. Maybe voters will forget about the whole sore loser thing.




Last week, a great blue heron swallowed a waterlogged rat in Central Park, and all we can think about is what this omen means for New York politics. Does the bird represent Kathy Hochul, and then the rat of corruption symbolizes business as usual in Albany? What does it mean that the bird is eating the rat? Is Hochul conquering the vermin-infested swamp of the state capital by devouring the rodent, or will its toxicity remain in her avian gut, and that’s why Larry Schwartz is still on the MTA board?

EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief Ralph Ortega rortega@cityandstateny. com, Managing Editor Eric Holmberg, Deputy Managing Editor Holly Pretsky, Associate Editor Patricia Battle, Associate Editor Kay Dervishi, NYN Editor Amanda Luz Henning Santiago, Senior Reporter Jeff Coltin, Senior State Politics Reporter Zach Williams, Deputy State Politics Reporter Rebecca C. Lewis rlewis@, Tech & Policy Reporter Annie McDonough, Editorial Assistant Jasmine Sheena, Editorial Intern Tiana Headley, Editorial Intern Gabriel Poblete




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Melanie Hartzog

New York City Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services



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9 . 30 . 21

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