City & State New York 062821

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And the mayor is …



Penn Station Power Broker Cuomo says it's about NYC, but it's really about him.

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June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021




June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

City & State New York



RALPH R. ORTEGA Editor-in-chief

GOV. ANDREW CUOMO is proposing the next phase for Penn Station’s rebirth, a plan that includes reshaping the neighborhood around this key transportation hub by knocking down 10 buildings – and risking a repeat of the area’s biggest mistake of the last century. Under the proposal, the Hotel Pennsylvania, which closed at the height of the coronavirus pandemic last year, will be razed. This is what happened to the original Penn Station, which was demolished in 1963 to make way for Madison Square Garden and the tower next to it. The outcry over this loss helped save Grand Central Terminal from a similar fate years later. Built in 1919 by its namesake railroad, the Hotel Pennsylvania was the world’s largest hotel at the time and designed by McKim, Mead & White, the same architects who had worked on the original station. Older New Yorkers will remember the hotel for inspiring the Glenn Miller song, “Pennsylvania 6-5000,” based on its telephone number which was still used until its closing. Others like myself got to know the Hotel Pennsylvania for hosting science fiction and comic book conventions back in the 1970s and 80s. It’s where I first met “Star Trek” star William Shatner. Sadly, neither nostalgia nor history seems likely to hold back the wrecking ball if Cuomo’s plan goes through. Preservationists are already objecting. Also coming down under the governor’s plan is a nearby hotel where I had my wedding reception, the St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church, and there’s also little-known Penn Station Service Building, which is actually the last remaining building from the original station still standing. The latter especially should be saved. Otherwise, New York’s top executive hasn’t learned a thing from the sins of the past.


Rounding up the top election stories


Cuomo’s redesign reflects an outdated mindset

ACCESSIBILITY … 16 The obstacles for commuters with disabilities TRANSPORTATION POWER 100 … 19

The leaders reenvisioning how New Yorkers get around


WINNERS & LOSERS … 54 Who was up and who was down last week

Since the start of the pandemic, the MTA has finished more than a dozen accessibility projects, including new elevators at 57th Street.

June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

“We have every reason to believe we can win this race.” – Maya Wiley, the day after the election, via The New York Times

Eric Adams’ election night celebration reflected the diverse coalition of support he has been forming for his whole career.


Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams has been waiting to become mayor of New York City for at least 16 years, when, as a newly minted captain in the New York City Police Department,

he started telling friends that one day he’d lead the city where he had lived his whole life. But even though Adams leads the Democratic primary for New York City mayor with 31% of the first-place, in-person votes, he will have to wait a little longer before he can officially declare victory.

“We know there’s going to be twos and threes and fours,” Adams said at his election night party Tuesday, referring to ranked-choice voting. “There’s something else we know – that New York City said, ‘Our first choice is Eric Adams.’” This is the first citywide election with ranked-

THE POST GETS OUT THE VOTE Eric Adams is comfortably ahead in the early New York City mayoral primary results, and while absentee ballot counting and rankedchoice tallies are still yet to come, Adams is already sending out thank you’s. The New York Post, which endorsed Adams in the Democratic primary, used its Election Day cover to remind New Yorkers to give him their vote.

“While there are still many votes to be counted, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the entire field of candidates – especially the women who ran.” – Kathryn Garcia, via Twitter

choice voting, and since Adams didn’t earn at least 50% of first-ranked votes, Democrats’ lower-ranked votes will be counted and allocated toward the total in the coming weeks, after absentee ballots are also received. That “instant runoff” may close the gap between Adams and either Maya Wiley, the former counsel to Mayor Bill de Blasio, who is in second with 22% of first-place votes, or Kathryn Garcia, the former New York City sanitation commissioner, who is in third place with 19.5%. Garcia aggressively promoted ranked-choice voting by campaigning with another opponent, Andrew Yang, and polling suggested that Garcia was among the least polarizing candidates in the field, which should help her pick up lowerranked votes from New Yorkers who gave other candidates their No. 1 selection. However Adams’ lead was large enough that it’s unlikely for any other candidate to overtake him. In a celebratory, though measured tone, Adams came close to declaring victory Tuesday. “What a moment. The little guy won today,” Adams said, emphasizing his humble upbringing in South Jamaica, Queens, and presenting his success as a triumph for blue-collar New Yorkers. Adams would be the first mayor to have attended New York City public schools since Abe Beame, who left office in 1977. Adams later added: “We have been chosen by our neighbors to lead this city.”



June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021


For weeks, New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson was the presumed front-runner in the race to become New York City’s next comptroller, judging by most polls in the Democratic primary. He came under fire for being absent from the campaign trail at forums and from his job, fending off tough criticism in the first New York City Campaign Finance Board sanctioned debate. However, at the end of election night, New York City Council Member Brad Lander was ahead of Johnson in first-place votes, leading the field with more than 31%

City & State New York

of first-place votes to Johnson’s 22.5%. Lander had initially been considered a strong candidate before Johnson, who enjoyed greater name recognition, entered the race in March. But the progressive left coalesced behind Lander, who was endorsed by U.S. Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman, the Working Families Party and The New York Times. In a recent poll by left-leaning think tank Data for Progress, Lander led Johnson by 8 points, which was close to his lead on election night. “I’m feeling great,” Lander told City & State, speaking from the Threes Brewing bar in Gowanus, which is in his Brooklyn

Socialist India Walton had a decisive lead over Buffalo’s incumbent Mayor Byron Brown on election night.




Record number of women likely headed for City Council The 21 in ’21 movement, it turns out, may have been too modest a goal. As results from the first round of ranked-choice voting poured in, at least 22 women appeared likely to win their New York City Council primaries and are heavily favored to win as Democrats in November’s general election. That would exceed the goal set by the 21 in ’21 campaign to elect this year 21 women to the City Council, a body that has historically failed to reflect the gender diversity of New York City. Initial results released by the city Board of Elections on election night only reflected the first-choice votes of ballots cast in person. Absentee ballots still have to be tallied and some of the closer races will go into further rounds of ranked-choice vote counting. All of that means that some of the initial results could still change, which is why the 21 in ’21 campaign said after Election Day that they’re “encouraged” by the results, stopping short of declaring an all-out victory. But a tally of declared winners and candidates who are at this point likely to win – those leading by at least 10 percentage points, and some by much larger margins – shows that



New ranked-choice voting results will be released by the New York City Board of Elections, but the final numbers factoring in absentee ballots won’t be reported until midJuly.

The new fiscal year begins in the five boroughs, so Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City Council better hustle on striking a budget deal.


Federal aid gives the city billions to play with, but some people worry the mayor is using too much cash on shortterm needs.

at least 22 women are likely to win those primaries and secure those seats in November. New York City currently has only 14 female City Council members. Women make up 27% of the body, despite accounting for roughly 52% of the city’s population. The 21 in ’21 effort was launched in 2017, co-founded by former Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and former Council Member – and current Queens borough president contender – Elizabeth Crowley. “It doesn’t happen naturally,” Amelia Adams, political consultant and chair of the executive board of 21 in ’21, said of electing women to political office. “One, because we need to push women to run. And two, the traditional institutions don’t support and groom women to run for office.” Jessica Haller, the group’s executive director, said that a key to the initiative’s success was that it didn’t just lend its name to candidates, but actually offered mentoring and other tools to help them build their campaigns. “We helped them with their elevator pitches, we helped them be able to talk to unions,” added Yvette Buckner, vice chair of the 21 in ’21 board. – Annie McDonough

SUNDAY 7/4 A fireworks show over the East River in New York City, starting around 9:25 p.m., will be “the biggest show yet,” as the city and state continue coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic.



June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

Brad Lander secured a number of high-profile endorsements in his run for comptroller, including from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. council district. “It’s too soon to make declarations, we have more results to come in tonight. I’m a supporter of ranked-choice voting, so we need to see the ranked-choice tabulations, but we are feeling great. This is a meaningful lead, we’ve built a broad coalition across the city and we’re thrilled with what we’re seeing.” Lander, who had

not yet spoken to any of the other comptroller candidates when reached, credited the “broad and energetic” coalition he built in recent weeks with other elected officials, unions and community groups for his boost in the polls and said he believed he was always doing better than the polls predicted.



Former New York City Council Member Elizabeth Crowley has become better known for losing high-profile races than winning them, after losing a congressional race in 2012, her own reelection bid in 2017 and a special election

– Scott Stringer, in an interview with City & State’s Jeff Coltin, on progressives blaming him for Maya Wiley’s apparent loss in the mayoral race

Spending a lot on an election doesn’t always mean you’ll get the votes – and some of the city’s highest-spending candidates made that especially clear this primary season. These vote totals are preliminary, and will grow, slightly, and Tali Farhadian Weinstein – who spent $8.2 million of her own wealth on the race – still has a small chance of victory. But the mayoral candidates have no shot after spending millions.


“I am someone who traffics in what’s happening by the numbers, and I am not going to be the next mayor of New York City based on the numbers that have come in tonight.”


RAY MCGUIRE $17,689,808

ANDREW YANG $14,227,156

SHAUN DONOVAN $11,312,140


“Oh no they’re fucking not. A lot of them have to blame themselves. But that’s a story for another day.”




– Andrew Yang, on election night, via City Limits

for Queens borough president in 2020. But the cousin of former Rep. Joe Crowley seemed to be close to pulling off an upset in the Democratic primary for Queens borough president, as the unofficial returns showed her trailing incumbent Donovan Richards by just 1 percentage point. Four of New York City’s five borough presidents are term-limited at the end of this year, but Queens had already chosen a borough president last year, when Richards comfortably defeated Crowley in a special election 35.8% to 28.8%. So many political observers were shocked when the election night results showed Crowley trailing by only 2,076 votes. A political consultant who works in Queens, but wasn’t involved in the race and asked for anonymity so as to not speak for his clients, may have captured the sentiment best in a phone interview: “What the fuck happened there? That is insane! Insane! God bless Liz Crowley.” It’s extremely rare for candidates who lose special elections to come back the next time and win. All five City Council members elected in special elections in the past six months have comfortable leads, if not outright victories based on first-place votes on election night. And as New York City political savant Louis CholdenBrown noted on Twitter, a Queens borough president hasn’t lost reelection since 1957. As Queens-based political consultant Sam Goldsmith put it, “I’ve been speaking with political insiders for weeks and months. And months ago, the thought was Donovan’s a sure thing, and weeks ago the thought was Donovan’s

June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

a sure thing. … The incumbent was always supposed to win this election, and Liz Crowley was never on anybody’s mind.”



The election night results from the packed primary race for Manhattan district attorney showed former state Chief Deputy Attorney General Alvin Bragg with a 3-point lead. Throughout the course of his campaign, Bragg was able to win over progressives and moderates with his work experience and plans to reduce incarceration, along with his promise to not prosecute a number of minor offenses. Bragg has been vocal about how his own experience of being stopped and frisked by the police shaped how he thinks about the criminal justice system. Trailing close behind Bragg in second place is Tali Farhadian Weinstein, who spent millions of her own money on advertising. While this was one of the few races, aside from the judicial primaries, to not use ranked-choice voting, as the position is technically a state elected office, voters are still going to have to wait for results from absentee ballots to be counted before we know the official winner. The winner of the race will likely inherit an ongoing high-profile investigation into former President Donald Trump’s finances after the November general election.


The upstate primary mayoral elections were a test of the strength between established

City & State New York


Wiley and Garcia have a slim chance to catch Adams In the wake of New York City’s first major test of rankedchoice voting, everyone who voted for a candidate currently in second or third place among first-choice votes is wondering: Can someone come from behind for a win after trailing on election night? While statistically unlikely, it remains possible in several tight races in the city. The new voting system creates a chance that someone who doesn’t win the most firstchoice votes could wind up the winner once the instant runoff is conducted, as candidates with the fewest votes are eliminated and their votes are redistributed. Since the New York City Board of Elections won’t conduct that instant runoff for weeks, until after all the absentee ballots are in, candidates and their supporters in races in which no one won a clear majority of first-place votes remain in limbo. That includes the mayoral election, in which Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams ended election night with 31.7% of first-choice votes, Maya Wiley ended with 22.2% and Kathryn Garcia ended with 19.5%. History suggests that candidates almost never make up that large of a margin. However, three borough president races and several City Council races are still close enough that the second-place finisher on election night has a more plausible shot at winning. Although candidates losing on election night may still hope they’ll emerge victorious, with the help of lower-ranked votes, it hasn’t happened often in cities and states that already had ranked-choice voting. In

fact, it only happens about 4% of the time. According to FairVote, a national rankedchoice voting advocacy organization, only 15 of 375 ranked-choice elections held in the United States between 2004 and 2020 have resulted in a victor other than the person leading in first-choice votes. Of

Everyone who voted for a candidate currently in second or third place is wondering: Can someone come from behind for a win?

those, only two were originally in third place, with the other 13 having originally placed second. In the vast majority of New York City primary elections, whoever finished the night with the most first-choice votes will likely remain in the lead throughout the tabulation process. In many of those rankedchoice elections, a candidate won a majority of votes on election night, whereas in elections that actually go beyond the first round of counting – as the mayoral race will – someone other than the initial leader

wins 12% of the time. Only three times out of the 375 ranked-choice contests has a candidate come from behind by as much as Wiley would have to to win, and no one ever made up as large of a margin as Garcia would have to. In most ranked-choice elections in the state of Maine and cities such as Minneapolis, when a secondor third-place finisher prevailed, the results were pretty close after the first round of counting, generally only a difference of a few percentage points or less. No candidate more than 10 points behind in first-place votes wound up winning. Although many candidates in city races currently lead by more than 10 points, there are still many separated by 5 points or fewer, making them the most likely to see the lead change hands. Absentee ballots, which still need to be counted, could change the calculus in some races before the vote tabulation begins, by widening or narrowing the gap between the top two first-round finishers. None of this means someone who trails by more than 5 points can’t theoretically win. In the 2010 Oakland mayoral race, Jean Quan trailed front-runner Don Perata by 9 points among first-choice votes, only to win after the ranked results were calculated. It’s also likely that most races don’t feature eight major candidates and leave as many votes to be redistributed as the New York City Democratic mayoral primary did this year. – Rebecca C. Lewis



political party interests and partisan insurgents, with incumbent mayors in Albany, Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse battling challengers who wanted to deny them another term in office. Four-term Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown ignored his socialist opponent India Walton, who now has a significant 7-point lead over him. Twoterm Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan actually debated her opponent and cruised to victory. Two-term Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren had to deal with an array of scandals and lost in a landslide to Malik Evans, an upstart member of the City Council with no such political baggage. Firstterm Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh is a political independent who got to rest easy as Democrats and Republicans faced off for the right to run against him in November. The final results in the races will depend on absentee votes that have yet to be counted. The vast majority of New York City Council seats were open this year, and over 300 candidates were filed to run across the city. After election night, much remained uncertain, but Council Members Carlina Rivera, Rafael Salamanca Jr. and Farah Louis were a few of the incumbents that won easy victories. Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer appears to have a very good chance of heading back to her old council stomping grounds. However, Council Member Darma Diaz was far behind challenger Sandy Nurse. And Erik Bottcher could very well end up winning former boss Corey Johnson’s old seat. Election Day had somewhat mixed results for progressives, many of whom were focused more on the

June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

“What some candidates misunderstood is that social media does not pick a candidate. People on Social Security pick a candidate.” – Eric Adams, explaining why he had a lead on election night

“On day No. 1, New York City will never kill a dog or cat or an animal again. We will find them a home of their own. They are our furry little friends.” – Curtis Sliwa, after winning the Republican nomination for mayor, via the Daily News

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani enjoyed a warm welcome at Curtis Sliwa’s election night party, but he was also suspended from practicing law in New York last week. council races than the mayoral in hopes of having an even more left-wing legislature to counterbalance a potentially moderate mayor. Only two of the six Democratic Socialist of Americabacked candidates led on election night, and roughly half of the candidates endorsed by the Working Families Party had the most firstchoice votes so far. A handful of the races were close, with the DSA or WFP candidate finishing in a close second that could flip thanks to ranked-choice voting – but the reverse was true as well, with some progressives holding tenuous leads as well.


After weeks and months of perpetuating false claims of voter fraud in

the 2020 presidential election, a New York judge revoked former Trump lawyer Rudy Guiliani’s license to practice law in the state. According to the judge, an interim suspension like he imposed on Guiliani is unusual and reserved for the most serious of misconduct. But the former Big Apple mayor was still feeling the love in his hometown, appearing on stage Republican mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa on election night as he gave his victory speech. He was greeted by cheers and chants of “Rudy!” from an enthusiastic crowd of conservatives.


There will be an estimated 930,000 votes cast in the Democratic mayoral primary, once everything is counted.

That would be the highest number of votes in a mayoral primary since 1.1 million Democrats came out in 1989 to help the city’s first Black mayor, David Dinkins, unseat the incumbent Ed Koch. And if anything, this year’s total is an underestimate, since more mail-in ballots are expected to trickle into the Board of Elections in the coming days, adding to the 111,119 received as of last Thursday. About 180,000 Democrats voted early, and about 641,000 did so on Election Day. But while the raw number of votes exceeded expectations, the percentage of Democrats that turned out wasn’t all that high, historically, given how much the party’s enrollment has grown over time.

June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

City & State New York

A Q&A with Buffalo mayoral Democratic primary winner

I put together a coalition of the willing.



What sort of coalition did you put together? I put together a coalition of the willing – really people from all socioeconomic backgrounds, races, cultures, gender identities, sexual orientations, anyone who was ready for change – we brought them along. We had the support of the Working Families Party, so we were able to train ourselves up and bring home the win. How did the WFP specifically help? Everything from planning our media strategy and attracting national media, to our fundraising

campaign, to our field game – you name it – the Working Families Party was very involved and super helpful to every single part of this campaign. We could not have done it without them. A lot has been said about how your opponent underestimated you. Was this a “Tortoise and the Hare” situation? I did see the race this way. From day one, I was running to win and put everything in it. I resigned from my job and the Working Families

Party knows what works politically. I have 39 years of institutional knowledge about Buffalo. We put that together and ran a very exciting and successful campaign. The mayor was especially vulnerable this year, after four terms, after his lack of an active response to the uprisings after the murder of George Floyd and after the lackluster pandemic response. Socialist candidates downstate have appeared to do better with relatively high-income white voters and less well

in communities of color. How does your campaign reflect or refute that? I would be interested to look at the numbers, but anecdotally, I can tell you that I spent a lot of time at voting sites yesterday and we did pretty well among Black primary voters in Buffalo. People are just ready for a change. You will also be the first female mayor of Buffalo. How significant is that? We have made history on so many levels. It’s incredible. Turnout was low, but those who did turn

Our Perspective As Pandemic Recedes, Appreciation for Essential Workers Must Not By Stuart Appelbaum, President, Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, RWDSU, UFCW Twitter: @sappelbaum


n June, as COVID infection rates, hospitalizations and deaths in New York hit new lows and vaccination rates rose above 70 percent, what had appeared to be a light at the end of the tunnel blossomed into a sunny summer day. Nearly all remaining restrictions on businesses and social gatherings were eliminated, and sights we hadn’t seen since early last year — crowded restaurants, full bars, and sold-out full-capacity concerts and sporting events at arenas — once again became commonplace in New York. As the pandemic hopefully continues to recede, the debt and gratitude we owe to our essential, frontline workers should not. These workers — among them, thousands of RWDSU heroes — stepped up to provide essential services for all of us when we were locked down during the worst public health crisis in our country in a century. These working men and women were thrust into a battle they did not choose, but it’s a


responsibility they courageously accepted. These essential workers in food processing, health care, pharmacies, supermarkets and retail stores and more were there for us throughout this crisis — often at great personal cost to themselves and their families. For a brief while, as the pandemic raged, our society and employers recognized the sacrifices essential workers were making. An emphasis was placed on making workplaces safer, with proper PPE provided, and workplaces being kept clean and sanitized to an unprecedented degree. And many employers agreed to “hero pay” for their workers; additional hourly pay that recognized workers’ contributions. As infection rates continue to drop and vaccination rates continue to rise, it’s important to not lose sight of how important these essential workers are to our economy, our society, and our families. The way we view these workers needs to permanently change for the

out voted for me. For once, we don’t have to be voting against something. We’re voting for hope, for change and for a bright future for our city. A lot of idealists end up changing once they are in office. How will you avoid that? I am begging my people to hold me accountable when promises are not being delivered in a timely manner. I want the protesters to come out and bang on my door – not my own door – but my office door. City Hall is going to be open and accessible. – Zach Williams

better, and so does their treatment. Essential workers deserve the higher pay and appreciation many of them received last year, and they deserve greater emphasis on the health and safety of their workplaces. At the RWDSU, we’ve always recognized the importance of these workers, and fought for greater pay and benefits and safer workplaces to protect them. During the pandemic, we’ve been a leading voice for hero pay as well as proper protection for workers so that they can do their jobs safely and go home to their loved ones. In our latest contracts for retail workers at Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s in New York, covering thousands of working men and women, language was included not only to protect workers and consumers from COVID-19, but also any future pandemics we may have to fight through. The lessons we’ve learned from the COVID-19 pandemic will not be forgotten. It’s no exaggeration to say that RWDSU members — and all essential workers — earned the title of “heroes” during the COVID-19 pandemic. We owe it to all of them to continue to fight for safer workplaces, better pay, and better benefits for the essential work they do not only during times of crisis, but every single day.


June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

Cuomo’s Penn By Zach Williams

The original Penn Station, above, opened in 1910 and was mostly demolished in the 1960s. It’s now an underground station, top right. The new Moynihan Train Hall, bottom right, is the first project in Cuomo’s vision to build a new, expanded Penn Station hub.


EW YORK CITY has changed a lot over the past century, but its commuter rail network remains fundamentally the same. Almost every line still leads to midtown Manhattan, like spokes on two wheels that rotate around Penn Station on the west side and Grand Central Terminal to the east. They are the transit hubs inherited from a bygone era of railroading, when private operators laid tracks and built stations that still bear their names. The rail lines that bring hundreds of thousands of people to Penn Station each day via New Jersey Transit and Amtrak are the same ones the Pennsylvania Railroad installed to bring people to the imposing train station modeled on the ancient Roman Baths of Caracalla in 1910. The station also serves as the main New York City terminal for the Long Island Rail Road. By tunneling under the Hudson River, passengers from points west no longer needed to take a ferry from New Jersey. The only long-distance trains entering Manhattan at that time came via the Bronx on tracks controlled by the New York Central Railroad. That route is now part of the Metro-North system. The rail network has reflected and enabled the outsized economic importance of Manhattan ever since. Nine out of 10 commuter trips to the city end up in the borough, according to a September 2019 study by the New York City Department of Planning. This has placed unforeseen pressure on the underground transit hub that replaced the original above-ground Penn Station demolished in 1963, according to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which operates Penn Station in cooperation with Amtrak and NJ Transit. The current station that opened in 1968 handled 200,000 daily commuters in its early years. As reported by the MTA, ridership grew to about 600,000 people per day by 2020. This overcrowding contributes to the station’s well-earned reputation as a depressing, disorienting warren to pass through. Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants to change that. He is championing a plan that he first unveiled before the pandemic that aims to expand the station while restoring it to grandeur. Future riders from New Jersey would cross the Hudson through two new tunnels being built as part of the wider Gateway Program. Future passengers for NJ Transit would arrive on new underground tracks on the block south of the current station, which would still have Madison Square Garden above it. More Amtrak passengers than ever before would exit via the newly opened Moynihan Train Hall built out of a century-old former postal facility. Similar to the beaux-arts Penn Station it once faced, Moynihan was built to inspire awe with features like a vaulted ceiling, Tennessee marble floors and 20-piece outdoor Corinthian colonnade. “When you go there, it fills your soul with pride,” Cuomo recently boasted. Ten


Would the governor’s new transit hub just reinvent the wheel?

June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

City & State New York


Station complex

low at the Manhattan Institute. “Do we need another massive hub station adjacent to Penn Station? Probably not.”


UOMO HAS TRIED for years to remake Penn Station on his own terms, but one especially tricky part has been acquiring the city blocks needed to accommodate his Empire Station Complex. The Uniform Land Use Review Procedure etched into New York City Charter requires that community boards, the City Planning Commission, the City Council and the mayor be involved in the decision-making process. Another bureaucratic process called a General Project Plan, however, could allow the state to get the land through eminent domain. The state’s 1968 Urban Development Corporation Act allows Empire State Development to unilaterally redevelop land it deems to be blighted. That might be why the agency described the area around Penn Station as full of “substandard buildings, shuttered businesses (and) limited low-quality retail offerings” in February. Opposition from community groups and elected officials made Cuomo back down this year from immediately proceeding with the plan, as ongoing scandals weakened him politically. Historical preservationists hate how Cuomo’s plan would destroy the Hotel Pennsylvania under the guise of beautifying the area. Also, COVID-19 has led to historically high vacancy rates for midtown real estate, which some opponents seized on to argue that the proposed towers would hinder, rather than help jumpstart, the local economy. The project also faces a multitude of delays as it has to pass through many stages of approval. Empire State Development Executive Director Eric Gertler promised local officials a greater role in the project in an April 1 letter. A public meeting on the project originally set for March has been postponed indefinitely. Legislation proposed in May by state Sen. Brad Hoylman and Assembly Member Richard Gottfried, whose districts include Penn Station, would require the project to go through the Uniform Land Use Review Process. Even if the project were to somehow speed up through a General Project Plan, the MTA still has to agree with Amtrak and NJ Transit on a final design. A federal environmental review process could still take a couple years. That leaves a lot of time for alternative ideas. Instead of the “hub and spokes” model of regional transit that was imposed on the city a century ago, some experts say a web of transit lines crisscrossing the five boroughs might better enable people to move around. One strategy is adopting what transit wonks call “through-running” to direct trains to terminal stations in urban outskirts rather than centrally-located


new towers with 20,000 square feet of new office space would be built in partnership with private developers to help fund this gubernatorial vision. The governor cannot rebuild Penn Station above ground bigger and better than the original, but his Empire Station Complex would still soar more than 1,000 feet into the sky through proposed towers like PENN 15. The current Penn Station has few fans, but experts say that doesn’t mean Cuomo’s proposal is the only way to go. It assumes that past transit patterns will return after the pandemic, when Midtown might not be the all-important job center it once was. Preliminary plans unveiled in February would have real estate titan and gubernatorial donor Steven Roth, founder of Vornado Realty Trust, sell five lots on the north and eastern sides of the current station to Empire State Development. The state economic development agency would then lease those lots back to Vornado, and potentially other developers, while also charging them for the development which would help fund the construction of the new tracks and improved station. Details on how much money those towers would generate, and whether other sources of revenue would be needed to fund the proposed expansion of the existing Penn Station remain “TBD,” according to a MTA spokesperson. Empire State Development would also seize three nearby lots to accommodate new tracks and entrances. State officials say a new Penn Station would likely cost several billion dollars and take the rest of the 2020s to build under a best-case scenario, but past transit projects show how proposed budgets and timelines can go awry. A long-awaited plan to connect the LIRR to Grand Central called East Side Access, for example, began in 2006 with the goal of finishing by 2013. By the time it’s expected to finally open next year, it will have cost nearly twice the original $6.3 billion price tag. The state Legislature approved $1.3 billion in borrowing last spring to support the underground aspects of Cuomo’s Empire State Complex, though it remains unclear how Empire State Development would raise the money to buy the eight lots and fund the demolition of the buildings already there. But is that even necessary? Interviews with more than a half-dozen transportation experts highlight how a more decentralized system offers a different way to serve the evolving commuting needs of New York and its neighbors. Existing infrastructure could expand rail service through longtime transit deserts. Organizational changes at the MTA could make fares more equitable. Better transportation hubs in the outer boroughs could divert travel away from Penn Station to such an extent that an expansion might not be so necessary after all. “This is Cuomo empire building,” said transit wonk Nicole Gelinas, a senior fel-

June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

North Jersey North Jersey

Central Jersey Central Jersey

hubs like Penn Station, where they currently sit while turning around, taking up precious space for trains to come and go. “Whether it’s London, Paris, Hong Kong, Tokyo, it really is the emerging and better standard for a metropolis the size of New York,” said Samuel Turvey, chair of the think tank ReThinkNYC, which has proposed the plan for Penn. In Paris, for example, previously disjointed commuter rail and subway lines



June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

City & State New York


‘Hub and spoke’

r r ve ve Ri Ri on on ds ds Hu Hu

A century-old paradigm means public transit revolves around midtown Manhattan. The The Bronx Bronx

Penn Station


Long Island Sound Long Island Sound

Queens Queens Jamaica

Midtown Manhattan Midtown Manhattan

New York Harbor New York Harbor

Staten Staten Island Island

Brooklyn Brooklyn

Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean

were combined in the late 20th century, into a single system. The Réseau Express Régional, better known as the RER, runs through the city from suburbs on one side to another, rather than just in and out. Within the city proper, it functions as an express train, making fewer stops than the Metro, and charging the same amount on the same payment system as its inner-city counterpart. Something similar could happen in New

Long Island Rail Road Long Island Rail Road Metro-North Rail Road Metro-North Rail Road West of Hudson (NJT/MNR) West of Hudson (NJT/MNR) Staten Island Railway Staten Island Railway PATH PATH Airtrain Airtrain

York City, given the right amount of funding and political support. The Pennsylvania Railroad built its famous station in Manhattan in part to facilitate rail traffic from New Jersey through Manhattan to the outer boroughs and onwards to New England. Those tracks are still connected, and “through-running” already takes roughly 800 passenger-less commuter trains each day from Penn Station for servicing at the Sunnyside Yards in Queens. A joint plan from Amtrak and the

New York City Economic Development Corporation has already developed a master plan for creating a new rail hub there that could divert riders from midtown. Metro-North, the LIRR and the subways are all controlled by the MTA, which experts say could consolidate them into a unified system, like the one in Paris. There is even some precedent for smashing such bureaucratic barriers in New York. “Go back and look at the history of the subway,” Turvey said.


June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

The new Moynihan Train Hall, left, opened to fanfare on Jan. 1. The MTA has new renderings of Penn Station, right.

ORE AND MORE commuters are heading back to their old workplaces, and state officials expect transit patterns to gradually return to many pre-pandemic norms. Before the pandemic, daily users of Penn Station were projected to grow to 832,000 by 2038. Now, with the sudden explosion of telecommuting, MTA data from June shows that ridership on commuter rails are down by about 60% on most weekdays compared to pre-pandemic levels. The MTA is betting that almost everyone will eventually go back to the office. “We still see growing markets of trans-Hudson commuters that do want to come to the Manhattan central business district,” said Janno Lieber, the chief development officer at the MTA. The 2019 city study showed that North Jersey, which is adding housing more quickly than the suburbs in New York state, was the fastest growing source of commuters to the city. While the majority of them worked in Manhattan, the study also found that they accounted for 40% of the increase in commuters working in the outer boroughs since 2000, with Brooklyn representing the fastest area of commuter growth by percentage in the whole city. Reverse commuting to the suburbs also increased during this period. An integrated subway and suburban rail system would allow these riders to skip Penn Station, even if they were going all the way from New Jersey to Queens. The ongoing East Side Access project is projected to divert somewhere around 100,000 commuters from Penn Station to Grand Central. The Penn Station Access project will allow Metro-North trains, which currently terminate at Grand Central, to reach Penn Station while adding several stations in the eastern Bronx where trains currently speed through without stopping. An expansion of the LIRR is also underway with a goal to increase capacity from Long Island. Lieber said a proposal championed by the Regional Planning Association, an advocacy group that would utilize an existing rail line that could take people from Brooklyn to Queens to the Bronx is also under consideration. “The idea that we’re not looking at new travel patterns is not accurate,” Lieber said. These two projects are both happening despite the bureaucratic rivalry between the Metro-North and the LIRR, which required the MTA to carve a new station out of bedrock to avoid disrupting Metro-North operations in Grand Central.

Penn Station and Grand Central exist not because of indisputably good transit policy, but because of this railroad feud. The original Pennsylvania Station transformed the seedy former Tenderloin neighborhood into a pillared temple of Roman Doric glory. The Pennsylvania Railroad’s rival opened Grand Central Terminal three years later to convey its own grandiose vision for urban travel through Tennessee marble, bronze and Guastavino tiles. Both railroads ended up dying despite their once-enormous power, as growing car ownership and suburban sprawl brought the golden age of trains to an end. The two railroads merged and eventually went bankrupt. City, state and federal governments had to figure out what to do with all that rail. Amtrak took over most of the intercity travel, while the LIRR and the Metro-North became independent parts of the MTA, created under former Gov. Nelson Rockefeller. Adding more stops to existing commuter rails is one way to make them more like the subway, but city history also shows another. Ask anyone old enough to remember what it was like to move around New York City in the first half of the 20th century, when subway service was divided among the private Interborough Rapid Transit Company, the Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit (formerly Brooklyn Rapid Transit) and the public In-

“This is Cuomo empire building. Do we need another massive hub station adjacent to Penn Station? Probably not.” – Nicole Gelinas, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute dependent Subway System – more commonly referred to respectively as the IRT, BMT and IND. That meant many trips required buying multiple nickel fares depending on destination. The idea of unifying them into one system existed as early as 1921, but it took two decades to realize. This required the city to buy off private interests, renegotiate union contracts and rally public support for years on end. “By providing free transfers among the three systems it would be operating under unification, the city could add materially to the convenience of the traveling public,” The New York Times wrote in 1940,



June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

as former Mayor Fiorello La Guardia prepared to ink a final deal to combine the three companies. If nothing else, the history of the subway consolidation highlights how seemingly impossible ideas can happen.


HE GOVERNOR’S PROPOSAL Follows the approach that former power broker Robert Moses took to building roads and bridges. When demand exceeds capacity, just build things bigger. That worked when Moses could operate independently through his control of quasi-public agencies like the Triborough Bridge Authority (which is now part of the MTA). But bureaucratic processes like landmark protections (partially inspired by the demolition of the original Penn Station) and environmental reviews now present humongous barriers to getting big things done, according to Marc Dunkelman, a fellow at the Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. “The reforms that have emerged since Moses have had the effect that no one can coalesce so much power,” he said in an interview. “In the case of the Empire Station project, you’re going to have warring bureaucracies.” But what if a future governor has to build

City & State New York

an even bigger Penn Station sometime later in the century, if ridership levels exceed the 850,000 daily travelers that Cuomo’s plan hopes to accommodate? Will New Yorkers regret the lack of a decentralized, yet more bureaucratically unified, rail system? That idea is not mutually exclusive with the idea of improving the current Penn Station that routinely ranks as the most unloved transit hub in the country. A potentially less invasive way to boost capacity at Penn Station would be widening train platforms to allow faster boarding and disembarking. “Yes, we should be looking at building new tunnels across the Hudson, but that doesn’t have to go with another massive underground train station just south of Penn Station,” Gelinas said. “Do we really want another mega-hub in the middle of Manhattan where the trains just stop and go back?” A spokesperson for Cuomo did not respond to a request for comment on the Empire Station Complex, but his past statements show that redoing Penn Station is not just about expanding transit capacity and catalyzing economic activity. It’s about righting what some say was the historical wrong of demolishing the original station, which helped inspire the modern historical preservation movement. “A great historian summed it up: ‘one entered the city like a god through the old Penn Station, now one scuttles in like a rat,’” Cuomo said in 2019 while invoking the deceased architectural historian Vincent Scully. Rebuilding Penn Station would also give Cuomo another success where other political leaders have failed at long-awaited public works projects, like building the Second Avenue subway and replacing the Tappan Zee Bridge. “It’s almost too ambitious,” Cuomo said at the 2020 opening of Moynihan Train Hall. “It’s almost too beautiful.” Cuomo’s plan offers the chance to fix Penn Station at a unique historical mo-


ment where Democrats control the White House, both houses of Congress and the governorship in New Jersey. Whereas Republicans like former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former President Donald Trump wrecked previous plans to build the Gateway tunnels. A multibillion-dollar infrastructure bill currently being negotiated by federal lawmakers could get that project up and running. Sticking to a plan already begun at Penn Station has some advantages compared to changing how the broader rail network functions. Allowing cross-Hudson commuters to ride trains through Penn Station and onwards to the outer boroughs, or the other way around, would require a whole new level of cooperation between the MTA, Amtrak and NJ Transit. It would also require broader platforms at Penn Station and additional tunnels across the East River, according to the MTA. Consolidating its commuter rails into a single system with the subway like in Paris also faces complications like the need to renegotiate collective bargaining agreements and pension systems with transit unions. “That might be great,” Lieber said when describing a world where the MTA board could do all of this while enacting a uniform fare policy. “We don’t live in that world yet.” Yet, making Cuomo’s vision a reality represents a huge investment in a model of railroading that may conflict with the direction that commuting patterns are shifting. Penn Station’s virtues as a transit hub never matched its beauty, according to Alon Levy, a fellow at the NYU Marron Institute who has studied transit systems from New York City to Singapore. “America follows this mentality that America was once great and needs to be made great again,” he said in an interview. “(Cuomo’s proposal) doubles down on this 1930s, 1940s, 1950s mentality of how to run trains.”


June 7, 2021

Commuting with a disability

Missing elevators and ill-equipped bus drivers are just some of the obstacles people face in New York City’s transit system. By Annie McDonough


VERY NEW YORKER knows what it’s like to be exasperated with train delays or miss a muffled announcement from a subway conductor that a local train is suddenly going express. Unreliable transit service is reliably annoying. But for people with disabilities trying to navigate New York City and its surrounding neighborhoods, those annoyances become real impediments. The city has services available and work underway to make transportation more accessible, but those services don’t function perfectly. Some people with disabilities note that few other places have transit systems as comprehensive as New York City’s subway and buses. And the Metropolitan Transportation Authority has made some progress during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 12 more subway stations becoming compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act during the pandemic. Still, roughly three-quarters of stations remain inaccessible. Advocates and people living with different kinds of physical disabilities told City & State there is a collection of imperfect options when it comes to accessible modes of transportation in New York. Here’s what some of those options look like. SUBWAYS Though the Americans with Disabilities Act passed over three decades ago, much of New York City infrastructure is still not ADA compliant, and one of the worst offenders has been the city’s subway system. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority has committed a large chunk of its capital plan to accessibility upgrades, hired its first chief accessibility officer, and during the pandemic made an additional 12 stations ADA compli-

ant, but elevator and escalator access remains an issue at the majority of stations. And even once on the train or platform, navigating the system can be made difficult for people who rely on auditory cues because of a disability, thanks to often garbled conductor announcements signaling a service change or a lack of subway platform edge strips that some blind or low vision people use to navigate. Despite all of this, the New York City subway has certain advantages that make it a relatively attractive option, several people with physical disabilities told City & State. With the exception of service changes or unexpected stops, the subways are fairly predictable, making the same stops every day, unlike buses. Using the subway might still mean going out of one’s way to travel through elevator-equipped stations or find sufficient navigation tools, but thanks to its fairly expansive geographical reach – excluding outer borough transit deserts – it can still be the most convenient option for some people.

not sure if you’re skipping a stop or if you are stuck at a red light.” Buses, of course, have the benefit of being at the street level, so actually reaching the stops typically doesn’t come with the same concerns about elevator or escalator access. And like the subway, some riders with disabilities are able to qualify for reduced fare MetroCards, making the bus relatively cheap compared to some of the other options on this list.

BUSES New York City’s buses are all wheelchair-accessible, equipped with either a chair lift or a ramp, but that doesn’t mean that they are always a breeze to use. Some riders have said that bus drivers don’t always know how to operate the chair lift, and one person told City & State that drivers sometimes don’t know how to use the straps on board to secure a wheelchair. Charles Catherine, the associate director of special projects at the National Organization on Disability, said that as a blind person who uses a cane, his preference is still the subway. “Navigating on the bus is typically more difficult for people who are visually impaired than the subway,” Catherine said. “On the subway, you can count the subway stops. On the bus, you’re

ACCESS-A-RIDE The MTA’s paratransit program is meant to provide better access to transportation to New Yorkers with disabilities, but some users (and would-be users) say it’s more of a headache than it’s worth. The basic program requires riders to book trips a day in advance and warns that drivers are permitted to arrive 30 minutes early or late, making it inconvenient for last minute rides or ensuring predictable arrival times. A pilot program that launched in 2017 allows participants to book on-demand Access-A-Ride trips for the same $2.75 fare, but prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the MTA announced plans to increase the fare while expanding the number of pilot participants. Those planned changes were shelved during the pandemic, and a

The MTA recently added elevators to 12 more stations.

June 7, 2021

City & State New York


“On the subway, you can count the subway stops. On the bus, you’re not sure if you’re skipping a stop or if you are stuck at a red light.”

– Charles Catherine, associate director of special projects at the National Organization on Disability, speaking about people who are visually impaired


spokesperson for the MTA said that the program will continue as is through 2021, with more updates coming in the fall. Meanwhile, since the pandemic, a shortage of taxi and ride-hailing vehicles has meant a rise in complaints about the pilot program and passengers waiting longer for their rides to arrive. Prior to the pandemic, some riders have called the Access-A-Ride pilot program a “godsend,” and the Access-A-Ride program in general can be useful for people who aren’t able to access the subway and don’t want to pay for an Uber, or who don’t have jobs where they need to reliably arrive on time. But with remaining scheduling issues and potential changes to the on-demand pilot program, it remains a flawed option for riders. FOR-HIRE VEHICLES While not a public transit option, ride-hailing services like Uber, Lyft and Via are required to fulfill a certain number of ride requests for wheelchair-accessible vehicles within a certain time frame, under rules passed by the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission. Those rules followed multiple lawsuits alleging that ride-hail services discriminate against riders with disabilities. Right now, the threshold that these services have to meet in 2021 is fulfilling 80%

of accessible ride requests within 10 minutes and 90% of accessible ride requests within 15 minutes. Those three companies will be evaluated for their performance on their metric this month by the TLC. And for riders with other kinds of disabilities, the Uber and Lyft apps, for example, are compatible with screen reading and other tools. One major downside, of course, is the high cost of for-hire vehicle rides, especially compared to transit fares. Commuting via ride-hailing is not an option for everyone. And Zachary Borodkin, an advocate at Disability Rights New York who has cerebral palsy, noted that for people with disabilities who don’t use wheelchairs, ride-hailing services can sometimes pose issues. “I’ve had to turn drivers away ... because the vehicles that they’ve shown up in are not accessible,” Borodkin said, noting that vehicles that are high off the ground are not suitable for him. “There needs to be something where you can identify yourself as needing assistance because you have a disability, or as a disabled rider, so that Uber can offer you options that work for you.” A spokesperson for Uber said that this feature does not currently exist in New York City. Lyft and Via did not respond to requests for comment.

COMMUTER RAIL One of the biggest issues in accessing commuter rail like the Long Island Rail Road or Metro-North from New York City is navigating the often congested Grand Central Station or Penn Station. “Grand Central and Penn Station happen to be very difficult, very confusing places for people who are visually impaired, or for me, at least,” Catherine said, noting that he always budgets extra time when traveling through those stations. But Catherine said he’s usually able to find someone to assist him with locating his train or navigating the stations. The MTA is also working on accessibility updates at LIRR and Metro-North stations in other locations, as commuter rail stations are still not 100% ADA compliant, meaning riders can encounter the same issues they do at subway stations. A full list of accessible stations is available on the MTA’s website, but the LIRR recently launched an app that shows riders the exact locations of elevators, escalators, and ramps at given stations. FERRIES While far from the city’s most common mode of transportation, the NYC Ferry is not only relatively cheap – a standard $2.75 fare – but also fully wheelchair accessible, according to the city. Catherine said that he uses the ferry more for leisure than commuting and has found it to be very accommodating, but noted that riders traveling on their own might encounter issues navigating. A spokesperson for the Economic Development Corporation, which manages the NYC Ferry, did not respond to a request for comment about other accessibility features it offers. The Staten Island Ferry, which is free, also reports that all boats and terminals are ADA compliant.

– Your friends at Cubic Transportation Systems

June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

City & State New York


THE 2021 TRANSPORTATION POWER 100 The movers and shakers who are moving New Yorkers.


I N C E T A K I N G O F F I C E , President Joe Biden has put two major New York transportation projects – the Gateway Tunnel and Manhattan’s congestion pricing program – back on track. The president is also pushing for billions of dollars in new infrastructure investment, and whether he succeeds will depend on New York’s own Chuck Schumer, the U.S. Senate majority leader who’s navigating a path forward with the narrowest of majorities. Plenty of pending projects in New York could be jump-started with an influx of federal funds, though Gov. Andrew Cuomo has already spent the past decade building and rebuilding transportation infrastructure. This

includes the Moynihan Train Hall and the Second Avenue subway, the Kosciuszko and the Governor Mario M. Cuomo bridges as well as the terminal overhauls and an AirTrain for LaGuardia Airport – which Biden can no longer compare to a “Third World country.” Of course, these three politicians aren’t single-handedly shaping New York’s ever-evolving transportation network. City & State’s first Transportation Power 100 identifies the top public officials, policymakers, business executives, contractors, union chiefs, academics, experts, advocates, activists and others who are updating and expanding the state’s transportation infrastructure – and revisioning how New Yorkers get around.


June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

Rick Cotton, left, and Sarah Feinberg, right




EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PORT AUTHORITY OF NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY The Port Authority celebrated its centennial this year while struggling with the evaporation of international travel due to the pandemic, but traffic began to rebound at its airports and bridges this spring. Rick Cotton’s plans are dominated by absorbing $1 billion in losses in 2021 and up to $3 billion in 2023, but there are hopeful signs ahead. The bi-state agency welcomed the East Coast’s largest container ship, and opened a new LaGuardia Airport skybridge in May as well as LaGuardia’s Terminal C outer roadway, six months ahead of schedule, in June.

CHAIR AND CEO; INTERIM PRESIDENT OF NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT; PRESIDENT OF MTA CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY As the coronavirus pandemic spread and commuters hunkered down at home, Metropolitan Transportation Authority officials struggled to keep the nation’s largest

Dominguez is working to remove a section of I-81 that divides Syracuse.

Janno Lieber to the position of CEO – a structural change the state Legislature declined to take up.

3 MARIE THERESE DOMINGUEZ COMMISSIONER NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION State transportation agencies are often known for building billion-dollar freeways from a federal infrastructure spigot. But Marie Therese Dominguez is also advancing a plan to remove a 1.4-mile section of I-81 to make Syracuse more walkable. She has also paid more attention to cyclists and pedestrians, completing the 750-mile Empire State Trail project spanning 27 counties. Don’t



transit agency afloat. An increase in ridership and the relaunch of 24-hour subway service this spring were welcome signs of New York’s recovery. But an uptick in transit crimes prompted the mayor to add 250 more cops to patrol the subways. In a pending shakeup in the system’s leadership, MTA honcho Pat Foye is poised to depart to lead Empire State Development. Sarah Feinberg, who runs New York City’s subways, has impressed the governor, who wants to install her as MTA chair. The governor also has sought to split Foye’s dual MTA role as chair and chief executive, while unilaterally promoting President of MTA Construction & Development

The Subway-Surface Supervisors Association and the National Association of Transportation Supervisors is Proud to Salute Our President, Michael Carrube, For Being Recognized in City & State’s 2021 Transportation Power 100.

Congratulations to All the Honorees!



MICHAEL CARRUBE International President



June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

longtime Mayor Bill de Blasio backer and Brooklyn Navy Yard Chair has an ambitious agenda as the mayor’s final term winds down. Gutman promised to install 10,000 bike racks, add more bike and bus lanes, expand the open streets program and bolster Vision Zero to reduce fatalities. That effort began in May with lowering speed limits on 45 miles of major city streets.

ridership a year ago due to the coronavirus pandemic. But Catherine Rinaldi has big plans for tri-state straphangers in the coming years. The MTA published an environmental assessment toward bringing Metro-North service to Penn Station and will open four new stations in the Bronx, dramatically reducing commutes for many into Midtown.


worry, motorists, the state is spending $15.3 million to refurbish bridges along I-90 too.

4 MATTHEW DRISCOLL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR NEW YORK STATE THRUWAY AUTHORITY Your summer road trip may zip along more quickly since the Thruway Authority ended cash tolls on the state’s 570-mile highway system last fall. It’s just one of many improvements Matthew Driscoll has overseen since becoming executive director of one of the longest toll systems in the U.S. in 2017. Soon you’ll be able to take advantage of one of many newly renovated

rest stops as Driscoll and his colleagues are readying a $450 million overhaul of the state’s 27 travel plazas. Just don’t speed through work zones – state police issued 444 tickets during five consecutive dates in April alone in an effort to promote safety.

5 HANK GUTMAN COMMISSIONER NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Retirement never felt right to Hank Gutman, a former attorney who accepted the challenge of becoming New York City’s transportation commissioner in February. The

7 CATHERINE RINALDI PRESIDENT METRO-NORTH RAILROAD Metro-North’s recovery has lagged behind other mass transit systems in the region, with 83,100 trips on May 7 after losing 95% of its

8 POLLY TROTTENBERG DEPUTY SECRETARY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio didn’t need to lobby that hard to get his former commissioner into the Biden administration. Polly Trottenberg committed to making the $11 billion Gateway Tunnel project a priority at her confirmation hearing before the U.S. Senate signed off on her appointment 82-15 in April. Trottenberg will also accelerate congestion pricing, help resolve the crumbling Brooklyn-Queens Expressway and reevaluate the need for billion-dollar freeway projects.

Trottenberg joined the Biden administration in April after working for de Blasio.


Phil Eng is the president of the Long Island Rail Road.

After a hellacious year when ridership on the Long Island Rail Road bottomed out to 3% of prior levels, the commuter line recorded more than 100,000 trips on April 9. Phil Eng is welcoming even more straphangers back to the rails with expanded service and discounted beach packages this summer. Eng is also looking to retrofit the LIRR’s diesel-powered trains with batteries, but it won’t be cheap. This innovative idea of electrifying the 160-mile network could cost $17 billion.

Giorgio DeRosa, Bill McCarthy, Emily Giske, Tom Connolly, Mike Keogh and Juanita Scarlett would like to send a warm congratulations to our colleague, Patricia Reilly for being recognized as a leader in the Transportation and Traffic Safety community In City & State’s 2021 Transportation Power 100 list. We are so proud of Pat’s involvement and leadership over the years in key issue areas such as NYC Vision Zero, School Bus Cameras, Impaired and Distracted Driving, and Auto Emissions.

Thank you, Pat, for your continued commitment and dedication to the pursuit of public safety.


7 World Trade Center 250 Greenwich St., # 4641 New York, NY 10007 212-431-4748


146 State Street Albany, NY 12207 518-462-4620


June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

priorities like improving safety for cyclists on roads outside of New York City and increasing penalties for motorists endangering highway workers. If only the state expedited its 11-year high-speed rail study whose delays risk crucial upgrades.

LEROY COMRIE CHAIR STATE SENATE COMMITTEE ON CORPORATIONS, AUTHORITIES AND COMMISSIONS When Democrats took control of the State Senate in 2019, Leroy Comrie vowed to hold the MTA accountable over its cost overruns and service failures. Now the Queens senator believes the pandemic provides an opportunity to reinvent the agency by making it cheaper for passengers traveling within New York City. Comrie supports keeping the subway’s $300 million-peryear cleaning bill too and he’s demanding the MTA protect Lefferts Boulevard Bridge businesses in his district as storefronts deteriorate.


WILLIAM MAGNARELLI CHAIR ASSEMBLY TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE The Syracuse Assembly member has a bird’s-eye view of the state’s most controversial infrastructure project. William Magnarelli urged patience for the state’s $1.9 billion plan to replace the I-81 viaduct by rerouting traffic through I-481 (he’s opposed to a community grid plan). Outside of Central New York, Magnarelli has also been a critical backer of modernizing regional airports, investing in resiliency of bridges, adding speed cameras to work zones and beautifying the West Side Bike Path.





Similar to mass transit, airlines like JetBlue experienced cataclysmic losses last year, with revenue nose-diving 90% in spring 2020 and continuing to fall the rest of the year. But Robin Hayes has JetBlue on the upswing as passengers return to the skies. The company launched a low-cost sister airline Breeze Airways in May, and JetBlue trips to London from JFK will take off for the first time in August.

STATE SENATE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE The Buffalo senator was concerned in January when the governor’s budget shortchanged transit agencies. Fortunately Congress forked over $6.5 billion to fix the MTA’s budget woes allowing Tim Kennedy to pivot to other

William Magnarelli is the chair of the Assembly Transportation Committee.

While airline prices are on the rise, Hayes is aiming to keep fares low.

13 STEVEN COHEN & LARRY SCHWARTZ CUOMO LOYALISTS Gov. Andrew Cuomo tapped several of his closest allies to help battle COVID-19 last year. Now that the coronavirus pandemic is winding down, Steven Cohen, the New York commissioner and co-chair of the Gateway Development Commission, has turned his focus back to driving the Gateway Project, the onceintractable infrastructure behemoth that the federal government is advancing after a four-year delay. But the governor and Amtrak have very different ideas on how to complete the complex tunnel project. Meanwhile, another Cuomo loyalist and former secretary to the governor

who helped out during the height of the pandemic – Larry Schwartz – continues to play a key role on transit issues as a member of the board of the MTA. Cuomo reportedly threatened to install Schwartz to run the MTA in his bid to restructure the top leadership post at the transit authority. Schwartz is also chief strategy officer at the airport concessions company OTG.

14 ANTHONY COSCIA BOARD CHAIR AMTRAK Amtrak could be in line for an $80 billion windfall via President Joe Biden’s infrastructure plan, which would allow the passenger railroad company to fix a backlog of repairs and expand its network to include 30 new routes by 2035. Anthony Coscia was particularly




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June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

excited about restarting the Gateway Tunnel Project, which after three years in political limbo received federal approval for an environmental impact study to build a badly needed two-track rail tunnel under the Hudson River.

revised its doomsday budget and called off a wage freeze in March, but workers grappled with a spate of subway attacks and Utano demanded more cops in stations. Utano’s predecessor, John Samuelsen, took over as international president of the transit union in 2017. As a member of the MTA board, he remains deeply engaged on local issues. This includes criticizing the governor’s attempt to shake up the transit authority’s leadership structure, to opposing proposed state legislation that would give gig workers some bargaining power – but not reclassify them as full-fledged employees.



Aloysee Heredia Jarmoszuk is the chair of the Taxi and Limousine Commission.

vehicle ride-hailing service to Manhattan.






Now that the COVID-19 pandemic that devastated taxi drivers is winding down and tourists are trickling back into New York City, Aloysee Heredia Jarmoszuk expects more taxis to roll through city streets. But the Taxi and Limousine Commission is facing a myriad of challenges this summer. Heredia Jarmoszuk defended the city’s $65 million bailout to debtladen drivers while pushing back against a state rescue plan. And she’s fighting Revel’s move to add an electric

REGIONAL PLAN ASSOCIATION A key architect behind congestion pricing, Tom Wright has fought to get it implemented two years after its passage. Wright decried the Trump administration’s delays as “completely political” and tried convincing New Jersey drivers resentful of new tolls that the region would benefit. Wright also championed the $11.6 billion Gateway Program to construct a new Hudson River commuter rail tunnel, and released

a report on how federal investments in transportation could truly lift the tri-state area post-pandemic.

18 JOHN SAMUELSEN & TONY UTANO INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT; LOCAL 100 PRESIDENT TWU Transit workers kept New York City subways and buses running despite a deadly pathogen that claimed more than 150 union members’ lives. No wonder Tony Utano called his members “heroes.” Utano fought for protective equipment while castigating the MTA for threatening to cut 9,000 jobs. The MTA

19 DANNY HARRIS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES The COVID-19 pandemic allowed New York City to rethink pedestrian-friendly uses for its 6,300 miles of streets. That led to Open Boulevards and outdoor dining, but Danny Harris wants more done. He called for the conversion of 25% of street space into plazas and green spaces by 2025, and urged a redoubled effort to reduce pedestrian deaths. So far he’s helped secure lowered speed limits on major corridors, and helped restart Queens Boulevard bike path construction.


Deputy Mayor Laura Anglin had her hands full helping to manage New York City’s response to the coronavirus crisis as well as her regular duties keeping traffic running, sewage flowing and garbage from piling up. But the deputy mayor for operations’ most visible work over the past year was shutting down streets for pedestrians, cyclists and restaurants by establishing 83 miles of Open Streets last April, and following that with 10 multi-block corridors or Open Boulevards in May.

LIRR 3rd Track Expansion New Hyde Park, Long Island, NY


June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

Renae Reynolds is the executive director of the Tri-State Transportation Campaign.

bus lanes by the end of 2021, and ensured New York City can regulate moped-sharing devices. Rodriguez also celebrated the launch of the 181st Street busway in April after months of delays.

allowing unionization, albeit with significant limitations. Uber demand is already on an upswing.



and restoring the MTA’s capital plan while keeping the rollout of congestion pricing on track.




Transportation leaders are expecting big things from Renae Reynolds, who replaced Nick Sifuentes as head of the 27-year-old transportation organization in April. Reynolds helped pass congestion pricing and pushed the MTA toward adopting an electric bus fleet when she was a transit leader at the New York City Environmental Justice Alliance. Now she’ll advocate for maintaining reliable service



This term-limited Inwood City Council member isn’t slowing down after getting City Hall to plan for 250 miles of protected bike lanes for over five years, and launching 83 miles of open streets during the coronavirus pandemic. Ydanis Rodriguez urged the mayor to complete 30 miles of

Gold is lobbying for Uber’s unionization, albeit with significant limitations.

It seems counterintuitive that there was a 21% increase in the pedestrian fatality rate as Americans drove fewer miles during the pandemic. But Sam Schwartz’s analysis of the data could lead to better visibility, improved street designs and more investment in roadway safety. “Gridlock Sam,” as the former commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation is known, is reimagining Midtown’s chaotic Third Avenue for Community Board 6 by converting traffic lanes into open space – and also wants to create a car-free bridge from Manhattan to Queens.

23 JOSH GOLD DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC POLICY AND COMMUNICATIONS UBER In 2017, Uber eclipsed taxis as New York City’s top ride-hail service, but over the past year COVID-19 decimated all transit. Bookings declined 53% and revenue fell 18% last summer, forcing the rideshare company to cut 3,000 jobs. But Uber should survive the downturn thanks to the political acumen of Josh Gold, who is urging lawmakers to pass legislation

24 JEN HENSLEY & ANTHONY FOXX HEAD OF GOVERNMENT RELATIONS AND SENIOR ADVISER LYFT The for-hire vehicle company Lyft saw its ridership plummet 75% last spring, leading to a 17% reduction in its workforce. Yet former Link President Jen Hensley and Obama administration veteran Anthony Foxx have helped boost Lyft’s image in difficult times by offering free rides to essential workers and medical patients. Fresh off their victory passing Prop 22 in California, Lyft is backing legislation in Albany to keep drivers from being categorized as employees but allowing them to unionize.

25 BHAIRAVI DESAI EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR NEW YORK TAXI WORKERS ALLIANCE The taxi industry was struggling to compete with rideshare rivals while dealing with predatory loans before



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Park Strategies, Strategies, LLC Park LLC congratulates congratulates

Fred Hiffa Fred Hiffa and all the recipients named to

The TANY board of directors congratulates Kendra Hems.

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Marc Herbst LICA Executive Director & NYRIC President The Voice of Long Island’s Highway & Infrastructure Professionals



Long Island Contractors’ Association (LICA) 48 S. Service Road, Suite 401 Melville, NY 11747 Phone: 631.231.5422 NYRIC:


June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

the coronavirus pandemic shrunk ridership by 80-90%. No wonder Bhairavi Desai insisted on a bailout plan beyond the $65 million the mayor offered, and led 22 demonstrations at City Hall on debt relief. She has also mobilized drivers against a state proposal that would deregulate competitors like Uber, and keep its gig workers from being classified as fulltime employees.

intends to challenge the plan with new surcharges. Marquis will be analyzing traffic volumes and air quality on roadways.




JERRY NADLER MEMBER OF CONGRESS Rep. Jerry Nadler has been instrumental in advancing a $10 billion overhaul of the Port Authority Bus Terminal without using eminent domain to displace longtime residents. The veteran Manhattan lawmaker also asked Congress to slip in $3 billion in stimulus aid to offset the Port Authority’s pandemic losses, but so far the money has not come through. Nadler remains an ardent supporter of a cross-harbor freight rail tunnel that would connect New Jersey and Brooklyn, a proposal he has supported for decades.

27 JOHN KATKO MEMBER OF CONGRESS As one of the more moderate members of New York’s Republican congressional delegation, it’s not surprising that Rep. John Katko has emphasized nonpartisan issues like infrastructure. The Syracuse-area representative has pushed for a replacement for the aging Interstate 81 viaduct that cuts through the city, calling the project “a monumental opportunity for Central New York.” As

a member of the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure, Katko has met with President Joe Biden to discuss infrastructure investment, but recently blasted House Democrats’ proposed $547 billion surface transportation spending bill as “partisan.”


statement for one component of that project, the Hudson River train tunnel. Now with a green light from the Biden administration, Goodman and others will compose a financing plan for the entire $11.6 billion project.






FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION REGION 2 One of the significant impacts of Joe Biden’s presidential victory was new hope for the Gateway Tunnel project, which was stalled for years under the Trump administration. But Stephen Goodman is ready to fire up those train engines now that the Federal Transit Administration and the Federal Railroad Administration issued a final environmental impact

Another significant transportation-related impact of President Joe Biden’s election victory is a green light for the state’s congestion pricing law, which had been beset by Trump administration roadblocks. Richard Marquis and his highway colleagues approved an environmental assessment of the Central Business District tolling plan for Manhattan below 60th Street, even as New Jersey

Goodman is overseeing the Gateway rail tunnel project on the federal level.

Meera Joshi is the second top New York City transportation official to join the Biden administration after Polly Trottenberg. The former taxi commissioner and Sam Schwartz consultant was appointed to the U.S. Department of Transportation in April, where she has been tasked with regulating the trucking industry and reducing crashes involving tractor trailers and buses. Before she moved to D.C., Joshi endorsed eliminating parking spaces in favor of the Open Streets program.

31 MARK J.F. SCHROEDER COMMISSIONER STATE DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES When the COVID-19 pandemic forced the governor to close most government offices last year, Mark Schroeder had to modernize on the fly an agency notorious for its plodding customer service. The state DMV quickly shifted licenses and other transactions online, and added a pre-licensing course for new drivers as well as learner’s permit tests and vehicle registration programs. As of June 1, motorists were able to appear virtually at traffic court hearings.


Jerry Nadler is a member of Congress.

Congratulations to our own

Jeff DiStefano

for ‘taking the bull by the horns’ and being recognized in City and State NY’s Transportation Power 100 list!



June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

2019. The former DMV deputy commissioner has also worked on a multitude of other transportation and safety issues, including school bus cameras, Vision Zero, distracted driving and auto emissions laws.


33 PATRICIA REILLY GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS CONSULTANT BOLTON-ST. JOHNS Patricia Reilly, an experienced veteran of New York policy and polics who is now a government affairs consultant at the leading lobbying firm Bolton-St. Johns, was a driving force behind “Green Light” legislation in Albany that allowed undocumented immigrants to apply for driver’s licenses in December

34 FRED HIFFA MANAGING DIRECTOR PARK STRATEGIES When the state’s general contractors needed a plugged-in lobbyist who knew the state transportation budget forwards and backwards, Fred Hiffa was an easy call. As a consultant for Rebuild NY Now, the former state DOT senior official reminded legislators at a joint budget hearing that the Cuomo administration was prioritizing signature projects at the expense of paving highways and repairing bridges. Hiffa also spoke at a Thruway hearing supporting toll hikes to pay for a litany of maintenance projects.


Jerry Jannetti is the senior vice president of WSP USA.

everyday straphangers. Most notably, he was able to secure a half-priced fare for those living below poverty. Last year, David Jones urged the MTA to seek new revenue sources like a gas tax or a stock-transfer tax to deal with its ballooning debt service and wean itself off relying on subway fares. Jones also vowed to vote against fare hikes until unemployment dropped and questioned the MTA’s push for more police officers in stations.


For more than two decades, Jerry Jannetti managed a 145-person team at the engineering professional services firm WSP tackling complex transit projects throughout the Northeast. That includes the multiphase refurbishment of the Canarsie Tunnel, which he worked on since 2013 until the governor ordered a new plan that didn’t involve shutting down the L train for over a year. Jannetti said he preferred



Skanska managed the neat trick of transforming New York City’s two most hated transportation hubs into gleaming beacons. Last June, Richard Kennedy and his adroit crew unveiled the results of the much-needed facelift of LaGuardia Airport’s

The Mayor Bill de Blasioappointed MTA board member has been a voice for low-income commuters and



Terminal B, including a new arrivals and departures hall that in no way resembles a third-world country. Six months later, Skanska expanded Penn Station with the spacious opening of Moynihan Train Hall, allowing commuters to enter the city like gods.



New York University’s Rudin Center has been a fount of research-supported revelations on transportation policy critical to the region. Mitchell Moss and his colleagues showed that slashing the MTA’s budget would cost 450,000 jobs and $65 billion in GDP, and another study found that public transit use wasn’t linked to a high rate of COVID-19. Meanwhile, Sarah Kaufman hopes to take a deeper look at micromobilty use during New York City’s electric scooter share pilot.

CMW Strategies is proud to honor our dear friend

RON SHERMAN for his tireless work on behalf of the yellow taxicab industry and ground transportation in New York City and we congratulate him for being included in the Transportation Power 100 list.


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June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

the governor’s way, and the tunnel overhaul was ultimately completed six months early.

has also rallied for long-term subway improvements like the implementation of congestion pricing, and shifting the 8020 ratio of federal spending toward highways to a 50-50 split with transit.







COVID-19 sparked New York’s top motorist advocates to reexamine our mobility and the transportation industry. John Corlett questioned the need for annual car inspections, suggested congestion pricing be reevaluated by the legislature, and said New York’s leaders must prioritize safety with more vehicles on the road speeding. As people return to the roads, Robert Sinclair Jr. predicted Memorial Day trips would be up by 60%, but warned that drivers will see gas prices peak in June or July.

Jaqi Cohen’s efforts advocating for reliable transit service were essential for New Yorkers in the coronavirus pandemic. The indefatigable activist wasn’t afraid to stand up to the mayor for not taking her advice about mobility, the MTA for proposing fare hikes before receiving federal aid, or the governor for slow-walking the relaunch of 24/7 subways. Now Cohen wants the MTA to open scores of shuttered Manhattan subway entrances, making them more accessible for riders.


of 2.71 million rides in May. That growth will continue as Citi Bike is in the midst of a $100 million expansion, which will bring bikes to Astoria, Inwood, Sunset Park and the West Bronx.



GENERAL MANAGER CITI BIKE AT LYFT New Yorkers sick of being cooped up during the coronavirus pandemic traded their MetroCards and rideshare apps for Citi Bikes, leading to a biking boom. It’s all made possible with the leadership of urban transportation advocate Laura Fox, who celebrated 100 million Citi Bike rides last July. This April, the bikeshare system’s fleet passed 20,000, making it the second largest in the world. Then Citi Bike shattered records as New Yorkers took a total

the coronavirus pandemic. Michael Woloz – who handles government relations in a variety of industries and sectors – said the business climate last year was the “worst it’s ever been,” with garages waiving leasing fees. The number of cabs on New York City streets rose from 982 last April to 3,800 this April, but that’s well below the 10,000 in 2019.




Betsy Plum was tapped to lead the transit advocacy group just before a global pandemic suspended overnight service, and caused the MTA’s deficit to balloon to $16 billion. Yet this advocate fought hard against fare hikes and service cuts, and pressured the governor to restore 24-hour subways. She

PRESIDENT AND CEO CMW STRATEGIES The longtime taxi lobbyist has kept the pressure on City Hall and Albany to provide relief to cab drivers grappling with the loss of fares during


43 MIKE ELMENDORF PRESIDENT AND CEO ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS OF NEW YORK STATE The White House’s $2 trillion infrastructure plan and New York’s infrastructure-heavy budget enticed general contractors, but Mike Elmendorf had concerns the state wasn’t doing enough to repair its crumbling roadways. Elmendorf’s Rebuild New York Now coalition won significant increases in the state budget for construction spending, and he’s keeping a close eye on the Biden administration’s shrinking infrastructure proposal. He’s also focused


Laura Fox is general manager at Citi Bike at Lyft.

Regional Plan Association congratulates Tom Wright for being included in City & State’s Transportation Power 100. Thank you for decades of tireless work to improve the economic health and environmental resiliency of the Tri-State region and create a more prosperous future for all. Thomas K. Wright RPA President and CEO

CMW Strategies is proud to honor Michael Woloz

For being listed in City and State’s Transportation Power 100



June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021


Robert Wessels is the executive director of The General Contractors Association of New York.

on making work zones on highways safer with speed cameras and automatic traffic citations.

shutdowns. Wessels also wants the state to pass a law cracking down on distracted driving through work zones.









New York allocated $11.2 billion on transportation infrastructure in its latest state budget, and the Biden administration continues to press for a compromise on its proposed infrastructure investments. But with a labor shortage stymying the economy, the General Contractors Association’s Robert Wessels has been working with contractors to address the shortage after the construction industry lost 74,000 jobs and $9.8 billion last year due to pandemic

As the longtime leader of the Long Island Contractors’ Association, Marc Herbst is a leading proponent of investment in infrastructure in Suffolk and Nassau counties. In May, he joined other Long Island leaders in a push to secure $5.5 billion for a variety of local infrastructure projects as part of President Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan. Herbst is also a proponent of state traffic safety legislation to create a “highway safety corridor” on the Southern State Parkway.

New Yorkers understand congestion pricing will lower traffic volumes while tolling revenues will funnel money into repairing subways. But Charles Komanoff hasn’t been shy about touting one of the plan’s best selling points – eliminating a million tons of carbon annually. The transportation economist and policy analyst has also argued the Department of Transportation should wrest control of crash investigations from the New York City Police Department, the need for cargo bike loading docks and why the state must crack down on super-emitter pickup trucks.

47 KENDRA HEMS PRESIDENT TRUCKING ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK The totality of coronavirus pandemic-related shutdowns last year put the spotlight on essential workers like truck

48 TONY XU CEO AND CO-FOUNDER DOORDASH New Yorkers looking to patronize their favorite restaurants when they couldn’t visit them in person during the COVID-19 pandemic increasingly turned to Tony Xu’s DoorDash. The delivery app’s orders tripled from 181 million to 531 million during the first nine months of last year, leading to a $3.4 billion IPO in December that doubled its value to $38 billion. Xu earned $413 million last year – which could buy 27.5 million orders of pad thai.

49 KEN THORPE CHAIR AND CEO NEW YORK TRUCKING AND DELIVERY ASSOCIATION Truck drivers and delivery workers were among the COVID-19 pandemic’s unsung heroes, as they restocked shelves with staples and

Hems is lobbying to lower the driving age for truck drivers from 21 to 18.



drivers who worked long peripatetic hours to deliver supplies and sometimes stock shelves themselves. Kendra Hems has kept Albany and City Hall thinking about keeping highways safe for trucks – and truckers – while also recruiting the next generation of drivers. Lowering the minimum driver age from 21 to 18 would help, Hems argued.

Congratulations Carm



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managed shortages for jittery shoppers. But Ken Thorpe and his New York Trucking and Delivery Association have been fighting with New York City to reduce fees for parking violations, add parking infrastructure for trucks to make deliveries more easily and withdrawal on enforcing double parking. Also, Thorpe warns that congestion pricing could mean higher prices on consumer goods.

50 MARK SCHIENBERG PRESIDENT GREATER NEW YORK AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOCIATION The New York International Auto Show was canceled last year due to the coronavirus, but auto sales sped up as New Yorkers sought a socially distant alternative to the subway and Uber. The summer boom came just in time, according to Mark Schienberg, who said his dealers relied on federal PPP loans to survive the spring. Now the New York auto show, which Schienberg runs, is returning to the Javits Center in August.

51 RON SHERMAN PRESIDENT METROPOLITAN TAXICAB BOARD OF TRADE New York City’s taxi industry was already dealing with cutthroat competition, ballooning debt from predatory loans and rising costs to operate their vehicles before COVID-19 decimated fares. Ron Sherman, who runs the city’s largest yellow taxicab fleet, argued for taxis to offer rides for essential

mode of transit, with new connections to Staten Island, Coney Island and the Bronx following a $64 million infusion from the Economic Development Corporation. Soon vaccinated individuals will get ferry tickets to enjoy exploring the city this summer.

Mark Schienberg is the president of Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association.

workers and keep surcharges during the pandemic’s peak. Taxis are slowly coming back as passengers favor yellow cabs over pricier Uber and Lyft rides, but cabbies are still reeling.


54 Bragdon has been unafraid to chastise elected officials, calling on the governor to restore 24/7 subways after a temporary shutdown and castigating President Donald Trump’s “anarchist jurisdiction” designation for New York City as “reckless and un-American.”






The Manhattan-based research and advocacy organization consistently produces forward-thinking transit ideas that won’t break municipal budgets. Since David Bragdon was named executive director of the organization in 2013, the Bloomberg administration veteran has pressured governments to invest in public transit, particularly buses instead of highways.

HORNBLOWER One of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s legacies has been an ever-expanding ferry system, which provides a thrilling and fast alternative to driving or taking the subway. Hornblower’s Cameron Clark helped make water taxis an increasingly accessible

Sherman runs New York City’s largest yellow taxicab fleet.

CHRIS LARSEN & PAUL ATKINS CEO; PRINCIPAL HALMAR INTERNATIONAL One of the largest civil contractors in New York, Halmar International developed a reputation as a favorite of state transportation agencies thanks to its work rehabilitating the Alexander Hamilton and Patroon Island bridges, and overhauling LaGuardia Airport’s Central Terminal. Chris Larsen and Paul Atkins are currently focused on installing 10 miles of Long Island Rail Road tracks from Floral Park to Hicksville and hope to replace the Newark Airport monorail.

55 ASHOK PATEL PRESIDENT OHL JUDLAU CONTRACTING Constructing subway tunnels are among New York City’s most complex engineering

June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

City & State New York

Open Streets and the NYPD’s arrogance toward parking and investigating crashes.



Gersh Kuntzman is the editorin-chief at Streetsblog.

projects. Fortunately, the MTA can turn to one of its former executives, Ashok Patel, to get the job done. His Judlau Contracting, which is part of the international OHL Group, built the Second Avenue Subway’s 72nd Street station and rehabilitated the Sandy-damaged Canarsie Tunnel even after Gov. Andrew Cuomo mandated an alternative plan. Judlau is currently working on the East Side Access project creating a new LIRR terminal under Grand Central Terminal.

56 JAY BADAME PRESIDENT, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AECOM Opening One Vanderbilt (the second-tallest office tower in New York City), six months into a pandemic didn’t seem like an auspicious move, but Jay Badame envisioned a safe, healthy environment for people returning to work in Midtown. All New Yorkers can take advantage of One

Vanderbilt’s transportation benefits, including a 4,000-square-foot transit hall with connections to Metro-North railroad and a 14,000-square-foot pedestrian plaza on Vanderbilt between East 42nd and 43rd streets. AECOM has also worked major transportation projects, including East Side Access, JFK International Airport and the Bruckner-Sheridan Expressway.

As a Midtown resident, this Manhattan Institute senior fellow, New York Post columnist and City Journal contributing editor provides a much-needed contrarian voice to the bureaucratic pablum emanating from Albany and City Hall. But Nicole Gelinas will credit an agency for making New York City more livable, like the MTA’s aggressive approach to subway vandalism. Lately she has panned Andrew Yang’s pie-in-the-sky transit plans, called out the de Blasio and Cuomo administrations for rising crime on the subway and cheered the city’s open streets program.


answered the call for more than 40 years. Jeff DiStefano’s Glenmont-based firm, which boasts $50 million in annual revenue and employs more than 150 people full time, has constructed bridges in Essex, Rockland, Orange, Saratoga and Rensselaer counties. The firm also widened a truss bridge over the Winooski River, and replaced six bridges in Ulster County, among other projects.

60 JOSÉ LUIS MÉNDEZ SÁNCHEZ PRESIDENT DRAGADOS USA Dragados, the global leader in subway and high-speed rail construction, was an easy choice to manage one of the most important subway projects in the past century. José Luis Méndez Sánchez and his team have been working with Judlau Contracting on East Side Access, which involved boring four tunnels with a total length of nearly five miles to reduce commutes into Manhattan by 40 minutes. The 15-year project is still on track for 2022.






World War I had Hemingway, the Vietnam War had Neil Sheehan, and the War on Cars has Gersh Kuntzman. The Brooklyn-based scribe reinvented himself from a hard-boiled tabloid editor to an Upton Sinclair of transportation, exposing the fatal dangers of speeding vehicles and distracted drivers. He has been one of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s fiercest critics on the failures of Vision Zero,


59 JEFF DISTEFANO CHAIR AND CEO HARRISON & BURROWES BRIDGE CONSTRUCTORS When you need a bridge built, rehabilitated, or dismantled entirely, Harrison & Burrowes Bridge Constructors has

POSILLICO For 75 years, this familyowned public works construction firm has been resurfacing and rehabilitating roadways in the tri-state area. If there’s a bridge in Long Island that needed fixing, chances are Joseph Posillico and his crews were there. You can thank him for paving Route 25A, resurfacing Meadowbrook State Parkway in Hempstead, fixing the New


June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

Highway in Farmingdale and smoothing out the town of Huntington’s roads. And they’ve done it with safety in mind. Throughout the years, the company has won several safety awards for its projects.

and cut bus capacity. The loss in ridership and costs that the Rochester area’s Regional Transit Service incurred to keep passengers safe kept climbing throughout the public health crisis, forcing Carpenter to ask for a boost in state funding. Today, he has RTS looking ahead, adding on-demand service on several bus routes and launching a fleet of electric bike and e-scooter shares in June.



EASTERN U.S. PRESIDENT HNTB Michael Sweeney oversees operations in the Eastern U.S. for HNTB, a multifaceted infrastructure firm with offices in New York City, Albany and dozens of other locations nationwide. The New York City-based Sweeney has been with HNTB for nearly nine years, and in that time the company has worked on the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, the Kosciuszko Bridge and post-Superstorm Sandy rail tunnel rehabilitation. In recent years, HNTB hired former New Jersey Department of Transportation Commissioner Stephen Dilts and former New York City Transit President Ronnie Hakim.

63 CARM BASILE CEO CAPITAL DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY When COVID-19 breached upstate New York last April, the Capital District Transportation Authority responded by temporarily suspending fares to allow rear-door boarding for its buses. CDTA head Carm Basile made the move to keep passengers safe at the risk of losing $18.8 million in revenue, although a $42.7 million

Carm Basile is the CEO of the Capital District Transportation Authority.


CARES Act grant helped offset operating expenses. The relief helped the CDTA move ahead with its long-term plans to launch a rapid bus line between Albany and Troy in November.


pandemic. But with revenues down 57% at Buffalo Niagara Airport and the bus system facing $22 million in losses, Minkel asked Congress in November for $50 million in aid; the authority received the stimulus money in February and was even able to order 10 electric buses as a result.




As the executive director of the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority, Kimberley Minkel had to make the tough decision to waive fares and limit bus capacity last spring as ridership on Buffalo’s buses and the Metro Rail fell 50% during the



At the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, Bill Carpenter kept workers over the age of 70 at home, eliminated fare boxes

Sweeney led postSuperstorm Sandy rail tunnel repair.

In a year when air travel was largely grounded, the New York Aviation Management Association retrenched to preserve industry jobs and promote aviation-related business within the state. Association President Andrew Moore has been leading a campaign to halt the proposed repeal of the Aviation Jobs Act, which would tax corporate aircraft. The state law, which passed in 2015, has spurred investment in New York’s regional airports. Moore is also the director of the Frederick Douglass - Greater Rochester International Airport.

67 PHILIP CALDERONE CEO ALBANY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY Air travel upstate whipsawed from 2020 to 2021: Passenger volume fell 69% in March 2020, only to rebound 240% a year later. While that number is still below pre-pandemic levels, Albany International

June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

City & State New York

years, and keeping tabs on key mayoral and comptroller races. Simson is retiring and John Evers will take his place July 1.



transit systems. Via raised $200 million last year, and acquired transportation mapping company Remix for $100 million in March, its third deal in several months.


Joe Biden is revving up electric vehicle development, Brakeman and Binz are looking to organize workers at EV companies while protecting their current membership.

In 2013, New York mayoral candidates promised to rip out Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s bike lanes and roll back pedestrian plazas. Years later it seems the bikes won, due to activists like Eric McClure, whose StreetsPAC backed candidates favoring safe streets for everyone. McClure continues to advocate for more speed cameras, reduced speed limits and additional protected bike lanes. Now that a majority of New Yorkers want more bike and bus lanes, mayoral candidates are getting the message.









The American Council of Engineering Companies of New York celebrated its centennial this year, even as President and CEO Jay Simson and his colleagues have been planning for the future. That includes tracking Congress’ reauthorization of the FAST Act, which will determine how billions of infrastructure dollars will be spent over the next five

The Israeli-owned ridesharing company Via made inroads two years ago by optimizing school bus routes, and offering flat-rate rides to LaGuardia Airport. But co-founder Daniel Ramot has ambitious plans to help cities plan where to put their bike lanes and bus routes, especially after COVID-19 exposed the inflexibility of

Beverly Brakeman, left, and Jeff Binz, right, are directors at United Auto Workers.

Airport chief Philip Calderone has the Capital Region hub ready for a turnaround, thanks to stringent public health protocols like face mask requirements and COVID-19 test kits. Calderone has also led an airport rebranding that includes a new “smart garage” and Allegiant’s nonstop service to Nashville.



UAW Before the coronavirus pandemic, General Motors invested $6.7 million into its Tonawanda Plant, which United Auto Workers leaders credited as a product of the previous year’s contract negotiations. UAW leaders Beverly Brakeman and Jeff Binz applauded efforts of the state Legislature for passing the NY HERO Act to protect workers amidst COVID-19. Now that President

McClure heads up StreetsPAC, which supports more protected bike lanes.

72 JESSICA MURRAY DISABILITY RIGHTS ADVOCATE As a CUNY developmental psychology Ph.D candidate, Jessica Murray’s doctoral thesis explored how transportation systems exclude those with physical disabilities. Murray has put theory to practice through her advocacy for the MTA to commit capital funding to make stations more accessible, and to use adjacent new construction projects for elevator access to stations below them. Murray also demanded the MTA to speed up its application process for reduced-fare OMNY passes for differently abled riders.

73 DEBBIE MARKS KAHN FOUNDING MEMBER FAMILIES FOR SAFE STREETS New York City’s vaunted Vision Zero plan has not reversed a rising trend of pedestrian fatalities, which


June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021


are up 65% so far this year. That’s why Debbie Marks Kahn, who knows the value of safe streets after her own son was killed in an accident in 2009, and other safe streets activists have pressed the mayor to make avenues safer block by block. Their latest campaign, after a teacher was killed in May, is a redesign of McGuinness Boulevard that (after approved by Mayor Bill de Blasio) will add safety measures like crosswalks, turn calming, protected bike lanes and more.

74 COREY MUIRHEAD PRESIDENT NEW YORK SCHOOL BUS CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION With school buses left idling after New York City shuttered schools last spring, the New York Bus Contractors Association’s Corey Muirhead secured $106 million from New York City to offset shutdown losses. By the fall, school bus leaders worked to ensure buses were safe and sanitary. As COVID-19 cases dwindle, Muirhead has focused on an electrified future: The city will deploy 2,500 electric school buses starting in September. Muirhead is also the executive vice president of Logan Bus Company.


Wayne Ting, left, and Phil Jones, right, are leaders at Lime.

75 WAYNE TING & PHIL JONES CEO; SENIOR GOVERNMENT RELATIONS DIRECTOR LIME Last spring, Lime laid off 13% of its workforce as stay-athome orders kept people off scooters. Wayne Ting came in as CEO in May 2020, bringing his experience from Uber to help Lime boost profits in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Together, Ting and Phil Jones activated big plans for expanding their micromobility market. Lime launched an electric moped share in New York City in April, and was selected as one of three scooter companies in a potentially lucrative e-scooter pilot in the Bronx. They’ve also rolled out a monthly

The only woman CEO of a major electric scooter company isn’t afraid to throw shade at her tech bro rivals, including noting that Veo has been profitable since May 2020. And she has more to brag about: Veo developed the first e-scooters with turn signals in August. Now Candice Xie is boogieing down to the Bronx with hundreds of Veo dockless e-scooters for the Department of Transportation’s inaugural micromobility pilot. Additionally, Veo finally launched in New Rochelle, bringing 200 e-scooters and 30 bikes to New York City in June.

subscription service to reward regular scooter users.

76 TRAVIS VANDERZANDEN FOUNDER AND CEO BIRD Bird’s scooters have evolved beyond roiling its Venice Beach denizens three years ago to provide an alternative mode of transit in neighborhoods across the world. Now Travis VanderZanden is dropping several hundred devices in the Bronx as part of New York City’s e-scooter share pilot this summer. New Yorkers could soon see more of them once Bird merges with a blank-check company ahead of a $2.3 billion IPO later this year.

78 MICHAEL CARRUBE PRESIDENT SUBWAY SURFACE SUPERVISORS ASSOCIATION AND NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TRANSPORTATION SUPERVISORS The state of the subway system is often a hot topic in New York City and in Albany, and the coronavirus has only heightened the

June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

scrutiny, whether it’s the plummeting ridership, the financial losses and or the growing concerns about public safety. As the leader of the over 4,000-member Subway Surface Supervisors Association, Mike Carrube is a key player in conversations about how to improve service while protecting workers. He also heads up the National Association of Transportation Supervisors.



REVEL The micromobility giant Revel is wading back into New York after temporarily suspending service following two fatal moped crashes last summer. Frank Reig bolstered its electric scooter safety protocols, and is aiming to launch a fleet of Tesla rideshare taxis in New York City this spring. Daniella Henry, who joined Revel from the de Blasio administration, has navigated thorny regulatory concerns while emphasizing how moped trips are becoming an essential mode of local transit.

City & State New York

to firms not just for designing new rail projects and paving roadways, but also building transit facilities. He has also awarded $5,000 scholarships to math and engineering college students through the Construction Industry Council of Westchester and Hudson Valley.

81 DAVID COLLINS OWNER D.A. COLLINS COMPANIES The family-owned civil construction conglomerate became known in the Capital Region for building Twin Bridges, the pair of arch bridges that span the Mohawk River. These days, Dave Collins’ company is responsible for key projects up and down the Hudson waterway from the Willis Avenue Bridge replacement in the Bronx. The company is also credited for the new 145th Street Bridge in Harlem to the Castleton Bridge Rehabilitation and a wharf replacement for the Port of Rensselaer.

Steve Brunner is a senior vice president at Cubic.

Soon straphangers will have one less surface to touch underground.

the taxi and livery insurance broker L.A. Riverside Brokerage.













Swiping your MetroCard to get into a subway station could be a thing of the past if Steve Brunner got his way. Riders started to use Cubic’s tap-and-pay system called “OMNY” two years ago, but the spread of coronavirus delayed the rollout of contactless payments by several months (it was in half of MTA stations last summer).

80 William Mascetta started his Yonkers-based construction company in 2003 after working as a contract administrator for MetroNorth Railroad and managing Halmar Corporation’s projects. Mascetta’s team has been one of the downstate region’s go-



The livery industry is facing an existential crisis as New York’s ride-hail industry booms, with the number of livery cabs plummeting 56% from 22,000 to 9,600 between 2015 and 2019. Cira Angeles helped win political support for her beleaguered industry from the New York City Council, capped new ride-hail vehicle licenses. Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Angeles to his surface transportation advisory council in the midst of the pandemic. She also runs

SMART Anthony Simon, who leads the largest Long Island Rail Road union, spent the coronavirus pandemic ensuring that LIRR workers could operate trains safely while assailing proposed cutbacks of 2,700 jobs while ridership plummeted. As passengers returned to commuter rail lines, the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers’ Simon urged the LIRR to reverse its decision to scale back service to prevent


June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

why Railroads of New York’s Scott Wigger urged the state to hike funding for freight rail infrastructure projects to $50 million per year, up from $17.5 million. Wigger is closely watching the infrastructure debate in Congress. Wigger is also a partner at Plummer & Wigger, LLC, an Albany law and lobbying firm.


without cash. The start-up innovator’s app has come in handy during the coronavirus pandemic as a contactless way for passengers to access van transit when Uber and the subway made riders skittish. Sanni recently partnered with GatewayJFK to launch a subsidized shuttle service for airport workers from Jamaica to JFK Airport.


William DeCarlo is the national vice president and national legislative director at IAMAW.

overcrowding. He’s also confronting the Citizen Budget Commission’s report calling for the elimination of half of LIRR conductors to save $2.9 billion.


Workers which contains 7,500 Amtrak workers, including his fight last May against Amtrak’s plans to cut 20% of its workforce. DeCarlo pleaded for Congress to approve another Amtrak bailout and $12 billion for the MTA, and he helped secure aid for both transit systems.

After a pandemic-fueled plunge in tourism that resulted in 43 million fewer visitors to New York City in 2020, officials don’t expect the industry to rebound fully until 2025. Yet Bus Association of New York President Camilla Morris is hoping tour and shuttle buses will help spur a return of regional visitors. Morris is also a member of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s transportation recovery panel convened last year, and the manager of the Oneonta Division of Hale Transportation.






89 JANETTE SADIK-KHAN PRINCIPAL BLOOMBERG ASSOCIATES Arguably no civil servant since Robert Moses has had as dramatic an effect on city streets as Janette SadikKhan. The former Bloomberg transportation commissioner is still influencing street design in New York and around the world, helping cities to prioritize street spaces for pedestrians during the coronavirus recovery and adapting them for outdoor schools, retail corridors and social spaces for families. She has also spearheaded street mural projects turning crosswalks and underpasses into pedestrian plazas.



William DeCarlo has been enmeshed in transit for four decades, starting his career as a Long Island Rail Road station cleaner and ticket clerk. Those jobs prepared him to serve as a union rep for the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace


Two years ago, Sulaiman Sanni developed the Dollaride app to help Brooklyn and Queens commuters track the jitneys and pay for rides

To get an idea of just how crucial freight rail is to the supply chain, look no further than the rash of global production shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic. Such disruptions underscore

Sanni leads the van transit startup Dollaride, which tracks jitneys on the road.

June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

City & State New York



preparing to launch similar competitions.



The former head of the MTA’s Capital Construction division is best known for shepherding the Second Avenue Subway project through to its completion in January 2017. These days, Michael Horodniceanu has been teaching at NYU Tandon’s civil engineering department, where he has proposed a pedestrian bridge connecting Midtown Manhattan, Roosevelt Island and Long Island City as well as a new tax-exempt bond to finance infrastructure projects. He also chairs the school’s new Institute of Design and Construction Innovation Hub.


Natalia Quintero is the senior vice president of innovation at the Partnership for New York City.










Alphabet’s autonomous vehicle company replaced CEO John Krafcik in April with two veteran executives who now share those duties: Dmitri Dolgov, one of its original employees, and Tekedra Mawakana, its chief operating officer. Waymo may not have imminent plans to test its driverless cars in New York, but the duo helped raise $2.5 billion in new funding in anticipation of skyrocketing costs as the technology continues to evolve.

NEW YORK UNIVERSITY This year, as an NYU fellow, attorney and policy adviser, Henry Greenidge has concentrated on the future of cities with an emphasis on micromobility, racial inequities, poverty and technology. This brings his brand of empathetic design to the public discourse after previous stints in transportation agencies at the federal and city levels. Look for Greenidge to be a key part of any discussion on the potential role of autonomous vehicles and alternative modes of transportation across New York City.


SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT OF INNOVATION PARTNERSHIP FOR NEW YORK CITY COVID-19 brought several challenges to public transit, chiefly how to make the subways and their stations safer and cleaner. Last summer, the Partnership for New York City’s Natalia Quintero and the MTA launched a coronavirus contest for companies to develop technologies that can decontaminate aerosols circulating in public transit. Now Quintero is spearheading a pilot using innovations from 22 companies to address the public health need and is

Waymo’s co-CEOs have raised $2.5 billion in new funding.

WINDELS MARX Mike Bloomberg’s former taxi commissioner remains a crucial booster for the taxi industry and its drivers. When COVID-19 vaccines were scarce in January, Matthew Daus pleaded for the state to consider taxi and Uber drivers as essential to receive doses. And he has urged patience as prices skyrocketed during the reopening, predicting supply of vehicles will soon outstrip demand. Lately he’s fought against the Department of Transportation’s cease-anddesist order for his client JOCO, a privately-run bike share.

95 QUEMUEL ARROYO CHIEF ACCESSIBILITY OFFICER METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY The MTA has a long history of neglecting subway accessibility despite federal


June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

$1 billion from Washington for a 400-mile protected bike network. BGI also led rides to raise awareness about the Greenway – part of the more than 1.3 million people who used the Greenway in 2020 – more than double the previous year.


civil rights laws. Recently, the authority has sought to change its reputation – and Quemuel Arroyo is key to those plans. The MTA’s first-ever chief accessibility officer is working to keep its capital plan on track while maintaining existing elevators and improving Access-ARide. His door is open to advocates who are currently bringing a class-action lawsuit on behalf of more than a half-million plaintiffs against the MTA over inaccessible stations.

96 MIDORI VALDIVIA TRANSPORTATION POLICY AND STRATEGY CONSULTANT Midori Valdivia made highprofile stops at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey as a senior

advisor, and at the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission as a deputy commissioner before serving as chief of staff to MTA honcho Pat Foye for two years. During her stint at the MTA, she helped prepare the implementation of congestion pricing. As a consultant, Valdivia focuses on reversing inequities in transportation planning and design.

97 MADDY PARK FOUNDER CAFE MADDY CAB The spate of anti-Asian attacks proliferating across New York City disturbed Maddy Park so much that she put $2,000 into a Venmo account in early April, and offered to reimburse Uber

and Lyft rides for Asian American seniors and women (these crimes are vastly underreported). Thus began a viral fundraising campaign. The chef-activist unexpectedly raised $100,000 within 48 hours and launched her free taxi service, Cafe Maddy Cab, on Paypal a few days later.

98 TERRI CARTA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BROOKLYN GREENWAY INITIATIVE The protected pathway between Greenpoint and Bay Ridge is almost finished – thanks in part to the pressure Brooklyn Greenway Initiative Executive Director Terri Carta put on the mayor to finish the last six miles of the 26-mile route. Carta is now seeking

100 DAN RIVOLI TRANSIT REPORTER NY1 When most reporters remained stuck in their homes, NY1’s Dan Rivoli took to the streets and subway stations to reveal the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on transit. The affable transit reporter filed illuminating reports on the MTA’s overnight shutdown, the authority’s budget crisis, the risk of coronavirus spread among MTA workers and the 136 workers who died from the virus. Soon life will return to normal, and Rivoli can focus on faulty signals and transit delays.


Terri Carta is the executive director of Brooklyn Greenway Initiative.

Last year, the international bike advocacy group BYCS appointed Courtney Williams the “People’s Bike Mayor of New York” for her longstanding work instructing East Brooklyn enthusiasts on how to repair their bikes. She has since led workshops for white bikers about how to be better allies for cyclists of color, and called on New York City to add more bike lanes and bike shares to majority Black neighborhoods as well as on East River bridges.


June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

June 28, 2021 For more info. 212-268-0442 Ext.2039

Email Notice of Formation of JACK FERGUS, LLC, Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 05/06/2021. Office loc: NY County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 134 Duane Street, Apt 2S, NY, NY 10013. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. Notice of Formation of NOBULLX, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 4/28/21. Office location: ONONDAGA SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 4631 Verplank Rd Clay, NY, 13041. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Form. of EMPIRE COLD SMOKING LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/12/21. Office location: Chenango. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process agains t it may b e s e r ve d . S S N Y mail process to 145 Cosen Rd Oxford, NY, 13830. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of TYPE 1 BODY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/19/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 301 Broadway Brooklyn, NY, 11211. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation o f E M PI R E S TAT E DISPATCH LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 3/29/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 4814 16 Ave, 2nd Fl. Brooklyn, NY, 11219. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 90 CHARLES ST, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/20/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be s e r ve d S S N Y m a i l process to 14 Dunham Place 8 Brooklyn, NY, 11249. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of CANDY’S KICKS LLC Filed with SSNY on 02/22/21. Office: Albany County. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail copy to: 13055 227 th Street, Laurelton, NY 11413 . Purpose: Any lawful. Notice of Qual. of GRAND AVE LOFTS LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 6/8/21. Of fice location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 6/7/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 152 West 57th Street, 12th Floor New York, NY, 10019. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.

NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Leadership Growth C o l l a b o r a t i ve L L C . Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 05/06/2021. Office location: NEW YORK County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. The Post Office address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/ her is: 1178 Broadway, 3rd Floor #1215; New York, NY 10001. The principal business address of the LLC is: 1178 Broadway, 3rd Floor #1215; New York, NY 10001. Purpose: any lawful act or activity

Notice of Formation of MADISON PARK PLACE ACQUISITION, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 05/24/21. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 30 Hudson Yards, 72nd Fl., NY, NY 10001. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y.

Notice of Qualification of NYMM F&B MANAGEMENT, LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 05/25/21. O f f ice location: N Y Count y. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 03/30/21. Princ. office of LLC: c/o Union Square Hospitality Group, LLC, 853 Broadway, 17th Fl., NY, NY 10003. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the addr. of its princ. office. DE addr. of LLC: Corporation Service Co., 241 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with Secy. of State, Div. of Corps., PO Box 898, Dover, DE 19903. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y.


Notice of Formation of URCENI, LLC filed with SSNY on April 16, 2021. Office: NY Bronx County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 1500 Thieriot Ave #D9, Bronx, NY 10460. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Qual. of WASSERMAN MUSIC, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 4/26/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 7/29/20. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 10900 Wilshire Blvd #1200 Los Angeles, CA, 90024. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any law ful purpose.


Notice of Formation of WAYFLYER FINANCIAL LLC. .Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 7/7/20. Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to C/O C T Corporation System 28 Liberty St New York, NY, 10005.Any lawful purpose Notice of Formation of TINY TOT PARTIES LLC. Ar ts . O f Org. filed with SSNY on 05/13/21.Office location: Richmond SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 11 East Raleigh Ave Staten Island, New York, 10310. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of PLAZA IMPORTS, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/11/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be s e r ve d S S N Y m a i l process to 2740 Nostrand Ave Brooklyn, NY, 11210. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of CRIMSON SAGE LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 6/9/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 6/8/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: C/O Corparate Creations Network Inc. 600 Mamaroneck Ave #4 0 0 Harrison, N Y, 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of ROSE 8 8 8 R E ALT Y LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 1/7/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 622 52nd St Brooklyn, NY, 11220. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of SHUUKA LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/12/21. Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 357 Bleecker Street New York, New York, 10014. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of Nirvanaum Media LLC filed with SSNY on March 9, 2021. Office: NY County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 200 E 131 NY, NY 10037. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Qual of EWB-II, LLC, Authority filed with the SSNY on 05/10/2021. O f f ice location: N Y County. LLC formed in CA on 03/03/2008. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: East West Bank Attn: Lisa Kim, 135 N. Los Robles Ave., 7th Fl, Pasadena, CA 91101. Address required to be maintained in CA: 135 N. Los Robles Ave., 7th FL, Pasadena CA 91101. Cert of Formation filed with CA Sec. of State, 1500 11th St # 3, Sacramento, CA 95814 . Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose.


Notice of Formation of JAL Consulting Enterprises LLC filed with SSNY on March 5, 2021. Office: NY County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 61 Jane Street, 19G, NY, NY 10014. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Formation of SUNSHINE KITCHENS NY LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/13/21.Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 1749 NE Miami Ct Unit 514 Miami, FL, 33132. Any lawful purpose. NOTICE OF FORMATION of Bubbles & Bites LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 06/18/2020. Location: New Yo r k . SSNY designated as agent for service of process on LLC. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: Bubbles & Bites LLC 727 Pennsylvania Avenue, Box 405, New York, NY 11207. Purpose: Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of STOCKBRIDGE MUSIC GROUP, LLC, Authority filed with the SSNY on 05/14/2020. Office loc: NY County. LLC formed in DE on 05/07/2020. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, C/O Jordan Woldenberg, 11 Chicken Valley Road, Old Brookville, NY 11545. Address required to be maintained in DE: Registered Agents, Inc., 1209 Orange St., Wilmington, DE 19801. Cert of Formation filed with DE Div. of Corps, 401 Federal St., Ste 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose.



June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021


) ) VS. ) ) THEADOREA LOUISE NORMAN, ) TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is for absolute divorce. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than 30th day of June, 2021, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking relief against you will apply to the Court for the relief herein sought. You are entitled to attend any hearing affecting your rights. This is a new case. This the 31st day of May, 2021. Notice of Formation of D+B St. James LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State on 5/12/21. Office location: NY County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: 20 95 Broadway, Ste. 404, NY, NY 10023, principal business address. Purpose: all law ful purposes . Notice of Formation of Brooklyn Cast Iron, LLC filed with SSNY on January 1, 2021. Office: Kings County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 150 74th Street #1F, Brooklyn NY 11209. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Formation of VSPOT PRODUCT, LLC filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on _3/30/2021. Office location: 741 Madison Ave nu e , N ew Yo r k County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 741 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10065 Purpose: Any lawful act or activity.

Notice of Formation of VPLONDON, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 0 6/11/2 1 . O f f ice location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Vicki London, 10 West St., Apt. 20E, NY, NY 10004. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y. Articles of Organization (DOM - PROF. LLC) . Louis J. Mariotti, DO, PLLC filed with the Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) 5/19/2021. Office loc.: NY County. SSNY is designated as agent of DOM-PROF.LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The address SSNY shall mail copy of process to Louis J. Mariotti, DO, 515 Madison Ave., #1205, New York, NY 10022. Purpose: The practice of Medicine. 323 SMITH STREET, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 05/27/21. Office: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 202 Sackett Street, Brooklyn, N Y 112 31 . Purp ose: Any law ful purpose.


LEEN WIRELESS LLC, Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 03/29/2021. Office loc: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 189 Minna St, Brooklyn, N Y 112 18 . Purp ose: Any Lawful Purpose.

LEGALNOTICES@ CITYANDSTATENY.COM Form of notice for on-premises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (PENDING) for beer, wine, cider and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, cider and liquor at retail in a TW 344 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 45 FIRST AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10003 for on premises consumption. RAKE NYC INC THEO K ALOMIRAKIS GROUP LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 06/11/21. Office: New York C ount y. S SN Y designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, c/o Barry W. Silverstein, E s q . , 14 3 3 M antua Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 3 314 6 . Purpose: Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Qualification of TAXI CAB BINDER I V, LLC A ppl . f o r Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 0 6/04/21. O f fice location: NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 06/02/21. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o C orp oration Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of LLC: 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with DE Secy. of State, Div. of Corps., John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y.

Notice of Qualification of VHI DEVICE E NTE R PR ISE S , LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/07/21. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 05/27/21. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o C orp oration Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of LLC: 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with Secy. of State, Div. of Corps., John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal St. - Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19 9 01 . Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y.

Notice of Qualification of TAXI CAB BINDER III, LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY ) on 0 6/04/21. O f fice location: NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 06/02/21. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o C orp oration Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of LLC: 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with DE Secy. of State, Div. of Corps., John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y.

Form of notice for onpremises license. Notice is hereby given that a license, number (1334397) for beer, wine, cider and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine, cider and liquor at retail in a OP 252 under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 782 MAIN STREET, MONTAUK, NY 11954 for on premises consumption.

Notice of formation of 6567-69 PARKSVILLE LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York SSNY on 01/27/2021. Office located in Westchester. SSNY has been designated for service of process. SSNY shall mail copy of any process served against the LLC 599 W HARTSDALE AV E SUITE 203B WHITE PLAINS, N Y 10 6 07. Purpose: any law ful purpose.



Notice of Qual. of HITPS LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 6/11/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 9/28/15. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. S SN Y mail proces s to: C/O: C orp orate Creations Network Inc. 600 Mamaroneck Ave #4 0 0 Harrison, N Y, 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.. Notice of Qual. of NEON MOOSE LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 4/29/21. Of fice location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 4/20/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: P.O. Box 7119 Church Street Station New York, NY, 100087119. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of NOSTRAND ONE, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/11/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be s e r ve d S S N Y m a i l process to 2740 Nostrand Ave Brooklyn, NY, 11210. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of NOSTR AND THR E E , LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/11/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be s e r ve d S S N Y m a i l process to 2740 Nostrand Ave Brooklyn, NY, 11210. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of NOSTRAND TWO, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/11/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be s e r ve d S S N Y m a i l process to 2740 Nostrand Ave Brooklyn, NY, 11210. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of NY 139 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 3/25/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 9500 NW 108th, Av. Miami, FL, 33178. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of AFH613 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/17/20.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1634 E 3rd St Brooklyn, NY, 11230. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of AV-RH MANAGER LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/17/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be s e r ve d S S N Y m a i l process to ATTN: Jeffrey M. Schwartz Esq. 444 Madison Ave, 6th Floor New York, NY, 10022. Any law ful purpose.


June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

Notice is hereby given that a license, number pending, for beer, liquor and wine, has been applied for by Rock 1 SE Table, L .L .C. and Tourbillon1 LLC d/b/a Caffe Lodi to sell beer, liquor and wine at retail in a restaurant under the Alcohol Beverage Control Law at 1 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10111 for on premises consumption. Rock 1 SE Table, L.L.C. and Tourbillon1 LLC d/b/a Caffe Lodi Notice of Formation of Ocean NY 1 LLC – Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 7/10/20. Office location: NY Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o Ganfer Shore Leeds & Zauderer LLP, Attn Daniella Zelefsky, 360 Lexington Ave, 13th Fl, NY, NY 10017. Duration: p e r p e t u al . Pr in c ip al office: 132 Nassau St, NY NY 10038. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y. PUBLIC NOTICE AT&T proposes to modify an existing facility (new tip heights 68.4’ & 70.5 & 71.6) on the building at 253 E. 52 nd St, New York, NY (20210605). Interested parties may contact Scott Horn (856809-1202) (1012 Industrial Dr., West Berlin, NJ 08091) with comments regarding potential ef fects on historic proper ties. Notice of Formation of NEW SOUTHTOWN ACQUISITION, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 05/24/21. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 30 Hudson Yards, 72nd Fl., NY, NY 10001. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y.

Notice of Qual. of ICG STRATEGIC EQUITY IV GP LP. Auth. filed with SSNY on 2/12/21. Office location: New York. LP formed in DE on 5/29/20. SSNY desg. as agent of LP upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: c/o Corporate Creations, 600 Mamaroneck Ave, # 400, Harrison, NY 10528 . Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 132-40 159TH STREET LENDER LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 2/16/21.Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 90 State Street, Ste 700 Box 10, Albany, NY 12207.Any lawful purpose. Notice of Qual. of ICG STRATEGIC EQUITY FUND IV LP. Auth. filed with SSNY on 2/12/21. Office location: New York. LP formed in DE on 5/29/20. SSNY desg. as agent of LP upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: c/o Corporate Creations, 600 Mamaroneck Ave, # 400, Harrison, NY 10528 . Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of LADY DI ELEGANCE LIMITE D LIAB ILIT Y CO M PAN Y filed with SSNY on April 12, 2021. Of fice: NY County. United States C orp oration Agents , Inc. 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228 designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: United States C orp oration Agents , Inc. 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228 . Purpose: any lawful act or activity.

Notice of Form. of ESCAPE CLAUSE, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/12/21. Office l o c a t i o n: O n o n d a g a SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. S SN Y mail proces s to 3986 Jordan Rd Skaneateles, NY, 13152. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of JE LLIO WOR LD, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 4/20/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be s e r ve d S S N Y m a i l process to 239 Java St Brooklyn, NY, 11222. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of JIANG AND FAMILY LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 4/22/21. Office location: New York . LLC formed in NJ on 4/12/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 36 Windmere Ct Whippany, NJ, 07981. Arts. of Org. filed with NJ DOS P.O. Box 300, Trenton, NJ 08625. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of JOHNSTOWN HOMES USA LLC. Arts.Of Org. filed with SSNY on 1/22/14. Office location: Fulton S S N Y de sg . As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 4200 State Hwy 30 Amsterdam, NY, 12010. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of KR ENVIRONMENTAL LLC. Ar ts . of Org. filed with SSNY on 03/1/21. Office location: Ontario SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 110 Genesee St Ste 390a Auburn, NY, 13021. Any lawful purpose.


Notice of Formation of 9206 ZYS LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 4/2/21. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 9206 Avenue L Brooklyn, New York, 11236. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of AX3, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/2/21. Office location: Wayne SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 74 Main Street Pob 31 Akron, New York, 140010031. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of DRIVE RITE AUTO GROUP, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/26/21. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 145 Kenilworth Suite 1b Brooklyn, New York, 11210. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of Make Moves LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 10/16/21. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 99 Devoe St, Brooklyn, New York, 11211. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of Maki By Akimori LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/2/21. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 2023 East 12th Street Brooklyn, New York , 11229. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of MCDONALD497 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/4/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 146 Dahill Rd Apt 2f Brooklyn, NY, 11218 . Any law ful purpose.


Notice of Formation of BROOK LYN 5511 MANAGEMENT LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 4/2/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 278 44th St Brooklyn, NY, 11232. Any lawful p u r p o s e .

Notice of Formation o f 1 9 3 R AY M O N D PLACE, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/19/21.Office location: Richmond SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 355 Tillman Street Staten Island, New York, 10314. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of CDJJ LLC. .Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 4/22/21. Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 280 Park Ave South, Apt 22m New York, NY, 10010. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of 314 ROGERS AVENUE,LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/30/09. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to P.O. Box 1333 Bowling Green Stat., NY, 10006. Any lawful p u r p o s e .

Notice of Formation o f CY B E R MONKEYWORKS, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/20/21. Office location: Orange SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 160 Union Corners Rd Unit B Warwick, NY, 10990. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of DB ART CURATORIAL PRODUCTION, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/7/21.Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 310 East Shore Rd Ste 311 Great Neck , NY, 11023.Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of DK LANDMARK LLC. .Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/20/21.Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 15 Hudson Yards Unit 37 New York, NY, 10001 .Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of 1821 WHITE PLAINS RD LLC. Arts .Of Org. filed with SSNY on 01/4/21. Office location: Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 1821 White Plains Rd Bronx, NY, 10462. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of SLB Ventures LLC filed with SSNY on May 4th 2021. Office: NY County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 38 Delancey Street Apt 5C New York NY 10002. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Formation of Odycco LLC, filed with SSNY on May 14, 2021. Office: Bronx County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Odycco LLC 1026 E 222ND St. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.



Notice of Formation of MIME IS MONEY, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/17/21.Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 444 Madison Avenue, 6th Floor New York, New York, 10022.Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of MONGKON ANAN LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 12/19/19. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served S SN Y mail proces s to 1450 Fulton Street Brooklyn, New York , 11216. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of North Point Ventures LLC Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/1/21. Office location: Hamilton SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 8215 Newcomb Road P.O. Box 603 Long Lake, NY 12847. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of NYC6 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/25/21. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 15 Bridge Park Drive #10e Brooklyn, New York, 11201. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of PLANT ME SEYMOUR LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/25/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 199 Devoe St Apt #2 Brooklyn, NY, 11211. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of 48 JEFFERSON LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 11/10/16.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5014 16TH Ave Ste 9 Brooklyn, NY, 11204. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of MEZOCLIQ LLC, Authority filed with the SSNY on 05/03/2021. Office loc: NY County. LLC formed in DE on 06/29/2012. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 1700 Broadway, 36th Fl., NY, NY 10019. Address required to be maintained in DE: 850 New Burton Rd., Ste 201, Dover DE 19904. Cert of Formation filed with DE Div. of Corps, 401 Federal St., Ste 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. Notice of formation of LI ZHE LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 6/3/21. Office location: NY County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 159 W. 53rd St., Unit 15F, NY, NY 10019. Purpose: any lawful act. Notice of Formation of 27 SHORE PKWY, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/3/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1311 Brightwater Ave #17f Brooklyn, NY, 11235. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of THAI MEE KIN 88 LLC Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 3/26/21. Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 4516 44TH ST APT 4G SUNNYSIDE, NY, 11104.Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of DUFFIELD VENTURE LLC. Ar ts . O f Org. filed with SSNY on 5/5/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 62 Saint Felix St., Apt 1 Brooklyn, NY, 11217. Any lawful purpose.


Notice of Formation of LEVAL HOSPITALIT Y LLC. Arts.Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/3/21. Office location: Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 325 Columbia Turnpike, Ste 301 Florham Park, NJ, 07932. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of Nirvanaum Media LLC filed with SSNY on March 9, 2021. Office: NY County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 200 E 131 NY, NY 10037. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. HORTABILITY LLC, Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 06/04/2021. Office loc: NY County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Joanne D’Auria, 411 East 57th Street, Apt 4A , NY, NY 10022. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. Notice of Formation of U S UAL E LE M E NT S , LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/3/2020. Office location: Kings County. SSNY is designated as agent for service of process on LLC. SSNY shall forward service of process to Registered Agents Inc., 90 State Street, Ste 700, Office 40 Albany, N Y, 12 207 Purpose: any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of VC 88 LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/28/21. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served S SN Y mail proces s to 220 Lorraine Loop Staten Island, NY, 10309. Any law ful purpose.

DAIN U.S.A. LLC filed w/ SSNY on 6/3/21. Office: New York Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 38 W 32nd St., #1603, NY, NY 10001. Purpose: any lawful.

June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

Notice of Formation of PLAZA AUTO GROUP, LLC . Ar ts . O f O r g . filed with SSNY on 5/11/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 2740 Nostrand Ave Brooklyn, NY, 11210. Any law ful purpose.

Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State Certificate of Assumed Name Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 333

Notice of Formation of G-Speed LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 03/15/2021. Office Location: Westchester, NY. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process t o : 3 3 9 Ta r r y t ow n Road #1019 Elmsford, NY 10523 . Purpose: any law ful purpose.


Notice of Qualification of Buddha Jones, LLC. Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/3/21. Organized California 11/9/2004. Office location: New York County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Foumberg, Juneja, Rocher & Co., 16311 Ventura Blvd #1180, Encino, CA 91436. Principal of fice: 1741 Ivar Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90028. Authorized officer at such address: Alex Padilla. Purpose: any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of 6 GIFFORDS REALTY LLC. Ar ts . O f Org. filed with SSNY on 3/16/21.Office location: Richmond SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 6 Giffords Ln Staten Island, NY, 10308. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of EOLAS LLC. .Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/18/21.Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to C/O Harris St. Laurent & Wechsler Llp Attn: Andrew St. Laurent 40 Wall Street 53rd Floor New York, NY, 10005.Any lawful purpose.

The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable customers to be able to identify the true owner of a business. ASSUMED NAME: RUBEN JAY QUINONES, JR PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: 73 Academy St Malone NY 12953 USA

Name: Address: Ruben Jay Quinones Jr 73 Academy St Malone NY 12953 United States If you submit an attachment, it will be incorporated into this document. If the attachment conflicts with the information specifically set forth in this document, this document supersedes the data referenced in the attachment. By typing my name, I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. SIGNED BY: Ruben J. Quinones MAILING ADDRESS: None Provided EMAIL FOR OFFICIAL NOTICES: rubenjay.

NOTICE OF FORMATION OF AR Moss Enterprises, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY on 3/30/2021. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. The office address to which SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her is: 195 Central Pkwy, Mount Vernon, NY 10552. The principal business address of the LLC is: 195 Central Pkwy, Mount Vernon, NY 10552.




June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH JUVENILE COURT SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION TERMINATION THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, AND TO: . 1. Robert Hillquist, Father of Journee Mae Owen, b.d. 11/03/19, Termination Petition 21-7-00119- 31 filed on March 12, 2021. A Termination Hearing will be held on Monday, August 23, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. at Snohomish County Juvenile Justice Center, 2801 10th Street, Everett, Washington 98201. You are notified that a petition has been filed in this matter requesting that your parental rights to the above- named child be terminated. You have important legal rights and you must take steps to protect your interests. This petition could result in permanent loss of your parental rights. THE ABOVE NAMED INDIVIDUALS ARE SUMMONED TO APPEAR at said hearing regarding your child. If you fail to appear at the hearing, the court may take evidence against you, make findings of fact, and order that your parental rights be terminated without further notice to you. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Termination Petition, and/or to view information about your rights in this proceeding, go to HEIDI PERCY, Clerk of the Superior Court; D. HEGAN, Deputy Clerk

SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Index Number 01500-21 COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER Date Summons Filed 4-29-2021 -----------------------------------------------X Plaintiff Designates Westchester County as the Place of Trial The basis of venue is Michelle Nnatu Plaintiff lives in the court Plaintiff -againstSUMMONS Plaintiff/Defendant resides at 1578 Blvd Defendant Peekskill NY 10566 Abihola Adams-Nnatu x ACTION FOR A DIVORCE To the above named defendant YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer on the Plaintiff within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons, exclusive to the day of service, where service is made by delivery upon you personally within the state, or within thirty (30) days after completion of service where service is made in any other manner. In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgement will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated 4-29-2021

Plaintiff Address Michelle Nnatu 1578 Blvd Peekskill NY 10566

PLEASE NOTE: The hearing will be held via Zoom. You may appear either via video and audio, audio only, or in person. The Zoom link, telephone call-in number, meeting ID, and password for the hearing can be found at: https://

Notice of Formation of Three Jays Village, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/27/21. Office location Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 58 Metropolitan Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11249. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of 36 Yale Avenue, LLC filed with SSNY on May 26, 2021. Office: Westchester County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to LLC: 599 W Hartsdale Ave Suite 203B, White Plains, NY 10607. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. Notice of Formation of Gem Blenders LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 05/19/2021. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Steve Sekula, 296 Clinton St, Brooklyn, 11201. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y.


Notice of formation of Wheelz Assets, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed w/ Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/13/2020. Off. loc.: King Cnty. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 139 Plymouth St. Apt. 410, Brooklyn, N Y 1120 1 . Purp ose: Any law ful ac tivit y. Notice of Formation of Root and Node LLC filed with SSNY on February 09, 2021. Office: Kings County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: Root and Node LLC, 490 Myrtle Ave, Apt 2b, Brooklyn, NY, 11205. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.

LEGALNOTICES@ CITYANDSTATENY.COM Notice of Formation of Gem Blenders The Card Game LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 05/19/2021. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Steve Sekula, 296 Clinton St, Brooklyn, 11201. Purpose: Any law ful ac tivit y.

Notice of Formation of TRIBRO REALTY LLC. .Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/3/21.Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 45 E 89th St Apt 39g New York, NY, 10128.Any lawful purpose. Notice of Qual. of GRAND AVE LOFTS LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 6/8/21. Officevlocation: New York. LLC formed in DE on 6/7/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whomvprocess against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: Attn: Rachel Brill 152 West 57th St, 12th Fl New York, NY, 10019. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Qual. of WOLLMAN PA R K PARTNERS LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 6/9/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 5/13/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 25 Lafayette St, 3rd Floor Attn: Brad Shron, Esq. Newark, NJ, 07102. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any law ful purpose.



Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights to P.B.W.-V., A Minor


: File No. A2019-97

NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR INVOLUNTARY TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS A petition has been filed asking the court to put an end to all rights you have to your chiId, PEYTON BRADLEY WIGGINS-VEREEN; That hearing will be held before the Honorable Michele A Varricchio on .JULY 23, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. in Courtrnom 5B, Lehigh County Courthouse, 455 West Hamilton Street, Allentown P. . You are warned that even if you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing, the hearing will go on without you and your rights to your child may be ended by the court without your being present. You have a right to be represented at the hearing by a lawyer. You should take this notice to your lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer, you may contact the Lehigh County Lawyer Referral Service by calling 610-433-7094 for information about a low-cost consultation with an attorney member of the Lehigh County Bar Association, or hire a lawyer of your choosing at your expense. If you cannot afford a lawyer to represent you, immediately go to or contact the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court Lehigh County Courthouse, 455 West Hamilton Street, Allentown PA 18101 (Telephone: 610-762-3172) to find out how to request that a lawyer be appointed for you at no cost to you. Date: May 14th, 2021

By: Briana Gaumer, Esquire Counsel for Petitioner Mobilio Wood 609 W. Hamilton Street, Suite 301 Allentown PA 18101 Telephone: 610-882-4000 APPENDIX I-A



June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

FAMILY COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK CITY OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF KINGS --------------------------------------------------------------X Docket No.: B-9343-19 In the Matter of Commitment of Guardianship and Custody of

FAMILY COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK CITY OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF KINGS -------------------- ---------------------------------X In the Matter of Commitment of Guardianship and Custody of

Docket No.: B-13529/19





A Child under the Age of Eighteen Years -----------------------------------------------------x In the Name of the People of the State of New York

A Child under the Age of Eighteen Years --------------------------------------------------------------X In the Name of the People of the State of New York TO: Chandra Van Horn ADDRESS: UNKNOWN A Petition having been duly filed in this Court pursuant to Article 6 of the Family Court Act of the State of New York, asking that the above-named child, who in the care of THE NEW YORK FOUNDLING HOSPITAL be committed to the guardianship and custody of THE NEW YORK FOUNDLING HOSPITAL; a copy of said Petition being annexed hereto; You are hereby summonsed to appear VIRTUALLY in this Court, before the Ref. Edward W. Yuskevich, on JULY 29, 2021 at 10:00A.M. to Show Cause why the Court should not enter an Order committing the guardianship and custody of said child to the petitioning agency as required by law. TO APPEAR VIRTUALLY, PLEASE DIAL (929) 346-7209 and enter the Conference Code 47008654# or utilize the following link: on the above-scheduled date and time. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that if the guardianship and custody of said child are committed to the petitioning agency, THE NEW YORK FOUNDLING HOSPITAL, said child may be adopted with consent of the petitioning agency without your consent or further notice to you. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that you have the right to be represented by a lawyer, and, if the Court finds that you are unable to pay for a lawyer, you have the right to have a lawyer assigned by the Court. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that upon failure of the person summoned to appear, all of his or her parental rights to the child may be terminated, and PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that his or her failure to appear shall constitute a denial of his or her interest in the child which denial may result, without further notice, in the transfer or commitment of the child’s care, custody or guardianship or in the child’s adoption in this or any subsequent proceeding in which such care, custody or guardianship or adoption be at issue. Dated: Brooklyn, New York June 23, 2021

Notice of Formation of 1472 BOSTON PARTNERS LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/1/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1722 45th St Brooklyn, NY, 11204. Any law ful purpose.

By Order of the Court /s/ _ Clerk of the Family Court

Notice of Formation of 1365 TELLER LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 11/04/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 5014 16th Ave, Ste 9 Brooklyn, NY, 11204. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of 4219 GLEANE LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/9/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 42-19 Gleane St Elmhurst, NY, 11373. Any law ful purpose.

TO: Tamarah Coleman ADDRESS: UNKOWN A Petition having been duly filed in this Court pursuant to Article 6 of the Family Court Act of the State of New York, asking that the above-named child, who in the care of THE NEW YORK FOUNDLING HOSPITAL be committed to the guardianship and custody of THE NEW YORK FOUNDLING HOSPITAL; a copy of said Petition being annexed hereto; You are hereby summonsed to appear VIRTUALLY in this Court, before the Ref. Edward Yuskevich, on JULY 30, 2021 at 10:30A.M. to Show Cause why the Court should not enter an Order committing the guardianship and custody of said child to the petitioning agency as required by law. TO APPEAR VIRTUALLY utilize the following link: TO APPEAR VIRTUALLY, PLEASE DIAL (929) 346-7209 and enter the Conference Code 47008654# or utilize the following link: on the above-scheduled date and time. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that if the guardianship and custody of said child are committed to the petitioning agency, THE NEW YORK FOUNDLING HOSPITAL, said child may be adopted with consent of the petitioning agency without your consent or further notice to you. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that you have the right to be represented by a lawyer, and, if the Court finds that you are unable to pay for a lawyer, you have the right to have a lawyer assigned by the Court. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that upon failure of the person summoned to appear, all of his or her parental rights to the child may be terminated, and PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that his or her failure to appear shall constitute a denial of his or her interest in the child which denial may result, without further notice, in the transfer or commitment of the child’s care, custody or guardianship or in the child’s adoption in this or any subsequent proceeding in which such care, custody or guardianship or adoption be at issue. Dated: Bronx, New York June 23, 2021

Notice of Formation of EPW SPOR TS LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 8/17/20. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 210 East 68th Street Apt. 5g New York, NY 10065. Any law ful purpose.


By Order of the Court /s/ _ Clerk of the Family Court

Notice of Formation of ALDRIDGE & GOLDBERG LLP. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 2/2/21.Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to Attn: Steven Goldberg 641 Lexington Ave, 14th Fl New York, NY, 10022.Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of B L D E V E L O PM E N T LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 4/23/19. Office location: Richmond SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 88 Sleepy Hollow Rd Staten Island, NY, 10314. Any law ful purpose.


June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

Notice of Formation of CA R L E N E ’ S TA S T Y LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 3/30/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 1245 St Johns Place Apt 11 Brooklyn, NY, 11213. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of J&C BUSINESS REALTY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 3/19/21. Office location Bronx SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 690 Allerton Ave Apt 3ebronx , NY, 104 67. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of JIN STAR HOME LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/3/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 2105 E 14th Street Brooklyn, NY, 11229. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of L & W GRAND LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/11/21.Office location: Richmond SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 13 DIERAUF ST STATEN ISLAND, NY, 10312. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Qual. of LOCALIZE NYC LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 4/29/21. Office location: New York. LLC formed in DE on 9/28/15. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: C/O Schwartz Sladkus Reich Greenberg Atlas Llp Attn: Jefferey M. Schwartz,Esq 444 Madison Ave, 6th Fl New York, NY, 10022. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of MAGNOLIA RE ALT Y AND PROPERT Y HOLDINGS, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/19/21.Office location: Schoharie SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 112 Mattice Rd Middleburgh, NY, 12122. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of MLW USA LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/11/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 235 Bay 34th Street 1c Brooklyn, NY, 11214. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of NEMATZADEH PLLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/9/21.Office location: New York SSNY desg. as agent of PLLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to C/O Justin Nematzadeh 184 Thompson St Ste 6h New York, NY, 10012. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Qual. of NERE KIPS B AY M A N A G E M E N T HOLDING V2 LLC . Auth. filed with SSNY on 6/8/21. Office location: KINGS. LLC formed in DE on 6/4/21. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 4916 3rd Ave Brooklyn, NY, 11220. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of 202 D C P LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/3/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 31 Terence Drive Manalapan, NJ, 07726. Any law ful purpose.


Notice of Formation of PLAZA CARS, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/11/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 2740 Nostrand Ave Brooklyn, NY, 11210. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of S&J ARTHUR KILL HOLDINGS LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/15/21.Office location: Richmond SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to C/O The Limited Liability Company 2704 Arthur Kill Road Staten Island, NY, 10309. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of SKJEMA LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/11/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 302 Marine Ave Apt B1 Brooklyn, NY, 11209. Any lawful purpose. Notice of Formation of SURROUNDED BY OPPORTUNITIES LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/10/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 485 Ocean Ave, Apt 5d Brooklyn, NY, 11226. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of VEGA 14, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/10/21. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 134 Amity St Brooklyn, NY, 11201. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Formation of Z. MIAH & SON REALTY LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/8/20. Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 23 Sunnyside Ct Brooklyn, NY, 11207. Any law ful purpose.

Notice of Qual. of VENMA X, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 6/14/21. Office location: Kings. LLC formed in FL on 6/23/2014. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 7312 13th Avenue Brooklyn, NY, 11228. Arts. of Org. filed with FL SOS, The Centre of Tallahassee 2415 North Monroe Street Ste 810 Tallahassee, FL 32303. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Form. of 34 FINGERBOARD LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/14/21. Office location: Richmond SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. S SN Y mail proces s to 34 Fingerboard Rd Staten Island, NY, 10305. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of 160 D C P LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 5/3/21.Office location: Kings SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 31 Terence Drive Manalapan, NJ, 07226. Any law ful purpose. Notice of Formation of Middlefort, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 5/18/2021. Office location: N Y C o u n t y. S S N Y designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to R/A: CT Corporation System, 28 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10005. Purpose: any lawful act. Notice of Formation of ABINGTON PROPERTIES. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/10/21. Office location New York SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 950 Third Avenue, 27th Floor, New York, NY, 10022. Any law ful purpose.


Notice of Formation of SPITZER HOLDINGS GROUP, L.P. Certificate filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/04/21. Duration: 12/31/2069. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LP upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o General Partner, 1684 50 th St., Brooklyn, NY 11204. Name/address of each genl. ptr. available from SSNY. piPurpose: any lawful activities. Notice of formation of Manifest Unlimited LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York SSNY on 04/16/2021. Office located in New York. SSNY has been designated for service of process. SSNY shall mail copy of any process served against the LLC 244 5th avenue suite 1415 New York, NY, 10001. Purpose: any law ful purpose. Scarlett collective, LLC Art. Of Org. Filed Sec. of State of NY 6/23/2021. Off. Loc.: Richmond Co. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY to mail copy of process to The LLC, 2965 veterans rd w suite 28 Staten Island, NY 10309. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity Notice is hereby given that a license, number pending, for beer, liquor, and wine has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, liquor, and wine at retail in a restaurant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 33 Atlantic Ave., Lynbrook, NY 11563 for on premises consumption. SC LYNBROOK LLC dba Shaking Crab. Notice of Formation of 2060 PITKIN AVE MANAGER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/15/21. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 419 Park Ave. South, Ste. 401, NY, NY 10016. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207. Purpose: Real estate.


Public Notice T-Mobile Northeast LLC (T-Mobile) proposes the modification of an existing T-Mobile facility installed atop an existing 105’ Water Tank at 56 Browning D r i ve i n O s s i n i n g , Westchester Count y, New York (Job #51977). In accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the 2005 Nationwide P r o g r a m m a t i c Agreement, T-Mobile is is hereby notifying the public of the proposed undertaking and soliciting comments on Historic Properties which may be affected by the proposed undertaking. If you would like to provide specific information regarding potential effects that the proposed undertaking might have to properties that are listed on or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places and located within ½ mile of the site, please submit the comments (with Job #51977) to: Ramaker, Contractor for T-Mobile, 855 Community Dr. Sauk City, WI 53583 or via e-mail to history@ r a m a ke r. c o m w i t h i n 30 days of this notice. Notice of Formation of 2059 MADISON AVE MANAGER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/15/21. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 419 Park Ave. South, Ste. 401, NY, NY 10016. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207. Purpose: Real estate.

Notice of Formation of 1971 GRAND AVE MANAGER LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/15/21. Office location: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 419 Park Ave. South, Ste. 401, NY, NY 10016. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207. Purpose: Real estate.


June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

CITY & STATE NEW YORK MANAGEMENT & PUBLISHING Publisher & General Manager Tom Allon tallon@, Vice President of Operations Jasmin Freeman, Comptroller David Pirozzi, Business & Operations Manager Patrea Patterson, Administrative Assistant Lauren Mauro

Who was up and who was down last week




And the mayor is …






Penn Station Power Broker Cuomo says it's about NYC, but it's really about him.

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It’s time for the co-founders of the 21 in ’21 initiative – a campaign to elect at least 21 women to the New York City Council – to celebrate. The council is very likely to have at least 22 women next year, and possibly more.





After months of dominating the polls, Andrew Yang’s mayoral campaign came to a crashing halt after the first round of ranked-choice voting. Yang sat in fourth place and conceded shortly after at his election night party, acknowledging to dismayed supporters that he did not have a path to victory.

Vol. 10 Issue 25 June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

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Is it too soon to call Adams a winner of the Democratic mayoral primary? Probably not, even though it will likely take a few weeks for all of the votes cast to be tallied. With Adams’ strong early lead it’s hard to imagine him not being declared the official winner. Always nice to see “the little guy” come out on top.

ADVISORY BOARD Chair Sheryl Huggins Salomon Board members Sayu Bhojwani, Gregg Bishop, David Jones, Maite Junco, Andrew Kirtzman, Tara L. Martin, Mike Nieves, Juanita Scarlett, Larry Scott Blackmon, Lupe Todd-Medina, Ashwin Vasan, Trip Yang


The Rochester mayor’s tenure came to an anticlimatic end on election night. Battling criminal charges over her 2017 campaign finances and facing scrutiny over the suppression of information about Daniel Prude’s death, Warren lost big to Malik Evans on election night.

WINNERS & LOSERS is published every Friday morning in City & State’s First Read email. Sign up for the email, cast your vote and see who won at



June 28, 2021 - July 5, 2021

Cover design: Andrew Horton & Alex Law CITY & STATE NEW YORK (ISSN 2474-4107) is published weekly, 48 times a year except for the four weeks containing New Year’s Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving and Christmas by City & State NY, LLC, 61 Broadway, Suite 1315, New York, NY 100062763. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to City & State New York, 61 Broadway, Suite 1315, New York, NY 10006-2763. General: (212) 268-0442, Copyright ©2021, City & State NY, LLC




EVENTS Sales Director Lissa Blake, Events Manager Alexis Arsenault, Event Coordinator Amanda Cortez


RUDY GIULIANI Rudy Giuliani used to be one of Manhattan’s top federal prosecutors. Now, the former mayor is not only being investigated by the very office he previously led – he can’t even practice law in New York now. A New York court temporarily suspended his law license for repeatedly making false statements about the 2020 presidential election, which it said “directly inflamed” riots at the U.S. Capitol in January.

ADVERTISING Vice President of Advertising Jim Katocin jkatocin@, Account/Business Development Executive Scott Augustine saugustine@cityandstateny. com, Vice President, Advertising and Client Relations Danielle Koza, Sales Associate Cydney McQuillan-Grace cydney@, Media and Event Sales Associate Zimam Alemenew, Sales Assistant Garth McKee, Legal Advertising Associate Sean Medal



DIGITAL Digital Director Michael Filippi, Digital Marketing Manager Caitlin Dorman, Digital Strategist Isabel Beebe


INDIA WALTON Buffalo is likely getting its first female mayor after this socialist community activist prevailed over four-term incumbent Byron Brown in the Democratic primary. He evidently thought he could win without really trying very hard. But while he was asleep during the race, she was knocking on doors and building her profile with the help of the Working Families Party. Brown sped up down the home stretch but still came up short.

CREATIVE Art Director Andrew Horton, Senior Graphic Designer Alex Law, Graphic Designer Aaron Aniton, Photo Researcher Michelle Steinhauser

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It’s been a hell of a week for New York politics, and not everybody made it through to the other side. We had to say goodbye to all the to-go cocktail options that weren’t permanently legalized before Gov. Andrew Cuomo ended the COVID-19 state of emergency. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio had to say so long to his favorite tree in Prospect Park. And even Michael Donovan surely took a moment of silence for the $6.8 million he spent on his son Shaun’s failed mayoral campaign.

EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief Ralph Ortega rortega@cityandstateny. com, Senior Editor Ben Adler, Managing Editor Eric Holmberg, Deputy Managing Editor Holly Pretsky, Associate Editor Patricia Battle, Senior Reporter Jeff Coltin, Senior State Politics Reporter Zach Williams zwilliams@cityandstateny. com, Deputy State Politics Reporter Rebecca C. Lewis, Staff Reporter Amanda Luz Henning Santiago, Tech & Policy Reporter Annie McDonough, Staff Reporter Kay Dervishi, Staff Reporter Sydney Kashiwagi, Editorial Assistant Jasmine Sheena




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